I'm already baaaack... I was all prepped for Surgery but when Dr. Kim came in and read my file, he and I unanimously agreed this procedure was not really necessary. It wasn't gonna prevent anything and might not even reveal anything. So he had an issue with doing a Surgery that he felt wasn't absolutely necessary. He said usually when these things are put in, you always have them in, forever, even tho' every 3 Years the Battery goes out. He didn't feel something potentially permanent should be installed unless very necessary and especially with risk factors involved. I Agreed so we were in Agreement not to do it. He wasn't even sure why they re-scheduled me after he'd said that same thing last time, so thought I'D insisted it be done? I hadn't!!!
The sentiments and concerns, the reluctancy I actually had, he had too! So he seemed concerned as to Why I'd been apparently talked into doing it again after the 1st Cancellation? I told him I thought HE had insisted on the re-schedule, so I was just Trusting what I thought had been HIS Judgment! Either way! I liked him, first time meeting him. He looked like a Ninja in his all Black Scrubs. *LOL* He had a lot of Serious Heart Surgeries that day too, mine was a low priority. I told him the previous Cardiologist and Neurologist felt it would be a good Idea and ordered it, then it got cancelled by him and only just rescheduled, so very confusing to ME. I'd felt the first Cancellation was a 'Sign' and then didn't really wanna go thru with it at all. He asked me, how bad you want to do this? I says, I don't! *LOL*
Turns out I'd Fasted for nothing also, becoz if they had done the procedure, he wasn't even going to Sedate me coz he said that adds Risk, he'd just use Novocaine, lots of it. Which is also a 5 Minute procedure and not an Hour or an Overnight Stay!!! He said some Surgeons insist on Sedation for this Recorder Loop install, but, it's not necessary. I didn't want to be Sedated, but was also nervous about being awake and just having a numbing Agent in case I could still Feel whatever would have to be done? So, glad I dodged that Bullet too. *Whew* I wasn't liking the Idea anymore of any kind of Surgery that really might not have any benefit to me or to them at all. So for me, a good outcome to just cancel it while there discussing it with the Doc. I wasn't mad or upset, I was elated. *LOL*
Dr. Kim joked if I was more Happy I'd get to go Eat, or, NOT having to get a Surgery... I told him equally about both! *Smiles* I was up and dressed in a snap! Anyway, I'm very happy not to have to get this done and got to just drive myself Home. A Friend of the Daughter had showed up at the Hospital to offer her Emotional Support and so they went out for Breakfast and I came Home and am taking The Man and Princess T out for his Birthday Breakfast. His Birthday is Tomorrow. Everyone in the Family is relieved now that I didn't have to get this Surgery after all. *Whew, wipes Brow* As it was they didn't have my Secondary Insurance in the System for this procedure and Intake was asking for $495! We got that straightened out when they realized I also had TriCare for Life as well as a Medicare Advantage Plan and it was totally approved and covered by Insurance.
Had I been required to cough up almost Five Hundred Bucks I'd of had to walk out and not have it done anyway, don't have it. Not even sure, with the Cluster Fuck in DC that my Pension or Social Security will show up on time in my Account, so far it hasn't, so, I dunno? Last Month is arrived way late, both Social Security Payment and my DA Pension from the County... no explanation as to Why it wasn't Paid on Time? So, I'm forever now checking our Bank Balances to make sure we actually got our Pensions, Social Security and The Man's Veteran's Disability Income... or not? So far this Month my Checks seem delayed again, but The Man's Thankfully hit on Time. So, I could pay and mail almost all the Bills on Time now. *Whew*
Anyway, I was super Hungry from Fasting so we decided we'd to to "The Tipsy Egg" in Chandler for Breakfast and then tool around the Merchant Square Antique Mall for exercise, both on the far East Side, a long commute, but we now had all day. Dr. Kim had told me to resume all my previous Exercise, he's happy with the Med Regimen I'm on and that before the Stroke I did Exercise regularly and have a Healthy Diet. The Diabetes is stabilized again, it only elevated Post-Stroke for a little while. Overall I feel my Recovery is going very good and even my Eyesight returned to Normal now, no more floaters or weird vision in that Right Eye that had some Sight Loss during and after the Stroke. My Brain seems to have recalibrated very well. Dr. Kim said compared to his other Cardiac Patients, I'm doing so well it might not even be Cardiac related? I'm beginning to think so too actually.
I didn't mind the inconvenience of going in coz the talk with the Doc was a good and informative one for both he and I actually. I'm glad he isn't one to just do unnecessary shit and run up Expenses just becoz Insurance or the Patient would pay for it. I prefer a Doctor with that outlook. He was Funny too, and I will be seeing him for follow-up to my Stress Test and Vein Scans results. We'll see if those revealed anything or not either? If not, then I don't expect I'd Need to see a Cardiologist regularly anymore at all my Heart is probably just Fine? I don't see the Neurologist for Six Months, so, I'm probably good to go, which is great News and a good Outcome IMO. My Sentiments at this juncture are, perhaps I had a single Blood Clot that broke loose and went to my Brain? It might be a One Off and I'm on Aspirin now and a stronger Cholesterol Med too.
So, after I got Home from Hospital we decided to take The Man out for his Birthday Celebration now that I wasn't sidelined. We went to "The Tipsy Egg" for Breakfast and then "Cracker Barrel" for Dinner, Princess T joined us. We also went to the Antique Mall in the far East Valley, "Merchant Square", which was having a President's Day Sale on everything. It was good exercise to walk around and I got a Vintage Black Suitcase with Colorful Print Bark Cloth Interior and Silk Linings, for only $8. I got a Vintage Black Wooden Train Case for only $8. And a large Vintage Metal Typeset Style Toolbox with pull out Drawers for only $15. The Man got a Birthday Black Custom Cowboy Hat for only $30. It was some nice Retail Therapy that didn't break the Bank or Budget.
"Cracker Barrel" now has a new Menu item, a Shepherd's Pie, and it's Sublime, some of the best I've ever had!!! It has a very thin crispy layer of Hash Brown instead of a Pie Crust. And they have a new Lemonade that is Strawberry Peach, also very, very good. So, it was a great Food Porn opportunity to Photograph both Meals and he was Delighted to eat out again to Celebrate his Birthday early. This time it was places he likes to eat and so he was Happy and having a good time. I'd felt bad he didn't like the Salvadoran Food Idea I talked him into for his Birthday, so, I wanted to make it up to him. He was relieved I didn't have to get the Surgery, so was the rest of the Family... me too. So rather than a Day of Surgery and Weeks Recovering from it, I had a good Day instead with the Family.
I Binge Watched some more of "Lost" since our NetFlix Subscription ends in 5 Days, so I won't get thru much more of it and don't have the Budget to renew this time. The Son said he might pay for it this time even tho' he rarely watches it, The Daughter and I are the only ones watching NetFlix, The Man and Princess T never watch it, The Man is a TV Addict of his Shows and their perpetual Reruns. *Smiles* Princess T only ever has Sponge Bob Square Pants Cartoon on, mostly for Eli her Cat. She watches Video Clips on Tik Tok mostly, as do most Young People now, they don't even need a TV. So I wouldn't be Surprised as us Dinosaurs Die Off, that TV goes the way of Letter Writing and Sending Greeting Cards? Just like Records, Cassette Tapes, CD's and such are Deaded really except for Nostalgia sake, everyone live Streams their Music on YouTube now or various Radio and Online Streaming Services. It's an ever evolving World.
I can't say any of it isn't better, coz it is, and Cheaper, sometimes even Free. I don't pay for YouTube and listen to all my fav Music now via that option while watching the Performance. It was the next step from MTV so I'm not Surprised it Evolved from there. I don't think I ever bought another Record or CD at full Retail after MTV actually and my Kids haven't either. I've bought CD's from Chazzas for a Buck or so at times, but now the Vehicles don't even come with a CD Player, since the last Two Trucks I've bought since 2019 haven't even had one!!! And now I pay a small nominal fee to have Sirius in the Truck Streaming my Music. My Grandkids have NEVER bought their Music from a Store. *LOL* And remember when we used to 'Rent' Movies? Whose done that in a Dog's Age? *Smiles*
"Blockbuster" went the way of the "Hallmark" Stores, tho' the latter hangs on in select locales, but is a shadow of it's former self. I can't recall last time I saw a Pay Phone or a "Red Box" anywhere either or any place to develop film or make Photo hard copies except via Online now. I may even be one of Kodak Online's last Customers ordering Prints? Coz they sure solicit me a lot and offer me so many Deals for their Services! *LOL* I do realize I'm the Last of a Dying Breed of Customer and we're not being replaced anymore by anyone taking our place. I will get a tiny little Check this Pay Period from the Antique Mall after all my Expenses... but, it's a Check. Even at the East Side Antique Mall Location, a lot of long time Vendors were gone and lots of New Blood giving it a Go. That's all I'll say about that struggle too, as a Re-Saler.
Some of the Best Vendors were no longer there and I doubt they will be setting up Shop somewhere else to follow them to? My best Guess is, they folded, like far too many others have now over the past few Years and haven't been replaced by anything remotely equal to them. At the Sale some Vendors had such a huge Discount I felt they were Liquidating? I ran into One Fav Vendor while there and I didn't even dare ask Why her Booth was so lean, I probably know Why... and she's an Amazing Artisan and has a Good Eye for Vintage as well, but, it's a Struggle to stay relevant and Solvent these days. Doesn't matter how good the Merch is if nobody is Buying right now, for whatever reasons. But, I still took loads of Pixs even with my Lens Issues while waiting for Debra's Package to arrive from Canada with my Camera Pressy she's so Graciously Gifting me with.
And, quite Oddly, none of the Pixs turned out that bad like they did at the Renaissance Festival, so... WTF?! *LOL* I'll still be switching over to the New Improved Camera when it arrives, but, I am Thankful this might still suffice as a Backup Camera and won't have to be thrown away after all? Since, if it can take some decent shots and have that left in it even with some Lens Issues that now seem hit and miss to show up in the Pixs, I won't have the Heart to just toss it now, will I? *Bwahaha* Okay, so I will Work on Donating it once I know I have the hang of the New one, I Promise. I may even be the Sole Person on the Planet that even still uses an Old School Camera and not just her Cellphone Camera? So the Donation might be a moot point that any Charity can benefit from? *LOL*
So, anywhoo... Today is this Guy's Birthday! And I'm gonna ask him what he wants to do for it since, I'm not sidelined with anything now really. Here he is in his New Hat. And I don't know what's going on with his Beard, but that's how he's grooming it these days so I don't even ask... he's Channeling Billy Jack perhaps, but it does suit him. *Smiles and an Eye Roll* He's already gone thru the Dangerous Outlaw Biker Look, the Recon Ron Rambo Look, the Deranged Pirate Look, the Demented Homeless Dude Look. He does kinda now look like he stepped out of a Clint Eastwood Western as an Outlaw who'd Shoot First and ask Questions later, doesn't he? The Man In Black. His Semi-Patriotic Satire T-Shirt pretty much summed it up: "I never Dreamed I'd Grow Up to be an Asshole, but, here we are..." *Bwahahahaha* He does look good in Hats, especially Custom Funky Cowboy Hats tho'. And this is now The Wild, Wild West again.
The Daughter got her Hair did by our Friend John and her Friend Mando Paid for the Salon Treatment. I like it, it's closer to what her Natural Color used to be when she was a Young Child so it suits her. She was one of those unusual People whose Natural Hair Color changed so often while Growing Up, that one would have thought she was Dying it, but, she wasn't! She went everywhere from being a Platinum Natural Blonde, to other Shades of Blonde, to Redhead, to Brunette shades of the whole Spectrum, before she ever had a hankering to Dye her Hair. So, this reminds me of the Color of her Hair at Age 3-4. I remember snipping off some of her Platinum Blonde Locks as a Child coz I'm a complete Weirdo that kept Hair Clippings and Baby Teeth of them all. They all think it's super Creepy and way too Voodoo. *Bwahahahaha*
She let me Photograph her without Makeup, but I think they turned out Cute regardless that she hadn't preened for the Moment or Styled her New Hair yet. Her T-Shirt pretty much sums up our Attitude right now too: "Ask me about the Fucks I don't give..." We are making Statements lately about our Head Spaces. As Fair Warning to General Public, it IS a Public Service Announcement we Feel is the Responsible thing to do. *Winks and Bwahahahaha* And it's Morning and she already has a Mike's Hard in that Starbucks Tumbler, so, the Edge was taken off sufficiently to avoid a Psychotic Episode should she go out in The Wild and have to Deal with "Public". Let us just say she voluntarily stays Home a LOT so that she doesn't HAVE to... which is probably a Wise Choice given how The Wild is looking these Days outside of the Sanctuary of Home!!! And her tendency to Go Mental. But, in her Defense she's WAY less volatile than she was from Age 15-39... so the 40's have mellowed her considerably. *LOL*
Shit, it took my Mom to Age about 60 to mellow that much and not go Mental on folk who Crossed her, and then by the time she hit 80, you didn't dare Cross her again. *LOL* The Family, they say I have not mellowed one iota when Crossed. They say I've intensified and my putting up with No Bullshit Meter is pegged out, well, they could be Right? *Winks* But, both The Daughter and I are very Nice People and Chill as Fuck, so long as you don't Cross us, ask us, we'll tell you. Are we considered Bat Shit Crazy Bitches, oh, absolutely, there's no Question about it, that's been a unanimous consensus out in "Public" and in "Private", but, our Bitchometers need not be Tested, that's all. If YOU are a Nice Person, you will therefore be Fine. *LOL*
I really liked this Vendor's Booth and what she did with Paper Arts, especially this Old Alarm Clock. My Budget was slim so I didn't Buy any of her Merch but I would have liked to, she had a couple of OOAK Greeting Cards and this Alarm Clock Diorama that I just Loved. Anyway, I got Pixs... and like I said, just bought a scant few items that were priced so low I'd of had Non-Buyer's Remorse if I hadn't sprung for them... all from the same Vendor who always has ridiculous prices. I don't know how he makes a Profit actually so his Booth has been a Fav for Years. He used to be at our Antique Mall but now I have to traverse across the Valley to see what he's Sourced and practically giving away? He always has the Fresh from the Farm Inventory that is a Picker's Dream to Find.
When I finally sit my Ass down in the Art Studio to Create some Art, I wanna do some of these Junk Journals with my overabundance of supplies. *LOL* I enjoy doing frivolous Art to Feed my Soul and it can be profitable too since there is a demand for it by those who don't really find the Creative Process enjoyable enuf to delve into themselves. Sometimes I'm Lazy and just Buy pieces I particularly feel drawn to myself that someone else Created. But, often the price point is a deterrent and that's the barrier that keeps me in Check. *Winks* I know I could make it for less and exactly the way I envision it, so, unless it would be an Inspirational piece to draw inspiration from, I'd rather just Pass.
Now, that said, I know some Projects would be too Time Consuming and Expensive to Create myself, like this Peacock Art Piece I J'Adore and if Budget permit, I'd Buy this for our Master Bathroom's Wall Art, which has a Peacock Theme. The Paint Brush Tail is Magnificently Creative and good use of Old Art Supplies. I've Lusted after this Piece for a few Months and it's in the same Booth as the Paper Arts is, but, I don't think I know the Vendor. If I knew it was an Industry Friend, I'd see if I could Work something out Negotiating for it and making it mine. It's rather large and it is spendy, so for now, just Admiring it has to be Enough and my Quirky Art Preferences have to be Dialed back coz I got so much unhung Art as it is and we Need to Sell Off a lot of it. The problem being, Art Sells, but Art is Subjective, and takes up a lot of Space in my Retail limited Space.
Listen, I was Intrigued by how much Merch I did see that I would have Bought and been Tempted, had Budget permit. Lack of Budget has been, and will now probably permanently be, a barrier and consideration to limiting anything but necessary purchases I think tho'. I think that is the direction ALL of America's 99% will be facing now and the 1% who will be raping the Country daily, well, they Buy People, not Things. And their Priority is mixed up to mine, where for them it's Money First, then Things, then People. For me the Priority is People First, then Money, then Things. I don't know what Order your Priorities of the Three fall? But it speaks Volumes about you and I assess anyone by what Order they Prioritize the Three. It tells me more about Who you really are than you ever could try to convince me otherwise.
So, this Funky very Old and Original big ole' Lampshade, had it been Priced affordably, I'd of had to Buy for one of my Hanging Lamps I'd Create to just suspend for a Visual. The Belgian Cut Velvet and Victorian Metal Trims were exceptional. I'd have to Age up and mebbe even shred up the White Material, which, I'm guessing someone probably kept covered in Plastic for Years to preserve that Color for something this Old to Protect it? I remember when it was a 'Thing' to keep Lampshades in a Plasticized Covering to keep them Dust Free, undamaged and from discoloring. They called them Dust Protectors and they were hideous and tacky as Hell. You can Google them if you don't recall what they looked like? Think a Lampshade cheap see thru Old School Shower Cap stretched over them! *LOL*
There were remnants of Valentine's Day left, which, I enjoyed even tho' I didn't Buy any. I had Nothing to offer up to my Customers this Year for Valentine's Day, Nada, not a Damned Thing Vintage Valentine's. I barely had anything Red to even fake a Themed Holiday Vignette. *LOL* So, I didn't bother and I had too much on my Mind this Valentine's Day anyway to really even dig out anything to Decorate for it at Home this Year. Yes, I had it in my Stash and knew where it was, but just didn't bother at all. Really, it was just another day for The Man and I since except for the hasty rushing out to get Chocolates for him and covered Strawberries for me, we didn't even realize the Holiday was upon us! So many peeps aren't a Fan of Valentine's Day anyway that Retail wise, I've never Killed it Selling anything on that Holiday. It certainly ain't a Commercial Success like Halloween and Christmas is.
Now Easter is out in Force and I do like me some Easter Decorating. So may actually rally to put something out at Home to Decorate for it. Tho', Honestly, I got Nothing, Nada, not a Damned Thing for that Holiday to offer up to my Customers either this Year. And now all Grands I Raised are Adults, we don't do the Baskets and the Egg Hunts anymore either. My Pastor's Wife only does Services Online now and they had to Close the Street Ministry Church after he Passed, plus, she's been going Blind now for Years so is limited in what Outreaches she can Safely do now. So, I don't actually Go to Church anymore or do Street Ministry anymore either. Full Time Caregiving really sidelined my Ability to do any Volunteer Work no matter how worthy the Causes.
But I enjoyed the Decades of Outreach I performed and those we Helped in our Communities. The NEED is always there, for who we passed the Torch to should they want to Serve their Communities and assist worthy Causes. But Volunteering ain't what it used to be either. People don't even wanna do Work they're getting Paid to do, let alone do Work Unpaid. And frankly, vilifying the Needy and Punishing the most Vulnerable of Society seems to be the New American Thing and Way now, and especially with this vile Administration Regime, and it disgusts me. Handy Scapegoats they make for blaming for everything anyone is angry or experiencing that they don't like, while Supporting all that is really Causing it... so... the 1% rely on and run on and with that Projecting of Blame.
Listen, I ain't NEVER seen any of the most Vulnerable and Needy of Society Living Large like the Billionaire Boy's Club do at YOUR Expense, Okay. So, retire all those Old Tropes you hang onto and Believe, that the Obscenely Powerful and Rich have shoveled and duped you with. I've done Street Ministry level Work for Decades and met The Marginalized at their most desperate Point of Need up close and Personal. Those on Government Assistance have to jump thru a multitude of humiliating and degrading qualifications to even be considered and parsed out the sparingly available Benefits or Services received, IF they even Qualify at all. Most don't, it ain't so easy as just having legitimate Need, legitimate Disability that prevents someone from being gainfully Employed, legitimate suffering and hardships of lacking even the most basic Essentials like Housing, Safety, Medical Care and Food.
I couldn't Parade not a Single alleged "Welfare Queen" before you, since I have met None in my entire Lifetime and I bet you haven't either. If you Claim to, Name some Names and the Laundry List you have compiled of these Mythical Women on Welfare, otherwise I fail to Believe you, you're making shit up. Or at best, mebbe you knew ONE or TWO People, or your Sister's Cousin's Best Friend's Co-Worker's Boss' Wife did, or Claimed to, and so, with a broad Brushstroke, it's clearly rampant and True! *Eye Roll* Said with a Straight Face and absolute conviction that it's accurate information, even if it's all total Bullshit that cannot be Proved at all or was hearsay they just ran with and didn't check out or use Reliable Sources to get actual Data. I mean, I can make Bullshit Up too, we all can, and make it sound convincing to somebody too Lazy, too gullible or too Ignorant to do any Due Diligence and check Low and Questionable Information out against Facts and Evidence. Every Criminal does it in fact, to hide an actual Crime.
And Yes, I've heard folks say such ridiculously absurd Claims as that and Challenged them to provide actual Evidence and Proof. To Name Names, and more importantly, Report it and Stand Behind their Accusations when it's Investigated. Needless to say, they can't, and won't, coz it's fabricated or Rumor and Urban Myth they're Parroting and running with, not Proof or Truth with Evidence to Support any of it. Easier to Vilify a Vulnerable Scapegoat Demographic, pick any one you want, based on total Bullshit perpetuated. The Ole: I didn't say I could Prove you DID it, I said I'm BLAMING you! And I want other People to Believe in the Mythical Beasts I Believe in like Dragons and Welfare Queens, of Undocumented Immigrants taking all the GOOD Jobs from Americans, of Trans folk using a Restroom to not relieve themselves safely, but to pounce on the Mythical Victims who are so vast we have so much Evidence it actually happens all the fucking time! *Huge Eye Roll*
It's all hyperbolic and pretty much mostly Faked like Science Fiction. Hey, I liked Idea of The Jetsons, but I knew it wasn't Real, even as a Child. Let us also not make Monsters out of Marginalized Demographics that don't really Exist or are grossly Exaggerated and Magnified as a Deflection Tactic of what's REALLY going on that they don't want you to see or pay attention to. And I've been in the Trenches for over 40 Years of Volunteer Work and I've had to Advocate for and Assist Marginalized folk to Apply for and receive any Benefits at any Agency, Government, Faith Based or Secular that you can think of, haven't seen that Mythical "Queen" yet at all. And I've been around the Sun now damned near Seven Decades, and Lived in some very Low Income Neighborhoods and even been Homeless myself for a Time, so if it was to be Seen, I probably wouldda seen at least ONE, No? I seen folks running their Hustles in Da Hood, but, that ain't one of 'em that I've Witnessed. And I've seen some Shit, lemme tell ya!!! *Winks*
I might see a Unicorn, a Dragon, Poseidon or a Mermaid first actually. Or I might see Elon Donating to any Worthy Cause first... or the Orange Con Artist, but they'd like you to Believe such things actually Exist, and that's Why you're Hurting too... or Why your Tax Dollars are "Wasted" or Fraudulently spent... and they have absolutely Nothing to do with it... just saying'. *Wink a Nod and the Ole Okey Doke so many fall for* And they're doing it all the more these days and folks fall for it as much as they ever did, they NEED desperately to Blame someone who really can't Defend themselves. God Forbid they actually Blame whose Responsible and could lash out against them formidably, like a Billionaire with unlimited Resources to could and definitely would.
Listen, I'd be MORE concerned, if I was you, at the Horror Show going on in DC right now Daily, that Eight Million Dollars a DAY is being siphoned off your Tax Dollars by ole Elon, in Government Contracts. Than any Senior Citizen collecting the Sixty Five Dollars a Day they EARNED with the Benefit of the Social Security being Paid Out once they're Eligible to receive it. Becoz actually it's THEIR Fucking Money they paid into the System, it's NOT Charity or a Government Contract Paycheck really spending someone else's Tax Money in ways that probably should be at least Monitored. I mean, Why is there a Four Hundred Million Dollar Contract to Elon to Sell the Govt. his Dumpster Tesla Trucks he can't unload elsewhere coz they are problematic and yet, so expensive?
What, we can't Buy something cheaper and better made to use Governmentally? Humnnnnn... Conflict of Interest and Billionaire Bro' Deal again, perhaps? Since, he's the DOGE Operator heading up Waste and Fraud, while actively committing both... ya Think? And now he's got ALL of our most Sensitive Personal Information to Sell, that he should never have had any Clearance to even see, let alone acquire. So exactly what Transparency have we had as to Why, What, and Who it will be Auctioned Off to that would most Benefit from it? He's pretty Tight with some unsavory Characters and Bad Actors, he's made that abundantly Clear, as has this whole Regime actually, they're not pretending to even not be Sleeping with the Enemies. And so, now here we all just ARE! All on the Titanic and heading for the Iceberg full Speed ahead. And yeah, I got my Voodoo Dolls Working Overtime these Days. And so does my Blog Friend Shirley. You Go Girl! As Princess T says, "It can be Fixed..." *Winks*
No Loop Monitor necessary... what didn't happen is all Good... Dawn... The Bohemian
Well, I learned something new today. I had no idea that there was such a thing as a loop monitor, and it sounds like overkill. I'm glad that doc didn't want to do it either.
ReplyDeleteI thought so too since it doesn't prevent anything happening and just Monitors and alerts about what might be revealed... or NOT... so, since the one I Wore hadn't revealed a damned thing, it did seem like overkill and an Elective Procedure best avoided if they didn't REALLY think it necessary, and he didn't, and I didn't, so, we were Unanimous. *winks* He didn't have to Threaten me with a good Time, I hopped off that Surgical Bed moments before he'd of done it if I'd of said go ahead, I want it!
DeleteI don't know about that rescheduling when neither you nor the doctor requested. Seems like some medical for-profit shenanigans they've likely pulled before. You were lucky the doc wasn't in on it.
ReplyDeleteWell that is a relief! I mean surgery helps but if you don't need it why put your body through it. I'm glad to hear you're in good mental vibes. And it's always nice to have you back.
ReplyDeleteYou have found the BEST doctor! He put your health and your needs over the profit making machine!! What a sweetheart! Whew! Cheers! I have had this happen years ago. When my son was in high school he had a "lump" on the back of his neck. I didn't' find it all that concerning but we got sent to a surgeon to remove it. After postponing the surgery for a fishing trip (did I get some hairy eye ball looks), we went in one morning. The surgeon was running behind and finally came in just prior to aesthesia. He felt the lump and was surprised at how much smaller it had gotten. He said "I think it is an inflamed lymph node and not cancer" - as I fell off my chair since no one had mentioned cancer to me. . . So he sent us home without surgery, did some more testing and that was that. Relief.
ReplyDeleteGURRRRRL those food porn pictures. I am dying.