The next few Posts will be as Visually Heavy as the previous one with Fantasy Fluff of the Renaissance Festival. Mostly my Brother's Imagery since when I downloaded mine, I realized my Old Camera has a scuff on the Lens now which compromised the quality of my Pixs, dammit! I'll have to invest in a new Camera and finding Old School ones is difficult now, everyone uses their Cellphone Cameras these days. So, the actual Camera Market is now only being sustained by us Dinosaurs. *Le Sigh* Anyway, most of the Pixs I took were not Blog Fodder worthy anyway, I wasn't necessarily on a Pathological Picture Taking Blog Mission while there to Create Posts from. So, I'm glad my Bro does it as a Career, so that he's focused on that Mission of Real Coverage of these Events to entice the Public into attending.
The one in Arizona is not all that different than the one in Cali, I can't tell which is which actually. The Cast of Characters being quite similar except that in Cali they probably have more access to Movie Props and Wardrobe used in Movies. So, the authenticity of Props and Costumes is pretty solid and some Characters in Arizona have said they often go West Coast to buy their best Renaissance Era ensembles and accessories. My Brother actually knows a lot of Retired Hollywood Prop Friends who Collected items used on Set and then Sell them later on to supplement Retirement Income. There's vast Warehouses of that kind of thing for the Movie Industry and most of it isn't kept. Especially if a Star hasn't worn it in a Famous Movie to give Special Provenance with Certificates of Authenticity.
Our Recycle Garbage never picked up this Week so everyone's is so full you can't get any more into it! I hadda leave a Voice Mail Message with the City, they're not answering their Phones. I don't know if they're on Strike, if City and County Workers are being Axed like Federal Workers are by this Regime, or what's going on, but, we'd like an explanation at least. UPDATE: They Changed the Pickup Date of Recycle Garbage to a Day earlier, so, we missed it and I didn't see the Flyer they sent, until after we missed it! Fuuuuck! I do notice things are unraveling fast at all levels of Government now and it's some unsettling stuff that is scary to contemplate how much worse it will get? I'm not expecting it to improve under this Leadership so I really needed the brief Respite that attending a Fun Event like the Renaissance Festival afforded us. The Son made a Rule that NO Politics could be discussed whatsoever, give it a Rest... and... tho' it is hard not to say something when it's so glaringly obvious and alarming... I don't NEED to really be Captain Obvious, do I? *Winks*
The Son refuses to talk to anyone about Politics or Religion anyway, and I never used to either. It's always too Tribal, controversial and passionate a topic for most folks to discuss with civility or without losing their shit if you aren't in lock step with them. So, he has a Point well taken. He feels anyone very Denominationally Religious or Partisan Political, can't be reasoned with anyway. So there's just no Point to trying to have Dialogue or a different Point of View than they have or they treat you as if you're The Enemy. And that certainly is an Observation I agree with actually. You almost can't have any measure of acceptance even if you're Non-Denominational and Non-Partisan, they insist everyone takes some "Side" and "Label". There's only Right or Left and usually Far Leaning in either direction, there can be no Moderate Middle Ground, no absence of a Label slapped on yourself that is satisfactory or acceptable.
And this Guy's expression is how we Feel about that kind of Fanatical Tribalism in Religion or Politics. *LOL* So, The Son was Right, I had to acknowledge that it's Time to give it a fucking Rest and Chill Out America, just WTF!? It is depressing and so unhinged and surreal now we really have No Words. So, we banned all Politics from being mentioned, even in jest, Emotions just run too high and we were there to just enjoy the Day. Tho' Witnessing our Beloved Country being dismantled and destroyed from within is sometimes more than I can take and keep Quiet about it either. Or just go about Normalcy AS IF everything is Normal and Okay, when, it's clearly not anymore. We're all going thru the Motions, but, it doesn't seem the same as it once did. And there may no getting that back, it seems rather End Of Days-ish to me in a Pre-Apocalyptic precipice we're teetering on the Brink of.
The Saying of "Eat, Drink And Be Merry, For Tomorrow We May Die" comes to Mind immediately for me. It is an expression of Hopelessness and I don't want to admit to myself that I hold out no Hope, I want to, even if it's an Illusion. And I do like to have Joy, even in the midst of Adversity and the Issues Of Life Challenges. Plus, for the sake of the Younger Generations, I'd like to present an Optimistic countenance becoz they need to feel Secure and that they have a Future. I don't wanna be the one to suggest they don't, I Hope to fuck they DO! Right now mine are Worried enuf about me having an Elective Surgery that's currently in Limbo coz the Cardiologist Office cancelled the original Date and I don't want it Re-Scheduled so they were gonna get back to me on whether they could still do it on the 17th? So far, nobody got back to me, so I'm assuming it's just not gonna happen and I'm Okay with that actually. Mebbe it's a Sign it wasn't meant to happen?
Finally got hold of the Cardiologist Office and Yes, they scrubbed the 17th so I told them I'm Electing not to have the Surgery done then since I don't have a Ride and can't Drive after it's performed. They seemed okay with that so it probably wasn't that necessary a procedure IMO. I still have my Stress Test on the 11th and 12th, so that's enuf Tests to figure out how to move forward as a Cardiac Patient and if that shows nothing either, well, I am probably Fine and the one incident was not chronic. I don't think they know the Post-COVID related damage done to those of us who had a bad Case of it and Survived, so I'm chalking it up to that. Since, I'm hearing a lot of Survivors say they had Cardiac and Stroke incidents afterwards even tho' they might not have been at risk before getting the Rona.
I still think the Virus was created in a Chinese Lab to use as Chemical Warfare. And I think it got away from them and then even they had a Situation, that subsequently went Global coz they couldn't or wouldn't tell anyone the Truth of what happened and tried to cover it up and refuse to Come Clean. Mebbe it wasn't even Accidental, who knows? The whole Bat Soup some Peasant in Wuhan ate didn't Fly with me anyway, if you're gonna make up a Story, at least go with a fucking Believable one! *LOL* And of coarse the Orange Idiot made things just worse here in America. So we had the most Global Mortality becoz of his Idiocy and outrageous mused 'cures' like injecting fucking Bleach and shooting Sunlight Rays up your Ass. I mean, did ANYONE really NOT think he was Bat Shit Crazy then, when he held a Press Conference and actually said such Insane things out loud? Then they must be on the Far Side of Crazy too is all I gotta say and Why they Voted him in again!!!
So, I am still of the Opinion we've either Dumbed Down America so much, or gone into such a Mental Health State of Decline in this Country, that Brains aren't functioning well enuf anymore to have proper discernment. I did Read an Interesting Scientific Experiment that was done to establish if Human Brains are altered by Herd Mentality. Turns out they actually ARE! The Experiment they did was a simple Test with an Obvious Answer, and the Test Subject was given the Test and Naturally Answered it Right when they did the Test by themselves. Then, they had a Group Take the same Test together, but had everyone but the Initial Subject deliberately Answer the Questions Wrong. After doing that several times, they realized that the Test Subject then also started giving the same Wrong Answer they saw all the others give! Questioning their own Thought Process. And, a Brain Scan Before and After showed a marked difference! The Brain Re-Programed from Logical Right ability to Answer, to now giving Wrong Answers becoz everyone else was doing it. In Essence, the Wrong became "Right" Collectively.
That will ultimately make you the Oddball that might not Fit In. And, those of us who are like this, most of us don't really Care about Fitting In anyway, so, no pressure to bothers us. Some Oddballs do Care enuf to fake it and try to Fit In anyway. Even if by doing so they compromise a lot of Natural Instincts they have NOT to do what the Herd or Hive is doing or Believing, that doesn't Line Up. I think that can ultimately be a fatal Mistake if the whole fucking Herd is going off a Cliff and all the Bees get so riled up they get in a Crazed Stinging Frenzy against a perceived Threat and all Die. I would be that Person that states the Obvious, hey, it's a fucking Cliff, Stop... or is that really an Enemy and Threat, what the fuck are you doing?! I don't Care if everyone else is Doing it, I'm mos def NOT!!!
I do feel America is heading towards that Cliff and seeing other Americans as The Enemy. Most won't Stop, they're going over the fucking Cliff and Stinging each other to Death, in order to just follow the Herd and Hive without Question. Not even a Why are we Doing this? Why are we being Herded towards destruction, being Turned Against one another, and just Going Along? When we had that Killer Bee Hive at Omar's Property, those Fuckers would commit mass Suicide against any Perceived Threat, even if it was an inanimate Object that posed no Threat whatsoever to them. They literally Stung the John Deere Motor to Death, theirs and the Motor! There were Hundreds of them Dead as Fuck and rendered the Motor non-functional as well. Simply coz they were so aggressive and in a frenzy they whipped themselves into for 'self protection' and preservation. It eventually backfired tho' to the Hive's detriment.
Only becoz they became such a menacing and potentially Deadly Nuisance to the World around them, the whole Hive had to be eliminated, every last Bee in it Killed. It was the only way to Stop it, and that's unfortunate. We don't really want any Population of Humans to be like those Killer Bees that nobody feels Safe around due to their Nature being far too Dangerous and Unstable. That's Why Countries like North Korea are Pariahs. With their unhinged Dangerous Leader nobody can or will Trust. And a Population so Brainwashed and Paranoid, held Captive and has been so now, for too many Generations to know any better or any different. Do we really want that kind of Outcome for America too, by alienating all Allies and following an unhinged Dangerous Leader nobody can or will be able to Trust? Who would Sacrifice any or all of their Citizens for their own gain, Ego and whims. Our Leadership now is heading in that direction quickly.
And tho' I will indulge in some minor Escapism to keep my Head on Straight and Share the Fantasy Fluff heavily from time to time in my Posts. To give everyone a Respite and Escape too, I'm Watching closely what is transpiring in The Real World. I'm not being conned into Believing there's some Alternate Reality or Parallel Universe I'm Part of and Belong To like a Cult. It's Intuitive to me to stay Grounded and rely on Facts, Evidence, Truth and Reliable Sources, use Discernment to the very best of my Ability to sift thru the Bullshit shoveled. I'm not voluntarily drinking the Kool-Aide and being made to Believe it'll be Refreshing and Necessary coz "They" are coming to get us and it's the only way out. If you remember anything about Jonestown, and I knew a Friend, that actually Survived it and Lived to tell the firsthand Story.
India was only 14 and Raised in the Cult, but Intuitively thought their Leader was Evil and completely Insane. But she was just a Kid and Isolated in that Jungle, with no real means of Escape. She said by the time most realized Jim Jones was Evil and Insane, it was too late, most of the 900+ were FORCED to drink the Poisoned Kool-Aide or Die trying to Escape. She ran for her Life and only a few ever made it out Alive. I lost touch with India, coz she Lived Nomadically out of an Air Stream and when I met her we were only in our early 30's, but she Warned me of folks that behave like a Cult, and especially be wary of their Leaders. I don't even Wonder what she'd think of the current MAGA Cult, pretty damned sure all her Red Flags went up tho' way earlier than anyone who hasn't Survived one.
My Ex DIL and her Cambodian Family Warned that The Orange One, in his 1st Term, reminded them of Pol Pot, which spoke Volumes. He Scared them, they Survived The Killing Fields of Cambodia and had to get out, since they were Educated, Influential and Successful, which Dictators HATE that Threatening Combo. So the Death Squads came for their Demographic to eliminate and Neutralize all of them. Anywhere up to 3 Million Perished under that violent and ruthless Regime. They spent Years in Refugee Camps until they were given Asylum in America. Only a little less than HALF of their Family Survived tho'. Does any American wanna risk those kinda Odds with your Loved Ones under any ruthless Regime where Cruelty IS The Point? I don't think so. Are Americans willing to Look the Other Way so long as nobody is coming for THEM yet?
We'll see I guess, some are Looking the Other Way already, so I highly Suspect we'll see a lot doing it in a feeble attempt to Save themselves. Their Four and No More, as I like to say about some Cultish Fanatical Religions that will Sacrifice anyone else who isn't Like them and pretend like somehow that's Godly and Okay. It isn't, it never has been Godly OR Okay, I don't Care what Brand and Label you adhere to. And a lot of these People who are calling themselves Christians are really Wheels Off lately in what they are willing to Support, coz it if Looks like a Devil, Talks like a Devil, Acts like a Devil, it's probably a fucking Devil, Okay? So, don't tell me it's Ordained by God to Support such an Abomination as the Orange Devil. That Man has never Served God a Day in his Life. He is Playing the Fundies as gullible Fools.
Feeding their Fears and particular Biases, so he can manipulate the Extreme Religious for perhaps the Prince of Darkness, but certainly not God or Jesus. Or any other actual Major Religion Serving their Understanding of a Divine Creator and grounded Spiritually. I have Friends and Family who aren't Christian, but certainly are in Agreement that the Dude ain't Godly by any Standard of Religious Teachings. Not in the Standards of Jesus, Buddha, Abraham, Mohammed, Shaman, Animist or Hindu Teachings. His behaviors and acts wouldn't constitute any form of Godliness I'm aware of whatsoever of any Spiritual Teachings. Some Fundamentalist Christians have latched onto him like he's some kind of Messiah to them now, which is very blasphemous IMO.
Anyway, I've had my Rant for the Day and my Breakfast, so, stepping down off Soapbox now to rally the Resistance. *LOL and Winks* If you're just Visually enjoying the Fantasy Fluff that's Okay, I know it can be a Tough Read when I'm on a Rant and Venting. *Bwahahaha* And, that's Okay, sometimes I don't even wanna Go There and need to take a Break from it all to decompress. I still don't watch much News, I'll Tune In only if they're covering Weather or some Emergency or Crisis that is ongoing and worth being Informed of. I have noticed when they're about to get Political now, the Media are ALL Walking On Eggshells like Families of an Abusive Partner do. They're being very Careful about what they say now and how they say it, so as not to have a Bullseye on their Backs apparently. Or receive Threats and Intimidation about what and how they're Reporting these days. So, Whitewashed News and Propaganda aren't Informative in the least or Helpful to anyone.
If they can't or are reluctant to spit the Truth, report with proof, evidence, accuracy and be tethered to Reality, they are Useless. Pandering to a Dictator is not something I subscribe to no matter what Media Outlet has succumbed and fallen In Line to save their own Asses and pass it off as legit. I realize it takes real Courage to be the ones that still accurately Report and be on the Right Side of History. And we really have to scrape the Barrel these days to come up with Uplifting Reporting that anyone can cling to and feel Optimistic about. America has Fallen and it's tragic and humiliating to have to admit and acknowledge that we have. I am constantly apologizing to Friends and Family abroad for how it now just is here. They feel quite sincerely concerned for all of us.
I JUST got a Call from the Hospital that was coordinating the Surgery on the 17th to set up all my Information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm like, hasn't my Cardiologist's Office Informed you yet either that it's been Cancelled and not Re-Scheduled? NOPE!!! I told the Woman that they had Called me last Week and Cancelled it. But that I'd told them I only had a Ride on the 17th, The Daughter had even cancelled and declined some Paid Work to accommodate that Date for me. And I'm not allowed to Drive after the Surgery or take an Uber. So, they were going to talk to Dr. Kim about that and see if he'd reconsider still doing it as Scheduled on the 17th and I'd made all my arrangements for? I told her they never got back to me so I called them again just this Morning at 9:00 a.m.. Lisa of their Office assured me that the 17th was still Cancelled and no Re-Scheduling had been notated. So, I scrubbed it from my Calendar and said I was Un-Electing now to have said Surgery.
Now, one would Think that the Cardiologist's Office would effectively Communicate all of this to the fucking Hospital, Right? For the sake of not embarrassing themselves AND the Hospital Staff. Nope, they had not. *Eye Roll* The Hospital was still under the Impression I was having Surgery the Morning of the 17th. I told them they needed to get their own Confirmation too, to scrub that Date, since, that's what I'd been told just this Morning a couple Hours beforehand. So, I'm Assuming it's a Firm Cancellation and I won't be showing up. The Woman assured me she would take it from here and was so sorry about all the Confusion. She sympathized and was profusely apologizing, even tho' it wasn't her Fault somebody clearly isn't doing their Job. I told her I was sorry about it too, I don't like to be involved in some Administrative Cluster Fuck, that's how Mistakes happen Medically. And some things are just too damned important to be Fucked Up, you know? She said she didn't Blame me for being reluctant now to even go thru with this Elective Surgery.
So, that was the Status of all that, I feel relieved actually that I won't be having to Recover from something else like a Surgery. It's been enuf of a lengthy Recovery to Deal with the Stroke aftermath. Yeah, I know it's been not that long, it just seems like it's a long time tho' when progress is so protracted and you have no idea as to Why? The Doc, before his Transfer, had told me I should not still be having Shortness of Breath and such Fatigue, yet, I am, so, that's where we're just at. I've been trying to rationalize it all, is it Anxiety mebbe and not related to the Stroke at all? I mean, these are Trying and Stressful Times we're all Moving Thru and it is Emotionally and Mentally exhausting and draining. I don't usually have Anxiety or Panic Attacks, or deep Dread and Depression Episodes, but... possibilities exist currently that certain circumstances could Change all that, Right? *LOL*
The Daughter knows how burdened I am with what I'm choosing not to Talk about. She knows when I've had Bad ones and just keep it to myself mostly. She was doing a lot of Sweet things around here to distract me and Cheer me up. She did an enormous amount of Work in The RV Garage Mahal. It's still a Gauntlet in spite of all her Organization and Hard Work, a LOT of shit HAS TO GO!!! I can see she gets exasperated about the Volume, in a Word, that most Accurately describes it. *LOL* I get Overwhelmed myself, at the Big Picture and how much Work still has to be done to eliminate excess and get to Just Enough and not Too Much, whatever that fucking is? I'm not even sure I have the capacity to know anymore? *Le Sigh and LOL* I joked that if a Shrink came in, the Family could probably have me Involuntarily Committed Tomorrow. *Bwahahahahaha* Not Hyperbolic, that's for Reals. *LMAO*
And The Daughter is musing, but, it's ALL Good Stuff, Quality Stuff Mom, so it's not like there's any Junk or worthless shit to dispose of!!! And, therein is the dilemma, otherwise, we could just call 1-800-Got-Junk and have it all Hauled Off in one fell swoop and be Done with it. Which would be easier, not as profitable, but, bypass a lot of hassle and Work. And, I am at that Season of Life now where I'm not so much opposed to Work or think it's a dirty Four Letter Word, but, I lack the fortitude and stamina now to do it. I don't have the Energy or the Health anymore to really press myself now. And, a lot of it almost seems Pointless, as Ms. Moon the Blogger so eloquently put it. The Pointlessness of damned near everything now does Trouble me, I ain't gonna Lie. If there is no Point, Why do we bother to still do it?
I know, I'm a Ray of Fucking Sunshine, Sorry... but, this is gonna be a lengthy Blog Therapy Session my Friends, so Feel Free to Tap Out if you will and must. *Winks* Amber brought over more Tamales, she was feeling badly about doing a "Baby Reindeer", as we now call her inclination to Stalkerish Activity. *LOL* Amber, Bless her Heart, I've known all her Life and she can be a very Intense Person and very clingy and needy. But she's a Ride or Die Friend and would do anything for anyone, and, she doesn't get close to many people. She's close to us and we are like Family. Her own Family is going thru so much right now that I understand she needs a Safe Space to Land and that's usually here with us and The Daughter, who is her Lifetime Bestie. So, anyway, Amber will blow up your Phone a lot and The Daughter's fairly new Free State Phone leaked it's Battery and is too Toxic to use. But, we don't know if she'll Qualify for a Replacement?
He told me only Yesterday that he's glad he's not a Married Man and didn't Father any Kids he'd have to Support, coz, his Friends with Families are in dire straits right now. Even if they're in the same situation as he is, having to move in with Family, he said at least he only has himself to try to look out for and Support. He'd feel way too stressed out to try to provide for a Wife and Kids... and have no coverage for them if they got Sick. That is every Working Parent's Nightmare, and a lot of people are facing that right now, Working hard yet unable to provide even the basics, like Food, Shelter and Medical, with the Economy still Free Falling Off a fucking Cliff for most. And even with a Three Generation Family Sharing Space and Expenses, it's still a struggle, and juggling act sometimes, so... I Feel what Hardships the even less fortunate are up against. I've been Homeless and I've been Hungry, so have many of my Family... it ain't no Fun.
And, like Yesterday's Post, I leave you with an abundance of Fantasy and Frivolous Eye Candy now and no more Words. You're Welcome. *Bwahahahahahahaha*
I pay attention to what I call “signs”. Like twice I was scheduled to get permanent eyebrows done, and something went wrong to stop my doing so each time. I finally took it as a sign to pass on permanent, live with penciling in. And watching a tv program, just this morning, about a doctor who’d harmed many by pretending to do nasal operations by just going in, chipping here there but not really operating, just causing damage, but charging a fortune just the same, I thought to myself we give doctors too much credit, are too trusting. All this to say you paying attention to the cancellation as a sign, electing not to have surgery done is probably wise, safer than just going along trusting doctors to do the right thing for the patient, instead of their back account. You might even think about getting a second or third opinion, just to know if you can trust those now in charge of your health. As for the photos, some of these guys are serious eye candy their outfits. I wouldn't mind being plundered and pillaged by some of what I see here, but they'd have to wear the costume 😉.
ReplyDeleteBwahahahaha "As for the photos, some of these guys are serious eye candy their outfits. I wouldn't mind being plundered and pillaged by some of what I see here, but they'd have to wear the costume 😉.", oh, Shirley, you Naughty Girl, but, likewise, I have to Confess I had my own Fantasies after Beholding. *Winks* There were some Hotties at our Festival, for sure, but Princess T was nonchalant coz she prefers being the Eye Candy to just being the Observer. *Ha ha ha* People couldn't tell her enuf that she was Stunning, she WAS feelin' it. *Winks* And Yes, the Signs I ALWAYS pay Attention to and I was having less and less of a Peace about this Surgery even before their Administrative debacle. I'm not even sure I want to see this Dr. Kim but I'll show up once and if I don't like him, I'll ask for a different Cardiologist or just see my PCP about this. I'm glad you didn't do the Eyebrows, Plastic Surgery and Tattoo can be iffy if the person isn't skilled and legit. I remember the Plastic Surgeon referral I had for that Forehead Bump, I'm not glad I got a Sign and subsequent Head Scans have shown it to be a Bony protrusion, which is benign and The Kids say it's one of my Horns trying to break out. *LMAOROTF* They could be Right...