Sunday, June 9, 2024

Raindrops On Roses And Whiskers On Kittens

 I am developing New Favorite Things.  I tried the Rose flavored French Yogurt, liked it.  Still trying to get the Lavender.  I did get some French Lavender Honey, it was Okay, overrated for the price point.  Same with the Hawaiian Ohi'a Lehua Blossom Honey.  I prefer Desert Honey.  I'm now binge watching "Florida Man" {2023} on NetFlix and really enjoying it so far.  Edgar Ramirez is Handsome and Abbey Lee, Otmara Marrero and Lex Scott Davis are all Beautiful... so it's filled with Pretty People in the Cast who I'd never heard of before.   I don't keep updated on the newer Actors and Actresses tho', since, I rarely watch Movies or TV. NetFlix is probably the most I've watched in Years.  

This is Why The Niece got me a Subscription for Christmas and then my Adult Kids paid for a Renewal to the Subscription, to get me watching and engaged in Entertainment.  *LOL*  For some reason it bothers the Young People that I don't watch TV or use my Phone that much and could live without either.  *Bwahahaha*   But, I can't live without trying new Flavor Profiles and seeing what new and interesting ones I prefer and will stock the Pantry and Fridge with on The Regular.   The French Yogurts are now a Staple, the Honeys will be a One Off.  They were good, just not exceptionally superior to any Local Honey I can obtain Cheaper and just like better.  But, I have a Curious Nature.  I wanted to know what a French Bee or a Hawaiian Bee might produce.  Now I know, Curiosity is satisfied.  *LOL*  

Anyway, Princess T tore up her Room to Redecorate it again and rid herself of a lot of Squishmallow Mountain.   She had too many and it was ridiculous and taking up a lot of Space in her Room.  So, we sorted what she was Letting Go of into Donate, Sell, Give to her Brother, and Keep piles.  I immediately took a Truck load of the Donate to the Chazza before she could change her Mind.  Plus, they were some of the larger ones that would have taken up way too much Space in our Showroom.  I priced all the Midsized and Small ones to take in to Inventory Tomorrow before my Shift on Sunday Night.   She wanted to also Style her Room in a more Grownup Decor reminiscent of how we had the Historic Home Decorated.

I didn't realize how much she'd Adored and Remembered what the Historic Home she grew up in was like and how it was Decorated.   She was about 8 when we moved in order to ger she and her Brother Adopted.   And she was about 13 when we moved from the Villa McManse to here.  Now she's 18 and said she wanted to Re-Invent herself.   So, I turned her loose in the RV Garage Mahal to pick out what she had Nostalgic Sentimental Memories of that she'd like to use to Redecorate her Room.  She's having a Big Time doing it and it's costing us nothing and is looking really good.   Eli has been quite Entertained watching her go about it.   I'll try to get some Photos of the finished Work when she's all done to Share.

She took down a lot of her Hippie Tapestries, which Surprised me.   She's Keeping them, but wanted a more Refined look so that it looked less like a Teens Room and more like a Young Woman's.   She confided that Rusty's Dad had told him he couldn't have her over to their House and in his Room anymore and she was quite Offended by what he was Implying.   She's a Good Girl and said his Dad is making it sound like they're doing something Nasty, and they're not.  His Son has been a complete Gentleman and she's not a Promiscuous Girl, so, she was Embarrassed when Rusty had to tell her why his Dad didn't want her over there.  I'm sure it was Embarrassing for Rusty too, since, he's not THAT Guy either.

That said, Rusty lives with his Dad and a bunch of Single Men in that House.  So, perhaps it's for the best we have him over here instead and his Dad might be worried about even the appearance of impropriety having a Young Teen Girl over to a House full of Men.   I'm glad she told me... and that he told her... becoz having him here instead is no problem and her Safety and Reputation are always primary in our Minds anyway.  She never felt unsafe over there, nobody ever said or did anything inappropriate either.  But said you can tell a bunch of Guys live there and it's always messy and smelly, without the presence of a Woman's Touch.   She was even cleaning up when she went over to visit and sneaking Air Fresheners in.  Mebbe they found the Air Fresheners??!  *Bwahahaha*

I'm glad she talks to me about everything and asks our Opinion.  We like Rusty and he's a really nice Young Man.   She's never met his Mom and doesn't know why his Parents are no longer together.  She's met his Younger Siblings and said they're nothing like he is... he's the Golden Child of the Family apparently.  *Smiles*   He's really generous with his Younger Sisters, but Princess T feels they take advantage of him too much and aren't very nice to him considering what a good Big Brother he is to them all.   I can tell she doesn't much Like his Siblings and they probably realize they're being critiqued and judged by her.  *LOL*  She has a pretty strong Moral Compass and anyone lacking one, she has disdain and no respect for and makes no pretenses otherwise.  I'm glad she has high Standards, she should.

Anyway, she and Rusty are Good, it's just that now I know why he's always over here after Work and she no longer goes to his Home.  I had Wondered Why, now I know.  He's always Welcome here and is a very good and exceptionally Respectful House Guest, you hardly know he's here, very introverted like she is and they are good together.   He's very quiet and doesn't talk much, but, he has come to me with her and asked advice when they're having problems with other Young People.  Like that Stalker Gal, who, hasn't been back or had contact, after she threw a Drink on his Truck while he was parked at our House and then had sent some menacing Social Media Texts that his Friends had forwarded becoz it concerned them.  And, it concerned me too, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

I hadn't wanted more Drama or Headaches from that lil Skank and Rusty wanted nothing to do with her.  Unlike Isaac and Jon Carlos, she couldn't offer herself up to this Guy and have him think a promiscuous Girl was a better option.   Good on him.   And as for Princess T, she feels that any Guy that would be with a Whorish Gal, she doesn't want anything to do with anyway, Man Whores do not interest her one iota.   She jokes that those type of Guys are as much a One Night Stand as the Gals who will also Sleep with everyone or anyone, they are not "Keepers", whether Male or Female.  *LOL*  Well, the Stalker Gal is being passed around a lot and dumped unceremoniously once every Guy is done with her... and... that will likely be her Lot in Life.  Not my Kid, her Family have to sort that shit out... or not bother. Which by the looks of it, they lost Control a long time ago with her.  It happens with Prodigals, not judging.

LATER:  Finished my Series of "Florida Man", felt like it had a rushed ending to wrap it up, but overall, was entertaining and a Dark Comedy.  There's plenty of Series I never finished watching once it lost my interest, this one didn't so I saw it all the way thru.  *LOL*  I have a Truck load of Inventory to bring in Today so will hit the Antique Mall early.  It will be challenging to find suitable Space for it all to Display it nicely, so I want to take my time.  I work Tonight but don't want to just cram it in there before a Shift, we're being Editorial with how the Showroom looks and I want to keep it that way.  I'm having decent progress with Selling actual Antiques in this Space.  It's been a long time coming, so Color me Happy at the resurgence of Interest since I procured a better Location in the Mall and went in a different direction with our Merchandising and Showcasing of our Inventory.

Yes, our Bread and Butter is still the Smalls, Vintage T-Shirts and Collectible Toys... but, I've also suddenly been Selling quality Antiques that languished in Inventory too long before.   I had a Collection of good quality Antique Yellow Ware Mixing Bowls for example, had them a long time with no Luck in the Old Showroom of Selling them.  Sold them all in a day in the New Showroom at full price, the Customer didn't even ask for a Discount, even tho' they spent a lot on them.  Quality Old Stock is what I didn't have the Heart to pull from Inventory.  So mostly I'd stubbornly held out and just used those Antique Bowls to Display things in all this time.  *LOL*  Attracting the Right Demographic to my New Showroom and Locked Case has been a Goal.

I know the Customer I'd like to attract and which ones I'd rather not cater to, so, we decided with the move within the Mall to go in that direction and see what might happen.  I like the direction it's going thus far and it is working, wasn't entirely sure it would, so that was the risk taken.  When Selling of Antiques seems deaded and you still want to Specialize in The Love Of All Things Old and Preserved, you just get Creative about it's Presentation and what else you carry that you know is an Easy Sell but not a Sellout of your Passion or your Soul.   The Vintage and Specialty Clothing was the perfect marrying of Inventory for us to meld both Passions and make it Work.  The Vibe of our Showroom is definitely reflecting our Essence.  And our Sales have remained Strong since the Move to Showroom #140 and Case #83.

The Case is also very packed with Inventory and more than paying for itself.  The added level of Security of a Locked Case meant I could bring in high risk items, higher value Merch, and not worry so much about Theft or Manhandling of it.  We were able to bring things back in that we'd had to pull over a Year ago becoz of big Loss Prevention Issues with it.   Princess T's LPS Collectible Toys for example, and she's just about Sold Out now from the Locked Case of them... with successful Loss Prevention of them.   In fact, even in the Showroom, with the higher traffic location and desirable move towards the front of the Mall, there's a lot less tearing up of the Space by Customers even tho' more are flowing thru it now.  Goes to show if Eyes are on them, most Shoppers behave more appropriately.

That Aisle has a constant flow of traffic, so you don't have the Privacy to do Dirty Deeds without being seen.   When lots of people are flowing in and out constantly, seems the Five Finger Discount People and Vandals gravitate more to the secluded parts of the Mall to commit their Crimes.  And, when I'm in my Space foofing it, I see that the Demographic of Shopper it's attracting are more inclined to be "Our Tribe" of folks who truly Appreciate what we carry and are actual Customers Buying.  We're constantly getting Compliments now from our Customers, which is very encouraging and we're happy they like our Space and quickly becoming Regulars who make a Beeline for it now whenever they come in to Shop.

I found some more Tiki Merch and am putting it in to Inventory, I almost can't keep enuf of it Stocked.  I've decided to always have the Tiki Corner of the Showroom so that the Collectors of it and other Vendors who Specialize in it, can easily know where it's at and check in regularly.  It's the kind of Merch I enjoy Sourcing too and Displaying.  At one time I even owned a lot of it, not so much these days.  The Young Prince dug it, so I gave them all the Primo pieces of it that I didn't wanna put up For Sale, as their early Inheritance, since, they appreciate it.   I had some that was worth a lot of Money and Rare, so it felt good to know it's been handed down to an Heir who Loves it as much as I do.  When you're an Incurable Collector, that means a LOT to you, more than what it's worth and the Money you could make off it.

I always give the Kiddos the very Best that I have if they want it now and expressed an Interest in Inheriting it and not having me Sell it.  Sometimes I don't even realize the strong Sentiment, Cherished Memories and Nostalgia they have of certain pieces.  Which is Why I am glad they are going thru it and asking if they can use or even have certain things.   For example, never realized or knew that Princess T adored how I Decorated the Historic Home while she was growing up there... and so wants to replicate The Look now in her own Space!  What she pulled from The RV Garage Mahal to do her Room Makeover was quite fascinating to me, it DID look like the Old House and thus reminiscent of it.  We can't get the Historic Home back, but, we can get the Vibe of it's Interior via existing contents we still own.

Granted, if Mr. Avila ever did decide to Sell, the general consensus of all the Kiddos and I is we'd pool Resources and just Buy it back.  I never wanted to have to Sell it and both Generations behind me felt the same way and would want it back if the opportunity ever presented itself.  I doubt it will, but, you just never know what the Future might hold and what Opportunities could present themselves either.   I keep an Open Mind about the possibilities whenever I'm speculating on what I can have and what makes itself available to me in it's Time and Season.   The Laws of Attraction have always Worked in my Favor, in such a remarkable way I still get Goosebumps about it actually. 

It's already reaching triple digits now by 7:30 a.m., so, no more beating the Heat, Summer is here full force.   I'm glad The Daughter has gotten so much done in The RV Garage Mahal, she's relentless when she's on a Roll of Cleaning and Organizing, few do it better and with as much discretion.   That's why all the Wealthy, without exception to how their Wealth was made, had her Cleaning for them in Mexico and would give her Keys to their Homes.  She misses her Friends there and keeps in close contact and they check in on her regularly and are so happy she's doing well on this side of the Border now.  They looked out for her there and took care of her there, so I'm Grateful to all of them.   She is a Trip, so I can see why they found her to be quite interesting and Fun, she is.  *LOL*

This Granddaughter is rather the Black Sheep of the Paternal Side of the Family and thus The Man's Kinfolk and those they Married into don't always 'Get' her or Approve.  We 'Get' her, so, it hasn't been uncommon for her to ask my opinion or advice, since she knows Gramma Dawn is a Kindred Spirit and fellow Weirdo who could give Two Shits about Conforming either or what anyone thinks about it.  I think they're all afraid she'll bring them over to the Dark Side?!  *LMAOROTF*  She's madly Creative so I Love her to Share her Creations and fierce sense of Style.   She and The Young Prince are so alike and not far apart in Age.  So our Oldest Daughter always said it was eerily like rather than being Cousins, it was almost as if they were more like Twins in every conceivable way.  The parallels were remarkable and Striking, Twins couldn't be any more alike than those Two are actually.

She has Majored in Special Effects Makeup and Art.   These are some of the Nails she recently did for a Client attending a Themed Event.  Yes, she gravitates towards the Macabre, as do I, so tho' most of her other Loved Ones back East aren't into what she's into, she knows we are and can Appreciate her Art Form, her Wild Imagination, and how Madly Creative she is and Talented.   She and The Young Prince have been Sculpting like they were formally Trained to since they were wee Kids and are Amazing Artists with just the Raw Talent.   She Graduated top of her Class in Special Effects School.   But like The G-Kid Force, she struggled in the Public School System and went to Online Learning during High School.

Princess T is talking about wanting to get her first Tattoos done and I've already told her I'll Bankroll it if she goes with one of the best Local Artists.  There's a Local Shop that does work like the above and below in Black And Grey that some of my Customers at the Antique Mall have had done, it's exceptional Realism.   So, when she's ready, I'd like her to consider only the most skilled Artisan to do her Work, since, it's permanent Body Art.   Unlike her Mom and I, who had ours done by Biker Friends... The Daughter is now working on Coverups of her old and regretful Tats.  *LOL*   Mine is sufficiently faded, small and discreet, so would be an easy coverup if I decided to just eliminate it with Good Quality Art.  *Smiles*

Most of the Women in the Family and most of the Men are heavily Tattooed.  My Paternal Grandma had a Body full of Tribal Tattoos she had started when she was 13 and coming of Age.  Even when I got mine done it was still Illegal.   So, mostly you had them done on the Rez where it was Culturally acceptable, or in Backroom Biker Shops.  Now it's acceptable Socially and the quality of the Art Form has improved dramatically.   I had mine done in a Back Room Biker Shop by a Biker Friend Terry, who was one of the few Female Tattoo Artists.  A bunch of Hells Angels were in there having theirs done on the inside of their Lips... Ouch.  And I was Pregnant with The Daughter at the time and a Bank Executive handling Millions of Dollars worth of Industry Portfolio.  Quite the contradiction.  *Bwahahahaha*

So, yeah, I wasn't your Garden Variety Gal ever and didn't always make the best decisions ever in my Personal Life.   I had quite a juxtaposition going on in my Professional versus Private Life.   Professionally I was madly Successful and fast tracked my way to the Top, Persoally I could often be a total Train Wreck, go figure.  *Bwahahaha*  No, my Parents were not Surprised in the least, nor judgmental about it either, they've Known me all my Life.  *Winks*  Dad always joked that there was this Fine Line between Genius and Insanity going on with me.  *Winks*  We're pretty damned sure it could be Hereditary too and has been passed along from Generation to Generation.  *LOL*   Anyway, as you can see this Shop Specializes in Realism and also Cultural Tattoos, which is why I'd choose them if I was having Work done.


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Stay Cool my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Just a quick note here that I found the La Fermiere Lavender yogurt at our Central Market here in Plano, TX. Will get some this week when we shop. Online it looks like they carry almost all the flavors in the store, but we'll see.

    1. Lemme know what you think of the Lavender flavor. Arizona doesn't seem to carry it yet. Online only Sells it in California and New York... Dawn the Bohemian


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl