DISCLAIMER: This Post contains a potentially Controversial Image, proceed at your own Risk if you're delicate. *Winks*
Well, I watched the alleged Hi-Lites of The Presidential Speech, he seemed lethargic, especially in his Speech, and possibly heavily Medicated, didn't it seem, No? There was the expected canned Flying Monkey Applause from his Base and Ass Kissers present, and the usual Weird displays of what they think is Patriotism. He could say any incoherent, outrageous, false or absurd thing and they'd clap and cheer like Imbeciles tho'. He eats it up as affirmation of his 'Stable Genius and alleged Brilliance of Deal Making Skills'. *Huge Eye Roll* He might be good at Extortion, but he's not good at Negotiating or making Deals, that's all hype and myth for Reality TV Purposes. In Real Life Fraud, Deception and Illegal activities is what he was actually good at.
Al Green got escorted out of the State of the Union for causing Good Trouble, at least one individual with a Backbone and some Balls was evident then to speak out and refuse to Bow Down. All he yelled was that there was no Mandate to cut Medicaid... True that, I guess speaking Truth on behalf of the American People is cause for expulsion these days. No criticism of Orange Jesus is allowed by his Faithful Worshippers, Cults are like that. Even just the brief Hi-Lites, were too much to stomach, and Two Hours of the actual Speech... yikes, you'd need to be Lobotomized! Did anyone White Knuckle it thru the whole thing? Lemme know if there's anything relevant I missed just watching some brief Hi-Lites, coz, I doubt it. It could have been condensed and wrapped up quicker if you eliminate the babbling, bluster and Lies.
The Daughter and Mando are still working on the Pool Area and Yard. I'm still trying to corner Rob and find out where the Hell our John Deere still is? He has good intentions and means well, but I didn't even know he'd taken it, without our permission to, to go "Surprise" us by getting it fixed by the John Deere Dealership. Well, I don't have the Money for that so wouldn't have approved it. And as it turns out, the Repairs were very expensive and I don't know he has the Money to cover it?! So, we have an Invoice he provided of where it is and how much it is to get it back, but, I never authorized any of it. Yet, the Dealership did have it authorized and thus would have the Right to demand payment or confiscate it for non-payment. So, I'm very upset about it. It's not only Tax Time, but I'm going to have to fund my Grandson's return to Arizona.
So, it's a contentious issue between Rob and I for sure and The Daughter said she'd Deal with it for me so I don't flip the fuck out. *LOL* I like Rob, he's always been Helpful and their Family are great Neighbors, but, he overstepped boundaries by doing what he did. Even with the best of Intentions you don't take something that doesn't belong to you and have repairs done on it without the express Permission and Authorization of who Owns it! It did need Repairs, it was no longer functioning and we'd already spent a considerable amount in 2024 limping it along, replacing numerous parts, but, I couldn't afford Dealership Repairs which I knew would probably exceed $400. I don't expect someone else to cover that expense, and I don't do things I can't afford to do and Pay for, but he's gonna have to now, since, he did this on his own.
And I say that becoz I've Observed that you never see Kids just Outside Playing together anymore! Not in their Neighborhoods, not really even in the Parks. Yes, you see Organized Sporting Events at the Parks, like Soccer and Football Practices and Extracurricular Games they do together, but not Social Playing like we did as Kids. When I was a Kid, if you weren't in School, you were Outside Playing. I didn't spend much time at Home Inside except to Eat and Sleep, or, if I was Sick or Grounded! *LOL* We had a huge Group of Friends as Kids and Young Adults, now you don't see that hardly at all. It's conspicuous by the very absence of it. My Kids Played Outside a lot and had a lot of Friends, but, my Grandkids Generation was the switch and now they are those Young People at the Gym not interacting with anyone either. I've discussed it casually with The G-Kid Force and they say if you know 1-2 People, you're all Friended Up now. *Bwahahahaha*
Look at this Lovely Breakfast that The Daughter made for us of Strawberry Waffles and Hardwood Smoked Thick Cut Bacon... Nom-Nom and it was Editorial too. She's taken to Photographing her Food now too like me, as she's getting Older I can see she's Turning Into Me. *LOL* Isn't that what Mothers and Daughters end up doing? I know I did. *Smiles* Yep, I Became My Mom, I sure did. *Ha ha ha* I just Love someone Cooking FOR me, they don't even hafta be very good at it, to make me appreciate it anyway. Something about someone Cooking for you is just very Special to me and Why I really do enjoy Eating Out and tasting the Cooking of other People. I have my Fav Spots of coarse, where I'm a Regular. But, I'll always try somewhere New too in order to taste their Cooking. I'm not a harsh Critic, so if I say the place was not good... it really was NOT Good. *LOL* See that little Military Logo Vintage Syrup Pitcher, I Collect those tiny Syrup Pitchers of all kinds and have an array of them.
I'm always on the lookout for new Tiny Vintage Syrup Pitchers and I also have some of the slightly larger Vintage Creamer Pitchers too. We always put our Syrups and Salad Dressings in those tiny Pitchers on the Side, so someone can pour however much they want on the Food themselves. I don't like someone else dumping too much Syrup or Dressing all over my Food, I'd rather moderate the amount myself. So usually Eating Out I ask for it on the Side as well. I am a Syrup Snob tho', I do indulge my Family with High Quality Syrups and not Cheap Ass ones Sold by the Gallon. Especially Pancake Syrup, I go Gourmet all the way and it does make a difference. Our Guests always mention that they Love the Syrups we use and that is Why, I guess they're used to Cheap Ass Syrups, which are crap. I'll even look at the Syrup Rankings from Year to Year, Yes, I'm THAT Anal about my Syrups Quality. Mebbe the Maple Trees aren't having a Good Year, ya never know? *LOL*
Now, these are the Rankings for 2025 of the Top Best Rated Pure Maple Syrups across several Online Verdicts that Rank them, some I've never found Locally or tried, but they say Amazon carries some and others you can buy direct from the Supplier {I don't do Amazon}:
Best Overall: Anderson's Maple Syrup, Inc. {very dark}
Best Organic: Now Foods Certified Organic Maple Syrup
Best for Pancakes: Butternut Mountain Farm 100% Pure Organic Vermont Maple Syrup
Best for Gifting: Runamok Sparkle Syrup
Best Vermont: Ackermann Maple Farm Pure Vermont Maple Syrup
Best Sampler Set: Runamok Maple Pantry Favorites Pairing Collection
Best Aged: Crown Maple Bourbon Barrel Aged Maple Syrup
Okay, I know this is gonna be controversial and considered totally crass and inappropriate, but a Friend sent it to me and I hadda Save it before FB took it down. *LOL* And, I'm Sharing it coz, well, I got Macabre Gallow's Humor and we can only Wish that the Two most Evil and Dangerous Leaders in the World right now would FOAD, and I feel okay about that, they're Old Evil Men and have been around too long wrecking the Lives of Decent and Innocent People IMO. Perhaps then America and Russia could move Forward and the People of both Nations prosper and Be Well? That's my Hope, becoz the Citizens of both Countries, and in fact the entire World, deserve better than these Two Lunatics and their Sycophants are doing to the World in the name of their Egos, their innate Cruelty and insatiable Greed. So, fuck them both... Hurry Up and Die already.
I know, I can be harsh, I have a very Dark Side too, I freely admit to it... most folks pretend they don't have one. I tend not to Believe that at all. The Pretenders tend to have the Darkest of Sides of all that they carefully hide. Okay, now that I got my Darkness out of the way about Two Humans I happen to Loathe the Existence of, on to The Fluff. *Winks and LOL, the Pearl Clutchers can let go of their Strands of Pearls now and quit having the Vapors... Bwahahahaha* Okay, so in these Outrageous and Chaotic, Cruel and Insane Political Times, I don't know how anyone who Acts like they are so Shocked about anything or everything even gets thru their Days anymore? How???????? *Winks and LOL* Anyway... Loved these Mehndi Rocks a Blog and FB Friend Binky Morgan Created for a Festival in her Home Town. She's Madly Creative and Shares a similar Aesthetic that I happen to prefer.
Princess T is Home Sick Today from Work, she had us up at 4:00 a.m. to get a Breathing Treatment and I knew then, yeah, she ain't gonna make it to Work Today. She'll spend all Day in Bed and the Air Quality is crap, a huge Storm seems to be moving in and she has severe Respiratory Issues since Birth. The Man also has advanced COPD so he's likely to be deflated Today too and we got the Medicare Home Nurse coming for her Well Check Visit by about Noon. I'm gonna try to do my 1st Shift after the Stupid Stroke, so, we'll see how I do Tonight at Work? If it is Storming like Hell we probably won't be very busy and for that I'll be Grateful. I wanna take it easy my 1st Day back and see if I can even last for Four Hours? I told Management I wasn't sure and they asked me back earlier than the Day I told them I was willing to come back and try. But Cristy's Hospitalization blindsided them and I must have been far down on that On-Call List for them to even ask me prematurely?
I'll ask The Son and The Daughter to look after Princess T and their Dad Tonight while I'm at Work. I like hunkering down at Home all Warm and Cozy when it's inclement Weather Outside. We don't get much of that in Arizona, normally it's great Weather all the time and we get really spoiled, especially about what WE consider Bad Weather. *Winks* I remember being in Hawaii and wearing a Jacket and the Hawaiian Guide says, "Phoenix! You gotta be from Phoenix, Right?", coz, only folks from Phoenix ever get Cold in Hawaii! He wasn't Wrong. *Bwahahahaha* But, we're tough as Old Boots once it Heats up and the rest of ya'll are dropping like Flies, so, it has it's advantages too. *LOL* They say anything over 104 the Human Body can't handle without Naturally going into Stress Mode, so, we've Adapted real well to Stress Mode apparently. *Winks* Only around Phoenix will you hear a Local say, it's ONLY 104 Today. *Bwahahahaha* But, I also don't hafta Shovel Sunshine.
Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
That photo of the dead guys gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.