So, my Stroke Post got probably the most Hits/Views in a long time, people do Love a Good Tragedy! *LOL* No, really, I'm Grateful everyone Cared enuf to drop by and see what Tragedy had befallen me during the Holidaze and leave sincere well wishes for my Recovery. Besides, never a dull moment here at The Asylum of Forever Boheme'. *Bwahahahaha* And Yes, I'm receiving Help with Humility, which is hard for me, Pride can often get in the way of us receiving Help when it's offered and I don't particularly care for anyone treating me like they think I'm now circling the Drain and on my way Out. *Winks* I think everyone my Kiddos knows has come over and looked so alarmed, like they'll all have to be planning a Funeral too soon! *LMAOROTF* Well, it's all Pre-Paid for if they do... so... no Worries. *Winks*
One Friend in particular of theirs was diagnosed with a Terminal Illness and it's been hard for him, so he's been struggling with it more Emotionally than Physically. And the poor Guy has had Hard Knocks Life for too long as it is, both his Parents Died during COVID, his Adult Young Son Died of an overdose of Opiods, he himself was wrongfully imprisoned for 13 Years until the System realized they'd made a mistake and he was innocent of the Crime he was accused of, which was a very Serious one, so he Served some Hard Time. In spite of all of that he's the most Wonderful and truly Godly Man and so Giving and harbors no resentment or ill will. He'll do anything for anyone and is Dear Friends with our Neighbors and now with us... especially with my Daughter. He came over to ask me if I Feared Death and how did I Feel when the Stroke hit and I could have Died... since, he is facing it himself and it Scares him.
Of coarse he's in the Prime of his Life and I've had a Good Run, so, it's different, but I gave him an Honest Answer. I told him we're not Dead 'til God says so. Doesn't matter what the Docs say and no Expiration Date is stamped on our Asses. My Brother was diagnosed Terminal in his 30's, he's in his 60's now and still hanging on, beating all grim Odds given him. And Yes, his Docs cannot explain why he's even still Alive, he shouldn't be. My Mom had Cancer {this Friend has Cancer} when she was in her early 40's {he's in his Mid-40's}, and lived to be 84. Her Older Brother, my Uncle in Wales, had Malignant Tumors in his 50's that they gave him Weeks to Live prognosis of since they were inoperable and constantly growing and multiplying. He doused himself with Holy Water Daily, lived to be 90, and actually Outlived Four of his Doctors and numerous "Well" Friends. *LOL*
I know Mondo is deeply Spiritual so I told him that Scripture does tell us that As A Man Thinketh, So He Is. {Proverbs 23:7} The Mind is a Mysterious and Powerful Creation and probably our greatest and least understood or used Asset in our Creation. I don't think people access as much of the Power of their Brains as they could utilize fully, it's 100% useable and useful, not the Myth of only 10%, as if 90% is just sitting idle and doing nothing. So Mondo spent a lot of time here last Night discussing Death. It's not Death that is what most people actually Fear, it's Dying horribly. Which is understandable. I don't mind Dying at all, but I definitely don't wanna Die horribly nor do I know a single Soul who would honestly say they would not mind Dying horribly, they'd be a Liar. The Fear of the Unknown is what unsettles most folks about Death. And Suffering, nobody wants to Suffer and endure that, it's inhumane to force Suffering IMO. We don't allow Animals to Suffer.
I took The Man to Cracker Barrel for a Christmas Eve Day Brunch, we got these Cinnamon Biscuit Beignets for Free with a Customer Appreciation Promo, they were delish. The Oldest Granddaughter in Pittsburgh had sent the Pixs below of her Three Kiddos. Usually the Oldest one is the biggest Photo Diva, but her little Sister is catching up fast and looks just like our Granddaughter, her Mama, did at that Age. It's as if she Cloned that one, and the Oldest Daughter looks very much like our Oldest Daughter did at that Age. The Little Brother is resembling his Oldest Sister a lot. I'm so glad that both Granddaughters are taking loads of Photos of the Great-Grandkids, they will not regret having done that.
Rusty picked Princess T up from Work so that we didn't have to dash over there at Noon, they got off early and we were right in the middle of our Brunch. He Gifted her with a Dozen Roses {see above and above Pixs, where she is less than keen to be in front of the Lens... LOL}. He's really trying to woo her back, Bless him. They're still good Friends, but he's like a Lovesick Pup and she's just not ready for that kind of commitment or even to really have a Boyfriend anymore. She's never been a Boy Crazy Teen and doesn't pursue any Guy, she has a lot of Guy Friends and they're good to her, so, she thinks, why do I then need a Boyfriend? Her Gay Guy Posse lavish her with expensive Gifts, take her out all the time, and have a Big Time out together, with no strings attached, so, she said it's all she needs right now. *LOL* Rusty is a good Guy, they didn't break up becoz he did anything amiss, she just felt he was getting too Serious and she wasn't.
At Work they gave all the Staff a Tin of Christmas Cookies and some of the Older Female Co-Workers who Love to Bake had brought in Treats too. There's one Older Hispanic Lady that Princess T said Loves to Bake so much she is always bringing in Homemade Bakery items to Share with her Co-Workers. They were Closing early Today so she was Off by Noon and the Store Closed by 4:00 p.m.. I went in to the Antique Mall to let them know I am still among the Living, everyone has been worried about me. I won't be going back to Work this Friday, it's still too soon. The Showroom was a bit untidy, but considering how much traffic it had, things looked better than I expected and the Sales of Toys and Band Tees was high, along with Rubber Art Stamps that had Christmas Graphics. Everyone was so glad to see I was looking so good and feeling better than they expected after a Stroke. Crazy Ed came up and Hugged me, so did Gay David, they're both like Family to me by now.
Gay David always wears the most Theatrical and Festive Costumes for every Holiday under the Sun. His Husband is more reserved, but they make an adorable Older Senior Couple and have been together for a very long time, way before it was Legal for them to Marry. Gay David was almost in tears he'd been so worried about me, it was choking me up how emotional he got and how big a Hug he gave me... really Touched my Heart. I knew he and his Husband Years before they became Vendors becoz they'd been Customers first for many Years before they decided to start Selling there too. Like most of us Seniors they're now trying to Downsize possessions and Simplify Life. They Joke that they have no Heirs to leave it to and the Dogs can't Inherit it all, what would they do with it? *LMAO*
The Man and I did a drop in at the Big Mall, just to see if the Ugly Christmas Sweaters had gone on Sale yet... and if they had one of the Snoop On The Stoop ones. They had them at only 25% Off which was still too much and they had Sold Out of that one. It's all good, I had been waffling on getting one, I didn't like the Light Up feature or the Baubles, would have preferred it to be all Embroidered Details anyway. After we'd ducked into "Spencers" we just left, that's all we'd come for and the Mall was crowded with last Minute Christmas Shoppers, OMG they were out in force everywhere. It makes me realize how many folks leave it to the last possible Minute to Buy their Gifts, it's Crazy to me, seems that is a lot of avoidable Stress. But, perhaps like a Black Friday, they enjoy the frenetic energy of it all? I dunno. I just know it drained us and we didn't like it, so we got out of it all ASAP. *LOL*
Post Stroke I am still weak at times so I don't wanna overdo anything even tho' for the most part I Feel pretty damned good considering. It is also good to still be in pretty damned good shape and able to continue pretty much the same as before it. *Whew* Yes, my Eyesight is now impaired and my Right Side is a bit Weak. I talked to my Brother and he'd had one of those Monitors installed and still has one implanted. He said the Batteries do wear out and you need them replaced but it's an Out Patient procedure with a small cut and it slipped under your Skin, no Big Deal. I told him they won't implant mine until after I've worn a temporary external one for Two Weeks to Monitor my Heart. He and I mused if this is perhaps a Hereditary factor we inherited, probably from our Mom's Side? His Heart of coarse is calcifying now so there's not much that can be done, he's accepted that. He's not a candidate for a Transplant for a slew of reasons regarding his overall poor Health and risk factors.
He and I can talk candidly about all the hard stuff regarding poor prognosis, mine isn't a poor one, in fact, it was surprisingly good, but, with obvious risk factors now I've had One Stroke. Only 23% of folks who've had One Stroke suffer another, so, about 1 in 4 will have another. Not great Odds but not Bad either. So avoiding a recurrence is important for my rehabilitation after having had this one hit out of the Blue. And really, tho' it was sudden and seemed unexpected, it was also expected at some point in time given my Stress levels, responsibilities and overall circumstances. It was never a matter of IF I'd have one, just WHEN really and I knew that all along. Some things aren't as avoidable as you'd like them to be. Be less Stressed for example is easier said than done if you're a full time Caregiver... of not just One person especially... and without Staff or qualifying factors to receive Help with it.
Caregiver Burnout is Real, it happens, The System knows full well it does, they don't do much, if anything, about it. Kamala was going to, but the American Public did not make her President. So... clearly a lot of what she Promised to do wasn't a high enough priority to Win the Election for her. What 45/47 Promised to do was more popular and Populist and that's just clearly what America was leaning towards in enough numbers to install him. I've come to terms with that fact, tho' I do fully Believe it was the Wrong Choice and Leaders from places that made a similar Wrong Choice, like the Philippines for example, are concerned and giving us dire Warnings of not repeating what happened to their Nation and it's People. In the Philippines their entire Government Structure completely unraveled and fell apart in less than 6 Months after Authoritarian Rule took over. Their best advice, don't Surrender and Obey in advance and just give up your Freedoms without any resistance.
I don't see a lot of Fight out there tho', and already see so many Bending the Knee and Kissing the Ring in advance, far too willing to Obey in advance and give up whatever they are told to and completely Surrender everything or anything. Makes me Wonder, if we ever had a Foreign entity invade us, would everyone have given up and given in just as easily? Things that make ya go humnnnnn. We're definitely not a Nation of Fighters like the Ukrainian People who are resisting a similar Threat with everything they have in them to the last Surviving Soul. And I'm Surprised, I really thought we were more a Nation of Strong Citizens who valued their Freedoms so much more. Freedoms hard Won and Fought for by so many before us, and now, what, just Surrender them so willingly and so weakly? I'm rather ashamed it's looking like that, I know what incredible Sacrifices have been made to have them.
Anyway, we did Christmas Morning, I Post them to FB in Real Time from my Phone Pixs and download the Old School Camera ones next. This Year the Old School Camera took better ones, mostly coz my Eyesight is still impaired so that makes a difference when you're behind the Lens. You can clearly see who my Two Photo Divas are and which Family prefer not to be Photographed. *LOL* The Daughter is looking Healthier and Happier than she has in a very long time and she avoided having Pixs taken when she wasn't Well, which is understandable. So it's nice to see her feeling more confident about having Pixs taken and having the Mental stability most of the time to Connect to everyone. It's difficult for a Paranoid Schizophrenic with D.I.D. to do so for prolonged periods. So, while she's enjoying Life and experiences I am capturing as much of it as I can to remind her Life is Good and she can engage in it with a semblance of Normalcy and Joy.
This was the very First Christmas that Princess T has ever spent with her Mom. So, it was really Special and Important and had been worth waiting 19 Years for. The Holidays particularly have been very hard at times, for everyone, becoz, people were missing, or Not Well, and you Work around it. I was the one Not Well this Year, which was a First, but, we managed to Salvage Christmas regardless of the Stupid Stroke. *Whew and LOL* Only The Young Prince was missing this Year and we had Hoped he could join us and that was what had been intended thruout the Year actually, before things unfolded as they just did. The Family that live in Pennsylvania... and Mexico... have never been able to join The Man and I for the Holidays in probably 20+ Years now, when they came to Arizona and The Oldest Daughter was preggy with Grandchild No. Two and way before Grandchild No. Three.
We only had One Christmas with the Oldest Granddaughter back East when she was Two, she's almost 30 now and has Two Kiddos Older than that and One slightly Younger than that. We've never seen her Two Younger Sisters in Person and they're both Adults now. The Man isn't Well enough to Travel far and hasn't been for over 20 Years now, so, we Hope one day they make it out to Arizona while we're still vertical? *LOL* The Trio of The Daughter's Kiddos still in Mexico we've only ever seen the Oldest One in person when she was about 18 Months Old, she was 18 on the 13th of December. We've never seen her Two Younger Sisters in Person ever yet. Getting them across the Border has proven to be impossible with the whole Immigration debacle, so, under the newer Administration coming in, I suspect it will become even harder. But, mebbe One Day in the not so distant Future?
The Son and his Dad do not like being in front of the Lens that much, so, I respect that and just take a few while they will happily oblige. *Smiles* I don't know why this Image is so Funhouse Distorted, I must have been leaning at a weird angle? *LOL* Everyone was in excellent Spirits and having a Big Time, being Silly, and we all Slept In coz we have no small Children anymore, so, we were also all well rested before we did the Tree. *LOL* The Man always gets up early, so he was the only one up at Daybreak and said Omar's Garbage was already full of Gift Wrap, coz their own Multigenerational Family living there has much Younger Grandkids than ours. So, they were probably woke up at a ridiculous Hour by the wee Kids to open Pressies, oh, how I remember those Days with Raising Two Generations of Kiddos. *LOL and Eye Roll* We'd be half Asleep doing it. *Bwahahahaha* And then roll back into Bed after doing it. *Winks*
The Daughter just finished hanging her Dad's new Sword Collection of Two in our Room above the French Doors leading out to the Pool. It looks good and is secured enuf not to fall and chop anyone's Head Off. *Bwahahaha* Princess T helped her coz she needed non-impaired Vision to tell her if it was all Straight or askew? *LOL* The Man mostly got Holiday Food items as Pressies since that was his main request. He just Loves the Gift Packs from places like Hickory Farms, Hillshire Farms, Trader Joe's and the like. So now he's stocked up on his favorite foodie goodies of Meats, Cheeses, Mustards and Crackers... Color him Happy. *Smiles* He's a Simple Man with Simple requests to make him Content and Happy, so, he's pretty easy to Buy for. In fact everyone was very Happy with their Gifts.
It had to be a leaner and more frugal Christmas than ever, but, we made it Work and nobody felt the least bit deprived. We got into no Debt to do it and that's always our Mantra, if we can't pay Cash, we can Wait for whatever it is or delay Christmas entirely. Unless we receive the bulk of our Christmas Card Exchanges AFTER Christmas now, we'll also be able to cut our Christmas Card List in half again. I'm Okay with that, we sent ours out and only keep anyone on the List now that reciprocates and thus we know for sure they might still want to participate in the Tradition? I know, we're Dinosaurs that like to still get and send out Cards. My BFF Kathy in Texas sent me the most lovely Card that plays a tune and spins {see still Pix Below}. The Daughter did a Video of it but I don't know how to load Videos into my Blog. We all had a Lottery Holiday Scratch Ticket, I was the only Winner, Five Bucks... whoo hoo! *LOL*
And One of my Sister-In-Law always Hand Makes the most Lovely Cards with her Ladies Relief Society at Christmas. So, her Cards are also Keepers like this one will be. It rotates while playing White Christmas. She was worried it might get damaged in transit, but, it arrived safely, undamaged and functional. In fact, everything arrived on time this Year that was being Mailed. The Kids wanted me to wear a Santa Hat for my Pixs but the one they drug out was too Small for my Big Head, tho' it fit The Man's Head, so, now we know Who has the Bigger Head. *Bwahaha* The Kids were busting my Chops about it asking if my Head had perhaps Swollen Up from The Stroke? *LMAOROTF* Coz they had to just set the Santa Hat just perched on top of my Head and it fit Dad/Grandpa just Fine. *Bwahahahaha* Pix way below of me wearing said Hat versus him wearing same Hat. I joked that mebbe The Man just had a Pinhead coz it was almost too Big for him??? *Winks and LOL*
I know we have numerous Santa Hats that do fit me coz I used to wear them all the time when I did Holiday Volunteer and Ministry Work. So, I think they intentionally got the smallest one they could find to tease me about having a Stroke Head? *Bwahahahaha* Yes, our Gallow's Humor is Sic and so NOT PC like that, we were rolling with Laughter inappropriately. There were also the Naughty Gag Gifts we just could not resist getting one another. The Daughter has a Penis Shot Glass her Daughter got her, see very last Pix in this Post. *LOL* It's nice once your Grandkids are also now Grown Adults becoz you don't have to hide the Adult Humor anymore and they often initiate it. *Well, mebbe that's just MY Grandkids, who are very uninhibited about that and well, mebbe got it from the rest of us? Smiles and Winks* We can and always have been Open to Talking about anything, even as they were growing up, no Topic was Taboo or Off Limits they wanted to ask us.
Apparently we aren't as Uptight and don't have as many Hang-ups as a lot of Families must? Coz all their Friends would come to us and Open Up too or ask the Questions they couldn't or wouldn't ask their own Parents or Grandparents. And did so with no shame, embarrassment, hesitation or fear of judgment. I think that's how it should be, my Parents were very Traditional People in Culturally significant ways, but also very Bohemian, so I grew up that way too. I could talk to either Parent and my Welsh Nanna about literally anything and everything. My Didi Kai Welsh Gran-Gran could speak several languages fluently, but, I had trouble understanding his English, which was the only reason we never had the Deeper Discussions. Loved him dearly tho', he was a Trip and he always snuck me some "Noz" as he called it, which was his Jamaican Rum. I once fell asleep standing up my Parents said when he'd put some on my Pacifier as a Toddler while Babysitting me. I could have been a Rummy I guess? *Winks*
On the Paternal side my Dad's Father had Died before I was even Born and my Native American Grandma didn't get to meet me until I was 16. She Scared me to Death, wasn't too fond of how Light I'd turned out. White looking mixed Children were an embarrassment and painful reminder I guess, of Indigenous Oppression and Abuse, so I understood that more once I was Grown and harbor no Negative sentiments about it. I had Privilege my Paternal Side would never enjoy. She was a very Stoic and Unemotional Woman anyway, even towards her Indian looking Grandkids, but she always Handmade us Toys and sent them to us Growing Up. Most were made from Feed Sack and Flour Sac Materials. I had no Idea until my first visit to her Reservation how Hard her Life had always been and how Privileged and easier mine had always been. So, I did have more of an understanding about Why she was so hardened by Life and Experiences that I'd never had to endure. My Dad had Vowed we would have every opportunity he was Denied.
My Mom would always tell me later on how much my Dad Sacrificed for us Kids and her to be a Priority. He also always supported, as much as he could, his impoverished Relatives on the Rez too, all his Life. I Believe in the same Mantra, thru his Example I Guess, where I would Sacrifice everything and anything for Family. It's an Investment he never regret and I never have either, so I'm glad he passed that Priority along to me. I pass it along to my Kids and Grandkids, Family and "The Tribe" are EVERYTHING. Whatever you have is Shared, so that those who have less or have hardship, are relieved of any Misery it might have created. I know in average American Culture it's not a Priority, since if someone had Two Blankets and someone else had None, it's Rare that the Extra One would be Freely Given to the other Human without. My Dad would even give his Blanket if someone needed it more, it's just Who he was and how he was Raised.
The Man has gotten used to how Giving my Family just were, and still are. It was difficult at first for him to Receive so freely and without strings attached to any of it or any reciprocity expected. He just wasn't used to that level of Generosity or Sharing of whatever you had. He also wasn't used to the Hugging and verbal daily saying of I Love You, his Family aren't Emotionally Expressive, especially the Menfolk. My Dad, my Brother, My Son would freely Hug and say, Hey Man, I Love You, to another Man that means something to them, if that person is receptive to it. The Young Prince would tell Allen that in our Family it's not a "Gay Thing" for ALL of the Men on my Side to express Emotions freely, except for his Grandpa, who, just wasn't Raised that way. Allen wasn't either, so it is Foreign to them but I saw that after a while, the Genuineness of it was appreciated. They come around to the showing of Affection, even those who are legit Hard Asses. *Winks*
I'm always gonna give you a Big Hug, whether you're Male or Female, and all of my Friends know that about me, I'm not Shy or Timid about expressions of Affection that is Genuine and from the Heart. I've seen that for many folks, they are literally Starved for a Good Hug. I've had someone actually Tear Up or Hug me Tighter becoz they'd so Needed that Hug. During my Ministry Work so many Marginalized folks have been invisible or ignored and neglected for so long that a Hug meant literally more than whatever you were doing for them. I've seen a Hungry Child walk away from Food in order to receive a Hug instead or first, it means just that much. Hug more, get used to doing it, it's something we all can do for another Human Being in need of that Human Contact that is Heartfelt and Caring.
And No, I've never had someone Sexualize it inappropriately or feel it's Creepy, coz it's never intended to be interpreted that way. And the only ones I'll not Hug are those that ask me not to, that's also very important to respect everyone's boundaries. Physical Contact is very specific in the degrees each person is comfortable with it. And, I know you've heard about Love Languages, and I do Believe expression and receipt of a Loving Gesture is interpreted differently by various people too. I remember reading that Book of the Love Languages when it first came out and realizing, that tho' I appreciate any expression of Love, someone just Doing something for me is among my Favorite. If you just Surprise me by Washing the Dishes, it means a lot more to me than Buying me some Gift, even if it's a great Gift. *LOL* And if you Do something Special for someone else, especially if they needed it, that Warms my Heart as much as if you've done it for me personally.
I just Love this one of The Kids, they fuss with each other a lot these Two, but they Love one another dearly. Having them both doing Well means a lot to me, both have been Clean now for Years and that has been something I Prayed for a lot of Years and continues to be a Gift that is Priceless. Dangerous Drug Addiction is a very difficult thing to overcome and even Survive. Especially since our Medical System still gets people strung out on Addictive Medications, which is how The Son's Drug Addiction began, prescribed Opiods. And The Daughter self medicated for Years when she could no longer tolerate her Psyche Meds. Which also have very damaging side effects, so, it's a double edged Sword of sorts. Both still Drink and are Alcoholics, but are managing it better since they have to if they want to remain here. Drunks are a Trigger for me, so, nobody wants to be around me whose had too much, I will flip out. *LOL* They are stocked up to get thru the rest of the Holidays tho'. *Ha ha ha*
Coz the only thing worse than a Drunk, is an Alcoholic going thru DT's lemme tell ya. Both Kids have told me going off Meth {her} and Fentanyl/Oxy {him} were easier than doing without a Drink! Or even dealing with their Mental Illness daily. Let that sink in for just a Minute. It's precisely why I'm not a Drinker, both sides of my Family have had more than their fair share of Alcoholics and I didn't wanna be yet another one. Plus, I honestly don't like the taste of Beer or Liquor and I'm too much of a Control Freak to give up my CONTROL. *Winks* The Son can refrain better than his Sister without serious DT's setting in, their respective Doctors have told them to be very careful weaning off Alcohol entirely. They were both fortunate that quitting Drugs didn't cause any Physical Harm to them, becoz it can, especially if you don't do it via Drug Rehab, which, both of them didn't, they did it on their own. The Son had been in Rehab before, it never worked for him long term.
The Man got Clean many Years ago from the Opiod dependency that the VA Pain Management System used to dole out like Tik Tacs to the Disabled Veterans to cope with Physical and PTSD Disability. It took the Divorce Word to make him abstain and tough it out until he no longer had a dependency. We no longer allow any VA Doctor to prescribe him anything Addictive, period. He has legit Pain that is Chronic and learned to Deal with Chronic Pain like I always have, using the Power of the Mind to override it. You have to Train yourself to do it, but, the Mind is the most Powerful Drug and Eastern Medicine also is very Helpful. So, if you know a good Eastern Medical Doctor, I strongly recommend one, their Methods do no Harm and partner with your Body to do what it was Designed to do, Heal itself, becoz it truly wants to and tries to. I'm not against all Western Medical Practices, but the use of Drugs to cover shit up, I'm strongly opposed to. It just adds another layer of problems to an already problematic Situation.
So, here I am with the Too Small Santa Hat perched on my big ole Head. *LMAO* All the Kiddos have a difficult time, well, they say an impossible time, getting down on the Floor and sitting Indian Style comfortably like I always do and prefer to do. I've always sat this way, my Dad always sat this way right up until the day he Died, it is comfortable for us. I can even Sleep this way laying down with my Legs crossed like this and it's very comfortable to me. Squatting is also still easy for me and I didn't realize how many even just Middle Aged people can't do it or say it's impossibly Painful for them to or to get up from a Dead Squat. No problem for me either, I Squat down all the time to do things close to the Floor. So, everyone else had to sit on Furniture while I sit on the Floor to open and exchange Gifts. They are some soft fuckers, No? *Bwahahahahahaha*
Now, if we can only get my Eyesight rebooted and back to Normal I'll be Golden. My current impairment showed up in my Photography, The Son said he didn't realize that I'm seeing things in a Fun House or Fish Bowl kind of way right now 'til he saw how I'd Photographed everything. And Yes, it makes a difference and I noticed it too when I downloaded all my Photos I'd taken. So, when my Eyesight reboots then my Photography should also return to Normal I guess? I was just Grateful to be enjoying Christmas with my Family rather than still being Hospitalized or all fucked up from having had a Stroke just Days before Christmas. *Whew* So, we'll just continue to Work with what we have and Carry On. The Daughter had Mopped all the Floors and Deep Cleaned and Organized/Tidied every Room before Christmas Eve so it would all be ship shape for Christmas Day.
She's better than Merry Maids, and the Right Price... for a Pack of Marlboros and a Mike's Hard Lemonade, she'll do all the Housework. We Laugh our Asses off about that Arrangement. Especially since she'd do it without any of that too, but it's a nice Bonus for her when I have the Budget for the low, low Price of a Pac of Cigs and a Mike's Hard. *Bwahahahahaha* She's also stepping up and doing the Cooking for me and The Man, the other Two {Princess T and The Son} always Cook their own Meals anyway, but she's preparing our Meals for us now. So, we had Breakfast in Bed Today as well. She'll Cook for everyone if they're ready to eat and will eat what she's Cooking, but Princess T is notoriously picky and also has many Food Allergies to avoid. She's had Gut Issues since Birth and it's pretty severe and limiting.
The Girls had lots of Fun with the Bows ON their Girls. *Bwahahaha* And Below The Daughter was Thrilled to get her Snoop Dogg Clothing Line requests. This is the Silk Midi that makes her look like a Boss Bitch Pimp. *Bwahahahahaha* She also got a Hoodie and a T-Shirt from his Line. She did have a pix taken with a big Ass Blunt her Friend Steven had brought over with some Shrooms as a Gift, but The Son said I'd get picked up by the FB Police and Banned, mebbe the Blog Police too... so... I refrained from Posting those. I can't do any Ban Time right now, this is part of my Rehabilitation Therapy Post-Stroke. *Winks and Bwahahaha* So, couldn't take the Risk of getting temporarily Banned from either Forum. I once got a short FB Ban for having an Antique Nude Cabinet Card from the 1800's on a FB Pix I Posted, I Kid you not! That was hilarious to me tho'. FB has so many ludicrous Hang-ups and yet they allow so much more controversial or mean spirited shit to Post. *Eye Roll*
I did risk the Glass Penis Shot Glass Post further below. The Blog Police would have to dig deep on an epic long Post to nail me on that one. *Winks and Bwahahahaha... shhhhush, shall be OUR little Secret* And when The Daughter showed me her Package of Shrooms Gummies I had to Laugh at the Packaging Claims of Dosing Recommendation... hilarious! I do Wonder, would it help Rewire or Reboot my Brain to try some Shrooms? *Winks and LOL* But, I've already had the Face Melting Off Experience with said Stroke, so... I probably won't give it a go. An Interplanetary Dosing probably wouldn't be recommended by my Neurologist, or my Cardiologist, pretty sure... *Bwahahahaha*
And the One Time Allen convinced me to have a Little MJ Bear for Chronic Pain I just Power thru as my Normal, I can't say she was The Devil. Becoz it just made me go to Sleep for Hours, that's all, and I Woke up Rested and feeling just Fine, never felt High at all. The Grandsons were shocked, I guess she was a High Dose and they expected me, since I don't imbibe in anything, to have an Altered State Experience somehow. *LOL* Of coarse, I've said it before, my Brain isn't Wired Right/Normally and so things don't affect me in the way they do many people. The time I tried in Vain to Overdose, during my lowest period ever and Mental Breakdown, enough Sleeping Pills to knock a Horse out just Animated me to the point I got very agitated and crazy Strong. So it took 7 Corn Fed Young Male Cops to restrain me and tie me onto a Stretcher for the little Vacay in Psyche Lockdown on that infamous Week of total Meltdown. They didn't have to pump my Stomach and I had Zero ill effects from it... go figure.
And having reached my own Breaking Point in Life at least once now, I have far more compassion and understanding for anyone that does. And if you feel anyone you know is in Crisis don't assume anything, everyone is different and may not reach out for Help or Intervention. Not everyone feeling Suicidal or attempting it will do the 'expected' things. Especially that part about leaving a Note. I didn't compose one and I Love to fucking Write. *Bwahahahhaa* The only reason I even called 911 was so that the Responders would find the Body and not any of my Loved Ones... and then... well, I failed at that so... I've enjoyed many more Years and Coped way better than I gave myself Credit for. Things don't always get better, but how we respond to it all makes all the difference my Friends. Perspective is everything. So, make sure you are there for someone before they Break. Putting back the Pieces is a Bitch and so is burying someone prematurely who saw it as the only way Out of Pain and/or Despair.
Salud... and Merry Christmas 2024... Dawn... The Bohemian
From all the photos, looks like a Good Christmas had by all... You mentioned a Stroke.. I hope it only slight. that you fully recover soon......
ReplyDeleteYes, I had a Stroke just days before Christmas and was Hospitalized for a few days but seem to be making a very good recovery, still have some issues and will be doing follow up with a Cardiologist and Neurologist so I won't risk having another one. Yes, it was a good time had by all, a very Merry Christmas, I do Hope you also had a memorable one in all the right ways?
DeleteWhat a great day!
ReplyDeleteIt really was, everyone thoroughly enjoyed it enuf that all the Kiddos stayed Home and Opted Out of Invites they had from their Friends, just to be together.
DeleteSo for comparison, my BIL in Australia had a mini stroke on Christmas Day. His wife called the ambulance, he was soon in treatment in hospital, no sitting around the waiting room, and returned home that day with appropriate meds. Cost to him will like be $0 as he is a pensioner. Gee I can see why everyone in the US is terrified of social medicine as doesn't it sound terrible?
ReplyDeleteIndeed Vicky, that's how most of the World doesn't understand why in America our Healthcare is something everyone fears and cannot afford. In a County as wealthy and advanced as ours is, there is no excuse for it other than Greed and keeping the Public misinformed about National Health. Any form of Socialized anything here is feared as if it's all Bad... and yet Capitalist Greed run amok is hosing the Public and more people lose everything in America when they get Sick and cannot afford the Care they desperately Need. Having been in the Military and traveled abroad extensively I know how good Social Medicine is and received excellent Care at NO COST in every Country that had it.
DeleteMerry Christmas!!! And good thoughts toward continued recovery, gurrl.
ReplyDeleteThank You my Friend, I am recovering nicely and feel very fortunate that if there's any permanent damage from the Stroke, so far it seems negligible and not diminishing my quality of life.
DeleteI see contentment and lots of love on all your faces. Have a Happy New Year, I'm sure you had a Merry Christmas! Hugs and laughter, Sandi
ReplyDeleteThis comment had gone to Spam and I just now Unspammed it Sandi, so am responding. Don't know why Real Spam manages to get thru and some of my Blog Friend's Comments get set over into Spam? *Le Sigh* Anyway, Yes, Christmas Day went well but we had some hiccups after my Stroke due to those here at the Asylum having Mental Health Days simultaneously, you can't predict when they will happen. Probably Triggered by my Health Crisis actually and they Mentally begin to have too much Stress about it and have Episodes when they're not Coping Well. With The Son and Daughter their only method of Self-Medicating now is Drinking and if they don't moderate that appropriately, it just magnifies whatever they're struggling with and adds to depression and fears, or just anger at how unfair Life can be. The Son has been Depressed and can't understand why we can't catch a Break? I try to tell him that perspective and attitude is EVERYTHING and to succumb to Darkness is never Helpful, it just worsens whatever you're already up against and must go through. Coping is a tricky tightrope walk for us all and some don't Cope in the Healthiest ways and we can't Cope FOR them.