So, some Bot found my Blog and left a shitload of Idiot Bot Comments, but the Spam Filter caught it and I just did a mass delete to clean up the messy Bot Trolling Shit. I don't know what Purpose they think they serve since the Comments are always so stupid and obvious Spam. Couldn't Elon's Tech Geek Teen Team be working on something productive like that, eliminating Spam and Computer Viruses for the American People? Just a thought, perhaps they'd even be somewhat qualified enuf to do that? *Eye Roll* None of them, including Elon, is qualified to do Audits and knows nothing of the Governmental Agencies they're recklessly gutting. In their Ignorance, they're doing irreparable damage and harm to Government's ability to function and Serve the People.
Streamlining function and eliminating waste is possible, but not by a Hatchet Job and going haphazardly berserk, breaking everything and leaving nothing but carnage in your Wake. I found it hilarious DOGE tried to say they "discovered" that Dead People had been collecting Social Security... even from BEFORE Social Security's inception in August of 1935!!! Such a blatantly obvious total bullshit fabrication. *LMAOROTF* Of coarse how many MAGA Base will run with it anyway, having no idea Social Security hadn't even been Founded and around that long, so how could anyone, Dead or Alive, have been collecting it since before 1935? Besides, Deaths are Reported to Social Security by Funeral Directors and other Agencies like the VA, CMS, etcetera, even if Family Members or Friends don't. Identify these Decedents allegedly still getting Paid! I'll wait...
And BTW, let's have some transparency about how much Elon and his Tech Geek Teens are getting Paid to do what they're doing? It's been reported to be about Thirty Nine Million in a Month outlaid or earmarked so far. The biggest single item they've allegedly Saved the American Taxpayer is Eight Million, which, BTW they erroneously reported as Eight Billion and got Called Out on the gross exaggeration and had to Come Clean, guess they can't accurately read Numbers either? *Bwahahaha* So if it's costing us about Thirty Nine Million to Save Eight Million and some Change, well, we can see where the Waste and Fraud REALLY is coming from, Grade School Math makes that quite obvious.
And about 40% of the Contracts cancelled by DOGE aren't expected to produce any Savings whatsoever, the Administration's own Data shows. It is said to be like confiscating used Ammunition after it's been shot. How "efficient" IS the Department Of Government Efficiency? Seems, not very already. So, just another Big Grift at Taxpayer Expense being skimmed by the Regime and their Nepotism Bromance Hires. There are no "Savings" to any of us, in fact, it's Costing us more and will continue to do so, since just about all Checks and Balances or Investigations into THEIR Fraud and other Criminal Activities has been eliminated, how handy. We'll be Cleaned Out before they're Done.
This is Presidential Sanctioned Robbery at it's most basic form of Looting the American Taxpayers and Robbing them blind. Is that REALLY what anyone Voted for, actually? Lemme know if IT IS what you Voted for, and just give me all your Money then, if you don't have Need of it and gladly don't Mind being relieved of it. Coz you're getting Hosed. Thank You. *Eye Roll* Every good Con will take everything you have and not Feel any kind of remorse for having done it, and Played you, it's what they do. Smile to your Face and Stab you in the Back... so if you Trust one, expect the inevitable to happen to you. Whatever they're saying that you desperately wanted to Hear and Believe, was part of the Con, if their Lips are moving, they're Lying. Misplaced Trust is a terrible thing to be Wasted, in being Defrauded and Fooled, while taken for a Ride.
I contacted The Niece in Oklahoma about the Arizona Trip with The Grandson and she doesn't know any more particulars than I do. She is visiting The Grandsons next Week, since she'll be close by on a Business Trip anyway, so will stop in and get up to speed on whatever Plan is being hatched? She's still willing to be the U-Haul Driver to Arizona and would take a Bus back to Oklahoma, she Works from Home, so has the latitude to Work from anywhere at her Career. And on the Side she often plays Pro Poker at the Casinos and Arizona has plenty of those nearby, and she has Family and Friends here in Arizona still too to visit. She just can't afford to Live here, too expensive for a Single Woman who prefers to Live Alone.
The Man was being very Dramatic this Morning. He got up way early then made a Production of sighing heavily and coming back to Bed as Princess T and I were getting ready to take her to Work. She goes in at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesdays, but gets off earlier too. Nobody in the Back Production Area works on Sundays or Mondays. But, Monday is Half Price Day and it gets messy, so they need to tidy up for an Hour on Tuesday to get the Sales Floor back in Order. She said her Boss is leaving and they don't know yet whose slated to replace him? She's heard Rumors and hasn't been there long enuf to know if that's a Good thing or not of whose allegedly replacing him? I urged her not to listen to Insider Gossip, Judge for herself. She's Perceptive, don't take anyone else's Word for their Perception, have your own Take on it.
Anyway, The Man being Dramatic usually means he's going to be higher Maintenance than usual in the Caregiving Arena, since, he's Dramatically seeking Attention with the histrionics. *Winks* Mostly I pretend not to hear or notice the Performance, since, if ignored, he'll usually knock it off if I'm not taking the Bait and asking what's Wrong. *LOL* Nothing is Wrong, it's just a bid for Attention. So everyone finds it more Amusing or Annoying than it soliciting any concerns. It fails to incite pity and only serves to arouse irritation usually if he lays it on too thick. I've told him this but he forgets and goes back to exaggerated behavior. He'll drag his foot loudly, he has a legit permanent Limp, but, he'll be louder about dragging it to make more Noise, during a Performance. I'll tell him to put Socks on to muffle the shuffle. *Bwahahaa*
Then he'll resort to Tapping, Sighing loudly, mumbling Oh Jesus Oh God under his Breath, Sniffling or Blowing Air out his Mouth loudly, crumpling shit like his Plastic Tea Bottles or rustling Papers, interrupting whatever you're trying to do by getting in the way or intentionally hindering you... until I finally lose my shit at him when I've just about had Enough. *LOL* The Adult Kids will be more inclined not to Ignore the exaggerated behaviors and just start Laughing now. Which, he knows it's at him, so it only escalates his Moodiness and then he'll get upset and angry. Even tho' he initiated all the Man Drama to begin with and they choose the reaction of finding it humorous, rather than so irritating they engage in getting Negative with him! I prefer to Ignore and if he persists, then just flip out, when I've had Enough of the Man Drama, hey, it Works for me. And it's an immediate Cease and Desist. *Winks*
That's why I know the Cognitive Decline in this President is something his Staff and Handlers all must have to Deal with on a Daily Basis and Cover Up. Only much more is at stake coz he's fucking been installed to Lead in the highest Position in the World!!! I couldn't Imagine giving The Man the task of trying to run anything in this Household, now that his Cognitive Decline is so advanced, shit would get cocked up real fast! And in all Honesty, he's not in as bad a shape Mentally or Cognitively as the completely Unhinged Orange Lunatic from my Observations. How that man is making any important decisions even for himself is a Mystery to me? Covering it Up and Pretending any of it is Normal, has to be a Full Time Job in and of itself, with tons of Creative Spin required, Lord have Mercy!!!
His Tantrums were exposed by his First Administration, where he's thrown Food at the Wall in the White House even, and exhibits Toddler Like Behaviors in Public where we all can See and Hear. Not a Single Inner Circle Person in the whole First Administration Shitshow has kept Quiet now. Tho' they shouldn't be Applauded, they should have Come Clean sooner and were Complicit. He can't even complete a Sentence that makes any Sense at all and is totally untethered to Reality now. His response to being Called Out on a Lie is to just tell the Lie again. The French President was very Kind in that recent fiasco of a Press Conference where our President told a blatant Lie, Macron corrected it gently, then the Orange Liar repeated it yet again! Refusing to acknowledge his fabrication isn't the Truth at all. The Man still can know what's Real most of the time, tho' he gets confused too and makes shit up sometimes that he truly Believes and won't be convinced otherwise, it's common with Dementia and TBI.
He knows better than to throw anything for any reason, or to hurt someone and be allowed to get away with it, even tho' he has an explanation for what's going on with him. Yet he requires Full Time Caregiving and decisions made FOR him!!! We have a President that in all likelihood should have a Caregiver now. He IS a Danger to Others clearly, and at the very least should be examined for the extent of his obvious decline, which seems to worsen Daily. We see it and yet nobody is addressing it and very seldom is even talking about it. As if ignoring it is the answer, which, in the case of running a Country, and Harming People, cannot be just ignored, it won't go away or get better.
I ignore The Man's Behavior becoz it's not harming anyone and he's Safe, Lovingly Cared For, and not making Important Decisions while in that Condition that he cannot Help or always Control on his own. We don't Enable him. I see a Partisan Enabling Team hard at Work to just save their own Skins by latching onto this Pathetic Man. Who somehow has developed a Cult Following of Admirers and Sycophants that pretend the Insanity is somehow a brilliant Strategy and perfectly Sane. Most don't seem to Care if it's Illegal, Cruel, Inhumane, or Immoral, which speaks Volumes about their Character and Moral Compass, or lack thereof. My Opinions about certain folks has definitely Shifted, I Knew them not I guess... who they were at their very Core and kept Secretly hidden for so long... until it was finally Revealed.
And some folks even Sold America Out for Cheap Eggs and Gas, which, they didn't even get! Those kind are Bought Out Cheaply with vague Cheap Promises that there is no Intention on Delivering, but, which to the Uneducated and Ill Informed, sound Good Enough to Sell Out for. You can't Fix Stupid. Remember how many of 'em perished horribly during Pandemic? Natural Selection at Work. Nothing you can do or say about it that would have Helped or Saved them from themselves. I tried, and failed, to reach some of them, knowing what bad decisions were gonna Cost them, and mebbe even those they exposed to their Stupidity, their very Lives. During Pandemic I kept the Covidiots at bay, didn't let them NEAR me. I'm doing the same with the MAGA for similar reasons, the Toxicity of what they Believe is Unhealthy and even Dangerous in some cases.
And they are who they just are I suppose and we live amongst them so have to find a way to coexist as a Nation more Harmoniously, or it will get increasingly messier and more hostile. I don't Wish them Ill Will, tho' their Choices and Karma will be of their own making. A fellow Blogger did bring out an important point of the Christofascists, whose Goal is to incorporate the Religious into the Political and create a Theocracy. They latched onto this Regime becoz they see it as handy to implementing their own Agendas to force their extreme Religious views and brand of what they perceive as Christianity upon everyone involuntarily. As a Christian I am opposed to their Brand of Extremism and pretense of being Christ Like in any way. Religion forced upon anyone involuntarily is NOT Godly, regardless of what brand of it you're following. Being Inhumane, Cruel and Hateful to other Human Beings, is NOT exhibiting anything Godly. Period.
I Binge Watched an entire Short NetFlix Series called "Zero Day" with Robert DeNiro and Angela Bassett, it was very good, Politically intriguing actually. Probably not a coincidence, since DeNiro Directed it too, and he's very Open about his Criticism of this Regime, this President and especially about the January 6th Insurrection. He openly states his Admiration of the Heroism of the Capitol Police and others Serving who were harmed that day Protecting everyone from the Insurrectionists who are all Domestic Terrorists who were led by this President, who is also a Traitor to our Country and has commit Treason and Espionage openly, pandered to and embraced our most dangerous Enemies. The Series is a Thriller about Cybersecurity vulnerability and Political Corruption that can go all the way to the Top in the realm of Domestic Terrorism.
Okay, little Rant for Today is over... let's Move On. *Winks* This Week, on Thursday, I have my Cardiologist Meeting to discuss, Hopefully, the results of all the Testing they did and get some Answers? If they reveal nothing at all, my assumption shall be there is nothing Wrong with my Heart and I needn't continue seeing a Cardiologist who can't Help me with whatever IS Wrong. We still don't know what caused the random Blot Clot that went to my Brain and caused the Stroke? Or that it won't happen again if we can't determine what the Cause is so we can begin some Treatment that would best Work to ensure it doesn't or at the very least lower the Risks. Right now we know nothing at all, no Causes, no Explanations, no Advice about what to do or not do... winging it totally.
So, I'm contemplating what to do for Today now? We got the Spaces at the Antique Mall Tidied and loaded up for the Week with Inventory now, so I don't have to go in again until the End of this Pay Period, which will be Saturday Night. So far I'm doing just Okay this Pay Period, might get another Small Check, it's not looking promising to get a decent Check tho', but, it doesn't look like I won't be getting one if the rest of the Week's Sales stay at least stable? And, it looks like I won't Owe, which, a lot of Vendors are still sweating that yet again, Sales have flatlined or fallen dramatically ever since the Inauguration. People seem Scared and even the MAGAts aren't out there spending, so I suspect they're Scared too, but most won't admit it? It would be admitting they made a huge Mistake electing him. I'd have a bit more respect if they just did acknowledge the obvious, like my Co-Worker Vendor Friend Ken did. It was Humbling to openly admit it, so I was Compassionate about my Response to his Humility. It can be hard to be Wrong, Betrayed and Deceived, I don't Doubt that for a Minute.
Anyway, it's the EOM and I'm broke, so it is limiting what we can actually do that wouldn't cost anything. I could go to the Gym after 9:00 a.m., so am contemplating that, I Need to go and be more consistent about it and habitual about exercising in fact. Might help this general Malaise and Fatigue I've been having hang over me? I'm not driving all the way across the City again to go to The Desert Botanical Gardens, Gas prices are way up again so I don't wanna waste Gas doing that even tho' my Membership gets me in without additional cost. Being turned away this Weekend just pissed me off too. I will ask them when I do go back Why we weren't given notifications so as not to waste our Time and Money showing up only to be turned away, even tho' we're Prepaid Members?
Sometimes they extend Invitations for a Paid Event that doesn't get covered with your Membership. Now I feel as tho' I have to always Open those E-Mails and ensure it also means Restricted access for anyone who declines the Invitation to a Paid Event? Usually Events are Hosted After Hours when the Garden would normally be Closed and remains Open just for that Special Paid Event, this time it was the whole fucking Weekend! Restricting Access for Two full Days to anyone without Tickets to the Sold Out Event. Most Members and Visitors go to the Gardens on a Weekend and during the more temperate Weather Months, so I resent them Closing it off to us for those particular Weekends and without proper Notice. When they had COVID Restrictions I didn't renew Membership for Three Years due to it. Yes, they asked Why since I've been a Member for Decades. Why have a Membership if you get turned away is always my Response.
I feel the same about the Ageism Restrictions at Lifetime Fitness. But my Medicare Advantage Plan, at least for now, is paying my Membership, so it's no additional Premium paid by me out of Pocket to what my Medicare already Costs us. And Yes, we PAY for Medicare just like we PAID into Social Security, so it's not Charity, and now we PAY for TriCare too even tho' The Man's Military Contractual Agreement with the Government, when he first Enlisted, in the 1960's, was that his Medical Coverage and that of his Dependents would be Free for Life as part of his EARNED Benefits. Now he has to Pay and the Government didn't Honor their part of the Contractual Agreement made to the Veterans, tho' they Honored their part of the Agreement and EARNED that Benefit that has been eroded badly or taken away entirely. Not like there's a Do-Over after he Served and Honored his part of the 39 Year Commitment to his Country's Defense.
And most Federal Workers are now finding that out too, all the Honorable Service to Country as Public Servants means absolutely nothing, and they are being royally screwed over now too. Welcome to the Club. Doesn't matter what protective Laws are in place when they're not being abided by, when your Government decides to be Above the Law and ignore Legalities, Laws, and what is Constitutional. After all, the Bought and Paid For Judges of the Supreme Court gave him total Immunity from Prosecution, no matter what Laws he now Breaks and what Crimes he decides to now commit, how handy. Shows that you can literally Buy your way out of anything, in case you were Wondering if you could... yep, you definitely CAN in America... it's ALL Transactional now openly and flagrantly. Not that it wasn't before, but it is worse and more brazen now. No further Need for Illusions that it's not. Everyone has a Price and can be Bought and Sold Out.
I know, sorry, I looped back around to a Rant... ha ha ha ha, how can you NOT these days? I mean, Really? The Fluff exclusive Bloggers must be Bubble Wrapping themselves to insulate them from the Reality swirling around them and Escaping totally down their Rabbit Holes here in The Land. Or perhaps are now full time Living in an Alternate Reality of their own choosing? I tried, I just can't go that deeply down into Denial, Fiction and a Fantasy I've concocted to Spare myself... or to Spare you... Sorry. Plus, I have a Mouth on me and am not inclined to avoiding controversy becoz I'm too scared to speak Truth to Power or just to appease whoever might become confrontational or has such delicate sensibilities almost anything can and will offend them.
Some folks take Offenses as if it's a fucking Gift they gladly and readily Receive, whether it's intended for them or not! Pleeease, wouldya just quit Dramatically clutching the Pearls in mock Horror and knock it off already! *LOL and Huge Eye Roll* If you're that delicate, like a Flower, how did you even Live this long without being crushed and damaged completely? Listen, anytime someone is inclined to histrionics over damned near anything, I have to Call it Out, by calmly and publicly ask them if they're always prone to being this damned Dramatic? Yes, I do it to Amuse myself coz the response is always like watching a Bad Actress or Actor trying to Play a Part and thinking they really Nailed it, but didn't, and the Performance isn't cutting it and they look ridiculous. And Yes, they can Control it once it doesn't Work anymore and illicit their desired Response. *Bwahahahaha*
Anyone truly Hurt and Offended by something, you can tell the difference between them and the fakers who are performative about taking Offenses. I would never intentionally offer an Offense to someone that I know would be Hurtful, if you Get Off doing that, you're a Sick Human. Everyone deserves to be treated with Humanity and some Dignity, if you can't muster that towards other Human Beings, you're very likely the defective Misfit within Society. Some folks can't get along and play well with others... and it usually shows in what they do and say with consistency, it just spills out of them in toxic waves, projecting their dysfunction upon anyone and everything within their reach. I Wish we could all, as Adults, keep a Childlike Joy about us and not lose it. Seeing Childlike Radiance IS a Joy to Behold, isn't it? Beats the Hell out of a Sour, Bitter or Hateful Adult's Countenance, that's for damned sure! Our Family does Intentional Silly things to make each other Laugh out Loud. We enjoy Whimsy and finding the Humor in things, even when it's not Funny Ha-Ha.
I don't know Why it is so difficult for some people to be Kind, Content, Harmonious or Nice? I'm sure there are numerous reasons and explanations for it. As diverse as those who exhibit Negative Traits, Fears, challenging Circumstances, be it Psychological, Social or Environmental, or have low self-esteem they're not Dealing with appropriately? Engaging Positively with others comes easily and Naturally to me, so I guess I cannot relate to someone who finds it to be hard, challenging or impossible. I don't have an adequate Point of Reference to draw upon and to understand them and their Negative Behaviors that come more Naturally to them than Positive ones. It seems it would make their lives harder all around? Some people are Inherently Selfish and lack Empathy and some perceive and Mistake Kindness for a Weakness. That can be at their own peril. *Winks*
Kind people often absorb the struggles of others, so they can carry more than their own Pain and Suffering. Compassion can be a Strength, but you do have to Guard yourself while being Compassionate towards anyone, set some Boundaries for yourself and for them. I know that I have an initial Instinct and Natural Preference to be Kind, Helpful, Respectful and Nice. But I also know I can be very NOT Nice, depending on the Individual I'm Dealing with and how they receive what is extended? Their reaction will elicit my reaction accordingly. I'm always Nice until someone gives me a Reason NOT to be. Then they will be Dealing with Dark Dawn immediately, tho' I usually give Fair Warning that if Dawn Of The Light isn't who they want to Deal with, Fine, I can Switch, on the Turn of a fucking Dime.
No Problem for me, but it will be their Problem now. Dark Dawn is vicious and has no Mercy. I can't say I like that about my Darker Side, but I acknowledge I have it, and it has Served me well with Adversaries... or Potential ones. I will always make it clear to anyone that I really don't Care if they ever Respect me, but they will Learn to Fear me if they are prone to Disrespect and underestimating me as an Adversary. I make a better Friend than an Enemy. I am a tenacious and relentless Adversary, I will become Obsessed and Fixated on taking down whoever comes against me, it can become my Mission Statement to. *Winks* As a Friend I will always have your Back tho', and unless you betray my Trust, I Got you. Broken Trust is rarely Earned back tho' and I prefer even Hard Truths to any Liar. You can't Trust a Liar, ever. If someone shows themselves to be a Liar, I'll never be close to them, they can't be Trusted with anything. If you Trust a Liar or a Thief, you're a Fool IMO.
Well, it hasn't been the most Cheery Post, but, here we are... LOL... Dawn... The Bohemian
Trump's slide into dementia was obvious back when he announced he was running in 2015 but way too many people pretended it wasn't happening. I am not a believer but I kind of hope there is a Hell for Mitch McConnell to rot in. He could have stopped the orange shitweasel by supporting impeachment but he put party above country and now we're all suffering.
ReplyDeleteYes, far too many kept Silent and bent the Knee, and capitulating now isn't something to be applauded, they should have acted righteously and Patriotically instead of selfishly. Pretending now to grow a Backbone and some Balls doesn't impress me, Mitch had nothing to lose now by finally saying anything relevant and Truthful, he's exiting Stage Left so no longer needs to cover his own Ass. There are no more true Conservatives that I see on that side of the Aisle. I'm Non-Partisan so Partisan Politics has always annoyed me and been a hindrance IMO of people just Voting for the best person for the Job. Too many Voters put Party over Country as well, so what we have now is what far too many were willing to support. They will have a Lifetime to regret it, along with the rest of us they put into this Situation who knew it was disastrous to give him another Term.
DeleteI hope you have been feeling well my friend. As always, the companying pictures are always so pretty.
ReplyDeleteAnd I hate to see what unemployment will be like when the four years is up. We had the lowest unemployment in the last four years....something to be proud of, you'd think the gop would have like to continue that, I mean what with them "supposably" wanting to help and keep middle America. Yeah right. And what about the new green card shit? He is going to create a new gold card for wealthy immigrants that want to come here and get through the citizenship process faster. The gold card can be theirs for $5,000,000.00!!!! If I were an immigrant, I wouldn't pay the bastard $100 to live here with the crap there pulling.
I hadn't heard about the Gold Card, but it doesn't Surprise me and why would a Wealthy Foreigner want to come here anyway? They have no reason to want to leave where ever they made all their Money and is their Home? The Man recently got a Letter from MAGA, who knows Why since he's Registered as an Independent, but, it was asking for Donations of $150! I wonder how many Rubes respond and sent it in just coz they think they got a letter directly from the Orange Grifter? The fact they're desperate to Grift Small Donors is interesting tho'. I think they are blowing thru Money so fast that they can't sustain the rate of mismanagement of it. I've off and on again felt okay and not okay, it's gonna be a long Recovery it seems and I still have no answers about what caused the Blood Clot that caused the Stroke. I get the results of all my Tests this Thursday, so we'll see if it revealed anything at all?
DeleteSometimes we all just need a good RANT! I hope you get some answers from your cardiologist this week. I love seeing taxidermy animals wearing beautiful costume jewelry (like that rabbit), I don't know why -- probably because it's so whimsical!
ReplyDeleteI like my Taxidermy to look Whimsical and make Visitors Smile the first time they see it. A lot of folks don't like Taxidermy and they have their reasons, I don't Judge, but, all of mine is very Old Taxidermy that has seen better days. Some of it is over a Century Old and to me, that Animal has been Immortalized and we can View it still Today becoz it was Preserved after Death. Dressing it up so that it doesn't look so tattered and forlorn, now that it's been around such a long time and usually was no longer wanting to be kept, except by a Weirdo like me that liked it looking decrepit and in a state of benign neglect, just makes me Happy when people are appreciating it as Quirky Decor that is just Fun. My Brother-In-Law, the Taxidermist, doesn't like that all my Boy Mounts are sometimes Androgynous now or have Girly Decorations on them... whatever... He'll remind me... you know that's a Male, Right? And I'm like, mebbe it is... or... not anymore... it transitioned. *Winks and LMAO*