Thursday, January 9, 2025

When Something Can't Be Stopped

My Primary Care Doc was so sorry that I'd had a Stroke since the last time I'd seen her and that my A1C and Diabetic Numbers, which had been stable last time, now weren't.  So, we're kinda starting from scratch to stabilize everything again and try to avoid another Stroke or a Heart Attack.  She insists I have a Sleep Study for the Sleep Apnea, but I told her they better have a Solution that doesn't involve a CPAP coz I won't use one.  The Man had one and nobody got any Sleep with that damned thing and he ditched it, uncomfortable, noisy, Bacteria can grow in them and cause other complications, no Thanks.  Dying in my Sleep seems preferable.  *LOL*

Anyway, she stopped the Statin Med she prescribed and I'm now only on the one the Hospital prescribed, which is a stronger one I'll now require.  Other than that, the new Med Regimen remains as it will be, not too hard to remember the ritual of taking it all.   Which is good coz the Memory is still crap right now as my Brain recalibrates itself.  Well, Short Term Memory I should say, I can recall all the Lyrics to a Song from the 1960's that comes on and I haven't heard since I was a Teenager, go figure!  So, the Long Term Memory is phenomenal still.  *LOL*   After my Appointment I went to the Antique Mall to put the 1983 Crissy Doll in our Locked Case.  Staff had NOT taken those Complained about bagged Smalls off the edge of the Shelves as I'd asked them to do for me!  And both they and the Manager said they would do for me.  After they'd called previously and bothered me to say we had to take them down.  *Le Sigh and WTF?!*

So much for the sense of Urgency they made it seem to be after the Pain in the Ass Vendor, whoever it is, Complained about it... you know, 18 Months or so after they have been that way and been NO Problem.  *Eye Roll*   I took most of them down and put them in the clear long Containers that hold the majority of them anyway.  The ones taped to the Shelf Edges were the Display items, but also For Sale.   Anyway, now it's done I don't wanna hear anymore about it.  The Showroom was in shambles, but it looked like messy Customers and not Vandalism or intentional in any way, just a lot of traffic by messy Shoppers.  Oddly I'd had Strong Sales the last few Days of the previous Pay Period, so, a lot of Shoppers clearly had flowed thru the Showroom.

There were a LOT of Go-Backs of Merch left behind in there that wasn't mine too, that Shoppers just ditched in there, it happens.  They change their Mind and either are too lazy to bring it back to where they got it or can't even remember where that might be.   If they'd just give it to Customer Service Vendors working our Shifts, or Paid Staff at the Registers, we'd gladly put it back for them.   Most don't, they just abandon it anywhere and everywhere.  Often on the Floor where it could trip someone else or get broken/damaged.  I literally had a Cart full to drop off at the Front to be put on the Go-Back Cart.   Whether or not they happened to ditch the items coz they found something they wanted to Buy instead in my Room, who knows? 

 Luckily the Fragile Go-Backs hadn't gotten damaged/broken being left ditched on the Floor of my Showroom where they could get kicked or stepped on.  *Whew*  One Fragile ditched piece was a big Ceramic Chile Pepper, another was a delicate China Teacup.  There was also an empty Bag from another Vendor where clearly someone opened the packaging to Steal what had been inside.  So, I had to show that to Management, they'll then show the Vendor they had a Theft of that item.   Ironically, it was an inexpensive item, but Thieves are not just after valuable Merch, they'll literally Steal something easily affordable and not worth catching a Shoplifting Charge for.  No Shame, no Moral Compass, most really Believe, to justify doing it, that it's a 'Victimless Crime'.  There are no Victimless Crimes.  *Shakes Head*

So, I was very Tired by the time I tidied everything up.  But quite pleased I'll still get a decent Check on Friday, even tho' I had Zero Comped Space Rent with not Working any Shifts during that Pay Period.  This Pay Period has begun shittily tho'... Soft Sales so far, so, hopefully it picks up, it's not likely I may Work any Shifts during it either.  I wanted to see how much of the Mall I could slowly Walk and not feel it was too much.   To decide if I could actually pull a Shift?   I can't, clearly, I did a couple of Aisles and felt it was already Too Much about only 10 Minutes into doing it.  No way could I last a Four Hour Shift being the least bit busy with demanding Customers and provide adequate Customer Service.  At least now I know.

It will be interesting to see what my Heart Monitor Results will reveal, I take it off and Mail it in about Five Days from now.  I'll be glad to have it off, itches like Hell and is hard to Shower wearing.   I can't go to the Gym until it's off either and my Doc said my lack of being able to go to the Gym might be part of Why my progress was reversed with the Diabetes?   I tend to agree, I went from quite active and consistent with going and exercising, to not doing it for the past 2.5 Months due to The Man's Health and then my own tanking.   Not only does Exercise help with Diabetes, but, it relieves the high amounts of Stress I'm always under with Full Time Caregiving and just Life's other Issues.   I can't say 2024 was an easy Year, it wasn't overall.  I doubt 2025 will be either and might eclipse 2024 in being Stressful due to Political reasons mostly and obviously.

I don't know how the threats of starting Wars with various Allies is going to bring down Grocery Prices and Gas, but, clearly now that's not the Primary Objective, if it ever was... which, I doubt.  He just knew his Base felt it was a high Priority and blamed Uncle Joe for their financial woes of all kinds, despite a 3 Year Pandemic and recovery from a Worldwide Plague being mostly responsible.   So, of coarse he Promised them that on Day One he'd Solve all the Problems of the World, coz he's just that good *Huge Eye Roll*, and before even being installed, but after Winning, now admits it would all be Too Hard.  Well, Imagine that... *Snicker and another Huge Eye Roll*   And really, what Morons ACTUALLY Thought or Believed he'd Solve ALL their Problems and all the World's Woes on the First Day... just coz he bragged he could... I'll wait!  *Bwahahaha*  Definitely over-promised and can't, and therefore won't, deliver.

It's as if they ALL had his identical Psychosis!   The loss of Contact with Reality en mass with MAGA World is actually staggering when you think about it.   Could any Shrink explain it to us, how that even happens?   I wonder if it's similar to Mass Hysteria?   I do kinda understand Mass Psychogenic Illness, since psychological distress converted into physical symptoms isn't so uncommon and can spread quickly in close or insulated settings and close-knit groups.   In Western Countries it's referred to as Anxiety Hysteria and various Triggers can cause it.  I do firmly Believe that the whole MAGA Movement was intended by Design to Trigger similar reactions.   By instilling Fear, Anger, Paranoia, sense of Victimization, Baiting with their Red Meat Topics, perceived Entitlement denied, delusions of Superiority and being 'replaced' by those they deem Inferior, different or Dehumanized.   Owning the Libs became a Real Thing for them too, at any Cost.  It got quite Partisan Tribal.

Anyway, with how quickly shit is already hitting the Fan, including unprecedented expensive Natural Disasters, the Orange Messiah of theirs is gonna be tasked with proving himself real damned pronto.  And Solving a shit-ton of Problems that folks that Voted him in will want Resolved immediately and have high expectations of.  Coz they did not think they were being Played or that all his Psychotic grandiose Claims and Promises were Unrealistic or Impossible... or just Lies.   It shall be very Entertaining.  Especially when the installation of his Insane Clown Posse is intent on dismantling Institutions as we have Domestic Terrorism and probably some Foreign Terrorism on our Doorstep and he's wanting to Warmonger, yet Cut Military Budgets.  Improve the Economy by implementing Tariffs that will Tank the Economy... so on and so forth ad nauseum.

I found it Ironic that their Side of the Aisle was claiming the FBI didn't do enough to prevent the recent Terrorism Attacks and yet, wanna do away with the FBI altogether!   Speaking out of both sides of their Mouth and with Forked Tongue, as my Dad's People always said they do, and are we really Surprised?   I'm not, not at all actually.  They bash anyone whose actually Governing and are great at being Critics and Armchair Quarterbacks or placing Blame on anyone but themselves and Owning their Mistakes.  Yet fail to be able to Govern at all when they get the opportunity to, they're impotent and only seem capable of Obstructionist tactics, not getting anything actually done.   Did that Wall ever actually get built, except a shitty little ineffective part of it, did Mexico pay for it?  If he could Solve all the World's Problems, and so Quickly, it's Curious why he didn't and couldn't in his First Term then, he had Four Years, No?  And, History shows us that Atrocities happen and play out unchecked when Good People do and say nothing.

Okay, Political Rant of the Day now over, I feel Lighter.  *Bwahahaha*  It won't mean 2025 will be less Stressful for any of us.  But releasing some of the Steam is Helpful now and again, when you can see an unraveling that you had nothing to do with, someone else caused, and you can do pretty much nothing about either.  But enuf of that crap, I'm legitimately tired of it living Rent Free in our Heads, but, it's our Reality now and we must face it full on and not pretend anymore that everything is swell or gonna be swell, it's not, pretty certain of that.  I can't even manage Guarded Optimism otherwise, wish I could muster it, tried... can't.   It would be a Fantasy, like what MAGA World fully Bought into.  My Imagination just ain't that fertile that a Fantasy such as that could be Sold to me.

Anyway, I watched an excellent Horror Psychological Thriller Movie called "Nefarious" {2023} which I think was streaming Free on HULU and starred Sean Patrick Flanery and Jordan Belfi.  I'd highly recommend it, the Acting by Flanery was Superb.  It was long, but it had Commercial Breaks, which was Helpful.  *Smiles*  And it was Suspenseful and thought provoking, about Demonic Possession.  I may start watching more HULU if their Movies are as good as that one was.  Some of the ones currently on NetFlix, which I Pay for, haven't been that good of late so I haven't watched many.  If I start watching something and lose interest then I don't see it thru, don't have the patience to see if it will get better.  And I dislike ones that start off good and then tank, total waste of my Time and disappointing. 

Work called and asked me if I'd Work a Shift on the Night of the 19th?  I declined and told them that when I came in Today to just do a little Work in my Showroom and Case, then Walk Two Aisles, for all of about 40 Minutes tops of being there and Pacing myself, I was Spent and know I couldn't yet do Four Hours of actual Customer Service Work.   They said I had been their last resort to call coz they know my situation and Recovery, so, they must be REALLY hard up for anyone to be filling in Shifts... but, that they understand and agree I'm doing the Right thing for myself.  I know I am too.  It's a pity they no longer can get Vendors to wanna Work but I feel they'll have to reconsider what they Comp us per Hour, Ten Bucks Hourly is so far below Minimum Wages Paid Employees get, it's no incentive anymore... $10 was Minimum Wage in 2016... and disgracefully too low even then.

   All of Hollywood is also under Evacuation now due to the breakout of the Sunset Fire, which threatens the most populated area and things look like they're collapsing there in Cali with these 0% contained numerous catastrophic Fires.  I called my Brother again, he claims Diamond Bar is not in the Path and won't be due to the Natural Direction of the El Nino Winds, he said the Fires will head further down the Coast towards Venice.   That eased my Mind for their Safety at least.  He told me IF they are told to Evacuate he'd call me right away to let me know.  I just can't even imagine what all those Residents are going thru with this catastrophic Weather Event and how fast it's moving along with how long it's lasting uncontained.   And I doubt I'd even wait for an Evacuation Order if the Fire looked close now, before I'd leave to find a Solid Safe place to stay for a while.

The expectation of many people is unrealistic tho', like a Hurricane, Tornado, Tsunami, Blizzard or Earthquake, the size of this Fire can't be stopped either, just damage control run after it's finished and passed.   No way the Fire Dept. can stop this, it's so vast it's created and developed it's own Weather Pattern and has flames up to 300 feet high and Winds up to 100 mph carrying it.   So, it's not like a normal Fire of say a House Fire or a small Field Fire under conditions it can be fought and contained.  First Responders are doing the best they can, but evacuating and saving people is going to have to be their main priority and they really have to let this thing burn, that's all they CAN do, it's so much bigger than them, just like any catastrophic Weather condition.  Mother Nature is far more powerful than we'll ever be... being Mindful of that is in our Species best interest.


Stay Safe my Friends, where ever you are... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. I know what you mean about the CPAP. My former PCP had me do a sleep study several years ago. She prescribed a CPAP. I used it for a while and then I was to return with its little computer piece that read how much I'd used it. So I went in and all she did was ask me how many nights I'd used it and how many hours each night. I told her. She never asked me about it again and I never used the thing again. I hated it. I hardly got any sleep with it. When I started seeing a different PCP he asked how I slept and if I snored. I said I slept fine and if I snored, the dogs didn't complain. I never mentioned the CPAP and that was that. I also understand about political-related stress. 2025 and the coming years are a worry. Being a full-time caregiver has to be very difficult for you. This is probably a stupid question, but are there any organizations or any insurance coverage that can provide some respite care so you can take more breaks to take care of yourself? I'm concerned about you and sending positive thoughts to you.


    1. Years ago there were some very limited Services for my Caregiving and they didn't work out at all, created a lot of stress for The Man particularly, and the surrogate Caregivers always quit if your Loved One is difficult for them, which, he is. The rest of the Family have their considerable Issues but can do what they need to do and can give me respite now they're all living here, so now they are and that's been a Blessing, as well as them taking over Property Maintenance for me as well. We're pooling our Resources as a 3 Generation Family and we'll work thru this. Medicare would send me someone to help me bathe, dress, but, I don't need that, I can bathe and dress myself just fine. Luckily the Stroke didn't diminish my cognitive abilities to a point I can't do stuff for myself. But, I do tire easily so my Kids and Grandchild, neighbors and friends, are doing some things now for me, which is so heartfelt and so heartwarming that they Care so much and voluntarily just got involved. That doesn't always happen when you have a Crisis, so I know how fortunate I am.

  2. Hopefully things go smoothly and you don't have anymore problems like that. Go-Backs are always a problem at any store. Customers are always changing their minds about stuff and sitting the items wherever.

    1. Yes, I hope to be Drama Free at the Workplace, but you always have some Vendors who are problematic and some Customers as well. Human Nature that some people are a Positive influence during Life's Journey and others are a Negative one and create Life's Problems. I do think the Showroom was messy this time only due to high traffic and stronger Sales, so it wasn't a terrible problem to have when you know it's normal foot traffic and not intentional vandalism or someone just messing with your Space who might be a jealous or unlovely Vendor... we have some of those and you have to keep your Eye on them and report them when you find them doing things to other Vendor's Spaces to Sabotage them. They shouldn't be messing with another Vendor's Space without permission, or, are actually Shopping in it. I do have many Vendors that Buy from me and I don't mind that, they are Customers just like the General Public. But I don't want a Saboteur in my Spaces.

  3. They'll need rain to stop the fire.
    Take care Dawn, recovery takes time, especially brains, but you know that.

    1. I agree that only Mother Nature can stop what Nature does in the way of Natural Disasters. My Naturalistic approach to the Natural World makes me aware that a lot of things are quite Natural and would happen whether we lived there or not. However, that said, Man has disrupted a lot of the Natural World and done unnatural things or prevented Nature from doing what is a Natural Cycle of regeneration. In the Natural World regular Fires are normal for regeneration and clearing out what must be eliminated. Manmade Fuels such as structures and our possessions and flammables that aren't made by Nature are problematic when a Fire is a Natural Cycle of things. Climate Change has been caused by us mostly I think. And yeppers I know that the Brain is so complex that the Healing of it takes Time, probably a fair amount of it. I do Wish Patience were my Virtue. *bwahahaha*

  4. It speaks to your work ethic that you won't accept a shift unless you can provide good customer service.

    1. Thank You, I think even impaired I could provide better Customer Service than some of them who are Slackers tho'. *LOL* Also, I feel less able to pull a full Shift required so I wouldn't want to get there, even if I could provide decent Service, and then have to Tap Out and leave early. Better for them to just replace me for now until I can ensure the level of Service and Stamina that it will require to get thru my Shift. Your comment went so Spam for some reason, so funny since a lot of Spam gets thru and usually it's my Dear Readers the System assumes is Spam... Le Sigh.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl