Saturday, June 8, 2024

Desert Lovebirds And Baby Reindeer

 Princess T doesn't have Summer School on Fridays so it makes for a nice long Weekend of being able to Sleep In again.  Of coarse for me Sleeping In means I can only manage slumbering until about 9:00 a.m. tops, since, The Man is an early riser and once he's up, well, not much Sleep happens for anyone else.  He might get up to something he shouldn't, doesn't always follow his Safety Prompts, and tends to be noisier than he thinks he's being.  Or, mebbe he's noisy on purpose to wake everyone so he can turn on TV's and such, who knows?  *LOL and Eye Roll*  Princess T is a Teen who will Sleep In all day if you let her, so, she's not a problem.  *Bwahahaha*  The Adult Kids go to Work very early, so they're gone by 4:00 a.m. {Son} and 7:00 a.m. {Daughter}.  She only Works part time Three Days a Week tho'.

The Son is on mandatory Overtime again, things haven't improved at Work, so he's still thinking his Company is in Crisis Mode and it could be.  He preferred how it ran with the Original Owner who Sold it when they Retired, but had a solid Business Model that had worked for a very long time.  Of coarse the New Owner changed everything.  And not for the better, as The Son and I often say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  I suspect the Newbies are cutting corners to cut costs and there ya go in a nutshell.  The product suffers, the employees suffer, the business flounders and develops a poorer reputation in the Industry.   But, so many Companies do that now, it's become The American Way in this disposable Society to crank out inferior product that will be more disposable and need replacing more often.   And compete with cheap Imports from 3rd World Countries.

Anyway, he's glad his Hours have increased, but upset they are always short staffed and burning out whose still there by having unrealistic expectations of production with a skeletal crew.   It's not as if they give more pay along with more work, they don't.   And, it's not a Climate Controlled Space in the Workshop Warehouses, so a lot of Employees quit during the Summer Months.  Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke are increasing due to Climate Changes, so, it makes a lot of Work more dangerous if you have too much exposure to the Heat or the Elements.  Sometimes they have to let them come Home early if they can't Cool the Workspaces down to OSHA Standards for the Workers.  The "Rule of 20 Percent" for Heat Tolerance goes into effect... and any Workplace exceeding 100 degrees for strenuous Work does have Occupational Hazard requirements.

LATER:  I dropped some things off at the Antique Mall, but it was 114 degrees outside and there was no way I wanted to be out and about in that heat.  So, mostly we stayed Home and just binge watch NetFlix.   I saw Comedian Jo Koy's special he shot in Brooklyn.  And Movie "Burn After Reading" {2008} with George Clooney, Brad Pitt and John Malkovich, a satire of espionage and Political corruption.  Tho' done over a Decade earlier, it was rather prophetic of the blundering idiocy and conspiracy malevolence that went on during the Trump Administration, who knew?  It was humorous when it wasn't Real, not so much once it actually was and we reflected upon how we got here.  To how much of a cluster fuck Politics has become and how fragile Democracy being preserved now is.

Anyway, Politics aside, since, that just makes my Head wanna explode.  *LOL*  I'm still having problems with the inside of my Right Knee and will have to give in and get it looked at.  Didn't injure it, but, it is the Knee that gave out on me during Pandemic when I took that bad Senior Fall and messed up my Shoulders, so, don't want a repeat on that.  It's very tender sore, a hot pain, and sometimes goes numb, just in one spot and Dr. Google has a slew of shit it could be, so, that's not useful.  *LOL*   So, I'm looking at Medical Charts of a Leg and see it's Medial for sure and none of the Blue Writing makes any layman sense to me.  I'm also not an Athlete, so, tho' I've probably heard of some of that type of injury, I haven't done anything I know of to cause it.  *LMAO* 

 But, Arthritis of that Joint would make sense, the Arthritis I have commonly had has been flaring up lately more than usual.  With The Man too, Arthritic Pain at this juncture is a Given for both of us.  And, growing Old comes with a lot of baggage physically, expect it... shit's wearing out now.  I don't wanna be one of those Seniors that complains about aches, pains and illness incessantly tho', so, I'm just giving this a brief mention in The Land... boring Negative Energy stuff that is just is.  *Bwahahaha*   In the leading Image and above/below are pixs I cribbed off my Book of Faces Feed of a Lovebird housed in a Saguaro Cactus.  A flock of them live at the Desert Botanical Gardens and someone captured some great Images of that one Voguing in front of the Lens like a Hambone.  *LOL*  I've seen the Flock there feeding from time to time.


I've let my Membership expire for now at The Desert Botanical Gardens until Summer is over, I'll renew it in the Fall when it's cooler to attend.  Doubtful in this extreme heat that I'd go.  If I lived closer you could go early enuf, but it's a long commute from here and I'm no early riser if I don't have to be on days I can Sleep In and have days to myself.   Which are Rare enuf that it's just not worth renewing right now and having that considerable outlay of a Membership.   I personally think if you renew in late Spring or Summer, it should come with a big discount to encourage Memberships due then not to lapse.  *LOL*  They were kind enuf during Pandemic to extend Memberships already pre-paid, since they were Closed and then had restrictions for a long time after reopening.  They rely heavily on Volunteers to Maintain the Grounds, so I suspect they were the only ones there during that whole Situation.  Same with Zoos.

The Two Images in the Post of the Blue Tie Dye Deadhead Shirt are a Front and Back of one I got for myself.   The Two more Colorful Tie Dye Deadhead Shirts were ones I would have gotten for Self, had they been in my Size, but, were not... Small and Medium I'll never be again.  *Bwahahaha*  But, it is worth getting Images of Graphics I like, so I can keep looking for them in my Size, eventually you could Score one.  I've said it before, The Grateful Dead have some of the more Awesome Art Graphics ever IMO and so I've Collected Deadhead Shirts for Years.  I can easily Resell any too, so, they're a Staple in the Showroom of the Vintage Band and Tour Tee Inventory we keep in Stock whenever we can Source some.  A lot of Vintage Band Shirts are popular with the Young these days, moreso than Shirts of their current Artists.  I Guess we were Cooler?  Dope, Legit, Sweet... or whatever Slang they're using now?  *Smiles and Winks*

Princess T was telling me Timmy and Family went to the Beaches of Cali on Vacay and Matthew has been Petsitting at their House.   Kids Track each other on their Phones so they all know where each other are at all times it seems, rather Stalkerish IMO, and she Laughs when I tell her that.   I remind her not to go all Baby Reindeer, Okay?  *Bwahahaha*  That's our new Label for being a Crazy Stalker Bitch, and, on the News they actually Interviewed the Real Life Woman from that NetFlix Series, who Internet Sleuths Outed and now she's Suing the makers of the Film for defamation of Character.   Might be a difficult Case to Sue, since the Real Life Victim changed Names for the Film to protect Identities, as they often due in True Storyline Re-enactments.   The Real Stalker had Served considerable Prison time for Stalking other Victims, so, clearly is unhinged and clearly is out again of any Institution.

 But, since Crimes are Public Record and can be Sleuthed for Real Life Crime Based Movies or Series... well, it was bound to happen that her True Identity would be revealed.   And, it was Fans of the Series that dug deep and that Outed her Real Identity, so, could be a Landmark Case if she Wins.  She looks and sounds remarkably like the Actress in the Movie, so, Good Casting and Acting there.  If you haven't seen the Series I'd highly recommend it, a Cautionary Tale of having pity on someone who could be so troubled they latch onto you and imagine Relationships that aren't Real based on mere basic Kindness.    The Son likened it to feeding a Stray Animal and then you can never get rid of it.  It can become not only complex, but pose a Nuisance and possible Danger.   Especially if it's a Wild or Feral Animal you never should have interacted with in the first place, even with the best of Intentions. 

The Daughter has begun now Organizing my Cupboards and Pantry.  They look neat and orderly. But, I had a specific way of setting up the Pantry to know what I was running low on.  Only I don't have the Heart to tell her she's now upended that method, so I have no idea how much of anything we now have anymore.  *Le Sigh*  It wasn't Organized Chaos with my Method, but, I had rows of certain Canned items like Veggies and Soups or Beans.   So, I could easily tell if I was low or out of Peas... or Canned Chili... or how much Soup was left.   She just made it look Pretty and it's intermingled, so... it's harder to even pull an item you want, no telling where it is or if you even still have it?  *Huge Le Sigh* 

 But, she's done so much in the way of Organizing, Cleaning, Tidying Up, voluntarily.   So I haven't wanted to be critical or unappreciative of all her efforts and hard work, she's put a lot into the doing of it for me.  So, I'm not saying anything but Thank You to her.  *LOL*   Whenever any of the Kiddos or their Friends or our Neighbors do more than I asked them to do to Help, or "Surprise" me with something they initiated that wasn't asked for, frankly I don't have the Heart to be Negative about it.   Rob, our Neighbors Oldest Son, is as notorious as my Kiddos at "Surprising" me with Extra Work he's done FOR me.  And it's always Sweet, even if I didn't want it done that way... or at all.   *LOL*  He started a Victory Garden for me and was so damned Proud of it, that even tho' it's not where I'd ever want one, or envisioned one, there it now is.  *Bwahahaha*


They Mean Well, what can I say... so, it's all Good... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Here is an interesting story from a Canadian blogger about Baby Reindeer. It's about 3/4 down the page.

    1. Welcome and thanks for the Blog Link. It was a good Series, tho' the subject matter is quite disturbing and dark.

    2. Just visited and that is an interesting perspective and experience the Blogger had. But, one can never be quite sure who is harmless and who is not. I had a Vendor Friend at our Antique Mall that everyone adored, he was Funny and popular. We all liked him and imagine our shock and horror when he brutally murdered his Dear Wife and Disabled Adult Son!!! Before his Trial he committed Suicide. So, you never know what someone is or could be capable of... he was so nice to all of us, yet, what he did to his nearest and dearest was nothing short of horrific and nobody saw it coming. I'm Retired from a large District Attorney's Office and that is not an uncommon occurrence either, in every file of a terrible Crime you would often find Testimony of people who only ever saw the good side of them. Humanity can have such duality.

  2. I am fortunate not to have knee pain. Now my shoulders, that's another issue all together.My first husband was a deadhead, we saw them at small venue concert in the early 70s. I like a lot of their music, but I'm not enthralled by it like they are. It can be tough when someone does something kind for you that you would have preferred they hadn't. You do the right thing by simply accepting it.

    1. I wasn't enthralled by their Music but their Merchandising was top notch and Iconic in the best ways Artistically. They developed a Brand back before Branding was a Thing.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl