I'm in Season 4 now of my Binge Watch of "Lost" on NetFlix, it's definitely getting Weirder starting with Season 4 and I don't expect the last Three Seasons to be as good, and not as far fetched, as the first Three Seasons were. But, I'm sticking with it, and am still invested in the Characters enuf to find it enjoyable. Luckily nobody who saw it a long time ago is ruining it for me and doing Spoiler Alerts, so I'm forming my own Theories of what it's all about and what the conclusion will be? *LOL* It's been a nice way to unwind at the end of the Day and Relax each Evening since I'm still pretty much avoiding The News, and strictly limiting my exposure to it. For obvious reasons. *Le Sigh*
My Friend Michael at our Antique Mall got in some very Old Salvage Wooden and Metal Commercial Filing Drawers that look so much like my preferred Aesthetic, I hadda get some. I bought Six of the Eight he had, the other Two were too Rusty on the Metal parts with Old Water Damage. I'd say they're probably close to 100 Years Old and I'd of Loved to have seen what Cabinet they originally came in, but, my best Guess is it got ruined and only some Drawers could be Salvaged? I'll be using them for Organizing Paper Arts Supplies, they're about the size and length of Antique Sewing Cabinet Wooden Drawers. Michael gave me 15% Off, even tho' he had them already priced low, since I bought so many.
Michael is like the Male version of me, we could have been Twins separated at Birth, we're so similar in what we like. *LOL* He's a Nurse for Seriously Ill Patients in his Big Boy Job, and he looks like Mister Clean {Mascot of Cleaning Product}, and even has the Earring and Muscular Build. *Smiles* Due to his profession he always has a lot of Older Medical Equipment, so I've bought a lot of that from him. And we both have a Passion for Old Bordello Style Lampshades... I told him we must both have been Two Old Whores in a previous Life and spent time in a Turn of the Century Bordello? He told me I could be Right? And he's Older, very Handsome and Single, so mebbe not just 'previous life'? *Bwahahahahahaha*
I accepted my first fill-in Shift to cover for my Co-Worker Friend Cristy, whose Hospitalized right now and we're all very worried about her. She's Lost 25 Lbs. quite suddenly and she's been very Sick before and I do Hope it's not the same thing? It will be this Thursday and we'll see how I do? I forgot that I also had my Medicare Nurse coming to the House that same Afternoon for The Man and I to have our annual Well Check, so I'll have to tell her/him to rush me thru first so I can get to Work by 5:00 p.m.. I have no way to cancel it now, so unless the Nurse calls first this Week with a reminder, we can't re-schedule enuf in advance? Otherwise I'll ask if we can since it's just a Well Check and can be done anytime. They always do us together back to back.
I'm awaiting Delivery of this Kimono by Market Of Stars that I Ordered Online. I don't Buy a lot of things Online, but if I can't find something locally, I'll Support Small Businesses Online that carry what I want. Many now are offering Free Shipping, which, makes it reasonable too. I'm boycotting a lot of the Companies supporting anything MAGA related, way beyond just for a single Day. If they've bent the Knee or Kissed the Ring, I'll just shop elsewhere, plenty of options exist and anyone opposed to what's going on can exercise their Power with Economic Boycotts of their own choosing and preference. I Support Small Business whenever I can most of the time anyway, so I'm not a Fan of the Corporate Giants that exploit their Workers and have Bad Politics.
Okay, now that I've gotten my daily dose of Controversial Topics ready to Post/Publish, what shall we Talk about next? *Snicker* The Pearl Clutchers and those with over delicate Sensibilities who are delicate as Flowers, will have had the Vapors by now and quit Reading, so, we can Talk about anything. *Bwahahahahaha* Yes, some of them do sometimes Troll our Blogs, mostly Lurking, becoz Lord knows they can't get thru any given day usually without finding something to take Offense about, even if it's not even Offered. Gotta luv 'em, so predictable and rather pathetic really. *LOL* I've had a scant few over the many Years of Blogging, who feel so indignant and emboldened about what we choose to Blog about, to leave a Comment, a Fuck Off, nobody Cares, is usually enuf to send them on their way. I mean, you aren't FORCED to come here, so, CHOOSE NOT TO then, we don't Care. Just Exercise your Freedom for Chrissakes, it's not so hard.
I'm Grown, I can Choose for myself, they don't have to Protect me from whatever it is they Imagine I can't be Exposed to that they Fear or find Offensive. Mebbe I don't Fear it or find it the least bit Offensive. I like having Options, Choice, Freedom. Many of my Loved Ones of several Generations Fought for those Ideals and Defended/Protected them for us all. It didn't come 'Free', it exacted a Price many Paid for, dearly. Tho' many Americans Freely Received it with no Sacrifices of their own. So, mebbe they don't appreciate it as much and have taken it for Granted, having had no Skin in the Game? I dunno why some are willing to just Give it Away... or without a Fight?
And on this Blog I do often choose to discuss the Hard Stuff as well as the Fluff of Life that is comforting and Fun. A mix of both is probably more balanced than Too Much of either, I am Moderate in that way, seeking Balance. I'm not so much with my Head in the Clouds and Denying Reality swirling around me that I exclude it or ignore it. I will land my Balloon sometimes and come back down to Earth. Yet, I will also Dream, indulge in some Escapism and Fantasyscapes here too, I think it's Healthy to. Some Fantastical Things are just Fun, and who doesn't wanna have some Fun as well? I'm not Serious all of the time and I would be that Person Bill Maher was recently speaking to. When they asked with legitimate Alarm "What are we gonna DO?", and he just replied, "Go have Lunch." I'd just go have Lunch then with Bill. Mebbe we'd discuss it further, mebbe we wouldn't, and talk about everything else that is NOT that.
The above Meme is how I Live my own Life and I highly suggest it's how you Live yours too when shit gets Real. And it's gonna get Real my Friends, and demand we walk thru some Fresh Hell, so... those of us who are Walking it out as if we Own the Place are gonna do infinitely better, Trust and Believe.
Anyway, Moving On, The Young Prince called me late last Night and might be coming to Arizona in the next Week or Two if The Niece in Oklahoma can coordinate it with him? We'll see what they can manage, but, I've been ready to receive them sometimes in March so it's all Good, we're prepared for the transition.
The Grandson always drops some heavy shit on me coz he's always totally Transparent and knows I prefer that, I can receive whatever it is you Need to tell me. A heavy Truth is always better than any Lie, so I prefer everyone to keep it 100 with me. And know that I'm unconditional with my Support of you as a Person I Care about. So, he and I always talk about anything and everything going on with either of us, without holding anything back, it's what we've always done. I know that he will confide in me coz if it's Private, it stays Private, even tho' I Blog. *LOL* I've told everyone that, not everything gets into the Blog. And that's Okay, I respect everyone's Privacy about what they'd prefer me not to Share anywhere or to anyone. I'd expect the same if I want something to not be common knowledge about Life's Issues I might be going thru that I just don't wanna talk about or be Gossip Fodder or Blog Fodder. Not everything is appropriate to put out here that folks are going thru.
Not everyone can handle our Truths and it's good to be discerning about who you can Trust or be able to Confide in thruout Life. For me it was always my Dear Dad. Dad was Stoic, anything you told him never went any further and he wouldn't ever be Judgmental about even if he didn't personally approve of whatever it was. God Bless my Dear Mom, but she was NOT that person. *LOL* And I think we all have those People in Life like that. I tend to be a lot more like my Dad in that respect, I'd take a Confidentiality you told me to my Grave.
And even if whatever you told me I didn't personally approve of, I wouldn't be Judgmental about it or you, and I'd speak my Mind about it, but you'd know your Choices would be Respected regardless of whether or not I thought it to be a Good Idea... Life Choice... Action... Whatever. And I thought I'd end Today's Post with some Memes to make ya Smile... coz Lord have Mercy do we all NEED that right about now, No? *Winks* Coz the next Long Con is the Cryptocurrency Pump-And-Dump... with your Tax Dollars... stay Tuned...
Stay Chill and Frosty my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian
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