Thursday, February 13, 2025

Too Many Tiny Dragons ~ And The Long Con

*** Trigger Warning and Disclaimer for the Readers, Deeply Dark Post Ahead... even if the Pictures are Pretty***

It's the 13th, so let's go Dark shall we?   With just some Fluff so you're not slashing your Wrists from The Jump.  So, at the Renaissance Festival I took too many Pixs of Tiny Puppet Dragons, but, those Pixs all turned out good with no Lens Damage!  Go figure!!!  So, they will continue to be dispersed among the Future Posts as Visual Fantasy Fare Escapism, which, we all could use right now, No?  *Winks*  Every Day now I'm afraid of what Fuckery I'll hear has been done now, and so I have the TV just Off and am staying away from People and Social Media Sites for a Minute.  *LOL*  The MAGA seem to still be very Proud of what they Voted in and are rejoicing about all of it still.   So, my Opinion of all remaining Devoted now is, they're exactly like he is and actually want what he's doing, perhaps all of it!  I give them no further Benefits of any Doubts.  None whatsoever.  And I won't engage with any of them and their vile rhetoric.  They sicken me and I find them revolting and abhorrent Humans.

I had my last Stress Test this Morning and tho' it went Okay, it was a much tougher one to get thru for a variety of Reasons.   First, I woke with extreme Lower Back and Leg Pain, so there were no comfortable positions to be in.  Plus I'd been Caffeine Free for 24 Hours Plus, so that didn't Help my Countenance or Mood much.  *LOL*  I was Detoxing and it weren't no Fun to be going thru not only Caffeine Withdrawal, but be in significant Pain and have to then go thru Testing that wasn't Pleasant either.   Usually I can Soldier thru almost anything, but I was really struggling to hold my Mud and be Stoic.  The Injections they gave me for Round 2 were a lot more unpleasant than those for Round 1.  I felt very woozy and close to passing out plus short of breath but in a weird way.  They say that isn't unusual, so, I didn't panic, but, it wasn't easy to get thru without Tapping Out.

Then, it didn't move thru my System fast enuf, so we hadda do the Scan Twice!   Just once was uncomfortable enuf with my Back and Leg Pain going on to make holding still in an awkward position difficult.  By the 2nd time I really was almost having a Charlie Horse type Cramp from my Ass down to my Feet!   Good thing I've got a high threshold for Pain!  I was so Thankful the 2nd Scan had been good enuf.  *Whew*  I had a different Technician than The Silver Fox I'd had the day before.  This was a Middle Age plump and pleasant Gay Fella who was really Funny and that helped keep my Spirits up.  Since, nobody there seemed to know I wasn't having my Surgery on the 17th coz the Doc had Cancelled it, this Technician sympathized and said the Medical Community could do better with communication and consideration for Patients and their situations. Especially about Cancellations, lack of Transportation, after we prepare for the original Dates and have people helping us ask for and take the Time off Work too! 

Since it was their Doctor and Staff that had Cancelled the 17th Surgery after they set it up, I found it irritating that half their Staff hadn't even been told and the Hospital where the Surgery was to take place hadn't been told either.   Well, until I hadda inform everyone... of their Office Cancelling it a Week after setting it up and me having made all arrangements on my part... for nothing as it turns out!!!   Due to the Cancellation and being unable and unwilling to Re-Schedule, due to lack of Transportation and not wanting to have people miss more Work to Help me out!   That's all very confusing and not Okay, it's inconsiderate.   That level of confusion can filter all the way up to being Billed and having Insurance Problems if people aren't even sure what's being done and what never got done.   I won't even know really if they try to charge my Insurances for a Surgery that never happens?   Unless I get something thru the Mail from TriCare and United Healthcare Medicare Advantage, and then have the hassle to explain it all to them too?!

They Approved it being done with no hassles, but, if I'm not having it done then I don't want the Insurances being Billed for and Paying for something the Doc Cancelled and didn't do.   Anyway, I will be going back for the Results of all the Testing I've done all Week long, the Leg Vein Scans, the Heart Scans, to see if it turned anything up that's Wrong?   If it doesn't we're back to Square One really of not knowing how or why I even had a Stroke and also how and why I'm having Symptoms now I never had before it?   The Lower Back and Leg Pains are concerning only becoz it's something that previous wasn't problematic and now it really has become a problem as well.  Whether it has anything at all to do with my Blood Flow or Interior Clotting too, I just don't know yet?   We also don't know if my Heart is malfunctioning or not, or, in what way if it is?  So many Questions, No Answers so far.

After that Procedure I ran right out and got a Diet Coke Zero Fountain Drink at a Convenience Store... ahhhhh.   The Back and Leg Pain ceased, so The Man said mebbe my Arteries had constricted with Caffeine Withdrawal, who knows? So, at least now, no more Caffeine withdrawal Headache to suffer thru or Leg and Back Pain.  *Whew*   I'm not a Pussy about Pain, but when it's severe, well, it ain't no Fun.   And I'm not one to even wanna take an Aspirin for a Simple Headache... so I mos def will not take any Pain Management Meds, those Addictive Opioids are The Devil.   I just now realized I've always been spelling that Word wrong and leaving out an "i".  *LOL... Ooops*    And I'm JUST Cranky enuf that The Daughter's Friends who are blowing up my Phone coz hers is on the Fritz again have Worked my last Raw Nerve and I'm telling them not to call our Number anymore to reach her.  No more "Baby Reindeer" Phone Call Stalking, if she don't Answer a Call or nobody picks up, don't keep Calling like some fucking Psycho!   *LOL, Yeah, once you're ceasing to arouse my Pity and incite only Irritation, I'm letting you know!*  I'm not a fucking Receptionist or Telephone Messenger Service Switchboard Operator!!!

Seriously these Younger Generations rely too much on their Phones and calling one another all the time.  It's irritating as Fuck if they're Calling our Number to reach whoever ISN'T US!!!   The Man and I can't Handle the constant Interruptions and we're not some goddamned Answering Service for our Kids or Grandkids!   Vent Over.  *LOL*   The Man can't even get thru one of his Shows without that Phone ringing and that along with Telemarketing Calls makes him irritable to a degree I don't wanna have to Soothe and Calm him Down from either as his Caregiver.  We don't even like getting our own legit Calls, you hear me?  *Smiles*  We both just are NOT Phone People, often we'll deliberately leave our Cellphones at Home when we go out coz we don't wanna be bothered, we're doing something, we don't need Contact or an Electronic Leash.  If you got an Emergency, don't Call us, Dial 911!  *Winks*

It's a Pet Peeve of mine anyway when people are on their Phones whilst Driving.   I used to process all the Vehicular Homicides involving Idiots that are Texting and Driving, on their Phones and distracted whilst Driving, they're worse than Drunk or High Drivers!   If you don't have a Hands Free Device in your Vehicle, you have no business on the damned Phone until you're pulled over or stopped and out of the way of other Drivers and Pedestrians.  You're a Road Hazard and Dangerous otherwise.  And when out Shopping, People on the Phone often get in everyone's way coz they aren't paying attention to their surroundings.  Or, they're checking out while on the Phone and holding everyone up coz they should be giving what they are DOING more Attention than a Phone Call, which can wait until they're not at a Register Checking Out.  It won't Kill them not to answer a Call or to tell a Caller it's a bad time and they'll call them back.   If you have to take said Call, get out of Line and do it.  And, don't be making Personal Calls at Work, it's Unprofessional and Customer Service and your Employer suffer for the distraction it creates.

Okay, Tech Rant now over too... I'm not quite thru with my first Caffeinated Drink in a 24 Hour Plus Period, so I should be Calmer soon.  *Bwahahahaha and Winks*  Princess T had told me that some of the Mexican Ladies she has Training her to Tag got mad coz she did some of it Wrong.  She's just Learning, and said she was Sorry for making a Mistake, but they were rudely talking about her in Spanish, thinking she didn't know what they were saying, and it almost made her Cry.  They've been Nice to her up 'til then, so she said it was surprising that they were calling her a Bendeja and Being Mean Gals... and she knows that's the Female version for Moron or Ass, translation to English, she's not Stupid.  Her Dad and all her Siblings in Mexico speak Spanish and we have plenty of Bilingual Friends, so we all know some Spanish and her Mom is fluent and Bilingual now too.   Plus, these Women know she's Latina, but, they're assuming she doesn't Understand Spanish, clearly, their Mistake. 

Anyway, I did make her Laugh about it when she told me, I told her to point them Bitches out and I'll go Ham on them in the Parking Lot, mebbe even run 'em over.  *LMAO*   She was Laughing so hard, but wouldn't dare point 'em out either, she knows how I am!  *Winks*   I remember some Spanish Speakers at the DA's Office thinking they were being Clever talking Smack about Co-Workers they assumed didn't understand what they were saying in their presence.  Well, I let them get away with it for about Three Days, pretending I didn't Understand, so they'd dig themselves in deep.  *Evil Snicker*   Then let them have it in English and told them that if they didn't want me telling the Boss and all their other Co-Workers what they'd been saying and talking Smack about everyone like Cowards, by not saying it in English, they better fucking knock it off.  

Well, they were shitting Kittens that I had understood all the Smack Talk and Silently just Listened in to what incriminating shit talk would come back now to bite them in the Ass coz they Hung themselves.   So, that ended that bullshit immediately, didn't it?   *Winks and Smiles*   I'll go Ham on a Bitch in a Heartbeat and everyone knows that about me.  *Bwahahahaha*   It's Unprofessional, Rude and Ignorant to be calling a Co-Worker out of Name on the Job and Offensively in any Language.  It could get them Fired and tho' the Granddaughter doesn't want any Trouble, she no longer wants to Work with those Women in their Department becoz she no longer has Trust or Respect for them either.   Don't pretend to be Nice and then expect anyone to buy how Fake you really are and maintain any Respect or Trust for you, they won't.  

 She's a hard Worker but she is in Training for certain New Tasks and Positions they want her to Learn, and will make some Mistakes.  She's also a Special Needs Teen, so is Sensitive about that and Management know she is Special Needs and has accommodated her very Graciously.   So she did go to her Boss and say the Co-Workers Training her seemed to get upset she made Mistakes while in Training and she apologized, but, mebbe should be moved if they feel some kind of way about her ability to catch on so quickly?  She didn't go into details about them Offending her in another Language.  She does catch on pretty quick to most things, but she does have a Learning Disability and was in Special Ed, so some things take her a little more time, once she grasps it tho', she's very dedicated and works with Excellence in whatever she's doing.

I did ask her NOT to tell her Mom about the incident, coz, well, you know.  *Bwahahahahaha*   Those Women would be in peril for what they foolishly said to her Child!!!   The Daughter will go Psycho Postal Hood on them for sure, she'd have no problem getting arrested for fucking them up either.   In Life you Need to be Careful and Mindful of who you Offend, coz to Disrespect some folks or those they Care about is downright perilous and a Boundary you dare not Cross, or do so at your own peril!  *LOL*   So, anyway, if it persists I told Princess T she must mention it to her Supervisor, who is a Good Guy and runs a Tight Ship and has let people go for far less infractions if they can't get along and Play Well with others or aren't up to the Job.   Management really Like The Granddaughter and they really Like me too.  *Winks*  In fact, they were the ones who approached me about Hiring the Granddaughter before she even Graduated.  I'm in Good with their Upper Management there.  I know how to Cultivate my Contacts.  *Double Winks*

In fact, I Sincerely complimented the Young Staff and Management there for how well run the place is and how good a Job they all are doing.  It's part of the reason Why I told Princess T it would be a good starting point to begin Working for Pay there, coz their Team is top notch there and very Nice People overall.  Now, I don't know all the People, especially those in the back and the ones who don't speak or understand much English.  So, I don't know about those Employees except for what the other Employees, including my Grandchild, tell me.  I do know one of the Young Mexican Gals up Front whose in Management and Adores me, has told me there are some Problem People in the back... so she may be eluding to the ones giving Princess T a hard time?  Coz when Princess T has told her some People are hard to Work with, she knows instantly who she's talking about.  Coz, they've also almost made this Lovely Young Woman Cry, and she's Bilingual.  So, I suspect she's overheard some things said about her too that were Hurtful... whether in English or Spanish?

I told Princess T that in Life some People are just Natural Born Assholes and Fake as Fuck, it's just how they are and always will be.   I've had to Work with my fair share of them.  Or have to tell Management I will not Work with The Problem People unless and until they Deal with them.  It's up to Upper Management to put the Problem People In Check and Manage them so they're NOT a Problem for everyone else and Negatively impacting Production and Efficiency, or causing Good Workers to Quit, becoz nobody wants to Work with them.  At the Antique Mall the Upper Management knows who I refuse to Work with and they know Why.  If they don't Deal with it, or have the Courage to Confront it, Fine, just don't expect to put me on Shift with a Problem Person or you will have a Situation, Count on it.   It has happened.  It rarely has to happen Twice with the same Problem Person.    Let's just say the ones who WERE a Problem, no longer are around me, and I can now Work a Shift with them with no nonsense.   Even if they're still a Problem with everyone else. *Smiles and Winks* 

I know my Value as an Employee, I am Professional and can and will Work with anyone, so long as they aren't a Problem and Negatively Impact me while I'm on the Clock.   I don't like Slackers and if someone isn't up to a Job, or can't seem to get along and Play Well with others, then get another one.  They're still making Jobs, mebbe you'll find one you can actually perform and with Co-Workers who can tolerate how you are?  *LOL*   With some folks I think they will have a problem and be a problem anywhere they go actually, either due to Poor Work Ethic or deplorable behavior and questionable Character.  They'll be themselves where ever they go and where ever they are, most will blame everyone but themselves as to Why then Life doesn't Work Out for them and no Job either.  *Eye Roll*  I just won't tolerate a Shitshow on any Job.

So, anyone Working for this Administration realizes whose the Ringmaster of that Shitshow Circus and Insane Clown Posse of Characters and Hangers-On.   Which is Why you see none of the First Administration in there, they at least Came Clean about what a Cluster Fuck it was and that it should never happen again.  But, nobody Listened to the Initial Inner Circle of Shitshow 1.0, so now we have a New Cast of Characters for Shitshow 2.0 and it's playing out much the same.  Only far more unhinged and openly Sinister this time around and Corruption infiltrated everywhere by a Career Criminal Element and Deeper Pockets wanting to Line themselves further and feel they're all Above The Law.  If you rig the DOJ and get it infiltrated with Corrupt Characters, then Justice won't be Served at all, on Purpose.

Enuf of that tho', those that already know don't Need to hear it or be convinced, those that don't wanna hear it or be convinced will go with it all the way over the Cliff and into the Abyss by Choice, they're a Lost Cause and deserve whatever happens to them, however ill fated.  Don't even Pity them, they chose their Poison willingly.  I don't pretend to understand how people get to the place where they choose and even prefer a Leader who is brazenly corrupt and evil, but, here we now are.  I have to just conclude they are more like him and totally approve of everything corrupt and evil themselves, so, whatever fate awaits aligning with Devils, and selling their Souls to one, so be it for them.  I just Wonder how many of them will beg for Mercy and Forgiveness when they have Buyer's Remorse?

I did finally find a Pix of my Godson with his Gramma, Aunt and his Fiance, they may even be Married by now.   He does Life Flights for a Living and we're really Proud of him.   He's always been a Good Kid and he's turned out exceptionally Well, so I know his Gramma, Mom, Aunts and Uncles are Proud of him too.   I have no Word yet on the Status of my Friend or if she's still Hospitalized, or if they found out what was even Wrong yet?   And Below is another Pix of my Friend with her Youngest, during better times.   I've been adding to my Photo Archives with Pixs Friends and extended Family have been sending me that I didn't already have.   When the Niece gets here with The Young Prince I do Plan to have her save them all to that USB Flash Disc she bought for me but I don't know how to use.   I'd like to bulk load them onto it and Hope you don't have to do it One Pix at a time, coz I got Thousands of Images I want Saved.  *LOL* 

The Niece did get hold of me later Tonight and said her Mom and Family are still waiting on what the Specialists say, so far, I guess they haven't told them anything conclusive.   I'm assuming her Mom is still Hospitalized and not doing any better, which is concerning, they cannot Treat her effectively if they don't even know what is Wrong.   So, I really do Hope they get some Answers soon.  Of coarse I'm kinda in a similar situation, not knowing.   Tho' Thankfully not in bad shape enuf to remain Hospitalized, so I'm Thankful of the Recovery I've already attained.  But, it's not as if by the time you attain Old Age it doesn't come with some deterioration that is Age related and kinda expected to some degree.  Even people I know who've always taken good Care of themselves often find themselves with Advanced Aging issues or catastrophic Medical Conditions, even if they've done everything Right.

Above is an Old Friend from High School, Anandha Ray, she still looks Amazing even tho' she's in her late 60's now.  She has always been a Dancer and I remember after High School she went to live at an Ashram.  She was even more of a Hippie than Yours Truly, so, in High School, especially here in Phoenix, that made you an Oddball and more of an Outcast.  In Europe it was more prevalent and acceptable at my High School, I'd say at least 1/3 of us were Hippies, less so here in Arizona.  So, it was nice to meet some Kindred Spirits once I Moved here in my Senior Year of High School.  Anandha epitomized the Free Spirited Lifestyle and she Lived for Dancing and was so Graceful.  She still has lived a Lifetime of Dancing and Choreography, staying True to Self.  She's a Beautiful Spirit.   She's had Career related injuries as she's gotten Older tho', it happens.

When we picked Princess T up from Work on Wednesday, her Chazza had some Essential Oils {8 Pac} and Floral Infused Bath Salts {3 Pac in Apothecary Bottles.}, Brand New still in their Packaging, so I got both.   They had a large Bronzed Signed Pottery Art Vase I got too.   Princess T got some Clothes, Ed Hardy and Harley Davidson Brand Tank tops and Pajama Pants.  She got an Anime Onesie too, that didn't quite fit well when she got it Home, but it'll do for Sleeping in, the Arms and Legs on it are Short, like it should have been in the Children's Section instead of the Women's Section.  The Body of it fits her, but the Arms and Legs are Child length for about a 12-14 Year Old.   I got a couple of Books for my Library and some Pokemon Plush Toys for Resale.   Finally, some SPIRIT Store brand New Halloween items.

Now that our Weather turned shitty I don't wanna be out in it at all unless I have to be.  I don't have to be now that all of this Week's Appointments are complete.   Next Week is one of my fav Events and they're having the Theme of "Gardenology" to prepare for Spring.  So far the Sneak Peeks on their Book of Faces Biz Page look like it will Inspire for Spring Decorating.   Last Month I bought nothing at any Event attended and the same will have to hold True this Month as well due to Budget challenges, like we're all seeming to have with the Issues of Life plus Economic downturn that looks like it'll go right off a Cliff and not turn around under this Administration's poor Leadership and skewed Priorities thus far.   The Promises of the Economy being their Primary Priority and objective was all a sham, and most of us saw thru the bullshit they wouldn't be able to deliver.  Probably had zero intention of making it a priority at all actually.  An Oligarchy cares not about the average Citizen... if told they're Starving, their response would be let them Eat Cake.

Plus, I haven't heard any Real Policy, just a Revenge and Retribution Promise and the utter dismantling of a Democracy.  So that the People no longer have a Voice or Freedom, and so many willingly gave it away and naively think they'll be better off for it, Moronic, but, here we now are.   I think it is so very Strange that Elon takes that Kid of his everywhere, what, he can't afford a Babysitter?  Or, is the Baby's Mama unable to gain access to her Child, Little X, or whatever he's called?  When they had that ridiculous Oval Office Question & Answer Weird Press Conference, there was the Kiddo sitting on the Floor as if the Resolute Office is some very Strange Day Care for Toddlers of Billionaires now?   Strange indeed, but they're all very Weird.  Elon was dressed Weird, wearing an Ensemble that reminded me of Austin Powers Dr. Evil, but Black instead of Grey. *LMAOROTF*

I know he's seriously Autistic, but, he's acting very Cyborg like in Actions and Speech and the whole Robotic countenance is concerning, no matter how Intelligent and Rich he is.   Mood Instability and Meltdowns are Common, they typically have Executive Function Issues and difficulty understanding how others Think and Feel.   I've Raised an Autistic Child who is now about Elon's Age and pretty High Functional too.  But, Managing or having any kind of Relationship with someone with significant Autism is no easy task and there is no 'Cure'.  Under certain Stressors in unfamiliar Territory and rapid Changes, ole Elon could short circuit in a big way and it won't be Pretty.   With an unhinged seriously Cognitive Declining soon to be Octogenarian Sociopath, does anyone NOT have concerns about this Union and Partnership going completely Off Rails?   I mean, what could go Wrong?  *Eye Roll*   And No, I Can't Let That Shit Go.  It would be foolishness to just shrug and say, Good Luck with that America and we just Hope it all Works Out!  I see us falling apart and going rouge with Power Drunk Leadership. 

I do have Seriously Bad Premonitions of how this will all play out, not just Nationally, but, Globally.  So the doing of everyday Normal things seems quite Pointless lately to me, they're not gonna matter.  Sure, some brief Escapism helps get my Mind off it for a Minute.  Some Fluff of Life Posts are irrelevant Blog Fodder for a handy distraction and giving it a Rest, both for you Dear Readers and for myself.   But even Sleeping is being interrupted by Visions that won't just go away and none of them is good, it's all ominous and deeply disturbing.  Very few people want to have Dialogue about any of it, so it's like they're not acknowledging a cataclysmic shift that will impact all of us.  I find that almost as troubling as the Premonitions.  How few are Dialed In to what's happening in Real Time and seem oblivious on purpose.   So, sometimes I just Write it here to Document at least part of it as a Warning few are taking. 

I'm an Old Woman and The Man and I have had a good run and our Health is in decline, so it won't matter so much to us really.  So, my deepest concerns are not for ourselves, but for our Children, Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren.   Their Future is not looking good at all... and all of their Generations deserve better than what's coming and isn't being prevented at all.   I don't know how many fellow Bloggers get a sense of any of this too.   I certainly enjoy The Land of Blog tremendously but most Posts tend to be a disconnect from what's actually going on.  So, it's mostly a Land of Escapism or Obliviousness I guess.  Which is Fine, coz this isn't the Real World, it's a Cyber World each of us can Create in whatever Image we wanna go on any given Day.   And that's Okay, it has it's Purpose and place, like Books with Pictures and Stories, which can be Fiction or Non-Fiction as the Writers dictate. 

The Son got somewhat upset with me on Wednesday Afternoon when my 2nd Stress Test hadn't gone so Well and I just really didn't Care and was finding levity in it all.  You're not taking any of this Seriously Mom, you could Die... and, I didn't dispute that observation only because it doesn't matter.   If the Future of America and even the World is as I've Seen in my Premonitions, whether I'm here to personally Witness the unspeakable does NOT matter to me actually.   I think anyone mercifully Crossing Over is probably gonna be better off and frankly that's just unfortunate to have to even say out loud, so I don't, but, I do Write it here since... it's the unspeakable that nobody wants to Hear or acknowledge and I know this.   So, if they don't wanna Read it either, Fine, I don't really even Care coz what's coming is coming, whether it's acknowledged or taken Seriously, or NOT.  Whatever.  Too many Tiny Dragons... and the desperate NEED for Fantasy Fare Escapism is so obvious, isn't it?

I'm at Peace with whatever my Fate is, I don't know too many people who might be tho' when the shit hits the Fan in a way unfathomable.  I know the only Person whose been able to See some similar Vision has been The Young Prince.  Becoz of his SMI he said he knows nobody would take him Seriously, but that he's glad he's not brought any Children into this World becoz there is no Future for them worth having and he doesn't even wanna still be here for any of what's coming.  Granted, I always try to lift him out of that Dark Place becoz he's Young and should have lots to Live for.   Yet, he's having Visions so similar to those I've been having that I couldn't Imagine having them at his Season of Life rather than my own.  It would be way more Tormenting and even more Deeply Disturbing.   How many Years will the Future Generations have to live with whatever Fresh Hell awaits them?  I don't even like to Think about it.


I almost Feel quite disingenuous when I'm even Posting Fluff of Life shit now, to offer up Welcome distractions and avoid the Elephant in the Room, just standing there in front of us all, pretending not to notice it or Talk about it.   Is it a friendlier Asian Elephant that People have Tamed or the more Dangerous African Elephant that has always been too Wild and Unpredictable?   There's a reason you never see African Elephants in the Zoos, Circus or being used in Countries that have Domesticated that Species to do Work with.   A smaller African Subspecies, now Extinct, was used by Humans, but, they're also now Extinct.  It's always the Asian Elephants with the smaller Ears that you've always seen in our Lifetimes.   Asian Elephants have been used as Beasts of Burden since the Bronze Age, but with African Elephants that has always led to failure.   

Asian Elephants Social Structure is more Egalitarian, the Social Structure of the African Elephant being rigid and a clearer Hierarchy.  It's interesting from the perspective of the Elephant in the Room analogy Humans use.  What kind of Elephant is in the Room, might be therefore Important and a distinction.  *Winks*   I think the Elephant in the Room right now is probably more like the African Elephant in temperament and unpredictability of the Threat it presents, when, it's there, in the Room with us.   And I also can't help but make an analogy of the Bull in a China Shop distinction as well, why not?   Coz, a Bull in a China Shop will break everything and then nothing will be able to be Sold.   America has invited the African Elephant into the Room AND the Bull into the China Shop, so, now what do we expect to happen?   Good things?

Okay, so, enuf of that Ray of fucking Sunshine Stuff or you'll Feel rather like the above Image, am I Right?   *Bwahahahaha*   I have usually faced Life and the Issues of it with Guarded Optimism and not a Fatalist Mentality, but, shit, I'm quickly becoming a Fatalist at this juncture, I ain't gonna Lie.   Never thought I'd get there, but, here I now am.   The actual definition of a Fatalist now... Splendid.   Did I think things could be changed and turned around as recently as late 2024, Yes.  Now, NO.  And, that's where I'll just Leave it and now move on to pointless irrelevant shit that almost means nothing to me now... but, whatever.  Makes for more pleasant Reading and Escapism, so, why not?  I prefer not to Fixate and become Obsessed with Nostradamic type Warnings that run you all off Screaming.  *Winks* 


I'm already doing that with my Son... I think it just Scares him when he knows I can't just ignore any of this and let it Go.  Just Block the Premonitions Mom, Please!!!!!!!!!  He wants me to becoz he said if I'm Right, there's nothing we can do about it.   And, if I'm Wrong, well I Scared the shit out of us for nothing.   And so, we just don't have Dialogue about any of it, becoz, he could be Right.   Either way... you know?   I suppose I'd rather Believe there is a slim chance of some Guarded Optimism still left.   Since, that was my usual State of Being and I strongly had Belief in it's existence.  HAD being that Detail Word. Hope is a good thing and Hopelessness is not, after all.   Not sure I can muster false Hope that I'm just not Feeling tho'?   Trying to tho'.   The same with Believing it's not Pointless, even tho', well, it probably is and Ms. Moon and I could be Right about that too?   Guess we'll all wait and just see.

I'm taking whatever is coming out of Washington, DC quite Literally now.  You almost have to becoz even the Crazier shit that seems like we shouldn't take Seriously, we probably definitely should.  It sounds ludicrous to a Sane Person that he wants to make Canada the 51st State, he wants the Panama Canal, he wants Greenland, he wants to make Gaza his newest tRump Resort.   God knows what else he wants now he's Power Drunk and conspiring with the likes of Putin and other very Bad Actors who are also Power Drunk and want World Domination?  That IS the direction America is now going, or, haven't you Noticed and been Paying Attention?   I was Wondering about Greenland, that one initially didn't make Sense to me as to Why Greenland?  

Folks have been talking about Strategic Location and all, but it wasn't 'til I saw a recent new Reality Show that I realized what Rich Resources it has, such as Oil and Gas Deposits, and like Gold and Rubies, that right now, are strictly enforced and limited to be able to Mine in an Environmentally Conscious and responsible way.   And being as Transactional as he is, and Environmentally Unconscious, I knew there had to be a Money Angle to it.   What Exploitable Natural Resources do these places, any of them, hold, to get Rich on... coz that's the whole Point with this Guy and his Entourage, the Big Grift, hey, we could go Global with it and have unrestricted access if we go all Imperialist.   Yeah, that's The Long Con my Friends.


Ray of fucking Sunshine Dawn... The Dark Bohemian


  1. I will admit I only read half this post and then I got creeped out by the snake. I hate snakes. Anyway, I wanted to comment about not giving wanting to engage with MAGA fans anymore. I wanted to find out what they were being told about Musk so I watched several hours of FOX News one night and it was like we are living in two different worlds. It was the day there were protects all across the country over cutting funding to USAid and they never mentioned those protests. Instead they were praising Musk for finding so much "fraud" and they had a rolling list playing behind the pundit of things he was cutting out and every other one had either DEI or Transgender in the so-called cut programs follower by how many billions he was saving in the federal budget. Totally made up bullshit. I still blame those MAGA fans for not seeing through Musk and Trump.

    1. That's why it's a Long Con my Friend, that's how one works effectively to pull off. The very end of this Wordy Post went into more details, but I totally understand it was a tough Read and Snakes Alive, Anandha's Dance Routine with her Reptilian Friend would not be something you could enjoy. *LOL*

  2. with you on this. We are in serious trouble and it seems there is fiddling while the USA burns. They are ignoring the courts. They will continue to ignore them. Putin has two of them on speed dial.I am very fearful of what is right around the corner. They will likely have total control within a couple of months. If there is no respect for law, for order, for the constitution, what then? I don't know. What I do know is if they follow through with eliminating social programs there will be hundreds of million people in dire trouble. I'm another ray of sunshine, Dawn.

    1. It is rather like the Movie theme of "The Purge" dystopian action horror Series, only probably far more Sinister a Reality than that Fictional American anthology. Their Lust for World Domination and Partnering with other Fascist Dictators is ominous. Singularly they'd fail, Collectively they could pull off the Long Con effectively since it is going how that is just done successfully. They knew their targeted Marks, just like some other heinous Historical Figures have, and then they always have the Victims List of who they want to just handily eliminate so there will be no Resistance.

  3. Dealing with pain, uncertainty, and medical frustrations on top of everything else sounds incredibly tough. I hope you get some real answers soon and that relief comes your way. Please take care of yourself!"

    1. Thank You, it is a lot going on at once. The Cardiologist Office called Today and told me they reconsidered and will do the Surgery now as originally planned. I had told them I would not re-schedule if Dr. Kim wouldn't or couldn't do it on the Date they had originally scheduled it and I made plans for, and they felt it is necessary so will accommodate our situation. I feel somewhat conflicted about the whole thing but agreed if it's necessary, I would agree to have it done.

  4. I stopped watching the news a few years ago and on Social Media I block anyone who spouts a bunch of MAGA BS because I don't want to see it. I can click on articles I want to read on Twitter and other social media and my brother tells me everything I need to hear about Trump since he voted for him. So there's no need for me to read anything about him.

    Dealing with pain, illnesses and stress like you are it's no wonder you're fed up.

    It's not just the younger generation who are stuck to their phones. My brother is just 2 years younger than me and he's so crazy about his phone. I'm turning 55 this month. I don't always have my phone on me and if he can't get a hold of me when he wants he calls my daughter at work and tells her to call me through the ALexa and tell me to call him. It's not even an emergency! lol

    1. That's the irritant to me too Mary, it's not even an emergency yet they blow up your phone as if there's urgency! I don't want 20 Calls from the same Individual, if we did not answer that many times, clearly we either can't or don't want to take the Call right now, respect that. And when you're not even calling the Person's Number you want to reach, it's presumptuous to tie up someone else's time and phone as if they're a Switchboard Operator. I got too much I'm doing to be constantly interrupted even by my own Phone Calls. I'm glad none of my Family are MAGA but The Man's side of the Family are mostly all MAGA, except for him. I sometimes joke with him if he was perhaps Adopted or the Mailman's Kid coz he's so unlike the rest of his blood Relatives. *LOL* I limit exposure to the Regime Coverage becoz it's all so bad and beyond vile and blatantly corrupt, with so much conflict of interest and fraud that they all should be doing serious Prison Time.

  5. I saw the video of Musk's kid in the Oval Office. If he actually told Trump to hush his fucking mouth, I am torn betwen backhanding himn into teh middle of next week and giving him the Order of Canada.
    I do hope they sort out your medical problems soon. all that ectra stress is doing you no good.
    We are staring into the abyss and the abyss is staring back. Trump has trown Ukraine under the bus unless he gets full access to all their minerals to pay america back for the billions they spent protecting the country. Europe out spent America by multiples of 4 or 5. America's arms contribution was mainly a gift to their military industrial compact that was then paid too build new versions.
    I too am prepared to move on to Valhalla but to paraphrase St Augustine, not just yet.

    1. This time with the President of India in the Oval Office, fElon brought Three of his Kids and Two Babies Mamas... very Strange... ALL of it. So much blatant conflict of interest, quid pro quo going on, criminal activity and obvious corruption and illegalities, they all should be doing serious Prison Time. The Long Con is in full swing and they're extorting every other major Ally and all of Corporate America as well. The Surgery is back on, I've gone into more detail in the Valentine's Day Post which should Publish Tomorrow. I'd made it clear that if Dr. Kim could not honor the original scheduling, I wasn't re-scheduling or having it done. I am conflicted about having any Surgeries with any risks, my Family is dependent upon me so I can't have a bad outcome from something Elective. And Yes, I'd paraphrase St. Augustine too, should The Lord be ready for me, I'm already packed. Since, staring into the Abyss as it stares back at us, has been a lot to unpack. What the Future looks like in my Premonitions is not something I personally want to have to try to get thru and have that kind of an Ending. I am glad my Dear Parents never lived to see this America we are now becoming.

  6. I think I responded to the first comment Harry that you left Anonymously and glad you now gave me a link to come visit your Blogger Space too.

  7. I am optimistic by nature, but current events are scaring me.

    1. They are so beyond scary that anyone unafraid is a fool...if you can't discern danger then natural selection will take you out... Dawn the Bohemian


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl