Saturday, June 29, 2024

My Baby Turns 38

Today in Real Time is The Son's 38th Birthday, he's my 'Baby' and last Child I Birthed, Wow, Time flies.  He doesn't mind me calling him my 'Baby' either, he's not ashamed of being close to Dear Ole' Mom and we have a good relationship.  Granted, I then Raised a Grandson and Granddaughter, who grew up more like his Siblings than his Nephew and Niece.   The Sibling Rivalry between The Son and The Young Prince was even more than the Sibling Rivalry he has with The Daughter or that The Young Prince had with Princess T... which is saying something.  They all Love one another but are fiercely Rivalrous as 'Siblings'.  My Younger Brother and I never had that, we were always Close, but I attribute most of that to my Brother's Mellow Nature, he's just Mr. Nice Guy and was a Golden Child too, I was The Handful, it's a stretch, but, Imagine that.  *Winks and Bwahahaha*  I'm dredging up Present & Past Pixs of The Son for this Post.  He's the Kiddo that has changed the least over the Years and Time has been Kind to.  

Thank goodness I was so amped up by Princess T's Graduation that I stayed up late.  Coz at 2:30 in the Morning a Male Neighbor down the Street that I don't know was banging on my Door to alert me that we were still getting Irrigation Water and it was Flooding over our Front Yard Berms!   Having a Strange Man at the Door at that wee Hour was scary but I could tell he looked alarmed and thru the Art Beveled Glass he was able to tell me what was wrong before I opened the Door to see for myself!   Apparently, tho' Rob had shut the Irrigation Gates out Back in the Pasture, he had neglected to unplug the Pump to stop it pumping Irrigation into the Front and East Side Yards, so had been running all Night!   

That meant this Guy wasn't getting appropriate Water pressure so had gone down the Street following the Flood stream to our House, where it originated.  He could see our Front Yard System was still shooting out Water and that the Living Room Light was still on.  I was so Thankful and Apologetic.  He was so Sweet about it too, for someone having an Irrigation Issue at Two Thirty in the Morning he was pleasant and helpful as can be.  That's just how this Community of Mini Farm Residents is, even if they don't know you.  It's why I Love living here, the Vibe between Neighbors is so Mayberry RFD, and bucolic, even tho' you're now in the Heart of a huge City that grew up around Glenarm Farms.   I unplugged the Pump, disaster averted.  Our Trees will Love how much extra they got.   Above is The Son as a very Young Teenager, perhaps 15, with some of the same Friends I've Shared current Pixs with.  He's kept all his Childhood Friends close.

After both Kids were off to Work, we went back to Bed and slept in til 10:30 a.m., it's gonna be a seriously Hot record breaking day and I still don't have a call back from our Air Conditioning Company.  Evading us won't work, they've got to put this Right with us for that defective Unit they Sold us.  If it can't be repaired it should be replaced, plain and simple, they've had every opportunity with all the Crews sent out these past Two Months to fix it if it could be fixed, it isn't fixed... same problem numerous major parts later and an expensive UV Light they had us Finance.  It's costing them and us good Money after bad to put into a Unit that still won't work properly.  It's not comfortable in our main Living Areas and Kitchen, and our Grandchild's Bedroom, so, WTF?! 

I called Parker & Son's again, they're waiting on a Corporate decision about Unit Replacement.   But will send another Tech out Today to try to do something so we'll not have Heat Stress in the Household while waiting on that decision, it's slated at Emergency level Heat Today and I have to Work Tonight.   Until about Noon the Unit limps along, but after that, in the Heat of the Day, it fails miserably again and creeps up until it's too Hot Inside on Half the House.  If we didn't have that other Decade old Unit Cooling the other Half, we'd be in trouble and not be able to remain here for fear of Heat Exhaustion or Heat Stroke.  So, it is an Emergency Situation and it's taxing the Old Unit too, which could risk failure, it's not large enuf to Cool this whole House... which is why the Home has Two Units.

Well, Three if you count the Wall Unit in the Art Studio Cooling that Space... so, at least we have that all working properly as backup.  If we didn't have a Mini Farm Acreage with Pasture, our Temps would be even higher.   Most Cityscapes have no expanses of Greenery and Urban Sprawl has made Temps much higher than when it was all Agricultural out here a few Years ago.   With Climate Change compounding the Issue, they are saying Cities are going to have to rethink using Dark Colors, Asphalt, and Create Greenscapes to absorb more Heat... planting more Trees and such.  But, this is a Desert with a Water Issue, so, I don't know how an ever expanding Metro Phoenix is gonna manage all that either? 

I want to be Guardedly Optimistic about so many things that I really have grave concerns about for the Future.  Hard not to tip into a level of Pessimism sometimes and usually I'm a Hopeless Optimist by Nature... not anymore.   I don't know what this Country is coming to now and how we even got here to this place we're at Politically?!   I kept thinking about that dismal Debate and thinking, why don't both Parties just force those Two Old Men to step aside and allow a new Generation to work out the Issues facing America?   These Guys are in such cognitive decline, and in the case of 45, serious Mental Health Issues, that if they were my Grandpas, I wouldn't even want them making their own decisions.  Or living Independently anymore, let alone make my decisions or anyone else's!

It would be like going to a Nursing Home, Mental Health Facility or Group Home and pulling a bunch of those Geriatric and/or Impaired Residents and having unrealistic expectations for them.  Most of them wouldn't even have an Awareness they can't or shouldn't do it anymore, that's why they're Residents there.   I don't know how much of a Government Cover Up is going on behind the Scenes in either Camp?  But putting those Two on Public Display for that Spectacle that unfolded, was enuf for me to see and hear what has to be happening on The Regular.  It would be like me sending The Man out to fight another War.  Just becoz he could do it in the Past, and was highly Decorated for Heroism then, doesn't mean he could or should even try now he's seriously impaired by advanced Age and various profound and obvious Disabilities. 

He watched the Debate with me and said even he recognizes, with his TBI and onset of Dementia, that he's in better Shape than those Two, and he'd be Right from what I saw and heard.  It alarms me if this is the best that either Major Political Party feels they have to offer the American Voters... I mean, C'Mon, fucking A!!!   If Biden is already in this shape, how much worse is he gonna be if he lasts to 86 trying to do the hardest Job in the World?   And 45, well, he's so Mentally unstable and unraveled as to be Clinically Insane and needing Involuntary Commitment to a Mental Institution IMO.  He simply can't distinguish Reality and be tethered to it anymore and seems to Believe the staggering amount of Lies, absurd exaggerations and Paranoid delusions he makes all the time.  He is a Psychopath and that is a serious dangerous disorder of Personality, of which there is no Cure.

Corporate from the Air Conditioning Company did call back.  The Manufacturer is refusing to replace the Unit becoz apparently their small print on Replacement criteria is that the SAME part has to fail Three times to warrant not just repairing the Unit constantly during the Warranty period.  Well, I can't fault the Air Conditioning Repair Company for what a Manufacturer requires.   But, she did say I have a Ten Year extended Warranty, so, that did give me some Peace about being under Warranty and Coverage twice as long as I thought we were.  *Whew*  So, they're sending out another Tech Today to repair some more of whatever the Hell has gone Wrong now with the Unit?   I guess they are comfortable not getting Paid for Repairs, but, sometimes I'm under a co-pay obligation, so it does have some out of pocket expense to us over and over again limping this Unit along.

Other than that, everything is Swell.  *Eye Roll*  I got some Merch priced to bring in to Work Tonight while I fill in for my Friend Richard's Shift.  Mostly Smalls as I don't have much room to bring in a lot, I'm fully Stocked up for the Weekend already.   I concentrated on Merch I felt would be the Quickest Turn and not languish Unsold in Inventory very long.  Antiques languish, no matter how Primo they are, so I'm unable to concentrate on Selling Quality Antiques and Vintage items right now, Soft Sellers.  But, Collectibles are Hot right now if you carry the right ones.  Even Vintage Toy Sales has slowed down, now the Collectible Toy Market is what's Selling briskly.  I've got to price the 9 Card Holder Pages of Pokemon Cards to put into the Locked Case.  Dealers of Pokemon and Anime Merch are killin' it and getting good Paychecks.  Same with LP Record Albums and Comic Books.

The Vintage and Specialty Clothing Market is also Hot right now and we're taking advantage of that.  The Demographic of Shopper is Younger now coming in and they're spenders... Old People aren't.  Most Seniors who come in either just wanna talk about the Old stuff incessantly without actually Buying anything, or want Vendors to Buy what they're trying to rid themselves of.   I always try to convince them if they expect Retail prices to be Paid on their stuff, they'll have to Rent a Space, another Resale Person will not be able to offer them the full Value and turn a Profit.   They come in with the illusion that what they see it Selling for is what another Resaler will pay them and get insulted with Picker Offers.  Sometimes their attachments are still strong and you have to tell them you're not Buying their Memories or Sentiments, they can keep those.  This is the Offer, take it or keep your item and Sell it to an actual Customer, not a Retailer.

Often people think becoz what they have is Old or a Family Heirloom, it's Valuable.  They assume it's worth much more than it actually is and they're disappointed to learn it wasn't much of an Inheritance or Investment Money Wise and lacks the Value they Imagined it to have.  The Stories the Family told of it might not be accurate or able to be substantiated.   Sometimes the item isn't even authentic and was a fake or repop of something.   A good Story is just a good Story if you can't prove it and provide evidence to back it up.   Sometimes they have a Valuable item and didn't even know it, but that's Rarer, very seldom do they possess the Ark of the Covenant, even if they thought they did.  *LOL*   I'm hopeful this Friday Night Shift doesn't have problematic Pain in the Ass Co-Workers or No-Shows they can't get Coverage for?  That's been an Issue lately.

Well, while I was at Work Last Night the Air Conditioning Tech showed up, but both Adult Kids were Home from Work by then and were here to monitor the Work, explain the Situation in detail, and relay the findings to me.   He did a very thorough review and Testing of every conceivable thing about the Unit and the Home, all at no Cost.  He got it running properly, I don't know for how long it will last this time.   We found out we have an extended Ten Year Warranty tho', for replacement major parts that might crap out next, so that's twice as long as I thought the Warranty Coverage was.   The Manufacturer will not replace it unless a part craps out and fails Three times tho'.  The Replacement Warranty is clearly one they rarely, if ever, have to Honor with that criteria.  Anyway, they're sending Ductwork Specialists out to examine that, since, it wasn't replaced when the Unit was installed, which it should have been.

So, there were installation shortcuts done, clearly, since they tied a brand new Unit to Old Ductwork.  I don't really understand what that would have to cause a Unit to fail since our Decade Old Unit is going strong with that same Old Ductwork???  If they cover replacing it at No Cost to me I'll let them do it.  If it's another major outlay, probably not, I'm already Financed for the Unit and the Expensive UV Light to fight the tendency of the Unit to grow Mold.   So, I don't wanna Invest even more of my Money on something that keep failing and will be no Guarantee to fix the problems we're experiencing with it.  So, I don't want them to have to do more unless they KNOW it's absolutely necessary and not just guessing about what might work and help the Situation.

I got a call from Work this Afternoon, a Vendor is missing an expensive Diamond and Gold Ladies Ring from her Locked Case.   So, they're calling everyone who Worked the last few Days to find out if they recall seeing the Ring or helping someone in her Case?   Well, we have a Log Sheet and I'm meticulous about filling out mine, but some Key Dealers aren't.  I put detailed descriptions, every Case I Open, every Go-Back I do with detailed description Vendor Number and Location it was returned to.  But, I did remind them that even some Paid Staff are getting careless about protocol about Locked Case Items, which should NEVER even be on the Go-Back Cart unattended EVER.  

They are supposed to give them directly to one of us to put back if a Customer changes their Mind.   Last Night I put back several expensive Locked Case Items from the Go-Back Cart that shouldn't have been on there, mostly Video Games and expensive Sports Trading Cards.  Not a $550 Ring, but, I Hope they locate it?   But, if it's MIA, it could have been Stolen many different ways, even out of a Secured Area.   I assisted Customers with mostly Sterling Jewelry last Night and none of them were allowed to reach into the Case.  I handled the Jewelry and brought it up front, as far as I know all of it got Bought and didn't end up Going Back into the Cases.

The Son will be spending his Birthday House and Pet Sitting for his Lifelong Friend Gypsy James in South Phoenix.   He doesn't mind, they're like Brothers and he's known in Da Hood there so nobody will mess with the property while The Son is there.  He has a Reputation for being Tough and No Nonsense, so is Respected in many of the rougher Barrios.   Nobody messes with Gypsy James for the same reasons, all the Gypsies I've ever known are good Fighters and it would be a mistake to mess with them.   Gypsy James has another Lifelong Friend whose a Roommate there, Carlos, whose Native American and really Tough too.  But, Carlos works even more than The Son does so is rarely Home to take care of everything.   The Son has his Birthday and the rest of the Weekend off while Gypsy James is out of Town, so he was the logical choice.


The Son will also hang out with his Bestie Rosa, pictured at a Concert with him above.  They've known each other since they were Kids, she's a really Tough and Hard Gal, an Army Veteran, and a Butch Dyke, so nobody messes with her either.  *LOL*   The Son is Nice to everybody but takes no Mess from anybody, he's a Chip off the ole Block that way, it's how I choose to be also.   Nice to all, Close to few, taking no Mess from any.  You Earn Respect that way, especially in Da Hood.  All The Son's Friends, like him, are Ride Or Die with each other.  Only a few, like he and Rosa, are still Single and not interested in being in a serious Relationship right now.  I know they'll ensure he'll have a Memorable Birthday Celebration.


I've had fun dredging up Pixs of The Son for his Birthday and this Post.  He really is like me in that he's rarely in front of the Lens.  So, not a lot of Pixs exist as they do for Family who've been Photographed more often and like being in Pixs.   He's Photogenic but not Vain, so he doesn't do many Selfies like a lot of the Younger folks do all the time these Days.  Most people seem to have more Pixs of themselves than they do of their Family and Friends.  Which, to me, is Odd, a bid for Attention, or a whole lotta Vanity going on.  *LMAOROTF*   I am Amused when I peruse Social Media just what is out there on Live Feeds.   I get Teased about my Weirdness a lot, and I am a self professed Weirdo, I ain't gonna Lie.  Especially the Food Porn, some think Photographing your Food is Odd, mebbe it is, but it sure gets folks Hungry and Promotes the places I Dine.  *Winks*

Food is very Editorial and my Restaurant Friends appreciate my coverage.  Tho' I don't do it for Comps, mostly for Blog Fodder Imagery, they choose to Comp me fairly often for the Free Advertising I do on their behalf.  *Smiles*  Hey, Advertising is expensive and so if any of us promote any Business, big or small, it's Helpful to them having more Success, Coverage and Exposure.   I intentionally never made this a Biz Blog or a Mommy Blog, or even a Food Blog.  I like eclectic Post Topics best and just Sharing of an Ordinary Life with Online Friends and Dear Readers that take the Time to show up.   In fact, my own most Read Blogs are the Everyday Blogs that just Share Daily Life of the Bloggers.

My Kids and Grandkids don't really read or follow this Community.  Sometimes if they know a Post is about them they'll drop in to see what I'm saying about them.  *Bwahahaha*  They know how I am and the Dark Gallow's Humor we all Share, so, it's not as if they think I'm not being 100% Real here about Mi Vida Loca.   We are like a really messed up TV Novella.  *Ha ha ha*  And we KNOW that.   We're all Jokesters and don't mind embarrassing ourselves and being transparent about our Quirks, level of Dysfunction and Eccentricities.   We Laugh a lot and often... about everything and anything, often inappropriately so.  *Winks*   I Blog often, usually try to Daily, it's Cheaper than Therapy.  I've worn a Hole right thru the "N" Key on my Keyboard and deep grooves in most of the other Letters and Numbers.  *LOL*  I need a new Keyboard again, desperately.

This is The Son with the first Girlfriend he ever had, who he's still Good Friends with to this day.   Even tho' she's Married with a couple Kids now.  She Married one of his Best Friends in fact and has an Adorable Family.  We're still Friends with her too since she and The Son were together a long time.  When he is in a Relationship, it tends to be Long Term, which is why he prefers not to Date indiscriminately, even tho' he's never been Legally Married, he's been with some Gals long enuf we've called them our DIL's anyway.   I doubt he or The Daughter will ever choose to Marry, they never wanted to.   Princess T is thinking along those lines too, so her Brother, The Young Prince, may be the only Wedding we Host, I dunno?


All of The Son's Lifelong Friends are like Sons of mine too, they treat me like a Mom and will do anything for me and The Man.   So, they're Sons of other Mothers and Dads.  *LOL*   The Daughter has enuf long time Male Admirers that they refer to me as their Mother-In-Law, all of them.  *Bwahahahaha*   And so I refer to them all as my Sons-In-Law too... it confuses people, we don't Care.  *Smiles*   Each of the Men tells me I'm the type of Mother-In-Law a Guy actually WANTS to have.  And I think that's the most flattering thing they could say, given how many Men do not Like or can't stand their MIL's.  And The Daughter says every Guy she's ever known, Dated or been good Friends with Adores me.  Even tho' they also say they have Reverential Fear.  *LOL and Winks*  See, you can be Tough as Old Boots and yet Kind and Likeable, they're not mutually exclusive Traits to have.

So, Today I Wish my Beloved Son a Happy 38th Birthday, you're a Good Son, still very Handsome, Kind, Wickedly Funny, Talented, Hard Working and a bit of a Jerk sometimes, but we all Adore and Love you.   So, you're still a good Catch my Son... even if you refuse to be Caught and Landed.  *LOL and Winks*


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Happy Birthday to your son! What a great post - I hope he keeps a copy forever!

    1. He's always been very close to me, and is a Good Son, he'll do anything for Family and his Friends. He's a hard Worker and a Compassionate Soul. Hard to Believe he's already 38 tho'. Time sure flies, doesn't it?

  2. That debate was a disaster. My Wednesday post is all about my take on it.

    Your son is a handsome guy and doesn't look his age.

    Your water sharing saga is such a mystery to someone like me who lives within throwing distance of lakes, streams and rivers all over the place.

    1. In the Desert it's Water that is the most precious Commodity. Yes, the Debate revealed so much that perhaps nobody would have known if we didn't see and hear it for ourselves. I've always felt Joe should have been content being a One Term President, leaving Office with his accolades of all he accomplished, including stopping 45 from another Term in 2020. However, he should have stepped down for this Election and allowed some good Young Democrats to be the Candidate... I think many of them who ran in 2020 are more seasoned now, popular, and could beat the Orange Buffoon. The Son doesn't look his Age, the downside to that is he often gets Teen Girls flirting with him and hitting on him and they're far too Young and often don't Believe he's that "Old". *LOL* He likes Older Women and prefers to Date the more Matured Women, the Ex DIL was Ten Years his Senior, but looked so Young herself that when they'd go to Sign Up the Girls for High School, the Administration would tell them they had to have the Parents do it... and wouldn't Believe they WERE the Parents and would insist on seeing their ID's to prove they were Old enuf. To be sure, the DIL looked like the Sister of her Kids.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl