Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Let's Start With Sweetness And Devolve From There

We'll start the Post with all Sweetness, Good News and Uplifting stuff.  If it goes downhill from there, and devolves... at least then we had some balance.  *Winks*  Above is the New Great-Granddaughter, who is getting Cuter every day, No Brag, Just Fact.  *LOL*   I'm so glad the Granddaughter has a Son and Daughter with her first Two Children birthed, I Lucked Out like that too, birthing one of each and then inheriting more of each along the way that I didn't have to give birth to.  *Smiles*   This Grandchild waited to start a Family and Marry until she was in her late Twenties.  Unlike our Daughters who were both Teen Moms way too early.

 Now more Great New:  Princess T was finished with High School by 10:00 a.m. and we picked up a Celebratory Luncheon to bring Home.   I'm so Proud of her fast tracking it and putting in all the hard work without giving up, giving in or giving out.  She often wanted to, but Soldiered on and it has now paid off for her... and we're all relieved it's over.  *Whew, wipes Brow*  She'd rather forego the Graduation Ceremony and just have them Mail her the Diploma, her Social Anxiety about it is escalating now. 

 She'll wear the Cap and Gown I paid Eighty Bucks for, more for me and the Photo Ops than for herself, attending the Ceremony too.  There is nothing about the High School Years that any of our Kiddos or The G-Kid Force missed or will look back on fondly, which explains tangibly how the experience played out badly for them.   School for any Kid with Special Needs is not Memorable in Positive ways.  They can't relate to Kids who look at it as the Best Years, since, it wasn't for them at all.

I decided to Photograph The Man's Cowboy Hat Collection Brittany has made for him.  We will add a Roadrunner Pin to the Two that don't have one so that there's some hidden meaning Signature Embellishment little complimentary accent on each that is meaningful and Special to him.  I found a Sterling Silver and Abalone Set of Vintage 1970's Roadrunner Pins on a Buy It Now Feature at an E-Bay Auction really inexpensively, Seven Bucks a Pin.


Each is Stamped as 925 Sterling and has Abalone inlaid accents... Photos below of the Pair and Individually:

We just picked up Princess T's Graduation Ceremony Tickets, each Family of a Graduate gets only Five.  For some Families that are blended, as most are these days, that could be tricky.  I'd venture to Guess most Parents and Grandparents would like to attend their Kiddo's Graduation, No?   Anyway, I showed up in my Cat Star Pajama Pants and Neon Pink Tee to pick them up, I have no Shame.  *Winks*  In actuality I was comfortable for Working in The RV Garage Mahal a bit more and Princess T breezed in and told me we had to pick the Tickets up now and I wasn't expending more energy getting dressed after having to drop everything as it is.

Nobody was there except one Mother who came to pick hers up and was told her Son wasn't even Graduating from Summer School and he hadn't told her yet!  Ooops, embarrassing way to find out.  I guess the E-Mails didn't specify and was a Generic Send Out to every Summer School Attendee Family without pulling the E-Mail from the Students who wouldn't get to Graduate Yet after Summer School is a wrap?   The Mom was MAD... and her Son came out into the Lobby from his Classes and was making abundant excuses as to Why he hadn't been keeping her informed he wasn't recapturing his Credits well at all.  That would be a tense ride Home.  *LOL*  But, I was sympathetic to the Mom, either her Kid will be a Super-Super Senior now or a High School Dropout.  For her Son it's got to be frustrating too, he's showing up, so, not to Succeed is rough.

The Campus we picked the Tickets up at is a newer, much bigger and really fancier rival School than the one Princess T attended, it was built in 2019.  Her Campus was built in 1989.  But, she said that other Campus is more Ghetto as far as the Student Population, so she was Thankful she went to the High School she did.  Which had less delinquent Students and a lot less violence, fights, and problem Children.   Too bad such a nice Campus has a demographic of so many problem Families attending, which ruin the experience and also the reputation of the School.   The Visuals can look impressive, but, the Population always dictates what an Area/School/Neighborhood is really like and the Reputation it will earn itself, good or bad.

Princess T tried her Cap & Gown on again, it's Royal Blue, and will be wearing a short little Black Dress under it and we'll buy some Black Shoes.  She has some Black Shoes but they're very high Heels and not comfortable... plus, she thinks they make her look too Tall.   So, we'll have to go Shoe Shopping Tomorrow I guess before I go to Work that Night to fill in,  Graduation is Thursday, so, Tick-Tock.    We have to drop her off at 5:00 p.m. and Families are allowed in at 5:30 p.m., so we'll have a Half Hour to kill.  The Auditorium is really fancy and it is an impressive looking Campus, so a good backdrop for Photos and a comfortable Climate-Controlled Ceremony.  Many are held Outside, I'm Grateful this one won't be, too Hot, too Humid... and it doesn't even get Dark until after 8:00 p.m. now.

I don't know how long the Ceremony will be or how many Summer School Graduates from various Schools and their Families are being combined.  I was hopeful it would be more intimate since my Student has a lot of Social Anxiety.  At least at her own High School she would have known everyone else Graduating, pretty much, same School they all attended together all Year as Seniors, and mostly previous Years too as Underclassmen.  She's nervous about how many Schools in the District they're combining?   The District contains Eight High Schools.  That School Hosting the Ceremony only had 66 Students who Graduated on time in 2024!   The whole School has 3,033 Students, so, that's very low percentile of Graduates.   I don't have the Stats of her High School's Graduation Ceremony Graduates, which was May 21st.    The whole High School had 1,864 Students.

Well so far I have 28 Crates and Banana Boxes of Inventory filled and transferred over to the She Shed.   I hung up my Vinyl Magnolia Pearl Art Advertising Banner.  It used to be a Commercial Advertising Display for Stores carrying the Line, but like most Commercial Displays, they get rid of them every so often and get new Displays.  I was glad to be able to not have it just thrown out by the Retailer and Salvage it, since the Graphics on it are lovely and like Art to me.  I've Collected Canvas and Vinyl Commercial Advertising Banners and even Sold some over the Years, some people do like to Decorate with them if the Subject matter resonates with them.   Or it's for a specific Space, the Canvas or Vinyl Beer, Movie related and Sports Banners are always in high demand for Mancaves, Dens, Entertainment Rooms, Personal Offices and Home Theaters.  The Son and I just hung it, so the creases where it was folded will smooth out.

I had told Princess T I'd wait to take better Pixs to use in my Blog of her in Cap N Gown.   The little Black Dress she really has outgrown so along with getting new Shoes, I think we need to get a new proper fitting little Black Dress to wear under it.  So, that will be Tomorrow's Mission Statement.  I have to be Home on Wednesday since I had to call the Air Conditioning Company to come back, the Bum Unit is now doing exactly what it did before he changed out another Major Part day before Yesterday!!   To say I'm upset and angry about it would be an understatement, the Repairs done didn't last 48 Hours!!!   Several Major Part replacements later since we bought it only 2.5 Years ago has been inexcusable for a New Unit Purchase, even with the Warranty.  


I fear when that Warranty expires, we'll have to replace it way prematurely and outlay Thousands more before this one is even Paid Off!?  I'm not Okay with that or half my Home being over 80 Degrees when it can't Cool properly!!!   When the Technician arrives on Wednesday Morning we will have a Come To Jesus about that Bum Unit and how much trouble it's given us already, after a brand new expensive Purchase I'm still making Payments on.   I'm NOT a Happy Customer, let us just say, and they know it now.   I feel the Unit is defective and should be replaced, not limped along until the Warranty expires and then I'll have to spend another Seven Grand to replace it anyway on MY Dime!

I'm trying to get our Home uncluttered and back in order now I have that She Shed to Store all Inventory related stuff.  It's a Process and The Daughter has been a great Help with it.   The above pix was taken before the clutter of Inventory everywhere, so we use it as Inspiration to reclaim the Space and get it back to that level of function and an acceptable Editorial Visual.  *LOL*   Today, since it's too Hot to Work Outside, I'll begin the earnest Work Inside to Crate Up what doesn't belong.  Keeper items will be Crated and put in The RV Garage Mahal for eventual permanent Placement.   For Sale items will be Crated for the She Shed.   Our Home will once again have nothing in it that doesn't belong in here and be Edited Down for Function and proper Display of Objects pared down too.

The Grandiose Vision is to one day reach a place to where all Buildings are in Order and the Main Home can have Objects rotated in and out as we Decorate for Seasons.   And, Objects will rotate in and out of Collections as they Upgrade too, Selling Off what we've now had an Upgrade to.    That's the Master Plan, since I am an Incurable Collector and Scavenger who Rescues Objects of Value and History, so, I don't Plan to Stop doing that, but make it more productive and a residual source of Retirement Income.   I know I can't Work forever and juggle too much as Age just takes it's toll, but, that I could still do for a Lifetime and it will Serve us as needed for supplemental survival income to offset Inflation and Crisis.

We went Shoe Shopping for Graduation and she found a pair of lovely like new Patent Leather Heels for only Three Bucks, it was Senior Day at the Goodwills.  We didn't find a Dress she liked so she'll wear the little Black Dress she already has.   We went to the Goodwill locations in the more affluent areas and hit the Motherlode of quality Donations there tho'.   I got some miniature Vintage signed Acoma, Zuni and Hopi Pottery, about 14 pieces, all for only about Four Bucks total!!!!!   The individual ones can typically be worth a couple Hundred Bucks each!  Even Modern ones are worth about Fifty Bucks, and all of these were Old and probably Ceremonial pieces and Seed Pots.   Not the Tourist Trade crap.

I found a Feather Quill and Art Tip Calligraphy Writing Set, very fancy with a Bottle of Ink.  I'm going to Photograph some of my Scores for this Post, since I'm light on Blog Fodder Imagery.  *LOL*   Princess T found a Japanese Cartoon Anime Sanrio Kuromi Kawaii Cosplay Hello Kitty Style Plush Backpack for only Three Bucks, we know that Retail it Sells for about $49 in the Malls.   I don't know which exact Character it is, but they're all Adorbs and madly popular right now.   She loves them but wouldn't pay Retail for one, so, this was quite an exhilarating Score for her.  

The fact none of these fragile Vintage valuable Pottery Art got damaged just bagged up at a Goodwill, is nothing short of miraculous.  Only a couple pieces have slight issues, that they probably always had before being Donated, one has a hairline Crack and one Vase has a rim chip.  Every piece is Signed and most have the Tribe Signed too identifying Tribal affiliation.    I'll probably keep most of them in my Collection, but I will Sell some too.    They're so tiny they won't take up much room and I have a Cabinet of Curiosities Display devoted to Indigenous Art, Collectibles and Antiquities.   The Painting and the Tribal Blanket I used as a Backdrop for this Vignette Photography is a part of my own Personal Collection.

The Two damaged pieces are in the above Image and will be Kept becoz of their Condition Issues.   Even an Antique, I won't Sell in any damaged Condition usually, with just rare exceptions and would then price it "As Found" or "As Is" and let the Buyer decide if they want it.   With Antique Tribal Artifacts, they will Sell in any condition to those who are Serious Collectors.   Age, Design and the Artisan being more important than Mint Condition with Tribal Artifacts to most Serious Collectors of it.   If you go to a Museum, a lot of their most valuable pieces aren't in Mint condition and could have been found in excavations by Archeological digs.

MUCH LATER:  My Shift filling in for my Friend Richard, who is having serious Health Issues, went really well last Night.  I haven't Worked a Tuesday Night in a long time and have been turning down numerous requests Daily to work a Day Shift to fill in for other people.  They just can't fill Shifts anymore when the Regulars flake out or need time off.  Anyway, my Friends Crazy Ed and Brigit were on with me, it's their Regular Shift and I really like Working with both of them.  It was crazy busy for a Tuesday Night, Sales were Strong, which, is unusual, especially for Summertime.

So, the Shift went by fast with being so busy, it was as busy as a Weekend usually is.   Mostly not too much becoz of the number of Customers coming in, which was respectable amounts for an early Weekday, but not even half the numbers we get on a Weekend, but, these were Buyers.  And mostly they were Buyers of Pokemon Cards, Comic Books and Anime Products, that's what's in high demand right now for Collectors.  The demographic is also Younger, and, that's what they like and will buy.  I was opening the same Locked Cases all Night long, so, those Vendors of that kind of Merch were Killin' it.   I had a cache' of Pokemon Cards at Home, so after Work spent the rest of the Night prepping them to go in to Inventory on Friday when I fill in for Richard again. 

I'm not looking up individual Cards, so will have Princess T just Eyeball the Card Pages Holding an Assortment of Nine Cards each, and tell me which ones might be more valuable?    Otherwise, I will sell the Vinyl Card Page with the Nine Cards per Page for Ten Bucks each.   It should still Net me a couple Hundred Bucks even if none of the Cards is valuable.   And, the less expensive Cards and Pacs Sell fastest anyway so are a Quick Turn and that's how I prefer to Operate.   The same with Comic Books, there are Valuable ones For Sale in the Mall but they don't Sell every Day and are mostly a "Draw" item.  Most Collectors just Lust after the Holy Grail of what they Collect.  And Buy what's affordable, with an occasional splurge on a Mid-Priced one when they're feeling indulgent and flush with Cash.

By the time I got off Work it was Raining and Storming, it's Monsoon Season and when they roll in, they hit fast and furiously.   So, I had to stay up to let my Dreads dry, and worked on Crating up Clutter in the Main House, to put into either the She Shed if it is Inventory, or in The RV Garage Mahal if it wasn't.   I'm going to make a Habit of that every Evening now, to clear out all Clutter in the Livable Areas and Editing Displays.    I want to Curate what's in the Main House since I liked how it looked when there was a Less Is More Style of Decorating it.  *LOL*  Yes, me the Maximalist said that and I do have the other Spaces now to do it.

Here's that Quill Calligraphy Pen Set, with Stand, it's various half Dozen Tips and Feather Pen Ink.   The Original Price Tag is still on it for $23.99 and I Paid $4.00 since it was Senior Day.    It was Cooler after the Rains of last Night, but Humid as fuck, but, I got a lot of Work done Outside, in the RV Garage Mahal and She Shed.  I had to stop midstream and drive The Daughter in to Work, her Boss had Texted me to ask if I could, he was going in way too early this Morning to Carpool with her.  I was pissy about having to waste precious Cooler Temp Time driving back and forth to get her to Work, but, whaddya gonna do?   He doesn't have to take her every Day but he does, so I'm Grateful or I'd have to take her all the time.   

She has a permanent No Driving Restriction and can never have a License.  Ever.  It's probably for the best. She was good at Stealing Vehicles and Leading Police on High Speed Pursuits when she'd be Mental and Suicidal... so, it's best to not have her wanting to get behind the Wheel anymore now she's more Mentally Stable than in her Youth.  I mean, she's still Crazy, but not quite as reckless, impulsive and self destructive now when she has Episodes.   *LOL and Whew*  Age has mellowed her considerably and the Schizophrenia seems Bad now, only to those who didn't know how Bad it was BEFORE.   *Bwahahaha*   On a Sliding Scale I'll take Forty Plus Year Old Her any day over Younger Her from Ages 13 thru her Thirties.  *Smiles*  She's so Happy she can actually have Relationship with us now with fewer Episodes.

She hasn't been Feeling Well lately, both Physically and Emotionally, I'm thinking it's the onset of Menopause.   Which, I know how Miserable that was for me and I'm not also suffering from Schizophrenia and D.I.D..   So, I don't know how The Change Of Life will play out for her and the Mental Health aspect of how Menopausal Hormonal imbalance can affect even a usually Sane person?   I was told I was particularly Scary during Menopause... and, well, Post-Menopausal too... from what they say anyway.    I think I'm just Fine and a very Nice person.  *LOL*   Anyway, The Daughter said since I'm the only person on this Earth she's ever been Scared of pissing off, she'll behave for me during her Menopausal Journey.  No sense Two whacked out Older Women sparring and Squaring Off after all.  *Bwahahaha*

I actually used Eastern Medicine from my Chinese Doctor to get me thru Menopause, but they Retired and Moved up North now.   I don't know that The Daughter would drink the Herbal concoction Teas and Tinctures anyway.  I actually liked the Aromas and Taste, most people don't tho'.  The Man disliked taking his but it Cured him of so much that he did so, complaining the whole time.  *LOL*   I could only afford it when I had a Career Salary tho', on my Retirement Income I couldn't and Insurance refuses to acknowledge Easter Medicine as legitimate so won't pay a Dime for it.  They like to decline it saying it's "Experimental Alternative Medicine", as if it hasn't been proven to Heal and around for 2,600 Years Plus already.  *Eye Roll*   But that's a whole other Post Rant.  *LOL*


Even tho' it was Storming last Night I stopped at 'Sprouts' and got my perishable staples, Milk, Eggs, Yogurt, Vegan Cranberry and Pistachio Muffins.    I'm now resting after having done a lot of my Work this Morning and the Air Conditioning Technician is on his way.  Allegedly he's their most experienced Senior Tech since this Unit has had so much Wrong with it.   We'll see what he thinks, they've replaced so much already I don't know what else they could do other than take it off and just replace the damned Unit with one less defective?   I mean, this one has broken down so often, grown Mold, had every major component crap out in it... so... truly... no idea Why?  

Never had that happen with any Unit on any Home I've ever owned before.  Usually, if New, you can expect them to last a Decade these days... Older Units lasted longer if Maintained regularly.  I have the Tech here now, he is an Older Guy whose been doing this a long time.  His hunch is the Thermostat could be faulty, it's a complicated one with more that can go Wrong with it.  Our other Older Unit has a Simple Thermostat and it's never been complicated or failed.   If this Guy has a Thermostat that isn't Digital, I'd prefer it actually, then I don't have to ask a Kiddo to help me with it to do settings.  *LOL* 

They would like to say our Ductwork is problematic, but, this Home has had this Ductwork since 1980 and no problems it staying Cool, plus, the Construction is Burnt Adobe Brick with 10-12 inch thick Walls, so, it's well insulated and Units don't have to work as hard as they would with a New Build.   My last couple Utility Bills have shown this Unit was failing again since the Repair before the last one.  We had them out in April, and now Twice in June.  We had them out even before then with this Unit.   Our Utility Company gives us a rating when they see increases that seem abnormal, and I'm glad, since, they can compare it to similar Homes in our Area and the usage of the Community as a Collective.  Then you can tell if you're having higher Bills than your Neighbors, lower, just right... it's Helpful to troubleshoot problems or even wasteful habits.

I get some good Meme Feeds every so often on The Book Of Faces, so I snagged the ones above and below, which seem quite appropriate in this current Political Climate.   The Debate should be Tomorrow Night, we have Princess T's Graduation Ceremony, so I'll probably have to see just the hi-lites and Debates about how it went.   Personally, I wouldn't be Surprised if 45 backs out and doesn't show up, he hasn't shown up for anything since 2020 that he was supposed to.  He's been the Artful Dodger so he didn't have to go Toe to Toe with anyone and cognitively, his level of impairment to me seems way worse than Biden's.   I mean, they're both too damned Old and we needed to be given better Options... but, a demented Old Man with no Moral Compass and Psychopath Tendencies and a Cult Base Sold Out to him as their chosen false Prophet and fake Messiah, is just beyond Dangerous.  


Happy Summer Vibes to you all my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Congratulations to the graduate! What a set of hurdles she’s had to jump….and to finish in just a few weeks makes it pretty obvious she CAN succeed and that many of her previous instructors just didn’t care to see that happen. Such foolish and mean-spirited behavior on the part of public educators just irritates me to no end. It feels like often times schools are more detrimental than helpful, that young people are almost encouraged to drop out and be subjected to a lifetime of menial work. (Or if they do proceed to a higher degree, then a lifetime of indentured servitude to pay off the dratted loans). Grrr. 😡 It doesn’t have to be this way!

    1. I agree that the workforce seems to be intentionally programmed to be exploited by the obscenely Rich. I agree, had she received the Guidance she did from the Summer School Teachers I'm sure she could have and would have Graduated with her Class and had a better Experience. The demographic of Students at Summer School says it all as to whose being neglected and left behind, Special Needs Kiddos and a lot of Minorities. The disproportionate amount of those Students who were not able to Graduate with their Classmates makes it painfully evident that there is a tiered system in place that isn't a level playing field at all. I think it had less to do with the Student and more to do with how they are Invested in... or not.

  2. So happy for, and proud of the princess. She soldiered on and got it done. Good for her and you for keeping her on this fraught path.

    1. Thank You, yes, she is a Trooper that Kid, she doesn't give up easily and I'm so glad she hung in there and got 'er done.

  3. What a beautiful baby. ::melt::
    I'd be furious about the stupid AC system... and I think you're exactly right that they're trying to keep stringing you along. I have a feeling you're not going to allow it, though.

    And YAY for your girl! I am a random internet stranger and SO DAMN PROUD of a kid I don't even know.

    1. This comment did go to Spam and I had to Unspam you my Friend. *LOL* Oddly they never catch the actual Trolls and Bots, go figure! I don't get many of those, they've moved on I think and I sometimes got evil delight in messing with them sometimes if I was feeling confrontational. *Ha ha ha* A good Troll smackdown sometimes is better than Therapy. *Winks* I get so Proud of people I don't even know too when I hear a Positive outcome anyone had, so much Negativity these Days I think Celebrating anyone's Victory just feels good, doesn't it? Plus, you have such a Heart for the Children Ami.

  4. I swear I left a comment... do you have a spam folder or have I lost my mind???

    1. Yep, about the first part, don't worry about the 2nd part since all the best people are Mad. *winks*

  5. Congratulations to Princess T on graduating. Everyone in your household must be relieved at the thought of not having to repeat the high school process next school year. High school years were the most miserable years of my life. If you weren't in the inner circle you were out, yet you still see the same old clique posting on FB how wonderful the high school years were. It's been 40+ years but those cool kids seem to want to continue to revel in the glory days of their teen years. I don't get it.

    1. That's all most of the Cool Kids had I think and so they must revisit it constantly to still feel Cool and relevant. *LOL* What's sad is some of the Cool Kids that I did like are so lame now and I wonder, what happened to them? FB has made it so you can revisit and find people even from Childhood. What is a common thread is that the Kids who had Trials and Tribulations growing up, THAT made them the Super Stars they now are in Adulthood, especially those who madly succeeded. I think most of the truly Odd folks that nobody understood growing up, were the Mad Geniuses whose Star rose once they reached Maturity. I know my Granddaughter will have her Gifts make room for her in Life, she's a Super Star and just hasn't fully become the Nova yet that she is.

  6. Sandra/This and ThatJune 27, 2024 at 8:57 AM

    Since I got the new computer certain blogs make me anonymous. Anyway, way too go Princess T!!

    1. My Phone does that Sandra, I have to remember to put my Name after a Comment when using my Phone instead of my Old Computer here at Home. Plus, my Phone suddenly won't let me use my Messenger, so I can only retrieve Messages and Pixs people send me there, when I'm here on my Computer now. So frustrating. Yes, we're all so Proud of Princess T, her Star is rising... the misunderstood Children of the World usually are the ones who become Super Stars in Adulthood. They didn't Conform and are the Free Thinkers in Life, that will take them further than the common herd.

  7. CONGRATULATIONS to Princess T!!! I am so happy for her (and you)! She worked hard despite obstacles and by gosh, she did it!!! Happy Dance!!!!

    1. Yes, she did it... Hallelujah, it was a lot of Hard Work and relentless tenacity to Succeed against all Odds. The Ceremony was perfect, so Proud of all those Summer School Graduates from Six of the Eight High Schools in our District. So Colorful with all the different Schools Cap N Gown Colors. I liked her Royal Blue since she looked really good in those Colors and we all had Wardrobe we could match to it pretty well. *Smiles* Just finished the Graduation Post... still elated from the Night's Ceremony and getting the last Child Raised and now Graduated from High School... whoop whoop.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl