So, it got up to 93 Degrees on Tuesday, a Record this early to hit the 90's so soon, 1904 was the last time it was over 90 this early and it was 91 Degrees then. I've had all the Doors open for Fresh Air all Day and it's Thankfully still comfortable in the House for doing that. The Pool and Pasture keeps things Cooler just out Back and the huge Pine Trees and big Grass Yard in the Front keeps things Cooler just out Front. Average Cookie Cutter Subdivision Hells will likely be needing to turn their AC's on already tho'. Traffic was also insane, the worst I've seen it. They're overbuilding without sufficient infrastructure improvements. You dread even having to drive a few Miles now, it takes so long.

Other than that, everything is Swell. *Bwahahaha* Princess T bought me Lunch again, we went to "Ed's Fish & Chips", she bought me Fish with Fried Zucchini, very good, didn't realize how famished I was! I'd Napped almost all Day, had a Killer Headache and felt Nauseous, no idea why? So before picking her up from Work at 2:30 p.m. I'd taken to Bed with the French Doors Open before Noon! I swore she called me from Work and the Cellphone on the Charger in the Bedroom Woke me out of that sound Sleep. But, the Call History said no Call had come in... must have Dreamed it, but it sounded and seemed so Real?! I even called her back, since I couldn't Wake Up and get to the Phone before it stopped Ringing. She said she hadn't Called and the Phone Log said she had, in my Dream State anyway, but once fully Awake, it wasn't on the Log anymore! She's like, Gramma, it can't just disappear!

So, either I Dreamed it, or was fucking Hallucinating?! I did that a bit after the stupid Stroke, but, it went away eventually. Princess T said mebbe I was getting Sick and had a Fever without knowing it, but I don't think I did. The Headache subsided after eating and I no longer had an upset Stomach either, which was a Relief. It had rendered me not at all functional that Morning, Sleeping it off was my best Option, I can Sleep thru anything, especially when not Feeling Well or in Pain, I zonk right out and override it all with Sleep. Sleeping several Hours did Help a lot. Then I took yet another Nap later on and Slept until 6:00 p.m.! After that, some Binge watching of "Lost", I'm halfway thru Season 3. I'm still captivated by the Story Line. I think I never watched it when it first came out for 2 reasons, I was Working Nights, and, I don't like long drawn out Seasonal Series.

But, Binge watching it via a Streaming Service these days, you don't have to wait Weeks, Months, Years to get thru it and remember previous Episodes or miss any. I don't think you could even Record Shows back when it first came out? I don't know anyone who watched it all way back when so there's no Spoiler Alerts from anyone, which is good. The Son had renewed NetFlix for me or we wouldn't have it, I appreciated him Bankrolling it this time. And speaking of Money, Mistress Maddie told me about the Sale of the new Immigration Gold Card to Wealthy Foreigners that the Orange Grifter is Selling for Five Mil to fast track Citizenship to Millionaires! So, now you can Buy your Citizenship if you can afford it... not that I'd think anyone would want to Buy In to America right now in the downfall of it, who has that much Money. We are no longer the Envy of the World, even Americans want to LEAVE now!

I wouldn't be Surprised if Americans begin seeking Asylum to get out of here and escape to a safer Country now!!! I have dual Citizenship, since I was Born in my Mom's Country when my Dad was Active Military, my Brother was Born in England when my Dad was Active Military too. A lot of Military Kids whose GI Dads or Moms were Stationed Overseas were Born in other Countries. My Dad got Stationed in other Countries a lot and went to War in some as well, so did The Man. Very seldom does any Career Military person get to spend a whole Career Stateside or not get deployed to a Combat Location. I did hear the Orange Draft Dodger is cutting our Military presence in other Countries and Fired all of JAG. Me thinks that last tactic is so he can turn the Military against the American People, so, stay Tuned... we'll see if I'm Right again?

Now, I don't know how many of our Honorable Military Patriots would be Down for turning against their own American People? Even when given Orders to? I was just following Orders didn't work at the Nuremburg Trials or Mi Lai Trails, so it probably wouldn't be a good defense now either to commit an atrocity. And I don't know how many Armed American Civilians wouldn't Fight back as a Militia to Protect themselves and stay Free? And you know how passionate Americans are about their Guns and not having those taken away... so, it could get real Interesting... and Bloody... if all that were to go completely Sideways? And, the Extremists with Weaponry, don't even get me started about what a clear and present Danger those Yahoos would be if Weaponized by Hair Furor against fellow Americans! They're itching for Violence and some crazed New World Order Purge of their Wet Dreams! None of it portends well IMO...

I don't even know how we'd begin to Recruit anyone into our Military except by Induction when it's been totally Corrupted? Or they'll be forcibly Abducting our Young People as Canon Fodder I suspect? Like they do in 3rd World Countries where the Military is out of Control and so is the Leadership. I'm just sayin', it's not as if it doesn't happen elsewhere, so don't think it couldn't happen here, look what already has happened that nobody could have thunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The speed at which things are going completely Sideways already is breathtaking and often leaves me without Words for a few Days, until I can Unpack and Process it all in Real Time. I never had so many Politically Triggered Posts in all my Years of Blogging. I never even used to EVER talk about Politics or Religion... here or in Real Life, obvious reasons Why. *Eye Roll and Winks*

So, that's the Cheerless part of this Blog Post, I don't LIKE to have to go on about either one, but, here we now are, in the Trenches fighting both Fascism and Christofascism. What a Living Nightmare has been installed willingly by our own People. The pretense that all is Well isn't easy so pull off anymore, but a lot of folks seem to be working on it. Mebbe they're just really good at Denial and not Facing things? On a Blog for none of it to ever be mentioned is one thing, but in Real Life, when the Elephants in the Room are Stampeding and some still pretend all is in Order, I have to Wonder about them. Will those be the ones who Wake Up one day startled and actually say, "What happened?!", as if it was some big Surprise that just blindsided them completely unawares? Eyes Wide Shut the entire Ten Years now! How High would you have to be?! *LOL*

Okay, so now, Fluff of Life, Why Not? Here's one of my MP Bags that was in the Designer's first Book. The Daughter recently Organized most of my Steamer Trunks in The RV Garage Mahal to where I wanted permanent Placement of them, for easy access to Store things in them that are Seasonal. I forgot how many of them I've accumulated over the Years, I knew I had a Hoard of Vintage Suitcases, but didn't realize how many Antique Trunks I'd Hoarded up as well! They are all excellent for Storage, tho' many are empty now coz of the Downsizing. Once we get everything Done there will be a big Secondary Sweep to Purge more Possessions and Curate what I have Too Much of that I want to Cull some of. I can then tweak the Showroom some to make it more Editorial too and perhaps do Seasonal Displays like I used to? The Vendor to the Right of my Showroom is moving out of theirs I hear.

My Friend Bryant is on the Left Side and he's got a great Vibe in his Showroom, but that Vendor, whose Name I was told is Sue, has been a Hot Mess for so long I'm Surprised she lasted this long. I heard she's Moving out of State now, so that's apparently the reason she's Exiting, but, she should have a long time ago. It's not just that she's a crap hawker, but it's disheveled all the time and I don't Believe I've ever even seen her, let alone seen her Working her Space. Imagine if a Toddler entered a Room and trashed it, that's what her Showroom looked like happened all of the time, and there's nothing in there I'd pick up if I even saw it Curbside for the taking or with a Free Stuff Sign begging for you to take it!!! She should just Box it all up and send it off to a GOODWILL... or put it in a Dumpster. I Hope someone worthy gets the Showroom now and does something with it?

If Fall and Winter were so Flatlined in Sales, I do shudder to think what Spring and Summer will be like? Usually that's the Soft Sales Seasons with Fall and Winter being Strong Seasons for Sales. But, that never happened in 2024-2025, too much Political instability and Economic turmoil to overcome. And, Vendors are trying to adapt and improvise to stay Solvent, so are Brick and Mortar Shops and Restaurants that don't want to have to Close Shop. Unemployment had been lower, but now that will be a thing of the Past, for sure... and intentionally by this Regime. All of those screwed over Federal Workers will be applying for Benefits and filing Court Proceedings to Sue the Government. The Class Action Lawsuits will be vast and a strong Case, IF our Court Systems don't fold up too under the heavy burden and volume dumped on it... and Corruption Techniques being deployed by The Regime. A lot of DOJ with Honor and Respect for The Rule Of Law are voluntarily Resigning.

Now, if Criminality is going to be Sanctioned by this Regime, and indulged in by them, just how long do you think it will actually take for every Criminal to take full advantage of it and exploit the Decline of our Criminal Justice System? That was my 2nd Corporate Life and we were overwhelmed back before I even Retired as Crimes were constantly escalating and Staffing wasn't. When Cities, Counties and the Federal Government Worker Workforce are gutted, who do you think will be doing the Jobs they used to do? Nobody. And for those who think they all do Nothing, they'll have a very rude Awakening. At just how much they've always relied upon that those Workers performed to keep a Functional Government at all levels, Locally and Nationally, even Internationally. Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you got 'til it's gone?

I've worked for very Profitable Corporations in my First Corporate Life as both an Executive Banker and at all levels leading up to reaching that Pinnacle of Success. And I've worked for the County Criminal Justice System in my Second Corporate Life. Let me just say that tho' all were very demanding Careers, I was much Busier and had a bigger Caseload when I worked for the County. And the Pay wasn't nearly as good, in fact, compared to the Private Sector and Criminal Defense, it sucked. But the Benefits Package for The Man's Healthcare was very good, so that was the Trade Off at the time. It paid for well over a Million in Medical Care that the VA and our Insurances wouldn't. And I factored that in as part of my "Salary", all the Medical Coverage and Medical Debt I didn't have to Pay out of Pocket for. Otherwise I would have Laughed at what the DA's Office was paying their Employees. Let us just say none of them was Living Large or getting Rich by Serving The People as Public Servants.

As well as the Banking Industry being in Crisis at that point in Time, so I cut and run when that whole Industry began hitting the skids due to Corruption and Mismanagement. When something is going Down, you can go down with it or jump Ship and Save yourself. Those in Government see they're on the Titanic right now and the Wise ones will jump Ship now before it goes to it's Watery Grave, taking everyone with it. The Captain of that Ship won't be willing to go down with it, tho', he caused the Shipwreck, and steered it into the Iceberg, rest assured. And ole fElon, well, they're being very Creative and won't Commit to disclosing what Role/Title he actually has. It's mostly so he can't personally be Sued or held Accountable if he Allegedly isn't Heading Up DOGE and isn't Allegedly the Administrator.

They recently Named some Woman who will take The Fall for him and be the patsy. Bet she's Thrilled about that... everyone Loves a handy Scapegoat... and a Woman no less to Pin the Blame on... excellent MAGA predictable tactic. Have you noticed how many Top Officials being Fired just HAPPEN to be Women or People of Color? And replaced by Mediocre White Men who are unqualified and Bro Hires? Male "Tool" Podcasters of Conspiracy Theories, one of which is now heading up the FBI as 2nd in Command, Deputy FBI Director Bongino... and what a "Tool" that one is! Christ on a Bike!!! The Appointees get more ridiculous, more controversial and more whack every day now!!! I think most of these very important Agencies should Stage a complete Walk Out and put the Screws to this Administration STAT. Coz getting a Taste of NOT having them would stir up Shit for sure with the American Public. If you're Leading but nobody is Following, you're just taking a fucking Walk.

And sometimes to Preserve something vitally Important you have to take drastic measures, when you see the utter destruction of it would otherwise be imminent anyway. I don't have Solutions to these catastrophic turn of events, but somebody better, and FAST! And ACT upon it quickly... stay Tuned. Putin got his Tit in a Wringer with Ukraine, a War he thought he could Win in Days has prolonged to 3 Years and cost the Lives of about a Million Russian Soldiers so far, that can't be Popular with the Russian People. So I highly suspect he's a desperate Man right about now... Selling off Gold even to fund this further, well, sounds desperate to me. And it won't take very long for the Orange Moron and Loser to be equally desperate when he realizes he's aligned with other Losers and only caused Allies on the Right Side of History to have more resolve and Unity than ever. Being on the Wrong Side of History is never a Positive and never Ends Well.

Now more Fluff of Life, since I'm vacillating Wildly between The Issues Of Life and The Fluff of Life lately. It seems all very Bipolar or Schizophrenic really. I can't even focus on one or the other for very long anymore. I'm opposed to Medication taking and hesitate to even take an Aspirin for a Headache, but I suspect many Americans may be turning to Pill Popping to Cope, if you thought we were a Prozac Nation before, I don't think you've seen nothing yet my Friends!!! I'd guess Liquor Sales will be way up too as folks try to Cope at the bottom of a Bottle as well? Total Wine and Bev Mo seem to be doing a brisk Business any time I drive by lately. *LOL* I'm glad I don't Drink, somebody needs to be the Designated Driver. *Bwahahahaha* The Son has more than once Darkly Chanted, "Let us Eat, Drink and be Merry, for Tomorrow we Die!" I will Toast to that, he could be Right...

The Kids washed and detailed my Truck, it looks brand new again, inside and out. The Man and I had gone to do Environmental Cleanup at the Nature Preserve earlier in the day, it was 78 Degrees and Beautiful, with a light Cool Breeze and lots of Wildlife out and about. There weren't a lot of people Fishing at the River, which was Surprising given how nice the day was, but, it was a Wednesday, people were probably working. There wasn't a lot of littering, which was good, we did find a fair amount of Aluminum Cans to recycle along the Roadways tho' outside of the Preserve and near Phoenix International Raceway's Track. They'll be starting NASCAR next Month. So, soon there will be a Sea of RV's out there as far as the Eye can See.

Above is an Old Photo of The Daughter and her Friend Amber when they were Teenagers. The Daughter is Organizing all the Photos as she's finding them while doing The RV Garage Mahal. We'd taken almost all Pixs out of the Photo Albums and Donated the Albums. They take up too much space in Photo Albums and I'd rather have the Photos loose and housed in Vintage Suitcases. We purge any Photos that don't mean anything to us anymore or are very poor quality. Remember in the Old Days when you didn't know for sure if your Pixs would turn out or not and you'd have to Pay to get them developed anyway to find out? *LOL* I don't even know why we kept the crappy ones that didn't turn out? But, we have a lot of Photo and I Inherited all the Old Photos from my Grandparents, Parents, Aunts and Uncles as they Died. Everyone knew I was The Keeper Of The Past of stuff like that. Not that my Grandparents or Parents had many Photos, they didn't own Cameras.

On TV I'm now hearing One Sad Story after another about the People being Fired for no legitimate reason and now without a Job, it's Heartbreaking. Many of them had Excellent Performance Reviews, had Worked there a long time and were very good at what they did, some had even just gotten a Promotion!!! And not all of them are Federal Workers, since, it has a huge ripple effect to the Private Sector that Contracts with the Government to provide Services and Product, so, they're losing Jobs too! Town Halls are blowing up with Angry Constituents who are outraged that they're already being Negatively impacted in their Districts. We'll be seeing a LOT more of that as it Touches more Lives harshly. All NOT to Save Money, or eliminate Waste and Fraud, No, it's to give bigger Tax Cuts to the most obscenely Rich, that's what it's ALL about, don't be Fooled by the Smoke & Mirrors and Sleight of Hand.

Even Agencies that are Profitable, like Parks and Rec, that covers it's Costs and that generates Revenue annually, are being slashed by DOGE. So, clearly they're not evaluating based on Economics or Impact whatsoever. National Park Service Visitor Spending has increased by 4.1 Billion in the last Five Years. The effect on the U.S. Economy grew by 9.7 Billion. The Average Hourly Pay for most Staff is around $19 an Hour, they're NOT Living Large, but they Maintain all our Parks and Recreational Areas and ensure Wildlife Preserve Areas are Safe for the Wildlife and the Visitors. Of coarse if you don't Care about People, or Wildlife, or Nature and the Natural World, or Preservation at all... I guess none of that matters? We spent quite a lot of Time Today at both a large important Nature Preserve and at various County and City Parks... I'd hate to see all of those Areas Closed or not being able to be Maintained, Used or Funded anymore. Due to the insatiable Greed of Billionaires pretending to make Government more Efficient.

The Budget of DOGE has actually more than Doubled in just a Month since their inception and most of their "Receipts" have a LOT of flaws and inconsistencies in reporting Truthfully or Accurately. Their Spin Doctors of coarse blame all the errors on this being so New and moving so Fast... so... slow the fuck down, do it Right the first time, Hire qualified People that know what they're doing then. How can you Audit anything without any actual Auditors, is a legitimate Question that nobody has Answered so far. If the Average Age of the DOGE Team is barely above being a Teenager, the Average Age being 22... the entire DOGE Team is composed of 6 Young People between the Ages of 19 and 25, how Experienced can they possibly be and how much Wisdom can they possibly have, at what they're doing?

Now, I've had a lot of Staff Work for me in my Corporate Lives doing Important Jobs that require knowledge, accuracy and experience. Very few, even of the most Gifted, at those tender Ages, had sufficient Experience to be considered Experts or be in Charge yet of anything. Especially in Issues and Areas of National Security, one would think you'd NEED Experts, not Kids, not just a bunch of Hackers who know their way around a Computer, but probably have no Idea about the Data they're actually accessing, or the Agencies they allegedly are Auditing. None have Professional Audit Experience, Forensic Accounting, Government Experience or a High Level Certified CPA Standard. How knowledgeable they are about Finance isn't exactly clear either... and perhaps fElon wouldn't want Experienced or Qualified Staff who could and would Question his decisions and exploit them for his own Gain?

Now... more Fluff... Bwahahahahaha... I'm thinking upon Easter right about now, plenty of time to Decorate for it and find all my Vintage Easter Decor. Most of it now is Displayed all the time in The RV Garage Mahal, as is most of my other Seasonal Vintage Collections for various Holidays. It's one of the Benefits of having that Warehouse sized Space to just keep everything out and up if I want to. Instead of Stored away where it's only seen Seasonally and enjoyed briefly. I LOVE my Seasonal Vintage Decor and Collections coz I LOVE Holidays, most all of them! And when you get to your Senior Season you know there's not a whole lot of Holidays left in front of you now so you want to extend them and enjoy them more than just AT the actual Holidays. Or, mebbe that's just me? *Winks* And now... some Food Porn and... The End...
Blessings, Love and Light... Dawn... The Bohemian
We turned on the tv today just in time for the cabinet meeting. trump was sitting at the table with a vacant look in his eyes while President Elon was lecturing the crowd. It is the twilight zone.
ReplyDeleteHe knows he's been bought and paid for, it's why he meekly allowed himself to be disrespected and humiliated on public television by a Billionaire's Toddler Meat Shield, while the Kid wiped boogers on the resolute Desk. I don't blame the Child at all, too Young to know better and clearly his Dad is willing to drag him around as a Human Shield to take any errant bullet an assassin might have for him instead. As far as we know the Orange Geriatric could be heavily medicated or completely gone Mentally, his deterioration seems to worsen daily and it's quite the spectacle, all of it. I didn't watch this particular Meeting but I'm sure we'll get the highlights of it. There is only so much of this Fuckery I can absorb, unpack and process daily, it's just a LOT.
DeleteThe early seasons of Lost were great but the next to the last and the last one were too outlandish for me to suspend my disbelief. I just finished a short, limited series called Zero Day. It's political and I think you'd like it. Lots of twists and turns and some parallels with what is going on right now.
ReplyDeleteYes, I enjoyed Zero Day and Robert DeNiro was excellent in the role, I watched the whole Series in a Day. Lost I can tell is getting more bizarre by Season 4, which I just began, but I'm still enjoying it. The Son had told me the last couple Seasons are the harder to get thru too, so I'm prepared, as you said, to suspend my disbelief at some point, but I'll see it thru to the bitter end. *LOL* Six Seasons is a lot for any Writers to sustain a Story Line really. I already see Season 4 starting out rather hard to follow... where the Flashbacks seem to switch from the Past to their Future. I remember when the Sitcom "Roseanne" began to get just Silly and outlandish. And "M*A*S*H" lasted longer than the actual Korean War, 11 Seasons opposed to the actual War being 3 Years. *LOL*