I'm having a lot of Fun looking more closely at my downloaded images taken of the Fabulous Art Quilt Squares of the "Toward 2050" Environmental and Social Issues Exhibit at The Desert Botanical Gardens. It was hard to look at any of the Quilt Squares in detail with the Wind whipping them fiercely and trying to just Photograph them, get thru that Maze, and Exit in less than 2 Hours. *LOL* This is why the first nice day I plan to go back and look at more of them at leisure and take my time Photographing some more in better Weather. Both for Inspiration and Blog Fodder, since, I think it makes for some nice Visual Eye Candy that is Uplifting and Positive in these Troubled Times we're moving thru collectively. I don't know how such heavily peppered Post Artsy Visuals will be received by Dear Readers? I do Hope it's enjoyable Visually for you, as much as it has been for Yours Truly. I Love Art and often have Lived and Breathed it.
By Friday Night I had to call and cancel my Shift I agreed to Work, just too much was going on with The Man having Congestive Heart Failure and being Hospitalized for me to juggle a Shift too. We don't know how long he'll be Hospitalized, they are going to do more Tests and were having trouble getting a Room, so, they must be slammed with In Patient Admissions! The Daughter and Mando went for a visit first and I am going a little later on {it's still Friday}, since, I don't have to worry about going in to work and the Kiddos even picked Princess T up from Work for me. I am pretty Stressed Out, it worries me that his Health is worsening and there's nothing really we can do about it. No amount of Caregiving is going to reverse the condition he's in or improve it that much, if at all. It makes you feel quite Powerless and inadequate, it's scary.
It is said that Anger is just Fear in disguise and that's True, I find myself getting Angry about what I can't do anything about and have zero Control over. I recognize my own limitations and they're becoming more evident. I don't like just having to watch someone get worse that I Love and be able to do absolutely nothing. But am tasked with their Care, as inadequate as I feel it is to meet them at their Point of Need. Family Caregiving truly has the level of commitment and Care that a Stranger probably couldn't or wouldn't give any Client they get Paid to be a Caregiver of... but, they might be Trained Professionals and I know I'm not. And at times you second guess yourself about whether you're up to the Job, or doing the Right thing, when you're winging it most of the time... and making things up to see if this or that will Help or Work? I do get upset at times when The Man is difficult or Testing the limits of my patience and endurance.
You do get weary and worn out, overly Tired and not adequately getting your own Rest, or being able to take Care of yourself to the degree you know you should. It seems when you're spent is when the Crisis always seem to happen and you just don't have it in you. I'm glad I have backup now with the Kids, Grandkid and their Friends that have assisted, or, I would probably fold up under the responsibility being too much now. LATER: I visited The Man, he was still in the ER since at 5:00 p.m. there still were no Rooms available!!! I got him a Dinner tho', they'd had him Fasting since last Night due to a Stress Test that hasn't been done yet. So, I explained he's an Insulin Diabetic and can't go without eating this long, so he had a very nice Dinner delivered to him in the ER. And promptly after eating it fell Asleep. He's stable right now, which was a relief, and in good Spirits, also a relief.
He wasn't happy that he doesn't have a TV yet where he's at. *LOL* So, he's missing all his shows, an added interruption in his Routine, which, for someone with TBI and Dementia, is a Big Deal. Bigger than having Congestive Heart Failure as far as he's concerned. *Smiles* So, he wanted to go Home, but of coarse they're not gonna let him do that. He was trying to convince the Nurse he was "Just Fine" until I looked over my Cellphone at him, she saw him looking at me, looked at me herself and burst out Laughing. I didn't need Words to convey, hey, let's not tell Stories now... *Bwahahahaha* He then came Clean and told her he was feeling a little better than when he came in and before they gave him Nitro and some other Heart Meds... but, that he really wasn't "Fine". Yeah. This is why he needs Supervision, he'd tell Stories like a small Child. *Winks*
I sat with him for about an Hour and then once he dozed off to Sleep I left and went Home. I didn't feel as wound up seeing that he was doing better than when he left the House last Night to be rushed to the ER. So, that gave me more of a Peace about his condition and that he's now stabilized. I just Hope they get him into a Room soon, the ER is pretty noisy so it's not easy to get any real Rest there or be monitored as closely as he'd be in Cardiac ICU. Abrazo is a Chest Pain and Stroke Center tho' so he'll get the best Care of any Hospital nearby. I got excellent Care there and their Meals are very good. He had Turkey, Stuffing and Gravy over Rice Pilaf with a side of Orange Jello and some Apple Juice, so he was Happy as a Clam at High Tide with his Meal. Even tho' it wasn't very much Gravy, mebbe a couple Tablespoons, it was still Gravy, so color him Happy. And it did smell very good. *Winks*
As it turns out I'm really GLAD I didn't go in for this Shift and had to cancel doing it on account of The Man's Medical Emergency. They are having a 3 Day Sale and I wouldn't be up to that level of Crazy Busy yet anyway. I'm supposed to be taking it easy and when they called and asked me to fill in, they neglected to say it was a Sale Day or I wouldn't have accepted. So, it wasn't meant to be and I'm able to now rest Tonight and relax from all the latest Personal Stressors. The Son is busy trimming my Hedges right now. With being off Work Today he had time to help around here. His Sister had deep Cleaned the Bathrooms again and her Friend Mando had done other Yardwork, so everything is ship shape. Princess T is hanging out with Rusty, she's been worried about her Grandpa, so it's stressing her out to know he's Hospitalized.
The Man called me at 6:30 p.m. to let me know he'd finally gotten a Room in Cardiac Care, which is a relief. He'll be monitored more closely now, get his Meals on time, his Meds on time, and be able to watch TV and rest in a less traffic area. The ER is a high traffic area and so noisy, it was too much sensory overload for him, especially alone, since we couldn't stand vigil constantly, tho' we took turns going to the Hospital and being Bedside with him as much as we could, in Shifts. Now that he has a TV to watch he'll be Golden, so long as he's not missing his Shows his Routine isn't as interrupted, which keeps him Calmer. People with TBI and Dementia really don't function well with an interruption in their Routines. Keeping some Routine is Helpful and he does like the Attention that Hospital Staff give him.
I was gonna watch some more of my LOST Season 6 Episodes but never got around to it, so I dunno if I will or not? I watched some of The News, of coarse none of it is Good. Now this Regime wants to re-enact the obscure 1700's Law that was used in WWII to put Japanese Americans in Interment Camps!!! Those kinds of Atrocities never Age Well and of coarse the American Government had to issue a formal apology to the Japanese Victims of such Racial persecution and rounding American Citizens up and putting them in Concentration like Camps, plus pay reparations to them after the War. Just WTF, we want to revisit that part of America's Dark History again too?! They already floated the Idea to make Native Americans Non-Citizens of their own Land stolen from them... so, clearly Ethnic Cleansing and perhaps another Genocide Attempt in America is now being floated as well by Hair Furor... Splendid!!! And any American Supporting such Atrocities against Humanity should be labeled a Domestic Terrorist IMO, that's how Terrorists behave.
Each News Cycle it's like 20 more Inhumane and Illegal things they've Dreamed up to do to either Innocent American Citizens or our Allies!!! And the Echo Chamber the MAGA reside in is so out of touch and untethered to Reality or Sanity now that they're as Sick as their Orange Savior they've chosen as their demented Messiah. His latest prolonged speech at the DOJ was as unhinged as it gets, he worsens with each public Spectacle he is in front of the Cameras on! Anyone who watches that and cheers or says they can make Sense of any of it, is Mental. Anyway, I turned off the News after just brief intervals, I can only expose myself to brief interludes of keeping informed enough, you know? I did hear that our Arizona Renaissance Festival had a Fire just Two Days ago. Luckily it was late at Night, nobody was hurt and only a Metal Commercial Storage Building was Lost, so no interruption in the Festival, which runs all Month on the Weekends. *Whew*
I had intended to perhaps attend once more this Month if The Young Prince made it back to Arizona before EOM, but it's looking less likely now. He Loves the Renaissance Festivals but hasn't been able to go for a few Years now. I enjoyed our visit this Year with the Kids and Granddaughter. We went on Superbowl Sunday. The Man stayed Home to watch the Game, the Festival wasn't as crowded since many Guys apparently did the same. Which was our Plan. *Winks* We actually got Home in time for The Son to also watch the Superbowl, tho' he's not really a rabid Sports Fan of any Team or Sport. I couldn't care Less about Sports and find rabid Fans to be rather Amusing, they really go Mental for their Teams and it's hilarious to me, when someone is Geeking Out on anything, it's humorous and usually Over-The-Top if they're a rabid Fan of something.
I didn't know our Antique Mall was having a Three Day Sale Fri-Sunday this Weekend. They don't Advertise the Sales very well, so even Vendors sometimes have no idea we're having one, let alone Customers. Perhaps it will stimulate Trade, you just never know, sometimes it does, sometimes it falls flat. I'm Hopeful it will close out this Pay Period strong, since it ends on Saturday Night. So, the last day of the Sale will be the first day of the new Pay Period too. I was doing okay this Pay Period, but had those Thefts, or at the very least some expensive items that are MIA so we don't know what happened to them yet? My Hope is that the NAVY Jersey may have been hidden by a Customer waiting for the Sale? Sometimes that happens and I do wish they'd just ask up front to contact me and I'd just give them the Sale Day Discount beforehand. Saves me thinking something got Stolen and is out of circulation for someone to Buy at full price. But, better than being Stolen.
I've re-written so many parts of this Post it's like I'll never get it fleshed out. *LOL* I was intrigued about Tropical Vacays lately so had explored various ones Online. It's been 36 Years since our last Tropical Vacation so I was really out of Touch with the Costs. Yikes! Now a Luau in Hawaii is $300 and up per Couple! Too Rich for our Blood. And a lot of the Tours are in the stratosphere too at the Destinations, you really must bring a lot of discretionary Money to supplement the Cost of an already Expensive Vacation!!! It's disappointing to see that it's out of range without being extremely sacrificial financially. It's difficult to do a budget Vacation anymore, when you're actually confined to a Budget and Money is an Object. Those that Money is no Object, are Fine, if you got Resources galore, you can overspend and not even consider the Cost. Plus, every Review I read, complained about it always being too crowded after they spent so much, which does ruin the experience.
Packing in too many People for Profit never is comfortable for the Guests. And if they paid good Money they will be disappointed becoz it was sacrificial to them and Special, and didn't live up to expectations. And, the more People packed together, the more chances for someone to potentially ruin the Experience for someone else. Have you ever Paid to be somewhere and some other Person or Family becomes problematic and just ruins the Experience of being there, mebbe not just for you, but for everyone else? Yeah, I don't like that either and Peopling can be very unpredictable like that. The Energy of a Place and the People in it matters. Bad Energy right now is abounding and so being out and about in it isn't comfortable. Positive Energy is preferable, but not always possible to find in turbulent times.
Princess T either forgot they were having the St. Patrick's Day Potluck at Work Today {Saturday in Real Time}, or, didn't wanna participate? She has Social Anxieties and is a picky Eater, so sometimes she isn't a Fan of the Potlucks and Company Parties, she'd rather Opt Out. Last Week she seemed excited about it, but, once it got here, she seemed like she's rather evade it, so, she didn't buy a Dish to bring and said she wouldn't be Eating and didn't want to. She's picky about Food anyway and most of the time says nobody brings anything she'd be willing to try or eat, so, it's no Big Deal to just bring her own Lunch like she usually does. There's probably a scant few Foods on the Planet that Kid will even Eat. And, she has a lot of Gut Issues and Food sensitivities, she was out Sick the other Day due to Gastro Issues again and Headache, which happens with regularity with her. She has to be so Careful what she consumes and she has lots of allergens. Certain Seasons are harder than others for her. Her Immune System has been compromised since Infancy.
There's a fair amount of Older Women who Work there as well as all the Young People, so a lot of the more Mature Employees made Homemade goods to bring in for the Potlucks. I think Princess T also doesn't wanna risk hurting anyone's Feelings that they might personalize why she's not trying what they brought in. She doesn't like to have anyone be a Food Pusher, and becoz she's a tiny Sprite, people seem to always wanna Feed her! *LOL* I remember that all too well when I was really Skinny, people assumed I didn't eat becoz I was lightweight, so they were always trying to Feed me! Before having Kids my top Weight was under 100 Lbs., even during Pregnancies I never weighed more than 128 Lbs., and had big Babies. The Son weighed Ten and a Half Pounds at Birth and I was only 128 Lbs. when I delivered him! My smallest Baby was over 8 Lbs.. I was that tiny Woman who had Babies easily. And I'd see big Women have difficult Pregnancies and Births.
The Daughter, as tiny as she is, with Hips like a Teen Boy, had Five Kiddos with no problem... and was still lightweight even when Preggy. Our Oldest Daughter is the same, she's under 5 Ft. Tall and was a tiny Sprite, but had Three Kiddos with no problem either. I remember Years ago, our Oldest Daughter came for a Visit, she was already a Mom, Married, and Preggy with her 2nd Child. Well one of our Younger Kid's 8th Grade Teachers thought he'd had her as a Student the Year before!!! We're like, No, this one of ours isn't a 9th Grader, she's Grown, Married, and has Children already. She just still looked that Young! *Bwahahahaha* The Son grows his Beard out only becoz if he's clean shaven, people think he's Years Younger than he is, he gets Carded, and very Young Gals start flirting with him and it feels creepy to him since he's almost 40 now! It can be flattering when people are surprised you're much older than they thought, but, it can have it's downside too.
Just like people can be much Ruder to Skinny folks than they'd be to Overweight ones. And I've been both, so, I'm speaking from Experience. Somehow Society assumes if you're Skinny, you can't be Offended or Sensitive about it I guess? There are things people will do and say out loud when you're Skinny, that they would realize is Offensive to do or say if you're Fat. Yes, I'm not saying that Fat folk don't get bullied or teased and made fun of, they often do. Society can be very judgmental about Human Visuals. But, as an Overweight person I've never had some Stranger come up to me, wrap their Arms around my girth and say, "Wow, you're Fat!" When I weighed 98 Lbs. and had a 19 inch Waist tho', I once had a Grown Man I didn't know, just walk up with his Friends, put his Hands around my Waist and marvel out loud in Public, "Wow, you're Skinny!" It was intrusive and mortifying, he ignorantly assumed he was Complimenting me and I wouldn't be Offended! Princess T is very Thin and Tiny, so gets comments on it a lot, it bothers her coz she's the Size she just Naturally is.
So, people being Food Pushers when you're Thin is pretty Common and very Annoying. I guess they Assume you don't Eat or have an Eating Disorder or something? Or are perpetually Hungry? Mebbe they assume they're doing a good thing by offering Food to you all the time, to fatten you up, I dunno? *LOL* So, I totally understand my Grandchild's aversion to the Potluck and Parties at Work, you want to be a Team Player, but she doesn't really have a comfort level with those kinds of Gatherings... be they Corporate ones or Private ones. Whenever she's invited to a House Party, Dinner or BBQ, she'll usually Opt Out or not even chose to eat anything cooked. We don't take Offense coz we know her, ask if she wants something, respect if she doesn't. There's a lot of Foods she just can't eat and her Body won't tolerate, so she'll suffer if she would eat it.
It is a lot more expensive to Feed someone with Food Sensitivities and Gut Issues. But, Modern options exist that didn't in the past, which is a good thing for those needing alternatives. I didn't realize some people even develop allergens with Aging that they didn't previous have. I've got Friends who weren't Lactose Intolerant since Birth, like my Daughter and Princess T were, but developed a Lactose Intolerance much later in Life! Now there's plenty of Lactose Free alternatives and the price point has come down some on them over Time too. And, you can find them almost anywhere now too. I've had to Buy Specialty Products for Two Generations now, since The Daughter and her Daughter have similar Gut Issues. And The Man also has a Sensitive Stomach, he can't tolerate anything Spicy or overly Seasoned, he mostly eats bland foods so he doesn't have problems.
I was digging up clumps of Bermuda Grass that had Seeded from our Neighbors Property in front of our Wall in our Gravel. Sadly, when Mando was doing it he was also digging up my African Daisies, he didn't know they were a Flower and not a Weed. *Le Sigh* So I have scant few left and won't have a nice showing of them this Season I guess. He felt so bad when he realized he'd destroyed my Flower Bed I grow out front of the Wall in the Graveled area that flanks the Sidewalk. Our Street in the Mini Farms is the only one with a Sidewalk and Street Lights, the rest of our Community of Mini Farms has none, but, we're the Frontage Street of the Old Subdivision. Our Address is the Main Road Address that runs parallel to our Access Road in front of our Homes and has a low Block Wall separating the Main Street from our Access Road. I like having Main Street activity, our Walls are thick and we're set way back so it's not noisy, but it is Life going by. We have a bucolic Rural View in the Back and an Urban View in the front, which I like.
Anyway, it's difficult to get things to grow in a Desert, it's a harsh environment and only the toughest survive it without lots of Irrigation and TLC. We have a Year Round Growing Season which is idyllic, if you put the work in to growing things. But, the Two things that does grow abundantly that you don't want is Weeds and Bermuda Grass. *Le Sigh* Bermuda Grass has exceptional heat and drought tolerance, but is invasive in places you don't want for it to grow too. So, I'm not a Fan but most of us have that as the main Pasture Grass coz it's good for grazing Livestock and Horses and doesn't take a lot of Maintenance to keep alive. Ryegrass is perennial and does good in Winter. Tifgreen is what they put on the Golf Courses, very high Maintenance. I prefer and have about half Dichondra which is a low growing perennial ground cover that needs no mowing and is lovely. Its also known as Asian Ponysfoot and looks kind of like delicate mini Water Lilly shaped ground cover.
I like when it takes over the Grassy areas of our Property, which in it's Season, it does. It forms a lush dense Carpet of Green and is so easy to Care for. It has Medicinal Properties too that are Holistic, mostly for a diuretic and for treating having the Trots. It's a popular Grass substitute in the Desert and much prettier and Homeowner Friendly IMO. I'm thinking Spring already and Decorating for it. I Scored the Motherlode of Antiques while Goodwill Hunting, some dated 1910. Someone's Gramma must have Died and they Donated all her Antique Collectibles. They were Egermann Art Glass, matching Sets. One Set of large Vases of Antique Etched Bird & Castle Black Forest Pattern Czech Bohemian Ruby Cranberry Glass {See Pix Below}, with 4 Matching Beverage Glasses and a Matching Genie Shaped Decanter Bottle with a Stopper.
I found the exact Pattern Online and the Set is probably Valued in the Range of $700, since the Vases alone Sell for over $250 each, I got it all for only $35 with my 20% Off Coupon for March. I got a Trio of Antique Memphis Green and Gold Art Glass etched with Date of 1910, Valued at about $75, I Paid $9. Princess T wanted it coz the etched Date also had her Middle Name etched above it and she Loves the Memphis Green and Gold Antique Art Glass and has a small Collection of it, now this Trio is added. I also got some Vintage Marigold Carnival Glass Pitchers, Two of them, with 6 Matching Beverage Glasses, which I plan to Sell, I paid $28 for all. One is a 1940's Jeanette Pattern and the other is heavier and has raised Floral Pattern and might be an Imperial Fieldflower Pattern, if so it can fetch $125 for the Pitcher alone. I also got Two 1870's Clear Ornate Design pressed Glass Water Pitchers, which can fetch over $100 each too, I paid $15 for both.
There was so much more but I didn't wanna spend any more for mostly Resale Antiques, Glassware no matter how Old and Valuable can be a Hard Sell in Today's Market. And you risk breakage by careless Shoppers. Another Woman was also loading up her Cart but I beat her to the items I particularly wanted. She was following me around and finally struck up a conversation about if it all was Old? She didn't seem sure and clearly was buying for herself, so I Educated her on the pieces she was drawn to buying and told her how to use Google Lens to determine Insurance Value if she's covering it from loss on her Hazard Insurance. She was very nice and I could tell she was wanting to ask me and talk, but had been hesitant to be intrusive or perhaps make me feel she was stalking me. *LOL*
Even Three of the Female Goodwill Employees commented that I had gotten the best stuff they'd just put out. Two were very Young Women and one was Older, the Bohemian Art Glass caught everyone's Eye even if they don't know what it is or that it's Valuable. Sad that whoever Inherited this vast Collection had no Interest in it or of even finding out the Value. They could have Sold it to an Antique Dealer easily instead of just Donating it to a Chazza. Goodwill isn't known for taking good Care of quality Donations and a lot of it get manhandled or even tossed if it doesn't Sell right away. If you ever go to a Goodwill Clearance Center where the Unsold Merch ends up and is Sold by the Pound, you know how manhandled it is, anything fragile will not survive intact or not somewhat damaged. Even in their Stores a lot of Fragile Merch gets badly damaged by Careless Employees and heavy handed Customers.
I Saved any of that from such a Fate, so it was an Antique Rescue of what I knew to have great Value, so I was so glad I felt drawn to that particular GOODWILL. Sometimes I am drawn to a specific Location and won't know Why 'til I get there and sho' nuff, there is always something super Special there. Usually it is Antiquities, or something I've said out Loud I want and am looking for. It's as if the Universe draws me with the Laws of Attraction to just the right spots at just the right Time to Score it. Happens with such regularity now I'm not even all that Surprised, but always feel Thankful I heeded the Urge to go somewhere Specific all of a sudden without knowing exactly Why until I arrive and then realize the "Why"... *LOL* It always gives me a little bit of Goosebumps. Coz the Employees told me they JUST put it all out! And, I hadn't been in a GOODWILL anytime recently either. I don't think I visited one in all of February.
And at my Granddaughter's Chazza I picked up Four Vintage Atlas and Ball Mason Jars with the Zinc and Milk Glass Lids for Two Bucks each. And a Black Stone large Pestle and Mortar for $6. She got some Pokemon large Plush Characters and some Anime Girl Action Figure Collectible Characters. She said Retail some of them go for $60-$80 each and we paid $3 each. I know what things she likes that have Value so I often pick up some for her even if she's not Shopping with me. She often upgrades her Collections and Sells Off her excess in our Locked Case or Showroom. We really feel that NAVY Jersey was Stolen, even during this Weekend Sale, it hasn't shown up on my Printouts as Sold and it's still MIA and nowhere in the Mall to be found. The only other thing she thought might have happened, which happens a lot where she Works, is someone might have switched Tags and it got Sold for less? We have Sold so many Shirts and some were $25 that Sold, rather than the $65 that one was. The Cashier wouldn't know that wasn't the right price.
And if they Bought it with a switched Tag the Front Desk would take the Security feature off of it after it was Paid for. Also, they'd take the Security feature off of it if another Vendor was taking it out of Inventory and switched Tags to pretend it was theirs. Any kind of way, it walked out of there, pretty sure, and it still makes me Mad. We've had so much Loss Prevention Issues lately, it's escalated again, for a while, when we moved to a Front Location Showroom, it had ceased for a while. Now the Thieves are getting Bold again and hitting more often. All Retailers are suffering this Plague of brazen Shoplifting and sadly most Law Enforcement isn't taking it seriously and act irritated if they get a Call to respond to Theft now, they couldn't be bothered and make that annoyingly evident that they feel like you're wasting their Time. There are some Crimes now they don't want to respond to and don't Care about the Victims of, that pisses me off too.
Even when we've had Elderly Ladies have their Purses or Wallets grabbed, they are Traumatized by being Victimized, or even Assaulted while the Snatch and Grab happens, but some Cops responding have had a Bad Attitude about making a Report or catching the Thief and having any Compassion for the Victim! And that is just all the more upsetting to the Victim and the Witnesses. We had one Mugger who we saw still in the Parking Lot while we were all giving the Responding Officer the info of the Crime that took place in our Mall, pointed him out and he wouldn't go out there and Arrest him!!! The only reason he got Caught is he went next door to JC Penney to Steal another Woman's Purse and THEIR Security Caught and apprehended him and were able to recover our Victim's Wallet and Car Keys! *Whew* Ironic that a JC Penney Security Guard was more effective and took it more Seriously than the City Police for such a Crime. Yes, we Reported that Officer and filed a Complaint, all of us, the Victim and the Employee Witnesses.
Anyway, I'm ending this Pay Period relatively Strong, and have some Comped Space Rent for Working, so should get a decent Check for these Two Weeks. *Whew* The last Check was paltry for last Pay Period, and I had no comped Space Rent either then coz I hadn't gone back to Work any fill in Shifts yet, but, at least it was a Check. Something is always better than nothing when you're on a Fixed Income and the Economy is terrible and tanking. When I picked Princess T up from Work I took her out for Pho at her Fav Vietnamese Restaurant, she'd covered the last few Meals we'd eaten out, so, it was my Turn. Then we went to visit The Man at the Hospital, he has a nice Room in Cardiac Care Ward. His Blood Pressure is still High and they don't have all his Test Results back yet, so he'll likely stay until at least Monday. His Nurse said he's been very animated and restless, it's the Sundowners, he gets that way at Home at Sundown. So, they have an Alarm on his Bed to keep track of him. *LOL*

You can see the Steam rising up off my Sizzling Beef Cube Plate. I always pour whatever is left of the Sauce over my Sticky Rice and take it Home to make Fried Rice with for another Meal. I just have to add Scrambled Egg and Onions, and some Fried Rice Packet Seasoning, to make some of the best Fried Rice ever!!! While I was out The Daughter had Mopped all the Floors, Deep Cleaned our Bedroom and changed all our Bedding, so it smells wonderful and everything is crisp and clean. I'd given her a bunch of my Makeup I no longer wear, so she was Jazzed. I haven't worn Lipstick for Years and had a nice selection of Colors she really likes of a Quality Brand that is expensive. Most of them were still new and never used yet. I forgot I even had them in my Makeup Drawer, so while she was Cleaning and Organizing the Drawers I told her to take whatever she could and would use. I never have worn much Makeup, being an Old Hippie, you just never did fuss with Makeup or Hair even when I was Young. But I'd have nice Makeup Bought for me as Gifts and just never much used any of it.
So, both Princess T and The Young Prince, and now their Mom, rifle thru any of it and take what they want or need. *LOL* The Young Prince does wear and do fabulous Makeup when he's presenting as a Female and in Drag. He can put Makeup on better than most Women, so a lot of his Female Friends always had him do their Makeup and Hair for them. He could Dye, Cut and Style Hair better than most expensive Salons and he's had zero formal Training for any of it. *LOL* Princess T always gets Complimented on her skills at doing Hair and Makeup as well, both of them are Naturals at it. She always Cuts and Styles her own Hair and has since she was pretty Young actually. All Three are also Fashionistas... but, they might have gotten some of that from Yours Truly becoz I do like Wardrobe and have too many Clothes. I get a lot of Compliments from Strangers of all Ages that say they Love my Style. So, I guess I have Style??? *LOL and Winks* It is said you can Buy Fashion but you must Possess Style.
I personally think that so long as you're comfortable in your own Skin and wear what you Love with Confidence and regardless of what anyone thinks, feels or says about it, you will Rock any Style and 'Own' it. I could give Two Shits what anyone thinks of anything I wear, or how I Decorate our Home, we do it to Please ourselves, not other people. I'm glad that each of my Loved Ones does themselves authentically and with no apologies or inhibitions about it. Raising a Transgender Child I did get some pushback from some folks who felt that I too should feel some kind of way about it, but, I didn't. So that Child grew up comfortable in "Their" own Skin totally and I think has a good Self Image due to being Raised in a Non-Judgmental Supportive Family Unit that Loved Unconditionally and was fiercely protective of their Rights and Dignity. I get so angry that the Trans Community has been so unfairly Targeted and Persecuted by this fucking Regime of low-life degenerates and Criminals.
Most of this Administration, including this President, are Sex Offenders and some have been trafficking Underaged Children for Sexual Exploitation, and are adjudicated Sex Offenders. So for any of them to point to anyone else being perverse is rather ironic, don'tcha think? The Young Prince is proudly Transgender, but says unlike this President and many of this President's closest Friends and Cabinet Members, he's no Rapist and no Pedophile, he's not Sex Trafficked anyone, especially no innocent Children... so whose really the Public Danger here? Exactly!!! I wouldn't Trust this President around any Child, or Woman, he's bragged about being a Sexual Predator and has numerous Victims! He's been really Tight for Decades with some major Sex Traffickers like Epstein. Not to mention the Tate Brothers, who were recently Pardoned and let back into the U.S. by the Orange Pervert! In Romania they were up on Charges of Rape, Sex Trafficking of Minors and Money Laundering. Real 'Princes' those Two... and just the 'Type' that this President has Bromances with and Admires, which speaks Volumes.
I've struggled with finishing up this Post, some Blogger Blocks happen, I wanna Write a Post, but keep deleting what I Write, over and over again. So it has been with this one. Tomorrow I take The Daughter to Chandler again to do Housekeeping Work. Her Dad isn't expected to be released from Hospital until the very earliest, possibly Monday. So, it will be a nice distraction to be in the East Valley and go have a nice Meal while I wait for her to finish up the Job. And possibly go back to some favorite Shops over there just to browse around some more. I won't have The Man in tow this time so can indulge myself with languishing doing the Window Shopping. The Man, if there's no Intention to Buy anything, isn't one to think wandering around Stores is all that Fun or Enjoyable. *LOL* I like Window Shopping as much as I do when I am gonna Buy something. It's not necessary to Buy anything and still spend Hours happily browsing and being Inspired by the Eye Candy and interesting Displays and Products.
The Son was just commenting this Morning that even after all these Years, he's still Amazed when he looks in my Pantry and Cupboards to see Foods he didn't even know Existed. *LOL* He was Laughing about my Mandela Tea and some of the more Interesting Jams I have, that are made with Fruits or Berries he didn't even know Existed... he was making Coffee and said the Gourmet Coffees I have too are Mind Blowing. *Bwahahahaha* He said when you Eat here you're sure to have something you've not only never had before, but never heard of before or knew Existed!!! *Winks, True that!* What can I say, Variety and Exposure to New things and new Culture, is the Spice of Life my Friends. We're the Richer for it. Too bad far too many peeps are so Narrow Minded and fear diversity.
The Daughter and Mando went to visit The Man and bring him some things he wanted. The Daughter did a Pedicure for him, since he'd been unable to make his Podiatrist Appointment to get his Nails done. He might get to come Home on Monday if his Test Results come back Okay. If he doesn't need a Surgery there really isn't much they can do for him except adjust Meds again really. And he has too high a risk for any Elective Surgeries so they would probably opt not to do any, the risks being too high for them to be a success and not a fatality. He's in good Spirits and wants to come Home, so if he can, that's the best outcome really. Whether he will behave better with his Diet and what his Specialists suggest is up to him mostly. I can only do so much as his Caregiver and most things I cannot do FOR him that he has to do for himself. That's always the most delicate balance, isn't it, convincing any Adult to behave in their own best interests.
Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
I've enjoyed the mini quilt show in this post, but I must say I've never seen anything like it----the small format pieces. The techniques and wide variety of themes, yes, those are more common place around here but the smallest size pieces I've seen before are like overgrown placemat size. Who ever put that show together did a great job....seems like a lot of people taking part.
ReplyDeleteSorry the man is back in the hospital. It's stressful on the whole family.
Funny you wrote so much about Princess T's experiences with being skinny and people remarking about her food choices and looks. My Wednesday blog post is about the opposite problem of being fat and people thinking they have a right to critique my food choices. I wonder how long it will take before society learns to just accept each other the way we are. I do think it's better than it was even 20 years ago when both size ends of the clothing market had trouble finding anything ready made.
Indeed The Quilt Square Exhibit was exceptional, it took Years to coordinate, I want to say about Five Years. The Messages Globally are so similar so you know that a great many People want Environmental and Social Change in a more Positive direction and need to install Leaders who represent US and not the Environmentally and Socially Unconscious among us. Fareed did an "America First" History Special and it was very interesting how long the various forms of MAGA have actually existed and tried to rule our Country. It usually takes a War or massive Economic Crisis to make those types of People realize the Globe is interdependent upon one another and when we are cooperating in Harmony and Unity, with Peaceful Coexistence and mutual Trade Cooperation, is when Society as a whole improves and thrives. The same with acceptance of one another as we are. Whether our Weight, Looks, Ethnicity, place of Birth, Socioeconomic Standing, Abilities or Disabilities, Sexual Orientation, Religion or Spiritual Leanings, we are all of the Human Race and should respectfully treat one another as worthy of Respect, Dignity, Humanity and Kindness. Even the Animal World suffers greatly from those Humans who don't respect any other Sentient Beings and treat them Humanely, with Respect, Dignity and Kindness either. It troubles me that this faction seems to have always existed within Mankind and sometimes the Darkness prevails when people get complacent or misguided by allowing themselves to imagine that Goodness isn't important and Violence and Hatred are okay, they never are.
DeleteSorry to hear your guy is in the hospital. I hope he is better enough to come home soon.
ReplyDeleteYou would think they would know he can't go too long without eating because he's diabetic. I hate how hospitals just don't take into acount these small things that can do harm to someone.
I'm glad he got a room and is doing alright.
That's why I wanted him in a Room where he wouldn't be overlooked, an ER can be so swamped and understaffed, with various Emergencies that might cause some to have to wait around for the small but important things like being fed if they've been there so long. He is monitored more closely now in a Calmer setting with a lot less Traffic. I don't want him to come Home prematurely but I do think if they can't do a lot for him, he's better off here, we just need to know what's going on with him now? With the onset of Dementia I'm aware, since my Mom Died of complications of final stages of the Disease, that it can cause Organs to not function properly when the Brain becomes too disabled to function properly.
DeleteEach block is more creative than the next. What a fabulous group of very talented people! I really enjoy looking at each and everyone. And they are all so different! I love the denim with the horse, I love the intricate quilt designs, I love the use of unexpected materials and I love the words they use on the blocks. What a great display.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm glad the man finally got a room. They must be really slammed. It sounds like he is doing good and, I'm not meaning this in a mean way, but it is nice for you to get a little break from caregiving. I hope you enjoy your window shopping tomorrow!
I agree with the body share issues. It is no ones business and equating size with food or eating or anything is no one's business. When I was a skinny kid, people would laugh that my mother didn't feed me. And it really hurt me. I can't imagine what they say about me know.
My sister-in-law was a skinny minnie. One day she was watching her son's soccer game and dropped dead. She was 32 and slender. I keep bringing that up. An autopsy was performed and she had a heart defect she was born with and the only way to find out is an autopsy. And when I told people about her death, most would say, oh, was she overweight?
It is nice to have a break from Caregiving and do some self care for a respite. He was released today and the Son had to go get him since I was getting the Daughter to her job. Wouldn't you know he would be needing pickup while I am doing something else!!! America is always judging by shallow things like appearance rather than depth of character and abilities. It is tiring to be dealing with shallow judgement all the time... Dawn... The Bohemian
DeleteSorry about the man but it sounds like he's in good hands. The quilt blocks are amazing, what a great festival. I made my fourth quilt two weeks ago, I'm still not great at it, but I didn't want to throw it in the back of a closet so that's progress. Lol. I hear ya on food issues. Youngest and I have been gluten free since 2005, long before anyone knew what it was. I am slowly teaching him how to travel alone and still have access to food. It can be a challenge for sure. As for the orange menace, I just can't. Watching the news and getting upset isn't helping me, we are in very bad times right now, all I can do is try and protect those I love and deal with the fallout as it comes. Hugs.