Saturday, June 15, 2024

To Blog... Or Not To Blog... That Is The Question


The Kiddos always take better and more candid pixs of themselves than I can, their Phones have better quality Cameras and they know how to take good Selfies.  *LOL*   So, this is The Daughter and her BFF during the recent visit.  I'm glad they took some too while a Lifelong Friend was here for a visit from Florida.   She, her Sister and Brothers are like Nieces and Nephews to me, I've watched them grow up and have Families of their own.  Hard to Believe this Dynamic Duo are in their Forties now... doesn't seem that long ago they were Teenagers!  This Gal's Mom and I are like Sisters and her Daughter said her Mom is not doing well, lots of Health, Mental Health and mobility issues now.   The pix below is her when she was not in decline, that's how I like to remember her being.

 She's only a Year Younger than I am, so it hits Home when your peers are all declining or dying off.   Her Older Daughter is worried about her Mom, I could tell, but, she's a Single Parent with Three Kiddos still at Home, her Oldest is Grown, and she Travels a lot for Work.  Right now my Friend is living with her Youngest Daughter and helping her out and with those Three Younger Grandkids her Youngest has.  But, it's not the same level of Caregiving as she needs or the best Environment, apparently, for the Elderly Mom now.  I miss their Family, when they moved to Texas and Florida.  We did so much together while our Kiddos were growing up and even after we both had Grandchildren.  Only the Oldest Daughter comes back to Arizona sometimes for Business now and it had been a very long time since she had.

I found out when we went to "Wildflower Bread Company" for Breakfast, from the Manageress, who we know well, that our Favorite long time Waiter there, Rosendo, is gone.  The Staff don't know yet, he'd been with the Company for Decades.   He'd had to go back to Mexico recently to see his Mom and I suspect the Old Lady might have needed Caregiving and he's the only Adult Child who isn't Married and has no Children.  So, he was the most likely candidate to go take care of his Dear Mom, he's very close to her. 

 That's what I think has happened, he'd shared with me that she was in decline now and tho' the visit had gone well, he didn't like to have to leave.  So, I suspect he will relocate permanently now to Mexico, she said they don't expect him to come back.   He spoiled Princess T rotten since she was very little, he'd always Buy her Cookies and Cupcakes from their Bakery Section.  He'll be missed by all who knew him.  I'm glad the Manageress confided in us so we'd know what happened, or I would have worried about him and why he was just MIA now with no explanation as to his whereabouts.  He hadn't said any Goodbyes last time I saw him, but had talked about his Mom and the last recent visit.  I got the sense it was hard for him to even come back then and leave her.  The Manageress admitted she'd hire 10 like Rosendo, he was just that valuable to the Company, Co-Workers and his Customers.

While there the Manageress told me that whenever Princess T Graduates, send her in and she'll hire her.  She knows my Grandchild has a good Work Ethic and has been working with me at the Antique Mall since Kindergarten.   They make up to $20 an Hour plus Tips there and it's a good Company to work for that the Manageress vouches for.  She's worked for the Company for Decades, both here in Arizona and in Chicago, where she's originally from.  Her Daughter works for the Company too at the same Location her Mom is Managing now and will be relocating back to Chicago soon since she got promoted.  So, there's chance for advancement and I think it's a good first job for my Grandchild to at least consider.  I know some of my Kiddos Friends who grew up and went to work there and now even their Kids work there with their Mom.

Anyway, I had the 3 Cheese, Spinach & Mushroom Frittata pictured a few Images above.   But tho' delicious, I could only eat half of it, lately I can't eat much of anything before I feel quite full already.  Not a bad problem to have, since, it's aiding in the Weight Loss Journey.   Most small servings of anything last me for Two Meals now and I don't feel hungry in between either.   My guilty indulgence lately has been some Ice-Cream, since, when the temps rise above 110-115, it's refreshing.   Lately every day has been in that range.  The Man has his Cardiologist appointment this afternoon, to update his Heart Issues since his release from Hospital recently.  I'm not looking forward to having any reason to have to go out into the Heat and commute anywhere, especially with him in tow. 

I do have to go pick up my Check later from the Antique Mall and I have a Gift Certificate for a $22 Car Wash too that I'm going to use up before it Expires at the end of the Month.   That Car Wash is notorious for having Expiration Dates on Prepaid Gift Certificates and not refunding your Money if not used.  I don't know how a Prepaid Service can get away with that, when they haven't performed the Service they got Prepaid for?  You got Paid in advance, so either Wash the fucking Vehicle and perform the Service, or Refund the Money if  you refuse to.  I've put Super Star Carwash on Blast for YEARS over stiffing us the Sixty-Five Dollar Wash they never performed and wouldn't Refund either.  I do hear that now, due to abuses, Legally they should Honor a Pre-Paid Gift Card for Five Years... but, I doubt they do.

  So, I'd prefer not to get a Gift Certificate for their Company, but, I won't refuse a Free Carwash either.  *LOL*  I just wanna make sure if someone pays for it, it's Honored or it was a waste of their Money and I'd of rather of received the Cash Value to spend elsewhere.  They once stiffed me on a $65 Prepaid Car Wash that they said the Gift Certificate had "Expired", so when I got this one {No, we didn't purchase it}, I checked the Fine Print and sure enuf, it had an Expiration Date of EOM too!  But, it's been Bought, so, might as well not waste the $22 that was Prepaid.  It tempered, somewhat, all those Years ago not getting my $65 that The Man wasted our Money on as a Gift to me.  At least I got a Car Washed this time... albeit a sloppy one for over Twenty Bucks plus Tip.

I'm told Companies hold Gift Certificate Earnings as Liabilities on their Books, so, it probably explains why they put an Expiration Date so they can then use the Money for something else as an Asset.   Anyway, we went and got our Free $22 Carwash and for the price they charge, it was a shitty Job IMO, I wouldn't pay that much, my Kids do a better job of washing my Truck.   They try to Sell you on Buying into their Monthly Program for unlimited Washes, but, the poor quality of the Wash we had done, which is their $22 Wash, I'd never go back there, let alone buy into being charged Monthly to have shitty work done.   I had to Hand Dry it when we got Home to get the Water spots and White scuffs from their Rollers off.  

They'd had a Man doing the Hand Dry and I'd Tipped him well, but didn't know he did a shitty Job too and missed so much... no way he didn't see it unless he was half Blind.  My Truck is Black, it glaringly shows.  But, I didn't pay for the Complimentary Wash from my Gift Certificate, so... whatever... it's cleaner than it was now.  *LOL*   I popped in to the Antique Mall to pick up my Check and got Two, apparently I'd skipped picking up my last one!   Not that I'm so flush financially, I just forgot to pick it up a couple Fridays ago on Payday.   So, that was a nice deposit at just the right time.  I tidied up my Showroom, since we stocked it with some of Squishmallow Mountain from Princess T's Room, little Kids end up playing with them and scattering. 

 I don't know why Parents don't Teach their Children to look with their Eyes, not their Hands, and that a Store is not a Playground.  If the Adults are not Buying it, the Kid shouldn't even be messing with it.  No Buyer wants a Toy that someone's Feral Kids have been playing with and dragging around.  Plus, being an Antique Mall, the majority of Toys are Antique, Vintage or Collectible... so, not for Kids to manhandle or play with... unless their Family fucking Buys it.  Then they can set it on Fire for all I care, but, until you Buy it, don't give it to your Kid to preoccupy them... be a Fit Parent and have some Control over their Behavior and be Teaching them Public and Social Acceptable Behavior.  Too many Parents are not up to the Job these days.

Speaking of Kids, The Great-Grandson in Pittsburgh had his First Haircut.  Looks like he behaved really well for it too.  The Daughter joked that it's coz you can't see him strapped down under the Gown.  *LOL* He's a Handsome little Guy, but the Granddaughter admits he's full of Piss and Vinegar that one... well, then the Apple didn't fall far from the Tree, she was the higher maintenance Kiddo of the Trio of Girls our Oldest Daughter had.  *LOL*   She's expecting a Little Girl very soon so he's going to be a Big Brother.  He already has Three Older Siblings since his Dad had Kids from previous relationships, Two Girls and a Boy.   They seem like really nice Kids, I don't think he has Custody, their Moms do.   I don't know if there were Two other Baby Mamas or Three, but he has a Rainbow Tribe of Kiddos.  They had this one too before he Married our Granddaughter.  So I did have my Reservations about the Guy, Fathering lotsa Kiddos by different Women... but, I've never met him.  My thoughts are: Player-Player.  But, my Grandchild is a Grown Woman making her own Choices.

He seems to Adore our Granddaughter and his In-Laws.  So, apparently The SIL and our Daughter approved of him and he gets along great with them, which is important.   And The Granddaughter waited a long time to start a Family and Marry, well into her Twenties, she seems happy and that's all I really Care about.  I don't have to live or sleep with the Guy so my Opinion is irrelevant really.  *LOL*   They sure made an Adorable Baby.   We also had a Pre-School Graduation of the other Granddaughter's Oldest.  That one had Married her Childhood Sweetheart and he's a great Guy, Wonderful Husband, Father and Family Man all around, from all we know about him.  They were very Young Teens when they began Dating.  So, a first Haircut and a Pre-School Graduate is the Great-Grand latest News.   We should be announcing a Birth pretty soon too.

The Cardiologist Follow-up went well for The Man, he's got Two Sets of Testing to be done in late July and Mid-August.  They ran an EKG at the Appointment and his Blood Pressure now was the best it has been in Years, which was great News.   So, the new Meds must be working well and he is being agreeable to taking his Meds now.  After that Close Call, it did shake him up some and give him a Reality Check I think, so he's not being as stubborn and ornery about doing what he knows he should.  They'd like to refer him to even more Specialists but I told them No, it would overwhelm him and then he'd be resistant and start not wanting to see any Docs... so... Baby Steps.  Plus, honestly, if they can't do much more for him, it's just a Money Grab... so, not interested.

The Cousin who had the Strokes is probably not coming Home from the VA Nursing Home and not improving.  He can't go Home to the Rez since it's too far from any major Medical Facility that could handle his fragile condition and is substandard living.   Apparently he'd been living with his Youngest Sister and it was so bad now she'd not be able to be his Caregiver anymore.  She's a Widow and not in great Health, plus, she's a tiny little Sprite and Older than me. 

 He's a big Guy, she couldn't do any Transfers now he's no longer mobile and can't Care at all for himself.   That Cousin lost her Husband and a Daughter already, so she's already experienced considerable loss, hardships and sorrow.   She has Four Surviving Children who she's close to.  He has grown Sons and numerous Grandkids, but I guess they've not been able to Care for him either.  It is, I'm sure, some Extreme Caregiving he requires. 

Lately I've been waffling on whether to Blog or... not.  I still enjoy Blogging, but the Community ain't what it used ta be and I do miss that part of it.   The Socialization part of it has really flatlined and it's not as interactive anymore.   I do miss the heyday of Blogging, but, it's clearly going the way of Letter Writing and how that finally ended up.  I was stubborn about Letter Writing and sending Holiday Cards, now I don't bother with either anymore.  My 90 Year Old Welsh Uncle was the only one who ever responded and when he passed, there was no point anymore in doing either... sending out what just was going into the ether, so to speak. 

  So, to Blog, or not to Blog, that is the Question lingering for me these days.  I'm currently undecided.  Since, I Blog for Selfish reasons only and for myself now the heyday is over of Blogging, since, there's very little Social aspect to it anymore to feel at all connected to within The Community these days.  A pity.  I feel rather it's like being one of the last ones at a very good Party that's been Over for a while now.   I'm lingering, yet, not really sure why... except that it still feels good to be there, even if just about everyone else left a while ago... and scant few remain and keep any connection able to be sustained.  


Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. I started my blog with , as you say yourself, for selfish reasons. I have always written for myself first and if others like it, yeah okay, that's cool. And yeah, it is sad to see the decline of the blogging community. But I started out with selfish intentions and now it appears if I am to continue, it will be with self interest in mind.

    I began my blog with two goals in mind; One- To finally have a place to stash all the writing I might do into one convenient place. No more notebooks, journals, scraps of paper. Everything in one place. Second and most important of all, I wanted to become a better writer. I found success on both points. And while I am no awesome wordsmith, I am much better than when I began my blog in 2004.

    So, as to whether to blog or not to blog, there is no question where I stand. As long as I can find the keys, I will be wasting bandwidth as much as possible.

    1. I really appreciate this feedback my Friend since it reminds me so much of why I began Blogging too! I Love to Write and to indulge in frivolous Photography as well, so my Grandson, at Age 9, encouraged me to try Blogging. I didn't even know what a Blog was and was quite late to the Party, but, he set it all up for me, being the Child Genius he was. Even adding a Translation feature for International Readers to visit and exchange interactions. I had no idea in those days, about 17 Years ago now, how much of a Community experience was here. As a full time Caregiver it is very isolating Socially, so this then filled that Void for me and I guess I'm missing that part of Blogging now I have once had it. I still like all the selfish and practical reasons I initially began, you made me realize those are as solid as they ever were and I enjoy this too much to put it away just yet. I actually have worn a hole in one of my Keyboard Keys {the N} and all the Letters off the rest. *LOL* Thank You again, you renewed my resolve to just continue with self interest in Mind and not feel bad about filling and wasting as much bandwidth as possible. *Winks*

  2. I can't believe you're thinking about not blogging! You are the most prolific blogger I read. But life changes, doesn't it. Maybe you could just cut back instead of going cold turkey out? I used to blog every day like you, then for several years I cut back to twice a week and now I'm doing once a week and that's a great place for me. Keeps me in touch with people who've become important to me over the years while giving me an outlet for writing which I love doing.

    The offer of a job once Princess T graduates must give her some peace of mind and insensitive to finish school.

    1. Jean, I think what MRMacrum above hit a chord with me, so I'm glad I wrote this Post while feeling conflicted about Blogging. I started with purely Selfish intent and I should just continue with self-interest in Mind regardless of how much Community, or not, still remains in The Land of Blog. You, having been a full time Caregiver a long time, can relate to the Isolation that creates Socially. I must confess Blogging unexpectedly filled that Void for me, I didn't expect it to, so it is something that once you've enjoyed it, it's sad to see it waning. During my Letter Writing prolific Days I not only sent out, but received, Letters almost Daily. Then people quit Writing or Sending Letters or Cards and such... Mail ended up being a means to an end to receive only Bills and Junk Mail. It was the end of an Era I'd thoroughly enjoyed and I'm one to be the last to Let Go of a Good Thing. *LOL, I still have a Landline and Old School Camera too for Chrissakes!* And you brought up an important point too, keeping in touch with people who've become important over the Years as well as my outlet for Writing and Photography, well, that is Priceless... even if it has had changes and some of the Community has left or parted from this Realm entirely. I do think the Job Offer is encouraging to her, but she's Anxious about anything New and it scared her a bit to consider. She wants to Work but her Social Anxieties are extreme and she likes Solitary Work and not so much Working with the Public. So, she's got Time to reflect on what she wants whenever Graduation finally happens.

  3. I agree that the blogging community is decimated. When I started, I jumped in with a great group who actively read and commented on each other's blogs. We even had a few meetups where we all got together for food and drinks.
    But over the years, they've all folded up shop and moved on. Where I used to get 10-20 comments on each post, now if I get one or two, it's a victory. I often ask myself why I keep going and it always comes back to knowing I have to put these thoughts somewhere...
    I hope you continue... I enjoy reading your family adventures, which, you must admit, are plentiful!

    1. You also hit the Nail on the Head my Friend, where else would I put this stuff? *Bwahaha* But, the Community becoming decimated is troubling to me, it's like when your Real Life Community dies off or moves away, you really miss them and how it was. The Comments and New Readers has certainly waned, so, I am back to self-interest Blogging mostly now, to where it's back to more like a personal Journal than anything I expect to be Read or Commented on. I have a respectable amount of those who Read and never Comment, I know most in the Land lurk and never Comment, I often do that myself, having nothing to add, but just enjoy a good Read Anonymously. My Grandkid reminded me that having that many Daily Readers would be letting those folks down if I just quit... and she's right. I'd be one of those that just folded up Shop, Moved On, and gone off the Grid... and I know how I feel about that and how much I miss those Bloggers who bailed or passed away. For a while I even went back and re-read Years Old Blogs they used to Write, like a Good Book, it never got Old and reminded me of the Authors. Yep, Mi Vida Loca is never sparse with Adventures to use as Blog Fodder. *Winks*

  4. I’m a long time reader but have never commented and don’t blog myself. But I love your spirit and hearing about your life. I have learned a lot from you about caregiving, collectibles, life in AZ, history, multigenerational living. And even more about living life in your own terms and facing challenges with an attitude I could only hope to emulate. I do hope you keep blogging. I have gained a lot from reading your words.

    1. Thank You for this feedback, it's exactly what my Granddaughter told me. How many Dear Readers I have who choose to remain comfortably Anonymous about Commenting and engaging, but, who show up and would be being let down if I just ceased and didn't consider them now. The G-Kid Force set my Blog up for me 17 Years ago and Genius Boy knows how Statistically Oriented I am and always was in my Corporate Lives, so he showed me how to gauge what was going on here, which Posts were being well received and how many Dear Readers were showing up and from where on the Globe. It was fascinating how far reaching Social Media is and how many Lives it can and does Touch, whether you intended for it to or not. I still am a Selfish Blogger, in that I Blog for my own reasons of Loving Writing and Photography... it still fulfills that purpose for me. But, the Social aspect became quite important too, as a Full Time Caregiver the Isolation can get to you sometimes and I'm very Socially oriented. So I miss how the Community became decimated compared to it's heyday. It's like Letter Writing, I kept waffling on when or if it was time to just stop... Blogging I like way more than Letter Writing, you reach a broader Audience and who doesn't like an Audience when you're being Creative, who likes and appreciates your Work? *Winks* I'm so humbled when a Dear Reader tells me they got anything gainful in visiting a Post, you just never know in Life what you might say, do or write about that connects you to other folks and that's very important and meaningful to me. Bloggers often lay themselves bare on their Blogs and it's much more transparent than Real Life often is, I LIKE that about it.

  5. A few posts back you mentioned how you blog primarily for yourself -- and I guess that's the question. What's your motivation? For me, it's simply having a place to write each day, gather my thoughts and record my memories. I do appreciate it when others read and comment, but I kept a journal for decades with no readers whatsoever, so I'm happy to blog even on my own. Still, I suppose all things come to an end at some point. So I don't have an answer for you, but as prolific a blogger as you are, I suspect you'd find it hard to quit cold-turkey!

    1. Steve LMAO about your last Sentence becoz it is SO True, this is my Happy Space to put my Stream of Consciousness and indulge myself, in gathering a Record of what's happening, Sharing it whether anyone comes or not, and dumping loads of Imagery I like to Photograph as a Pathological Picture Taker. I do get glum sometimes about The Land of Blog not being what it used to be and becoming decimated. I felt that way about a lot of things tho', people move on to whatever is the Rage now and I find myself more of a Dinosaur that doesn't Let Go so easily of things I truly enjoy, whether they're popular anymore or not. Shit, I still have a Landline and an Old School Camera... most Young People under 40 tell me mine are the only ones they've ever seen! *Bwahahahaha* I had a Jukebox with 45's in it until one of my Moves, when it was a behemoth to move so I Sold it to an Industry Friend. *LOL* My Blog is still Fun for me and I know I'm addicted to the doing of it now. My Grandchild reminded me statistically how many Dear Readers still show up faithfully and that I'd be letting them down to just stop. I realize about 95% never Comment or want interaction, just a nice Anonymous Read, I often do that myself, this is good Material in the Land of Blog, better than Books IMO, and I Love Books too... got more than Barnes & Noble actually. *Smiles*

    2. Yeah, that's a good point -- a lot of readers may never comment but still enjoy reading. Very wise observation by your grandchild! :)

    3. Steve she is a very Wise Child beyond her Years, like an Old Crone she is. *LOL*

  6. I love reading blogs but have to admit I rarely comment. Often I start a comment and then think why bother and just move on. I've noticed these days, since I made a big effort to unsubscribe from a lot of emails, I rarely receive email of a personal nature. I barely receive any postal mail, most bills are via email and on autopay. It is rather sad that our worlds seem to be shrinking as all interaction seems to be pulling back.

    1. I think the majority of Blog Visitors don't comment actually, I know I get Hundreds of Visits for every Post and yet never have had a lot of comments. It is rather sad that our Worlds seem to be shrinking and interactions are pulled way back from how I remember them being. Even a Decade ago there was a more personal interaction than now, even in this Community. I do miss that. And if I get no Comments for several Posts, I confess I begin wondering if I'm boring the living Hell out of any Visitors that take the time to show up? I was quite petulant whilst Writing this Post and waffling about Blogging in general, but, I'm quite addicted to Writing, Blogging and Photography now, it's been a ritual for over 17 Years. If I stop, well, I'm probably Dead. *Winks*

  7. I used to blog every day when I first started, then I got flamed by some unknown person and slowed down. I never stopped reading and commenting on other blogs, so I was able to expand my community. Up until recently, after the 10 day challenge, I was a hit and miss blogger but now I'm finding I really enjoy posting everyday even if it's just sharing some photos! As the kids say, "You do you, Boo!" LOL I'll keeping reading whenever you post, sweetpea! xoxo

    1. I used to Blog less frequently in the early days since I was more cautious about splaying my Stream of Consciousness out into Cyberspace back then. *LOL* I did always want to keep it 100% with any Visitors tho'. Yes, I swear a lot, Yes, I can be a real Head Case. If someone is uncomfortable with that, I understand, but, I prefer we all just accept one another as we truly are, no facade or pretenses. I never got flamed, thankfully, and used to torment the few Trolls that showed up, now I just mark them as Spam and delete their comments. Never got too many of them tho', mostly the Community has been exceptionally Positive and non-judgmental. I have made some cherished Friendships here. I can be dramatic tho' and this was one of THOSE Posts, where, I was doubting my Blog Content had relevance and perhaps was just a boring Old Lady journal of how Life gets once you're Retired and your most adventurous Days are probably behind you. *LOL* It is rather uneventful at times and if I get several Posts in a row with no Comments, it's like never getting Mail and visiting an empty Mailbox, I can get petulant about that and have a Pout. *Winks*

  8. I quit blogging for over a decade because of what you are writing about. Everyone seemed to go to Facebook. I didn't like it but I was basically alone. When I came back I did it because I wanted to. I have met some wonderful people in the last two years. If it's for yourself, then does it matter if there isn't any interaction. It does seem like you have people connecting with you.

    1. Yeah, sometimes I just wonder if I'm boring the shit out of Dear Readers and have absolutely nothing relevant to say anymore? *LOL* As I'm aging Sandra I know my routines are rather mundane, not so exciting, and definitely not Front Page worthy by any means. I do like getting some Comments now and again, if they drop off completely I'm inclined to think whatever I've Written is either not worth adding to... or, perhaps was a topic nobody wants to touch with a Ten Foot Pole? *Winks* I like and prefer uplifting Posts, but, Life happens, and I can have a Rant/Vent here so sometimes it's a tough Read when Life gets complicated or difficult. I think I'm addicted to Blogging and Photography now, after over 17 Years of doing both and I still like doing it for all the same selfish reasons I began. My Family feel it's good Therapy for me and certainly it's cheaper than Therapy. *Bwahahaha* I too have met the most wonderful people here, but I miss any who are now gone. Sometimes I know why, sometimes you never know and there's no closure. I miss every one of them that is no longer here tho'. It's like when your Real Life Friends Die or move away, the Missing of them is hard. I do think the Connections made here have been important and cherished, sometimes even closer and more intimate than Real Life since often the Blog Community is more transparent and authentic to Self, it's a Safer Space to Hold than Real Life often can be.

  9. I will miss you terribly if you decide to stop blogging.

    1. Fat chance I will unless I'm Dead my Friend, I think I'm too addicted to it now, after 17 plus Years of it being an almost daily ritual I enjoy doing. I was rather morosely dramatic about writing this Post. I've never had a lot of Comments but when they drop off completely it's like going to the Mailbox and it's Empty... so I was in a bit of a Funk and wondering, is everyone being bored out of their Minds coming for Blog Visits now and I have absolutely nothing relevant to say anymore? *LOL* Yeah, I can be a Drama Queen sometimes if I don't get any Attention... I Own it tho'. *Winks*

  10. Yeah, just keep blogging. :)
    I have been not blogging so much lately because of the whole 'wow, my dad died and until he did I didn't actually realize what I'd gone through' and also ' I'm so fucking TIRED all the time from work, commute, work, husband with some depression issues to go along with declining mental faculties' and did I mention I'm tired? I finally decided THIS PAST WEEK that anyone who comes to read and doesn't like my whining can go read somewhere else. LOL

    I am on FB, but I really don't spend much time there. Mostly to keep in touch with the few family members I like (I don't have any of the bigots or bigettes on my friend list).

    I do spend a fair bit of time on reddit for the past year or so, though. Lots of dialog with like-minded people.

    Don't stop blogging and picture taking!!

    1. Well, it seems unanimous that I should just keep Blogging. My Family feel it's therapeutic to me and I know it is, and way Cheaper than Therapy. *Winks* I Love Writing and Photography a lot. But, got a bit Dramatic about the decimation of Social Activity that Blogging had in the Old Days, it's heyday was so much more interactive and I know I miss that. I didn't realize how much I missed it until I get a bit morose if I have a run of Posts with no Comments at all... makes me just wonder, am I boring everyone to death? *LOL* I know via the Stats my Grands set up here for me that I am getting a respectable number of visits per Post, but, I've never been a Blogger that got a lot of Comments. Even just a few is like Receiving a Letter, you know, so when you get None, it's like checking the Mailbox and it's empty. *Pouting petulantly* That said, I'm not one to comment a lot myself, so, I realize if there's nothing to say or add to a conversation, you just don't bother. I don't spend much FB time either, I have a Page for the same reasons you do and have a Blocked Profile with only those I Invite and 'Friend'. Never been o Reddit and don't like Instagram, never Tweeted or Read any of those either. I don't think I could stop Blogging or Picture Taking, so, if I Stop, well, assume I'm probably Dead my Friend. *Winks* And sure, I can related to being so fucking TIRED and all the baggage Emotional and Physical that it tends to manifest. I was rather glum and being Dramatically Pitiful when I wrote this Post. *Ha ha ha* Hey, it happens... And yeah, when you lose a Parent and then Mother's Day and Father's Day roll around, it is a Wow, my Mom/Dad Died Moment every fucking time.

  11. How will I start my day if you stop? haha I have only commented a couple of times but I have read your blog, every post, since the very early days. As I'm in South Australia and a good number of hours ahead of you, your latest post is usually up when i go to my pc or phone in the morning to check in. So I read eat while having breakfast.
    I'm disappointed if there's not a new post. I know it's a bit "Days of Our Lives" thing but yours is real life and I appreciate how you handle the challenges you face.
    I've even quoted you to friends and family when talking about things happening in the world haha
    You and the Vintage Vixen are the only blogs I follow.
    If you stop blogging, I'll probably think you're dead ... it's in your blood

    Keep on blogging!

    1. Well, I was rather Dramatic about considering just ditching Blogging altogether, who was I kidding, I'm addicted to the practice now. *LOL* It's nice to know those who are still visiting enjoy what I Post, you really never know how any Post Topics are received except via any Comments you might get on them. I've never been a Blogger that got a lot of Comments, but I know I get a lot of Views and have kept a respectable number of Readers interested enuf to show up. So, I guess I'm not boring everyone to tears? *LOL* I had to Laugh about you Quoting me sometimes since The Daughter did that in Mexico and says now my Sayings circulate there a lot with the Locals. *Bwahahahaha* So, now perhaps they're also circulating in South Australia too? *Winks* I also follow Vix, I'm so impressed with how she Blogs about her Days and how full they are of interesting yet everyday things. Her sense of Fashion and Zest for Life, along with Jon, is inspiring. Love how she Decorates and the Food Porn on her Blog is exceptional. When I was toying with Vegetarian and Vegan Cuisine I got a lot of tips from her Blog on what variety could be incorporated and be so tasty. And your last Line, LMAOROTF, since, yeah, if I did stop Blogging, I will probably be Dead my Friend. *Winks*

  12. I have always said if it starts feeling like a chore or is it not enjoyable anymore, it's time to hang it up. I have been going on 16 years now and still enjoy it. Maybe you should try to not blog everyday? It could be burn out. I think blogging still feels strong to me, but I also find this time of year, blogs get quiet, what with people wanting to get outdoors, vacationing and get aways. Commenting always drops in the summer. I also notice people must still read blogs but not comment. My followers keep going up, and it amazes me in the stats how many old posts get re read!!!!! Which is why I hesitate to delete post. But I also want to look back one day and see what I did and what I was doing. I also have a huge archive of my pictures, travel logs, LGBTQ INFO and as you know Drag Queen listing and info. I'd hate to get rid of that. I do think it's hard to find new blogs to read though. Lately I have been finding nice artist blogs to get into.

    1. I agree with your assessment Mads, I think I was being a bit Dramatic whilst Writing this particular Post. The Summer is Hot and I stay inside and the only connections are when we have Guests coming to visit, either in person or on my Blog. Full time Caregiving can be very Isolating, you sacrifice your Social Life to devote yourself to Caring for a Loved One who requires a lot of Care. So, when the Blog goes quiet I do feel like visiting a Mailbox that isn't getting Mail and remains empty and wonder if I'm boring Dear Readers with the mundane sameness of ordinary days? I don't feel burnt out since I still enjoy Blogging as much as ever and all the selfish reasons I began a Blog remain. *winks* I don't Archive Posts anymore, it was taking up too much of my Freebie Memory Online so I delete them prematurely, I never re-read any of them anyway. I downsized the Blog Archives while I was downsizing other possessions, so I could be more consistent with Letting Go and staying in the Moment more. I know I can be a Drama Queen when I have no attention, that's the Head Space I found myself in while this Post was my Stream of Consciousness. Blogging is therapeutic to me and cheaper than Therapy... ha ha ha... plus you guys all Rock who I've come to know within the Community. A lot of Bloggers have left, Died off, but those who remain I do cherish the interactions with and Friendship of. I think I'm too addicted to Writing and Photography to just quit entirely, if I stop, you can safely assume I'm probably Dead. *winks*

  13. Hi Dawn,
    Let’s see if this comment works. I do know what you mean about blogs disappearing. My blog is silent for now because we moved and I haven’t got my rhythm back. But I still read you even if blogger often won’t let me comment. I hope you stay.
    All the best, from Canberra Australia. Jazzy Jack

    1. Hey, it has been a long time my Friend and I thought you'd just quit Blogging altogether. You moved again? You are a brave one, moving took so much out of me this HAS to now be our Forever Home. *LOL* I swear I'm still unpacking and wading thru the Gauntlet Five Years later! You had a spectacular View up there in the Apartment, where have you roamed to now my Friend? I hope the Boys are doing well? I shall stay in The Land Of Blog, I was in a bit of a funk when I wrote this Post, reminiscing about the Old Days can do that to me and things do change and sometimes I long for how they once were, you know? I've literally worn a hole in the "N" of my Keyboard, so, clearly this has become an addiction... winks... and I'd probably be hard pressed to stop.

  14. Since you semi asked the Question, To Blog or Not; actually made a statement . I would like to inform you that I do really enjoy your blog, its Personal, Its True, Its What the Blog World Needs... To Be Human... !!!! My suggestion if you want to branch off into some other online adventure... Do an online catalog for your inventory.... very time I see your photos, I tell myself I wish I was closer I should run over there and buy that and this.

    1. I'm getting very positive feedback from everyone about the Blog and it's content and I don't think I am questioning the production part of Blogging, which is rather effortless for me. I love to Write and Photograph stuff and probably couldn't actually cease and desist from doing either. The funk I'd slid into whilst writing this Post was looking back too much on how Blogging and The Land USED to be and missing that part of it, which was the unexpected Social aspect of Blogging. That has flatlined in recent years to where sometimes the interactive part of Blogging has gone Silent, and not just on my own site. Many amazing Bloggers don't receive any comments or engagement either and it puzzles me. It also makes me realize that it can often be a catalyst for a Blogger just quitting if they feel it's pointless, unless of coarse a private yet public online journal is what their motivation remains? I initially didn't Care if anyone read my Blog, in fact, I was amazed in vast cyberspace that anyone could even find anyone else in the Blogasphere and return with regularity! But, once you've HAD those precious Social interactions here, when Bloggers go away you miss them terribly, just like in Real Life when someone leaves, quits, Dies, whatever and you never hear from them again. Being a full time Caregiver is Isolating and so this has been the most Socialization I often have except when I can attend my Monthly Event or go in to Work at the Antique Mall one day a Week. I guess I miss the People Part that becomes more connected and intimate, that Life used to have and now has been decimated, not only here, but in Real Life too. Socialization has surely changed over the Generations and I realize I'm rather a Dinosaur about how I do it. *LOL* Well, if ever you are in Arizona, please pop in and Buy this and that. *winks*


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl