I went in to Work to stock our Locked Case with Fresh Merch and to pay the Rent owed. First time ever I had to pay Rent since it Opened many Years ago, at least it wasn't a lot owed. I'd actually Sold a lot of Smalls, but with no Comped Space Rent, it made a difference all Month, otherwise, I would have either broke even or gotten small Checks if I'd worked my Shifts. But, I'm just not there yet physically to pull Four Hours a Week, which is pathetic, but, my Reality right now. I can hang for about an Hour and a Half working my Spaces, we tidied up the Showroom while there and Princess T was there helping me. The Man came too and afterwards she bought us Lunch at a Family owned Fish N Chips Restaurant we've gone to for Years and know the Owners.
The Weather was Sublime, it was 86 Degrees and matched a 1925 Record High for this Day! Sunny and just Beautiful to be out and about in. I mailed some Bills too and we stopped by a couple of GOODWILL locations and a Dollar Store, Princess T needed some things and asked if we could, so, we did. I found a Brand New TRADER JOE'S Boxed assortment of Essential Oils for only Two Bucks! And a Rainbow Hued Ceramic Incense Burner for Stick Incense, for a Buck and a Quarter, also Brand New. The Dollar Store had those small TV Dinners that have the Entree and a Single Side, for $1.25 each, so we stocked up on those. They're actually very good and take 3 Minutes in a Microwave, so, The Man can make those himself without Supervision. He's not allowed to use a Stove without Supervision, as one of his Safety Prompts. So, this gives him more Independence for random light Meals.
The Daughter has gotten some Cleaning and Yardwork side Jobs with Mando, for some Money. She has one more Client to Clean for, it's a lot of Work for very low Pay, but it's something and mostly they're Elderly people so she feels good helping them out for what they can afford to pay them. I don't mind her doing some Volunteer Work but for as many Hours as she's putting in of very manual labor, I don't want her being exploited either. So, I told her to make sure she does get paid some Cash. They feed them while they're there, but so far the amount she's received has been gratuitous at best. If someone doesn't expect to be Paid and still agrees to a Job that's Fine as a Voluntary Act, but, for Pay you shouldn't insult the Laborer or Exploit them. She seems Happy about the Jobs but said it's a LOT of Work... and LONG Hours.
She'd left early this Morning and didn't get Home until 9:25 P.M., so, literally this Job and Yesterday's Job was ALL Day from Sunup to Bedtime! I know she can't pull too many like that, it's not sustainable and especially for the small amount she's made so far doing it. She has one more Job for a Female Friend of our Neighbor TJ named Rose, so perhaps that will be easier, it's a Housekeeping Job only, no Yardwork. At least she has a little of her own Money now, which makes her feel less like a Charity Case relying on other people for everything she needs. She still hasn't been re-approved for Nutritional Assistance. The Young Prince had told me it's the same in New Mexico, they don't know if they'll be re-approved either for Nutritional Assistance. I Hope so, since he can't think about coming back until Spring due to Weather, and he's already rail thin and not eating regularly.
Well, West Phoenix is having it's 4th Day of Protests about the rounding up of Immigrants, most has been Peaceful, but, now it's not. It's also happening in other major Cities and bound to worsen as different populations are Targeted for this Regime's Retribution and Revenge Tour. I don't even blame the Protestors that get out of Control, since they saw the Orange Fuck Pardon almost 2,000 Violent January 6th Offenders who'd Assaulted and even Killed Cops. I think the Insane Clown Posse is biting off more than they can chew once they piss off most of the Population and give us Nothing to Lose. And once their Cult realize THEY have been Conned and taken for Fools, and will be seriously Negatively impacted, they're more likely to be ultra Violent and show up with their Guns, just sayin'. It's gonna be bedlam in the Streets of America as things progress and worsen each day and we're not even barely 2 Weeks in! It's like a Powder Keg about to Go Off.
We're getting Record Heat all Week and tho' it's Glorious for February, it does make me think it's gonna mean a toasty Spring and Summer. So, I'm gonna enjoy being Outside for February, while we still can, and get as much done in The RV Garage Mahal as possible now this Month. The Renaissance Festival began on February 1st and runs thru March 30th, we will probably go, it's always enjoyable and we might opt to go in February this Year since it's not Cold now already. Some Years it has been Cold in February, and sometimes it's Rained a lot too in March. I don't have a lot of Stamina yet, but, still think I could go and enjoy it if I pace myself and take it easy while there. It's a lot of Walking so The Man never goes and it's not his Jam anyway, he wouldn't enjoy any of it. The G-Kid Force and I always go and one Year both The Son and The Daughter came with Princess T and I... their first time attending. The Son brought a Friend.
The Young Prince hasn't joined us there since 2018. This was one of my fav Pixs from that Year, this Fairie Gal there and he had the same Color Eyes so they had a Pix taken together while they also had their matching Pixie Ears on. *Smiles* People were commenting what Beautiful Eyes they had and they do. And, they had the same color Hair too, tho' he had semi-dyed his Natural Dark Blonde with some Auburn hilites. He dyes his Hair so much I often forget that he's a Natural Dark Blonde, like his Sisters in Mexico. *LOL* Princess T is the only Kid of the Five that The Daughter had who has the Dark Hair. She's the only one that some people can tell is Hispanic. Anyway, I'd like to take him this Year if he can make it to Arizona by March? I wouldn't mind going twice if we can Save Up enough to attend both Months? But I gotta do better at the Antique Mall if that's gonna happen.
The Man said Restaurants are gonna put an Egg Tariff on Meals that include Eggs, of Fifty Cents. I don't know if that's gonna be per Egg or per Plate? I'll pay an extra Half Dollar to still order something with Eggs in it, not that we're eating out hardly at all now, but, if we do. *Smiles* Lately the only time we've eaten out is if one of the Kiddos is paying and takes us. We used to eat out a lot coz we enjoy that as a Recreational Activity, but, so long as Sales at the Antique Mall are in the shitter, there's no discretionary income coming in beyond our Pensions, which, just barely pay the Bills now. Our Mortgage went up by just over $100 a Month, we have a 2% fixed rate, but, the Mortgage Company said that Hazard Insurance has gone way up due to all the Catastrophic Events that hit that Industry hard. I knew this was coming due to the Fires, Hurricanes, Floods, Tornados and such in high risk States getting catastrophic disasters so regularly now.
My Car Insurance went up by $100 a Month too and that's the same reason they gave me, all the Claims from States that have had catastrophic Weather events. Nothing I did to jack the price up. Otherwise, these Insurers would go out of Business or have to be bailed out by the Government to stay Solvent. So, all of the rest of us are gonna pay, pay, pay, so that other people can live in high risk areas with significant Claims and Losses. Not Fair, but Life ain't Fair or Bras wouldn't come in Sizes, it is what it just is. So, this is hitting Budgets hard for everyone, even in States with no Claims. At least we can still get Insured tho'... high Risk States often can't now. And that's gonna be another major problem when the Uninsured areas can no longer get underwritten for Loans either. Coz Lenders aren't gonna assume the risk of high dollar Uninsured Property, whether it's Secured or Unsecured Loans. And Forced Place Coverage is always Unaffordable. So, that will be next to hit the Fan like shit. Ahhh, Apocalyptic Fun Times.
Aren't I a Ray of Fucking Sunshine? *LOL* Well, the Dark Humor just kicks in, what can I say, it's all so morbid, yet surreal and absurd at the same time, you can't make shit like this up!!! I was watching The Stephen Colbert Show and he does his Comedy Skit Routine at the start, which is really all I watch of Late Night Talk Shows, the Comedy Satire Bit of any of them. It actually Updates me on ALL the Fuckery, yet in a Dark Humor way I can unpack and digest without wanting to do a Thelma & Louise in my Vehicle. *Smiles and Winks* He had SO much Material, he had to unpack it like a fucking Auctioneer, each being worthy of being a Headliner! Yet, SO MUCH, all at once, it's like an Avalanche of Fuckery and he said he can barely keep up with just a single Day's worth of it with this Regime!!! There's just Too Much Material to cover... even just ONE usually would be Enough, you know? It's Exhaustive.
I do predict that the Mental Health of the Nation is gonna decline steeply and that won't be good as people become Hopeless or intensely Desperate and Reactive about being so. Give folks Nothing to Lose and you've got a very Dangerous and Volatile Situation on your Hands. Desperate People do Desperate Things. I've already seen on the Streets of Downtown Phoenix, that Police aren't even showing up coz they're afraid to Escalate the Situations already out of Control with large Groups of Protestors who are very amped up, very upset and angry. And, Honestly, they'd be unable to Manage it, just like January 6th, except on a grander Scale and for different reasons. Our Local News of coarse was covering it and I did look at that, coz it does affect where you might need to go in the City or avoid altogether where it's happening and the most out of Control and Dangerous. We live in the West Valley and that's where most of it was popping off, and at the State Capitol and ICE Headquarters in Central Phoenix.
The Backlash of his Policies is gonna be Epic and has already begun, and I don't think he has the Sense or the Capacity to Handle it appropriately, if at all. So, should be Interesting how the New American Dictator chooses to Handle it, or try to? Is he gonna start just Killing Americans indiscriminately, try to turn our Military against our own, or order Death Squads of his Extremist Groups likely to gleefully carry out such atrocities, like other Fascist Regimes? Just asking for a Friend. I really am concerned that things are escalating and unraveling far too quickly for it to go Peacefully or Orderly at all. Compliance will only go so far when folks feel The Squeeze, Americans are not used to enduring Tyranny. Obeying in Advance might be done by some, but I doubt it will be done by all, there will be Resistance and Opposition, and it's already starting from what I can see playing out in less than a Fortnite of this Fool taking over and trying to upend everything Good, Honoring the Rule Of Law, or Holy. Can't End Well.
So, I can give you Pretty Pictures, that's all I got. *Eye Roll* I really can't muster an Uplifting Post right now that is the Illusion that All Is Well, since, I keep it 100% Real here my Friends. I also stay Authentic to Self and I'm blunt about spitting my Truth to Power, how you Receive it is ON YOU, do with it what you will. If you can't Handle the Truth or Reality, you're checking in to the Wrong Blog. Sorry, NOT Sorry. *Winks* But, you could just enjoy the Eye Candy like I do and have it Sustain you even if Receiving the Written Part of it is just Too Much or Too Hard for you right now, I totally Understand. I too am limiting my Exposure, since for Sanity's Sake, we all probably MUST. You know how much you can Handle and Face at a Time, I know my own Limits as well and they've been Tested. Inside our own Sanctuary of Home we still feel Safe and Secure Enough, for now... whether that will also Change, nobody really knows for sure, do we? I Maintain our Calm up in here. *LOL*
We keep it Zen and Comforting for The Family and our Guests, like an Ashram of sorts. I can see how it affects Loved Ones and Friends when they're out and about in The World tho', there is Tension and some Fears building. I ran into my Friend Sal at The Antique Mall, he's a big Strong Guy, I hadn't seen him in a while, turns out he's battling Health Problems even tho' he appears Fit and Strong as an Ox, he isn't. He said his Medical Bills have piled up so high and they still can't find out what's Wrong with him? He Wonders if it's affects of him having had a Near Death Experience with COVID and I have Wondered the same thing myself with what's going on with me. Both Sal and I almost Died, even tho' we were fully Vaxxed, and probably would have succumbed had we not been Immunized. He looks really Good, but he said he is not sure our Medical System won't be in crisis next and when you've got significant Illness or Health concerns, that's gonna be All Bad, I agree.
Anyway, he asked me to come aside, he didn't want anyone to hear what he was about to say, but he knew I'd concur... we are Kindred Spirits and I have Great Respect for Sal, he's a Standup Guy on every level of his Being. He discussed some Political dire Concerns, his matched mine, to the Tee, and I could see the Relief that he could freely talk about it to someone and not just have to keep it all to himself. He said he's been hesitant to talk to people about any of it, coz many don't want to Hear or are on The Crazy Train now and seem quite ready to Drink the Kool-Aid. Sal is probably one of the Toughest Guys I know, he's not usually Afraid of a damned thing. But, I could tell he's Afraid of all of this and not sure what measures will be possible to actually protect ourselves and our Families if things get way worse and unravel exponentially? The Man is feeling similar and has discussed things in a way I know he's prepping as if he's going to have to go to War, in his own Country this time, to defend what he always has?
When I hear other long time Veterans express similar concerns, and know what they've Seen and had to do during Conflicts Abroad, the fact they have this kind of Reaction instinctively, is Chilling. Very few of them think a totally Bloodless Coup will happen. Even tho' Elon has initiated one, thinking himself to be Clever and Rich enuf to get away with it without Resistance and without having been Elected to even be having the Authority or Clearance he's been given by the Orange Moron and Pandering Sycophants, Kissing the Ring and his Diapered Ass daily. I think their Marie Antoinette Moment is on the Horizon, forget about betting on the Super Bowl, might be more Entertaining to place bets on how long any of them Last when someone comes for THEM? I would Honestly be more Surprised if it DOESN'T happen.
The Man will be watching The Super Bowl tho', as is his Custom, and I'll make a Special Buffet Spread for it, as is my Custom, even tho' I could give a shit about Football or the Teams. *LOL* I rarely even give a shit about the Halftime Performances... Yawn. I know Sports Fans Cream their Pants about it all, I just don't get that Aroused by any of it. *Bwahaha* I think if the Money spent on Games was spent on more Important Issues, and people were at least as Passionate about Supporting Solutions of actual Problems as they are about their Games, some might actually get Solved. But, I Get It, Escapism has always been very Popular becoz regular folks just Need it... and everyone has their favorite Escapes, Sports being a Major one Worldwide. So, I'm not against Sports, I just think they Pay the Athletes way too much and Idolize them as if they're gods.
And I also Get the Celebrity Status Thing and being Awestruck and Starstruck, we tend to do that with Movie Stars, other Celebs, Entertainers, and the Elite of Society, forgetting they are just People too. I've met numerous Professional Athletes during my first Corporate Life. I even Worked with one in the 1970's who'd Retired from Pro Football and became a Corporate Banker. Nice Guy, still very Handsome and Talented, very Popular and Charismatic... but, his Football Glory Days were The Draw there at the Bank, with Co-Workers and Clients alike. John used to like that I didn't treat him like a god and called him Big Bird, coz his favorite 70's Leisure Suit was fucking Yellow and ridiculous. And he was so damned Big and Tall, 6'4", it just reminded me of Big Bird of Sesame Street... after all, it was the Seventies and some Fashion Statements were Insane. *LOL* I've met some of the Rich and Famous just out and about in the City, a lot of them do live here, they're just People. And some, aren't even Nice People.
But, John was a helluva Nice Guy and not the least bit pretentious even tho' a lot of folks fawned over him being a Retired Pro Athlete. And he was an exceptional Mortgage Banker and worked on the same Floor as I did at Valley National Bank. A very smart Guy, very good looking and charismatic. He played 10 Seasons with the Buffalo Bills, he also played for the Denver Broncos and Cleveland Browns. He played College Football at Arizona State University. He earned his MBA in Finance from the University of Phoenix. In 2006 he was inducted into the Santa Ana Dons Hall Of Fame. He's 79 now and still Alive from what I know, even tho' I never kept in touch, he was a Local Guy even before he played Football. John had the most Beautiful Green Eyes like my Grandson, The Young Prince has and a Big Smile. Now, in a Yellow Leisure Suit, I must say it brought the Green out in his Eyes... bwahahahahaha... but, Leisure Suits to me always looked ridiculous and they had the most outrageous ones in the Seventies. I remember seeing a Dude in a Hot Pink one with Embroidered fucking Dragons on the Jacket and I'm like, in what Mirror does that give the Delusion of being Fly? *Bwahahahahaha*
Back in the early Seventies I had a Pro Basketball Player from The Phoenix Suns ask me out, he came in to where I was Working at a High End Jewelry Store at the time. I declined, was not interested in anyone of Celeb Status and that Lifestyle. He was a nice enuf Guy and I knew what he did for a Living, but, Honestly I didn't Care and can't even remember his Name. There is hardly an Athlete I DO remember the Name of even when they're the most Famous ones. Unless they're doing Commercials, probably wouldn't even recognize them. *LOL* All the Reality Shows that have come out with the Exes of Celebs, especially Athletes and in the Music Industry, make me realize, it was a wise choice not to get involved with that Basketball Player. *Bwahahaha* My Brother, however, did Date a Playmate and several Models. He ended up with someone in the Entertainment Industry, who had been Married to a British Actor. Her Marriage didn't last long but she's been with my Brother Unmarried to each other for over 30 Years now.
They know a lot of Celebs and other Famous People and aren't the least bit Starstruck since it's been their Livelihood too long to be Awestruck. My Brother will Spill The Tea to me about Celebs and it often bursts any Illusions I had about them. *LOL* There are some stellar ones tho' who are standup People in spite of their Fame and Fortunes. But mostly, not, Fame and Fortune generally doesn't produce exemplary Character. And the Stories to tell about that are probably endless. My Brother has always told me the Perversions of those with too much Money and Power is off the fucking chain... and, a lot of that is or has come to Light and been revealed, so, not Surprising to me at all. We processed quite a few High Profile Celeb Felons here in the Valley when I worked at the DA's Office, and when someone Famous or Infamous crossed my Desk, it was... in a Word... Interesting... how fucked up so many of them really are. And not just part-time fucked up... full-time fucked up!!!
I have a Story to tell of another Retired Celeb Football Player who was a Client of the Mortgage Company I worked for in the Eighties. He played 8 Seasons in the 1970's, for the Eagles, Chargers and Buccaneers. Ira was a huge Man, 6'3" and close to 300 Lbs. of Muscle, and could be quite a Bully to my Staff and Scare them half to Death. He was one of the more pretentious Former Athletes and knew he was Intimidating and used it often to get his way, if his Celeb Status didn't Impress enuf to get his way. Well, I was over 8 Months Pregnant with The Son in the Summer of 1986 and Ira had come in and was giving some of my Staff a very hard time. So being the Supervisor, he had to come thru me then, when they couldn't Deal with him. Now, I probably hit him at about his lower Chest, I'm 5'2", and my Preggy Belly was huge even tho' I wasn't. I Weighed 128 Lbs. even that Pregnant and I wasn't in the Mood for any of Ira's shit. In my Personal Life with my soon to be Ex, I was already Dealing with too much shit as it was, and being very Pregnant during an Arizona Summer, in a High Pressure Career as a Bank Executive running Three demanding Departments, so, it wasn't a good Time in my Life to Test me. Not at all. *Ha ha ha*
Ira was still upset and pointed his Finger in my Face threateningly and I told him in no uncertain manner, but Professional and not even raising my Voice, that I do not Play and to get that Finger out of my Space and Calm Down! You know when you have controlled Rage shooting out of your Eyeballs like Daggers, but just barely not losing your shit? Well, I did. But, in that Line of Work you aren't meeting anyone at their Best, since, I ran the Foreclosures, Collections and Bankruptcy Departments of the Financial Institutions I Worked for. So, all the Clients you had, you weren't meeting at their Best Selves by the time they were involved with my Departments. Their Issues Of Life were probably stressing them out and I didn't Personalize it either. Usually, you at least tried to work things out satisfactorily for them and your Employer, but sometimes shit happens in Life and there's no Fairy Tale Ending. After that "Understanding" between us, Ira only wanted to Deal with me and he was a big ole' Sweetheart. No more being a Bully when he came in, in fact I came to really Like him as a Person, he could be a very Nice Guy. He even jumped my Car once when the Battery had gone out in our Bank Parking Lot. Ira is 77 now and still Alive as far as I know.
Anyway, the Valley does attract a lot of Famous People and many own Properties here, the Weather is a draw. And there is some very exclusive Real Estate here and tho' it's a very big Metropolis, Famous People can usually not be hassled when they're in and around Metro Phoenix, most people respect their Privacy and leave them be, around here. You might recognize who they are, but, mostly nobody bothers them and that must be a refreshing change from some places that would hound them and have too much Paparazzi harassing them all the time. Phoenix doesn't have that. Every Celeb here I've met, was able to just be like everyone else in and around the City. Quite a few of them Shop and Eat where we do, so, you end up seeing some of them all of the time doing what everyone else does normally.
And one Local TV Personality Surprised me once at an Event and came up and started talking to me and asking my Opinion about a Ring she was considering Buying. Like she knew me, and we knew each other, and, except for seeing her on TV, I'd never met her before in my Life! *LOL* Very Nice tho' and Sweet, she bought the Ring, it was a Cool Ring and I sincerely said so. I don't know if she thought I was someone else? I have to assume it was mistaken Identity on her part, tho', looking at me, my Kiddos said, Who else looks like you Mom/Gramma... Old White Lady with Dreadlocks, so, probably not!? *Bwahahahaha* I have no Idea why we had the exchange, it was a pleasant one, but afterwards my Designer Friends said they didn't know she was a Friend of mine and I'm like, becoz she isn't, I know who she is, but, I do not know her and have never spoken to her in my Life! *LOL* Then we speculated, does she Read Blogs? *LMAOROTF* Who knows, mebbe?
I'd told The Man that if it was a nice enuf Day again, we'd go do Environmental Cleanup Today. He's been chomping at the bit to get out of the House and I've been practically in Hibernation here myself, voluntarily so, which is Out Of Character for me. It's not that I wouldn't Like to get out and about, but, my Health challenges since The Stroke and the Financial challenges, have just made it so that I'd rather just stay Home and not have to do anything that isn't necessary. And most things aren't necessary, so, I haven't done them. *Smiles* Even Pricing Inventory, if Sales are in the shitter, Why bother and expend that much Energy and Time doing something that isn't paying off right now? I can't cram any more Merch in my Spaces and if folks aren't Buying, then it's pointless and rather futile. Just more stuff for the Manhandlers and Thieves to fuck with. We had Two Bags of Shopkins Boosted when we went in Yesterday, they left the tore open Bags as a blatant Fuck You, they are only $3 a Bag, so... SERIOUSLY!!! You didn't have Six Bucks and are willing to commit a Crime for that much?
I do think Theft and Looting are gonna start happening more too, I really do, and I'm not feeling great about how Retailers are gonna be able to mitigate it? Already it's very difficult to get Police to even show up when someone is Shoplifting or even when they've done a Purse Grab, they just don't take it Seriously and it is emboldening Criminals, so, it keeps getting worse since not much is ever done to them and they know it. At the Antique Mall when we've insisted on the Police showing up they take forever and then act annoyed that they have to take a report of a Theft. One time the Perp was still Outside, after grabbing someone's Wallet, and we pointed him out and the Cop wouldn't even go out and apprehend him!!! The only reason he got caught was he went next door to JC Penney and their In House Security apprehended him for Stealing there too! The Lady at our Mall whose Wallet was Stolen made a formal Complaint to the Police Department.
Anyway, we did go out and do Environmental Cleanup and got a lot of Aluminum Cans during the short time we were out there, I'd say about 30 Lbs. worth. It was 80 Degrees and lovely to be out there at the River Nature Preserve. We were the only ones out there so it was Serene and only sounds were Wildlife and the River, so Soothing. We'd of stayed out longer but Princess T gets off Work early on Tuesdays coz she goes in an Hour earlier and we pick her up from Work. She said she'll be getting off early all Week tho' coz they just don't have the Work to do. She doesn't mind, tho' it means smaller Paychecks, it does mean more Time Off. And she was going out with Rusty after Work, so, now they've gone on a Date.
I made a Goat Meat Chili Today and it turned out really, really good, everyone had 2nds and 3rds of it. Everyone in the Family Loves Chili so there's usually not much leftovers even tho' I make a big Oval Crockpot full. The Daughter finished up our Laundry while we were out Canning and she also mopped all the Floors. So, all I had to do was decide what to make for Supper. I'm glad it turned out so good and everyone Loved it. We spent most of the Evening listening to Old School Music Videos on U-Tube together, the Kiddos and I. The Man would rather watch TV, we all prefer Listening to good Music and watching the Music Videos and reminiscing about those Songs from Yesteryear. The Kiddos spend too much time usually just listening to current Music. So they forget to go back and re-listen to Music from their Past or from my Past, so, they really enjoyed doing it, very Nostalgic.
There was even some Oldies that The Daughter had never heard before that Andre 3000 and Outkast had sung like Ms. Jackson and Hey Ya!, so she got a kick out of the Videos. The Son remembered those Songs from High School in the early 2000's... and the Fun Videos still tickle us to this day. Then he was really getting a kick out of watching the Old Psychedelic Era Videos of my Youth and the Lyrics of the Songs. He was saying we must have had way better Drugs in them days, coz he ain't never gotten THAT High? *LMAOROTF* We were listening to the Beatles "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" and the Animated Video, which was very late 60's Animated Psychedelic... remember those, it was Trippin', plus, those Lyrics. *Bwahahaha see Below from the Animated Video's Clips*
Gawd, I remember being absolutely Obsessed with making Art like this in the late 60's and early 70's! *LOL* I would practice making those Balloon Letters and the Funkiest most Psychedelic Art I possibly could and plaster the Walls of my Room with it... and with Posters. I had Bead Curtains, tons of Plants in Macrame hanging Pots and Macrame Tables suspended from the Ceiling as well as in Futuristic looking Terariums. Peacock Chairs and Kilims on the Floor to sit on, Bean Bag and Egg Chairs, Shag Carpet you had to Rake! You almost needed a Machete to get thru where I Lived during that Era. Everything was very Exotic looking, most of my Friends had the Futuristic Mid-Century Modern Look going on, mine looked more ultra Hippie and Bohemian. *LOL*
The Iconic Vintage LP Cover by The Strawberry Alarm Clock could have been mistaken as taken in my House during that Era. *Smiles* And the fact they replicated it all these Years later is hilarious and brilliant!!! *LOL* Anyway, we had a whole lot of Fun having a Flashback Tuesday while eating Chili. *Smiles* The Kiddos like my Play List on U-Tube. The Daughter now has a lot on her Play List of Mexican Music in Spanish, which she Sings along to. The Son has always been most fond of Heavy Metal Music. I'm more Eclectic in my Music Taste, anything from The Blues to Rock. I don't even mind some of the newer Artists singing their version/take on Country, I Adore the Video of "Old Town Road" with Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus, I like the Song and the hilarious Video, which always makes me Laugh out Loud. Such a great Parody.
They Won a Grammy for it and I'm sure Purists of the Genre HATE it! But, I remember when Billy Ray did "Achy Breaky Heart" the Purists HATED that too. *LOL* He was one of the few Country Artists I ever listened to and he is easy on the Eyes, even with a Mullet back in the day! *LMAO and Winks coz who else could possibly pull that dreadful Hairstyle off except a Gorgeous Man?* I happen to Love Lil Nas X too, he's so outrageous and has such a sense of Humor about his Art and pushes boundaries so far that it's brilliant. He always makes me Smile and I like his Music. The Family know I have very Eclectic and Random Tastes in everything, and the more Weird, the better, I don't mind being a Weirdo and really Out There. I've always been drawn to the Weird and Wonderful, Oddities and the Macabre, I don't know Why. I'm that Oddball that would actually Live in a Ruin and be Happy with it that way.
The Son and I have discussed going to the Renaissance Festival this coming Sunday, since, it's Super Bowl Sunday so perhaps there will be less of a Crowd there at the Ren Fair? Princess T always has to Work on a Saturday so we'd have to go on a Sunday, if she wants to go with us, which, she probably will. The Son will be going with his good Female Friend, she's Gay and they've been Best of Friends since Grade School. When neither of them is in a relationship they often go to Concerts and Events together, since, no pressure to get involved, since, he's Straight and she's a Lesbian. *LOL* She's a Veteran and was in the Army, but moved back to the Old Neighborhood when she got out of the Military. The Son's Friends are almost all Friends from his Childhood, they all stayed really close since Grade School, or even before they were School Aged. So, almost all of them I've known them all their Lives.
Above is he and his Friend Rosa. Below is a couple of Pixs of Princess T when we attended last Year. We left earlier than the rest of our Group since she and I were tired at about the same time. The Adult Kids all stayed until Closing, I doubt I would last that long again this Year, a few Hours is enuf for me to enjoy it. Once it gets too crowded, or too Hot and I'm Tired, I'm ready to leave and Princess T is too. This is Why we always take 2 Vehicles so those of us who need or want to leave early can without ruining it for the rest of them staying longer. I know The Young Prince would Love go to but we have no idea when he'll be able to be back in Arizona, so we can't plan anything with him until he arrives sometime in the Spring, as is currently expected.
My expectations for most other things right now are nonexistent, I'm just moving thru each Day right now and not really pre-planning a whole lot of things or having any expectations of what the Future might hold. I just don't really have any idea. We had more major Protests, this time in Glendale around the Football Stadium, they had to close all the Businesses there, which is a big Commercial popular area. It's very near where we live since we can see the Stadium. But, it just wasn't Safe and tho' it hadn't gone violent, it could and there were some Protestors who were getting out of Control as the Night wore on. Everyone is avoiding all the areas the local News tells you to on account of the Protests, just for Safety sake if you're not a part of the Protest. The vast majority of Protestors are Peaceful and abiding by the Law, but it only takes a few Agitators to cause things to go quickly Sideways.
Curfews have been imposed in a lot of Major Cities on account of the massive Protests happening against he who shall not be Named. There is to be 50 Protests across 50 Capitals. There are Seven States that are holding major Protests and Arizona is one of them. The others are Texas, Missouri, California, Arkansas, Georgia and North Carolina so far. If the whole Nation showed Opposition to these illegal and unconstitutional actions he's initiating, it would send a strong Message that he couldn't ignore. He doesn't care about the Rule of Law, but he realizes if his Popularity Tanks, he's in trouble. Many in the FBI are suing for the Retribution being exacted against their Agents, putting them and their Families at Risk, purging their Ranks and threatening our National Security and putting it at grave risk if he Fires too many Agents. He's threatening to Purge Thousands at his whim, no actual valid or legal reason Why. And making Lists he threatens to make Public is putting Lives at risk for people just doing their Jobs right.
I don't think a lot of MAGA realize how much the FBI handles when a Major Crime occurs in their Communities and local Law Enforcement require their experienced help. Or how they prevent a lot of Foreign and Domestic Terrorism. It's the American People who will suffer from that Agency being Targeted and decimated by the Orange Menace's Revenge Tour. And our Enemies are paying attention and how this Administration is aiding them, at the peril of the American People. He's tanking relationships with our Allies and doing tremendous favors for our Enemies with his Stupidity and not thinking about the consequences of rash decisions and reckless actions. And by installing incompetent and unqualified people in very important positions just becoz they're Friends or Relatives. Nepotism at that level is dangerous and foolish. Nobody will want to work for those Agencies they know he's punishing and putting Employees in Danger and at Risk with his Vengeful reasons for doing so.
So much of what he's already doing I do fear won't be able to be undone, very easily, if at all, too much damage will have been done. Running damage control behind a demented Maniac is no easy task. And I think some of the Party he's allegedly 'representing' better look long and hard at what damage he's doing to their chances of re-election, since, I think most Americans are not FOR Extremism. And I do Believe Saner Heads will eventually prevail, becoz when things are Wheels Off completely, it will impact so many Americans that they will have to become engaged and not just be spectators or Silent and just Wishing it all away. Wishful Thinking never accomplishes a damned thing. I've been struggling with this Post becoz I have a lot to say and yet very little of it is Good... or Positive and Uplifting.
I have a Doc Appointment on Friday and I can't even remember what this one will be for? *LOL* It's at my PCP's Location, so I'm assuming it's my Follow-Up... but I really don't know Why it was Scheduled? I've already seen my Specialists and am still waiting for the place that will do the Vein Scans on my Legs to contact me. Also, the New Cardiologist will be contacting me to implant that Heart Monitor too... so all of that is Pending. My understanding is they do the Implant at the Hospital but on an Outpatient Basis and it takes just under an Hour with no real Recovery Time necessary, allegedly. Mebbe just taking it easy for a couple Days at Home. They do seem to have some restrictions on how far away from some devices you need to be after one is implanted, so I'll find out more about that and what I can't be around or have done while having one in me. I'm Hopeful after it's 3 Year Lifespan they just take it out and I don't need a replacement.
I think other than Fatigue and Shortness of Breath, I have no other lingering Symptoms since The Stroke, so, feel Fine otherwise. The Fatigue is diminishing some, and even the Shortness of Breath seems to be lessened as I become more active again. So, I'm Hopeful both will just go away by themselves when I'm slowly returning to a more Normal Activity Level and Daily Routine I had Pre-Stroke? It's a bummer to even have to accommodate Health Changes, but, necessary and part of just getting Older really. If I owned any Working Object as Old as I am, I would not expect it to Work like Brand New. In fact, if it still Worked at all I'd consider that a Bonus, Right? *Winks* Part of the Problem is that in my Mind I don't FEEL OLD, so, 'Acting' Old is just something I never considered having to do.
Hang in there my Friends and don't let all the Doom & Gloom in the Nation get to ya... Dawn... The Bohemian
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