Monday, July 1, 2024

The World Is Pretty FUBAR These Days

 I had to Work Tonight, Sunday being my regular Shift, so, no real Surprises unless someone is a No Show and needs coverage.  I've spent all Morning Pricing Inventory so my Hands hurt, Arthritis flares up if I spent too many Hours using afflicted Joints.   But, I got a lot of Quick Turn Product ready to shove into Inventory to boost Sales, which have been pretty Strong for Summer.  Yesterday I had a Customer make an Offer on Buying 45 pieces of Silverplate Silverware, I accepted, a Bulk Buyer will always get a First Cousin Deal, even if I already had good prices, I'll give a better bundle price to them.  

Anyone Buying that much, very likely is another Retailer, Fabricator or an Artisan, so, no Saturation Point for them to come back often and Buy more.  I have no problem being the Middleman so long as I'm making Money on the transaction that we Negotiate satisfactorily.  Win-Win.  Anyway, I'm attracting a lot of other Vendors and Pickers, they often are my best and most repeat Customers.   So, yeah, I will cater to who drops the most Cash with me, each day every day and have me be their Go To Gal.  *Winks*  Some Vendors only want to cater to the End of the Rainbow Buyer, too few and far between those type are IMO.

The Son's Birthday Celebration was a bust since his damned Old Car broke down. Carlos is fixing it, but they needed more Cash than what he had on him to replace the Fuel Pump and Radiator, the high Heat took it's toll on the Vehicle.   So, he spent all his Birthday Money on more repairs.  My Big Gift to him had been Two New Tires for it a couple Months ago as an early Birthday Gift... coz he couldn't afford the $500 outlay.  He's having to take Tomorrow off Work and use PTO due to the Car Repairs needing to get done.  Carlos knows he's good for the Money even if he has to wait for some of it 'til Payday.

LATER:  Work was busy, we had a new Gal filling in for Sherry, her name was Jane, very nice and a hard Worker, I enjoyed working with her.  Rochelle was back from her Two Month Cruise, just in time since the Caribbean is expecting a Category 4 Hurricane to blast thru there.  Rochelle goes on Cruises all the time thruout the Year, long ones, but this Two Month one was the longest I recall.   Some Cruise Lines are offering 80% Off so I think she took advantage of the Specials.  Anyway, she was still White as a Sheet, I don't know how anyone can spend Two whole Months on a Tropical Islands Cruise and not get some Tan?  *LOL*  She's over 80, so perhaps she stays inside all the time, I dunno?

One of the Young Women who works at SAVERS came in to Work Tonight with a Friend who'd never been to our Antique Mall.  She wanted to see my Showroom.   She's a really nice Young Person, the one whose Dad was recently in a serious Car Accident and spent Months Hospitalized.   She's been helping to Care for him and is only in her early 20's, so, it's a lot of Responsibility to be a Caregiver to a Parent that early and try to hold down a Job too.   I don't think her Parents are Married anymore so I got the impression her Dad didn't have anyone else and is Single.  

  Poor Kid was an Emotional wreck while her Dad was Hospitalized, they weren't sure he'd even Survive.  She knew I had a point of reference with The Man, so looked to me for Encouragement and Share her Situation of what she was going thru.  Sometimes I Wonder if some of the People I know from frequenting Businesses they Work at have anyone in their Inner Circle to actually Talk to about their Life Trials?   Becoz if they're Sharing so much intimate stuff with me, it makes me just wonder if they don't have anyone else to Listen and Hear their Heart about the Personal things that are a struggle?  It makes me Sad, becoz I suspect that's probably common for many Dear People. 

The Man got his Sterling Roadrunner Pins I bought him from E-Bay for Two of his Custom Cowboy Hats.  They were even nicer than they looked Online, one slightly Larger than the other, both Signed, the Big one looks great on one of his Hats.  We can't get the Small one to work on the other Hat that doesn't have one, the Fabric Band's Material frays too much to have it stay on safely and not ruin the Hatband.  So, we'll Save it for another Hat.  He'll probably end up wanting One more Hat to round out his Collection and he does wear them and looks good in them.  Plus, I don't like the Number Four... I'm Weird about Numerology like that.  *LOL* 

 The Ex-DIL was Cambodian and told me Asian Culture doesn't like the No. 4 either, it's like Americans not liking No. 13.  I didn't know that 'til she told me... Interesting I had the aversion to that Number in a Naturally Superstitious way without knowing some Cultures find it Bad Mojo too.  In East Asian Culture it is associated with Death and is considered Unlucky, the Name for the Phobia is Tetraphobia.   I have no problem at all with the Number Thirteen, it doesn't bother me in any way.  Tho' I understand some of the Theories of it's origin.  Including Religious Background History of Norse Mythology where the god Loki was the 13th Guest to arrive at the Feast in Valhalla, where he tricked another attendee into killing the god Baldur... and Judas also being the 13th Guest at the Last Supper and Selling Jesus Out.

The AC Problem still exists, Today another Crew is Scheduled to come out and look to see if the Air Ducts or Thermostat are the problem?  *Le Sigh*   The only way I can get it to regulate to keep close to the Temperature we want of 74-75 Degrees, is to set the Thermostat to somewhere in the high 60's!   So, it does have the ability to get to the Coolness we need, just not properly Thermostat regulated and I had to figure that Trick out by myself so we wouldn't be sweltering in half the Home.   As it was Princess T had to be rushed to the ER last Night, she had severe Stomach cramps that were so bad she was having it make her drop to the Floor and crawling to come get me after Bedtime!

So, at Midnight I'm rushing her to the ER, Thankfully she still has her AHCCCS Insurance and Dental so far Covering her, we don't know for how long tho' now she's Graduated?   The Adoption Board only covers Adoptees while they are still enrolled in School.   I have her Dental Appointment this Afternoon to cram that in, just in case she loses her Dental Coverage in July once we notify the State she did get to finally Graduate.   They covered The Young Prince only slightly after he got bounced from being allowed to attend School, then all his Adoption related Services ceased and he was without Insurance.  It's the Primary reason it was important for the Grandsons to get Married, so Allen could Legally have him put on his Insurances at Work.

When you have a Child with chronic Lifelong ailments of Mental Health and Physical Health that there are no Cures for, it could Bankrupt you to have no Insurance Coverage for them.   Princess T has always had Gut Issues and I think Anxiety along with something acidic she might have eaten too close to Bedtime was the culprit.  They gave her an Oral Medication to soothe her Stomach and a shot in the Ass so she wouldn't be doubled over in Pain and could be able to Walk and Stand Up... and Thankfully that worked pretty quickly and they released her to come back Home by about 1:00 a.m..   I took her to the Small Satellite ER so she'd get seen quicker, it's only slightly further from our Home.  It's a subsidiary of St. Joseph's Hospital Downtown, a Level One Trauma Center Hospital in Central Phoenix. 

Thankfully I was the only one still Awake when it hit her and woke her out of a sound Sleep.  So I heard her crying for me and crawling down the Hall!!!   I Woke The Man so he could assist me with getting her into the Truck and then into the ER.  She's a tiny Sprite and barely near 100 lbs., but was Dead Weight, so it took Two of us to safely transfer her without her or us getting injured doing it.  I can still lift 100 lbs., but shouldn't anymore due to Bone Density Issues Senior Women have.  I've fractured Bones before lifting more than 100 lbs., so, just don't do it if I don't absolutely have to.  Just becoz you CAN still do something doesn't mean you SHOULD at a certain Age.   *LOL*  I've still got Biceps as big as The Son's tho', so if I had to carry her with no present help, I would have.  But I can tell my Muscle Mass ain't what it used ta be.

Rob was over here last Night dogging The Man to get Paid early for his Yard and Irrigation Work for July.   The Man had to tell him I am in charge of all that.  Rob is hesitant to ask me, it's funny really, I have that affect on people.  *Bwahahahaha*   I suspect the Elderly Neighbors Two Sons are having some financial problems and rely a lot on these side Jobs Income Hustles they do for Neighbors?   Both are in the Trades and that Work can be spotty, either too much Work, or, spells of not enough Work.  They are both hard Workers and great Neighbors tho'.  Today is the 1st so I can Pay him for July now, but hesitate to front payment early for any Work I Hire someone for.  I don't get Paid until the 1st on all our Pensions and my discretionary income from the Antique Mall is often feast or famine for me too, so... it is what it just is.  You must Learn to Work with what you have.

 Rob is just slightly Younger than me, so it's not like he shouldn't know how to parse out his earnings to make it thru a Month, plus he lives at Home with his Elderly Parents still.  But, he only just started drawing Social Security and I think he's not used to living on a Fixed Income?  For some Seniors that takes an adjustment period to settle into.  Rob and TJ tend to spend a lot on their fancy Vehicle and Man Toys {Recreational Vehicles}.   A lot of Men overspend on such Luxury items and get too attached to their Toys and Vehicles that are expensive to own and maintain.   TJ has a Corvette and several Recreational Vehicles, Rob has a full size New Pickup Truck and Trailers.  Very nice to have, but, if you don't Budget wisely once on a Fixed Income or have a Side Hustle, can be problematic to keep up with the costs of.

Had we not thought the Three Grandkids in Mexico would need to move in with us, I wouldn't have bought the 5th Wheel, but, now here we are.  *Eye Roll*   I'm glad they didn't end up in our Care, but, we spent a lot preparing for that Emergency Situation last Year when it came up and we were forced into Action.   Just funding The Daughter going back to Mexico to Deal with it all and sustain her there for a few Months while she was sorting out the shitshow her Ex left in his wake was draining Emotionally and Financially.   We still don't know the whole Back Story and prefer not to know since we don't NEED to know.   So long as the Kiddos are Safe, if he's not, that's on him.   I don't want anything bad to happen to him... or to anyone... but, I don't Control the Universe.  And the World is pretty FUBAR these days everywhere.

Funny Monday Morning Story... I'd worked since 6:30 a.m. in The RV Garage Mahal and She Shed, then stripped off and jumped in the Pool Buck Naked to Cool Off.  Well, I'm floating about and had completely forgotten it's Monday, so, in a few Minutes, there stands the Poor New Pool Boy!!!  *Bwahahaha*  He's a Redhead and very Fair, I swear he turned as Red as his Hair, stammering he says he could come back later... and apologizes profusely, looking away!   *LMAOROTF*   He ducks around the Corner behind the Pool Block Wall and I tell him I'll cover up, I'm so sorry, and he can come back in and clean the Pool.  Being an Old Hippie I have zero inhibitions about Nudity, but I felt so bad for the poor Guy rolling up on that unawares!

Princess T and The Man were in our Bedroom watching TV and were laughing their Asses off when I come in thru the French Doors of our Room dripping Wet with a small Towel wrapped around me.  Telling them, Ooops, Forgot it's Monday, the New Pool Guy may tell Brad, the Hot Pool Guy Owner, that he doesn't wanna Clean the Old Hippie's Pool anymore coz she Swims in the Nude?!  *Winks*  Gave me an early Morning Giggle... and pretty sure if he makes this a Profession to Clean Pools, he's gonna see some things and have some Stories?  *LOL*  Of coarse when he rolled in silently I didn't have my Back to him... so he got a Full Frontal Monty, poor thing.  He looked to be the Age of one of our Grandsons, Twenty-Something... he doesn't need to see Geriatric Nudity.  And you can't Unsee something once Seen. *Ha ha ha*


Keepin' On Keepin' On my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. I don't even want to see Geriatric Nudity in the mirror. You probably scarred the kid for life. LoL

    1. No doubt I did Jean... 😂... Dawn the Bohemian

  2. 😂 Poor kid was shook. May go back, ask Brad for a hazardous duty pay raise.

    1. LMAOROTF, Hazardous Duty Pay Raise, yep, he earned it, poor thing!

  3. Hilarious! I intentionally keep the hedges around my house tall - the effect is like living in a national park and I can wander around nude with no worries that anyone can see in my windows. But things can get hairy if someone unexpectedly rings my doorbell...

    1. Us Naturally inclined Nudists do have our obstacles to being Free of Clothing, don't we? *LOL*


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl