Monday, March 10, 2025

Feeding Your Soul

 I'm having some Island Envy right now coz my Welsh Cousin and his Wife are Vacationing in Barbados right now.   I Love Tropical Islands.  I still have Tropical Island Dreams.  My Cousin and Wife go on a lot of Trips abroad, since they can, and so they do.  Most Brits do actually on their Holidays, more than the Average American does.  Had my Carefully Planned Retirement not been cocked up completely, I envisioned going on lots of Vacay Retirement Travels too, both Nationally and Abroad, now I can't.  Now I have to live vicariously thru Friends and Family that still can.  Dammit.  Well, I had the best of Intentions for our Sunset Years and actually attained most of it before it all went to shit and beyond my Control.   And I'm a Control Freak, so, don't Color me Happy when shit's out of my Control.  *Winks*

I used to have Paid Off Homes, Paid Off Vehicles, no Debt, that's how Retirement was SUPPOSED to Work for me, since I'd carefully Planned it that way.   Then Life happens, and shit happens.   So, long time Dear Readers know the chain of events that have led to now... and so now here we are.  It's not awful, but, it's not The Plan either.  *Bwahahaha*  I had to Sell Off the Paid Off Property, take on a big Mortgage and a Vehicle Loan, Raise some Grandkids, fight to Adopt them, pay some astronomical Medical Debts, and incur other Debts due to being forced into Early Retirement by circumstance that required full time Unpaid Caregiving.

Yeah, whaddya gonna do, Bora Bora and such had to be just put on The Bucket List of shit not done yet and an unfulfilled Dream for now... or forever... who knows?   Lots of unvisited Dream Destinations, so little Time left.  The Man doesn't like Traveling, especially Abroad, I still get Wanderlust and Loved time spent visiting other Countries.  The Son has been given an Offer he might not be able to refuse, Career Wise, and he's seriously considering it.  If he expects to one day inherit and take over the responsibility of our Estate, and Forever Boheme', well, he knows he has to consider favorable options like this one.  I strongly recommended he accept, they are giving him until June to consider the Offer.  In June he has Four Years in at the Cabinet Company and can get maximum Vacation Earned and just take it and leave.

  He'd earn enuf at the New Career to send me to Bora-Bora any time he wanted to, let us just say.  So it gives more than him Options too.  *Winks*   The Son has to consider other things, should something happen to his Dad and/or I, he has a Sister and a Nephew who are unable to be gainfully employed due to the extent of their Mental Health Disability.  He would inherit them along with the Property and Possessions, it's a Big Ask, but he knows it's in his Future.  Anyone with a Seriously Disabled Family Member knows this is part of their Future, to take Care of those requiring Caregiving and Support.  The Government isn't gonna step up and do it for any of us.

He's done the kind of Work before that he's being offered and they've been offering for several Years.  He might just take them up on it this time, since, Money Talks.   It's not the Work that bothers him, it's the Hours, they're endless and he claimed he wouldn't have a Life beyond the Career.  I countered with, well, what kind of a Life beyond a Job do you have now?  Touche'.   And, at least you'd be Paid Handsomely for putting in that much Work at the New Career and it's closer to Home too and many of your Lifelong Friends Work there already.  Brandon, Q and Andrew all Work there already, Brandon is in charge, he is strongly urging The Son to come on Board... so they have The Dream Team. *LOL*

It's Job Security becoz the Gravel Pits have a 99 Year Land Lease and more Work than they can handle, hence, the long Hours, usually Seven Days a Week.   Lamentations aside, you know, that I'm not in Barbados or Bora-Bora right now, with a Handsome Stud Muffin Exotic Cabana Boy serving me Drinks on the Beach with a little Umbrella in them, Life is still Good.  *Winks*  We have Resorts in Arizona that people flock to from all over the World.  So, there are Local Destinations I could frequent easily if I Saved my Pennies, so, we're not deprived, our Weather is Glorious right now again whether you are on a Vacation or a Staycation.  We have our own little Slice of Paradise right here at Forever Boheme'... so don't Cry for me.  *Bwahahaha*

My Welsh Cousin is referring to the United States as West Russia now. And I couldn't be Sorrier to all our European, Canadian and Mexican Friends and Relatives right about now for all the Fuckery of this Regime that was voted in.  It's not only an embarrassment and something to be ashamed of, but is making our Country a Worldwide Pariah now.  There is no Unity to the United States anymore, but it is Unifying all other Nations that were once our Allies and we're now turning against, and they can't Trust us anymore, that's for sure.   I'm glad there is the retaliation, militancy, Good Trouble and resistance going on Abroad, since here, I'm not seeing enough of it.  Especially at the top of the Food Chain, they're acting impotent or scared shitless.

Moving On... since, Sanity must prevail, Right?  *Winks*  The Daughter has another Cleaning Job in the East Valley so we'll be Heading East later this Morning and she'll Work 'til about Four doing Housekeeping.  She's one of those rare people who actually enjoys Cleaning and does a good job of it.  She's been a Godsent to me here doing the Housekeeping, Cooking, Yardwork and delving into the long delayed Projects of The RV Garage Mahal and Art Studio Spaces.  She's good at Recruitment too, she's got a Posse of her Friends involved in it with her here, I appreciate them all so much, I couldn't afford to Hire Staff like that.  I think 2025 will be the Year it gets Done!  Hallelujah!

We found a really nice new Fav Restaurant in the far East Valley "The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill".  OMG all the offerings were some of the best Greek Food I've ever had and even tho' it looks like a Fast Food Chain, the Presentation is like an Upscale Restaurant.  Prices, for what you get, are fantastic too.   Alas, they only have Two Eastside Locations, the one we went to in Mesa and another one in Scottsdale.  Boo Hoo, I'd sure like one to be further Westside but I know why they don't.  Great Mediterranean Food places that opened Westside, like Halal Brothers and Sinbad's, had to close.   Anyway, here, The Man and I chose Two different Sampler Platters so we could Share. Started out with Two Large Greek Salads that came with it.

The Man's Platter was the Souvlaki Plate and had various options for the Protein, he chose the Australian Lamb Kebab... but he could have chosen Chicken Breast, Steak Tenderloin or Jumbo Shrimp instead.   It came with House Made Tzatziki, Pita, and he chose the side of Lemon Potatoes.  He could have chosen other options as a side too, like Rice Pilaf, French Fries, or Feta Fries.

My choice was called the Mezze Plate and had Dolmades, Falafel, Spanakopita, Hummus, Pita and Tzatziki.   All of it was Sublime!  Probably the best Spanakopita I've ever had actually.  The Presentation was so pretty, as you can see.

We decided upon the Dessert Sampler to Share, tho' a Sampler, it had big portions of each, the Baklava was the best I've ever had, the Rice Pudding also, and something I'd never had before and Loved was the Baklava Ice-Cream, delicious!!!

We had so much Food we brought enuf Home for a whole other Meal and will definitely go back.  I'd drive all the way over to that Location, even tho' it's a long commute, just to eat there again!!!   We dined on their Patio Alfresco, since, it was such a gorgeous Day Outside, Mid 70's and Sublime Weather.  Only Dino's Greek Restaurant is still open Westside, the demographic on the Far West Side doesn't appreciate good Greek and Arabic Food as much as the East Valley, which has more of that ethnicity on their side of the Metro area too.  The Daughter Worked from Noon to 4:00 and we went to some new Shops in the Area to hang out while she was Working, which were well worth visiting and in the same Location as the Greek Restaurant.  Just a little ways further down the Freeway.  The Man had opted to come along again and we really enjoyed ourselves.  First time ever at IVY & SAGE LIFESTYLE CO., OMG, I fell in LOVE with that place... a whole Blog Post will be coming... above is me looking very Happy finding another great Haunt!  *LOL* 

  The way they Decorate and Merchandise the Vendor's and Designer's Wares, it is exceptional and Magical, also, very Inspiring.   The Man pretended to Like it too, I know it's not his Jam, but he was happy to be in tow and being a very good Sport about a Decor Store.  He had his damned Shirt on Backwards since he'd dressed himself, ah well... *Winks*  He did find a Book all about Knives and he Collects Knives, so, we did find something for him there too and I got a Necklace.  Their Prices were very, very reasonable on most things.  The Vintage Suitcases were high priced, but most of them were For Sale, but also were clearly Props as well and Displays, so it's probably the We Don't Wanna Sell It Price?  *LOL*  Anyway lotsa Eye Candy in a forthcoming Post from that Store, it was Blog Fodder Heaven!

Along with a Necklace that I got for myself, I got a couple Funky Matchboxes of Celeb's Mug Shots, I decided upon Elvis and Marilyn.  They still look Adorable even in their Mug Shots, No?  *LOL*   I mean, ya gotta really look Good for Reals if you can pull off a good looking Mug Shot after having been Arrested!!!   They have the Countenance of having been Arrested, but, still looking Good, if not Happy.  Coz they knew for sure these Mug Shots would get out and be circulated forever! *Bwahahaha*   And all these Years later, yep, on Matchbox Covers even being bought in 2025.  *Winks*

Yeah, Tempting to get Hendrix and Jagger too... I didn't feel it was the best one of Tupac... and Morrison was barely recognizable, The Man couldn't even tell who it was.   Jim was definitely not having a Good Day. *LOL*

Okay, so I'm saving the rest for the Post about the Shop.  Except for my Necklace, Below, which has the Love-Hate Coin, a Chandie Crystal, some Tiger Eye and Onyx Stone Beads and was so inexpensive I hadda Buy it!  It's actually a long Necklace with Chain Links above the Onyx Beads too but I needed to shorten it on the Display to get a closeup of it.

Well, a Pix of one more Necklace I didn't Buy but was Tempted to is Below... I didn't wanna go over my paltry Budget, so, didn't get it this time.  But, if they still have one next time I'm over there, I probably will.

I have Blog Fodder for Days now.  *Winks*   One thing I would have Bought on Sunday at the Antique Mall, had they made it in my Size, was the T-Shirt below.  The Man and I had just been joking about the Chris Farley "In A Van Down By The River" SNL Iconic skit, about if the Economy totally bottomed out, that's where we'd be Living... and then we saw this Shirt!!!   Dammit all they had were Size Medium, WTF?!  So I have Messaged them to ask if they'll be getting in any XL or preferably XXL Sizes?   If they can get an XXL I'll buy a couple.

Below is a Close-Up of the Baklava, OMG was it Divine!  I've had a lot of Baklava, made authentically in many different places, but, this was by FAR the Best I've ever had!!!   And it was a large piece, and large portions of the other Two Desserts, for a very inexpensive Sampler Dessert Price.   The Daughter will be Working again next Sunday and I'm mos def gonna eat there again while waiting for her.  *LOL*

I took Pixs of it all with my Cellphone Camera and my nifty new one Debra Gifted me with.   I was definitely enjoying being in Pathological Picture Taker Mode again.  *Winks*   And, while out and about Steven, our Antique Mall Manager, called to ask me if I'll fill in another Shift on Wednesday the 19th from 5-9 p.m. and I agreed, since, the last one went so well.   Midweek Shifts are not as busy as Weekend or Sale Day Shifts, so, I can take it easy as I need to.   And clearly they're having trouble getting Vendors to work the Shifts and we have so many of the Older Vendors getting Sick and Dying, that Staffing is way less than it's been for Years.  Mostly it's the Elderly Vendors who work the Shifts and are Retired or Semi-Retired, coz most of the Younger Vendors have regular Full Time Jobs or Careers.   And most wouldn't Work for just comped Space Rent at only Ten Bucks an Hour either.

The Daughter's Friend Mando is going to do more Yardwork for me Today, Bless him.  We have him over for Dinner often and he hangs out here like it's a 2nd Home, he likes to keep busy.  He's dealing with his own Health Issues and it keeps his Mind off of all that too.   We've still got to confront Rob about our John Deere and getting it back here.  Mando has been doing the Grass with a Weed Eater!   It's a lot of Space to just use a fucking Weed Eater on, but, the Grass/Pasture is in dormant phase right now, so it hasn't been too bad.  Irrigation has begun again tho' and it's Warming up, so Spring has sprung and shit will start growing again.  I Love Spring, but it means more Yardwork and Gardening for sure.   So, I'm Thankful for the Volunteers helping us out with it that are the Friends of our Adult Kiddos.

We saw Snow on the Mountains to the North of the Valley, they're still getting Snow up North of the State too.  So, it's not feeling very Springlike to any of them in Northern Arizona or North of the Valley even.   I should have taken a pix of the Snowcapped North Mountain and Mazatzal Mountain Ranges, but, we were careening down the Freeway way on the Southeast Side of the Valley, looking across the Metro Area at them.  *LOL*  Anyway, they were Beautiful with their Snow Capped Peaks, which, you don't see all that often.   Most Desert Mountain Ranges aren't Green and they aren't Snow Capped, they are rugged, barren except for Cacti, and Moonscape looking usually, tho' Beautiful in their own right.  During Monsoons some have Waterfalls tho'.  And our Sunrises and Sunsets really do look like that, no enhancement, it's that Fabulous Naturally!  And what it usually looks like Year round... sometimes carpeted with Desert Wildflowers and spectacular Cactus Blooms in Spring.

But, this is pretty much what we saw whilst looking Northeast towards Scottsdale from the Freeway in the Southeast Valley Yesterday.  Desert in the Front and Snow Party in the Back.  *LOL*

And this Month thru May will start looking like this soon.  All Images courtesy of the Interweb coz tho' I'm pretty sure I have many Archived ones of my own, I'm a Lazy Blogger on a Time crunch this Morning.  *Winks*   All I can say is my Arizona is Beloved by me and I wouldn't Live anywhere else now.   Even tho' I've been a Global Nomad and well Traveled, this Land Speaks to my very Soul and Ancestrally I feel quite Connected to it, in a strong way I cannot fully explain and never felt anywhere else.   I've been to Beautiful States and Beautiful Countries all over the World that I enjoyed and appreciated, but Arizona Feels like where I should have always been and want to always stay now.  Feeding your Soul is Important.

But, so is Feeding your Belly... Winks... and your Eyes... Double Winks.


Dawn... The Bohemian

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A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl