Friday, February 28, 2025

I'm Probably Just Fine... And, An Incorrigible Senior

So my Cardiologist Follow-Up went well, they could find nothing at all Wrong with my Heart.  All my Tests came back Fine, no Issues were revealed.  He'll see me in 6 Months and suggested my Primary change my Diabetic Weekly Injection from Trulicity to Ozempic to aide in my Weight Loss Journey, since, it's also a good Diabetic Medicine.  I agree, I need to lose Weight and if I get back down to about 157-160 the Diabetes actually goes away.  I'm still around 200, sometimes a little under, sometimes a little over, but have stalled at that Weight Plateau no matter what I do or eat.  

Which is frustrating, but has been that way since a Hysterectomy I had when I was in my 50's.   Up until the Hysterectomy my top Weight as a Senior was about 138, and when I was a Teen thru my 30's, my top Weight was around 98-110.   I only Weighed 128 when I Delivered my Son, who was almost an 11 Lb. Baby at Birth, I never had small Babies, my smallest was over 8 Lbs., even tho' I was a small Woman!   So, I could never say I gained Weight from having Children, I didn't.  But, the Hysterectomy changed my Metabolism significantly, to where I gained 60+ Lbs. right away after having had one. 

  My Mom and my Maternal Nanna had the exact same problem after Hysterectomies, gaining about 60 Lbs. too and then having trouble losing Weight.  They were small Lightweight Women until they had one.   I don't regret having had one tho', since I had pre-cancerous risks and wasn't breeding anymore anyway, being over 50, so didn't Need the Plumbing anymore.  *Winks*  Risking being Fatter but not having Cancer seemed like a better option than remaining Skinny and risking getting it.  All the Women on my Paternal side of the Family remained tiny Sprites their entire lives.

All the Men on Dad's side were very Tall and very Thin their whole lives too.  I think my Dad Weighed within 5 Lbs. of what he always had been his entire Life.  He'd kept a Military Uniform from when he was a Teenager first joining the Military and he could always still fit into it, clear up until his 70's.  And he was a Master Chef, so was always in the Kitchen, but, just never gained Weight.   The Daughter is like my Dad's side of the Family, very small, even tho' she's had Five Kids, she has the Hips of a 14 Year Old Boy and no Ass.  *LOL*  Princess T is also built like that, tiny.  You don't see many American Young People tiny anymore, they seem to keep growing larger!!!   America has some Corn Fed looking Obese Children, it's Sad to me, Health risks for being too overweight are staggering, so, it's a bad start for those Kiddos.

Anyway, so, that was a good report and I like Dr. Kim a lot, I'm glad I was put under his Care after my Stroke.   He's a Handsome Older Korean Man, very fit himself, and is also a Military Veteran.  He's a Doc who won't do anything that isn't necessary, even if your Insurances would Approve it, and I like that about him too.   He feels a lot of unnecessary Procedures are often done and all Procedures involve some degree of Risk.  So, if it's necessary, he'll do it, but if it's not, he'd rather not, I'm in Agreement about that too.   So, he and I are on the same Page.  He also doesn't rush you in and out of his Office, he met with me for about an Hour talking about all of the results and the Plan to move forward responsibly.

He said my Blood Pressure is Excellent for someone my Age, as was all my Stress Test and Vein Scan Results.  So, he was pleased that I didn't have the usual problems many Seniors of my Age Group tend to have.  The Diabetes is clearly due to my excess Weight and we both know that, so discussed Weight Loss Options as well that could be Helpful in my Endeavor to be serious about losing Weight and getting to Goal, and more importantly, Maintaining that Weight.  I've been able to lose the 40-60 Lbs. I need to before, and keep it off for only about a Year before it crept back on, regardless of Maintenance Plans that should have worked and just didn't.  I have Insulin Resistant Belly Fat, which is a dangerous type of Fat.

There was another Workshop the Priest is putting on who makes these Retablos Altars.  Last time I Signed Up for the Workshop I had to Cancel coz The Man got Hospitalized and I had to focus on all that.  I'd like to have been able to take it this time, but the Date it was held wasn't one I had Open to take a Class and it wasn't on my side of the Valley either, so, a very long commute... Le Sigh.  I've been itching to take some Classes for Artistic Pursuits, especially something like this that I do Display in our Home.  I've Collected Retablos and Mini Altars for most of my Adult Life and Cherish the ones I have in my Collection.   Anyway, I had some Pixs of Altars the Priest made and has Shown when he does Events, I've got a Collection of those he's made.  He's never made any that I didn't Like.  And it makes for Cheerful Blog Fodder Imagery for a Post.

So difficult to find Cheerfulness these Days and things to just Uplift us and make us Joyful and break out in Smiles just because.  I often get Private Messages from Blog Friends who aren't as inclined to Comment Publicly and it's always a Joy to hear from any of you, whether Publicly or Privately.  Don't ever think it's an imposition, it's like receiving Mail, Letters, remember those?  *LOL*  I miss Letters, receiving them and writing them.  I used to look forward to the Mail each day when we all used to Write to one another regularly in the Old Days of Yore.  *Winks*  I don't think my Adult Grandkids have ever received an actual Letter now in their Lifetimes, nobody does it anymore.  Card exchanges too, a thing of the distant Past now, I miss all that, I really do.  I think the Practice should be Resurrected and dusted off.  *Winks*

Now, granted, I am terrible about E-Mails... I wait until 100's of them stack up before I even look thru what has accumulated.  And, most are Junk I don't even look at and just delete, but, I do read any that aren't just annoying garbage I don't need to spend Time bothering with.  I just waded thru what had stacked up Today and apologized to those who'd sent me Private E-Mail correspondence and I hadn't answered right away, sorry!!!   I'm better at The Book Of Faces Messenger responses coz my Book of Faces Account is Closed and only Open to Invited Guests and Friends who I want to interact with, not Deal with FB Drama or Headaches.  Of which, I ain't gonna Lie, I see a LOT of on folk's Feeds and I personally wouldn't tolerate that level of Drama or Headaches... Oy!  *LOL*  I'm a Drama Free Mama, Life is Good that way.  *Winks*

It isn't so much that I avoid Confrontation completely, there is Good Trouble I will get into.  *Winks*  But, I do find that with far too many folks, the Confrontations they initiate or enter into are totally unnecessary.   If what I'm about to say isn't an improvement over Silence, I'm just more likely not to say it.  It's never my Intention to be Hurtful or Mean Spirited, that's also not necessary.  Kindness, Respect, Compassion and Consideration are not hard, well, for most of us it isn't anyway.  So it's just easier to project that Positivity outwards than to be Negative and Unlovely or Unpleasant to other Human Beings, or even towards an Animal.   I think we all could work at becoming better versions of ourselves and I'm not beyond Self-Work towards that endeavor.  I'm still very much a Work In Progress... the Lord ain't Done with me yet.  *Winks*

The other Day The Son told me I wasn't being Nice to his Sister and had hurt her Feelings, so I apologized to her.  I can be difficult, which is Why they say if I do get Dementia, some of the Negative Symptoms won't be noticeable.  *Winks*   She's been doing most of the Cooking for us, which I do appreciate more than I can say.  But, I'd bought a Trio of those Pre-Seasoned/Marinated Taco Meats in Individual Packaging for Three different Meals, one was Beef, one Chicken, one Pork.  It was meant to be for Three separate Meals and she cooked IT ALL at once, Three Days worth!!!  *Gasp!*  We had Food for Days cooked up!  Along with a whole Package of Tortillas too, instead of just enough to make everyone as many Tacos as they wanted to Eat for that Meal!!!  Which was too much Food, this Family is terrible about eating Leftovers, so I knew it would likely go to waste and good Food would thus be thrown out uneaten!  *The Horror!*  So, I was upset, coz, The Dreaded Budget is stretched Tight and Thin to Feed Three Generations.  And, I abhor Wastefulness.

She hadn't meant to upset me, and said she understood why I was upset, we both apologized to each other, that's how I prefer to resolve Issues that come up.   It happens.   And I did feel Guilty once The Son had told me, Mom, you're being really Mean about this, you shouldn't have said anything to her, she's trying real hard and you came on real strong.   I know she is, and I was not approaching the Issue in the best way I could have.  As it turns out, it all tasted so good it did all get eaten, all 3 Days worth in a Day, so, at least no Waste.  But, still, didn't then make 3 Meals to feed these ravenous Offspring for Days either!  *Bwahahaha*   Above is one of my Welsh Cousin's Daughters, she looks so much like I did at her Age, except she's got the Maternal Family's typical Blue Black Hair.  Dad's Family also had Blue Black Hair, I'm the Family Anomaly with Light Hair... a Recessive Gene from a Great-Great Maternal Grandparent who was the only Family Redhead I'm told.  Which in some Ethnic Cultures is an Albino-ism Trait. 

 Everyone had 2nds, then 3rds, descending upon it like Vultures, and then, we had Company show up too, and they ate as well, since, well, she'd Cooked it, hadn't she?  And had them washing my Car and doing Yardwork, so it was the least I could do, is FEED them!  *LMAOROTF*  Se la vie.   We usually, on any given Day, have Spare Adult Kids of both Generations behind ours, showing up here at the House.   And, they are always Helpful, so, I don't mind Feeding and Watering them if we're already making a Meal.   Cheaper than Hiring Young People.  Just like Blogging is Cheaper than Therapy!!!  *Bwahahaha*  I know, I'm an Incorrigible Senior.   I'd almost used the Wrong Word and put Encourageable, and thought, No, that's not the Right one... *Winks and Bwahahahaha*

And, to top off my going off the Deep End a bit when I entered the Kitchen and saw she'd cooked every bit of Meat I'd bought to last the rest of the Week and all those Tortillas, she'd also dropped a large Bottle of Olive Oil, smashing it to smitherines!!!   So, Princess T was in there trying to help her get all the Glass up off the Floor before anyone came in with Bare or Socky Feet and cut themselves or slipped in the Oil!  And I didn't know if it had been a full Bottle, part of a Bottle, or an Empty Bottle of expensive Olive Oil!?   I mean that shit in the larger sizes now is about Thirty Bucks a Bottle!!!  *Double Gasp*  Turns out, Thankfully, she'd just used all the Oil that had been in it and the slippery Bottle had slipped out of her grasp and shattered!  *Whew*  All the Full Bottles of Olive Oil were Mercifully still intact or I'd have melted down for sure!  Breathe Dawn, Breathe!!!  *Double Whew and LOL*

We go thru a lot of things like Extra Virgin Olive Oil, however much it costs, but I won't use Cheap or Unhealthier Oils, Hate the taste of them.   I use Butter rather than Margarine too, tho', some Plant Based "Butters" are not bad tasting and the Family can't tell the difference, so I have tricked them with Vegan Butters before.  *Winks and Shush!!!  Our Secret*   I will pay Extra for things such as Pasture Raised Hen's Eggs, coz I think every fucking Chicken deserves at least 8 Feet of Space and a more Natural Diet that Chickens would choose to eat given an option.  I've Blogged about it before, but Free Range doesn't necessarily mean a good Life for a Factory Farm Chicken.  That Standard means they only have to provide 2 Square Feet USDA Legally per Hen and may only have Outdoor Access thru a Pop Hole they can poke only their Head thru. 

There are currently only Four Egg Companies that the HFAC recognizes: Happy Eggs are 100% Free Range, Vital Farms, White Oak Pastures and Ayreshire Farms are on the Program as Pasture Raised.  I Buy from those Companies the Humane Farm Animal Care Certifies, and Yes, I'll pay more for proper Ethics in Raising Livestock of any kind.   If any Sentient Being has to suffer for me to get something Cheap, I'm not a Player and I don't want to be complicit by knowingly Supporting that either.   And, you do get what you Pay for... if you've not tried any of those Company's Eggs and find them not to be Superior, I'll be quite Surprised.  Of coarse I also get Small Mini Farm Eggs from my Neighbors too who have Chickens that Roam their whole Acreages.  Those have usually been Laid the Day you get them.  And we eat a LOT of Eggs.  We really don't eat a lot of Chicken tho'.  Above is my Aunty Mo and Uncle Al, I miss them so much... all of their Generation of Family is Gone now.  Finding the Old Pixs is making me very Emotional lately.

And also very Nostalgic and Sentimental as well.   Dredging up Old Memories is sometimes bittersweet, isn't it?   Yes, there's lotsa great New Memories being made all the time, but, we Miss those no longer with us, it leaves an unfillable Void when they're Gone.   I'm at that Season of Life now where more are Gone than remain, even of my Generation.   You don't wanna be one of the First, but you also don't wanna be The Last.   My Dad was the Last of his Siblings, of 11, and it was very hard for him to be The Last, at Age 74 he was also the Oldest to Cross Over of his entire Generation.   My Mom's Older Brother was The Last on her side of their Generation, Crossing Over at Age 90.  Some of my Welsh Relatives of my Grandparent's Generation did live to be 99.  But on the Native American Paternal side, most of the Adults only lived to be in their 40's or early 50's.  And more than a few never lived to Adulthood.  I feel fortunate to have attained Old Age, a Privilege not afforded to many.

It's lovely Today, but except for my Doc Appointment and stopping in at the Antique Mall to tidy up the Showroom, I haven't been out and about at all.   The Showroom was in pretty good order this time, but had some more Petty Theft of Shopkins.  It looked like a Child did it this time, dug a little Hole in the Bag and took out a couple of them and left the rest.  I had some spares so just re-bagged the amount it should have in it for the Three Bucks we charge per Bag of them.  Sales have gone Soft for the end of this Pay Period and there's 3 more Days of it to Hope it finishes Stronger?   All Body Parts crossed that it does?   I'm at about a break even or owe just a tiny amount right now, but I'd rather get a Check, of coarse.  *Le Sigh*  Like I said, since the dreadful Inauguration Sales have absolutely Flatlined just about everywhere.  It doesn't portend well... but, we just persevere, Keep Calm and Carry On.  Today is the Economic Blackout Friday tho', so, participate, I am.

We had The Man go thru more of his Book Stash and he did really well in Purging.   Now he has the Books he's most apt to need or read.  Well, in Theory anyway.  *Winks*   He'll go thru a Phase of Fixation on certain Topics and then completely lose Interest.   So, he'd moved past most of the Book Topics he'd Hoarded Up and now has zero Interest in anymore.  But, I won't Judge, I have more Cookbooks than Barnes and Noble, which is just Crazy since I don't even Cook!!!   But I LOVE to look at the Photos of the gorgeous Foods in those Recipes, so the Books are Visually Stunning Cookbooks.  *LOL*  My Granddaughter is convinced she'll never get to partake of any of those Recipes unless she Marries a Chef?  *LMAOROTF*  She could be Right...  *Winks*

And my other Infatuation is with Decor Books, mostly all Hard Cover, Visually loaded with Inspirational Pixs of Homes Decorated the way I like, in an Aesthetic I appreciate most.   Over the Years I go thru them and Purge any that I've moved past that type of Decoration or Style... but my Favs tend to abide.   One of my Fav Interior Decorators is the Great Carol Hicks-Bolton of Texas, her Aesthetic is the closest to my own Quirky Aesthetic I've ever seen.   It wouldn't be for everyone.  But, my Style and Aesthetic definitely ISN'T for everyone.  I wasn't even ever sure it was for anyone other than me?  *Bwahahaha*  And I don't mind that at all, I Like what I just Like and do my own Thing. 

I have Lusted after this Barn Redo that Carol did Decades ago, up thru and until this Day.   I could happily Move In and be Content surrounded by this Decor and Aesthetic, it's never wavered, I Love it now as much as I did when I first saw it.   She Decorated this Beautiful Old Barn for her Godchild to live in for a while, what a Lucky Gal!   I could live in a converted Old Barn, or a Ruin, happily.  My Family probably could not Channel a Miss Havisham or Morticia Addams, so I've Spared them going Full On ME in our Home Environment, but, they know how I am and what I'd do if I lived Alone.  *Smiles and Winks*  It would be a Freefall down a completely Bizarre Rabbit Hole the likes Alice In Wonderland couldn't have Imagined.  *Ha ha ha*   I am a real Weirdo like that about my surroundings, benign neglect I think is Beautiful and Imperfections strongly Appeal to me more than Perfection and anything contrived ever could.

It's Why I Love my RV Garage Mahal coz I can do ME in there and it doesn't bother anyone how outrageous I might go with it.  When it's Done I will likely spend more Time in there than in the Main House actually.   And Why I will also Curate the Contents even after it's Done so that only the most Beloved of Objects remains after a while.  Everything else will be subject to be put up For Sale.  And even most things that aren't For Sale, can be Bought.  *Winks*  Most of my Industry Friends always want to Buy from me, it's just a matter of reaching an Agreement that is mutually agreed upon for me to decide to Let Go of something.   I've Sold things I didn't Intend to, but, if an Offer is made that I couldn't refuse, well, SOLD!!!   *Ha ha ha*   You gotta Show me you Love it and Want it more than me, that's all.

While The Daughter and Mando were washing my Truck for me they were Laughing about all the Stash of what The Man Collects while we're out doing Environmental Cleanup.   Mom, he Collects everything, doesn't he?   Yes, Yes he does, just put it in one of the Buckets, he probably has already forgotten most of it and I'll throw it out for you later on.  He had shit like a broken rubber Fishing Lure half a Worm!   And half of a plastic Alphabet Letter that had broken.  *Bwahahaha*  When she got inside to work on cleaning around his Media Chair "Fort" in our Bedroom, she was in hysterical Laughter about what she discovered around THAT!  Then I'd deadpan about it and she's almost pee herself Laughing, and say, STOP Mom!!!   *Bwahahahaha*  Okay, so it is Funny and I could Laugh 'til I Cry and my Sides hurt too sometimes.  *Winks*

She pulled out a set of Binoculars and asked me Why he had those there by his Chair?  I deadpanned, so he can See me better {my Desk here at the Computer is about 6 Feet away}.   *Bwahahaha*   And then she found his Flashlight Stash and daren't ask Why he had so many of THOSE... guesstimate, about a Dozen of various sizes?!  So, I just deadpanned, the better to See me here, in the Dark, while doing Recon.  *Bwahahahaha*   She was rolling with Laughter by then, Tears streaming down her Face and shushing me, lest he Hear us... he didn't even know she was working on his "Fort".   How do you think he's gonna take it?   HARD, I deadpanned, you've captured his Fort!  *LMAOROTF*

Yes, he did take it Hard, you can actually see the Chair now the "Wall" of Books, Clothing and Tiny Hoards around it are Gone and what's left is meticulously Organized.  But, I can't FIND anything now he wailed!!!  *Winks and LOL*  He was dismayed and I deadpanned, I know Honey, you almost had Construction complete, but, she's trying to do a nice thing for you, so you can get Out and not be Trapped in there!  Plus, what WERE you actually Finding in all of that?  Some of it had Dust Bunnies the size of Kittens!!!   *LOL and Snort*   Actually he did Purge most of it she had him look thru that she wanted him to make his own decisions about Keeping or Discarding.   The Books he decided to Keep are now in the Sliding Barn Door Bookcase slash Fireplace our Big Screen TV is on, which she also cleared of my Clutter on the top of that Cabinet.

She just put my Clutter in a Vintage Train Case for me to sort thru later, since, most of it was Vintage and Betsey Johnson Jewelry.   She actually wanted some of that to wear so I told her to take what she'd like to use as her 'Bonus' for doing all that Work for us in here.   I'd been meaning to for some time, but had gotten overwhelmed and too distractable while tackling some of it.   She plows thru any of it like a Steamroller and like her Daughter, can Organize the Hell out of any Chaos in short shrift and get it Done in Record Time.   In fact, a Local Blog Friend is Hiring her this Weekend to do the same at her House and I know she'll be Pleased with the results.  Plus, along with helping the Friend out, she knows it will Help The Daughter out... so a Win-Win for both our Families.

The Daughter is like the Tasmanian Devil when she Cleans and Organizes, a whirlwind blur and she's Done in a Flash!!!   I stand in Awe and Bow Down to anyone who can Clean and Organize like that, coz it would take me Days to Weeks, mebbe even YEARS, to do what she can accomplish in a couple Hours!!!   Princess T is the same way, she can completely Redecorate her entire Room in a matter of Hours or less, moving Furniture or even building it or taking it apart and down!!!  One time she took down and put her entire Bedframe, Headboard and Footboard apart and into her Closet!   And you couldn't even tell it was in there coz she redid the whole damned Closet to accommodate it too, so that it was invisible in there... how does one even DO THAT?!?!!!  *LOL*  She even made a Secret Space for Eli The Cat in the Closet, to Hide in, so you can't See or Find him either, he Loves it!

I fell down the Pinterest Favorites Rabbit Hole again, I hadn't been down there for a while, mainly becoz I can get Hopelessly Lost down there!  *LOL*   It is so Uplifting tho', even if they have changed it over the Years, the Genre of what I can locate in the way of Visuals is still User Friendly, even for someone Tech Challenged, like myself.  And I Save my Favs, both on Pinterest and in my Photo Archives for Blogging, for posterity.   I'm always conflicted on the Copyright Images, whether to Share them or not?   So typically I just don't, even tho' they're already out there in Cyberspace and on Pinterest, where I'm sure everyone is grabbing them.   Mebbe the Credited Photographer doesn't mind so long as they receive Credit?  But I always feel I'd have to find them and ask permission... and that would be too much like a Job and the potential for too much Drama and a Headache to bother with for just a simple Blog Post.  *LOL*

I remember once having Permission to take a Pix of some Artist's Work at a Trunk Show.  I only took a couple of obligatory Pixs of it, coz I was actually there to Cover an Artist Friend's Work, who was set up next to her at the Trunk Show Event.   And didn't want to appear Rude and exclude her, she was a very nice Lady and very Proud of her Creations, so, Why not?  The Friend who'd come to the Event with me had encouraged me to Photograph other Artisans who seemed eager to get their Work out there when they see you Covering Events and know you Blog.   And if they give Permission, I figure I can be Kind and take the Photos, even if I never use them in a Post, and everyone stays Happy, Right?   Wrong.  Turns out the Artist's Work I Obligatorily took a couple Photos of, had a pending Lawsuit with another Artist who found and Trolled my Blog and then Threatened ME, to take those Photos down off my Post coz it too closely resembled HER Work!   My, My, My!!!

It got Crazy, coz she left rambling hostile Comments like the Trolls tend to do, Fixating on Two Obligatory Photos I took, at a random Event, of Work that wasn't even her Work, of a random Artisan I'd never met before!   Plus, I knew nothing about her ongoing Feud with this other Artisan that I didn't even know and wasn't familiar with either of their Work!   It wasn't even a Genre of Art that appeals to me personally or I would have bothered to Photograph except that the Dear Lady had been such a Sweetheart and was set up right next to a long time Artisan Friend whose Work I covered all the time!  I knew I'd likely never see that Dear Lady again and felt Sorry for her being embroiled in Legalities with this Hostile Woman!   Who Needs unhinged Psychos dragging people thru the Court Systems?!

I explained in an Open response to Psycho Cyberstalker Hostile's Comments, that the Images were randomly taken at a One Time Event and meant nothing to me, I didn't know the Person whose Art it even was, and would never see them again.   I also didn't want her Visiting my Blog again and making Threats, unless she wanted to be Investigated and face Charges?   I took down the Two offending Photos that meant absolutely nothing to me or my Dear Readers, and I never heard from Psycho Woman again.   No idea how the alleged Lawsuit went she was embroiled in with that poor other Dear Lady, whose Work she felt 'stole' her Idea... as if she only had the One!   Or Invented the Wheel and has become a Legend in her own fucking Mind and takes herself way too Seriously?  *Eye Roll* 

I remember recounting the Incident to a very Talented Designer Friend who said she once had a frivolous Lawsuit threatened to be filed against her too, for Creating a Line of her Clothing using Cut Velvet!  Becoz this other Designer felt she 'stole' her Idea of using fucking Cut Velvet in the Creation of a Clothing Line!!!!!!!!  *Yeah, I had no Words!*   We Laughed heartily when I deadpanned, "Well, how COULD you KNOW that SHE had INVENTED fucking Cut Velvet?"   *Bwahahaha*   I mean, that's how Crazy some People just are... and to be dragged into Court over trifles that a Judge would have to sort out and throw out of Court most likely, and cause unnecessary Expense, Drama and a fucking Headache, nobody Needs.  Just becoz someone is Off their Head and gone Off the fucking Rails!   I've gone Off my Head and Off the fucking Rails at times, so, I do Understand another Crazy Person, to some extent.  I'm not Heartless and without Empathy for Crazy!   There's a lot of us out there in The Wild, you have no Idea!!!  And some Days our Paths cross!   It happens... *LOL*

 And the ugly little Art the Psycho Lady was so Defensive off, definitely wasn't worth it to anyone IMO.  I've seen similar items a 1,000 times over made in fucking China... so, I guess she might now be Suing the Chinese, for feeling they "stole" her Idea too, who knows?  *LMAO, and good Luck with that...*  And frankly, it wasn't that Creative or Unique, rather Meh, and I seriously doubted she "Invented" it anyway, or could prove she did in any Court of Law?   And let's just Pretend she might have a Copyright or whatever and then the Chinese, East Indians, or Global Mass Marketing across the World decided to mass Produce it and flood the Zone with it as knockoffs and eclipse her Sales... what's she gonna actually do then?   When Knockoffs abound and her One Idea is being made by everybody and his Brother now?  I'd say, come up with another Idea Darlin', IF you even have one...  Mebbe she doesn't coz, she has No More Ideas, only ever had The One!?!   Becoz Real Artists only ever do, Right?   *Bwahahaha and Eye Roll coz I Like to make a valid Point!*

So, you just never know, and to me, how a Whacko manages to find random shit in the vastness of Cyberspace was the Real Twilight Zone Story, isn't it?   *LOL*   Okay, another funny Story... I had bought a Creation many, many Years ago.   Fast forward and I started Blogging and in one of my Photos that item happened to be in the background of the Pix Posted on my Blog.  Coz it is Displayed in our Home, since, well, I fucking Bought and Paid for it, Right? *LOL*  Someone saw it, contacted who made it, then that Person I bought it from went on a Rant about taking the Pix down!!!  Imagining that I could never Photograph what I Bought and now fucking OWN, just becoz it was something she made and had Sold!!!   Yeah, pretty Surreal Situation, but, I handled it with tactful Diplomacy all the same, defending my Rights in the Process, since, Ignorance of The Law is never an Excuse, so an Explanation is something I'll give someone the Benefit of for their edification. *Winks*

 I Calmly explained that I'd Paid for it, she'd given up all Rights to it when she Sold it, to anyone, not just me.   So, it's Legally MINE now and I could actually Legally Photograph me setting the fucking thing on Fire if I wanted to and Share that anywhere I wanted to, and that would hold up in any Court of Law.  Nothing she could do about it.  And I was pretty sure she didn't wanna Test me coz I might have gotten out the Matches, just to Prove my Point and have that shit go fucking Viral as my Official Response to being hassled for no good reason.   Which, I ain't gonna Lie, was Tempting, coz that would have been FUN.   And, less Dramatic than setting the Person on Fire, literally or figuratively, and saying, Burn Baby Burn, for sure.  *Winks and Maniacal Laughter*

  Coz Yes, I'm a Crazy Bitch like that when Triggered sufficiently to Go Off and you decide you want to go to the Dirt with me!  Coz you picked the Wrong One to go Rouge on.   I know that I can be quite Unwell. *LOL*  I got a Sincere apology and I accepted it, all was Well and Forgiven, which was Splendid, I'd rather have an Understanding between me and whoever strays into my Lane and doesn't stay in theirs.   I am a reasonable person and if you can admit, my Bad, sorry about that, I can Get Over It quickly and put it all behind us as if it never fucking happened.  Which is always the better Outcome for all Parties involved, Trust and Believe.  But, it did reveal to me, how if you become too Attached to your Outcomes, perhaps you should just Keep it to yourself then and NOT try to Profit off it by Selling it to anyone, ever?   Becoz once you do, Ownership of it is no longer yours, you gave up that Right the Moment you exchanged it for Money, or even gave it away or threw it away.   So, Calm Down, choose your Battles Wisely or consult an Attorney first about your Exposure and Liabilities.  *Winks*

  Don't fuck with people on some uptight tangent you Imagine are your Rights and make Enemies with someone for no good reason to.  Or opt to Take some Imaginary Offense you've taken that nobody Intended or Offered to you.   Lighten Up.  Some folks seem to just spoil for a Fight they will lose... and it's totally unnecessary to even get into the Ring for.  And Life is too fucking Short, Okay, Be Nice... it's not so Hard really to try to Be your Best Self instead.  Cultivating Contacts and making Friends and Allies is far better than Collecting Enemies, that's a FACT!  And Honestly, I've sometimes met Angry Uptight People who are just Tortured Souls and it sadly shows and is truly tragic.   Their Back Story might be Heartbreaking, we don't always know what someone has been thru that damaged them?

 If you can manage to be Kind and Patient towards them, quite often you can get a Breakthrough and they can actually become Friends.   Not always, but it's possible, I've done it and realize we don't always know How or Why someone ends up being the damaged goods they've become?   Hurting People tend to Hurt other People, it's a vicious Cycle they can't seem to break out of sometimes.  Mebbe it's become a Defensive Habit of a way to Survive, even when they no longer have the Threat by whoever really fucked them up, who knows?   And it's not even about us... it just got Projected ON us by them.  Mebbe becoz they can't contain the toxicity that they have within themselves, eating at them like a Deadly Disease that is destroying them from the Inside Out.  There are what I call many "Broken Toys" out there living among us.  Every so often you run into one unawares.


Choose Kindness first, but, if someone can't or won't respond to it or receive it, then it's never too late to Roll Up the fucking Doormat and make it a Club my Friends... and beat the living shit out of them with it... their Choice... Winks... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. I can really relate to your reaction to your daughter's unwitting screwing of the family food budget. My ex was on extended medical leave and we were living on unemployment, so the food budget was TIGHT. Every now and then something would happen that would send it off the rails, and it was hard to manage it, both financially and emotionally. It was impressive that your son defended her, knowing how sister/brother dynamics can be. Give 'em PB&J for a couple of days, that will give the budget a rest.

    1. Yes, I realized when her Brother came to her defense, that I really was being far too over-reactive to what she'd unwittingly done, trying just to do a good thing and then having me go Mental about it. *LOL* She did understand once I calmed down and apologized for going Off Rails about it. And, like I said, it ALL got eaten, coz it was some really good stuff at a good price and selection, that I'd definitely Buy again. We go Top Ramen once we need the Budget by EOM to sustain us. *LOL* Throw more Water in the Beans and all that... nobody will go hungry, but, prices keep escalating and you do need to become Creative these days to make all the Ends Meet. So, I just don't want them becoming Wasteful or not Mindful we aren't able to have the Luxury of throwing good Food away... which, even IF I had unlimited resources, I still would be appalled at Waste. It bothers me how much Americans do Waste coz I've lived in Countries with such Lack that it's Obscene how spoiled our Country has become and takes so much for Granted.

  2. So today I heard that the EPA is next on the block. I told the hubs we need to get rain barrels for water but today is no shopping no spending day.

    1. Yay, you're participating too! I too will spend absolutely Nothing Today in solidarity to the Grass Roots efforts that I don't think Economists should underestimate the Power of. Even small things, done with great consistency, and in Unity of Purpose, eventually wear down even the most Powerful entities becoz they DO rely on us for their very existence. Billionaires didn't become that obscenely Rich becoz we DIDN'T spend Money Buying whatever it was they were Selling... or Inheriting. Somebody Paid the Price, and when they don't and Stop Paying the Price, they WILL FEEL it, where it Counts, in their Wallets. I dropped a lot of F-Bombs in Today's Post coz honestly I'm so irate at what is being upended daily now. I knew the EPA would be on the Block, they don't Care about Future Generations, these Greedy spoiled Bastards. The fElon is using his own Toddler as a damned Human Meat Shield for himself, so clearly he doesn't give a damn about his own Spawn, let alone anyone else's Offspring. He's quite happy to allow Babies to Starve to Death so he can embezzle whatever cuts he's made and enrich himself. The Budget of DOGE keeps ever expanding without full transparency of how much they're TAKING opposed to the ALLEGED Savings... and most of their Data has already been proven to be fraudulent or inaccurate as Hell... so... the Grift and the Long Con goes on unabated and once the whole Country has been raped by these People and the rest of us are royally Screwed, chances are, they'll relocate like Locusts to another part of the Globe to exploit, which is Why they're looking at International Real Estate and Mineral Rights abroad as it is.

  3. I love that the son, even though he and sister have their conflicts at times, stood up for her, told you that you'd hurt her feelings. That's a good son AND a good brother.

    1. I agree, he Loves his Sister and he Loves me and so speaking the Truth in Love does punch thru when he has to say something like that. He could see both sides quite objectively too. She isn't one to hold a grudge so said it was Okay, but I had been Emotionally Raw and so I'd overreacted and she didn't deserve my meltdown about Food... after all, it's just Food and nobody is Starving around here. It's been a stressful time on so many levels tho' and she gets that aspect of it for me. As I'm getting Older I do notice I can be unlovely and have to be Mindful that I'm not being hurtful to people and too Moody and Emotionally deregulated. I'm Bipolar, so I've always had the cycles and swings between being Manic and being Depressed... so, Aging hasn't exactly improved any of that either. *Le Sigh* I don't tolerate the Medicines usually prescribed for that condition, it tended to make things worse, so, I don't manage it with Western Pharma at all. Most of the time I can just give Loved Ones the Heads Up that I'm not in a Good Head Space so just leave me alone to get thru it. With so many people in the household, each with their own Conditions, it can be challenging tho' to maintain Harmony at times. We do pretty good overall tho' and sorted that Day out just Fine. *Whew*

  4. Good news on the medical stuff! That's worth a celebration. I hear you on the weight stuff. Christmas did me in and I have to get back on the wagon. The food thing -- oh yeah! You plan and then Pow! I'm just screaming with anger about yesterday's Ukraine episode. Get me out of here!

    1. Yes, the Weight Thing has been such a struggle from my 50's onwards, never had a Weight Problem before the Hysterectomy, so it must have altered my Metabolism considerably? And the Ukrainian President's visit was so disastrous, I'm so glad he's in Great Britain now meeting with the British Prime Minister. It will be such a completely different dialogue when Dealing with Real Leadership that has Class and Dignity, fully Supporting what is Good and Right. I don't like what American has become since 2016, we are no longer Leaders of the Free World with this Regime who behaves more like Dictatorships and Oligarchies. The regular People are gonna be in real Trouble when their Democracy, that we've sadly taken for Granted and didn't properly appreciate, is no more. The Rule of Law no longer means anything so there will be no protections and corruption unchecked is disastrous for any Society that expects to remain civilized.

  5. I'm glad the camera arrived safe and sound. I appreciate you taking it off my hands. I was about to take it for recycling at the Eco Station, so you came along in the nick of time to give it a new home and new life. I hope the camera works well for you and takes many fab new photos for your blog. And how great is it that it's one you're already familiar with using! I too am not great at learning or adjusting to new technology. Like you, on a fab trip I forgot to take my battery charger with me, so once the phone died, I was hooped! But I never made that mistake again, so at least I learned from it, LOL.

    1. The Kiddos often forget their Chargers and then have a meltdown coz without their Phones, they go thru Tech withdrawal, it's not pretty. *LOL* I'm so thrilled with the Camera, especially since it's a familiar Model to me. It is so difficult to find Cameras these days that are affordable becoz everyone uses their Phones now to take their Pixs. I do sometimes, I have a good Camera on my Phone, but I still like taking Pixs with an Old School Camera and I'm very attached to having the Images Saved on a Memory Card. I don't Trust the Clouds and such. *Smiles*

  6. That was nice to be gifted a camera. I get what you mean needing one. Back when mine took a dump I bought the one I have now and it takes pretty good pictures. But I'm saving all my Amazon gift cards this year for one that's a bit more expensive so I can take better up close pictures of things.

    I left the cap on a video recorder (Big VHS recorder) that I was supposed to be taking when one of my nephews was born. All I missed though was my brother holding his son for the first time. When I realized what happened I told him to go hold him again so I could get more video.

    1. Good Save on your Brother's Son being held. *Winks* It was a very unexpected and generous Gift from a Blog Friend and to mail it all the way from Canada. I couldn't be without a Camera and they were outside of my Budget, what is being offered now, is only the very expensive kind. They've done away with Mid-Range and Inexpensive Cameras, I guess there's just not the demand anymore.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl