Thursday, July 4, 2024

A 4th Of July Crisis

 Let's just begin and lead off with Food Porn from "Tom Yum" Thai Restaurant rather than anything remotely Patriotic looking.  *LOL*  I'm up at a ridiculous Hour, probably becoz last Night I fell asleep early. We still had Company, some of The Daughter's Friends, but, I wasn't up to entertaining Guests.   I politely engaged briefly and retired to our Bedroom.  I didn't even stay up thru a fav TV Show that The Man and I usually watch together about the Mysteries of Skinwalker Ranch in Utah.  I'm presently keeping the Hours of a Toddler.  *LOL*  He seemed petulant that I wasn't gonna be able to stay awake and be good company.  So, he decided to turn the TV off and go to bed early too, he's still sleeping.

I can fall asleep on the turn of a Dime lately, I think the state of the World weighs heavily on me even when I'm distracted by the fluff of Life?  It's rather exhausting to contemplate how unraveled the Democracies of the Globe are becoming, it's so deeply disturbing to me.   Seems the Far Right Extremists have a coordinated effort going on Globally to destroy Democracy and force their extreme agendas and fanatical Religious Beliefs upon the majority who oppose it?  That's my Take on what I observe going on in a very unprecedented Global Scale. 

 What that means for the Future I can't predict with any Positive suggestions.  So I'd prefer not to speculate with Negative ones.   Let us just say I Hope for the Best while Preparing for the Worst.   It seems like the best Strategy IMO when you hold onto Guarded Optimism.  I know many fellow Bloggers and Dear Readers have similar concerns since several have Voiced them within this Community.   The opposing side I don't hear a lot from, they mostly have gone silent in Real Life, after having been so vocal before the Insurrection attempt. 

 I don't pretend to understand any of them anyway.  I can't wrap my Mind around their adversity to Harmony, the Rule of Law being upheld, and supporting Democracy instead of violence prone Extremist alternatives.   The Religious Fanatics have always been myopic and willing to Sacrifice themselves for a Radicalized Religious Cause, however misguided.  But some of 45's Cult devoted Followers aren't even Fanatical Fundies latching onto a false Messiah whose more Satanic acting than Saintly. His appeal to Extremist Domestic Terrorists and Hate Groups is pretty evident too.  It is at least revealing to the rest of us who many of them are now.

That's probably not all that is keeping me up at Night, racing Thoughts of all kinds tend to when you have Adult ADHD.  *LOL*   I dropped a bunch of Inventory into the Showroom since starting on the 4th Of July we're having a Four Day Sale.   I'd Sold a lot even before the Sale so I should have a decent Paycheck at the end of the Pay Period on Saturday Night and a good start to the next Pay Period for the last day of the Sale.  It was busy there for a Wednesday Night actually, I had several Shoppers in the Showroom.   Young Trendy folks buying our T-Shirts and telling me how much they Love our Space there.

Very flattering to have the Cool Kids think we're where they like to Shop.  *LOL and Winks*  That's the Demographic we want to attract, they're the same Young People you see Shopping at a Hot Topic, Spencers, in the Tattoo Shops or going to the latest Concerts.   They drop some serious Money on what they Like and what they Wear.  We 'Know' that Customer, so it's not a Guessing Game of choosing random Merch and just keeping Fingers Crossed it will Sell.  And we Love Selling what we're carrying now, it's what we Love to Decorate with, Collect and Wear.   While other Vendors are now saying they're struggling, we're doing Well and I can't complain.  Above is the Granddaughter who just had her New Baby Girl, she got her Hair did, it looks so Pretty, I Like it.

So, it got up to 122 Degrees unofficially, I photographed my Temperature Gauge at 119, but, while driving it hit 122 in the Sun City West part of the City.   Toasty.   I bought lotsa Liquid Refreshments and mini Ben & Jerry Ice-Creams from the Dollar Store to keep us Cooled off and hydrated.   Rusty has been over all day, he had the day off apparently.   Princess T is supposed to spend the 4th of July with her Boy Posse since she made plans with Timmy.  *Winks*   When Timmy was vacationing in Cali he met his Mr. Wonderful and so she's had him spilling the Tea about his new Hot Boyfriend.  *LOL* 


We're not planning anything for the 4th, it's been too Hot to drag The Man Outside to any of the Fireworks Displays.  After his close call with his Heart Attack scare, I just won't risk it.   The Daughter, pictured above with a Friend, might spend it with Friends and The Son will still be House & Animal Sitting in South Phoenix for Gypsy James.   So, The Man and I should have the whole House to ourselves and often you can just walk outside our Property and see some of the Fireworks Displays going off around us, if we feel so inclined.  Lately he's wanted to go Chazza Cruising and we have.  We usually have a Meal Out while trawling the Chazzas too.

I did spend half the early Afternoon Napping, I ain't gonna Lie, a good Siesta is just what you need when the triple digit temps get outrageously ridiculous.  *LOL*   It makes me roll my Eyes when the "Official" Temps are nowhere near where the Temps actually were in the City.   The "Official" Today was 9 Degrees off and saying it only got to 113... Nope, it was 119-122 for Hours Today.   Not that 113 wouldn't be too Hot, but... they shouldn't be Officially almost 10 degrees off what it actually was.   

I've been Buying the higher quality Wild Bird Seed for our Feathered Friends that show up on our Property.  There's an almost White Dove showing up with the rest, she's the palest shade of Grey with Stripes and quite unusual.   And of coarse a few Urban Pigeons show up too, they are of the Dove Family actually.   Mostly we get Wild Dove here at the Mini Farms... Mourning, White Winged, Inca, Ground Dove and Collared Dove.   The Grackles and Raven don't hit the Bird Seed feeder, they mostly prefer Insects and Reptiles to eat and are predatory Hunters.  We have a lot of them tho', and Owls.

I Wished The Young Prince and Allen a Happy 2nd Anniversary, Tomorrow, the 4th Of July is their Second Anniversary.   How Time flies!  The Grandson was saying Tornado Alley has Shifted and now they're considered in the Tornado Crosshairs and already had One Tornado Warning already there in Clovis.  He said they had Hail so big it shredded his Cactus Garden and almost broke out Windows.   He likes their new House tho' that they're Renting, it's a little Vintage Cottage and a good Walk Score to many things he can Walk to while Allen is at Work in Texas.   I'm glad things are going well for The Grandsons.

I was thinking of spending the whole 4th working at getting more Inventory moved to the She Shed and sorting out stuff in The RV Garage Mahal.  I've built up momentum and The Daughter has done a lot to help me with the Project, she's actually done a lot more than I have lately.  She's enjoying doing it and she's good at it.   She also, like her Son, enjoys finding Treasures that she'd like to ask me if she can have as 'payment' for all her hard Work... and... that works for me too.  *LOL*  I never know what the Kiddos will form an attachment to or have a special Memory of otherwise.   So, good to know as we go.

Now for the Crisis... In Real Time it's the Morning of the 4th Of July and I wake up to a Medical Emergency.   The Daughter was moving The Young Prince's Reptile Tank, tripped, fell, it broke and cut the Palm of her Right Hand deeply.  So, another trip to the same ER I took Princess T to a few days ago, this time for Stitches!   We should be getting a Group Family Discount there, I swear!   *Eye Roll and LOL*   She needed Seven Stitches and will miss a Day of Work Tomorrow, since, she has to keep it clean and dry.  You can't do that Cleaning a Mechanic's Garage, but, perhaps her Boss can just have her doing his Computer Work, I dunno?

It was a big deep gash and looked horrific, but oddly was so deep it didn't bleed much.   She'd just Deep Cleaned the Guest Bathroom the Night before, so that was handy she didn't Bleed all over the place or in my New Truck.  *LOL*   We just had her put compression on it and I had a new Terrycloth White Facecloth for her to hold on the Wound.  We had the Young Hot Doctor and his Staff Laughing out loud with our Gallow's Humor.  *Smiles*   The Doc said it's like something Funny you'd see on TikTok.  *LMAOROTF*   If only The Young Prince had taken his Reptile Tank we wouldn't have had this Issue.  *Le Sigh*

It's like a $300 Tank so we just won't tell him... on his 2nd Anniversary... what happened to his Tank and his Mom.  *LOL*  So, anyway, that wasn't how I planned to wake up on a Holiday Morning.  Lucky for us nobody was in the ER so we were in and out within an Hour.  Which included X-Rays to ensure no Glass was in her Hand, it  wasn't, luckily it was a clean cut with no shards, she needed some smaller cuts glued rather than Stitched.  Her Dad can take the Stitches out in 2 Weeks, so we won't need to go back.  He's been an Army Field Medic and a Paramedic, so, he knows what to do. 

Other than starting the Holiday off in the ER, and being rudely Awoken with a Crisis, when I heard the Crash of Broken Glass and a Scream, everything is Swell.  *Winks and Bwahahaha*    So, we'll try real hard to have no more Crisis and Emergencies for the Holiday.  I'd like to be able to just relax now that Sleeping In was out of the question.  *LOL and Le Sigh*   She did get a lot done before the unfortunate incident occurred and had wanted to Surprise me... well, it WAS a Surprise... just not the way she intended.  *Bwahahaha*


Happy 4th of July my Friends... may Democracy Hold so we'll have many more... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Glad The Daughter is ok, sweetpea! Your closing line sums up today PERFECTLY! xoxo

    1. Yes, Amen that we Pray and Hope Democracy Holds during this next Election... becoz it's fragility is evident when Domestic Terrorists have infiltrated all the way to the top of the Food Chain and have deep pockets and Foreign Bad Actors backing them. They are Selling Out America greedily and some folks are so asleep at the Wheel that they are scared to be Woke enuf to acknowledge it... or have some demented Fantasy that a Dictatorship would be preferable! I have to imagine none of them are well Traveled or they'd know better instead of being so willfully ignorant or just easy Rubes that have been a Mark for the Far Right Extremists who have openly bragged that they Love the Uneducated... well, of coarse they do... so easy to con and manipulate those who operate with only low information and believe any bullshit shoveled to them.

  2. I am cautiously optimistic. I think those that vote Blue see what the courts have done to women, to the homeless, to common sense gun trol, to the rule of law, to thinking a tyrant can be king, and are angry enough to vote.
    If they don't remember, I'll be reminding them as often as possible.

    1. The apathy of so many is what gets me... they won't know what they had 'til it's gone. I too will scream from the rooftops, they'll have to be deaf not to listen.

  3. Can't complain here...sunny, a nice breeze and in the mid 80's to high 80's by evening. A nice summer here so far. Man does that food look tasty!!!! We have friends and family here today later for burger and hot dogs on the grill and my famous deviled eggs, and other sides. A Happy Fourth to you and yours. Enjoy it might be among one of our last.

    1. I too worry if this will be a last Celebration of what we used to be and stand for? The Daughter made Deviled Eggs. Happy Fourth to you and yours too Mads.

  4. That is one good -looking appetizer platter!

    1. It tastes as good as it looks. It has Crab Rangoons, Veggie Egg Rolls, Thai Sweet Potato and Pork Pot Stickers. It has a Sweet N Sour Dipping Sauce and a Peanut Dipping Sauce {not pictured, off to the side}.

  5. Oh lordy, the sound of glass breaking! I'm glad the ER wasn't swamped and you could get in and out. What a way to wake up.

    1. Yes, it will startle you out of even the deepest soundest sleep when you hear it and then hear someone hurt directly afterwards. It could have been much worse. She thought I'd be mad that an expensive Reptile Tank I'd bought her Son got broken... I was just glad she wasn't hurt worse... he no longer has Reptiles so we hadn't used it in Years and I should have just donated it a long time ago.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl