Wednesday, June 12, 2024

He Simply Helped Them Be Who They Were


I have wanted one of those large Globes made of semi-precious inlaid Gemstones on a Brass Stand.  Well, whilst Goodwill Hunting, whallah, they had one for Sale and I got another 20% off, so only paid Forty Bucks for it!  The size it is, usually Sells for Hundreds to even past a Grand, so, Color me Happy!  I had a very small one once scored secondhand on The Cheap, but had never seen the large ones at a Chazza before, only in Antique Malls at a hefty price point out of my League.   This one has the White Opal Mother Of Pearl Ocean, which I like better than the Lapis Blue Globes like it.  Tho' the ones with a Copper Ocean are very desirable too. It's as heavy as a Boat Anchor, I can barely carry it, and I can lift a considerable amount of weight.  Hard to tell Scale Online, but the largest ones similar to mine were in the $600-$1,200 range.

It actually was a good day for trawling the Chazzas and Thrifting, Donations had been of the higher quality Merch, with even some New Old Stock from Specialty and Import Shops.   In fact, where I got the Globe, it seemed as if an Import Shop might have Donated a considerable amount of their higher end Product that still had original Price Tags affixed so you could see the Retail Price Point.   It was as if the Goodwill Pricer had been blind or oblivious to Retail Value tho', as they still had it marked for a pittance.   Some Locations overcharge and some undercharge, I've come to know which Locations are the best to avoid or frequent.   Especially now we're Sourcing Vintage Band Tour and Specialty Tees for our Showroom on The Regular, some Locations are a Honey Hole for them and with great Margins for Resale.

I do let The Family sift thru my Haul to pull the Shirts they want first and I do the same.  *Smiles*   The Daughter wanted this hilarious Bad Kittie Tee I Sourced.  *LOL*  Sometimes a Shirt is just too good to Let Go of and so then I rotate our Wardrobe out when we upgrade our Tees.  We don't get that attached to Wardrobe, so, we're constantly Selling ours off really.  What can I say, folks like our Style apparently and Selling our own Wardrobe has been effortless.  I go thru phases of what I wear and so does Princess T, so, once we're over that Look, well, we Move On to something else.   I had a lot of those long Boho Gossamer Vests you wear over a Tank Top and Capris, Sold damned near all of them once I wasn't wearing them so much anymore.  Sold Out in fact and earned enuf to Buy some Designer Statement Pieces I was Jonesin' for.

Now, my Designer Statement Wardrobe I rarely Sell or tire of, so, they're more of a long term Investment and indulgence I can justify.  My Johnny Was and Magnolia Pearl Wardrobe are Keepers.   And, usually I either Buy them on Seasonal Sale or Secondhand too, at a fraction of the Retail Price Point.  I have my Contacts for my MP Wear and the Johnny Was Boutique at Scottsdale Fashion Square Mall always has a Sale Rack.   I've had Friends who dig the same Designers try to weasel my Contacts out of me, but it's one of those situations where if I told you, then I'd just have to kill you.  *Bwahahaha*  I actually knew people from way back when, that worked for Robin in the early days, and don't give out info on my Friends and Cultivated Contacts actually.

In fact, sometimes I've, by pure Serendipity, run into Famous or at least Well Known Designers and didn't even know it or who they were, became Friends, and THEN found out by accident.   Recent example, a Woman I've befriended and now known a long time from standing in Line with her at an Event we both attend regularly, happens to be a well known Designer, I had no idea.   She often asks my opinion or advice about Style and Decor, so, being a Nobody myself, I just thought it was a Kindred Spirit connecting on that level and sharing a Passion.  I didn't even know that's what she did for a Living and was clearly exceptional at doing for Clients!  She looks Top Shelf, very Classy, I was pretty sure she was affluent, but, didn't know who she was at all.

Then I had a Book that profiled Well Known Designer's Homes at Christmastime and there she was in it!!!  WOW!!!  Couldn't have been more Surprised and tho' I have the Book, I would not Fan Girl her now to get her to Sign it.  Since, our Friendship has been based on me not knowing she is well known and I would not want to change that dynamic now that I do know.  I have known people who are well known and everybody knows who they were and they often say they can't then tell who only wanted to be Friends becoz of their Celebrity Status.  I'm sure that's difficult to discern and Anonymity for some is difficult, if not impossible at a certain point.  It is awkward, even for me, when a Celebrity initiates contact, approaches me at an Event, becoz I don't know if they expect you to know who they are or be offended if you don't?  *Bwahahaha*  

Now, sometimes I don't Care if I look like a Fan, case in point, a Friend and I ran into Tim Holtz at an Event, since he attends a lot we do too and she owns Craft Stores.  He Designs Craft Products that are well known and has a Line that is madly popular.   I'm a Tim Holtz Product Junkie, so, when he stopped and talked with my Friend about the Business, she asked for a Photo Op and had introduced me.  I was in the Photo with them and he was so gracious about it.  He's a Cutie Pie too and the nicest Guy, he was probably the nicest Guy before becoming well known and Fame hasn't changed him.   He gets Fan Girled all the time by Women who Craft and adore his Products... so, I didn't wanna act like one of them... but... was delighted to get a Pix with him.  *Winks*  

 And Alice Cooper, the Rocker, is a Local Guy and I've met and talked with him a few times, he used to be a Vendor at our Antique Mall Phoenix Location.   He and his Wife are the nicest people and mingle with everyone as if they're not Celebrity Status at all.  Very easy to talk to and interact with, not pretentious or evasive about interacting with Regular Folks and Fans.   When I first met him of coarse I knew who he was, but I didn't let on or mention it and say anything related to his Music, on purpose, we just talked Antiques.  Which is a Shared Passion he's just as interested to talk about as Music and less awkward, he's not known as much as an Antiques Enthusiast or Collector.   And I'm sure for Famous People, being treated like everyone else is Rare and refreshing.

Depending upon level of Fame, I would Imagine that being Famous can be hard, even dangerous in Public, so, I wouldn't like it.   I like the Freedom associated with Anonymity and being Nobody Special or having Strangers want a piece of you.  *LOL*   Anyway, glad I'm just a regular Anonymous person in Life, I like my Privacy and Anonymity too much to compromise it.   It was a Big Deal when I began using Social Media, or Blogging, becoz prior to that, I was skeptical about the Internet.  It was probably over a Year before I even put any personal pixs or a pix of myself on my Blog.   I kept it generic and unspecific, perhaps even vague, in the beginning, until I felt the Community here was okay.

Developing actual valued Relationships via Social Media and a Blog wasn't even something I realized could be done or was possible on a meaningful level.   It was even awkward at first to have random people approach me who were Dear Readers and then would see me in Real Life.   Becoz they felt like they already knew me and I didn't always know who they were in Real Life or we'd only had PM interactions beyond the Blog but never met in Person yet.  Now I have Blog Friends who are also Real Life Friends and even become Best of Friends closer than a lot of people I knew first in Real Life and never been a part of the Blog Community.   Sometimes people know us more intimately via our Blogs, than in Real Life situations or Friendships.   There is a bit of Anonymity in the Blogasphere.

I'm now binge watching the NetFlix Series "Mindhunter" {2018} based on the 1995 True Crime Book about the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit and founding of the Behavioral Science Unit.   Since I Retired from a large DA's Office I have been intrigued about the Behavioral Science associated with Crime, Criminals, and particularly the most dangerous ones.   I'm deep into Season 2 and a particularly intriguing profound thing mentioned wasn't about the Serial Killers studied at all.  But about the dangerous Behavioral Science behind the infamous that could make others do the dirty work for them and become devoted Followers, like Manson and his Cult.   Becoz it also quite adeptly describes 45 and his: HE SIMPLY HELPED THEM BE WHO THEY WERE.

No wonder 45 wants to discredit and dismantle the FBI and especially any Institution in America that has the Guardrails and Boundaries to keep Society within an acceptable checks and balances.   Becoz I've always said that even with people who you might least expect or suspect, who they REALLY ARE might/could harbor some really Dark shit suppressed and not yet unleashed becoz of Social Norms inhibiting them with the consequences.  Until someone simply gives them permission to and helps them be who they were.   Giving them Justification for such actions.  So, similar to Manson, 45 simply helped his Base BE who they always were, perhaps suppressed or concealed before, but now without the Societal boundaries, ethics, moral compass and guardrails that had been established and followed, to safeguard them and everyone else in our Society.

I've always been fascinated by Psychology and Behavioral Science, so this Series has been one I really have enjoyed thoroughly and is quite thought provoking on that level of Study/Science.    What Humans are capable of doing to other Sentient Beings, both Human and Animals, knows no bounds.  Especially if boundaries and moral compass have been removed or compromised, or intentionally altered and corrupted, either by them or someone else.   And it is in them to and now they have given themselves or someone else has given them permission to Be who they always were.  I've seen it up close within the Files I Worked for Years of the worst Offenders, so I have no delusions of the atrocities that can be committed by people to people or animals.  A lot of it is Deviant Behaviors, Fear, Anger and Fantasy based, that spirals out of Control once Acted upon.

During the January 6th Insurrection I noticed some parallels of what Serial Violent Offenders often do, especially the taking of "Trophies", which, many of them did.   Either by Photographing their Crime, or the taking of a Souvenir of some kind from the site of it.  To Relive it and get the Rush it gave them to do it.  Even if it was just their First Time.  And of 45 intently watching what he had wrought and getting quite aroused by it.   All quite typical actually and often will escalate and become an Urge now not able to be adequately suppressed or able for the Offender to cease and desist from until they are forcibly stopped.  It gets to the place where they no longer can or will be able to help themselves from what they do Serially that has aroused them on a visceral and primal level.

The Daughter got her Hair done and had put Blonde Hilites in again as I'd suggested, everyone is complimenting her on it, it suits her well.  At Work they changed the Uniform from a Classy Black with the Garage Logo on it, to a Flightline Orange, not as flattering or Classy.  She's not Happy, Wardrobe, even if she has to wear a Uniform, is important to her and she's OCD about it.  To the point that even when Institutionalized, she insisted on hers not being faded.   Which was rather hilarious, since, they obliged or knew she'd opt to wear nothing at all rather than comply with wearing something that looked Busted.  *Bwahahahaha*   Yep, she's Bat Shit Cray-Cray like that, so when she came Home morose and in Orange, she said it was reminiscent of being on a Prison Work Detail and she did NOT Like it!!!  *LMAOROTF*

We're going thru our Pantry and Cupboards and Organizing it to see what we have in Stock and what we might need to restock.  When you have Three Generations, well, you go thru your cache of Supplies quicker than you expect, so we're low on things I used to have a healthy stash of.  *LOL*   Especially during Pandemic, I was adept at having an Emergency Supply of damned near anything you'd need and was in short supply.   I'm no doomsday prepper, but I have never been one to have the bare minimum on critical supplies of anything that are essentials.  I keep a Mental Inventory of what's on Hand, but, sometimes the Kiddos plow thru it quicker than I anticipated it would last... since... well, Younger People are insatiable about eating and especially what they like most to eat.   Even our Fussy Eaters can plow thru their Favs fast.  So, I buy certain things in bulk.  And Specialty things to supplement Staples.

I ain't gonna Lie, I am Obsessive about certain Specialty Foods and indulging in them.   The Kiddos don't usually get into my Specialty Stash, they aren't as experimental with their Diet as I've always been and like Basic stuff, they're not Extra like me about Flavor Profiles.  *Winks*    I did the balance of our Grocery Shopping to stock up early, before the heat of the day sets in, it was 113 Yesterday and should break existing Records again Today too.  The Man hasn't been doing well in the heat since he got released from Hospital, so I only let him tag along early and then when he begins to fade, well, he has to accept he needs to go Home.   The extra Medication they have him on can only do so much for his Heart Condition.

The Contractors confirmed they'll be here on the 17th to build our Shed, so, only a few more Days before I have one.  Yay!!!   I'm quite excited to have my Inventory and Pricing Station in a separate building/location from everything else.  I will also be Investing in a portable Air Conditioner which is on Wheels, they range in price from a couple Hundred to around $500, which isn't bad and should adequately Cool that Shed to make it a Climate Controlled Space when I want to be in there working on stuff.   That will open it up to being able to do it Year round without interruption or dragging Inventory into our Living or Creative Spaces.  The Daughter and I will stack Inventory in Vintage Milk Crates or Banana Boxes and Label anything Seasonal/Holiday related.

I can do better at Editing & Purging too once I have a specific area to Stage what isn't being Kept or is being actively sorted.   Also, having a separate area means less interruptions by Family, Guests or Phone Calls... I can sequester myself in my She Shed, which is what I'm unoriginally calling it *LOL*... and be away from distractions when I want or need to be.    I may even take the time to Paint the Interior and around the Pricing Desk and Window area, make it Styled and attractive, why not?  *Smiles*  I've been wanting a Black & Red Space like I've had at every other Home I've owned, and here, I don't yet have one, just some Black Walls... none of my Signature Blood Red.  *Winks*  So, I'm considering buying those Colors to Paint the Shed's Interior with once it's built.  The Contractor is Painting the Exterior and doing Roof Shingles with Colors I chose that similarly match the House and RV Garage Mahal.

I did get my XXL Tee from that alternate E-Bay Seller after the first Seller couldn't perform or supply the item I'd Won at their Auction.  They did refund my Money and E-Bay apparently won't let you leave Neutral Feedback for a transaction that couldn't be finalized for whatever reason.  I think that would be important for other Buyers to know about, if they Win Auctions, pay for their Item, that then the Seller doesn't Honor and just issues Refunds.  I personally think that's sketchy and probably how they avoid Honoring Winning Bids that ended lower than they hoped to Sell at.  To me, they should have set a Reserve Price and not a Teaser Price they have no intention of Honoring.  Pretending they only had a Medium in Stock, when the Auction was for an XXL and they still have XXL Listed in active Auctions, is exposing their Tricks and Lies.

But, I'm delighted with the alternate Seller even tho' I had to pay a little more for the same Shirt, and it's good quality and they were quick to Deliver.  Plus, they didn't charge for Postage, the other sketchy Seller did... but, did Refund me the Postage Cost I Paid too.  So, since I got my Money back, all is well and it was a rare bad experience for me buying Online.   So, I just let that Shit Go... *Smiles*  Princess T had more Good News about Summer School, she recaptured another Credit and is almost finished recapturing a 3rd One!   She said it's actually been easy to so she's very encouraged and likes her Summer School Teachers and Classroom Environment.   I think it's better suited and structured for the Students who struggle Academically or have other Special Needs.

Rusty has been coming over after Work and hanging out with her.  This Week Timmy is back from his Vacay in Cali so she also plans to hang out with him.   We were joking that he might come back all Tanned, with Sun bleached Blonde Hilites and looking like a Surfer Dude?  *Bwahahaha*   I think if she hadn't been enrolled in Summer School his Family might have Invited her, they've taken her on Vacations with them before.  She still thinks their Friend Matthew, from the Gay Boy Posse, stayed at their Mini Farm here to take Care of their Animals?  They don't have Livestock, but they have Cats, Dogs, Fish and Reptiles.  Matthew works nearby so it would be closer for him to get to and from Work too than from where he now lives.   She's been missing hanging out with her Gay Boy Posse and felt rather left out and left behind at times, now they're Graduated, have Jobs, Drive, and are Moving On, while she still feels stuck for now.


Blessings, Love, Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian 


  1. Replies
    1. It really is and for Forty Bucks, I couldn't believe my good fortune to Score it. Wanted one a long time, it was worth the wait.

  2. I agree the globe is sensational! Now I will be keeping my eyes open for one. I have never seen one like it. What a great deal!

    1. Indeed it was a Bargain I could hardly Believe my Good Fortune of. They've had them in our Antique Mall a few times and they always cost Hundreds of Dollars, so I wouldn't be a Player at that Price Point. But, Forty Bucks, well, I'm All In. *LOL*


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl