Thursday, June 27, 2024

Graduation Day ~ Presidential Debate ~ Hell No & Oh No


Well, Today is Graduation Day, we'll see how the Ceremony goes?  The Man woke up not feeling well... Splendid!   He told The Daughter but didn't tell me, so that he wouldn't risk ruining Graduation Day for Princess T if I felt he needed to go to the ER again.  She snitched him out, worried Dad might not be okay and should have told me.  He looks fine, I think he's having Anxiety too about going to a potentially crowded Ceremony, and so is Princess T, both of them get Sensory Overload and have extreme Social Anxieties.

Right now they're having Anxiety about Ironing her Gown, which has wrinkles from when we got it.  I've never owned an Iron or Ironed anything in my Life and the damned this is Polyester, which melts easily, and was Eighty Bucks, so I'd leave it alone.   The Daughter borrowed the Neighbor's Iron and they're nervous about the Setting to use, Silk or Synthetic?   I say neither, just wear it As Is, it'll be Fine.  *Winks*  The Man used to take what he needed Ironed to the Dry Cleaners, we should have done that if she'd given us more notice about the Ironing Requirement.  *Le Sigh*  If they melt that fucker I'm gonna be Mad.  *LOL*

I'm already irate at the Air Conditioning Company.  They sent out Tech No. Infinity, their Oldest Dude, to repair it Yesterday.  He took Pixs of a Hole his previous Techs had put in an Air Duct with what looked like a fucking Pipe!!!  He patched that up.  Then he told me when the Unit was installed they hadn't used new Air Ducts, they'd re-installed it on the Old Ducts and there was a large crack sucking in Hot Air all around where it wasn't Sealed right!   He had Pixs of that too, went out and bought special Air Conditioner Caulking and Sealed all that.  He said he couldn't find anything else Wrong, so, he left.  Well, his 'repairs' didn't cost me anything, but didn't last 24 Hours either before we were right back to it being 78-80 Degrees being the best the Unit can Cool to!!!  No Bueno! 

Also, I'm having to replace the Filter for that Unit every 3 Days instead of every 30 of the Old Unit, it gets THAT dirty too quickly!  Obviously, something isn't Right and I can't afford to replace Filters that often!  The Old Unit's Filter after the same amount of time is still looking New, and it's Cooling it's side of the House perfectly, it's a Decade Old!!!   The Problem Unit is only 2.5 Years Old and needing constant repairs.  So, I called the Company again to complain, I want to speak to someone in Charge now who Owns the fucking Company.  We've been with them on Retainer for Two Decades, until this Unit, that we bought from them, never had problems.  We've bought Two other Units from them for other Homes before, no Problems.  This is clearly a faulty defective Unit. 

I'm not even blaming the Techs they've sent, they fixed what obviously went haywire that they could see and visibly show us.  But, it's always otra cosa, something else, constantly with this Unit.  That's not normal, especially with major parts for a New Unit failing one right after another.  Princess T's Bedroom is Cooled by that faulty Unit so her Room is over 80 Degrees, so she and Eli are sweating cobs, not Okay.  At least The Man, whose Medically Fragile, stays in the side of the Home that the Old Unit keeps sufficiently Cool, Thank God.  He couldn't tolerate it being over 76 Degrees tops while Inside, before he begins to have Heat related stress that taxes him physically.  And the faulty Unit is running up the Utility Bill while NOT keeping us Cool enuf too.

So, that's the Update on Air Conditioner Hell.   I'm going to Battle with the Company that Sold us this POS Unit, I want them to replace the damned thing while it's still under Warranty.   We'll see what happens.  Other than that, everything is Swell.  *Bwahahaha*   I don't know if I told you all that I was down to One Tropical Juvenile Fish in the Aquarium?  It's a Platy that was Born in the Tank, the last of the remnant of Fish inherited from The Young Prince, passed down to his Sister when he left, re-inherited when he came back, then passed along to Yours Truly when they left again.  Princess T didn't want them this time, I've pretty much Raised/Tended all of them anyway, as happens with Kids and Pets over Time.

So, I decided while at the River, to catch some small Wild Fry and just Raise them in the Tank, then release them again when they're bigger.  They're doing very well and won't be kept long enuf to eat the Tropical Fish left.  They're hardier too and interesting to watch the habits of.  They have a better chance of survival here than the Wild and I'm interested in what Species they are, harder to tell when minuscule sized.  The Fish & Game Guys told me there are 35 Species they've documented in the Tres Rios Rivers.  Only some are Native, some are Endangered Native Species they're trying to reintroduce by Farm Raising some to release back into the Wild.  Others are Game Fish introduced intentionally into the Rivers and Lakes for Fishing & Food Sources.

Those Rivers used to be so polluted in the 1970-1990 Eras that you couldn't eat the Fish from them, so, now they're cleaning up the Environmental Damage that people caused, especially Commercial pollution.  Now a lot of the Wildlife is coming back and that's a designated Nature Preserve now and Nesting Area for Wild Birds of all kinds.  We do Environmental Cleanup there regularly and I've Saved Fish stranded in tidal pools or after Floods receded and returned them to the River for Years now too.   I have often told you of my Fish Rescues.  *LOL*   The Sheriff's Office Guys think it's a hoot I'd be there with my French Fry Basket Saving Baby and Juvenile Fish stranded in quickly evaporating tiny tidal pools.  Most other people there are Fishing to eat the Fish, not Save them.  *LOL*

Needless to say, when these Fry could survive a Hot tidal pool barely covering them, with little Oxygen and often very dirty Water, they are doing well in my Fish Tank, hardy lil devils they are, Bless 'em.  At first they behave Wild, but adapt quickly to being Hand Raised and now they know me on sight and flock to the Glass instead of being afraid of me.  Knowing... Staff has arrived and Meals are being served.  *LOL*   The Platy seems less morose now it has Company too and swims alongside them, tho' bigger than them all right now, won't be for long unless some of them are the Endangered Minnow Species like Gila Topminnow.  The Tres Rios Wetlands has some unusual Fish you won't find many places.  The introduction of Non-Native Fish for Anglers, has endangered many Native Species that have lost habitat due to the competition for Food or being Food for larger Game Species.

The tidal pools often gave the tinier Species a Predator free environment to breed, but, dry up come Spring.  So, I'd do rescues once the season changed to where they'd soon dry up and all die from the isolated pools which by Summer, couldn't sustain them.   I'm pretty sure I have some Fry of the tinier Species that I can just leave in my Aquarium full time and let them Breed enuf to then release the overage of them back into the Wild.  Helping their Species to have a better chance of not going extinct.  Humans made the problem and it's up to us to run damage control behind how we upset the Natural Balance by introducing Species never meant for the Native Species to have to deal with or be replaced by.   Anyway, they're doing well in captivity and thriving. 

 I've talked to people from Commercial Fish Farms and re-introduction to the Wild isn't difficult, they do it all the time.  I've seen them do it at Tres Rios, usually in the Spring.   Farm Raise to a Maturity Point, then release to re-stock Rivers, Streams & Lakes all the time.  Anyway, it's interesting to me to be able to observe the Maturity process of a Wild Fish rather than just seeing them caught and eaten all the time.  I like Fish just fine and am not opposed to eating them, but, protecting them to me is more important than just having them as a Human Food Source.  A lot of other Animals and Birds rely on a healthy population of them for their Natural Food Sources as well.  And, the Fish keep the Rivers cleaned up and eliminate a lot of pest insects like Mosquitoes.  I'm an avid Environmentalist and always will advocate for Wildlife, Plants and Trees.

You catch a lot of flack from other Humans when you're Environmentally Conscious and they're not, I don't care.   The Environmentally Unconscious are annoying to me, they don't realize good Stewardship of our Planet is vital and intelligently responsible to ensure Future Generations inherit a healthy Planet.   Nuff said, I'm Preaching to the Choir here usually, you all Rock, so, you already know all that.  *Winks*  I took The Daughter to SAVERS and she found a nice Royal Blue Outfit and matching Shoes for a pittance, to wear to the Graduation.  When the Young Manager found out Princess T had Graduated he asked me to send her in for a Job when she's ready.  He'll hire her, he knows she's worked with me at the Antique Mall since she was Five.  He knows about her Social Anxieties and would put her in the back in a no Customer Contact position.

That's the 2nd Friend of mine who Manages a Business that told me she would be hired and they'd love to have her.   I know all the Kids who work there at both Businesses too and they all call me by Name and give me big Hugs.  So, it's already like extended 'Family'.  They've seen and known Princess T, some since she was a Toddler too.  So, it's not as if she'd be unfamiliar with Co-Workers, which would be helpful.   Anyway, I want her to enjoy some Summer Vacay since she's more than Earned it.  I know all the hard Work she put into her Education, which was an Academic struggle for her, tho' Working isn't a struggle for her, she's done it with me since she could Walk.  All my Kids have, which is why they are good Workers.  They were Raised to have a Work Ethic and Integrity in whatever they do, whether Paid or Volunteer Work.

I got a 1983 Scarface Movie Poster, Framed, to Re-Sell, that I Sourced from SAVERS.  Online it's Selling for $60, I paid $11, since I had a Discount I used, so I have great Margins on it even if I give a Customer a Deal.   I don't Source a lot of my Merch, since I'm Downsizing so have sufficient Inventory, but, when I see a No-Brainer item that will be a Quick Turn, I get it.   Unless I've Sold it already, I have a Scarface Tee too with the Poster's Graphics and will hang it next to the Poster.  *LOL*  After we get Home from the Graduation I do Hope that I haven't missed much, if any, of the Presidential Debate.  I'm interested, not to see 45, who will behave as predictably expected, unhinged Crazy and incoherently talking bullshit and blather... but Biden, who I do have concerns about his advanced Age.

In a Perfect World we'd have better Choices, but, we don't.  And, as a Moderate Independent who despises Partisan Politics, I'm not delighted with either Party.  Yet, feel the Republican Party no longer exists, it's become an Extremist Movement of Anti-Democracy Lunatic Fringe, with no respect for the Rule of Law, and Domestic Terrorist Organizations backed.  Not to mention Foreign Adversaries who back them now.   And Sycophants so desperate to hold onto their Jobs/Power that they'll just go along with it, have no Backbone or Balls, so roll over, hold their Noses and help destroy our Freedom and Democracy by their complicity.  And, frankly, too many Voters are so divided now and so Cultish in their Partisan Loyalties and Tribalism, that they'd Vote in the Devil himself so long as ole Satan said he was Partisan aligned. 

Today, due to the Graduation, I'm doing nothing else so I'll still have the Energy and not break a Sweat.   Only half our Air Conditioners are working properly and I've not had a Callback yet from the Company.  I had told them of the Graduation and receiving Guests, so it does piss me off they're evading responding to what they clearly know has now become a Situation.   They've sent so many Techs out here for this Unit and been unable to resolve the problem, so the only Solution I see is for them to just fucking replace it now to ensure proper Customer Satisfaction and Service... and Honor the Conditions of the Contract and Warranty.  Which does say if it can't be repaired, it should be replaced.

I did price some Smalls for the Showroom, but won't take them in 'til Friday when I'm filling in for my Friend Richard again by Working his Friday Night Shift for him.  It'll also be a Payday, I did Okay this Pay Period, for Summer, it was decent Sales, so I can't complain.  We've moved in the Right direction with the New Showroom, so Sales are much stronger, even during slower Seasons already.  Some Vendors are really struggling so I feel Thankful we're not.   Closer to Election I don't know what the outcome will portend, so I'm Guardedly Optimistic about the Future, with Guarded being the Key Word there.   No matter who Wins or Loses, I do have concerns about Negative and potentially violent reactions and actions by those prone to them.

I'm totally weary of Societal Chaos and Leadership Chaos, I don't wanna endure any of that again Post Election.  It isn't Helpful for a Society to thrive and a Nation to be Respected and optimally Functional, maintaining a good Reputation Globally.   The whole Separatist Movement is foolishness, Globally all Nations do better when they have decent relationships with one another and Trade Goods, Importing and Exporting.  Even Countries we don't have a close way of Being like, benefit us in more ways than a lot of folks seem to realize. 

  So much is Imported and made or Sourced outside of this Country that we rely on.  China Manufactures much of what we rely on and before that Japan did, just a solid Fact.  To Manufacture here is still far more expensive to the Consumer.   Foreign Born Labor here in America has kept a lot of prices low, like Agricultural items and almost all Protein Sources too and Restaurant Meals.  Lowering Costs for American Families after a Global Pandemic takes time, an Instant Gratification Society may not like that Fact, but, it's just the Reality.  So is Capitalism and how price points are structured for Profits for the Seller primarily... Supply and Demand dictates all Markets. 

The Oldest of the Trio in Mexico is not only going to College but is working too and doing Modeling.  She looks so much like her Mama, it's like she was Cloned and it looks like she has a Future in Modeling, she's very Tall and Shapely, she's quite Photogenic with or without Makeup.  I Wish I could Share the Videos she sent me but I don't know how to get them to load here on the Blog, so I'm just Sharing some of the Stills she sent.   Even tho' she's 17, she's been Modeling some Quincenera Dresses and looks like a Princess with the Fancy Gowns and Tiaras.  She never got to have her Quincenera, her Abuelita wasn't Well enuf to Host one and is on a Fixed Income.   I'm going to see if Princess T can do some Screen Shots for me of her Sister from those Videos. 

Well, I got my Cellphone and tried to have fast enuf reflexes to catch some stills of the Close Up Videos the Granddaughter took of herself and another Model, they're below the Swimsuit Shots taken, which were Stills sent.  I Wish they'd taken some Stills of her in the Quincenera Lavender Gown, which was like her being Cinderella, it really made me quite Emotional to watch them.  She's Blossoming, like they all are, into such Beautiful Young Strong Women that we can be so Proud of.  In the Stills Below, you wouldn't be able to distinguish her from her Mama at that exact Age, it gave me Goosebumps in fact.  She's the one with her Mama's exact Eye and Hair Color, tho' she's got a Fairer complexion than The Daughter ever had.  Which probably comes from her French Ancestry on her Abuelita's Side of the Family, Saint Maria.  When Young Maria had very Blonde Hair and Green Eyes. 

This Granddaughter hated being so Fair and so Tall.  But in Modeling there in Mexico, both of those Features are beneficial to her, she looks different and in Modeling, a Unique Look and being exceptionally Tall Sells.   She could also do Hand and Hair Modeling since she has long Slender Hands and great Nails, and very thick luxurious healthy Hair.  I snagged some Old Pixs of Her Mama at about Age 15-17 too so you can notice the similarities in appearance.  Even some of the expressions and Attitude are so similar.  Tho' The Daughter says her Child is much Sweeter than she was at that Age.  This one is a Golden Child and so is the Youngest one.  It's the Middle Sister there in the Mexican Trio whose most like her Mama Behaviorally and Temperamentally.  The one who looks most like ME! *LOL and Le Sigh* 

My Stills are fuzzy since my Reflexes are delayed/slow and the Video was quite fast.  *LOL and Le Sigh*  I tried to get the best Images of her but couldn't catch my preferred ones in the very beginning of the Video and where she's Smiling.  She has Beautiful Teeth and a great Smile.   While Modeling the Photographer is having them do many Expressions tho', to choose from which Frames they will use Professionally.  My Brother is a Professional Hollywood Photographer {now Retired}, so I know how they do.   The other Model was very Pretty too and they put her in a Red Gown since she had the Dark Hair.  Princess T looks good in Red for the same reason, having a more Exotic Look. 


She looks so Sweet and yet so Grown Up already.  She's very Mature for her tender Age, she's had to be, being Raised by a Woman who is Old enuf to be MY Mother.   For the last Decade, the Kids have really had to take care of their Abuelita and be her Full Time Caregiver when her Octogenarian Years caused limitations for her, now she's 90, even more so she relies on the Kids a lot.   And they are deeply Devoted to her, and Culturally, in Mexico, taking Care of the Elderly Loved Ones is expected and done with Great Love and Commitment you don't see that often in American Society.   I'm so Proud of them all, they're turning into Fine Young Adults.  And Yes, I'm totally biased.  *Winks*

MUCH LATER:  We're back from the Graduation, Six Schools had Summer School Graduates, it was so Colorful to see the various School Colors of Caps N Gowns.  Royal Blue, Navy Blue, Black, Maroon, Red, and Rust.  It was a lovely Ceremony and the School Hosting it did a really beautiful Job of making it Special, Comfortable and Memorable.  All those Kids had put in the hard Work of what it took to recapture Credits since May that they were missing, in order to Graduate by June.  Quite an accomplishment and tenacity with perseverance for them all.  Each Speaker said they felt overwhelmed and that they couldn't do it, but they pressed on anyway.  Each with the Support and Confidence of Family and Friends encouraging them and having Faith in them, we could relate to all of that too.

Everyone behaved and was respectful during the Ceremony, nobody got overly rowdy or got in the way of Family taking Pixs and Videos.  I just used my Camera Phone so that I wouldn't have a Flash going off, the Auditorium had great Lighting.   My Ceremony shots weren't that good, but my shots afterwards were good, along with those we took at Home.  We were getting Irrigation by the time we got Home, so Thank Goodness for Rob doing that for us.  Since, nobody was Home and none of us would have missed the Graduation, it would have been problematic coz the Water is coming whether you're ready or not to receive it.  To not receive it would Flood some of your Neighbors further down the distribution line.

    We got Home in time to watch half the Presidential Debate.  Well, a small Panel here in Arizona mirrored my Sentiments exactly, when one Republican Panelist said:  About Trump, "Hell, No." and about Biden "Oh, No."   The Debate raised all the concerns I have about each Candidate, they are too damned Old and in serious Cognitive decline.  Trump being more sedate than usual, but lying thru the whole Debate, not answering the Questions posed, having no Policy, focused too much on the Past and his Grievances.   Biden looking just feeble and hesitant, sometimes appearing confused and deflated, not seeming to keep his Thoughts on track, lacking in Energy.  At one point they are both arguing about fucking Golf and whose a better Golfer... and I'm like, WTF?!?!!!   It was like watching Two Old Codgers crankily sparring about trifles, reminiscing about past performances, rather than exhibiting the ability and where-with-all to Lead a Country into the Future. 

I didn't come away with a lot of confidence, even tho' I know how I have to Vote, but it would be damned tempting, I would imagine, not to Vote at all for many people who don't like either Choice.   I don't like either Choice but too much is at stake to sit this one out.  I just wish both Old Guys would step aside and allow viable Candidates to move forward.  That isn't likely to happen now, or it would have before now.   During the Primaries I just Wish others would have been chosen by each Party... I really do... but, here we now are.   Both performed lousy in this Debate, both would have probably been better off had they not even done this.

I feel that many probably won't be all that inspired by the performance, tho' likely their Minds were made up regardless.   Those who weren't sure who they would Vote for before this, either won't Vote at all now, or Vote for what they feel is the lesser Evil... much like the last Two Elections really.   And that is subjective with most people, as to whose worse off Leading us or solving any of the major issues Voters are concerned about.  It's not as if nobody is Aware about what the People have concerns about, I think most are abundantly clear about what needs to changed, be addressed, solved.   Whether it will be or not is just so uncertain... I have no Words really.


I'm fleshing out this Post with Pixs, Past and Present, of the Family, the Graduate, the other Grandchild's accomplishment in working as a Model to pay for her College beyond what her Scholarships covered for her.  I wish we could do more for all the Grandkids... but we do have a few of them and limited Resources to spread around.  We do what we can.   I know that The Daughter is constantly getting requests from her Three Kiddos in Mexico for financial Help, we try to send Money with regularity and as we can afford to.   Sometimes they don't seem to understand that tho' America isn't 3rd World, it isn't just unlimited Resources for everyone either.   Hard to convey that to afford your cost of living here, it takes a lot of Resources expended.   We could live larger in a 3rd World Country on this same Income, but, we don't.

As you can see Below, we all tried to mirror her School Colors with the Royal Blue Family Theme.  *LOL*   I already had my ensemble, so did The Man, The Daughter got hers this Afternoon at a Chazza, The Son already had his ensemble.   His Shirt was more of a Blue-Grey than a Royal Blue, but it was Fine.  He just agonized whether to keep his Shirt tucked or untucked?   He did both for Pixs.   Her Chord was Awarded for Excellence in her Culinary Class.  She excelled in that Class and enjoyed it, she enjoyed her Teacher, Mr. Chang.  He was really a good Teacher, originally from China.  His Wife also is a Teacher there, and both of the Changs always complimented her on her hard Work and dedication to her Studies, which meant a lot to her and to have them as Mentors.  They were always so Positive and Encouraging.


 Outside it was 114 so after the Ceremony we took quick Pixs and got Home quickly.  *LOL*   Being dressed up in that Heat was not easy, but Thankfully the Ceremony was Inside a Climate Controlled and Comfortable Space.   A lot of Arizona Graduations are Outside, at Night, in the Bleachers and Football Fields of Campuses.  We could not have tolerated that.   But, for the Main Graduation, unless Schools Rent a Commercial Auditorium, they usually couldn't accommodate the Numbers.   Some more Affluent Schools will Rent a Venue, our District is not Affluent.  It's predominantly Working Class and Lower Income Families.

When she got handed her Diploma I wish I'd had a better quality Phone Camera, but I can Buy Pixs they took Professionally, so will contact them for whatever Photos they took of your Kiddo.  I thought the Man handing out her Diploma looked like Reality Television Personality Chumlee from the Vegas Pawnshop Business on the Show PAWN STARS.  *LOL*   One Administrator's Surname was Mr. Junk... which caused giggles.  *Smiles*   We really enjoyed the whole Evening and were so very Proud.  I was Smiling Ear to Ear, not just for my Student, but all those Kiddos Earning their Diploma.   Mebbe not on time, but, nevertheless.


I cropped this Pix I took so as to protect her Privacy, since Princess T has been the Nickname she's always had on my Blog.   A couple Images Below was us exiting the Auditorium, they had a big Balloon Arch with big Gold Balloon 2024 Numbers.   I convinced The Man to wear his Custom Cowboy Hat with the Indigo Band.  He got some Compliments from Administrator's on it.   Directly Below is the Color Guard who were from our Granddaughter's School.

When we got Home I went out and got Mexican Food Takeout.  Everyone was tired and didn't wanna go out to eat.  The Son has to be up by 3:00 a.m. for Work and The Daughter has to be up by 6:00 a.m. for Work, so it was already pretty late even for a Meal at Home.   I have to Work Tomorrow Night too, so, I felt it was a good Call, Princess T got to pick the type of Food she wanted and she definitely didn't wanna go out all Dressed Up.  *LOL*   We all peeled off our Dress Clothes and got into Casual lounging Clothes as soon as we got Home.  *Smiles*


Below is one of my Favorite Candid Shots of her at the Ceremony, as they were told to Stand, turn around, and Thank Family & Friends there for all our Support and Faith in them.   I was fortunate to get us Seats directly behind where she was Sitting and not too many Rows back, which was Perfect.   I Hope you've enjoyed being Invited along vicariously my Friends.  All your Congrats and Good Wishes were so appreciated... 


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Congratulations to Princess T! Quite a well-earned achievement.

    1. She certainly did earn it, so did all those Summer School Super Seniors, I felt so proud of them all that I was moved to tears.

  2. Sandra This & ThatJune 28, 2024 at 9:01 AM

    Princess T looks lovely and happy. As she has every right to be.

    I could only watch the first 10 minutes of the "debate" . I'll vote for Biden because I must, but C'mon.

    Something has happened. Many blogs don't acknowledge me so I have to write in who I am.

    1. She was elated, all those Super Senior Kiddos had worked so hard that it was quite emotionally moving, I felt proud of every single one of them as if they were all our Kiddos! Yes, because we must Vote Blue no matter who these days, but C'mon, what HAS happened to America that it has even come to this?! You are coming in as generic now in the Comments, my Phone does that to me. A few Bloggers tell me they can't even Comment now and some have gone to Spam... I'm wondering if it's a problem with Blogger?

  3. Your whole family looked great for the graduation, all dressed in blue. So happy for Princess T to have earned her degree.

    The debate was bad for Biden but right now he's speaking at a rally and seems strong and energized which he didn't last night. Trump overwhelmed him with so many lies that he was really struggling. I wish this Biden would have appeared at the debate.

    1. I'm deeply concerned about each candidate for completely different reasons. A bad Democratic choice could give Democracy away to a deranged Psychopath who envisions himself as a Dictator and it will be very bad if Joe loses much more confidence. Where are our Young healthy mentally strong Politicians. This is a Hell No and Oh No disaster of an Election... Dawn the Bohemian

  4. I can't even get to your blog with my regular browser (Firefox), but I didn't mind jumping through the hoops on a different one to congratulate Princess T...and you. She did the work to graduate, but without your backing I wonder if that would have happened.


    1. Well, from what the Student Speakers said, every Kiddos there had a great support system at Home, which I think made all the difference. I agree, it wasn't as if most of them got the encouragement during the School Year from Counselors/Teachers who mostly failed them and didn't give them the Credits they were stuck recapturing. One would think if a Child keeps failing something the Adults in the room would attend to it a different way to help them Succeed, but, that rarely happens. The classroom sizes are too large, it's ridiculous to have 35 to one Teacher Student ratio. Plus, many of these Kids either have Special Needs, Learning Disabilities or Immigrant Parents who don't even speak English fluently, if at all. The bulk of her Ceremony were Students of Color and Families from Latin America or Africa who are first generation Immigrants.

    2. PS: Thanks for going thru the trouble of Hoop Jumping, I'm hearing from many Readers that the Blogger various systems are acting up lately, I don't know why?

  5. I'm so, so happy about the graduation and it looks like everything went wonderfully.

    The debate... sorry to hear Biden's performance wasn't great, but I think pretty much everyone knows who they need to vote AGAINST anyway.

    I just keep hoping poor Dumald will be reunited with his first wife soon. They really should be together, don't ya think?

    And the AC... yep. Raise hell. They can't fix it. Make them replace it. And of course document it so we can all see it, too.

    1. Yes, no matter how poor a performance and how many concerns I have about Biden, I know who I simply MUST Vote against. I do think Hair Furor needs to reunite with Wife No. One who he buried on his Golf Course so he could receive the No Tax Benefits. I'd rather he receive a Vikings Funeral, set him on Fire and send him straight to the Devil he Served on this side of Time and Eternity, already all crisped up. *LOL* The Manufacturer won't replace the Unit, our newest Tech came out and did a thorough Study at no cost, seems to have it working okay for now and we did find out they gave us the extended 10 Year Warranty on it, which will cover major replacement parts should any more crap out prematurely on it. They are sending a ductwork guy out since this is the 2nd Tech that has told us when the Unit was replaced it should have had new Ductwork and not tied in to the Old Ductwork. So, we'll see what that entails???

  6. CONGRATULATIONS! What a great ceremony and I am so happy for Princess T! What an accomplishment! Woooo Hooooo! And don't you all clean up nice! LOL Seriously, everyone looked just wonderful - you should have had a professional family portrait! And that must have made Princess T really feel even more special. I am just so happy for all of you. AND now you don't have to put up with the school next year. It's like you graduated, too.
    Now the stinking AC - I would be steaming and not just from the heat. I can see you have a new profession - a full time job getting ahold of these idiots and getting this unit rebuilt or replaced. There is no excuse for what is going on.

    1. Thank You and Yes, I feel like I Graduated again too! *LOL* The Son Graduated, but The Daughter and her Son never could since tho' both had high IQ, they both are Schizophrenic and most Public Schools have no real training or Placement for SMI Children and there is still so much bias and discrimination that excludes that Community from a Right to an Education, Employment and even Affordable Housing or Social Services they should qualify for so they aren't among the Homeless all their Adult Lives with absolutely no means of Support of Quality of Life. People treat Animals better than the Seriously Mentally Ill in this Country. The Daughter said Mexico is far more compassionate in how they handle SMI Citizens... she was treated with Kindness, Compassion and the Communities as a Collective looked out for her and those like her... even tho' most were without the level of economic affluence most Americans take for Granted. As for the AC, well, it's ongoing but the last Tech made some improvement and we've got more Techs coming Monday Morning at no charge too.

  7. Woo hoo!! You did it! Congratulate Princess T from me. And congratulations to you too, for putting in the work shepherding her. I know what it’s like dealing with school systems when your child has a disability or illness and they can’t or won’t accomodate it. It must feel amazing knowing you are finished with all that! And that she now has a level of accomplishment she can show to help in her future. I can’t believe after all these years of following you, you have done it. I hope you give yourself a big prize! You deserve it.
    XO Jazzy Jack


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl