Sunday, February 16, 2025

Pre-Surgical Post

 I don't know when this Post will Publish since it might be Post-Op before I finish it?  I'm sure I'll be taking it easy Post-Op so I'm assuming I'll just be doing things like Blogging and Sleeping/Resting?  I got all our Errands done beforehand in case I'm not up to it Post-Op.  I'm finishing up Laundry as we speak, we only had One Load, but, I didn't want it backing up, since, all of us do our own Laundry and don't let it back up.  As you can see by the Post's Lead Imagery I'm prepping some Tees for the Showroom.  No, Management won't approach me about them or I'd insist ALL of the MAGA Merch be removed from the Mall.  *Snort*

 Touche', they know not to get into a Cage Match with me, I take no Prisoners.  And, I AM Mad our fucking State went Mental Red again, just as we'd been previously and finally making Progress to go Purple, dammit!   Well, it is the Wild, Wild West, what can I say?  Speaking of Fights, The Son is attending an MMA Fight that his Friend Rosa got Tickets for.  She wasn't able to attend the Renaissance Festival with him, and she wanted to, so at least now they can do this together, they both like MMA.  The Son used to do some Amateur Mixed Martial Arts when he was Younger, Trained by a Friend who was Serious about it.  I'm glad he didn't get Serious about it, it's a lot of punishment to your Body, even if you're good.

I'd been wondering why fElon keeps at least One or more of his little Kids with him, dragging them Weirdly everywhere he goes, even into the Oval Office?   And in a Moment of Clarity I think it's to use them as Human Meat Shields in case someone tries to do a Luigi Mangione on him!!!  OMG, that unstable Genius Coward is willing to use his own Children like a Terrorist would to Shield himself from Assassination, sickening!   Well, he does have a Dozen of them and is always looking for more Baby Mamas Incubators for the next ones. And they're probably popping 'em out for a Payday.

I am concerned about getting our Government Pensions, Government Disability Income, and Social Security, pretty sure we're gonna get messed with.   Also pretty sure there will be a Government Shutdown next Month, the Dems almost have to force the Hand and just do it.  They'll get 'blamed' regardless of the fact it's the ReTrumplican Clown Show that's fucking everything up.  If any of them Vote to pass the extortion like Bills pending, it would just be worse over the long-haul for everyone in America.  There's no real Positives here.  There is no working with a totally corrupted side in a Bipartisan way without corrupting their side equally as well now.

Working with Criminals just makes you complicit to whatever Heist they're pulling and want you on Board for.  And the raping of America is in full swing now.  Not Surprising given how many ReTrumplican known Sex Offenders have been nominated and infiltrated into all the highest of positions, the Pervs do hang together in solidarity.   Whatever they screw us out of we probably are never getting back, you know that, Right?  And contemplating that is some unsettling stuff to unpack and Process.  I try not to think about it too much, how fucked we all really are.

I NEED me some Monty Python right about now!  Listen, Child, I said I wasn't nervous about the upcoming Surgery Tomorrow, but I'm doing Housekeeping like a Demon Driven Psycho right now, me, an Old Laid Back Hippie, it doesn't Square!   Mebbe I also Need me one of those She Devil Bears to take the Edge Off?   But, would it be out of my System by the time I'm under Anesthesia?   So, not gonna risk it, even tho' The Daughter has some to take her Edge off going with me in the Morning and then Driving my Post-Op Woozy Ass Home afterwards.   

Ask a Schizophrenic Daughter with permanent Driving Restrictions to be your Ride Post-Op, coz she's all you got as an Option, why would she need the Edge taken off you might ask?  *Winks and LMAO*   The Son is already trying not to get Laid Off at Work again, since the Company he Works for is circling the Drain.  Otherwise he'd take the Day Off and take me and he does have his License back, with Restrictions, we got no other Drivers in da Asylum here.   He did ask me if I had a Peace about letting his Sister drive my New Truck... well, she did it when I had my Stroke and had to get the Truck back Home after they wouldn't let me out of the Hospital, so, Why not?  *LOL*  

Oh, did I pretend someone else but Myself, with Schizophrenic Daughter riding Shotgun, had driven me to Hospital No. 2 ER, when Hospital No. 1 ER neglected me?   Oooops!   Yes, The Son had driven me to Hospital No. 1 ER where Three Hours later I hadn't been seen while actively having a Stroke!   So he drove me back Home at my request actually coz he had to get to Work by then or lose his Job.  I'd told him I had a Ride, so don't worry.  I did, I drove my own damned Self and told The Daughter to get in Shotgun, just in case I couldn't make it... hold on Fucker, we're going for a Ride!!!   Yeah, we're both Bat Shit Crazy, so we did it... and now I'm coming Clean.

Why no Ambulance or Paramedic Ride you might ask?   Coz the fucking Insurances won't pay anymore and you're stiffed for that expensive transport, that's Why!   Seems TriCare and Medicare lately are thinking Transport by such means is Optional now and therefore not covered or necessary?   Who knew?   I didn't last time The Man was transported by one and I got the Bill, which was high enuf to give you another Stroke and took me all Year to Pay Off!   And I really could have gotten him there to either Hospital just as fast myself, probably faster, if you've ever seen me Drive.  *Winks*  Genuflect and get in, it'll be Fine!  *LOL*

I Live on the Razor's Edge, what can I say?   No more Fucks to give actually, which is Why I'm particularly Militant and part of the Resistance right now Politically about this Insane Clown Posse Cluster Fuck of a vile Administration.  Illegal Change and moving too fast is reckless and not worried about whether what they destroy and Change can be repaired or restored.  I know Americans want Change, this is the Wrong approach.  So, if that offends some, I don't give a fuck.  Test me, I'll rise to the Challenge.   I already consider the Opposition boarded the Crazy Train during the first Practice run to destroy our Beloved America, so 2.0 hangers-on never got off.   All Aboard then, Aye Aye Aye... we're all going Off The Rails on a Crazy Train now.  So if I'm Involuntarily dragged onto or behind that Fucker becoz they dragged all of America onto it with their Crazy Cult Asses, let's see who has the least or most to Live for, shall we?!  *Snicker*

I Call their Crazy and Raise ya... insert Poker Face with my Crazy Eyes.   According to my Family and Friends, I have the BEST and Scariest Crazy Eyes... Yes, they say only the Nicest Things about me.  *Bwahahahaha*  Now, I do have my Moments of complete Lucidity and Calm, I can be Centered and Balanced in my ways, but when I see our Government imploding and there seems to be no Adults in the Room, it does make me absolutely feel Mental about it all.   I am more prone to being proactive than reactive, it's just my State of Being.  Reactive folks usually end up being the Clean-Up and don't prevent or really Solve anything that became Problematic.

I'd rather be Solutions Oriented, even if right now I don't have the Solution, I'll keep trying to find one.   And for me and mine, even if I only Solve OUR Problems, I could be Okay with that.   The Government is just moving fast and breaking stuff, that's gonna have dire consequences.  Since, it does seem America is now very Egocentric overall, it's not like most are looking out for anyone but themselves.  And the pretend President is just attending one Recreational Event after another at enormous Taxpayer Expense, Super Bowl last Week, not even staying for half of it, Daytona this Week, so much for Managing Government Waste of your Money!  He turned over the Presidency to fElon to actually do the work of implementing their New World Order.


Since fElon is moving at such a rapid unmonitored and unchallenged pace, the Orange Moron isn't keeping up, he doesn't even know what fElon is actually doing.  He's so cognitively declined and impaired now he can't even finish a Sentence anymore or not shit his Pants.  All the 2nd Term meant to him was the Get Out of Jail Free Card and eliminate all his Legal Woes.  The fElon footed that Bill for him, so, he's beholden, just like he is to all the other Dark Money he Owes some really Bad Actors he got Loans from and Bankrolled him for Years.   They ALL pull his Strings, he's just a ridiculous Puppet they prop up, a Weekend At Bernie's is probably in his Future.  And he needs Scapegoats to blame when this all goes Sideways and a rebellion happens, so they go under the Bus like all the others have.

I am making a lot of Progress with my frenzied Housekeeping, especially in our Boudoir, which was the last bastion of Chaos and Clutter which needed to be addressed.  I don't mess with The Man's Corners of it, he's doing his Thing and if he needs Help with his Stuff then we ask him if he wants us to assist him with it?   Even with his TBI he is pretty Tidy with his things and Orderly, so I don't need to run damage control behind him as much as behind myself.  *LOL*  I'm the Chaotic one, he's very Disciplined from so many Years of Military Service, no complaints from me about his stuff, he's the Minimalist, I'm the Maximalist.  He has his Hoards of certain things he Fixates on and is Obsessed with tho'.  *Smiles*

I still want to make one more run to the Antique Mall to put some easy to move Merch in before my Surgery, since, I don't really know how long I'll be Sidelined yet.   Things are becoming more Organized here at Home, which really does Help me there as well.   I don't function well in Chaos and prefer Order and Placement, I don't prefer clutter so eliminating it is my Goal.  Having moved to half the size of a Main House has been a Challenge we're still figuring out.  That much of a Downsize of Main Living Space and then having Twice the amount of Loved Ones have to move back Home AFTER you do it, is another Challenge we're Working Out.

When we bought this Property we didn't anticipate all the Adult Children and some of the Adult Grandchildren having to still Live with us and have a Multigenerational Living Arrangement.  We moved here and expected when Princess T was Grown, we might be Empty Nesters here.  So, when choosing a Forever Home we calculated how much Space we Needed and Wanted in a Forever Home for OUR Retirement Needs?   We'd had to give up our Paid Off Historic Property, which had been meant to be our Forever and Retirement Home, and bought before we became Custodial Grandparents and even before The G-Kid Force we Raised were Born.

We Adapted and Improvised when The Adoption Board felt that Historic Property would not pass their Laundry List of Requirements to Adopt the G-Kid Force 15 Years after we'd already been Raising them as Kinship Placement.  I didn't anticipate Laws Changing, but you do whatever Needs to be done as shit happens.  The Villa McManse was always too much House, but a great Investment Vehicle and to finalize the complex Adoption Process forced upon us.  So, it was Fun to live in a Luxury Million Dollar Property temporarily and buy it for 1/4 of it's Value and flip it for Profit.  Never meant to be Forever.  This Property is meant to be Forever.  But it didn't come Cheaply to buy a Mini Farm in the City.

The only thing Cheap at that time was Interest Rates being barely 2% on Residential Loans and 0% on Vehicle Loans.  So, still, Blood in the Streets to seize Opportunities on Major Purchases, COVID was just popping off in America and folks were running Scared and not making Major Purchases.  That's when I always make mine, Vehicles, Homes... when their Market collapses is the ideal time to Buy.  But, now here we are, having made our Moves based on ever changing Situations nobody can predict or adequately rebound from completely.  In the current Climate, second guessing how much Worse it will be is speculation.  We know it's gonna be Bad, no speculation needed, that's an inevitability, just not HOW much Worse?


Keep your Chins up... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Love that Carmen Miranda taxidermy deer's head, LOL! Good luck with your op tomorrow and take it easy afterwards! Wishing you a full and speedy recovery. And just FYI, I popped your package in the mail today. Canada Post says you should have it within 2 weeks, max.

    1. Oh, Thank you abundantly Debra for the pressy!!! Mwah and a Hug! I LOVED that Carmen Miranda Taxidermy Deer's Head too and would have bought it if it had been somewhere I could have Scored it. A Friend sent me the Pix and I have no idea where it was located, she just knew it was my Quirky Aesthetic. *Winks* Yes, I would hang that on the Wall here at Forever Boheme' and it would go with everything else I have that is Weird and Wonderful, especially my other Pimped Out Taxidermy. *Smiles* I'm hopeful the Surgery goes without any hitches or Post-Op complications. I've had Procedures in the Past that shouldn't have gone badly and did, so I never take it for granted that even an Elective Surgery is without risk, they all have risk and the skill of the Surgeon is also very important.

  2. If I prayed, my prayers would be going up for you. I will, instead hope you get through everything okay and that your driver will drive like a professional.
    When you said you'd no more fucks to give, I thought of this song and hoped you hadn't heard it because I know it will make you laugh.

    1. I am gonna listen to that Link Video, I need a good Laugh, as everything has been so heavy and dire lately out in The Wild, hasn't it? Your good will is appreciated for the Surgery and The Daughter will be very cautious driving coz she knows my Truck is new and expensive. *LOL* She's nervous about doing it but knows we don't have any other way to get me Home, so, I Trust her and told her she'll do just Fine. I'll still probably be Woozy from being Knocked Out for the Surgery so I won't give a fuck. *LOL*

  3. Good luck tomorrow and hurry back to us soon.
    I took my first ambulance ride in 2020. It was a severe trauma when I crushed my arm, but the chauffeured ride one mile to the hospital was $1200 out of pocket. I was under 65 and self insured so who knows what it would be today. Well, I don't plan to find out.

    1. I'm already baaaack... I was all prepped for Surgery but when Dr. Kim came in and read my file, he and I unanimously agreed this procedure was not necessary. It wasn't gonna prevent anything and might not even reveal anything and he had an issue with doing a Surgery that he felt wasn't absolutely necessary. I agreed, it's the sentiments I actually had and I liked him, first time meeting him actually. Told him they originally cancelled it and only just rescheduled it... so I'd felt the first Cancellation was a 'Sign'. Anyway, I'm happy and got to just drive myself Home, a Friend of the Daughter had showed up at the Hospital to offer her Emotional Support and so they went out for Breakfast and I came Home and am taking The Man and Princess T out for his Birthday Breakfast. His Birthday is Tomorrow.

  4. Sending healing thoughts your way.

    1. I'm already baaaack... I was all prepped for Surgery but when Dr. Kim came in and read my file, he and I unanimously agreed this procedure was not necessary. It wasn't gonna prevent anything and might not even reveal anything and he had an issue with doing a Surgery that he felt wasn't absolutely necessary. I agreed, it's the sentiments I actually had and I liked him, first time meeting him actually. Told him they originally cancelled it and only just rescheduled it... so I'd felt the first Cancellation was a 'Sign'. Anyway, I'm happy and got to just drive myself Home, a Friend of the Daughter had showed up at the Hospital to offer her Emotional Support and so they went out for Breakfast and I came Home and am taking The Man and Princess T out for his Birthday Breakfast. His Birthday is Tomorrow.

    2. We all certainly thought so too and I do truly like this Doctor, how Rare to have one that Profits aren't his primary focus, and so he won't do anything not necessary and will talk you out of proceeding with anything unnecessary. Not that he had to threaten me with a good time and Opting Out... LOL... I didn't wanna have it done anyway.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl