I went to The Desert Botanical Gardens and it probably wasn't the best day for it since inclement Weather hit halfway thru the day and I had to abort being there very long. It was Cold, very Windy and Cloudy, a big Storm was moving in and dumped heavy Rain just as I left! But, Princess T was Home Sick from Work so I had no Schedule to adhere to. They had a new Exhibit that had Quilt Squares set up like Flags and had been made by Participants all over the World, it was an Environmentalist Project and quite Beautiful and madly Creative. They made a huge Maze out of the Flags hung on Ropes with a big Flag Tree in the Center. It was a complex Maze and took over 40 Minutes to get to the Center... then you had to go all the way back the same way you'd came!!! *Argh!* No shortcut out!!!!!! I was dismayed! *LOL*
Well, it was not only too Windy and Cold, but tho' the Flags were Beautiful, and going in I'd taken lots of Photos of my Favorite Quilt Squares, it felt like forever to get out of there and made me Anxious! I kind of began having an Anxiety Attack becoz it was too much Walking and no way out as a shortcut, so you felt kind of trapped in the Maze. So, going out wasn't Fun and I was exhausted, getting blown almost off my Feet, so glad when I finally got the Hell outta the Exhibit before I Panicked. *LOL* I don't like the feeling of not being able to get out of somewhere when I'm ready to leave. Plus, the Storm was moving in and I wanted out before the obvious downpour! And participating in the Exhibit was too long and too complex a route in and out IMO. But, the Quilt Squares were so Creative and interesting, no regrets that I did it.

I got Blog Fodder for Days of the gorgeous Quilt Squares for several Posts now. I can appreciate the Art more in a Photo Download that trying to Photograph it in Gale Force Cold Damp Winds! *LOL* So, due to the Maze taking up all my Time and Energy, I didn't do most of the Garden, I just left. When I'd arrived I'd gone to eat at "Gertrude's" the Fabulous Restaurant in the Gardens. I know the Owner and she came over and gave me a hug and asked where I'd been? I told her I'd try to come during that Weekend the Gardens were Hosting that Sold Out "Devour" Special Event and turning Members and Visitors away. She agreed it should not have been Hosted during Peak Season. Or during the Day, they should have done it during an Evening for the sake of Members and her Business. Coz her Restaurant wasn't allowed to be Open either and so they lost a considerable amount of Income by having to Close... very expensive for them and quite a hefty Loss.

The Gardens was now Hosting the annual Plant Sale and now you have to get Special Separate Reservations for that too. You used to be able to just walk in and Buy your Desert Plants and Wildflowers. But, it did cause brisk business for both the Gardens and the Restaurant. I didn't need to buy any Plants anyway, but I would have liked to walk around the Plant Sale to see the offerings this Season. Anyway a nice Meal and the lengthy Quilt Square Maze Experience was quite enuf for Yours Truly. *Smiles* Above is the Korean Cheese Corn, which is Sublime. Above that was a very unusual Hummus which is a Roasted Red Chili Hummus with a Pipian Verde and House Made Blue Tortilla Chips, with Carrot and Cucumbers to dip with.
In the Quilt Maze I was surprised how many participants weren't even trying to look at the Quilt Art at all, they were just rushing thru the Maze. So the whole Point was Lost on them, since each Quilt was sending an Environmental Message of some kind, the whole Point of the Exhibit, which had been literally Years in the Making. Granted, on my way out I was rather rushing myself coz I'd lingered on the way in to look at the Art, as much as one could in a high Wind with them really moving a LOT like Flags... and trying to Photograph fluttering Art Flags was a challenge. Especially with People crowding past you coz they were in a hurry both ways and not stopping to look at a single one! Sometimes Art Exhibits are Lost on the Culturally Deprived. And it's a shame that those with Children don't slow down enuf to interest their Child in the Arts. Kids were wanting to stop and look but many Parents were impatiently hurrying them along.
And tho' there were Thousands of these Quilt Squares, it was worth looking at them, as many as you could during a single visit. Some were up too high to appreciate, like the ones on the Center Tree of them or up on the Archways and towering Banners around the parameters of the Maze. I tried my best to Photograph a lot of the ones that really spoke to my Soul, some did have Tags to say which Artist and Country it was from. The Exhibit is called "Toward 2050" and they had a Flier but only had the Spanish Language ones left, so I did pick one up, I can read some Spanish. You can Google the Exhibit Online to learn more anyway. Along with my own Pixs taken I cribbed a few Online ones to Share.
I'll want to go back on a more pleasant Weather Day when it's not Cold or Windy, to look more closely at the Art and appreciate it more, along with the various Environmental Messages imparted with each Quilt Square. I Wish they had Photographed each Quilt Square, back and front, since most had a Scene on each side, and put those Online to actually see and appreciate each Artist's Message and Work. Anyway, I did my best on a crappy Weather Day to enjoy the Exhibit, but it was challenging and the Kiddos laughed their Asses off when I told them about it. How I got Anxious and Alarmed when I couldn't get out of the Maze and it seemed endless! I felt rather like a Lab Rat and confusion set in somewhat! *Bwahahahahaha* I wasn't sure I was going in the right direction or the way out, since it wasn't clear and is quite an Optical Illusion when you're looking at it across the Maze from the Inside of it or the Outside of it. *Ha ha ha*
There were times when I thought, can I mebbe crawl UNDER this to get out?! *LMAO* And with the Wind almost blowing me over I was afraid, what if I Fall... becoz it was hard to be steady on your Feet when the Wind Gusts are so strong they're blowing you almost over! I wasn't having Fun anymore by then. *LOL* Anyway, enjoy the Eye Candy of these lovely Quilt Squares I'm Sharing. I just Love Fabric Art anyway, it was the last Art Form I used to Create myself and it's a great medium to work with. I Collect Vintage Fabrics, Antique Trims and Fabrics, Laces, Hand Dyed Yarns and Wools, Bits and Bobs, to use in my own Fabric Art. I like Paper Arts now too, but, I'd like to get back into Fabric Arts and this Exhibit really did Inspire me. So many different Fabric Art Techniques were used. Some way beyond my own Skillset.
On the way Home the Storm was so fierce visibility was crap, it was Raining so hard, the Storm knocked out the Power in rolling waves all day long and even knocked out the Street Lights for City Blocks! So, driving became hazardous and took Three times as long to get Home. Traffic was not only gridlocked and having difficulty moving thru every Intersection since some people don't know protocol when the Street Lights are out. But, also most Intersections had bad Accidents coz people didn't know what the Hell they were doing and thus caused Accidents becoz they weren't doing what you should when a Light is out! They should have had Police at each directing Traffic to avoid the dangers, but, they didn't. Ambulances and Fire N Rescue weren't even showing up at the Accidents, they couldn't get thru or had too many Calls? Plus, since this new Regime I've noticed most Services, Federal, County and City, are all FUBAR now!
And now moving on to another Health Emergency. I arrived Home around 5:00, The Son had been Home since 3:00 and The Man hadn't said a damned thing about having Chest Pains. Princess T eluded he kinda had when I wasn't Home yet, but, when I got Home, he didn't say he wasn't feeling good and was happily watching his damned Reruns of "Swamp People". I'd gotten a Call from Work asking me if I could cover a Friday Night 5-9 Shift Tomorrow and I'd agreed. The Power kept going off so I couldn't Blog, so, by 11:30 I just went to Bed. I was exhausted anyway, that Two Hours worth of Maze along with Hours of driving in dangerous conditions had worn me out. All the Kids had gone to Bed too and he was sitting in the Dark in his Media Chair, upset that the TV was knocked out until the Power would come back on again. I dozed off...
AND THEN... wouldn't ya know, as I'm almost reaching REM Sleep he wakes me up saying, "Honey, are you Asleep?" And then once he Wakes my Ass up he says in a whiny voice, "Do you think when you Wake Up in the Morning you could take me to the ER, I'm having Chest Pains!" WTF! So, now I'm wide Awake and my own Heart is racing, the Power is still knocked out so I know the Street Lights will be too on the Roads, it's Storming like Hell, so not great driving conditions, and I'm physically spent as well. I go into The Son's Room but he's passed out Asleep, I can't wake him and I saw he'd been Drinking anyway after Work, coz he didn't have to Work on Friday due to the Hour Cuts, so he's in no condition to Drive! I was not Mad that The Man was having a Medical Emergency, I was Scared and Mad that he claimed he'd felt that way for fucking HOURS and hadn't said anything until conditions were the absolute worse they could be to get him to an ER! Christ on a Bike!!!
He does this a LOT, he'll either not say anything at all until it's a total meltdown Crisis... or, he'll exaggerate to where he could be laying it on thick and it's not really a Crisis at all, he's seeking Attention. I'd been gone all Day at the Gardens, so I didn't know which it was? Had he really been having lead up to Medical Crisis, or was he seeking Attention and pretending things were serious and aren't? You just never know coz he Cries Wolf a LOT, making it difficult as a Caregiver to discern a Real Emergency from his Man Drama. Even some ER's have said at times that he's having no Physical Emergency at all, but perhaps more of a Mental One. But, he does have legitimate serious comorbidities that could be Life Threatening so you have to err on the side of Caution. But, often our Insurances won't pay for this when he's Fine and seeking Care that's not necessary. Difficult balancing Act. So, Yeah, I was MAD.
I was in no Condition to drive him, conditions outside were dangerous, Medicare and TriCare no longer cover Ambulance or Paramedic Rides so that would be Thousands we don't have and can't afford more Payments on, and none of the Kids could Help. Thank the Lord that The Daughter's Friend Mando was still here! He'd come over to do more Yardwork earlier, stayed for Dinner, which we usually invite him to, and hadn't left yet! He and The Daughter were watching a NetFlix Movie in the 5th Wheel and came in to the Main House to get some Snacks, and heard me in a Panic about her Dad. So, they volunteered to take him, since Mando has a Car and they weren't as Sleepy as me. They stayed with him at the ER until 3:00 in the Morning, but said he wouldn't be getting a Room until about 6:00 in the Morning and they just couldn't stay Awake that long, so came Home. But, the Hospital had said they would be Keeping him, but had Questions about our Medicare Coverage.
With his TBI he gets Confused and can't answer Questions and The Daughter wasn't sure about Coverages even tho' I'd given the Kiddos all his Paperwork and Insurance Cards to take in with him. So, Today I'm trying to contact the Hospital to ensure they have all our Insurance Info correct, we have TriCare for Life and United Healthcare Medicare Advantage, so, everything In Patient should be totally covered. The VA won't cover Civilian Hospitals, or he'd have that Coverage as a 3rd Coverage at a VA Facility. But the VA Main Hospital is clear Downtown in Phoenix, too far for a real Medical Emergency plus they have no Cardiologists on Staff... I know... that's unbelievable for a VA Hospital the size of the one in Phoenix serving this many Veterans! So, Today, before Work I'll have to stop in at the Hospital, which is actually within sight of our Antique Mall, and clarify our Insurance Coverages and stop in to see him and what Room he's in?
He does have Heart Problems and his Medicare Home Visit didn't go well, his Blood Pressure had been High and his Diabetic Numbers and A1C had been High too. He won't do what he should and he'd gotten Meds mixed up with the VA Changing the Color of his Injectables, without telling us and so I'd gotten confused too. The Lantus has always been Grey and his Ozempic is Dark Blue. Well, the VA is now using a Generic form of Lantus and those Pens are Dark Blue now too but they didn't notify you anything had changed, so, he had put the new Shipment of Blue Pen Lantus with his Ozempic Pens, they look identical, and the VA had neglected to renew his Ozempic at all!
So, I'd stood and watched him get his Meds every day like I do, seen him injecting a Blue Pen Weekly and a Grey one Daily, thinking all was fine, it wasn't, he was taking double Lantus and no Ozempic! Fuuuuuck!!! When I showed The Son and The Daughter, they said that would have confused even a Younger Person too. And I felt like a Putz, but, the Writing on the Pens is so minuscule that without magnification you can't read it and he had tossed the Box away when he put the Pens in the Fridge, to save Space. So, anyway, not actually Surprising, since he resists all Dietary changes he should make, doesn't always do anything he should, that his Health isn't improving and has kept declining. But, you can't force someone to behave, especially if they have Brain Damage Issues and Cognitive Decline. You try to find Creative ways to get compliance out of them, voluntarily, sometimes I even Succeed. *Le Sigh*
The Maze wasn't as fucking frustrating and going round in Circles as Caregiving for The Man often is, I swear! This is likely why I Stroked Out, at least in part? *LOL* He makes things more difficult than they have to be and then plays the Victim when I get upset about it. The Kids try to see both our Points of View so they're not taking sides. I wouldn't expect or want them to take Sides either. I get it, so I am glad they're here to give me a break sometimes when I'm just hitting the Wall with him and he's Tested every ounce of Patience I've been able to muster. Princess T is sympathetic to the Caregiving burden coz she's been doing it along with me for Grandpa since she was only about Six Years Old, so she knows how difficult he can be.
She herself is firmer with him than her Mom or Uncle, coz, we been doing it longer so he can't Play us as effectively as he can Play The Daughter or The Son. *Eye Roll* The Daughter is great with difficult Old People. Go Figure that a Schizophrenic would have the Patience of Job with Old People requiring Caregiving! She did it often for Aging Cartel Jeffes in Mexico that required Caregiving and everyone was afraid to do it coz these were some Bad Actors in Health or Mental Decline. But, she wasn't Afraid of any of them or intimidated by them, she's Crazy as a March Hare like that. And would make them do what they should and scold them, but tend to them with such Loving Care that they knew she genuinely Cared about them and treated them as if they were her own Dad or Grandpa. She didn't Judge how they'd lived their Lives or how cantankerous or dangerous they could be, she didn't take it Personally while providing their In Home Care for them. They respected her Courage and that she was Nuts. *LOL*
It's how she made most of her Money in Mexico, doing Housekeeping for Affluent Americans who lived there full or part time, or very connected Mexican Nationals who had her taking Care them, or of their Homes or Loved Ones. They knew she could be Trusted even tho' they also knew she was a Hot Mess most of the time Mentally and even before she got completely Clean from Using. Now she's been Clean for over 3 Years and doesn't have as many Psychotic Episodes as she had in her Youth, so, things have been better for her and she doesn't mind living in a Home now rather than in the Streets. Before, when she was under 40 Years Old, she preferred to be Homeless and got Paranoid in an enclosed space like a Home. She likes the 5th Wheel now coz it's not only a very Small Home, but, it has Blackout Blinds so "They" can't See her. We never have established who "They" are, it's a Paranoid Schizophrenic Thing. *LOL*
Anyway, she has a lot of Patience and tender Loving Care for her Dad and I in our Old Age. More than the Average Healthy Mentally Well Person might have. Which is pretty Amazing given her Diagnosis and Condition she struggles with and is tormented by. And she has a lot of Patience and Kindness towards other Seriously Mentally Ill People too who might be worse off than she is. She said she Understands them, and anyone so Old their Mind is no longer Working Right. It kinda makes sense she can relate in ways you can't if you are Mentally Sound. I realize I can relate better to people with Mental Illness becoz I am Bipolar and ADHD myself too, there's degrees of it, I'm considered High Functional compared to most. I know I'm Unwell, but I've managed thru Life without Treatment for any of it, since, most Treatments are not all that effective really... and there's no Cure.
So, anyway, I got some Cactus Candy while at the Garden Giftshop, I Love this stuff, it's rather like Turkish Delight but made with Prickly Pear Cactus Fruit called Tunas. It's hard to describe the taste since it is unique. It's often compared to Melon or Watermelon, Kiwi, is subtly sweet and very juicy, it makes a good Jelly, Jam, or Jelly-Like Candy with the consistency of a thick Jello and usually Sugar Coated on the outside. The Paddles of the Prickly Pear Cacti called Nopales also make good eating and taste rather like Snow Peas. The prep of those is hard coz you have to ensure you get all the Spines off, even the Hairlike ones, so I usually don't Harvest them directly, but buy them at the Grocers already prepped in the Veggie Aisles. The Tuna will stain the shit out of you like Beets do, so I prefer to buy pre-made Cactus Fruit products too.
I got some Prickly Pear flavored Licorice too from the Gift Shop, its the best. I Love Licorice, especially Black Licorice, but, this is also a favorite flavor of Licorice. Some Lady kept Photo Bombing me in the background while I was trying to keep her Ass out of Frame... some People!!! *Eye Roll* Finally I was like thinking, well Fuck You then, you're gonna just be on my Social Media site then coz you won't get the Hell out of the way when clearly you see me trying to take a Pix without you in it!!! I think some folks are intentionally rude or in their own Bubble and oblivious to anyone around them, so they're inconsiderate. Anyway, it was crowded so it was hard to not get Strangers in Frame that just walk in front of your Lens or behind what you're busy Photographing and are indifferent or oblivious to just give you a few Seconds to take your Picture first.
And I'm really Surprised more Photographers were not taking Pixs of the individual Quilt Squares, most were just doing Panoramics of the Exhibit. I did a few of those so you would get a sense of how they Displayed it all, but the Messages about Environmental and Social Issues were in the Quilt Squares themselves. So much to take in and appreciate, so much being said in Art Form. Of coarse, I think Society is a split between the Environmentally Conscious and the Environmentally Unconscious and the latter just does not Care about Mother Earth or of Social Injustices and Issues affecting Society and impacting us in Negative ways. I've always said if you're not part of a Solution then you ARE part of the Problem. A lot of the Messages had layered Messaging and I'm sure you'll notice and appreciate that too, I did. Each Artist was making their Statement.
I would Love to be able to Buy some Quilt Squares like these actually and make a Fabric Journal of them. I don't know what the Gardens will do when the Exhibit is a Wrap with the Contents? I think it would be great if they Sold them and used the Proceeds for Environmental and Social Issues. Even if they become Weather Worn, I think they'd still have Value individually and collectively. Of coarse choosing when there are Thousands and each worthy in it's own Right as a small Masterpiece, would be difficult. But, I did have my personal Favorites and I think you will too when viewing just these few Samples I Photographed for Blog Fodder. I do plan to go back and Photograph more on a pleasant Day when it's Calmer, Warmer and not Wet. That would make the Photography easier and I'd know how long the Maze takes and bring Water and a Snack to tide me over next time. *LOL and Winks*
The Son was saying part of the Fun for him in attending something like this Maze, or a Funhouse or a Haunted Attraction, is seeing how easily people get Anxious, flustered and Panic when they can't seem to get out. *LOL* I think if he'd gone with me he'd of been pissing himself Laughing at me then. *Winks and LMAO* All Focused and having Fun with Pathological Picture Taking Fixation on the way in... then when it clearly was taking so long to get to the Tree in the Center, some heightened Anxiety. Then seeing no Shortcut OUT, well, full blown Anxiety knowing I had another 40 Minutes or so to get the fuck OUT and felt Trapped! Needless to say I wasn't really enjoying the Visuals as much on the way out and wasn't taking Pixs as much either coz I just needed to get to The End! *Ha ha ha* It didn't just go Round and Round like it appeared on the Surface.
It Zig Zagged so much you felt like you'd stayed in place and were right back where you started after walking and walking a long time. You weren't really getting more than a few Feet away from where you WERE before, just on the other side of the same Rope!!! *Smiles* And there might have even been a Message in that too, we can't Escape Earth, it's where we're all gonna be whether we take Care of it or not. The Journey leads to the same Destination in The End. How we take that Journey is up to each of us. And as I watched the various Humans moving thru that Maze I could actually see which ones are Appreciative of their Surroundings and which are oblivious and just passing thru, in a hurry and without any involvement that is Meaningful. Many are like that around all of the Natural World.
This Quilt Square was one of my Favs, it had a lot going on, a lot of Hand Work, and had incorporated lots of Custom Beads into the Fabric Art. It reminded me of the Hippie Embroidery we used to do on the inserted Fabric Art we'd stitch into the bottom of our Bell Bottom Jeans to make them bigger Bell Bottomed, heavily Embroidered with a lot going on. I used to do this kind of Art all over my Jackets and Jeans, Carpet Bags and such during the Hippie Era. I still like it a lot and so I do still have some Vintage pieces and even some Modern Hippie Art made by Old Hippies who are resurrecting the Art Form and teaching it to Young Hippies. The Movement is making a comeback in my Grandkid's Generation. They might end up Being The Change needed in this World, I certainly Hope so for all Future Generations. Too many Evil, Selfish, Greedy Fuckers are cocking it all up for the Young People and putting their Future in jeopardy.
Mando and The Daughter are going earlier to the Hospital to visit her Dad and see if he's seen any Doctors yet or had any Tests run? He still hadn't gotten a Room when they had to leave him last Night, they were falling Asleep by the wee Hours of this Morning and he was still in the ER awaiting Placement in a Room. He might not have actually gotten into a Room until later this Morning actually? I'm going to visit him before my Shift, since, the Hospital is walking distance from our Antique Mall actually. So, I'll leave earlier than I need to in order to visit him first, then go in to Work. I am bringing in some more Inventory too, tho' I haven't Priced as much as I anticipated doing on account of being very tired from The Gardens and then his Health Emergency, which I couldn't have foreseen playing out as it just did.
I am Hopeful he's gonna be okay and his Heart and Arteries aren't in very bad shape again? Off and on they have been for many Years now, he's had Double Bypass Surgery before and been Hospitalized a lot for Heart Related Issues before. If he'd comply with his Cardiac Care with more consistency it would be Helpful, but he's not consistent about it. I can trick him sometimes into more Cardiac Friendly activities and diet, but you have to actually trick him to get him to be in compliance. He can't know what you're doing or he'd be resistant for sure. Sometimes I do think he's trying to Die... becoz he has been Sickly and Disabled a very long time, Decades in fact, and it must get tiresome and depressing when there is nothing more they can really do for you to improve anything really.
We want him around a long time of coarse, but sometimes I don't think he wants to be around anymore? I've discussed it with his Doctors, since, that Mindset is not a good thing and sometimes gives people Dark Thoughts that are high risk for even self-harm. He's very Quiet about his Thoughts even on a good day, let alone a bad day, so we never really know what he's thinking and he wouldn't necessarily be Truthful about it anyway. I know he often feels that becoz he requires Full Time Caregiving, that he's a Burden to all of us. We don't look at it like that even tho' Full Time Caregiving is hard and can be frustrating and exhaustive. People who pretend it isn't and Sanitize being a Caregiver and get all Saccharine about it just seem Fake as fuck to me and not being Honest to themselves or anyone else. I won't be that Caregiver, it seems disingenuous to me when I hear Caregivers being that way.
They're doing Extreme Caregiving that never Ends unless they Die doing it or the Loved One being Cared for Dies, which is no Happy Ending, to be sure. Yet, they'll say shit like, "It's such a Blessing..." On which fucking Planet is that "Blessed", I have to Wonder? It's not "Blessed" for any Loved One to endure suffering, pain, serious Illness or Disability and steady decline unto Death!!! And it's certainly no "Blessing" to have to Witness it and be able to do nothing about it but provide an often inadequate level of unskilled Caregiving yourself, often without Help. Most Insurances and Agencies are not covering a lot of it, so many Families go Bankrupt or close to losing everything trying to pay for the level of Care required. Or get no Help at all. NOT a fucking Blessing IMO. Okay, Caregiving Rant over, since it just irks me when I see inauthenticity out there regarding what Caregiving is REALLY like. I know, I been doing it a very long time now, for more than one Loved One. It's very Physically difficult and Emotionally hard. It can be a huge Economic and Mental Drain to Families.
And as Services for the most Vulnerable of Society are further eroded or eliminated, so that Billionaires can get more Breaks, it's likely to become all the more Challenging to those of us in the Trenches doing it. Most of us already feel we're on the "Hurry Up And Die Program", but to fast track that in a blatant way by our Government, seems particularly vulgar and inhumane. Not that they Care about being vulgar and about inhumanity in this Regime, the Cruelty IS The Point with them and they're Proud of it, so are their Followers it seems who Support such measures. You know, so long as it's NOT THEM being affected or impacted Negatively. So long as they "Other" Human Beings who are NOT Them, they can somehow be perfectly Okay with any level of Atrocities committed against someone else. How very Hitleresque it all is. And worsening almost Daily now.
Tho' the Good News was a Judge did stand up for the Federal Workers who were all Illegally Fired, and they shall all have to be reinstated, yay!!! A Victory, however seldom we're getting any, is something to Celebrate and Rejoice over. Levels of Resistance can Work, we Need to all Stand for what we strongly Believe in and not acquiesce and Obey in Advance to what is just fucked up and sinister in it's intent to destroy the America we Love. To Protect that which is worthy of our combined and collective Protection, and not give in, give up or give out. Yes, there are those who are running away and bailing on America prematurely. And it is Tempting to want to Escape before you become so Victimized or Persecuted and Rounded Up or Eliminated that no means of Escape exists. But, to lay down and roll over now means it will surely happen and you did nothing at all to even try to prevent any of it. I can't Live with that on my conscience.
I'm too much of a Fighter and Stand Strongly for what I Believe in and am Passionate about. I am one to go Down Swinging if I'm gonna hafta go down, and I'm taking as many of the Enemy with me as possible too. In fact, I'll want them to have to Fight me all day long and never see me. And Fair is Rare, I Fight Dirty and I Fight to Win, with no apologies and no Mercy towards who threatens me and mine. They'll know they been in a fucking Fight of their Lives, and I don't really Care whether I Win or Lose, I Fight to Win of coarse, but, I also bide my Time and can be very Patient to exact Revenge if the Fight is stacked in the Favor of my Adversaries. I can outwait damned near anyone and I got a very long Memory, so I never Forget an Injustice or someone I Need to take down or out. They become my Obsession and my Mission in Life to eliminate, I can Fixate on an Enemy and be Tenacious as a Dog with a Bone. *Winks* Be Scary... since, they may never Respect you but they will Learn to Fear you my Friends... PS: Just got Word that The Man had Congestive Heart Failure and still doesn't have a Room yet at Noon!!!
Make Good Trouble my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian
I hope your husband is okay. It's so hard dealing with so many medical and psychological issues, all at the same time.
ReplyDeleteThose flags and that maze, WOW! Beautiful!
He's been stabilized, but still doesn't have a Room, it was Congestive Heart Failure and he really waited too long to tell us how bad it had felt, so he's lucky he didn't croak! The Hospital must be slammed for to have In Patients still languishing in the ER a whole Day after coming in on Emergency and being Admitted!!! I just left the Hospital and had insisted they finally let him Eat, clearly they're not able to do the Stress Test Today that they'd had him Fasting for... and he's an Insulin Diabetic, so can't Fast that long without it causing more issues. His Blood Pressure is still very High... but he looked a bit better and was in pretty good Spirits, which was a relief.
DeleteOh gosh, I hope a room frees up soon for him. I bet he will be a lot more comfortable in a room instead of a high traffic area. How lucky your daughter and her friend could drive him. Congestive heart failure is awful. I remember when my dad would go into an episode. He seemed to know in advance and I would take him to be checked. They said his bp and heart rate and pulse were fine. But in about 4 hours, he would tank.
ReplyDeleteYou take care of you, too. That was a big outing in the heat and you by yourself! But those quilt blocks are so awesome. Very creative and talented people. And the message they carry is so meaningful. I studied every one!
I have a lot more of those Flag Quilt Squares to share in more Posts, and each does have a very vital Message the Artist conveyed. Yes, Congestive Heart Failure is no Joke and why I was so mad at him for not telling us sooner, he risked croaking! He is stabilized for now but still didn't have a Room by 5:00 p.m. when I went to visit him. I did insist they feed him, he got a nice meal, they had been having him Fast in preparation for a Stress Test, which, didn't happen Today so no reason to keep him hungry. He's an Insulin Diabetic so I said not eating would cause more complications we wouldn't need to have to deal with too. Anyway, he was in relatively good Spirits, but wanting to come Home and no TV. ER is very high traffic and noisy, but he managed to fall Asleep after eating and I Hope they are able to free up a Room soon. They must be absolutely slammed to have high risk Admissions languishing in the ER almost 24 Hours after being rushed in!!! He will get more attention in Cardiac ICU, I worry the ER is so busy they won't look in on him as often as they need to? It's a Chest Pain and Stroke Center tho', so the best for this kind of situation, it's where I was best Cared for after my Stroke and that other Hospital's fiasco of neglecting me after having one, so, it's the Hospital that Saved my Life and ensured no more Brain Damage... so I feel he's in good Hands. But it is a lot of stress and I was pretty wound up and upset... Fear being Anger in disguise, I was very angry... I'm more Centered and Calmer now. *winks*
DeleteSending positive thoughts your way. It never ends at your place, does it?
ReplyDeleteNope, it never Ends, each Day is a New Adventure!!! *LOL and Winks... Le Sigh* He's stable for now but still doesn't have a Room yet, the Hospital is so slammed that even high risk Admissions are languishing in ER Beds all day... but he's in relatively good Spirits considering. His Blood Pressure is very high still and they had to give him Nitro, so I don't know what all his Tests scheduled will reveal, but it probably won't be good. I just Hope he doesn't need another major Heart Surgery, he is high risk for even Out Patient Procedures like Colonoscopy so they won't even do those on him... so I'd worry about a Major Surgical Procedure. I am Calmer yet still very anxious.
DeleteI am also caregiver to hubby, Difficult! Once we had an argument about his health, he had been off for months and would not get it looked at. He kept saying "I'm driving to Montana tomorrow". He was obviously very unwell. I said you are going to the ER right now. He was out of his mind... I got his brother to take him. They kept him for a week. He was starting to get sepsis, and then had a stoke. He could have easily died. Old man crap!
ReplyDeleteYep, Man Drama is the worst, isn't it? *LOL* And they're so Proud and never want to appear Vulnerable, so they pretend everything will just pass if they ignore it long enuf! I'm glad your DH was taken under protest to the ER so he didn't drop Dead. The Man really risked that yet again and yet, we rinse and repeat often anyway every single time he's this Unwell!!! This is the reason I get mad, not that he's having a Medical Crisis, but that he ignores it until it's almost too late and puts the rest of us in a very tough spot to respond appropriately as well. I didn't want to drive too tired and in inclement weather, it was dangerous for me and the Kiddos volunteered to do it coz they thought it was too risky for me... and they were less exhausted than I was and have quicker reflexes. He's stable now, but not out of the danger zone, we'll know more about what's going on with his Heart after the Test results. I know there's not much they can do anymore, but, we still have to respond to each and every episode.