Friday, June 14, 2024

Hexes And Hilarity... They're Not Mutually Exclusive

 I went in to restock the Showroom for the Weekend, all my Mannequin Displays were naked, having Sold the Clothes off of them.  So, I dressed them again, it is amazing how the Clothes on the Displays always Sell quickest, than those on the Racks.  Sales have been good, even on slower days that typically have softer sales.  At least for us, I did hear other Vendors complaining tho', so I guess the Summer Slump has hit some of them hard.  It wasn't particularly busy when I went in late on a Thursday Night, but, it was only an Hour before Closing.   My Sales for that day had been pretty good, so, I can't complain.

Princess T captured yet another Credit, so that's Four Classes now she got her recaptured Credits in for Summer School.   She's hoping to finish Three more before Summer School ends.  She works on them at Home too, on the Weekends, on her Home Tablet the School gives them.  She said for $100 at the end of Summer School we can Buy that Tablet since the School is going to be upgrading to new ones for next Year.  So, I'll probably Buy that one for her at the discounted price they're offering.  She's taken good care of it and wants me to Buy it for her.  One Year the School gave Free Tablets to Students who Qualified.  At the time both of The G-Kid Force were Wards of the State, so they Qualified. 

Of coarse once I Adopted them they Qualified for less than they did when I had them as a Kinship Placement.   Which is odd really since their Situation, real Life Circumstances and Placement never changed.   So it also is with Special Ed Services and Resources.  You have to Qualify and if the Student begins Succeeding in spite of still being a Special Needs Student, their Resources and Services are often discontinued.   You must Appeal and Re-Qualify if they are unable to then successfully Mainstream, it's all quite convoluted and transactional.  If they are High Functional yet have a Disability, they are unable to Qualify for as much.  You often have to be Flavor of the Month for Services.

I'm delighted she's doing so well this Year in Summer School, it's a huge relief.  Since, she really balked at attending, she'd become so discouraged and despondent about not Graduating with her Class.  I think her seeing how many other Students were also having to recapture Credits and didn't get to Graduate, made her feel less embarrassed about it.   The fact so many didn't, makes me also wonder if some of the Teachers were up to the job of helping their Students succeed?   Or, if they mostly focused on their exceptional Students and neglected those who were more in need of their help, causing them to fall further behind or failing the Class?  When our Grandchild had a good Teacher she did very well in their Class and Passed it with decent Grades... so... just sayin'.

The Classes she Failed and didn't get Credit in, just happened to be the very same ones I had problems with the Teachers of those Classes.  They were the most difficult to Deal with as a Parent and on Zoom Meetings were the most critical and only fixated on what was 'Wrong' with your Child, very Negative.  You'd be talking to other Teachers who were saying the exact opposite, giving you Positive feedback about your Child and focusing on what else they could do to bring Grades up even higher.  She tended to get high Grades in the Classes with Positive Adults Teaching them.  And Fail Classes with Negative Adults Teaching them.

So, one would think, there were Two different Kiddos these Adults were discussing, judging by how vastly different the Positive Adults were describing your Kid opposed to how the Negative Adults were.  Which gives you Pause that your Child might not be the whole problem.  In fact, one Teacher in particular was so very Negative, I demanded they remove my Child from her Class and switch Electives.  Unfortunately we couldn't do that with the English Teacher who was problematic, not an Elective, a Required Class, and they said there wasn't another Teacher for that Subject.  But that Woman, was hard to do Facetime with, even as an Adult, so I would think Teens would not do well under her Authority at all.  

 She and I had Words, in front of her Co-Workers, on a Zoom Meeting. Becoz she said very scathing things about my Grandchild, knowing she was present, and in front of the whole Audience of Adults!  Myself and another Male Teacher, actually made it clear she was out of line, I appreciated him speaking up and speaking out too.  I could tell it had bothered him, he really liked my Grandchild and she did exceptionally well in his Class, getting A's.  I personally didn't care if I did humiliate that Woman, I won't allow anyone to publicly shame or humiliate my Kiddo without coming out of the Bag on them.  After that, she wouldn't even do Zoom Meetings with me, too Scared I suspect... everyone would be there except her and they'd make an excuse as to why she wasn't present in the Meetings after that. 

 But, she did Fail my Student and she got no Credits all Year long in that Ratchet Woman's Class.  Nuff said... SHE was the obvious problem, even tho' I know my Kiddo struggles with Reading and Writing, had she been in a good Teacher's Class, I feel she would have at least got some passing Grades and Credits earned.  She showed up every day, did her Work to the best of her ability, but always felt that Teacher resented having any Kid with an IEP in her Classroom, since, it meant compliance and extra Work for her.  Some Teachers do feel some kind of way about that and about Mainstreaming Students with Disabilities.  They don't want those Kids in their Classrooms.  Hell, some whole Schools feel that way actually.

 Princess T also told me that Teacher never complied with the IEP but would tell Admin she was complying.  I Believe my Kid, she's no Liar, but I did catch that Teacher out in Lies and exaggerations, and Called her out on it, so, didn't Trust her to be Truthful.  I told Admin that too.  I did not Like the Woman, her obvious bias towards Special Needs Kiddos or her Attitude.   I know my Kiddos were Troopers for tolerating as much blatant bias as they did in School while struggling with Disabilities they couldn't help, but did interfere with their Academic Success at times.  Every single Parent or Guardian of a Kiddo with Disabilities has had parallel experiences, so, I never felt like the Lone Ranger dealing with how The System isn't working well for those Kids.  My Kiddo is just having to be working extra hard to Earn her Diploma.

I just found out via The Book of Faces that one of my Paternal Cousins on the Rez just had a couple Strokes and is  in the VA Rehab not doing well at all.  He's older than me and is my Dad's Older Brother's Son.  I also found out one of his Sister's, Wewokajana, her Youngest Daughter had Congestive Heart Failure and Cirrhosis of the Liver, she's only in her Forties and only has a 15% chance of making it, even with Surgery at the Indian Hospital.  Alcoholism on the Rez is a big problem, my Dad and his Siblings never drank, but so many of my Native American Cousins and their Children struggled with the Fire Water.  It's why I don't drink, but, I do have Two Alcoholic Children, it is a problem when you have Native American Ancestry to succumb to Alcoholism.  I forewarned my Kiddos, but, you know how Young People are, until they go ahead anyway doing something foolish, then regret it and tell you that they should have listened.  


Anyway, I'm saddened to hear all the Bad News my Cousins and their Families are going thru.  Even if much of it is a combo of a Hard Life, bad Lifestyle choices and inadequate Medical Care for the Indigenous overall.  I don't keep in touch anymore, but my Younger Brother does.  He's having his own major Heart Issues and not doing well at all either.  He doesn't drink tho', Thankfully we both listened to our Dad's advice.   I've never been close to my Dad's side of the Family, they never approved of my Dad marrying outside of his Culture.  Plus, I look a lot more like my Mom's side of the Family, only much darker complexion.  So have had that level of Privilege within Society that Dad's side didn't, people just always assumed I was White and had a Year Round 'Suntan'.  *Bwahahaha*  

 Plus, they're very Superstitious and always somewhat fearful, since, they all thought my Mom and I were Welsh Witches.  *LOL*  Now, to be sure my Dear Mom had a lot of Didi Kai ways and that scared the shit out of the Indian Relatives.  Some Tribes like the Navajo, Hopi and Cherokee have Members who practice similar things actually.  Dad's Family live on the Cherokee Rez.  There may have been some 'incidents' that made them firm Believers of that, which I won't go into, except a little bit below.  *Winks*   Mom read Tea Leaves, Palms, and made uncanny accurate Predictions, she would put a Hex on your Ass, and she could Read folks like a Book and that always unsettles the Non-Didi Kai of other Cultures.  Especially when she could tell you shit about yourself you never told another Soul and was your "Secret".  *Bwahahaha*

  To be Fair, The Man was fearful and quite wary of my Mom's ways, so he was careful not to Cross her, my Dad even warned him it would be a Bad Idea to.   And we Joke about it now, but Dad also told The Man I was just like my Mother, Fair Warning Son.  *LMAOROTF*   Now, that covers a lot of ground and is a lot to unpack right there, but, The Man is a very brave Warrior, so, he was not deterred, let us just say.  Now he knows Dear Ole' Dad was Right.  *Winks*   And that all the Females in the Family from Generation to Generation, are not to be trifled with.  *Bwahahaha*  I have become my Mother, I ain't gonna Lie, don't we all over Time become our Parents?  *Smiles*  I'm so much like her in fact, as I've Aged, that it's surreal and uncanny, I'm even looking like her more and more.  *LOL*

Okay, so I do have a True Story to tell that happened right after my Dad's Youngest Sister, my Aunt Gil, Died.  This Story has no hyperbole, it's exactly what and how it happened.  She lived with my Dad after becoming a Widow, which Culturally is common, for Widowed Sisters to then be taken care of by any Brothers.   She has a Daughter, who, came down from the Rez to get all her Mom's Possessions after the Funeral.  But, I noticed all my Paternal Cousins were wanting a lot of my Dad's possessions and had been pretty open and even annoyingly coercive about saying so.  Dad was NOT Dead and I didn't want any of the Cousins taking his things along with my Dead Aunt's, while he was still Alive and distracted with his Grief.  He was quite Old at this point, so probably wouldn't have Cared, Dad was not at all Materialistic and lived a Simple Spartan Life after he and Mom Divorced. 

But, that wasn't the point.  I'd rather it all be set on Fire than Stolen, even by Family.  I thought it crass they were more interested in the stuff than in the Aunt's Death or my Dad's Grief.  So, anyway, my Brother had alerted me that my Cousins from the Rez might be loading up some of Dad's stuff along with what belonged to my Aunt, into the large U-Haul they'd brought, to take it all back to Oklahoma to distribute.  So, I came down and didn't even look thru the packed U-Haul or touch a thing, but, informed the Cousins that if even one thing of my Dad's was on that Truck, it would never make it to Oklahoma, I'd Hex it and it would all be set on Fire. 

  Well, they boogied out fast and before they reached Oklahoma, the Truck caught on Fire all by itself as I'd Predicted, I kid you not.  They did have some of Dad's stuff in it as it happens, and, it ALL burnt up, including everything they had in there of my Aunt's.  So, they Lost it all and after that they were very afraid of me and leery of any contact.  *LMAO*  That's me a couple pixs above during that Time Period we're speaking of... I don't look Scary, No?   I look quite Jolly in fact, since, I was also at my heaviest ever. *Winks*

My Brother of coarse knows how Mom and I always have been, Mom was still Alive at that point and just as disgusted that our Dad was having to deal with his Family that way so soon after a Death of his Beloved Youngest Sister, about stuff.   So, my Brother wanted to know which of us had Hexed the Truck?  *LOL*   Well, I can't say which Hex worked best, but I was the only one that verbally gave them Fair Warning, they could have unloaded anything of Dad's they'd taken without permission and been just Fine.   But they didn't, their Choice and assumed Risk, so... I didn't feel Bad about it.  *Smiles*  But you better Believe the Story circulated about the Gypsy Welsh Witch Relatives putting a Curse on them for taking Uncle Fred's stuff and we had no further visits or problems with any of them whatsoever and to this day.  I'm Okay with that.  When Mom Died they didn't ask us for a damned thing of hers, lest it be Cursed and have Bad Mojo. *Winks*


Ah, Hexes and Hilarity, No, they're not mutually exclusive...  Smiles... Dawn... The Bohemian

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A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl