Sunday, June 30, 2024

You Bought The Ticket... You're On For The Whole Ride


Gypsy James grew me some Sunflowers and had The Son bring them over.   He and I often compete growing our Herbs, Veggies and Sunflowers... but that Guy has a Green Thumb and I can't hold a Candle to how luxurious his Garden grows.   He's now got about 16 Hens and his Neighbor's Rooster keeps wanting to get at them.  *LOL*   The Son said that Gypsy James' Pit Bull should be protecting the Hens but is afraid of the Rooster.  *LMAOROTF*   Copper is a great Watchdog otherwise, but he knows that Fighting Cock could hand him his Ass or rip his Eyes out.  *Ha ha ha*   So, they've just become Friends instead and often the Rooster stands on top of the Pit Bull like he's riding him! 

The Daughter had us drop her off at Gypsy James Home while her Brother is House & Animal Sitting the menagerie that James has there.  They plan to have a small intimate Birthday Party for him there for Saturday Night, since, he doesn't really wanna go out.   There's a small Neighborhood Corner Store in a Quaint 1930's Adobe Shop that is walking distance from Gypsy James Home, so, they don't have to drive anywhere to buy whatever they need.    So, after we dropped her off, The Man and I went to "Five & Diner" Restaurant, which is in a 1950's Style Restaurant Airstream and has the best Homemade Style Diner food.  The Food Porn and some Interior Imagery of the visit are a few Pixs below.  We don't make the Pilgrimage there as often as we should.

We had the smaller portion Special, which is still a lot of Food.  We both decided upon the Meatloaf, which is Divine and comes with fresh Steamed Veggies of Heirloom various Color Carrots, Pearl Onions, Green Beans, and Red Pepper all seasoned with Buttered Herbs... fresh Red Skin Mashed Potatoes... Herb Buttered Garlic Toast... and Gravy so good you wanna bathe in it.  *LOL*   I had the Strawberry Lemonade.  They make awesome Old Fashioned Milkshakes too but we had no room for Dessert.  *Smiles*   The other Food Porn Imagery is from "Wildflower Bread Company" and was my Dinner before Work on Friday Night.  It was half a Chicken Salad Sammie with 12 Vegetable Soup and Thai Mango Lemonade.

I know, I've probably got you Salivating now, you're Welcome.  *Winks*  But, the Food Porn Imagery is very Popular with Dear Readers and I do so enjoy Photographing Beautifully Presented and tasty Meals.  My Dad, a Master Chef, always said you Eat with your Eyes first.   So Presentation was always important to him when preparing any Meal, I grew up Spoiled rotten with that.   I am not a Culinary Jedi so I prefer to have Meals prepared FOR me by those who are Masterful at it.   We eat out a lot and Budget for that, it's a Priority for The Man and I.  Since we enjoy doing it and don't spend Money on a lot of other things that most people tend to.   We are both Foodies and a Good Meal in a nice Atmosphere is our preferred Recreational and Social Activity.

I prefer various Ethnic Cuisine, whereas The Man prefers American fare, so we compromise and take turns with what kind of Meal we'll have when we Eat Out.   Today having the American Fare at a Classic 1950's Style Diner, well, The Man was Jazzed.  It was SOOOOO Good, and a really nice time.   He'd wanted to tag along while I dropped The Daughter off in the City and it's a long commute to South Central Phoenix.  Initially I'd just intended to do the drop off and go straight Home, since it was a lazy day for me and I intended to use it that way, except for this favor to The Daughter.   But, since I was dragging The Man along the Meal out in the Central East part of the City gave him something enjoyable to do.  I was sure that was his expectation.  *Smiles and Winks*

He'd of actually been bummed if we were just playing Taxi Service for a Kiddo.  *Ha ha ha*   He always assumes I'm gonna do something 'Fun' and he'll miss out if he doesn't go along.  *Smiles*   Well, honestly, The Daughter's request was not something I WANTED to do, but she can't isn't allowed to drive, and an Uber there would have been ridiculously unaffordable for her, so I relented.  She'd gotten all Dolled Up and talked her Brother into letting her drop by, promising to 'Behave'.  Yes, when you have a Schizophrenic Alcoholic Sister with D.I.D., at even an intimate gathering for your Birthday, that Rule has to be established.  Otherwise you can't be certain which of her Alters might show up for it and dominate the rest?   She has Two that you'd want at your Party and would be Fun and Manageable, One you might be able to Control successfully, and One that would be a disaster and make it memorable for all the Wrong reasons.  *LOL*


Okay, so it was at Gypsy James' Home Party one Fateful 4th of July a couple Years ago we had that Epic Fight that centered around her behavior and a Bad Alter coming forth.   Gypsy James has known our Kiddos since they were Kids, he knows The Son's Sister is Crazy, everyone does, they all really LIKE her tho'.   So, she was Invited to the 4th of July Celebration at his House.   Everything went well until too much drinking got involved with everyone.  Let me premise this saying that tho' Gypsy James and The Son are Besties and like Brothers, James likes to Fight and The Son does not and would never Fight him over the Years to see who was the Better Fighter.  For a Gypsy like James, that was something he always wanted to know... who was Tougher.  But, The Son would never oblige.


Plus, James is an Irish Gypsy and knows that our Family is part Didi Kai Roma Welsh Gypsy, so there was that amicable Rivalry going on too between the Guys.   Who drinks more and fights better?  *Eye Roll... Men... what can I say?*   Now, what James forgot to factor in is that The Son is also a whole lot of Native American too, Stoic to a point, but under the influence of Fire Water, well, there's some Buttons you just can't Dare push and James unintentionally pushed the fateful Taboo one.   The Daughter was getting Drunk and Mental, so, was asked to leave.  Now, that wasn't the Issue, but this turns into Dinner and a Show at this point becoz she is prone to Exiting Dramatically.   She claims she had to go back inside to retrieve her Purse, and just mebbe she wasn't being antagonistic and picking a Fight with Gypsy James, I doubt it, we'll never know for sure?


In Gypsy Culture the Menfolk are very much In Charge, The Daughter, like me, will bow down to No Man tho'.  And she, unlike her Brother, LOVES to Fight and she's very good at it and won't walk away from one.  She has handed many a Man their Ass in fact, becoz, she's totally unhinged and has been known to badly beat up and hurt her own self, let alone you, if you're foolish enuf to Trigger her Mental Ass to go Toe to Toe with you.   She won't care if she wins or loses, but she is like a Pit Bull once engaged.   So, James makes the Mistake of just grabbing her Arm to quickly escort her out of his Home... ruh roh... if anything will fucking Trigger The Son, it's anyone laying a Hand on his Sister, myself, or Princess T... he will lose his shit.   So, James got the Fight he Imagined he always wanted!

It went on for OVER AN HOUR, a Friend Video Recorded it and ran out of Video, it lasted so long.  Everyone said they could tell The Son was holding back, becoz James has been such a Dear Friend and he never wanted to Fight him at all, let alone really hurt him.  It was making James mad that The Son was obviously holding back and yet he couldn't beat him, The Son was Laughing Maniacally and Taunting him to give it all he's got.   The Son has SMI too, so, coupled with a ridiculously high Pain Threshold he would have gone on and on.  The Son had even broke his Left Hand on James Face tho', so it was no timid Fight going on, both Guys wouldn't give up, give in, or give out... Pride you know.   The Daughter finally told James to Stop, she'd Leave and she knew her Brother wouldn't Stop unless James did.


She knew her Brother was holding back and James just needed to cease and desist.   Nobody was gonna "Win" this Fight and it had just become a Spectacle between Friends that never should have happened.   But, when James made his next Bad Move by NOT stopping, well, now things got Real and she jumped in since, well, it was her Brother defending her in the first place, and, she won't hold back.   Now everyone there realizes, shit, if The Daughter gets in the Fight, it will end with someone going to the Hospital and everyone getting Arrested!   *LOL*  They would be Right... and James came to his senses after she beat the shit out of him for a Minute, and relented, calling a Truce and a Draw to the whole stupid thing.   He now Claims he NEVER wants to Fight The Son again, that whole Experience was nothing like he Imagined... and had The Son not held back or become enraged or lost Control, it might have caused serious injury.  Nobody wanted that.

And Oh, BTW, all this transpired right before The Young Prince and Allen's Wedding... *Eye Roll*... and all her Son could say was, "Well, Allen, this really looks like a Gypsy Wedding now... my Mom and Uncle got into a Major Fight with someone before, during or after it..."   *Bwahahahahaha*   And Bobby, The Young Prince's Dad, with Dark Humor quipped, "Well, your Mom has tried to Kill me before and had to be Tazed by Glendale P.D. once to remove her from my House and be taken to Psyche Lockdown... so, Gypsy James was Lucky it didn't Escalate and he quit Fighting..."   *LMAOROTF, True Story he was telling BTW*

And tho' my Kiddos both came Home just before a Wedding looking like they'd been in an MMA Cage Match, well, it's par for the Course, but, I was upset with them both.    Allen's Evangelical Devout Parents got to meet us like this, but, they turned out to LOVE our Stories, which, you can't make shit like this up, can you?   And, well, their Son was Marrying into this Family and they'd already reconciled themselves to a Gay Wedding and partaken of Wine while here, so, they dived right in, Bless 'em.  We really Liked Allen's Family and he was Amazed at how much Fun his Family had while visiting us and they even came back for another Visit to spend time, so, clearly they enjoy our Crazy Company.  *Winks... I mean, who wouldn't... don't you all wanna see how much Fun you can have without getting Arrested after all?   *LOL*


    We Live on the Razor's Edge of Sanity and Insanity Daily, it's a Wild Ride... but if you Buy the Ticket, you're on for the Whole Ride my Friends!   Bwahahaha* ...  Blessings, Love, Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

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A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl