Okay, so, where to start, but I shall try. The whole situation with the Surgery, the Cancellation, Re-Scheduling, and 2nd Cancellation was Weird enuf, but, it just got Weirder. Okay, so a few Days before the Surgery Date I got an Approval Letter from an Insurance Company I didn't have Membership with, about that Surgery, but all the info was Correct on said Letter, so I just kept the Letter in my Files. Turns out that Insurance is Associated with my United Healthcare Medicare Advantage Plan, so that Mystery got Solved and was okay. I Planned to call them and just confirm the Surgery had been Cancelled again so they're not paying for something that wasn't done.

But then, Today, the Day AFTER my Surgery was Cancelled, I receive another Letter from the same Insurance Company. This time it Approved a Surgery for the "Replacement of my Pacemaker" and had a Doctor that Ordered it and allegedly was the Cardiologist doing said Surgery, that isn't even my Doctor and I've never heard of or seen him! For a Surgery I'm not having, becoz I don't even have a Pacemaker!!! So, I call them again to explain that this isn't something Scheduled for me or Ordered for me by any of MY Doctors. I don't even have a Pacemaker to replace, and I'm not this Doctor's Cardiac Patient, I don't know Who he is? I gave them my correct info and the 1st Letter's Approval for a Real Surgery, now Cancelled too. I told them I wasn't sure if this was just an Administrative Error or Insurance Fraud, but they should definitely Investigate it.

They had copied my Primary Physician with both Letters, which will confuse her too, she knows who my Docs are and what's going on. The Insurance took all the info and said they'd handle it from here and Thanked me for Reporting it to them so they'll put a Hold on the Claim while Investigating this. How this random Doctor got all of my Information is very Weird and even more unsettling. Nobody legit ordered this Surgery, since you can't replace something a Patient doesn't even have!!! And since we already know this Administration has hacked into and accessed a lot of privileged information and probably Sold it to God knows Who or for What and Why, it's very alarming. No telling how much will be compromised Financially and Medically, or any other kind of way, for ALL Americans now?!

Then I had to go to the Post Office to Buy Stamps and there was only One Guy working there!!! It was super busy and he said he's the only one left! I guess everyone else has been Let Go, in this big Federal Employee Cut Cluster Fuck the Administration is doing, to Fire everyone at all levels and every Federal Agency they're either trying to eliminate or cut to the Bone! They are rendering them all barely functional and able to remain Open to provide Services at all Federal levels!!! I felt so Sorry for that poor Employee, he said there's no way One Person can do it all... and what if he calls in Sick or needs Time Off? I bought twice as many Stamps as I Needed, just in case. I got this Year's and last Year's Lunar New Year Stamps, very pretty.
With it being The Man's Birthday his Older Brother called him, he never Forgets, out of all the Siblings. He told The Man that their Youngest Brother can no longer Walk, his Knees are shot from Work related damage!!! We had no idea since contact with the Youngest Brother is very sparse, nobody hears from him much at all. He's become very reclusive after he and his Wife have Retired. He's Younger than I am so he's only been Retired quite recently and probably had to take an Early Medical Retirement given his condition? His Wife was also forced into Early Retirement when the IRS Laid Off a bunch of long time Employees. She's worked for the Main IRS Office in Ogden since she was a Teenager.
And in our State all District Attorney's hired during Biden's Era have been Fired. Plus Arizona was One of Seven States Suing DOGE and trying to stop them Firing Federal Employees and accessing Privileged Information in Seven Federal Agencies without Congressional Approval. The Judge Ruled in Favor of DOGE tho', citing more information needed and Stay Tuned! The Court System is moving too much at a Snail's Pace and ineffectively to keep Pace with how rapidly Illegalities are happening and Flooding the Zone and the Court Systems by doing things totally Unconstitutional. And, let's face it, even once a Ruling is made, will this Regime even comply... I think not, they already haven't.
And, on the Climate Change Front, we're already scheduled to have 90 Degree Weather this Week and the earliest it's ever been that Hot this soon was Late March {28th} or very Early April!!! I've been wanting to go to The Desert Botanical Gardens to get some Walking in, I better do it pretty soon then before it is already too Hot to do comfortably! Other than all that, everything is Swell. *Bwahahahaha* I Binge Watched some more of "Lost" in case The Son isn't able to renew our Subscription to NetFlix when it Expires in 3 Days now. He's going to try to with his next Paycheck, I know I can't afford to.

Finally tho', our Social Security Checks did hit our Accounts! *Whew* How Sad that now we have to Wonder if they even will, due to the Grifting Thieving Governmental Regime's Fuckery!!! Now I can finish paying our Bills on Time and only one of them might be slightly past the Due Date when it arrives. *Whew and huge Sigh of Relief!* They've been pressed during Interviews lately about whether they're messing with Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, since now DOGE gained Access to Social Security and the IRS!!! The Treasury was bad enuf, I'm even as concerned about them getting into Social Security and the IRS with no proper Security Clearance, Legal reason to, and zero Transparency to Congress or the American People!!! What they might recklessly Gut or Steal there, like they already have of the Federal Government they already messed with too, is deeply troubling.

And I can see why some of the Base is still thinking it's all a Good Thing when any of it is Questioned by Media, even the more reliable Media, which, the Rabid Base probably aren't watching. Coz when they Interview any of his Spin Doctors, they have a knack of making it all seem quite Honorable and Patriotic, to the Ears of the Uneducated and Poorly Informed. Until it hits those folks really hard, and it already is in some Demographics, they will be blindsided by the Long Con they got Played by and so firmly Believed was bettering the Country. Well, in the ways they thought at least it would better THEM, even if they knew full well it would harm the "Others". We're so divided now Nationally that a lot of Americans are viewing fellow Americans as "Others", and not fellow Countrymen deserving of all that America has to offer or that they have or want for themselves.
If someone else is enjoying The American Dream I don't feel Threatened by that whatsoever. It would be my Hope that every person in my Country be able to attain it and have Quality of Life and keep pursuing whatever their Dream looks like. I have a Global View that if other Countries can and do prosper, the World is a better place for all Sentient Beings. But, some face bigger challenges than others and being Charitable to the less fortunate anywhere I've never seen as anything but a Good Thing. I've Sponsored a 3rd World Child {well several over the many Years} thru CCF since I was only 13 Years Old. At that time I worked Babysitting and for an Irish Gypsy in a Flea Market in Europe, so that's how I funded being a Child's Sponsor. If I could do it at that Age, and even when my own Life got challenging and tough, anyone could if they felt strongly enough about helping the less fortunate.
I remember one of the Girls I Sponsored in the Philippines, when my Son was an Infant, had a Baby Brother the same Age as The Son. Well, her Baby Brother Died in Infancy! And tho' she wasn't any Older than The Daughter at the time, she handled a Siblings Death as an everyday occurrence in her 'World', as what just often happens. I remember talking to my Dad about it, since I was so distraught that her Little Brother had Died in spite of Sponsoring an Older Child in the Family. That's when my Dad opened up and told me about one of his own Siblings Dying in Childhood, his Brother. And I didn't even know at the time, until recently, that he'd also had another Brother Die in Infancy! I knew he had a 3rd Brother who at Age 9 just never returned from the Indian Schools! In Indigenous Populations that too was not 'unusual' to happen even here in America, they didn't even expect all their Children to Live to Adulthood!
I also found out Years later that some of my own Cousins on the Rez have been Sponsored by the same Organization that I Sponsor a Child with. They do Work on the Reservations and the Poorest Communities of the Rural South and Appalachia too. So, Child Fund International, formerly known as Christian Children's Fund, does Sponsor needy American Children as well as needy Children Globally in more than 20 Countries. They tailor their Program for each Country's Culture and Context, and No, the Child's Religion or lack thereof is not a factor to being Sponsored, tho' many Faith Based Organizations Partner with the Program to distribute the aide provided. In the Philippines, where my Sponsored Children have always been from, Catholic Nuns often are Partners of CCF there in those remote Rural Villages. You correspond with your Child, and an Interpreter interprets Letters if English isn't a 2nd or 1st Language, and you receive a Photo every Year.
One of my Sponsored Children grew up and became a Nurse, another one became a Teacher when she grew up, one had to drop out of the Program by her earlier Teens when her only Parent Died, and she moved to the City to find Work and they lost track of her. The Child I now Sponsor is Graduating from School this Year and I'm excited to find out what she will pursue as an Adult now? So, there are success Stories and some Sad Stories that Sponsorship helps, but, can't always fix. Not everyone receiving even the best Program's Aid has a Happy Ending, Life for us all can be complicated. But I know it does Help and it does give more Opportunity and Options when you've got a Sponsor who Cares about you enough to stick with you like part of an extended 'Family'. I was able to find One of the Adult Sponsored Children I had on The Book of Faces and she is Married now with Two Beautiful Children and doing Well. The Cycle of Poverty or Need can end with Opportunity and attaining of Dreams.
The Son sent me the Above Meme Yesterday to make me Laugh, it's SO him to do something like that Meme says!!! So, the whole Family had to Laugh heartily about it, coz he actually DOES THAT!!! *Bwahahaha*
We don't have to be able to do Great Things, just be willing to do Small Things with Great Love... Dawn... The Bohemian
I cannot even imagine how bad my local post office will get if they have more layoffs. But Trump has been itching to kill and bury the PO since his first administration. He sees dollar signs in his future if he can close it down and replace it with private sector companies, who of course will have to put him on their boards and pay him for eternity. But at least I understand now why some of my monthly bills haven't arrived. Sigh. I dread what is coming.
I too have had huge delays in my Monthly Bills being received on time and my Payments arriving on time, so I knew the Post Office structurally was in trouble. I remember him trying to gut it the 1st time he was in power and now he's definitely trying to Privatize everything for the Long Con and Big Grift, you're spot on to why and how it will play out. He's toying with sending our worst Criminals, or at least all the ones of Color, to Dictatorship Countries who we'll pay {Taxpayers} to House them, of coarse many won't Survive and those that might will never be heard from again either, so their Families won't know what happened to them or how they're being treated. The Daughter has been in Mexican Prisons, she said they don't even feed Inmates, you have to be able to have people on the outside bring what you'll need to Survive!!! And even Privatizing American Prisons and Detention Centers is a big Profit Machine where they'd be locking people up and detaining people indiscriminately to make more Money off of it. Things are gonna spiral faster and faster until Americans realize the level of Fuckery they now cannot run enuf damage control behind and destroy Life as we all once knew it. Too many Americans were Played and they mostly still don't want to acknowledge they were such easy Marks for a Consummate Con Game run on them.
DeleteI try to verify before I post. Last night I did read that the post office had laid off a number of employees, that Dejoy - the idiot head of the post office has said he plans to resign and that they have told post offices that rent space not to renew leases. I just checked and it seems the Dejoy part is true. All we need is post offices to close . . . It just makes my head hurt.
ReplyDeleteStill working on my medical bills that my stinking hospital is sending to my supplemental instead of Medicare. It has been 24 hours since they told me they would call me right back so I guess it's time to put my big girl pants on again.
I had wondered why Mail was so delayed since the transfer of power happened, both in receiving mail and mail being received by our Creditors. It's cost us in late payments for bills paid the same day we got them but didn't arrive until after the due date just going to the East Coast from the West Coast! When you put them Big Gurl Panties on you give 'em Hell! *Winks* We shouldn't have to be fighting these battles about every damned thing, but, here we now are.
DeleteOh that is weird. They approved a pacemaker replacement and you don't even have one?
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to your husband, mine was on the 17th.
I'm on Social Security too so all of this is very troubling to me.
Happy Birthday to you too my Friend, hope it was a good and memorable one in all the best of ways. Yeah, it was all very Weird and I do hope they Investigate Why since this is what causes a lot of Insurance problems, they get ripped off and then they cut costs by denying Claims or Questioning legitimate Claims... it's all such a mess and not being regulated now at all.
DeleteLast night I downloaded a copy of my Social Security statement from the website for reference in case anything doesn't look right down the line.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm getting my Checks posted way late for the past Two Months since this new Regime took over... and certainly the Mail is much later... tho' all our Checks are Auto Deposit so there should be no long delays like there has been to receiving our Money and it is difficult when it doesn't show up on time. You don't know if it's gonna show up at all and I've had some Payments I had to delay making when the Money just isn't there to cover them. I explained why to the Creditors early, I used to run Collections at Major Financial Institutions and so long as you keep Communication Open and Proactive, they often will work with you if they can have the latitude to. I suspect if all Social Security Recipients and Federal Workers don't get Paid, that will crash the Economy alone coz that's a LOT of us that will then have no means of Support if we aren't getting our Salaries or Pensions earned. I fear we could be heading for a Great Depression like the 1930's, and that's scary to contemplate, it was a Dark Time in American History and shouldn't be repeat just due to shitty Leadership rather than Natural Events the Dust Bowl Created that weren't preventable or anyone's 'fault'.
DeleteSo many scary things going on right now. I'd hate having a surgery canceled on top of it all and under such weird circumstances that is either fraud or incompetence, neither of which are in your control to fix.
ReplyDeleteIt is a lot to unpack and process Jean, but, I am glad the Surgery didn't happen, I don't also need to be spending a long time recovering or having something IN me that could cause more Health complications, since there was risk factors associated with the procedure. That seemed to be Dr. Kim's main concern, an Elective with Risks is just often not worth having or doing if the Patient is looking better without having had it done. And the scary things are continuing unabated without any checks and balances... my newest Post goes into even more details about stuff not within our control that has touched us, and I'm fearing many Americans are in the same situation. Becoz the Rule of Law is now compromised, Companies realize they too can get away with more and have no real consequences coz our Court Systems and Legal Systems are being gutted so the Criminals are in Charge now, all the way to the White House. Corruption will explode since the opportunity is ripe for it to when this Regime has pretty much sided with anything Illegal and to exploit the People and rip us all off. This doesn't portend well for any of us and I have major concerns mounting daily, just from what I already know. I still don't watch much News coz I cannot absorb too much of this and risk Stroking Out again. *LOL*