Friday, July 5, 2024

Post Fourth ... May The Fourth Be With You

 Enjoy the fabulous Ashley Longshore Art, I took a Deep Dive down my Rabbit Hole to retrieve it from the Internet Dumpster, which holds everything a Click away.  Plus, I'm Light on Blog Fodder Imagery from in front of my Lens, I never got out of my Jammies.  I started Cleaning our Boudoir and crating up what shouldn't even be in here but had migrated in and stayed a while.   I got One Crate of stuff to Sell, now relocated into the She Shed, and One Crate of stuff to Keep, now relocated into The RV Garage Mahal, and One Box of stuff to Donate.  Not bad for a 4th Of July Mornings work after the hasty trip to the ER to Stitch Up The Daughter.  *LOL*   I also cranked out the Blog Post that Published on the 4th, so, I've been quite animated.  *Smiles*

I found some Bags of stuff to Sell that I'd apparently Bought eons ago and forgot about, since they were buried in The Gauntlet of stuff laying about where it shouldn't be.   Clearly I'd Bought it all for Resale, mostly easy to Turn Smalls of a genre that easily Sells and is the Bread N Butter there at the Mall.   So, now I'll spend the Early Afternoon Pricing it to put into Inventory right away, as it's languished too long as it is... having been buried like Hidden Treasure.  *LOL*  I've made good headway in clearing out Space and cleaning up clutter.  Yet, it still isn't Editorial enuf around here to Photograph Mi Casa, it's still in complete disarray... like my Mind these days.  I've been a complete Head Case... looking Crazy, not Fat.  We'll soon come to the relevance of that Sentence shortly.

I like having nothing to do on a Holiday, it's so relaxing and stress free.  I'd thought about going out for a meal but don't know if we'll even bother doing that since we have some nice Thai leftovers of our Appetizer Platter from 'Tom Yum'.   I took a Skinny Dip in the Pool to Cool Off after working on sorting out stuff, it felt good, and this time no intrusions to disturb my Bliss and Traumatize anyone.  *Winks*   Having a Pool was high on our Priority List when Buying a Forever Home this time, we Love having one.  It's like having a Staycation every day when you can be Poolside Privately.  My Vendor Friend Michael had some carved Tiki Stools like these and Sold them right away.

There's more we'd like to do around our Pool, like install an Outdoor Kitchen with a Tiki Theme to it and a Beehive Pizza Oven as well as an Outdoor Fireplace.    I've see some Cute Online Ideas and the one Above appealed to me with the Bamboo Construction and Motif.   Something like this would fit easily against the Wall of The RV Garage Mahal that is Poolside, so you'd only have to enclose Two Sides and a Roof.   I'd forego the Palm Frond Roof, they look nice but are a Fire Hazard, I'd use Corrugated Tin and Bamboo Facade.   Where they have the Oars up there I'd put a Surfboard we have.  On one Side Wall I would put a Serving Window.  And I would have a Ceiling Fan with Light.   My Imaginary Tiki Bar Kitchen looks Awesome on the Canvas of my Imagination.  *Winks*

Well, enuf Daydreaming about Tiki transformation of the exterior of Forever Boheme' Poolside, I can fall deep down my Rabbit Hole doing that.   Now on to the relevance of the previous Sentence: I'm currently Reading:  "You Don't Look Fat You Look Crazy" by Artist and Entrepreneur Ashley Longshore.   I Love her inappropriate Humor, outrageous Art, and her being so differently Ambitchous with no apologies.  *Smiles*   I particularly like her Jesus and Frida Paintings, she does several similar yet different ones, I'd hang any of them on my Walls.   I can't afford her original Paintings and can't find any Prints Online from Trusted Sellers... so, I'll just have to admire her Work Visually and vicariously without owning one. 

She has some Paintings I can't Crib, like the one of a very arrogant looking Elon Musk that says off to the side of her Portrait of him, "Why does a Dog lick his Balls... Because he can"  *LMAOROTF*   She does a lot of Parody Style Paintings of Famous Pop Culture People, much like Andy Warhol, it just makes me Smile, the Whimsey of it and total disregard of being PC.   And the Book is hilarious and is an Autobiography that will have you rolling.  Her first Paintings were of Foreign Couples masturbating... and I can just imagine her walking into high end Galleries with her Portfolio in those days, before she developed a truly massive Cult Following of her Art/Work.  *Bwahahaha*

The first Gallery that Showed her Work, the Owner bought the Foreign Couple masturbating and hung it in her Dining Room as a Conversation starter.  *LMAO*   She pokes a lot of Fun at some Celebs in her Art, she had one of Kanye & Kim that was hilarious, but, there's no images of it Online... just in her Book.   I can just imagine the controversy she stirs in some circles, she's definitely no Conformist.   Hard to Believe she managed to grow up in Affluent Politely Genteel Southern Society and still manage to be true to herself.   Her self-made Entrepreneur Corporate Dad was very Supportive, she gave her Southern Belle Mother the Vapors.  *Bwahahahaha*

LATER:  The Man & I didn't even bother to watch any Fireworks.  I just couldn't be bothered this Year, given the state of our Nation.   I know, not very Patriotic of either of us, but, it's just been depressing watching it all play out in Real Time on TV News, on any Channel.   The Man spent 39 Years of his Life defending and trying to preserve Freedom and Democracy in Heroic Military Service to Country.  He feels the current overall apathy of the General Public is enuf that the swath of ambivalence to even bother to Vote is so high, what was all the Sacrifices even for that so many made in the Past... if too many who Sacrificed little to nothing will just roll over and give it away now?

What too many Americans worship and bow down to now is so transactional and self-absorbed that it's rather obscene to behold.   Mebbe that's why I Like this Gal's Art so much, it drives that hedonism Home so succinctly.  Anyway, I binge watched more of "The Connors" all 4th Of July Night while hearing the Fireworks going off around us.  Arizona is stupid enuf to allow all manner of personal Fireworks in a State so Dry and Tinder the whole shebang is already on Fire most of the Summer... go figure.   Tents of it coming up from Mexico are everywhere For Sale and the most irresponsible buy it up and set it off... Splendid.

"The Connors" still has a LOT of our Life Parallels, to the point its surreal now, I swear their Writers are secretly Spying on us for Material!?  *LOL*   The Episode that had some hilarious parallels this time around, is when Darlene's Boyfriend quit a Real Job and began doing a Podcast.   The Young Prince's Dad did that, well, is probably still doing that.  And so The Daughter and I turned to each other and exclaimed, "Bobby!!!", and Laughed and Laughed 'til our Sides hurt and Tears streamed down our Faces.   And Dan's reckoning with coming to terms with involuntary Retirement was not unlike The Man's forced Retirement tantrums and Mood Swings.

I was more interested in Dark Comedy and Dark Whimsical Art than in watching Fireworks Displays pretending like everyone in America is a Patriot.   At least Great Britain stood tall and ousted their Far Right Party to the point of making it obsolete... a strong and necessary Statement Politically.  They're on the right track... will we follow?   I just don't know, they say this Election is another Tight one... and all I can say about that is... WHY????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Given the irrefutable evidence, well, it SHOULDN'T be and the fact it is... well, it's deeply disturbing.  Deeply.  Disturbing.  But, I've come to the conclusion a lot of America is quite Disturbed these days.  Fucking teetering on Insanity in fact.


Ah, but, we're all Mad here at Forever Boheme', so the World's Insanity looking even Crazier to us should be a profound Statement really.  An alarming one, since usually I can Normalize any amount of Crazy, but... the state of the Nation and most parts of the World right now... that's Abnormal even to us... and that speaks volumes.   I can't transcend that... no, not even at my Craziest... nor can The Daughter...and she's technically Certifiable.  *LOL*   And tho' she did go out with her Friends, all Stitched, Bandaged and Glued up... to watch Fireworks... and Princess T did with Timmy... I just could not muster the inclination to.  I tried... but, couldn't sustain a modicum of interest long enuf to shed my Jammies.  *Smiles*

The Man was about as disinterested as I was, so we couldn't motivate one another either.  So, we got our teeny tiny Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream Mini Cups... mine American Dream and his Cherry Garcia... and indulged in that instead of going out anywhere.  *LOL*   I hear they have a Flavor called Vermonty Python but I've yet to find it.   It sounds Divine... tho' the Chocolate part would make me Sick, I'd be willing to try it if I could find it.  *Smiles*   "Monty Python's Flying Circus" was one of my all time Fav Shows when we lived in Great Britain.  I Wish they did reruns of it on Cable here, I'd binge watch the Hell out of it.  Even before Cable TV British Comedies pushed the Boundaries of propriety and I Loved it.

My Mom always did that, she was such a Lady and Refined, but, she could be highly inappropriate in a Classy way, no easy task mind you.  *Winks*   She never took herself too Seriously and neither do I.   I think too many Serious Folks become a Legend in their own Minds and need to just get Over it and Lighten Up, they're much too Uptight.  Hang Loose Baby, you'll probably Live longer and definitely have more Fun.   I've got the Three In The Mornins' right now and am drinking Iced Espresso by Black Stag to Chill Out.  My metabolism is Ass backwards, so what would Wire the Average Human to Vibrate, Calms me Down... Adult ADHD and Bipolar I is some faulty Wiring like that.  *Smiles*

To be Fair I got enuf Sleep during the Day of the Fourth, I took a few Siestas and The Man knew it would mean I'd then be up all Night like a Newborn.  *Bwahahaha*   My 2nd Childhood is in full swing... and when Princess T used my Computer to play her Roblox, she told me I use the Letter N too much, since she noticed the hole worn into that Key on my Keyboard.   And it disturbs her that all the Letters and Numbers have been long ago worn off and have deep grooves.  She just didn't know you could actually wear a HOLE in a Key... apparently, you can.  I can wear People out too, it's a Natural Gift of mine.  *LOL*  

Yes, a little bit of me can go a long way and I know this and have no delusions.  It is also why I mostly enjoy Solitary time and limit exposure to Peopling.  This is Why I also Like this Community since I can be here... or not... whenever I want to engage... or not.  *Smiles*  I actually Imagined I'd Sleep In more once I didn't have to get a Child up for School anymore, but, my Internal Clock won't recalibrate... dammit.   And, being on Retirement Time also means I Sleep whenever I want to, except on Sundays when I Work Nights... so... if nothing is Calendared, well, no reason now to stick to a Schedule really.   And so I don't and could throw all Clocks and Watches away if it were not for my Sunday Shift.  

I like being up in the Cooler part of the Evening or Wee Hours of the Morning, it's not 118 Degrees and the faulty AC Unit can keep it at the 75 Degrees I want it to perform.  Still hafta set that one at 65 to manage that... but... whatever.   I'm done with calling the AC Repair to come back and swap out other parts only to have it be Otra Cosa in less than 24 Hours.   Unless my Utility Bill goes bonkers, I'll just adapt and improvise thruout the Summer now and put the Manufacturer of this Unit on Blast here in The Land Of Blog.   To be Fair tho', every Business lately we've gone into seems to be having similar issues with their AC Units not keeping things Cool enuf.  Climate Change is Real.  And Technology seems to be unable to keep Pace to remedy that Change and Shift.

I did spend an inordinate amount of Waking Time categorizing my Library's Newest Books.  My Library is ridiculous, especially the Cookbook portion of it, considering I don't Cook, so, it's quite Mental.  But, I do Love looking at the Pictures.  *Bwahahaha*   And Resale of good Books is easy... going to a Bookstore and paying full blown Retail for a Book or Magazine these days is quite prohibitive.   Seriously, some Mags now are around Fifteen Bucks and back when I used to get Subscriptions, they used to be around Ninety-Nine Cents to a Buck Forty Nine tops.   Them were the days...


May the Fourth be with you... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. We cleaned our garage and shed during the early part of the day, but unfortunately, I spent too much time outside and had asthma issues into the night. Not serious enough to hit the ER, just uncomfortable. Like you, we didn't bother with watching fireworks it just didn't seem appropriate given the current state of affairs. I also don't understand how the pundits/media are calling this a close election! The GOP and the convicted felon have PUBLICALLY stated their goals for the country if he gets into the White House and it ain't pretty for anyone, but white straight males! I'll #VoteBlue and spend the next 4 years helping GenX politicians keep the presidency, the House, the Senate, SCOTUS, and every single local election Democratic! xoxo

    1. Sorry to hear your Asthma flared up, we have Asthmatics in the Family and sometimes the Urban Air quality is poor and they struggle. Too many Fireworks being lit off by amateurs made the Air hazy and smokey last Night so I didn't want The Man out in it, and the Heat, he's got advanced COPD that was Service related. Indeed there is no Mystery on what the GOP under Extremist Agenda intends to do, all the Quiet parts have now been said out loud and documented for everyone to be aware of... nobody can say they did not know. This is why I'm astounded that the Race can be close... it should be a landslide Victory, like in Great Britain, for the side of Democracy if Voters were FOR Democracy and not Autocracy. If every group they are trying to oppress and tell us we're less than: ALL Minorities, ALL Women, ALL of the LGBTQ Community, ALL the Disabled Community, ALL Children Born in America of Immigrant Families Voted Blue in favor of a Party that wants the best for us, it would be a landslide and the ReTrumplican Party would be obsolete and never be in power.

  2. Bello todo, lo que signifique, escapa un poco a mi percepción.

    1. Thank You for visiting, it can escape our perception and yet still be beautiful. Art can certainly make us think beyond ourselves.

  3. Our town has a big parade. Didn't go. And big fireworks. Didn't go. So depressing.

    1. I think many of us were feeling that way actually... it doesn't feel like a UNITED States anymore. So much deep division, so much going haywire that one Political Party is responsible for destroying. So it seems like absolute hypocrisy now and all the festivities seemed to be trying to pretend it's not happening and our Democracy is not being threatened and is at stake in only a few Months! The feeling of foreboding I have overshadows feeling Celebratory about this Year's 4th of July. I want to Believe Democracy will Hold like it did in 2020... yet, look what happened during that transfer of Power, it wasn't Peaceful and even Four Years later is contested by the losing side desperate to install their chosen Dictatorship and eliminate the Rule of Law so they can have absolute Power without Guardrails. It's frightening and every Woman, every Minority, every LGTBTQ Person, every Disabled Person, the Elderly and the Infirm ought to be terrified if they prevail.

    2. Oh, and every Immigrant, whether they came here Legally or not... since the Xenophobia of the Far Right is extreme. Oh, and every person whose not a Fundamentalist Christian... the Laundry List of those they wish to oppress and dominate or eliminate is Hitleresque.

  4. The Thai Food looks so yummy.. . living in the rural Outback of Louisiana . we only get to wish we had Thai Food

    1. Oh No, I couldn't live without Thai Food... LOL... but, I hear Louisiana has some good vittles too! After Katrina a lot of folks from New Orleans were relocated here and a few set up Restaurants, good ones. I found out I LOVE Gator. *Smiles*


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl