Friday, July 26, 2024

And The Saga Continues

The Daughter was running late for Work, we got her up in time but she dawdled and was having a Mental Health Day too, so, just getting that Show on the Road is an Ordeal when she's like that.  Her Boss provides her Rides and he patiently waited out front 'til she pulled it together, so, he must really need her Today.  Otherwise she'd asked me to drive her and I couldn't becoz the AC Tech is coming at 8:00 a.m. to install that other new Major Part, 2nd Part in Two Days!   And, I couldn't drive back Home from the City in time if I had to drive her to Work.  

The Son doesn't have Work on Fridays for now, so has a Three Day Weekend.   After the Big Layoffs they cut everyone's Hours that was remaining.  So, half days have moved to being Thursdays and no coming in on Fridays 'til business picks up.  At this juncture he doesn't Care and is just glad Mandatory Overtime is over becoz it wasn't helping him, or the Company, enough to be worth the grueling Schedule.  So, he's only now Working 3.5 Days a Week and his Sister 3 Days a Week... their Paychecks are marginal at covering their basic needs and obligations.

At least both Qualified for State Provided Healthcare, so that was a Blessing.  Well, unless and until an opposing Administration takes Healthcare away from those who can least afford it, and Seniors or The Disabled who can't Work, if they mess with Medicare and Medicaid.  Oh, and start messing with Social Security too, they've threatened that as well.  And when I look at their most staunch Base, I see mostly Rural and Working Class Blue Collar folks who would suffer most from those types of drastic changes.   So, either they don't understand the Policies, or lack thereof, of the Party now... or, they blindly follow anyway and regardless of the impact it would surely have on them.

Rueben the AC Tech is here again, fixing the AC and installing another new Part, we'll see if it remedies the problems we've had?   If not, I don't know what else they could possibly 'replace' except the whole damned Unit?!   The Daughter moved her Aquarium into her Room/The Art Studio Space and both Black Widow Tetra Fish are doing just fine.  I'd originally been told they were Tiber Barbs, but, that Identity didn't fit once I could view them well.  I established he had Black Widow Tetra, very easy and hardy Species.  The one that got stuck recovered completely, so, Thankfully I'd see it's Situation in time to successfully Rescue it without a Fatality.  *Whew* 

The Above is a Pro shot of the Species and further below is my Amateur shot of our Duo.  It's a Cute little Aquarium but she needs to fill it up now she's moved it successfully.   The Fish now seem happy with their permanent location on a Farmhouse Cabinet in her Room that has an Enamel Top so the moisture won't be an issue.   The Tank I have in the Guest Bedroom is on a Vintage School Desk with a Metal Top.  Fish Tanks are Soothing and sometimes she needs that, so, taking Care of them for her will be a Positive thing and I'll check in on them too to ensure their Care is adequate.  *Winks*

I received one of my large Lots of Zinc and Milk Glass Canning Lids I Bought from E-Bay on a Buy-It-Now Feature.  The Seller included a couple extra Lids, which is appreciated.  A previous Seller of them that I bought a large Lot from did the same.  I have one larger Lot of them coming and should arrive Today from a different Seller.  I Buy those in bulk when I can and a lot of Auctions now have some Bulk Lots and many include Free Shipping.  With Antique and Vintage Canning Jars, you can always find the Jars, but most are missing their Old Lids.  Even Chazzas, if they get a complete Jar/Lid that is Old, wanna charge what an Antique Store and Dealer would.

I'm on the Lookout now for Magnetic Hooks, since, across my built in Shelving in The RV Garage Mahal, I want to hang Sari Material Curtains... and Gypsy Curtains.  To hide what's on the Shelves and keep it out of Sight until it's needed.   If I can find sturdy enuf Magnetic Hooks I can hang the Curtains with Clips to the Hooks.   Online, some Magnetic Hooks say they hold up to 80 lbs., which would be adequate for any size Curtain I've got made of Vintage heavier Materials.  Sari Material is very ethereal and lightweight and I have a fair amount of them with lots of Beautiful Handwork and Jewel Tone Colors.

School is starting again and I'm SOOO Glad I don't hafta Deal with that anymore now Princess T has Graduated.  I can Celebrate Friends and Family sending their Kiddos off to start a new School Year, but, I don't Envy them.  Gypsy James' little Girl and her Bestie just started Kindergarten for example, Above Sharing that Moment, and I remember how Special that Day is when they begin their Education Journey, it's bittersweet.   It's Cute to see what they choose to wear if they don't have Uniform Requirements, which a lot of Public Schools and Parochial Schools still have.  I always preferred when they didn't, Uniforms imposed a lot of expense on Families least able to afford it.

Plus, we had Boys who were bigger than Average, so, School Uniforms only went to Size 16 Kids and once you have a Man Sized Student, they don't make Adult Sized School Uniforms.  That meant we'd have to get a Waiver to Buy something similar in the Right School allowed Colors.   Always even more expensive, then Pay a Seamstress to Modify it to School Standards, another added expense no Family needs to be forced upon them.   So, The Son and The Young Prince, by Jr. High School, were Man Sized Students that required all that 'Extra' for Schools that required Uniforms.  Luckily by High School the Uniform Requirements cease.

We got Irrigation and a really high head of Water, becoz some Branches of our Neighbor Laura's Trees, who lives behind us, came off her enormous Pecan Trees and fell in the Irrigation ditch, obstructing flow.  So, things backed up into our Yard when it couldn't flow easily and the branch is too large to remove without a chainsaw, so Rob said we'll just have to wait until Irrigation is over for this Cycle, then cut it up.  I haven't seen Laura or her Boyfriend much, I understand she Inherited a Mini Farm in Glendale, AZ, from her Parents.  She's in her 70's so her Parents must have lived to a ripe Old Age for her just now to be getting their Estate. 

 She was thinking of Selling her Mini Farm and living in her Parent's.   I always worry when a Property comes up For Sale, that New Owners won't be as Invested in this Community as the long time Residents are?  Or they won't get along with everyone like the long time Residents do?  The New Owners of another Property behind Omar's finally quit having crazy loud Parties every Weekend that would go on until about Four in the Morning and were ridiculously raucous.  I suspected it might even be an Air B&B Party House and not a Residence, just an Investor Buy to Rent Out to large groups?  All that ceased, coz all the rest of us called the Cops whenever it just got too disruptive and inconsiderate.  That pressure seems to have worked.

Ruben just finished after spending all day replacing another part, much to his and our chagrin, it hasn't resolved the Issue at all, it's still 80 degrees the best that Unit can do in the Heat of the Day.   He's been here from 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. working like Hell and it's all been for naught.  So, he's telling his Supervisor that they really should consider a replacement Unit, since, nobody, not 10 different Technicians, has been able to Repair this one.   And each day it delays is another day of us being too Hot, risking an out of control Utility Bill and having to replace the Filter Weekly... all added expenses we can't sustain.


So, someone will be Scheduled to come out Tomorrow... and the Saga Continues.  I priced some Merch to bring in with me to Work Tonight.  I'm still filling-in for my Friend Wanita, whose Husband is battling Cancer.   Last Week she brought him in and he looked like he's hanging in there.  A lot of their extended Family showed up to spend time with him.   Wanita and her Husband already Lost a Son to a Car Accident some Years ago, so, they've already sustained inconsolable Loss.  She and her Husband have been Childhood Sweethearts and been Married since they were Young Teenagers, they're in their 60's now.  They are hanging onto Hope even tho' his Diagnosis is very grim.

This is my Friend Wanita {Blonde on the Left} with her Daughter.  She used to have Hair down to her Hips, but every so many Years she Cuts it all off and gives it to Locks Of Love to make Human Hair Wigs for Cancer Patients going thru Chemo.   Her Hubby has long Hair and a really long Beard, so far with his Treatments he hasn't lost either yet.  He wouldn't look like himself without it, I've only ever known him with long Hair and a long Beard, that he can Braid becoz even his Beard is so long.   It's just a lot for any Family to be going thru.  She's had to miss a lot of Work due to being a Full Time Caregiver now to an ailing Spouse.  She knows I can relate and give her encouragement and Caregiver advice.  Full Time Unpaid Caregiving is nothing like the Sanitized Versions they show on the Commercials with everyone Cheerful, Smiling and not Suffering and/or not making incredible personal Sacrifices.


Well, gotta go to Work now... Dawn... The Bohemian

Thursday, July 25, 2024

No Clever Post Title... Just Good Food Porn +

Above is One of the G-Kid Force's Younger Sisters, the Middle One in Mexico.  Her Hair grows like a Weed, she had it chopped Short only Three Months ago and it's already really long again.  She's also Dyed it Auburn, her Natural Color is Blonde.  I had a whole Post Written and was guardedly optimistic my AC was finally fixed.   But the latest Tech that they sent this Morning, replacing a Condenser and adjusting something else that he said was set too high, didn't last long before by Mid-Afternoon it was back up to 80 Degrees and the Unit couldn't Cool it down any more than that!!!   So, I called them back AGAIN and they'll have to come back out.  I'll do this every damned day now if I have to since I can't have another Utility Bill almost $800 and still not have a Home Cool enuf to use half of it!!!

The above Pix is the Oldest of the Younger Sisters of The Force that lives in Mexico.  I'm always glad to get updated Pixs of any of them.  Anyway, as if that wasn't Stressful enuf with more AC Issues in less than half a Day of having it Repaired and Major Parts replaced AGAIN, Rob, the Neighbor we Hire to just cut our Grass and do Irrigation, took it upon himself to have a Landscaper come out and trim one of my Palms nearest his Parent's Property, without our permission!  I do not like Palms trimmed within an inch of their Life and now I got one Natural and one trimmed too much for my liking... dammit!!!  I made it clear I wasn't paying for this, I didn't want it done.  He and his Family complain about the Palm not being trimmed, a lot, and exaggerate excessively about where fallen Fronds end up {not possible IMO}. 

 But it's our Property, our Trees, there is no HOA and I like what I like.  I don't Care what a Neighbor prefers, even if I Like the Neighbor, just worry about your own Property, this is ours to do as we see fit with it and how WE want it to look.   I don't feel they don't mean well, but, you can't just go do something to someone else's Property without their permission, even with the best of Intentions.  They are people who do a lot for you and are a very Kind and Neighborly Family, but they overstepped Boundaries.  We truly LIKE them, but this was straying out of your own Lane and I wasn't Happy about it and let Rob know. 

  I do not Believe for a Minute that Dead Fronds end up in his Parent's Pool in their Back Acreage, as they claim.  The Frond would have to blow a half Acre to get there... not plausible even in a pretty high Wind.  Dead Fronds on a Palm left Natural will often shed Naturally and fall within a few Feet from the Tree, in Monsoons you'd get more damage from regular Tree Limbs breaking off or Trees falling over, Palms bend with the Wind, rare that one breaks or falls over... they're Tropical Plants.  Acts of God and Weather aren't within anyone's Control, I don't Care how meticulously you Landscape and Maintain Property.

The Palm will grow back the way I prefer it to look, it wasn't a total hack job or I would have lost my Shit about it.  But, I don't like how it looks either and now my Palms don't look the same at all, which doesn't look good either.  Of coarse, I don't want him doing anything to the other Palm either, so, I'll just make it clear, do NOT do this again, even if you pay for it... not your Tree, not your decision.  I just Pay him to cut Grass and do Irrigation, that's all I want done.  I'll hire my own Arborists if I want a Tree Trimmed, to have it done properly and not Stress the Tree by having a hack Landscaper work on it and do a hideous Job. 

 Palms Trimmed severely look ridiculous and often die off prematurely.  It causes Potassium deficiency and shortens their Lifespan.  And it makes the new Bud more susceptible to Storm Damage.   Removing Living Fronds removes the Palm's Food Source and invites Diseases.  Anyone can Google this Information these days and be informed of what NOT to do, so I don't want people doing what never should be done to my Trees, Bushes or other Plants... especially the Beautiful Mature ones that I'll never Live long enuf to replace the Majesty of should they Kill it with whatever they've done without knowledge or permission.  Rant over now.  *LOL*  Color me Unhappy about my Palm and this defective New AC. 

Princess T could tell that I was stressed out so she suggested we split and do a Girl's Day Out together.   She rarely initiates that but she said she knew she also had been spending too much time inside doing nothing and it just wasn't healthy for either of us.   So, out we went and she just wanted to go to our other Antique Mall location in Downtown Phoenix and a couple of Chazzas on the way there and on the way Home.   I'm so glad we did coz I Scored some good Quality Antiques very Cheap and she Scored some Wardrobe and Kicks of Brand Names really Cheap.   And One item in particular that I Scored was a definite Laws Of Attraction Activation Find!

 Several Months ago I was in an Antique Mall in the Far East Valley and saw a couple of these Space Age Restaurant Mugs, but, they were expensive and so I Passed.  I haven't seen them ever before and REALLY then wanted one, so, I Googled them and the Restaurant.  At Auction and from the Restaurant site, also expensive.   Bummer.  So, I Voiced that I'd REALLY want to Source one Secondhand at a Bargain and have the Universe provide.  The way that eerily works is rather Spacy in and of itself, but, I've found it always Works for me in some mysterious way that is Awesome, I can't even tell you how or Why?  It's also Why some of my Friends and Family are convinced I'm a Witch.  *Bwahaha*  So, we're at a random Goodwill and... THERE IT WAS... and with my Discount Coupon of 20% Off I got mine for... ONLY NINETY-NINE CENTS!  Booyah and drops the Mic!   Happy Dance!!!


The Man was always convinced his Mother-In-Law was not just an Alien, but one from another Planet perhaps, not just another Country?!  *LMAOROTF*  My Mom's uncanny abilities and those of her Older Brother that he Witnessed for many Years, unsettled him, he knows some of that shit got passed down to me and my Kids and Grandkids too.  He's pretty convinced we're some kind of Human Hybrids of Unknown Origins and that would be hilarious enuf.  But, when I sent my DNA in to Ancestry Dot Com to prove otherwise, they had to have me send it in Three different times coz they claimed they had problems getting my DNA matches to make a profile!!!   Then on the Third try they sent me a profile that still said 21% OTHER... OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN!   No Hyperbole, and The Man said, "See... that's from your Mom's Side, she was only Half Human, and half Alien Being, I told you so!"   *Bwahahaha*


Now, I have a different Theory of my 21% they couldn't Identify and I am convinced it is from my Dad's Side.  Becoz originally his Ancestors were East Coast Tribal Indigenous that were forced West.  My Paternal Grandma claimed her People originally hailed from Vermont and the New Hampshire areas and as far as Massachusetts, which is where my Dad was actually Born, Vermont.  They were probably of the Abenaki, or Wapanahki as my Grandma pronounced it... or Wampanoag Clans, of which there are several, not all Federally Recognized or given their own Land or Reservations.  To this day they are without Reservations of their own or Federally recognized and recompensed.  


My Dad's Father was an East Coast Foundling so his Tribal Ancestry was Unknown.  He was very Dark and had Wavy Hair, which probably means, by his Hair, that he was mixed Race and therefore abandoned.  There were Markers in my DNA Profile and my Indian Cousins, saying we had some Arabic Ancestry... which was a Surprise.   And tho' "Unknown Origin" the Ancestry Dot Com folks did peg my Ancestors hailing Hundreds of Years ago, way before White Settlers, from the East Coast region my Dad's People were originally from.  Just not "Recognized" as "Native American" by Ancestry's Registered Tribal Information, which, would be correct for Non Recognized Tribal People, of which there are MANY.  Saved the American Government lots of Money not to provide for Tribes whose Land they preferred to take ALL of and give them nothing, just herding them West.   Dad's Family ended up in Oklahoma among the Cherokee and most intermarried there to this day.

But, The Man likes his speculated version better... still convinced we're Aliens from Mom's Ancestors, who intermarried another kind of way.  *Bwahahaha*  Mom wouldn't dispute that with him, and that's a whole other woo-woo kinda Post I won't get into.   Mom was always a firm Believer that actual Aliens do Track some Earthlings.  She had that Theory long before it became a popular Theory that is actually being seriously explored now.  That even the Governments of the World are now acknowledging, in part, becoz Technology is now so advanced that disputing it is harder to Explain Away.   Anyway, that's as far out there as I'll go in this Post with all that.  Suffice to say Mom predicted and had premonitions of many things, all of which came to pass.  So, when she had Theories, people got spooked and didn't take her Lightly, didn't Laugh her off, and often were afraid and thought her to be a Welsh Witch.  *LOL*

There used to be an Old Show called "My Favorite Martian" {1963-1966}, when I was a Kid, and I remember some of my Friends thought my Mom might be like that Guy.  *LMAO*  So, she used to mess with them by throwing up the Martian Hand Sign he used to use in the Show with a spread of Fingers, and it would Freak the Kid's Out.  And since my Mom was technically a Resident Alien in the United States and had her Green Card, well, just being called an "Alien" just added to the Gallow's humor of it all to us.  Nobody back then knew where her Country was in those days anyway. Honestly, most people thought North Wales wasn't a Country or was somewhere in Australia on the Maps... I kid you not.  NO, New South Wales is an Australian STATE, North Wales is a Country in Great Britain with it's own Culture, Ethnicity, Language, History.  

Geography even for most American Adults, seems to be quite poor.  In fact, we had a dumb ass President in 45 who thought Belgium was a CITY and not a Country, I rest my Case.  *Eye Roll*   But, then again, so many don't even know the factual History of our own Country and wanna Whitewash the parts that they don't like, won't acknowledge, or just feel uncomfortable and shameful to them... so... whatever.   Anyway, we had a Big Time on our Girl's Day Out just not even thinking upon the State of the World or our Nation and Politics for a while... which felt GOOD.  *LOL*   She got that little Crystal and Brass Plate Stand she's holding, some Brand Name Plush Collectibles on The Cheap at Chazzas like Care Bears and Plush Peeps and Anime/Pokemon Plushies.   She Collects and Sells them in our Showroom.

We didn't spend much, since, I am still a Broke Bitch this Month and discretionary funds are lean for July due to unexpected expenses on necessities, repairs and utilities.   In fact, we have Reuben back, the AC Tech from Yesterday, and Upper Management is trying to convince the Manufacturer of the Unit, that so many major parts have failed, and that it's been unable to be repaired, that, perhaps it's time just to replace it. To keep the Consumer satisfied that they still make a high quality Product that can be relied upon?  I agree, all these high end Manufacturers have a Reputation to preserve.  This kind of situation is very bad PR for them and can destroy a Reputation if they don't do Right by their Consumer if a Product has failures to perform to the high Standard their Company brags of. 

The Tech is doing a thorough Inspection of every damned thing and we'll see what plays out this time.  I just know it's not sustainable to have it breaking down so often.  Perpetually replacing Major Parts and having extensive Labor for the whole 10 Years it's under Warranty.  Yet still have it not functional, unable to be Repaired, and costing us a fortune in Utility and Filter Costs while still Financing the damned thing.  Very frustrating for everyone involved I'm sure.  Listen, I don't envy the Techs who do their best to Repair something that seems to be Unrepairable no matter what they do or replace on it.  Everything replaced had failed... there were Installation Issues to run Damage Control behind too.  So it's been a duality of problems with the Unit and the Installation of it having Issues.


Inside I've felt like Kong about it, but Maintained my Calm and Composure... so, I am Proud of myself for staying Centered thru it.   I never wanna Kill the Messenger, you know.  And, the best way to get good results is to be Cool, Calm, Collected and able to convince who you are Dealing with to bend over backwards on your behalf.   This Company knows we've been Customers for Three Decades already and One Incident doesn't erase all the Years of exemplary Service they've provided.  They keep sending people out for this, at no charge for the Labor or failed Parts, so, they're frustrated too with this Unit and the Manufacturer just not replacing it when Repairs aren't a Solution and there's no Resolution after numerous attempts to Fix it.  It then questions the reputation and confidence of the AC Company and it's Technicians as well.


I got this Creepy CPR Training Baby from The Goodwill.  It's gonna be a Halloween Prop.   They had Three of them but Two of them were Priced High... this One wasn't, it seemed to be identical.  I always look for good Halloween Props.   I'm Jazzed that Halloween Merch is rolled out already, especially at the Goodwills.   They got a lot of New Old Stock of Halloween Merch Donated from major Chain Stores like Ross, Target, Marshalls, Etcetera.   I Love finding New Old Stock, especially of Target's Halloween Line, which changes their Line every Season.  The Resale on previous Lines is Strong and they Sell above what they even were Retail, since, people Collect some of the Lines like Hyde & Eek and Martha Stewart Halloween.  And, in some areas and Stores, they Sell Out or never got many in Stock of a desirable piece.

Now for a flurry of Food Porn.  The Man was tagging along on all my Errands and usually expects to be taken out to Eat.  I don't know Why it's something he Fixates on, since, his appetite is generally poor, but, psychologically, he gets Jazzed about eating out.   So, I told him we'd go to Village Inn for the Build-Your-Own Breakfast, which is inexpensive with lotsa Choices.   Usually what we agree upon is, he picks at least One thing he knows I like too, so that if he can't eat it, I will.  *LOL*  So, this time it was the Fresh Fruit.  I ate his Fresh Fruit and he was able to eat the rest of what he'd ordered.  He'd picked Biscuits N Gravy, Sausage Links and Breakfast Home Fries... all not the best Diabetic Choices.  *Le Sigh*  But, on occasion I don't Protest his poor Choices. He's Elderly and Medically Fragile, Docs can't 'Fix' him at this juncture, ya gotta Die of Something, as my Dear Ole' Dad always said.

I had French Toast and scraped off the Butter, which, The Man snapped up saying he didn't wanna 'waste' it.  *Eye Roll and Le Sigh*  A Strawberry Crepe, Eggs and Fresh Fruit.  I only ever eat the Yolks of my Eggs... long Childhood Story, so I won't try to explain it.  *LOL*   The Crepe was my Guilty Indulgence of Choice.  It was Pretty and Editorial, but the Chef probably isn't an adept Crepe Maker.  It was too thick for a Crepe and was more like a Pancake folded and filled with the Crepe contents.  *Sigh and Ah Well*  Yes, I am a Crepe Snob and J'Adore a properly made Crepe of any kind, my fav Breakfast Food in fact, whether Savory or Sweet.    

Some new Crepe Specialty Restaurants have opened and been formally Trained in France to make them properly and authentically.  COLADOS is my Favorite... their Daughter went to Paris to learn Crepe Making before they opened their Chain of Crepe Restaurants, it shows.  IHOP used to have a spectacular Swedish Crepe on their Menu with Lingonberry Butter, which they took off the Menu last Year, much to my chagrin, so now I never eat there.   If a fav Restaurant takes off the one thing I went there specifically for, it's likely I'll never go back or only infrequently.   You lose a lot of your Regulars if you start messing with the things on the Menu you become known for.  I was crestfallen when LOLO'S CHICKEN AND WAFFLES took off the Spicy Corn Fritters from their Menu and they were Known for!  I've only gone back twice since then.

I'm hearing there's a Mexican Street Corn Fritter, but can't find a Local Restaurant that has it on their Menu, would like to try those.   Below Pix is a Mexican Street Corn Dip that looks Divine and Sublime... I'd like to try that Recipe.   Above was a Recipe you could make from those King's Hawaiian Rolls easily bought at any Grocer, looks very good and simple to make a Cheesecake Danish of.   My Kiddos LOVE those Kings Hawaiian Rolls, a Package doesn't last Two Days in this House.  Anyway, Tomorrow they have to come back and replace the 2nd major Part in Two Days in the AC... whatever... so long as it's not on my Dime and they cover the Parts and Labor.  

I think by now it would have just been cheaper to replace the faulty Unit, IMO, since, they've spent a fortune on Parts and Labor without fixing the problem and having resolution.  I only Hope this Part coming Tomorrow Morning to be installed solves it?   If it doesn't they may have to consider Replacement anyway... so... I don't Care so long as I have a functional Unit not breaking down continuously and running up my Utility Bill into the Stratosphere without even Cooling the Home.  We had a big Storm last Night and another moving in this Evening, so Flooding has been an Issue and Storm Damages.  About 30,000 Residents lost Power.  Our Manager asked me to fill in Tomorrow Night, I agreed ONLY IF they had a full Shift, which he assured me they will.  I don't wanna be the only one showing up on another Friday Night fill-in Shift.  Allegedly they have some Newbie Vendors they're Training.

I don't have to Train or Babysit them, so, I don't Care, Richard was tasked with that Job.  I think it's likely they'll be his permanent replacement eventually since he's not Well.   Below is the final Food Porn of the Post... it's a Frijole Dip... Nom-Nom.


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Okay... So The Battle Is ON Now...

 I decided to call the AC Company and schedule another Tech out here even before Andrase can find the time to get up there and give us his professional assessment of what he thinks might be amiss with the Unit or the Installation of it.  They will be out in the Morning, I just can't afford another astronomical Utility Bill and still have half my Home unable to be properly Cooled and it be 80 Degrees in the Main Living Areas.  If you were sufficiently Cooled and had a $790 Utility Bill it still wouldn't be Okay or sustainable.  But to pay that much for a Home not Cooled properly is worse... not to mention the faulty new Unit we're still making Payments on it too!   So, the Battle wages on.  I've got my War Paint on thick and have gone on the Warpath big time now.  *LOL*

Other than that, everything is Swell.  *Smiles*  We brought more Merch in to the Showroom at the Antique Mall.  I had some Young Trendy Teen Guys, lots of Quality Tattoos and Body Piercings, very much having Swag in how they dress, who are my Regulars, in there Buying more T-Shirts and telling me how much they Love our Space.  They are the Demographic we want to Appeal to and who appreciate our Vibe, they are the Generation also spending Money on non-necessity items.  My Generation and the Young or Middle Aged Families generally aren't anymore.  Princess T knows her Customer well, so, together we know our Customers well and who we prefer to attract, and, it's working for us.

I just couldn't get my Finger on the Pulse of the Impulse Shoppers or the Crap Buyers, they really weren't a Demographic I understood the Buying Habits of.  Or the Product they are likely to spend their Money on... too random, and, not what I want to carry as my Inventory either.   The only way to attract our Customer was to carry what they will Buy and are looking for... and Word of Mouth will be our Best Advertiser.   I'm Happier now we're getting back to our Roots and doing our own thing again on our own Terms.   It makes me want to be there and spend Time and Energy in our Showroom again.  I like our Space again and it's performing well.   We didn't stay long after stocking Inventory tho', The Man was Cranky from the Heat and ready to be taken Home.

He'd wanted to tag along, but, by Midafternoon his Mood Regulation ability is just gone.  *Le Sigh*  He gets what they call Sundowners and then it's just not a Show you want to take on the Road as a Caregiver.  *LOL*   I had so much to do Today that I'd lost track of how late it was getting, so, it was Time to call it a Day once I realized it was past 5:00 p.m. already and I'd just done Enough for a Day anyway.   We stopped by a Dollar Store that is still in business and I bought some mini Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream, so, that made him Happy as a Treat when we got back Home.  That Dollar Store is walking distance from our Home so I'm glad it didn't go out of Business like some other Chains of Dollar Stores have.

I talked to the Manager, Gabe, of our SAVERS nearby and asked him about the other big Location Closing so suddenly.  He said it had nothing to do with Sales or Business, or the Company, the Building they'd occupied for over 40+ Years got Sold and the new Owner kicked all Tenants out after the Sale Closed!   Makes me Wonder if it's another Foreign Investor intentionally buying up Commercial Properties in Older Neighborhoods.  Then pushing out Established long time Business Tenants to intentionally depress and blight an Area, so they can Buy up more Real Estate as Cheaply then as possible?  That's what a Chinese National, David Chang, did to Historic Downtown Glendale.  Now, that once vibrant Historic District, and whole area, is blighted and mostly Vacant buildings, becoz of him.

I was glad to know that SAVERS wasn't in Crisis tho', even tho' the Landlord Issue of the Closed Location was a shitty thing to do of a long standing successful Business Tenant.  Princess T plans to try to get hired by our Location, so, I was relieved it isn't the Company faltering.  I Love to Shop there too.  She's going up to Flagstaff Camping with her Gay Boy Posse, Matthew and Timmy, for a Week at the end of the Month first, while they have Vacation time.   Plus, Timmy is thinking of moving to Oregon... I don't know if he realizes the high Cost of Living there, but, apparently it's where he was Born and he'd like to try to find his Birth Father, who he doesn't know at all.  He also doesn't want to keep living with his Grandparents who raised him, they are burdened with raising his Murdered Uncle's Two Young Daughters now.

Anyway, I want her to spend as much time as she can with her Besties before the Guys move away, possibly forever.  I know she's really going to miss them terribly.  Matthew already moved, still in Arizona, but further away to another City nearby, so she rarely gets to spend Time with him anymore either.  Her Inner Circle is quite small, so, it's tough when any of it shrinks further.   Her Boyfriend, Rusty, comes over often now, but he also Works long Hours and Bless his Heart, he often falls asleep here while visiting her.  *LOL*  He's in the Trades in Construction, so by the time he gets off Work, he's exhausted and dozes off.   She just lets him Sleep... and we joke, "So Romantic, you Two are."  *LMAO*   She actually doesn't mind, she's a Homebody and likes just being here and she's not a Miss-Party-All-The-Time Type at all... so, no interest in a Guy who'd be Mister-Party-All-The-Time.

The Daughter was on a Manic Bender and deep cleaned the Guest Bathroom and Kitchen, then did some intense Work in The RV Garage Mahal and went thru her entire Wardrobe to pull what she didn't want.   Now, I'm Bipolar too and have my Cycles, but, my Manic Benders never involve Housekeeping, apparently, it's not how I'm Hard-Wired.  *Bwahahaha*  But, damn if she isn't like a Team of Merry Maids when she is... Princess T too... so when either of them is in Bipolar Manic Mode, the House gets Cleaned, Organized, and Re-Arranged completely.   *Smiles*   Now, a Schizophrenic in Bipolar High or Low can be very unpredictable tho', so, I never interfere when The Daughter is on a Manic Roll.  That would be akin to standing in front of a Hurricane, Tsunami or Tornado and trying to stop or divert it and not get hurt.  *LOL*  

I actually did pitch in at 11:00 p.m. in The RV Garage Mahal tho', just so whatever she was intent on doing could get Done quicker.  She had to be up by 6:00 a.m. for Work, so I urged her to try to go to Sleep after we were sufficiently Done with the Project in there she'd tackled.  Bipolar Benders mean you can go without Sleep... but... not advisable.  *Winks*  Mood Regulation would be out the Window on a Manic High with no Sleep, which would be No Bueno for anyone having to deal with you then.   She's still rather amped up this Morning, so, her Boss' Mechanic's Shop should be spotless and the Guys would be able to eat off it's Floors by the end of her Shift Today.  *Winks*   This is why they Love her at his Shop, it's the Cleanest most Organized Commercial Garage EVER!  *LMAO*

Now, ME being without sufficient Sleep means I'm Primed for Battle when the AC Tech shows up this Morning.  *Winks*  I am gonna TRY not to be vicious and unleash the Fury I FEEL about that Issue on some poor unfortunate Technician being sent out THIS TIME to try to fix it properly or figure out what is REALLY Wrong with the Unit or it's Installation?  But, he Represents... and so if your Employer or their Manufacturer they use fucks up, well, I'm at the very least getting my Pound of Flesh from someone.  For having had a Utility Bill this Month of nearly Eight Hundred Bucks I couldn't afford to outlay on the Problem... plus Loan Payment on the damned Unit that isn't Working and the fucking UV Light they talked me into installing when the Unit grew goddamned Mold that was making some of my Loved Ones Sick!!!

  This Unit is costing me about a Grand Plus a Month now, NO BUENO and not sustainable.  Especially since it's not even keeping the Main Living Areas Cool at all!   When it's over 80 Degrees and in the Heat of the Day we can't even be in those parts of our Home, yet my Utility Bill is as high as keeping it Cold as a Meat Locker, don't tell me it's a functional Unit whatsoever, it is NOT.   I'm paying a Premium to have it so Hot that I risk Family becoming overcome by Heat Exhaustion if they tried to use those parts of the House after about Noon until about Nine at Night!  And, that Unit Serves Princess T's Bedroom so her and the Cat are miserable, since, they stay in there all the time really.  Eli won't come out and she rarely does... so I have to go in and check on them constantly to ensure they are Okay in there!?

She's been just wearing Chonies and her Bra most of the time or a Bathing Suit to stay a bit Cooler in her Room, has the Ceiling Fan and an Industrial Fan on, opens her Fridge Door and stands there to Cool Off!   And it's not like I can throw more wasted Money to get it Cooler, it simply can't Cool to the Thermostat Setting except in the very early Mornings and really late at Night now... period... no matter what the Thermostat is set at!!!   I'm hearing News Reports of entire Apartment Complexes going thru the same Bullshit when their Units can't seem to get Repaired and for Landlords that breaks all kinds of Arizona Laws.  I think it's coz the New Units can't/don't use Freon anymore and the Old Units never had Issues like these New Units now do. 

 It was the perfect Compound, and is relatively non-toxic, but is now Banned due to Environmental Ozone damage.  Now they use Puron, which will also be replaced and Phased Out coz it causes Global Warming!   And in the meantime, Appliance Life and Performance keeps going down, down and down all the time.  Much more goes Wrong as allegedly the Energy Efficiency is raised and they build them so complex you can't fix it yourself anymore... well, until you gotta replace them more often and shell out to have them repaired all the damned time. Which is a Shameless Money Grab by all the Industries that Manufacture and Repair them, giving you only Limited Warranties or Selling you Extended Warranties coz they know that shit is gonna be far more inferior than the Old Days and new expensive Appliances every 5-10 Years now.

Do you know for the past 25+ Years I've been concurrently Financing an AC on every fucking Home we've Owned becoz you always gotta be replacing one within 7-10 Years tops!?   Water Heaters too BTW... and any other Major Appliance that costs Hundreds or even Thousands to replace when they go on the fritz and get to where Repairs would cost more than replacement at some point.   When we bought this Home only just over 5 Years ago it had all brand New Major Appliances and half of them have already either had to be Repaired or Replaced already.  Most Replacements required Financing, since, I don't happen to always have Thousands of Dollars just stacked about and laying around to pay Cash in our Retirement Fixed Income Years.  Okay, Vent Over... I feel somewhat less likely to unleash all of Dark Dawn on the Tech now when he shows up or end up on the Ten O'Clock News Cycle.  Local Woman goes on a Rampage from the Heat in her Home!  *Winks* 

One good thing has come out of me being very Pissed Off about something... I do get more Done around here when I'm Mad and trying to diffuse myself.  *LMAOROTF*  When The Man sees me unable to Stop Working furiously on anything, he knows I'm doing it so I won't go Postal on some poor SOB or their Employer, who Triggered me.  *LOL*   I'm a very Nice Customer and Patron of any Business that treats me Fairly and Honorably... but, if they choose NOT to, well, all Bets are Off.  I'm not just going all Karen, Nope, I go into American Psycho Mode... a Karen can't hold a Candle to me if someone pushes me to where I go on the Warpath and a Battle has been initiated by an Adversary who underestimated my tolerance and kindness being transformed to Guerilla Warfare. 

 I don't Care how big and powerful you and your Company think you are either.  I will hit and run you so you realize it has become my Obsession and Mission in Life to take you Down, harass, delay and disrupt your Operations until I prevail and you send up the fucking White Flag or call a Truce.   Agencies that provide Services for vulnerable populations often got to the point they would not re-assess my Loved Ones Cases in Person anymore.   They'd either just grease it thru over the Phone or Auto Approve it so they didn't have to go to a Cage Fight with me anymore.  I am nothing if not tenacious and relentless if I have a Just Cause I'm Fighting for.   Now, I'd PREFER not to have you Call my Hand and Force me to be your Adversary... I am a Peace Loving Old Hippie and am Nice to everybody... until you give me a reason NOT to be. 

 I do not Like to come Unhinged and go Mental, but, I will.  I've used this AC Company for perhaps 30 plus Years and this really is the first time there is some problem they have been unable to make Right with me.  So, I've been patient and Calmer than usual.  Plus the Warranty is Ten Years and I will do nothing to Void that commitment they're Obligated to perform for a fucking Decade.  But, I am now pressed above measure and beyond strength to continue being long-suffering while they figure this shit out that they can't seem to correct and make Right by us.  So, it's ON between us now, we'll see whose still Standing when the Dust Settles, shall we?  *Winks*   Gawd I need me a Good Cucumber Watermelon Gazpacho to Chill me Down some right about now...  But, hadda let my Membership to the Desert Botanical Gardens lapse to pay ridiculously high Utility Bills instead...  *Le Sigh*


So, Feelin' rather Prickly instead my Friends and not so Chill at all now... Winks... Dawn... The Bohemian

A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl