Sunday, January 19, 2025

The End Of Sanity... A Zombie Apocalypse?

Disclaimer: A lot of my Images for this Post won't match the Topic Content at all.  So, if you don't want a tough Read, just enjoy the Visuals.  *Winks*  The Man is getting up too early on our Sun-Mon Sleep-In Days when I don't have to take Princess T to Work.  He rustles around a lot and sometimes just sits in a Media Chair in the Dark staring into Space, it's creepy, but I know it's a result of his diminishing Brain Function now.  There is no regulating his internal Clock to keep regular Hours, so, I just tell him to try not to be noisy, so that he's waking everyone up, since Sunday is everyone's Day Off.   I did take him to do Environmental Cleanup on Saturday, since I was restricted from using the Gym due to the whole Ageism thing I Blogged about, that makes working out on Saturdays now out of the question if I have to wait until after Two in the Afternoon!  We did about an Hour, which I figured was probably more activity than I would have done at the Gym in 30 Minutes anyway, like my Neurologist suggested.

I probably had more Fun doing the Environmental Clean-Up anyway, since we saw a lot of Migratory Birds and I'd brought something to feed them when I needed to stop and rest.   We feed the Wild Birds at Home, but only a Pair of Wild Migratory Ducks makes a habit of visiting our Acreage on The Regular when we're doing Irrigation and it looks like a Lake in the Pasture out back.  Irrigation is suspended during Winter and won't resume until Spring now.  The Kiddos raked up all the Autumn Leaves that had blown onto our Property from Omar's and Laura's Properties who have the Majestic deciduous Trees.   Laura has her Property up For Sale and I'm so worried a Bad Neighbor will Buy it and cut down all those Magnificent Pecan Trees that are so Scenic and produce such a Harvest.  Or, be too Cheap or Lazy to do Irrigation and the lush Landscape she's grown will Die off? 

 That's what happened next door to her when Investors bought the Listing I've Shared Above when it was For Sale.  It was almost a Million Dollar Listing and some Investor bought it as an Air B&B Party House, cut down damned near all the Trees and Landscaping you see in these Images, parks Cars all over the Front Lawn so tore up the Lining under the Desert Landscaping Gravel, and built a huge Casita on the Back Acreage to Rent Out too!   So raucous Parties have to be shut down by the Police all the time coz they go on until 4:00 in the Morning almost every Weekend and the Property is looking so Ghetto now, it almost makes me Cry!  I have no idea how much they've trashed the Interior, which was Sublime and the previous Owner had spent a fortune on Remodeling it beautifully and in maintaining the Curb Appeal of that lovely Mature Landscaping.  It would take another 50-70 Years to grow it back now, so it's Lost in this Lifetime.


And Yes, the Investors who bought our Villa McManse made it into an Air B&B Party House and ravaged the Property too, so I do get why a Seller usually doesn't Care if they get Ask, or above Ask, and can Close in a Day.   But, at the Villa it was a shitty Community of Pretentious Fucks and a Devil of an HOA... here in this Community it's long time Residents who've lived here Generations and tight knit, the vast majority keep the Homes maintained and are considerate friendly Neighbors.   But, with the Zoning Changes around us going from Big Agricultural Operations to shitty poorly built Residential Subdivision Hells, the Mini Farm Residents know their Equity got compromised considerably already.  So, many are bailing out suddenly, to ensure cashing out before it is further compromised by Urban Sprawl around us and a definite change in demographic of Neighbors.  You want to Raise a Family or Retire in a functional Community after all.  Your Home being your biggest Non Human Investment, only secondary to Investing in your Loved Ones.

 Absolutely nobody wants to live near a fucking Party House that some Investor, who doesn't live here, owns and isn't properly Maintaining.  Nobody wants the Party People temporarily Renting Space they abuse or destroy coz they're not Invested in any of it and don't Live here.  Hey, the last Mass Murdering Domestic Terrorist in New Orleans Rented an Air B&B, then set it on Fire to destroy evidence, they're not Vetted very well.  Anyway, I don't want Laura's Home, which is directly behind ours, to end up like this once Lovely Property did, which is right next door to her and directly behind our Next-Door Neighbor Omar's Property.   And speaking of mistakes happening to Properties, I made the Mistake of driving by the Historic Home we Owned and Sold to Mr. Avila.  I knew he was turning it into Rental Units, but, up until now he's maintained the Historic Look during his Restorations of it, which warmed my Heart since he was finishing what we had begun and not been able to finish.  And he clearly Loved the Home and was doing Right by it.   Tho' I know he was having a lot of Trouble with making it a Rental Property. 

Well, it's taken him Years and I guess the Oldest part he decided not to keep the Original Windows and so half of the Main House now has shitty looking Cheap Modern Windows and it looks ridiculous.   Coz they're not only Ugly and Cheap looking, but, he only did half the Main House's Windows like that and the other half has the early 1920's Original Windows!   Okay, so I Cried and I know I shouldn't Care anymore, but I do, since, we Sold it to him for less than Investors/Developers were offering only becoz he was going to do a full Restoration and Preservation properly.   And he did for the first Six Years so I always Loved driving by and seeing how much progress he was making and how good it was looking.   Now, well, I probably won't drive by it anymore unless I HAVE to... coz... it bothers me now.  Better to just enjoy the newest Visuals of my Great-Grandbabies than what's happening in the Community or Nation that isn't Good and disturbs me.  Cuteness doesn't make me feel Mental and Helps us Cope better with Issues Of Life.  *LOL*

It's why I think all Babies of all Species are made so damned Cute!?   Anyway, back to Lamentations of 2025.  It was even Sad to see what the Investors from Cali had done to the Villa McManse, tho' I didn't have any attachment to that horrible Community, the Home had looked really good when we Sold it to them.  Now... not so much.   Even with an HOA hounding them, I'm sure, they can't prevent a Homeowner from just cutting everything down and I'm noticing that happening a lot up and down the Street there as Homes get Sold Off and Lazy Homeowners or Out of State/Out of Country Investors, just don't want the Cost to Maintain anything that is Alive or Hire Gardeners.  Especially with Luxury Homes now also being bought out by Investors/Developers, if they can get away with it, they'll push the Boundaries of what an area is even Zoned for or was like before their greedy Infestation.  And if they have deep enuf Pockets, they can get away with paying off City Officials to do it in spite of Neighbor protests and complaints. 

And the less Affluent a Community is, the higher the incidents of infractions like that by "New" Neighbors who Buy Up everything to increase Profits.   Like the Amazon Warehouses, Commercial Breeding of Livestock Factory Farms that creates serious Health Hazards for Communities they're in and atrocious Conditions for the Animals being Raised inhumanely for Food and Faster Profits.  And it disturbs me that for greasing the right Palms of some City Officials, they'll Sell Out their Communities by allowing these kinds of things, especially the Zoning allowances for it to get a Foothold and then a Stronghold in said Communities that cannot afford to Fight it.  This is not happening so much in Affluent Communities at all... if at all.  They're looking at Communities merely as Commodities and it's destroying Communities in the process.  Most of the Factory Farms are owned by Foreign Countries like China, and destroying American Communities, coz it's cheaper to Raise Livestock here and get away with what they do.

Okay, so, nothing I can do about the decline of Civilization in America, therefore, Moving On.   I told you Post-Inauguration I don't Plan to look at The News at all, not even to keep Informed, too depression inducing, I don't wanna see his bloated Orange hideous Face or hear his Insane Ramblings or what he's fucking up and destroying next so, why expose ourselves to it at this juncture?   Yet, The Man, who never fucking watches The News, had it on and I'm like WTF Honey?   It was just our Local News and not one of the Big National News Stations.  But, just as grim right now, since that's all they're talking about, and the Panic about Immigration Roundups on Day One of the Incoming's Promises, which will severely impact our Local Economy in a negative way.  We have a lot of Agriculture and Raising of Livestock, a lot of Tourism and Hospitality Industries that fuel this Economy, need I say more? 

Listen, they can't fill positions now in those Industries with Home Grown Workers, so Imported Workers are vital so that they don't have to shut down Operations.   Crops need to be Harvested, Meat and Egg Processing is done on a large Scale by mostly Immigrant Workers, the Restaurant and other Hospitality Industries rely heavily upon Foreign Workers, and so do most of the Medical Community as well.   I can't even remember the last time I saw an abundance of Americans working as Nurses, Doctors, in Nursing Homes or Group Homes, in Hospitals or Clinics.  In fact, I've talked to many of the Foreign Born Staff and they say they were Recruited by American Companies from their Countries of Origin, due to the lack of Staffing of those Positions, especially in the Nursing Field.   In my recent Hospitalization, every Nurse I had came from another Country... and Two of my Three Doctor Specialists.  All are highly skilled, fantastic at their Job, competent and showed themselves to be wonderful, dedicated, Caring Human Beings making a Positive Contribution to our Society and to America.

ENOUGH already with the Race Baiting, Fear Mongering, Crazy Conspiracy Theories and Lies.   All this "Othering"!   I know when Allen was still working in Slaughterhouses across America, or on Ranches, he said over 90% of the Workers are Foreign Born.  You hardly ever see an American working those Industries now and most can't cut it or don't even want those Jobs, they are very hard Work in brutal conditions.   He even eventually got out of the Industry and he'd been doing it since he was 14, but nearing 30, he said it was taking too much of a Physical Toll now.   The Son said The Trades is every similar, where he Works he's the Old Man now and he's in his later 30's and feeling how it's taking a Physical Toll on him already.   He knows eventually he'll have to make a switch to something he can do as he's Aging.   It's a Reality he's faced and most of us do in any Career Field... it's nobody's "Fault" and trying to blame a handy Marginalized Group isn't Helpful, Fair or Accurate.

 He said over 75% of his Co-Workers are not American Born either and that's how it's always been in The Trades since he began when he was just a Teenager.  The Building and Feeding of America is not mostly being done by Home Grown Workers and hasn't been in a very long time.   Nobody even coming here Illegally has ever taken a Job from me, I'm not that Unskilled and neither should most Grown Ass American Adults remain so, if they Invest in themselves and their Future and aspire to get ahead.  But it is Self-Work and YOUR responsibility to.  There's no Shame in any kind of Work, but if you want to improve your Quality of Life, it's on YOU to do it.   Don't blame someone else if you don't or can't.   So quit playing the Blame Game America if what you've accomplished fell short of your expectations, Dreams or goals.   There are folks who came here with absolutely nothing and seize Opportunities and still Believe in The American Dream, so they go for it, are Thankful to be here and work very hard to get what they have.

I've lived in Arizona since 1974 and NEVER seen someone that looks like me doing Migrant Farm Work.   I know Migrant Workers and they Work harder and longer Hours than I ever have, I couldn't Cut it!   And I've Worked at High End Corporate Careers pulling 60 Hours Plus a Week, for far better Pay.  Even at the DA's Office, many of our Prosecutors hailed from other Countries, including my Boss, who was from India, and her East Indian Husband, who was an I.T. Tech Guru, hailed from New Zealand.   It took them 25 Years to be here Legally!  Now, Imagine if the Orange Buffoon just starts rounding all Foreigners up and shipping them out... the Void that will leave in American Industry across the board... anyone actually Believe that's gonna improve our Economy or be a Good Thing?

  If so, you're as much a Moron as he is and out of Touch with the Reality.  And I know most of my Dear Readers are not of MAGA World, so I'm Preaching to the Choir here.  But a good Vent is just necessary, some shit NEEDS to be Said out Loud. *Winks*   Entire Industries could collapse and they're already saying the Agricultural Industry is particularly concerned, even before any of this is implemented as Promised.   If we can't grow and produce it here for feeding our population and for exports, just where do you think we'll have to then get it from... and with ridiculous Tariffs imposed?   And we Import A LOT my Friends, more is Produced Overseas than is being Produced here in America, and most of it is shit you RELY upon!   Who do you think is Producing all your Electronics and the Parts?   Mostly it's Asia, we do some... but the price point is lower for what we're Importing in the way of Electronics by China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.   Do you really foolishly think China is gonna pay for the Tariffs, nope, YOU are.  Just like Mexico never paid for The Wall... the pitiful parts that actually got built on his Watch and remain mostly unbuilt and ineffective at that.

Just how much do you think your Groceries are gonna cost ya then?  If you're bitching about not being able to afford to feed your Families prior to this imbecile cocking things up to the point of collapse, you're gonna have to start learning to survive on what you can produce yourself real damned fast.   And that's just the tip of the Iceberg that this Titanic Moment is heading towards, which is Why, I will NOT be watching The News anymore.   Don't need to... what's gonna happen has been evident long before it happens and just those in Denial or living some Wet Dream Fantasy they had will actually be surprised when it happens.  And they'll have a Lifetime to regret it and being a part of it.  I can honestly say I had no part in it whatsoever and thought America was better and smarter than this... I stand corrected... clearly, we're NOT.  We allowed the Lunatics to be Voted in to run The Asylum, we'll now get what that folly gives us.   I'll stand back and watch now... I did my best to forewarn.  You know how Loud and Opinionated I am!  *LOL*

The Son was saying how in Da Hood you could usually tell who wasn't gonna Make It coz they were making too many Bad and Stupid Choices on a consistent basis, standing too close to the Sun and aligning with all the Wrong People.   So, when he looks at some MAGA World folk, it's very similar, you can't tell them anything that could benefit or even Save them from themselves.  Or warn them enuf of who they've chosen to Align with, so, they are gonna get Burned standing too close to the Sun and ain't gonna Make It, Natural Selection at Work.  He had a point with those comparisons, I see it too, I can't even be Sad about it.   Any more than I could when Covidiots Died unnecessarily, I was more Mad than Sad that they just caused so much collateral damage by their Stupidity and low information they ran with and made things worse for us all.  I wouldn't allow a Covidiot near me during the Pandemic, that's how I feel about MAGA World folk now, too toxic, too dangerously aligned.   I don't even feel it's Political at all, it's common sense to avoid Cults and the Crazy it fosters.

Today I've got to gird myself to Price some more Inventory and bring it in.  The Pay Period ended dismally Yesterday Night, it never got better in Sales even with the Sale they had from Fri-Sun.    Today is the last day of the Sale and the first day of the new Pay Period.   Even IF it starts strong, there is a possibility it will flatline again due to the whole Political situation and what it's likely to bring with it.   Along with Natural Disasters disrupting things, the Bird Flu is getting worse, the Fires are only still half contained, and more Natural Disasters like Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Floods, Blizzards and Drought are ongoing almost constantly anymore.   Contrary to his Magical Thinking Psychotic unhinged claims, the Orange Psycho cannot Control the Weather or stop Natural Disasters... end Wars in a Day... end Catastrophic Events in a Day... Buy Countries... make Canada a 51st State... make everything Right with your World instantly just becoz he says he can.  He doesn't even Believe Climate Change is Real, despite Evidence it is.   So, land your Balloon and come back down to Earth.  Take the Tinfoil Hats off, and try to be Normal and remotely fucking Sane.


It's as if the End of Sanity is upon us... so God help us all... this might actually be what a Zombie Apocalypse looks like?... Dawn... The Bohemian

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Ageism And Other Non-Perks Of Living Too Long

 Gawd was I in a Deep Funk on Friday!   I ended up going to Bed by 5:00 in the Afternoon, for an alleged Nap, that I just never woke up from until Saturday Morning!   Since the Bills for my Meds have overshadowed me paying a Home Improvement Bill that is also due, I opted to make sure Express Scripts got Paid on Time.  *LOL and Le Sigh*  It's not as if the Lender can repossess the Ductwork and Insulation that Loan was for.  But, I never pay anything Late, so, it's a blow to my Ego to have to, it's out of character for me to be financially tightrope walking.  I. do. not. like. it!!!  But working my Hustle can only take us so far when debts pile up that are unavoidable, like Health Crisis or Home Repair Crisis that MUST just be dealt with immediately whether you have the Money for it... or not!

I know with the Incoming, the Nation is Financially gonna drop off a fucking Cliff, since that Fool has Financially been reckless and irresponsible with his own Money, let alone ours!   He hasn't been able to get an American Bank to Loan him Money in a very long time so goes for the Dark Money, and now he Owes those kinds of Lenders BIG.  Talk about a dangerous Conflict Of Interest, you don't Owe folks like that without serious consequences to everyone's Safety and Lives!   But, clearly we're no longer Vetting Candidates, just the pretense of doing so... and his whole Cabinet is Proof of that.  Are any of them NOT Sex Offenders, at the very least?!   Don't rush with the rhetorical Question's Answer, I'll wait... Yet, apparently that's not even a disqualifier these days in High Positions of National Security and the DOJ!  Who knew?  Well, the Chief Sex Offender and Convicted Felon is choosing them and Strong Arming that they be Appointed... 

I guess any potential to obstruct it, have decided they don't wanna be on that Hit List of those he bragged he could Shoot and Kill on 5th Avenue and get away with?   And the New American Oligarchy, well, what can I say except when MAGA World realizes what they installed and how much it's gonna really hurt them too, ain't gonna be so celebratory as they are right now.  Should be Interesting when they have to move out of their Alternate Reality lull they've been Slumbering in, and be Woke enuf to HAVE to Face and Confront their actual Reality and the Truth for a change.   Does anyone on the Far Right REALLY believe that the Uneducated and Undereducated, Misinformed who run with Low Information and naively Believed the Lies, who got Conned into thinking the Elite 1% are "Just Like Them", won't revolt and go Mental when they realize they've been Played?  Pretty sure they will...

I'm personally just awaiting that Marie Antoinette Moment to hit.   Coz desperate people do desperate things and nothing will reek as much like total desperation as when the 99% are getting Financially Fucked Over and Hosed, to where they can barely Survive... and they realize all Hope is Lost with this Incoming in Charge.  Since, America will be in a Free Fall. I'm just waiting for the Orange Moron to utter a "Let Them Eat Cake" response when the bottom falls out of the Economy and see how that Works for him... didn't Work out so well for Ole' Marie Antoinette.  Mebbe they'll have the Consequences of his Folly on Pay For View?  *Winks*   Anyway, I personally have decided that once the Incoming are installed, I'm no longer watching The News.  When everything goes completely Sideways, you won't have to watch TV or listen to a Radio, Tik Tok, or where ever you stay Informed... it will be Playing Out in Real Time for us all when anything Unthinkable comes up and Word will be hitting the Streets like Wildfire.

I'm starting to gravitate towards the Attitude most of the Younger Generations tell me they have, they just don't Care anymore.  They figure their Nation and their Future has been Fucked and there's no longer any reason to Hope for things getting better, given what they're Witnessing playing out now.   They already can't afford to Rent or Buy, so have had to either burden their Aging Parents or Grandparents to take them in, or have so many Roommates Sharing limited Space in overpriced accommodations, that the American Dream has now become their American Nightmare no matter how hard they Work to provide for Independent Living.  Most couldn't afford College or got into so much Student Debt to go that unless it's Pardoned/Excused, they'll be in early created Debt to just TRY to improve Life and Hope to get a better Job, forever.  So the Generation of my Kids and Grandkids said they have no more Fucks to even give.  Me too. 

Today I have decided to be more Chipper and not mired in being Gloomy tho'.  Yes, I could just Sleep this Day away too, but, I think I might just hit The Gym, my Neurologist suggested 30 Minutes Daily of Measured Exercise to help with the Chronic Post-Stroke Fatigue, which is brutal.   So, off to the Gym I trotted after 9:00 a.m., which is "Lifetime Fitness" new Ageism Restrictions for Members who are Seniors.  *Eye Roll & put them on Blast before for that*  Well, I get there and there was already an Older Lady Arguing with Staff and demanding her New Membership not only be Cancelled, but, that she receive a Full Refund.  Interesting, whattsup Wondered I?  Coz she was Emotionally HOT, Lava Livid, and a very affluent looking Senior, but, not your usual "Karen".  I soon found out, they scanned my Membership and said, Oh, you're Restricted until AFTER 2:00!!!   IN THE AFTERNOON says I incredulously?   Yep.  I thought it was until after 9:00 in THE MORNING?  Nope.

  Not on Saturdays... was the response by the perky Youngster staffing the Front Desk with a plastered on Toothy Smile!  Like any Senior is up to starting their Workout until after Two in the Fucking Afternoon, we're too Goddamned Tired by then!  I take my fucking Naps after Noon now!  *LOL*   I can let you in to use the Cafeteria she says, since at least I wasn't melting down and going Mental like the Senior Woman to the Left of me was.  She was going Postal by being told she's Restricted!  *LOL*  "I didn't come here to eat, I came here to Work Out and improve my Health", was my deadpan response, "I can eat anywhere with no Restrictions, so, no Thanks...", and with that I just left.  All dressed up for a Workout with nowhere now to go!  *LOL and Eye Roll*   I'm venturing to Guess that the "Lifetime Fitness" Staff are going to be confronted by many Hostile Seniors who are Members... just a Guess.  *Bwahahaha*  Ageism is never pretty, but like Racism & Sexism, it has always existed.  So, you choose your battles wisely.  Not a Hill I'm Dying on.

  So, I stopped at "Sprouts" so that it wasn't a total wasted Trip into the City and got my Milk & Eggs.  Which, BTW, Eggs due to Bird Flu, are an expensive Commodity in Short Supply... so get yours while there's still some left!   They even have Signage up at the few Grocers that still have any Eggs in Stock, that Supplies will be limited and going up in Price a LOT.  Some Brands were already at $13 a Dozen!... and Gas is steadily going up a lot too... so much for MAGA World Selling Out America in Hopes of getting their Cheap Eggs and Gas.  *LMAOROTF*   Their Boy ain't likely to improve an already dire situation with his cockamamy overpromised under-delivered Policies that will only serve to make a Bad Situation Worse.  Hold On Fuckers, we're going for a Wild Ride, but America bought the Ticket, so we're on for the whole damned Ride!  Wheee!  My Blue & Brown Happy Eggs were at their usual Price, so, I stocked up.  And, most of my Neighbors have Chickens.  We're Good.

So, we're stocked up with Essentials while we can still afford them.  Don't know how long it will be 'til we can't?   I'm glad I have a Mini Farm and have been stockpiling Seeds to grown our own Food if that becomes more necessary.  We grow some now, but, we could grow it all on our Parcel of Land and have Chickens if we wanna Raise some... or any other Farm Animals, we're Zoned for it.   And, we could Sell off our excess to people we know, and our Community does Share and Barter what they grow.  Some have Orchards as well as Livestock.   So, they grow all kinds of Fruits, Nuts and Veggies.  Some have Milk Goats.  Some even Raise the Animals they butcher for their Food too.  One Neighbor has a Double Lot, and he Raises Beef Cattle on his Vacant Lot next to the Lot he built his Home, Barn, Bunkhouse, Work Shed, Stables and Swimming Pool on.  And we're an Oasis in the Heart of a City Metropolis.

So, no Workout Today, at least not at the Gym, so, I may take The Man to do some Environmental Cleanup instead to get in my 30 Minutes of Light Exercise and Activity.   The Kids took care of Housekeeping and Yardwork for me, Rob got involved too, and Mando, which I appreciated them acting as Volunteers, coz I can't pay the Friends as I usually would.  They like to hang out here with my Family and they often join us for Dinner or to sit around our Firepit Outside in the evenings Visiting.  They've been chopping up the last of my Old Pine Tree we had to cut down last Year due to the Bark Beetle Blight that killed off a lot of Mature Trees.   We Donated a lot of the Wood to Neighbors who have Wood Burning Fireplaces, to help Heat their Homes for the Winter.  It was a huge Old Tree and a lot of Wood.   It's our version of Urban Camping.  *LOL*

I watched a good German made Mini Series called "Dear Child", the acting was marginal but the Story was a good Thriller so I watched the whole thing, which, they had converted to English for NetFlix viewing.  I've been watching some of the European Films and Series NetFlix has had and some aren't bad even tho' dubbed for the English version, so just ignore the Lips not matching the English.  *LOL*   It is interesting to see the European locales they're shot in and the differences from the American locales and how things are done.  The Adorable Female Child in the Movie, Naila Schuberth, is a better Actress than most of the Adults in it.  *Smiles*  But the Story and Plot was captivating and suspenseful.  The Kiddos watched part of it with me... I sucked at guessing who the Villain was.  *LOL*

I watched another good NetFlix DocuSeries called "You Are What You Eat, A Twin Experiment".  It was a Scientific Study they did by putting Identical Twins on different Diets to measure benefits.  One was on a Plant Based Diet and one on an Omnivore Diet.  The results weren't surprising that on the Plant Based Diet all of those Twins did far better in an astounding way.   I did a Plant Based Diet for just over Two Years and have been deciding to mostly go back to it, since, I didn't really miss Meats, you don't go thru any withdrawal with like other stuff you might cut out of your Diet that are Addictive.  I was surprised that Meat wasn't Addictive at all, I could quit eating it, and even once I reincorporated it, I don't eat as much of it and would choose other Plant Based Options that I like as much, if not more.  At my Fav Thai Restaurant, for example, I always order my Tom Kha with Vegan Chicken ever since.


Environmentally and for Humane Treatment of Animals, as well as Health Hazards, I also chose to eat more Plants.  Since, most Commercially Farmed Animals are not Farmed Humanely and aren't Environmentally conscious... same with Farm Raised Fish.   The Health of those Animals and Fish is not good and it's not regulated well by the FDA as to what they can Sell that has contaminants in our Meats.   One in Five Chickens for example has E. Coli present in it's Commercially Raised Meat that is in your Grocers, that's abysmal odds to potentially make you Sick.   Anyway, it was an informative Series with Science backing the results, but, I knew already most of the outcome, it's kind of a no-brainer really.  Sadly, America has some of the worst Nutrition and Health related issues associated with our Diet than any other Country.  Since I have comorbidities, Diet is the one area I can always improve upon to reverse or slow down some Issues.


Be Well my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian

Friday, January 17, 2025

Between Naps


The Man and I went to the Event and stayed about an Hour before I felt I'd had enuf Fun.  *Smiles*  Mostly I visited with Friends who are fellow Customers or Designers there, everyone had been shocked about me having a Stroke.   Nobody said anything stupid about it, for that I was Grateful.  I hadn't known that one of my Friends there had Survived Three similar ischemic Strokes to the one I had, that affected her Eyesight when it happened.   She's doing so well now, Years later, that I hadn't even known, in all the Years I've known her, that she even had any Strokes at all!  She did lose a lot of Weight Post-Stroke and said I might too.  That would be a Positive at least.  *LOL*  I didn't Buy anything.  But, I took a lot of Pixs.

There was a decent amount of Customers, but it wasn't as busy as it usually is on Opening Day.   Our Antique Mall is flat in Sales too, this Pay Period already sucks and there's only 2 Days left of it.   I'm pulling an expensive Collectible item out and just Selling it somewhere else that I should get an immediate Quick turn on it.   It will be a way to Salvage what is a really dismal Two Weeks of Sales with no comped Space Rent since I haven't been back to Work yet.   Last Pay Period the last couple of Days had Strong Sales, but, it was becoz they had an actual Sale going on to Stimulate some Trade.  They are doing absolutely nothing to Stimulate Trade right now, so, I'm not Optimistic we'll close the Pay Period strong.  I've Sold a fair amount of inexpensive Smalls, but nothing significant or higher end.

And probably any Purist just Selling higher end Merch might be Selling nothing at all and will Owe the Mall a ton of Money rather than getting a Check.   If I break even this Pay Period I'll be Okay with that so long as I don't Owe, since Sales have been so dismal the past Two Weeks and when I have gone in to foof my Spaces, there's not evidence the Shoppers in there are Buying, just Looking.   Just like I just did at the Event, so, it's not really Surprising they're faced with the same challenge.   The Man and I went to Brunch and even that spot, which usually has a waiting list for a Table, was not busy at all.  Which is highly unusual but has been that way the last few times we've been there!   I had a Monte Cristo Brioche French Toast with Shaved Ham, Crispy Prosciutto, Gruyere and Jack Cheeses, Chives, Poached Egg, Raspberry Pepper Jam and a Strawberry Candied Pecans and Parmesan dressed Spring Mix Salad Greens.  

Along with the Bacon But Different which has Brown Sugar, Red & Cayenne Pepper and Maple Syrup Rub... which is the best Bacon EVER!   You can see The Man's order in the background, which did look Editorial before he jumbles it up as he always does with his food.  *LOL*   It had been a lovely looking Corned Beef Hash presentation, but I didn't snap a Pix of it in time for it to be Editorial.  *Smiles*   I eat my foods while they are still a Pretty Presentation, The Man prefers his food to look like it just fell on the Floor and got scooped back up and unceremoniously thrown onto the Plate.  A Presentation for him is a complete waste of Time and Talent, they could have thrown it onto his Plate any kind of way that looks disgusting, coz that's how it's gonna end up the moment he gets it anyway.   He also tosses a Cheap Condiment on everything... my Dear Master Chef Dad used to be horrified!   Why bother to give someone high end Quality Cuisine if they're gonna drown it with a Cheap Condiment?!  *LOL and Eye Roll*  

That's how The Man grew up tho', in stark contradiction to how I did... his People slather Ketchup on everything... or Mayonnaise!   No matter how Gourmet the Meal is, it's gonna then just taste like Cheap Condiments!   The horror!  They had a new Lemonade that was Strawberry Lavender and it was delicious, probably the best I've ever had!   The Man complained about it, he likes a Minute Maid gross Lemonade, which is only about 3%-12% actual Juice Blend.  I swear his Palate is not at all refined!   I just give him "The Look" and he knows to just pretend to appreciate finer foods and drinks, since, to me Fast Food isn't even 'Real' Food!   I think the crap from the Golden Arches doesn't even decompose, that shit could probably be left Years and have zero decomposition!?   You can Google it, tho' it can, it probably won't if it's Dry enuf!   They actually put Mold inhibiting ingredients in their foods... they have high Salt and low available moisture in what they pass off as food/nutrition.   Gak!  No Thanks.

We went to "Whole Foods" and I always Photograph their fabulous Bakery items, but refrain from indulging.   We were there to Buy my Yogurts and they had 3 of the Flavors I really like, Coffee, Jasmine and Rose Flavors, alas, no Lavender.   I've only ever found the Lavender one time Locally and never again... boo hoo.   Yes, I bought all of it they had that time, since, I suspected I might not find it again anytime soon.   We won't be eating out much, due to the Budget being tight, so I told The Man to savor the Moment of the Brunch we were having.  *Smiles*  He likes me taking him along coz usually I don't on Opening Day, but I knew it would be a short and sweet outing and felt having him in tow would be okay since I was limiting my own Time being out and about.  

 Our order always makes at least Two Meals for both of us, since, we only ever eat half of it and bring the rest Home for later.   Neither of us can eat that much at a sitting anymore.  We should be Skinny People by how small a portion we consume.  *Le Sigh*   I ate all my Salad, but most of the rest I only ate a little of, mebbe 1/3, and brought the rest Home for Breakfast Friday Morning before I go to my Neurologist Appointment.   I'm interested to hear what the Neurologist thinks, he seemed optimistic during my Hospital stay at the quick progress I seemed to be making.  He said it was unusual, but then, so am I.  *Winks and LOL*   I don't think my Brain ever has been wired in the 'usual' way to begin with.  But, this is one instance where being ADHD and Bipolar might have been a Plus?  *Ha ha ha*

I think we established consumer disdain in the last Post for the Self Scanners and Kiosks at Stores.   I don't think any of us wants to do all the Work when our prices won't be lower, we aren't getting Paid to do the Work, for Employees they aren't Hiring to do the Work and thus are being put out of a Job by Machines/Technology.   It's not Migrants taking Jobs, it's Machines and Technology replacing People, yet too many Americans won't face that Reality.  If they could replace us all with a Bot, they would, they don't have to pay a Machine and give it Benefits or Retirement, nor treat it any kind of special way to be in compliance with Laws.   I try to use a Cashier's Lane any time I have the option to, but, often, the Lines are so long at the Human Stations, and Workers insist you go to the Self Checkout Lanes instead that are Open.

And in some places, like Circle K Convenience Stores, the Employees they still have, do become so reliant on the Kiosks, and so Lazy, that they won't assist you and demand you use the Machine instead.  They'll ignore you while they're on their Phones checking their Instagram, or whatever, and Heaven Forbid the Kiosk doesn't work right, they get really agitated to then be forced to do their Job and assist a Customer!  One such Lazy Employee even scolded me for using Coins instead of Bills at the Kiosk to pay for my Fountain drink!   It's not a Coin Star she said rudely and testily, and I said, my Change WAS Money and Legal Currency, so I'd use it to pay for my $1.25 purchase if I wanted to!   Yeah, she got the distinct "Back Off Bitch" Message, when I came out of the Bag and right back at her surly self!  Just WTF Woman!?

BTW:  Now when I go into her Circle K I make it a fucking point to pay in Change at the Kiosk, even if I have small Bills, and Dare her to say a damned thing.   She doesn't and has been Sweetness ever since.   She even Greets me Cheerily when I come in.  The Man will say, she's really Friendly... if only he knew how much she WASN'T until we had our little Situation, her and I.  *LOL*   If she says she will help me at the Register, so I don't have to use the Kiosk that I'd rather not use, THEN I will pay with whatever Bills I might have.  Otherwise, I'll treat that damned Machine like an Old School Slot Machine in Vegas!  Or a Coin Star.   Why not, it relieves me of heavy Change accumulated and it IS Legal Tender to pay for shit, last I heard.  And until it's not... *Winks*

I know, I can be that Militant Customer if your Customer Service is terrible and you hire rude and/or Lazy Employees.   I will give credit where it's due, the Machines don't have an Attitude and sometimes that IS refreshing when I just wanna Pay and Leave without dealing with Drama and a fucking Headache an Employee might be.   Some Associates clearly HATE their Jobs and project it upon the Customer, which is so unprofessional that I don't give it no Cut.  If you Hate your Job that much, find another one, they have more than One you know.  I suspect the Lazy and those with a Bad Attitude would be that way where ever they may be Hired tho', most behave as if they just want a Check but don't really wanna have to Work to Earn it.  So, fuck them.  I don't put up with it as a paying Customer.   It's Bad Business.

 Tho' I'm not a Karen, coz those Bitches are annoying and unreasonable, I loathe a Karen or their Male equivalents, they are a Spectacle.   I do expect to be treated with a modicum of Respect, appropriate Professional Customer Service, and Civility if I'm Shopping where you Work.  It's Good Business to be Professional and you ARE Representing whatever Company you Work for, so just be Mindful of that obligation you have to your Employer whose paying you to make your Living.  I don't know what happened to People who have no Work Ethic and any pride in what they are doing, but, it is problematic these days.   Working with excellence and knowing the Job you do seems no longer to be required or even addressed by Management? 

  So, perhaps it has aided in being replaced by Machines, I dunno?  If too many Employees Wash Out and have to be replaced, I guess I wouldn't blame a Company for saying, fuck it, let's just replace them with a Machine in that Position.  I know Princess T and The Son come Home from their Jobs all the time saying the Company Hired a bunch of New People and then Days later, had to let those same People go already coz they didn't work out, or they quit, or don't show up half the time and get themselves Fired!   I know even at the DA's Office, long ago before I Retired, we'd get Newbies in that had gotten their Masters Degree in Criminal Law and might have had more Degrees than a Thermometer, but couldn't Cut it on the actual Job.  The majority couldn't and didn't, they either couldn't handle the content, or they weren't accurate or couldn't produce the required volume and hit their Quotas.  

 So it was a constant rotation of Staff.  Most never made it thru their Probationary Period.   Some walked off if they got a graphic Crime File to Work, some just never came back from Break or Lunch!   It was frustrating to spend Time Training folks you knew wouldn't make the Cut.  They looked Good on Paper.  *LOL*   Anyway, I pulled a WWII Model Ship of the Bismarck out of my Locked Case, Online it's a $600 Militaria Collectible.   But the Pawn Shops around locally only now Buy  the type of items Tweakers Steal and Sell to them, like Men's Tools, Bikes, Jewelry and Electronics!   They won't Buy any kind of Collectibles, so all they're Buying and Selling is stuff like Laptops, Power Tools, 10 Speed Bicycles, and Jewelry.  The stuff you see Drug Addicts Stealing and Fencing all the time.  Oh well...

Our Antique Mall is having a 15% Off Sale right now, but they didn't Advertise it very well, I'm a Vendor and I didn't even know about it!  So, the Mall was Dead, about 2 Customers in the whole place and they weren't actually Buying anything, Looky Lous just killing Time.  No Wonder Sales are Flat, if a Sale isn't even attracting Buyers and Stimulating sufficient Trade then it's Hopeless for the time being.  I think the transfer of Power has a LOT to do with it.  So, I tidied my Showroom and took the WWII Model Ship out of the Locked Case, but will just now mark it down and put it back in at a reduced price and see if that is Helpful?   Militaria usually Sells well and I might now ask a couple of Pickers I know who Deal in Mantiques and Militaria, to see if they're interested first?  It takes up a lot of Space in the Case since it's a very large Model, so I'd rather not put it back into Inventory.

I talked to a few other Vendor Friends while I was there and they too aren't doing well in Sales at all.   So, everyone is concerned about just how Flat Sales are.   This isn't the time of Year where it's usually this Soft... it's been worse than Summer Sales, which, Seasonally are at their lowest.   My Neurologist Appointment went well, he's pleased with my progress but wants to wait until we get the results from my Heart Monitor and Cardiologist reviewing it before they decide what to do next.  He really feels we should do the Heart Monitor Implant and I think my Cardiologist is leaning in that direction as well actually.   I won't need to see the Neurologist again for 3 Months.  I won't need to see my Dentist again for 6 Months.   I've got an Eye Doctor Appointment Scheduled to review what the Stroke did to my Eyesight.  They are referring me for a Sleep Study, I know I have Sleep Apnea tho'.  It's just a lot going on.

I watched a good Movie that was Sad called "Still Alice" {2014} starring Julianne Moore and Alec Baldwin.  Probably not a good choice to watch right now given The Man's prognosis... and some of my current Memory Care problems too.  *LOL*  It's about a Woman who develops a rare form of Early Onset Alzhiemers.   Then I watched another Touching True Story Movie called "Lion" {2016} starring Nicole Kidman, Dev Patel, an Adorable Kid Actor Sunny Pawar... and the actual Real Life Subject the Story was about, Saroo Brierly, had a part in the Movie.   He was Adopted out of India as a 5 Year Old by an Australian Couple, but he wasn't an Orphan, he'd gotten Lost and then Adopted out.  So, the Story is him 25 Years later looking for and locating his Bio Birth Family in India.  There is a Book out called "A Long Way Home" that he Wrote and the Screenplay for the Movie was based upon.  I ended up Crying.

I downloaded my Pixs from the Event and didn't take that many of them that turned out like I prefer for them to.   It happens.   I really wasn't in Pathological Picture Taking Mode actually, so, not Surprised my Pixs were mediocre and not all that Editorial to use.  I'll keep them in a Photo Folder Archived, since, who knows, might use them later when I got nothing.  *LOL*   I've really felt gloomy lately and a lot of people have, so, the transfer of Power may have more to do with it than anything else?  So much uncertainty and potential Chaos, it was exhausting the last time he was President.  I don't know why anyone in their Right Mind would want a repeat performance?   Of coarse some folks thrive on Chaos and disruption, especially if they feel their Lives are Miserable, since, Misery always Loves Company.


Now for another long Nap... Dawn... The Bohemian

A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl