Thursday, February 13, 2025

Valentine's Day 2025 ~ Surgery Is ON Again... Dammit!!!

I usually do a Dreadlock Update around this time of Year as it nears my Dreadaversary.  I've trimmed them a few times over the Years, but it gets more difficult now they're not Micro-Dreads anymore.   I'm Okay with them how they just are and quit trying to cut them straight across now coz some just grow faster, some get thicker/phatter and more dense, who knows Why?  I've never Palm Rolled them, I have Arthritis, thus, they Free Formed. If I had a Maintenance Person, I'd go every so many Years for a tidy up near my Scalp, where you get the Undreaded fuzzies that is new Hair that hasn't yet Loced Up.  So that it's not so messy when you get a spurt of new Hair growth.  But few Locticians have Experience with Type 1 Hair like mine... of the Basic 4 Major Hair Types... Straight {1}, Wavy {2}, Curly{3}, Coily {4}.   And there's Sub-Type Textures of all but Type 1.   Mom had Type 3 and my Brother Type 2... Dad was Type 1, like me.

 Sometimes they look Tame and other times they look Wild and Change/Morph constantly.  They just do what they do on any given day and I've learned to just go with it and not fuss with much Maintenance. Keep 'em Clean, mostly keep 'em Separated, if I'm not to Lazy to stop them Congoing.  They are Low Maintenance.  In recent Years I quit trying to keep them Separated, since I did get Lazy about it.   I am a Lazy Dreadhead, so have Lazy Dreads.  *LOL*   At my Age, with declining Estrogen of Old Lady Hair thinning on top, I'm Thankful for any new growth, but it's messy to Deal with.   My Natural Color is getting lighter than when I first had the Dreads, and it was a darker Brown.   I have some Silver around my Temples, but when it Locs in to the rest, it's just a Blondish Brown Dreadlock overall now.  On Dad's side of the Family, few ever went Grey at all.  Mom's side went a lovely Silver prematurely, including my Younger Brother.  But they all had Blue Black Hair and I don't.

 So, I'm now wondering if even our Feline is picking up on the Negative Energy that permeates everything these ominous days we're trying to Cope with, move thru, and Unpack?   Coz he pissed in his Girl's Drawer that held her Hair Extensions she Wore for Halloween and her Perfumes!!!   Why, who knows, he's never done that before, tho' he can be a vengeful Cat and punish her for whatever he's not Happy about.  She shit Kittens about it and even talked of getting rid of him!!!   Yikes, she IS his Human and I'm just Staff, I never wanted another Pet in the first place.  So I had my Talk with him and a Come To Jesus Intervention about what he'd done and what thin Ice with her he's on!  

 He looked NOT Sorry, but I sensed he had a definite Understanding of what I was coming Down on him for.  *LOL*  I pointed to the offended Drawer and he squinted his Eyes and looked down, refusing to make Eye Contact with me.   I pointed to his oversized and clean, fresh smelling Litterbox too.  There's no excuses logically, tho' a variety of reasons he's doing this, according to Vet Dr. Google.  Could be any of what they suggested.  I told her the Options beyond getting rid of him, since, he's not a Pet Quality Cat really, so not likely to fare well being put up for Adoption.  Just like The G-Kid Force were, he'd be "Hard To Place".  He lives in her Space and doesn't like being out of it either.  He only likes Two Humans, her and I.  I told him to make Nice with her when she comes Home from Work to Touch her little Black Heart's Strings.  *LOL*

I Warned him to be a Good Boy Today and no more pissy Mischief or fucking up her Stuff either.   So he's been uber Quiet and unusually subdued, I swear he understands the Language of Psycho Bitch really well?  *Smiles*   She swears she hasn't Stressed him Out, but, I think he knows when us Humans are Stressed Out.  Pets have an uncanny knack for picking up on their Humans Emotions and Vibe, they know when shit ain't Right.  She's been Stressed Out about the Spanish Speaking Women at Work Training her in their Dept., which she's New at Learning, that talked Smack about her in front of her, but in Spanish.  We've all been Stressed about MAGA World 2.0 and what that could devolve further into that is incomprehensible and quite Sinister.

  The Son isn't sure he'll not get Laid Off again.  The Daughter can't muster the Mental Health Head Space to go in to Social Services to try to Qualify for any Assistance.   We don't even know what's already been Cut to the Bone and it was Parsed Out so sparingly before this Regime took over and slashed all of that first.  After all, the most vulnerable and marginalized of Society can't put up any Fight really, if they can't even afford Food, Shelter and receive no Compassion or Care, they're just fucked already, well beyond how fucked they already were and are.  I know most of us Seniors and Federal or Military Retirees know not what might become of our Earned Pensions when the Elite Hands are in the Accounts.  I hear $80 Million disappeared from NYC's FEMA Funds appropriated by Congress, poof Gone, no Transparency as to Where or Who now Grifted it, thanks to fElon, who just Stole it and is being Accused. 

Citing ALLEGED Corruption as an excuse to Seize Assets, while actually committing blatant Corruption and Illegal Activities to do so, well, moving it thru the now Corrupted Court System, Good Luck with that.   Absconding with $80 Million at a Pop ain't a Bad initial Heist.   And he has a $400 Mil Tesla Contract to Sell the Government those Dumpster Vehicles he can't get rid of and have all kinds of Issues.   Don't know if anyone saw the Rollout Video where he unveiled it initially and touted the unbreakable bulletproof Windows?  They bragged profusely then threw an object at the Windows twice, Breaking both times... Whoops!  And he had the Audacity to unashamedly shrug it off, tho' it did make him look like a Fraud and Fool.   Could you Imagine telling a captive Audience your Creation was indestructible and then destroying it in front of them easily?   Yeah, it went like THAT. 

  Along with Rockets Blowing Up, and Televising it happening, Wonder Boy has had his fair share of Failures.  Remember when he took over Twitter and allegedly made it better and more profitable?  Me either.   The Company's Value has dropped and plummeted by 79%... yet, he's allegedly gonna Square Government Waste and what isn't Working or is Corrupted???  By Blowing all that Up too in front of our Faces.  Okay then.   His ability to waste Resources and Money is only matched by his First Lady, tRumpilania!  *Bwahahaha*   Okay, so they're allegedly cutting Waste and Draining The Swamp.  Yet spent Millions for the Orange Fuck to attend a Super Bowl that he bailed on halfway thru, and went Kindergarten on afterwards with Childish Playground Social Media Shade, what a Bargain the Taxpayers got of not having their Money Wasted!!!   And he's just getting Warmed Up recklessly spending your Money folks. *Eye Roll*

The ReTrumplicans wanna Raise the Debt Ceiling by 4.5 Trillion next Month, yeah, with a "T" my Friends.   He's Bankrupted every Business he's ran, including fucking Casinos, so why not Bankrupt the Nation he's now running, it would match his long Track Record and be consistent at least.   I used to Handle Bankruptcies for Major Financial Institutions Portfolios, those Owed by the Bankrupted Parties are the Real Losers, always.   And it's YOUR Money and Assets of The People being used and put at Risk this time around, not his.   He hasn't been able to get a Loan from an American Major Financial Institution for a long time due to his financial recklessness and stiffing Creditors and others he's done Business with that he owed Money to for Services.  Most Borrowing he's done and Owes to now is Axos Financial, an obscure Internet Only Institution... Deutsche Bank {German}... and various Loans from Russia, China, and Arabic Royalty.  He's in Deep to all of them, very Deep.  BTW: Two Pixs above were one of the Great-Grandsons and The Man ready for the Super Bowl.   He's like Great-Grandpa!  *LOL*

Other than getting dressed in Real Clothes and out of my Jammies before Noon to get a Dreadlock Pix Update, I haven't done a damned thing!   Well, I did get Princess T to Work IN my Jammies, so, does that Count?  *Winks*   They did finally pick up our Recycle Garbage, a relief since we couldn't pack it down any further to close the Lid like they're now apparently being Anal about.  I told them since we have a Three Generation Family living here, I'd like a 2nd Receptacle for both Recycle and Regular Garbage then if they refuse to pick up over trifles.  Of coarse they're not gonna Honor that and I asked her what Logic is in NOT picking up on account of it being too Full, do they think skipping a whole other Week will somehow make it LESS Full?!  Pray tell where we're to put another Week's worth of Garbage then?!  There was Silence on the other end of that query, then stuttering of something lame.  *Winks*

I'm just glad they picked it up this time.  After changing the Days starting in February 2025 of when they pick up the Recycle Garbage, but leaving the Regular Garbage previous Pickup Date, that's enuf confusion.  Neighbors clearly didn't know what the fuck to do either, so Receptacles sat Curbside for a whole other Week waiting to be picked up and emptied, everyone's was overfilled by then.   I'm sure they got a lot of Calls.  I remember in Affluent Rural Subdivision Hell their bougee Garbage Men were so picky that they wanted your Garbage to be "Clean", I kid you not... CLEAN GARBAGE, what an oxymoron!  It's as humorous as when we once saw a Sign for "Clean Dirt".   Yes, at least I know what that's supposed to signify... but, Clean Garbage, what, we're to Wash all our Garbage?  I don't even Like doing my fucking Laundry or Washing Dishes, so I'm not Washing my Garbage too that is being thrown out!

Princess T had recently asked me some Blast From the Distance Past Questions, like, Who was the First Boy I ever Liked when I was little and had my First Crush?   Well, other than Steve Reeves as Hercules *Winks*, I remember exactly who it was when I was in Grade School, Vaughan.  He was the Best Looking Boy I ever saw!  *LOL*  And becoz he has a very unusual Surname, as well as First Name, I was able to easily find him and his Siblings on The Book of Faces, which was a Treat.  His Mom and Dad are both still Living and still Happily Married, now in their Eighties.   His Mom still looks the same as I remember her, a strikingly Beautiful Woman!  Our British Moms had each Married American GI's of Color, his Stepdad was Black, his Younger Brother and Sister were mixed Race, like us.  I think his Mom had him before she was Married, and so he was Born in her County, like I was Born in my Mom's Country.  

 Back then it was a huge Ordeal to Marry a Foreign Bride, especially if it was an Interracial Union.  They did lengthy background Checks and Mom said my Dad's Commanding Officer tried to talk her out of and try to Scare her from Marrying a Native American.  Mostly to prepare them for American Racism and Intolerance to Interracial Intercultural Families. They had to wait 2 Years to get permission to Marry and bring her back to the States with him.  I'm sure Vaughan's Mom had the same Ordeal.   Clearly Vaughan is no better at Selfies than me, so this one made me Smile.  How do the Young People always manage fabulous Selfies?   Below is the whole Family together, which Warmed my Heart, not having seen them since the 1960's and seeing both his Parents are Alive and Well, and the Siblings too.  Our Mom's met and became Friends at the Foreign Brides Club on Base, when we were Stationed at the same Military Base in Upper Michigan, back when KI Sawyer was still Operational.   

Most of Mom's Friends were other Women American GI's Married while Stationed abroad in other Countries.  So, our Friends Families were the League of Nations.  *LOL*  I don't remember his Family or mine owning a Camera or taking Pixs with Borrowed ones.   So we never had Pixs taken together and of coarse in Grade School there were no Yearbooks in them Days, so you relied on vague Memories mostly, and sometimes Trading Class Mug Shots.   I never had the Courage to ask Vaughan for his Grade School Mug Shot, coz we were very Young and he thought of my Brother and I as Friends to just play with, like Kids do.   So, I kept my Crush to myself and even our Moms weren't aware.  Well, mebbe they were... Moms are intuitive like that.  *Winks*

 But how Dreamy was it that my Mom was Friends with the Mom of the Boy I Secretly Adored in Grade School and we got to go visit and hang out with?  *LOL and Winks*   That's why I do Love the Internet Social Media Pages, you can do Recon and find so many long lost Friends and people that you used to know and sometimes even reconnect and catch up for Lost Years.  But even if you don't, it's good to see what happened in Life to everyone.  I think Vaughan is still a Handsome Man in his latter Years.   He looks a lot like his Mom except she had Blonde Hair.  His Younger Sister has the palest Striking Green Eyes, she was the most Adorable Toddler and now is a Beautiful Woman, like her Mom is.  

 Lily does not look like a Woman in her Eighties, she's still Stunning!  And they look so Vibrant for Octogenarians and so Happy.   I so Wish Mom was still here to see these Pixs of her Old Friend.   The Foreign Wives Club on Base was a big Club and there were Wives from all over the Globe wherever Americans had ever been Stationed or Deployed.  I remember it depended on whose Home you were visiting as to which Country's Ethnic Cuisine you'd be enjoying!  *LOL*  The Baby Brother was a Newborn back then, I remember the day he was Born and came Home, we went to their House to see him.  A writhing little bundle of Joy, Fresh from the Father.  Of coarse he's all grown up now and I guess their Parents didn't have any more Kids.   I don't remember their Dad much coz he and my Dad were deployed to Vietnam during that Era and so the Military Families kept close to one another for Moral Support, when their Loved Ones were sent off to War.  Both Dads weren't back yet from Vietnam.

 Pix Above of my Mom back then, who'd gone Blonde while Dad was in Vietnam coz she was too Young to be a Silver Fox in her 30's.  So, both of our Moms were the Blonde Bombshells.  *LOL*  When my Dad returned from Vietnam, we got Transferred to England for his last Overseas Tour of Duty.  So we did visit Mom's Family in North Wales during that Four Year Assignment in Great Britain.   Back in those Days Military Families were Re-Assigned Stateside often, usually every 12-18 Months, but an Overseas Accompanied Tour could be up to Four Years.  And an Unaccompanied Tour, usually to a Danger Zone was a Year, just for the Soldiers and Families stayed behind. 

  A lot of Guys who'd Married Foreign Women usually asked for Assignments in their Wives Native Country that still had Military Bases.  All the Bases in North Wales were Closed, so England American Military Bases were the closest Dad could request and Hope to get.   I know Vaughan's Family Hoped to get the same Assignment so his Mom could go Home one last time too. To Liverpool, which is just across the River Dee from the Town in North Wales my Mom was from!  Vaughan is Single, don't know if he ever had any Kids or a Wife.

I still had some Renaissance Festival Pixs and since I'm clearly very Light on Blog Fodder Imagery.  *LOL*  By the time Princess T got Home from Work she'd Forgiven her Fur Baby.  He hadn't actually pissed in her Bureau Drawer, so, he probably was confused as to Why I was pointing to it scolding him?   It was her Rubbermaid Stacking Drawers, which are easily washable and she could Salvage 80% of the Contents by Washing them too with Soapy Water and Disinfectant.  *Whew*  It would have been way worse if he'd copped a Squat in her Antique Wooden Chest of Drawers.   So, all is Well between them now and he was making Nice with her like I'd instructed him.  *Smiles*  She asked if I had given him his sloppy food, since he expects his Sheba or Fancy Feast in the Morning?  She'd told me to withhold it as punishment, but I didn't, and she was glad.  I told her I'd lectured him instead... a way worse punishment, she agreed.   *LOL*



She wanted to know all about how he'd reacted when he got his Scolding, Delighting in the Details.  *Bwahahahaha*   Not that he seemed Sorry, but he did seem like, Oh Shit, The Old Psycho Human is really Mad at me now too!   So he had to at least pretend to look sufficiently Guilty.  *LOL*   I guess they're having a Valentine's Day Pot Luck at her Work Tomorrow.  I'd almost forgotten it was Valentine's Day and so I ducked into the Grocery Store with her to Buy The Man his Heart filled Chocolates.   And, from him, I bought myself some White Chocolate covered Gilded long stem Strawberries, which were all on deep Discount, Ten Bucks Off since it was the 11th Hour.  *LOL*   They are delish and I'll Share the the Photograph of them for the Valentine's Day Post.  I Photographed a few they had, all were different and quite Lovely.


Now, before we left to pick her up my Phone was blowing up from my Cardiologists Office and I'm like, Oh Shit, what now?  Since, perhaps they'd gotten some results back already of all the Scans and Stress Test?  Since, they do it all right there in the Office.   Well, as it turns out they said The Surgery is ON again at the same Date as originally Scheduled and they notified the Hospital already!!!!!   WHAAAAT!!!???  Turns out Dr. Kim said the Heart Monitor is REALLY necessary so he will do the Surgery the Day I Need to have it done due to my circumstances.  Well now... I felt conflicted but Agreed to go thru with it.  A part of me had considered it a Sign NOT to have it, but, the Urgency they made this Call had me concerned that mebbe it wouldn't be Wise to say I wouldn't do it?  Mebbe my Tests have revealed something and they'll discuss it further at my next Appointment later this Month when I meet with Dr. Kim for consultation about Results? 

So, dammit... I'm getting a Heart Monitor installed and having the damned Surgery... Le Sigh and not Thrilled.   But everything I'd Dr. Googled did say that if your Specialists insist it's necessary, it's definitely necessary and shouldn't be thought of as Elective Surgery.  And, dropping Dead right now would be mighty inconvenient.   So, on the 17th I go in, so, depending on how I Feel after it, I could be MIA from The Land for a Minute, we'll see.  It said Recovery should only take a Few Weeks and not a whole lot of Down Time unless you have complications.   So, hopefully that won't be the case.  You're to Rest for a few Days, so, chances are going to the Event will be out of the question, bummer.   Mebbe not, but I won't push myself either to do anything at all after any kind of Surgery.


The Man's Birthday is the Day After my Surgery, which is on Monday, due to The Grandchild not Working on a Monday.   So we'll probably Celebrate it instead the Weekend Before.   He won't mind and I do want him to have some enjoyable time and pick a Restaurant to go have his Birthday Luncheon at.   I don't know if the Kiddos are planning to do anything Special for him?   Then next Month is our Anniversary, he never remembers that one after he got the TBI.   But, like I said, I almost forgot about Valentine's Day this Year!!!  He always Jokes that he's been Married so long now to me that he'd of Served less Time for Murder.  *Bwahahahaha*   You should see the expression on People's Faces when he says that, in front of me, and they don't Get our Dark Gallow's Sic Sense of Humor.  *Winks*

I saw that ole fElon brought Three of his Kids and Two Babies Mamas to the Oval Office this time to meet with the President of India!  Strange, all of it very, very Strange.   The Orange Moron is mostly sitting like a mere Figurehead or First Lady and letting Unelected President Elon handle everything.  The Conflicts of Interest are blatant, along with other Quid Pro Quo and Extortion going on in the DOJ right now, the Criminal activity, Fraud and other Illegalities are brazen at this point.  They all should be doing serious Prison time for how many Laws are being broken and how much Grifting is robbing the Country and other Countries blind with the whole Long Con in full swing now, enriching themselves illegally and unconstitutionally.   With flooding the Zone with so much Criminality and disregard for the Rule of Law, the Court System can't keep pace with the flood now of Lawsuits, Appeals, Investigations.  Plus, most Policing Agency Leadership has been Fired already now and Principal Resignations are ramping up too.  

The Daughter is ramping up Housekeeping in the Main House here, and Decorating, Organizing and unpacking everything in the Art Studio Space and The RV Garage Mahal.  The progress and difference she's making is remarkable and a lot of hard Work she's invested in the doing of it.  I'm beyond Grateful coz I was overwhelmed and to the brink of giving up on any Goal Date since it was all more than I could do now and I had to Face that Fact.   She's stepped up and stepped in to do it for me and just ask for delegation when she's not sure what I might want, and some direction of the Vision I have, as we clear areas out and decide what's being Kept, Donated or Sold Off.   We are concerned when The Young Prince gets here with all his worldly possessions, how much disruption it will have to what's already been now accomplished?  Especially in the Art Studio Space he will occupy upon arrival and she'll move full time into the 5th Wheel RV.

 She is Decorating her Space in The RV 5th Wheel and trying to get a lot of her things out of the way for when her Son moves back in to what will be his Space, and will also allegedly serve as my Art Studio.  I never expected to have to give it up yet again, that's happened at the Historic Property Art Studio Cottage over the Years too.  At the Villa McManse, due to having a ridiculous amount of Space and Rooms, my Art Studio was only used for that Purpose, which was Nice while it lasted.   I know I can do my Art anywhere, but having a Space designated for it is more efficient and allows you to focus on it without interruption.  My Supplies will have to stay in there and The Young Prince will have to coexist where there is some Private Space for him, but has a significant amount of our stuff housed there coz it is our Home.   I forgot how much stuff he has or where we'd now put it all?  If he's not opposed to having some of it spread out we could more easily do that and enjoy it that way.

There's a lot of my stuff that the Kids and Princess T are using and I don't mind, it's still my stuff, but they have use for it and they live here, so, why not Share it?   There is also stuff I've given them that they asked if they could have it and I don't mind handing out Inheritance early and knowing what they most Cherish and want to Inherit.  My own Parents did that and it was Helpful to them, they had no Idea what we Cherished most and what we had no Attachments or Sentiments of otherwise, so, giving what we most wanted to Inherit while they were still among the Living made them Happy.  It makes me Happy too.  I have a lot and there's no U-Haul behind any Hearse.

I've told The Daughter what I'd like to remove from the Main House here and declutter this whole Main Living Space.   To give an easier and more efficient way to make it functional and to maintain it.  I don't know I'll get to Minimalistic levels, but, I do know I want to remove a lot of Excess that isn't necessary and streamline even Vignettes.  The Daughter is currently Deep Cleaning our Master Bathroom, she already did the Guest Bathroom.   She enjoys Deep Cleaning and I can't remember a time I ever got that thoroughly involved to the degree she does it, like a Professional Cleaning Service that would cost a lot to Hire on the Regular.  At our Age having Housekeeping and Help with Cooking and Groundskeeping is Priceless.   We all do our own Laundry and none of us leaves it undone for too long, so usually only have a Single Load apiece.


The Adorable Blast From The Past Imagery has been a lot of Fun to glean from the Photo Archives once they were Restored and accessible again.  Below is more Renaissance Pixs and parts of the Main House and then the Valentine's Day Photos of what The Man and I wanted, plus a couple of Old Photos of our Oldest Daughter who lives in Pittsburgh.   I Loved my Strawberries and Shared them with The Daughter and Princess T, they were excellent and getting them Half Price was a Deal.   I Hope you all have a Happy Valentine's Day and are good to yourselves during it...


Happy Valentine's Day 2025 my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Well better to be safe than sorry Dawn, we want you to be safe and stay around and keep around...and it sounds like you have a nice capable doctor. It could be worst. You could have Robert Kennedy Jr!!!!! LOL!!!!

    What a complete shit show trump and this administration is. The list is way to long to mention already. I have friends that voted for him and are already saying why did I vote for him, as they have already been screwed over by his very poor and radical decisions. And I just read the government bought $400,000 worth for Telsas for government cars. WHAT? HOW CONVENIENT IS THAT? If the dems had done any of this, the Party of Rot would have had a coronary. I hope every person that voted for this shit show feels it and gets what they deserve. And trust they will. In his days from New York, he is for himself and the rich, never pays outstanding bills, bankrupted most of his business ventures and backstabs and uses everyone till he done with them and then kicks them to the curb. I can't wait till he rips the country apart and leaves it shredded and takes most of the freedoms aways and services and then they will be bawling their eyes out, and I won't give two shits for them since they felt the need to vote for him, while knowing he bluntly said he'd be doing this. What stupid simple humans they are.

    1. Stupid Simple Humans sums it up, the Con was so obvious, yet they fell for it anyway like a bunch of Rubes. The $400,000 worth of Dumpster Teslas Cars have all kinds of problems which is why fElon can't Sell them to anyone and needed to unload them on the Government he's now grifting blatantly while pretending to "cut costs" and look for waste and fraud. The only waste, fraud and grifting going on is from them. Any time they've accused the other side of anything, it's a "Tell" that they are doing it themselves. And RFK Jr. in charge of Health is gonna be disastrous, even old Turtle Mitch couldn't get behind that nomination. All the Old eradicated Diseases will be back... Fun Times!!! I'm in complete agreement with you on everything you said, America will rue the day they put this Insane Clown Posse back in the White House and it's gonna get so bad their Great-Grandchildren's Generation won't be able to run enuf damage control behind what is being done.

    2. OOOps, I meant $400 MILLION Dollar Tesla Contract, not just Four Hundred Grand of those shitty Dumpster Vehicles.

  2. I am to the point where I want to stand in the streets and yell the F word. And did the Secy of Defense really say (in a speech this morning) that it would take 7 years to build up our military to be able to meet Russia in battle? Was he drunk?
    Sorry not sorry about the surgery date. What a bunch of hassle, but in the end I think your doctors know best. Fingers crossed on the test results.

    1. Mebbe he WAS Drunk, he is an Alcoholic after all and has been Drunk on previous Careers, so, would we be Surprised? Same if he starts being a Sex Offender on this Job, he was before, and what he was before is exactly what he is now and will always be. Eyes wide shut on nominating him for that Position, he never should have been approved... nor any of the others unqualified and with very sketchy pasts that should have disqualified them in any other Administration except this corrupt and Mental one. I think the Surgery is just something with risks either way, so, I'll trust the Specialist opinion about it for now.

  3. Hope everything goes well with the surgery and sounds like the reschedule is necessary. Do take care and see if you can get the posse to do everything else, and surgery is always an assault...on the systems. Hugs, Sandi

    1. Yes, there's risk either way with the Surgery Choice, so, to find out what could be Wrong and in an attempt to avoid having another Stroke or a Heart Attack, it just seems like something I should go ahead with. Right now I have no idea what's Wrong or what caused what happened before Christmas, so, I don't know what to do or what to avoid, since, I have no answers to any of the questions.

  4. It's good news you will have the surgery as it seems important. Musk found a loophole to become the president. Just buy off and then overwhelm a bumbling moron. When this is called a clown show, it means the Stephan King version. "IT"

    1. LOL yeah, definitely a Stephen King type of Horror of an Administration, you can't make this shit up, it's beyond incomprehensible and reprehensible. And fElon did find a way to have Presidential Power without being elected and not being born in the U.S.. And tho' I think it irks the Orange Moron that now he's the sidekick and not getting most of the Attention and accolades, since he Ego can't handle it, and, I think he really does know he's the bumbling Idiot in the Room when standing next to an Unstable Genius, he can't really run anything, he's just a consummate Conman and sustaining anything that requires actual experience and expertise, is out of his League completely. The 1st Administration lackeys and inner circle all came Clean about how utterly infantile and inept he was, only good at throwing tantrums, not in making sound policy or good decisions. They all know it, but are afraid... of his vengeful Nature and his Lunatic MAGA Base, who are a violence prone bunch with not a lot of Education overall to discern fact from fiction, bullshit from authenticity, and just feel they have a raw deal in Life so they want to desperately blame someone other than their own decisions in Life or the fact a great many have been groomed to be the permanent underclass of Society.

  5. I would prefer to have surgery and take care of any possibility of further issues.

    1. That's the conclusion I'd come to also Kathy, risk was involved whether I did not do it, or did it, so, better to do something that might at least identify whatever the issue might be so I know how to move forward the most responsibly. Right now I don't really know what to do or not to do and that's not conducive to preventing what happened from happening again. Mebbe it was a One Off, but, I kinda doubt it.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl