We'll get to the Topic of the Post Title Hook later in the Post as to whose gonna be Calling The Shots come January. Management tried to get me to Work Two more Shifts, but I have too much on my Pre-Christmas Calendar right now to accept either one, so, had to decline. Plus, this close to Christmas, I really am not interested in Working too much and missing out on spending Holiday Time doing Fun stuff instead. They just don't comp us enuf Space Rent to make it worthwhile to forfeit that Time with our Loved Ones during the Holidays. Even if they increased what they comped us dramatically, to only being equivalent to Minimum Wage per Hour comped, I wouldn't do it.

Anyway, Sales are still shit and it's only Six more Days 'til Christmas and the Antique Mall closes early on Christmas Eve and is closed on Christmas Day. So, really only 5.5 Days to Sell what we can to the Christmas Buying Crowd. We're having no more Trade Stimulators or Sales between now and then, even tho' most other places are, so we're not even being competitive to draw Customers in and make our Mall a Destination. My Social Security Check finally hit, but my DA Pension hasn't, for the past Two Months both have posted Late, I know not Why? One is Federal, One is State, and so that always makes me nervous about what's going on?

The Man and I did go out Wednesday and do Environmental Cleanup. Sad to see how much Garbage in huge Bags was dumped in the Nature Preserve by the Environmentally Unconscious, I don't know who the Hell they think is gonna go behind them and clean it up? We only do the Aluminum and you'd need a Commercial Sized Garbage Truck to haul off that much illegal dumping. A Cyclist stopped and Thanked The Man and I for what we're doing, he was disgusted at how much he sees illegally dumped and littered on his Bike Rides. We told him how often we do it and how much of just Aluminum we haul off each time, 20-50 lbs. a Day usually!

It did get up to 80 Degrees as The Man had said the Weatherman Predicted. So it was Beautiful and Warm out there, the Air Quality was good for a change, and Nature was really therapeutic to be out and about in. I got our Laundry done and the Housekeeping is caught up coz The Daughter has really been on it, she actually likes Cleaning and Housekeeping... she didn't get that from moi. *LMAO* I'm sore and I don't really know why, it's not like I did a whole lotta strenuous physical activity, but I sure Feel like I have!!! I'm looking forward to my Event in the Morning, they should still have Christmas Vignettes and they will be doing Giveaway Gift Basket Drawings each of the Four Days of the Event. I only plan to go on Opening Day Thursday Morning, probably will leave around Noon, so it's just a Morning outing for me.

The Cribbed Images I took of their FB Page shows a very muted Christmas evident, I did expect more, so, we'll see? With Christmas being so close perhaps they feel nobody will be still Buying Christmas Decorations? I do know when we went to TARGET the other day they were already pretty much Sold Out of all things Christmas in their Line, the shelving was looking quite bare already. The same could be said of our closest Wal-Mart, even Sourcing some Christmas Gift Bags proved to be lean pickin's, tho' we did Buy some we really liked with a Grinch and Snoop Dogg Line of Gift Bags. But, we got the last of them they had at that location, I'd speculate by now there's none left? So, we're glad we got everything bought that we needed to get everything under the Tree and Wrapped up.
One of the Granddaughters in Pittsburgh has sent some more precious Pixs of the Great-Grandkid duo, above and below is the Youngest, a Girl. She seems to be a very Happy mellow Baby whose always Smiling or looking Serene, and has a Positive countenance. She's also quite Photogenic and clearly Loves being in front of the Lens. So the Granddaughter is getting some very Candid Pixs of her. Now, the Older one, the Boy, not so much, he's clearly quite a Rascal and prone to Photogenic Meltdowns and being a blur in front of the Lens. She's got her Hands full with that one. *Smiles* She was like that as a Kid, so, he's likely what I like to call "The Payback Child". *Winks* Yep, for all of us that were High Maintenance Children, we got at least One or more of "The Payback Child". *Smiles*
And, the Santa Breakfast Pix below, clearly shows the countenance differences of each Great-Grandchild. She looks very content to be sitting with Santa, and I don't know who looks unhappier, Santa or The Great-Grandson? *Bwahahahaha* Of coarse it's always the Pixs like these that are the most Cherished in Years to come and give everyone a Giggle in hindsight. Yep, these are the Meltdown Photos you drag out in the Future to embarrass the Difficult Child. Even if, in the Moment, it can disappoint whoever Envisioned the Perfect Holiday Picture to send out to everyone in the Christmas Cards. *LOL* I must say, that the Santa Pixs coming out of Pittsburgh of the Great-Grands with Santa, have had me rolling, becoz they are mos def the Saddest Santas I've seen in a very long time! Remember the other one with the Weekend At Bernie's looking Santa with a Great-Grandbaby on his Lap? *Winks*
This Santa does at least still look Awake or among the Living, but he doesn't look like this has been his most favorite Gig either. *LMAO* In fact, I think I'm Nicknaming him Serial Killer Santa, becoz, well, just LOOK at him!!! No Wonder the Great-Grandson is crying his Eyes out, that's one Scary Santa!!! *Bwahahaha* Below is the most recent Pix Shared of their Mama, clearly going thru a Divorce is agreeing with her, she's not looked Happier and more Beautiful. I'm very Supportive of her decision, never liked the Guy she Married and could see he was a Player and not good Husband or Daddy Material, she deserved so much better than that Loser. He already had too many Baby Mamas and is on to the next Ex Girlfriend or Wife I suspect, leaving a trail of Children spawned behind that he's fathered but isn't seemingly all that Invested in being a responsible Dad of.

I have a Proposal that if the Government is so Obsessed in Controlling Women's Bodies and Autonomy, Guys like him should be Mandatorily Sterilized by the Government and held accountable to all the Children they already had that they've neglected, abandoned and/or don't Support. Becoz it's a Man that causes Pregnancies after all, whether it's a wanted and planned Pregnancy, unplanned Pregnancy, or unwanted Pregnancy, Men are ALWAYS involved. Women don't get preggy all by themselves, but seem to bear all the responsibility and consequences or blame when it happens. Or, when a Relationship goes to shit and a Man bails on the Family and Responsibility that should have been a Shared one. The Double Standard has always bothered me and devolving to where Women are treated like Chattel is NOT the Answer to current Social and/or Reproductive Problems.

But, enuf of that talk during the Holidays, perhaps another time when I'm ready for a good strong Rant and Raging Against The Machine. *Winks* You know how Opinionated and Controversial I don't mind being. *Smiles* If you are a Pearl Clutcher, you're probably wandering into the Wrong Blog, but, you might still just enjoy the Pretty Pictures and just not wind yourself up getting the Vapors about what I might Write about. *LOL* Generally I haven't had a problem with Readers sticking around if they find the Blog just isn't for them or are easily Offended and Take an Offense when none is being Given. I know when I go seeking new Blogs to be a Reader of, there will be some I'll add to my Sidebar to Read regularly and those that I won't. You connect to some and some you won't, and that's all good.
Right now our Nation is so deeply divided and topics are so divisive, that, too many people feel like they have to walk on Eggshells about saying anything. I'm inclined to just be naturally outspoken and think Dialogue is important, especially concerning Problems and Solutions to them. I don't shy away from Hot Topics just becoz someone may disagree with my Point of View, don't have similar Experiences or Points Of Reference to draw upon. We all have a Lens we View our World thru, mostly it's formed by our Personal Experiences and Observations. I can respectfully agree to disagree, I realize some folks just can't. Or, simply have a Need to be Right, even if they Could be Right, or Could be Wrong. By having Dialogue with different Points of View it does expand our Horizons and Understanding, even if we never come into Agreement.

The Older Granddaughter in Pittsburgh just send me this one, with a much more animated and pleasant looking Santa, tho' not having Kids on your Lap is probably a more pleasant option for everyone involved? Though I'm wondering why a Great-Granddaughter is missing and it's only her Older Sister and Younger Brother in the Pix? So, mebbe she just wasn't having it? She is the Spunky One. *LOL* Now, you might recall that the Baby Brother was the one who had to endure the Weekend At Bernie's looking Santa {below}, who was either Asleep or Deceased, we're not Sure which? *LMAO* But, whether he is exposed to a Happy Santa or a Questionable One, that little Guy seems Cool and quite Chill with it. *Smiles*
I haven't had to get a Photo taken with Santa and Kiddos in many Years now, since the Grandkids I Raised are now Adults. But, I did dredge up one Blast From The Past G-Kid Force with Santa Pix out of the dusted off Photo Archives from 2008 {Below}. I took the Pix, coz as I recall I couldn't afford to Buy the ones the Mall takes and Sells to you. But, they can't refuse your Kid visiting with Santa. *Winks* The Force were never intimidated by any Santa, their Grandpa was always mistaken for being one, so, they were totally Cool and Chill with a portly Old Dude with long White Beard and Hair, they had one at Home. *Smiles* The Older Granddaughter just responded to me about why a Child was missing, she isn't a Fan... I thought so... no matter how Charming Santa was, I figured she wasn't having it. *LOL*

I do remember I HAD to find a Santa with Real Beard and Mustache tho' coz Princess T was a Purist and would pull at a fake one and tell a faux Bearded Santa they weren't REAL. *LMAO* And thus began the New Family Tradition and Ritual of finding the "Realist" looking Santa every Christmas! *Smiles* And The G-Kid Force became adept at Santa Choosing and Judging. *LOL* Below is the 2009 'Real' Santa. And, No, they refused to dress up in Christmas Outfits to visit Santa, becoz we never really knew in advance if we were gonna find a 'Real' one or not? Some didn't pass the litmus test... and remember, I was also a Grandparent Raising Grandkids, and by a 2nd Generation of Child Raising, you're lucky they even have matching Clothes on or have their Hair did... they usually dressed themselves and did their own, or each other's, Hair! *Bwahahaha*

So, this was as Fancy as it got for their Santa Pixs and I took them and wouldn't usually Buy the ones that The Mall took since they charged a small fortune for a Polaroid. So, I'd have The Man take them up there and stand off to the side and take my own Pixs of them like Ghetto Grandma. *LOL* As you can see, The Young Prince had chosen to wear a Pair of Pants he Loved and had outgrown that only now came just past his Knees! *Bwahahahaha* Fortunately at those Ages they're so damned Cute that they could look any kind of way and still have a Photogenic Moment. *Smiles* Now of coarse it takes Princess T a minimum of Two Hours to ready herself to be Photographed or you're just not getting one unless she deems herself to look Fierce and Gorgeous enough. And getting The Young Prince in front of the Lens to capture an Moment, is like trying to Photograph a Unicorn or Bigfoot! *LOL*
And the Santa Pixs ended the Year that The Young Prince felt he'd outgrown them, becoz then his Sister was not getting one with Santa alone. In fact, growing up, if her Big Brother wasn't doing it, or had gotten too Old to do it, she wasn't either, and that was that. He did Trick-Or-Treating longer than he wanted to for her sake and until she got herself Friends to do it with her instead and as a substitute of going with her Big Brother. It was usually some hapless Boy from School that she coaxed into taking her Trick-Or-Treating and insisting they have matching Costumes ta boot. Since, she was in charge of Wardrobe... always, by then! *LOL* And do you know how hard it was to find a Not Sexy She Devil Costume for a 12 Year Old Pretty Girl?! Lord have Mercy she was covered up more than an Amish Schoolgirl and still looked too damned Sexy for her Grandpa, Uncle, and Big Brother's liking! *LMAOROTF*
To prove my Point, Above is her as a She Devil at Age 12 that Halloween and covered up to her Neck, down to her Wrists and Ankles, and still looking too Sexy! *Bwahahahaha* And that Year a Boy from School that she liked named David, who was Head and Shoulders shorter than she had sprung up to in Height, was her hapless Victim and had to be a He Devil Chaperone. Since no way was her Big Brother going Door to Door with her looking like THAT and Too Hawt to Trot for his liking. For his Little Sister, who was quickly Blossoming into Young Womanhood, much to all their discomfort! *LOL* And the rest is History, since, the Menfolk around here just had to get used to it, since she wasn't gonna look any Un-Hawter, that's for damned sure. *Bwahahaha*
And to this day they are some of my favorite Halloween Pixs of her. Becoz that was indeed the Big Transition of when your Little Girls start looking like Young Women and there's nothing you can do about it. And, as a Grandma Raising another one, you now start doing the Countdown in your Head, to when Childhood ends and you can release them to the Wild and your Job is Done and you Survived the whole Ordeal of Raising a Girl Child. *Bwahahahaha* So, you don't even Care that they Outgrew the Pixs with Santa. Tho' her Mama and BFF Amber, Buck Wild Naughty Teens that those Girls Gone Wild were, would intentionally, in their Teens, dress Sexy to sit on Santa's Lap!!! And you never in your Life saw a Happier Looking Santa than THAT one lemme tell ya! *Bwahahahaha* Somewhere in a now Dried Out Plastic Mall Snow Globe in The RV Garage Mahal are those infamous Santa Pixs, and if The Daughter discovers them, I'll Share someday. *Winks*
But, back to Christmas Past and Present. Sometimes when I'm trawling the Photo Holiday Archives I come across some Pixs that I can't remember if it's stuff I Own or stuff I should have Bought and Owned? Like this Old Christmas Pix which I can't imagine I Passed on Scoring, but, haven't been able to find, so mebbe I have Non-Buyer's Remorse, just not sure? *LOL* I call Old Pixs like those my Adopted Relatives becoz I Collect Old Ephemera. I think I DO Own both of those Old Horse Show Ribbons and Loving Cup Trophy, so, I probably also Own that Pix and it's somewhere too... And if we Find it I'll be glad I did Buy it and didn't just Photograph it at an Event and passed on Scoring it, coz Old Pixs are always inexpensive, and Old Holiday Pixs are always worth having to Display in Holiday Vignettes.

And speaking of Vignettes, Above is one of the Event that is being Hosted Today from their Book Of Faces Sneak Peek and it doesn't look at all Christmasy to me. Yes, I like it, but I do Hope there will be a lot more Christmas than this at the Event or I'll be sorely disappointed!?! I'm really into the Christmas Vibe right now and not rushing past it to something else yet. In fact, I usually keep my Trees up until at least sometime in January or beyond, depending on how Lazy I feel about taking them down? Not to mention, I Love the one Lit Up to bask in the soft Glow of while watching TV in my Livingroom. *LOL* Princess T will have hers took down the Day After Christmas, she gets Done with a Holiday quickly... she clearly didn't get that from Moi. *Smiles*
And Yes, in Real Time it's the Day Of my Event and I'm waffling on getting dressed for it and what to wear? I would like to wear something festive, but, doubt I have anything Christmas Inspired in my Wardrobe anymore, since Purging it of items not worn much or ill fitting. I used to Dress Up for Christmas Events, but that went by the wayside along with Dressing Up for most things, in recent Years. I like to see other people doing it and admire their Holiday Styles, but, for me, it's no longer feeling necessary to do anymore. If I put some Christmas Themed Earrings in, that's about all the effort I'm putting into it these days. *LOL* I know, I know... it's Slacking... but, I'm Okay with NOT doing it anymore and it simplifies my Holiday Experience for me. Which is the direction I'm intentionally heading in my advanced years, Simplicity.
I do still like Decorating for the Holidays, but have Dialed that back in recent Years too. I LOVED these very Old Paper Mache Snowmen. I Collect the very Old Paper Mache Halloween and Easter Collectibles. But, I can't say I've found very many made for Christmas. However, this Vendor clearly Loved her Duo of matching Paper Mache Old Snowmen more than I did, coz, no way would I stand that tall to Buy one! I'll let you all speculate on what the Price Point was... I had Sticker Shock when I took a peek!!! Yowsah!!! But, when I Googled them, well, she actually had a Fair Price on them compared to Buying any at Auction, that were Priced wayyyyyy higher, so... who knew they command that kind of Bank?! Guess I won't be getting any... ever. *Bwahahaha*
I never did find much Vintage Christmas to put into our Showroom this Season. We just didn't have much Inventory for the Season this Year, had Sold it all in previous Years. And it's not like I go out Buying any for Resale, I don't, Seasonal Merch has a fairly short Window to Turn and I'm not Storing it in the Off Season like some Vendors are willing to do. Since I'm primarily Downsizing and looking for a Quick Turn on any Merch I put into Stock, I am not necessarily doing Themes right now. Yes, it looks Editorial and the Merchandising for Seasonal Stuff is Eye Candy to behold in Vignettes, but, Vendors specializing in it aren't doing so well this Year. I'm not seeing a lot of their Inventory going out the Doors and they'll be stuck holding a lot of it. So, I have zero regrets for not going in that direction with our Merch. Sales are Soft even for stuff that is usually Selling, so, I'm not going out on any Retail Limbs.
And I see that many of my fav Vendors, Fabricators and Designers are doing the same and I don't blame them. Those that usually Show Out for the Holidays, just didn't do it this Year and only gave a Nod to Christmas in their Booths or Showrooms. And when I kept going back to their Spaces, even that wasn't Selling and was still languishing in Inventory, so, it was probably Wise that they didn't go Full On Christmas this Season. Usually "Rusty Saturday" Sells a lot of their Vintage Toy Trucks that they convert into Christmas Tree Haulers. This Year they only had Two and both of them were still there during the final Christmas Event their Antique Mall was Hosting. And that was ALL the Christmas Merch they even had this Year. So if you only had Two and neither of them Sold, well, there was really no point in having the whole Space Decorated for Christmas with Seasonal Merch, was there?
The Feedback I'm getting from my Customers is that they're afraid of the Inflation and Recession they strongly feel this incoming Administration is gonna cause. I can't argue with that observation and prediction, I think it's accurate for an assessment of what's to come and so I don't blame them. I'm not Buying anything I don't really Need either from now until, well, perhaps after they're ousted from the White House, Congress and the Senate Strongholds they've put a Stranglehold on the Country with. I do not think it's gonna End Well and tho' I sincerely Hope I'm Wrong about that... I doubt it and don't hold out a lot of Hope either. My Hope for the Future evaporated with what the Voters appeared to Want now for the direction of the Country. They will now get what they thought they wanted and therefore deserve. Be careful of what you Want, you might just get it.
A fiscally irresponsible Leader, with Historic mismanaging of his own Money, and the Money of others, is not likely to change. I find it Ironic that before he's even installed, he and his Insane Clown Posse are already demanding the Debt Ceiling be Raised or they'll shut down the Government by Tomorrow. Oh, and, now say they don't Care how much it Costs the American Taxpayers to do this epic Mass Deportation they Plan on Day One. Which, conservative estimates say will have a devastating Cost to America in excess of say Three Hundred BILLION and that doesn't include the Long Term Cost of sustaining mass Deportation Operations, so, we could be talking Trillions. And YOU are gonna Pay for it... not China, not Mexico, not Canada... YOU. And fully expect a Global backlash and retaliatory measures to Tariffs and screwing over other Countries, coz Paybacks are always a Motherfucker when you make Enemies rather than cultivate Allies. You mess with other People's Money and it gets Real, FAST.
Now, if you Voted for this Clown as Ringmaster of your Shitshow thinking your Prices would be lower and your Economy would be better, Hold On Suckas. Coz you're in for a Wild Ride and you bought the Ticket so you're now on for the whole fucking Ride, and we'll all be White Knuckling it as it's heading to go Wheels Off the Rails and in a free fall off an Economic Cliff. The Chaos has already begun and they haven't even had the Inauguration yet. President Elon is already coercing Vice President Trump to do his bidding and since he bought and paid for him, well, the Puppet Master and his new Toy are on full Display now. Sure, Elon and a few other obscenely Rich Puppet Masters aren't Elected Officials, but they Bought In Deep and want a Return on that Investment immediately. And how long the Bromance lasts when Prez Elon is now getting the shift of Cult Base Adoration, well, should be Interesting, No?
He can't "Officially" be Elected since he wasn't Born in America, but he's found a way In to the White House Unofficially as Puppet Master of the Orange Moron. I mean, Elon is at least a Smart fellow... tho' an Unstable Genius. So, he who holds the deepest of Purse Strings will be making all the Rules now and you Elected a Grifter and Conman, whose only Interests has ever been for himself and being Transactional with whoever offers HIM the most. And fuck the American Public, he could give a Rats Ass about any of ya. Fun Times. And, I'm not being hyperbolic, every major Economist is in Agreement, the Stock Market is already reacting to Predictions that things probably will get dire fucking fast. And Why do you suppose all these Huge Corporations and Billionaires are suddenly "Donating" so much to Buy a Piece of him too? Listen, I'm no Grifter but I know a good Scam when I see one and whose hopping aboard is quite Telling to where the Money will be flowing towards... and away from.
And, the Bromance between the Prez and VP I aforementioned, won't last long without a big Rift, since Sharing Spotlight and all the Attention and Glory is something that will send Hair Furor into an epic infantile Tantrum. *Winks* But, when you've been Bought and Paid For, well, you're Servant to your Master now, so, he might just have to get used to it. Since, he's Sold himself to so many now, that he's enslaved himself to all of them. Should they Call their Notes Due, he can't Re-Pay in anything but endless Favor and he knows it. He's in too Deep to too many, as well as some Bad Foreign Actors he's Indebted to over the Years, when he couldn't get an American Bank to lend to him for Decades, to cut ties. Listen, you don't Owe folks like that and get away with stiffing them without dire consequences. He'd be Safer in Prison, if he did, let us just say.
And even his rabid Base will Turn on his Ass once they realize he's Played them for Fools, you mark my Words. Some knew what they were Buying into, I suspect most didn't, not really. When you don't even have a rudimentary knowledge of Economics and aren't doing so Well in Life, you can Believe any kind of Spin Bullshit shoveled to enhance an Illusion you desperately Want and NEED to Believe. He tapped into desperation, Victim Mentality, greed, egocentricity, bias, Hatred and all those other easily exploited States of Being some folk are tied up in knots with. Hell yeah they wanted someone Promising shit like Revenge and Retribution, exacted upon whoever they deem are the "Others" they want to Blame and use as Scapegoats for what isn't working for them and they don't Like about the World around them.
I watched, in part, before it got too Silly, a NetFlix Movie called THE DEAD DON'T DIE {2019}, which was a Zombie Apocalpse Parody of sorts of current affairs and had an All Star Cast. Including Steve Buscemi as a MAGA Farmer wearing a Red Hat that said "Make America White Again", whilst sitting at a Diner next to his Neighbor played by Danny Glover. *LMAO* Yes, it was Stupid, but it had it's Moments of Satirical mirth before I just couldn't finish watching it. Bill Murray as the Sheriff was a Role perfectly suited for his Brand of Humor tho'. It was a Mega Cast Lark of a Movie and wasn't meant to be taken Seriously, but was surely making some blatant Political Statements along the way that I found to be fucking hilarious. I mean, they resurrected Iggy Pop to play a Coffee Zombie for Chrissakes! I didn't even know Iggy wasn't really Dead!!! I mean, the Dude is 77! *LMAOROTF*
I went to my Event, Friends were there in Line to keep it Interesting while we waited and yet, there were only about 7-10 of us in Line up 'til Opening, very unusual. Usually the Line is around the Building! Not a Good Sign at all. The Event was Lovely, but attendance was dismal, nobody even checking out 40 Minutes after Opening and by then I'd left without Buying anything either. I did take lotsa Blog Fodder, Work had called me again to ask me to Work that Night for the 2nd Time, I declined again. Clearly they can't fill abandoned Shifts. I'm gonna hafta call in for replacement for Friday Night too, since, more Medical Crisis unraveled, even more so than the Day After Thanksgiving's ER Visit... it's been THAT kind of a Holiday Season so far. But, we'll get to all that further into the Post... I'm trying to sequence the Order of things and the Events of the day here right now, while Symptoms persist that just make it hard and Feeling Weird.
Princess T took me out for Lunch and I had Pho Chicken Broth and some Coconut Shrimp, I was feeling okay at that point in Time, like it might even be a Normal Day. I hadn't been Home very long tho' before I got The Call from The Young Prince in total Psychotic Meltdown Mode. So, I spent over an Hour talking him down off his Ledge, Fun Times. His Mother was on Speaker Phone and even she, being a Paranoid Schizophrenic with D.I.D. too and similar diagnosis to her Son, was alarmed at how Crazy he sounded. He was rambling about Tasting Colors and that the Colors of his Food didn't Taste Right and so he thought Allen was trying to mebbe Kill him? Oy Vey. Can you come get me in January Gramma, my Dad doesn't wanna just put me on a Bus like this... which... is probably Wise... you can't take some Shows on the Road on Public Transit. And Clovis NM to Phoenix is a 9 Hour or so Ride. *Eye Roll* So, sometime in January I gotta figure out how to go get him and his stuff? And that Call may or may not have Triggered the next unfortunate Event???????????
So, now we Move On to the even more Serious Topic, whether I had a Mini Stroke or Bell's Palsy on Thursday Night? No, not hyperbole, or Gallow's Humor, I was in the Kitchen making the Family some Homemade Chili in the Crockpot and suddenly started losing sight in my Right Eye off and on, feeling my Right Side of my Face feel funny and Weak, severe Headache and feeling Dizzy! I checked my Blood Sugar and it was abnormally high for no apparent reason, 252, it's been stable and I had only eaten some Chicken Broth and Shrimp earlier and felt Fine all Day, so, it was alarming. I had The Son drive me to the ER, we live within sight of a major Hospital. The ER was swamped, even with what could be Stroke Symptoms, your Care was delayed for Hours, I kid you not! They did Triage me fairly quickly and say it could be a Mini Stroke or Bell's Palsy, which, I didn't even know what the latter was 'til I Dr. Googled it after they sent me back to the Waiting Room for THREE FUCKING HOURS! I never did see a Doctor in all that time and nobody checked on me to see how I was faring!!! Possible Stroke has a sense of Urgency about it, Brain Cells could be fucking Dying!
I'd sent The Son back Home to get some Rest since he had to be up for Work in a few Hours and they weren't calling me back for the balance of the Tests to be sure what was happening. I'd only had an EKG, Blood Pressure Check and they'd taken my Blood Sugar and it was spiking higher, now to 295! Patients around me had been waiting for 7-9 Hours and after 3 I called The Son to come get me. If they weren't taking a potential Stroke Seriously, or were simply overwhelmed, well, I didn't even want to be at that Hospital... they were out of Wheelchairs and Beds they'd told me in Triage... so, you were expected to just wait for Care or Die I suppose? I could do all that at Home more comfortably and not around so many very Sick People, some of which might have contagions! If it's Bell's Palsy it won't Kill me, I still can't see right out of my Right Eye and my Face still feels numb, but my Cognitive abilities seemed good.
I keep looking in the Mirror and Smiling and seeing if my Eyeball droops, they're not. I can understand Speech and my Arms and Legs don't feel heavy. The Man used to be a Field Medic in the Military and a Paramedic, so, he's keeping an Eye on me, he hasn't forgotten all his Medical Training. We figure if I get worse we'll call an Ambulance or Paramedics who will at least Work on me and have them take me to a different Hospital that perhaps is less overwhelmed and might do a Brain Scan or something beyond just Parking my Ass in a Waiting Room for Hours on end. I didn't have a Peace about the level of Care that Hospital ER was offering and the Line was out the Doors just waiting for Intake, it was as Crazy as when COVID was at it's worse and Hospitals were on Crisis Standard of Care! Yes, I'll be calling my Doc for follow-up and we'll see how bad off I am... or am not??? But, on a bright note just Days before Christmas, my Elk Meat Chili did turn out REALLY damned good...
A Crisis Christmas it seems like it's gonna be my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian
I was all primed to comment about the Snoop Dog merchandise selling out in our area, and Elon and 45/47 and all their elk reminding me of the madness of Gotham and us with no Batman to save us, when your ending to today's post threw me for a loop. I'm at a loss for words, my friend, and hope the seriousness of the signs turn out to be temporary conditions that require rest and less stress.
ReplyDeleteLess Stress... bwahahaha, surely you jest Shirley? *winks* Yeah, less stress would be Nice for a change. I'm waiting for advice now from my Doc's Office for aftercare of having had a potential Mini Stroke, or Bell's Palsy, since, no Doctor ever saw me in all the Hours I was at the ER. At least by the Kids taking me back Home I had access to my Diabetic Meds to bring my Blood Sugars down to a range that wasn't also a Diabetic Crisis, after 300 you could lose consciousness and I was right at the cusp in the ER and they were doing absolutely nothing, nada, it was insane! I have always been told Time is of the Essence with a potential Stroke since Brain Cells could be fucking Dying... but they acted so nonchalant I guess if it's not their Brains and you look like you've had a good Run, well, Soylent Green Time in American Medical Care has already begun before RFK, Jr. even makes it worse? *Eye Roll* Yes, the Snoop Dogg Merch was so damned Cute I wanted a Sweater, they didn't have my Size and even with 20% Off it was too expensive for an Ugly Christmas Sweater with gaudy light ups and baubles hanging off it. *LOL* It's challenging to Blog with Eyesight in one Eye fucked up, but, it keeps me mentally stimulated and that makes me Calmer while I contemplate if I actually have Brain Cells Dying or not? *Smiles*
DeleteWell my Doctor sent me to a better Hospital and I'm hospitalized for the Stroke I had Shirley and some Heart problems I didn't know that I had. Will Blog all about it when I get out of Hospital. Lousy timing for a medical emergency but great for Blog fodder... 😂... Dawn the Bohemian
DeleteDear Dawn,
ReplyDeleteJesus. I’m praying for you. I know you have a strong will and practice wise self-care. The U S medical system is off the rails. I hope you get the answers to what’s happened to you asap. Sending positive energy, Carolyn
The US Medical System is already so fucked up I can't even imagine what's gonna happen with RFK, Jr. makes it worse? If I could actually be having Brain Cells Dying the ER seemed very casual about it, I never did get to even see a Doctor in all the Hours I was there with what they thought COULD ACTUALLY BE a Stroke happening! It was unsettling to say the least, which is why the Kids took me back Home, at least I had my Diabetic Meds there to bring my Crisis levels down so I didn't lose consciousness and have a Diabetic Emergency Coma going on too! It was right at the cusp of where you could fade out and they were doing absolutely nothing, not even checking on you even tho' they'd seen it was getting higher and higher! Anyway, I am stubbornly staying up by Faith and know it will Hold, coz, I got too many Loved Ones who depend on me to drop Dead suddenly or become incapacitated and need Caregiving too!!! It would ruin Christmas for them all forever... and I'm currently waiting on my Doc's Office to tell me what to do next? I have no idea, my Right Eye is still without some Vision and the Headache is Killer, Facial Numbness just feels Weird, and it makes your Balance harder and Thinking harder, so I'm Blogging to keep Mentally stimulated and it is Calming to me to see I can still put Sentences together. *LOL*
DeleteMy neighbors figured out that if they call an ambulance for the mother, she gets seen a lot quicker.
ReplyDeleteYeah but last Ambulance ride the Man had Medicare and TriCare didn't pay for any of it and it took us Months to pay off. I don't need the stress of more financial hardship... Dawn the Bohemian
DeleteI agree that you get in faster with an ambulance. But my bill was $1200 out of pocket to go the mile to our hospital. (i was code red and it was necessary but it still stings). I cannot believe they didn't get to you fast with your symptoms! That is so scary. I hope you are following up immediately.
ReplyDeleteI know I am pretty worried about the economic situation too. I feel like we know what we are getting into this time and it is scary.
I'm so sorry to hear this! I am so angry that you were ignored at the first hospital. You take care of yourself!!! You will be in my thoughts.
DeleteLoving that dollhouse...and all your Christmas imagery. I'm trying not to think of the mess we are all sliding into. We are strapped too, this year. A friend passed away---and hubby is executor...problem was he wasn't POA...so the judge signed off on the will...but it's floating so we have paid bills on two houses (and animals) since September..and we are strapped...a chunk of change for sure. HUGS and Happy Holidays, I may not have time to get back on...before Tuesday, Sandi
ReplyDeleteHope all of that mess works out. I'm Hospitalized right now for the Stroke. My Doctor sent me to a better Hospital. Will Blog all about it when I get home... Dawn the Bohemian
DeleteThe US medical system does my head in. We always paid so much and got so little in return. We are currently on vacation in Thailand, DH had to see a Dr for a medical issue. Concierge booked an appt for next day. Husband saw a cardiologist, had an ekg, chest xray, given medication all for the grand price of $50. In the US our copay would have far exceeded that amount. Care was excellent in a beautiful, clean environment yet everyone in the US is so fixated on how the medical care is the world leader, but I am not sure who is a beneficiary of it. Take care of yourself as sounds like you have far too much stress in your life.
ReplyDeleteMany Countries have Superior affordable Healthcare and America ranks very low globally in Healthcare actually and it is the most unaffordable in the World. I'm hospitalized right now for the Stroke. My Doctor sent me to a better Hospital and I will Blog all about it when I get sprung... Dawn the Bohemian
DeleteThose two evil snowmen in the middle of the post could be Elonia Musk and the Dump. And did you say outspoken? I can't stand the flabby pasty white blob of a mess known as Musk. Fuck him. He's so unprofessional and a mess. Those two bastards with no taste, alone, will fuck this whole country up. The USA was good while it lasted. How's that for outspoken?
ReplyDeleteDitto on what you said. I think we must speak truth to power and resist. I'm Hospitalized right now for the Stroke I had. My Doctor sent me to a better Hospital. Will Blog all about it when they spring me... lousy timing for a medical emergency... Dawn the Bohemian
DeleteI'm sorry was ready that. So, it is official then? I will keep you in my good vibes box to send out!!!! You help make and enrich the lives of those around you and your online friends. Only good thoughts Dawn.
Just now got this Comment out of the Spam folder it shouldn't have gone in Mads... all good Vibes sent out apparently worked Wonders, I'm doing pretty good considering what happened.
DeleteI read your post yesterday and just dropped by to see if you had any health news. I see that you have been posting (and you are writing in the exact same tone as usual, which gives me hope that you're dealing with Bell's palsy, not a stroke). Hang in there and know that we are all hoping for the best. Serioiusly, a pox on the stupid hospital! It is astonishing that you were not seen by a doctor.
I went to another ER at the advice of my Doctor and they admitted me. I got good care at an Abrazo Hospital and it was a Stroke and Heart problems so more Testing and I'll be fitted with a Monitor for a few weeks... Dawn the Bohemian
DeleteOh no. I am so sorry to hear this news. I hope you can spend a lot of time sleeping and watching tv and generally taking care of yourself. We are all thinking of you and will be glad to hear updates whenever you feel like it, but don't push yourself to do stuff like that.
I'm Hospitalized a bit longer so am resting and Physical therapy said my Brain seems to be compensating for the Stroke damage quickly so the recovery looks good... Dawn the Bohemian
DeleteI am sure glad you are getting treated for that stroke. Thatis all you needed!
ReplyDeleteI was all ready to comment of the genes for beauty that run rampant in your family and the dangers President Muskrat hold for America and the world but that took a backdeat by the time I finished your post.
It was a post with a lot to unpack huh? I'm Hospitalized but recovering well so Physical therapy was pleased with how quickly my Brain compensated for the Stroke damage... Dawn the Bohemian
DeleteI’m so sorry, Dawn! Glad you are getting the help you need. Take care and know we are all rooting for you!
ReplyDeleteThanks...I should be released from the hospital sometime today and will see a Neurologist and Cardiologist with appointments after Christmas... Dawn the Bohemian
DeleteOh my goodness. I'm so sorry you're going through all that. I sure hope they get it together and can help you. Sending healing vibes your way.
ReplyDeleteThank You Mary, I'm Home now and Recovering, so we'll be able to Celebrate Christmas properly and not have me Hospitalized thru it. *Whew* May you and yours also have a Wonderful Christmas that is Memorable in all the best ways.