Monday, February 3, 2025

Like An Episode Of The Twilight Zone

 This Post will be heavy on the Visuals of some of my Favorite Things, whether mine, or belonging to people I know.  It's the Eye Candy that Sustains me when things get difficult with the Issues Of Life.  And right now our Country is like an Episode of The Twilight Zone. The Daughter made The Man and I Breakfast, she's been good about doing that in the Mornings to ensure we eat something.   I have been slack about doing things since the Stroke.  I still can do it, but, I must say I tire and get out of breath easily, so avoidance has been my tactic.  After all, I had the Stroke while in the Kitchen just making Chili in the Crockpot, so, perhaps psychologically it has been damaging to my psyche?   That's my Story and I'm sticking to it.  That way a Kid will step up and be our Personal Chef and I LIKE eating other people's cooking and can't afford to eat out much anymore, with the strained Budget of late.  *LOL*

The Budget, what can I say, it's a dirty Six Letter Word of late.  And tho' I've always been faithful to having one, the volume of Health and Medication Expenses, Crisis Expenses, coupled with expensive Home Repair and Appliance Replacement Expenses, has done it in.   Put a Daisy on that Budget for all of 2025 and perhaps beyond.  The Antique Mall Sales slump has meant no discretionary income coming in either, which usually is what we use recreationally when I Sell Off what we're Downsizing or willing to Sell Off when we need Money and some Liquidity.  I still have plenty of Value that I could and would Sell Off, but, you cannot Sell when few are Buying. 

When I talk to most Seniors now, they aren't Buying anything they don't absolutely need and are worried about affording the Essentials now that the Economy is in obvious freefall.  And what might happen to Social Security and Medicare under the newly installed Regime that threatens to do away with it all.  The Young Adults don't even have enuf to afford Rent, so they're not Buying either.  It's all rather up in the Air and so, everyone is being Careful, including Yours Truly.  I'm usually Careful with Finances anyway and stick to a Budget, but, shit happens that you cannot Plan for or have Cash on Hand to cover, Debt can happen involuntarily and by necessity.  So, here we now are.  I do not Like it.

I sound like a Dr. Seuss Book or Sam I Am, but, there's a LOT I do not Like lately and I'm squeaking about it on my little Platform and Raging Against The Machine.   A Voice in the Wilderness, but, I'm not one to not carry on when I have something to say.  *Winks*   And, Yes, I can be very controversial and I know this about me, but make no apologies for it either.   I'm Passionate about things, especially certain things, so wouldn't be inclined to keep my Mouth shut about them.  *LOL*  If they start rounding up The Resistance, well, I could be among them, let us just say.  *Bwahahahaha*  Since my Retirement Plan is possibly Prison, since I cannot afford Long Term Senior Care, it's Okay.  I Wonder if you can Blog from Prison?  *Winks*

I think upon such random things as this.  Last Post I was thinking upon Why some Bloggers have gone Private and did get some Welcome Feedback about possibilities I hadn't thought of.  To be sure there are some unlovely reactionary folks out there and sometimes they even occupy The Land Of Blog and Target some unfortunate Blogger who expresses their Opinion or has a Voice.   Alas, some folks cannot tolerate an opposing viewpoint and can get really nasty about it or feel the need to become confrontational.  I think they probably are tortured Souls who project their misery and bitterness outwards.  But, that can still make them unpleasant and unwelcome to be around or have to deal with.  We've all seen The Karens out and about in Real Life.  *Eye Roll*

I do know that some Bloggers have been transparent about hesitating to Blog about certain Topics or avoid them completely due to how uncertain or hostile the reaction can become.   If Offenses are Taken, then, there are those who will fall away, even if no Offense was intended towards them Personally.  We can't control how or what might Offend, it's up to someone to Receive and Take The Offense or not actually, whether it was Intended or Unintentional.   Some folks are Offensive by Nature and don't even seem Aware of it or Acknowledge when they are told they are.   I had a Dear Friend who would Argue that she did not habitually Argue, it was Funny, but very Telling that she didn't even seem to know how Argumentative she actually was!   It became problematic in her Relationships, since, an Argumentative Person can be exhausting.

And, the funnier part was, she'd almost get more upset if she couldn't engage you in her Arguments she'd attempt to initiate with you.  I'd just always say the same thing, of, "You could be Right."   That is the beginning and the end all of any Argumentative Stance directed at me, I just can't be bothered to Argue with anyone about anything.  Mostly, I don't Care enough to, it doesn't matter to me.  You are entitled to your Opinion, you can Believe whatever you will, and make your own Free Will Adult Choices.  I can amicably Agree to Disagree, I can forfeit the Need To Be Right, it's all Good as far as I'm concerned.  It avoids avoidable Drama and a Headache and maintains my Peace.  Far more important to me than Winning an Argument.  Plus, I realize I could be Wrong about some things, so... I can admit that with humility and Grace.

So, as much as I might say "You Could Be Right.", I have also often said "I Could Be Wrong", and just Moved On.  Easy Peasy and keeps Positive Energy in Balance of anything Negative someone else might be fixated upon and giving more Energy and Life to.  I prefer Positive Energy People as well, so if you happen to be a Black Cloud Negative Energy type, I don't really spend a whole lot of time in your presence and limit my exposure.   As much for your sake as for my own actually, since, I am not often known for being tactful, I simply lack the adroitness to be.  Or, to be more accurate and Honest, I'm too Lazy and Impatient to direct a conversation with that skill, even if I do have it in me to.  *Bwahahaha*  I cut to the chase once someone becomes annoying, a Pain in my Ass or a nuisance, I'm not the least bit ambiguous about it.  *Snicker*  I'm getting even blunter with Age too.  *Winks*

The Daughter was saying Mando's Mom can get 100 Eggs Cheap and I'm like, we're a big Family, but, 100 is too many Eggs.  Where the fuck would be put 100 Eggs?!  *LMAOROTF*   And, is this Black Market Egging I Wonder?  *Bwahahahaha*   Anyway, it gave me a Laugh, and, if Eggs go up any higher, I might explore her Source and then Sell Off the Excess from our Mini Farm.  *LMAOROTF*   Hey, our Neighbors who have Chickens on their Mini Farms do it all the time.  I don't yet want to Raise Chickens, I just got thru Raising Children last Year, Okay.  *LOL*  And keeping Kids Healthy and Alive was bad enuf, I just couldn't and wouldn't wanna Deal with Sick Chickens and Bird Flu risk factors.  I don't know if I could even tell what a Sick Chicken acts like?  *LOL*

And, when I Buy Eggs I usually look for Pasture Raised becoz the requirement is 108 Square Feet of Outdoor Space and also Covered Space for Shelter.   The whole Free Range and Cage Free Myths about Humane Treatment are misleading and no better Quality of Life for those Animals than being Caged Battery Hens.  I also often Buy our Eggs from Small Farms like ours who Raise small Flocks in their Yards and have little Henhouses built for Shelter that the Birds can Nest in and seek Shelter.   I'm all for Ethically Raised if it's made available and affordable enough, but, I will opt to pay more for it, no problem.   The key is to check out how Honest any Suppliers are about how they're treating their Animals and not duping you with misleading Terms.   Cage Free and Free Range being prime examples of misleading terms and what Standard that requires. 

Battery Caged Hens live in 67 Square Inches.  That's less than a Sheet of Paper.  Cage-Free is only required to be less than a Square Foot.  Free Range is only required to be less than Two Square Feet per Chicken.  Both Cage-Free and Free Range do not mean they have Outside Access either... nor the requirement to be.   Pasture Raised are the only ones that have access to more than a Soy or Corn Fed Diet... Pasture Hens have that Diet plus access to Grass, Bugs and Worms.  You can and will tell the difference in appearance of the Yolks and the Quality of the Taste of the Eggs, compared to the less Humanely treated Animals.  If I did have Chickens they'd be very Spoiled Chickens and lay us some great tasting Eggs... Pretentious Eggs, as Princess T used to call it when she was Little if we went to a Fancy Restaurant for Breakfast.  *LMAO*

Yes, I'm rather fixated on Eggs right now, since, well, if you've been Grocery Shopping lately, you know Why.  *Bwahahaha*   And, I Like our Eggs to look like this.   It's how my Parents always bought their Eggs and the only time we'd Buy White Eggs was for Easter to Dye them easier.  *LOL*   The Man always thought it was Mythical that they tasted better, 'til he had MY Eggs, then he had to concede, they looked better and tasted better, he could definitely tell the difference.  He'd been used to Pale Yolk Eggs and when we have Visitors for Breakfast, they always comment on how Golden, almost Orange, our Yolks are and ask Why?  Happy Hens, Happy better Eggs.   I also Buy my Milk from smaller Farms that Pasture Raise their Cows, Zeal Creamery Milk is my Fav, but I've bought from other Small Farm Suppliers Locally too. 

 The Man jokes the Milk is from my Hippie Raised Cows.  He quit Teasing me when Allen backed me up that it makes a profound difference in the Meat and the Milk how the Cows are treated.   Allen had worked at Ranches since he was 14, including his Grandpa's Ranch in Texas, and in Slaughterhouses Nationally.  He said Wagyu Beef is such high Quality becoz of how the Cows are treated before they are processed for Food.  They are fed a special diet, often even massaged, given plenty of space to roam and exercise, even when taken to Slaughter, Allen said they have windy Paths rather than straight ones to keep the Animals Calm and not Stressed or Tense.  

 He's worked in a Wagyu Beef producing Plant and said it's far more Humane in how it's operated.   He has since quit working in that business, Home Depot being easier and treating Employees more Humanely than Slaughterhouses do.  Just sayin', it's not just the Animals not treated well or in Humane Conditions.   The Working Conditions are brutal for the Humans working there at most of these Factory Farms and Processing Facilities.  I know I couldn't hack it and every place Allen ever Worked across the Country, he said more than 90% of the Workforce was always Immigrants from various Countries and/or Felons who would have trouble getting hired elsewhere.   And I'd venture to say closer to 100% of Migrant Farm Workers are not Americans these days and haven't been for Decades now.

And I'm one of those Weirdos that does find Domestic Livestock to be Cute and have Personalities, so, Why wouldn't we treat them Humanely and Respectfully even tho' they're a major Food Source?   Some of my Fav Art is my Cow Art, and I know it's been overdone with the whole Urban Farmhouse Aesthetic, but, I still Luv them to Decorate my Urban Farmhouse with!  *Smiles*  Yep, not Ashamed to say I am a Joanna Gaines Fan Girl and Shiplap would be something I'd have in our Home if you could even get it in Arizona.  Wasn't used much in these parts to construct Homes.  *LOL*   I Love her Aesthetic and Style and they carry a nice Line of hers in TARGET.  Now, her DH Chip I find terribly Annoying and he'd Work my last Raw Nerve.  A little bit of Chip would go a long way.

 But Joanna is Adorable and reminds me of a Friend of mine in the Industry, Myko, of AQUAMARINA VINTAGE & ANTIQUES.  I've Cribbed some of Myko's fabulous Imagery and Photography, from her Instagram, to Share in this Post, since I'm Photo Challenged right now for my own Blog Fodder. *Le Sigh*   I've linked to her Pinterest Page and she Sells Online and in Shops in the Washington State area.  If you want some Magical and well Curated Antiques and OOAK Creations, Myko is your Gal, her Inventory is always fabulous and off the Chain, I really miss her Spaces here in the Valley, and her too.  I once Sold her an Antique Clawfoot Bathtub from our Historic Home and she made it into a Conservatory Sofa!  Myko also Pimps Out her Taxidermy like I do, we're fellow Weirdos that way.  Santos Crowns and Vintage Millinery on Dead things and such. *Smiles*  Myko has some Taxidermy Specimens to Die For, like the above Lamb, wearing a Santos Crown and Vintage Millinery, as we do... and of coarse.  I have Taxidermy Envy. *Ha ha ha*

Anywhoo, I could be Friends with a Joanna Gaines too, her Creative Genius and Passion for what she does would be such a Glorious and Positive Influence to be around.  Plus, I like her Cookbooks and have all of them, even tho', yeah, I don't Cook. *Smiles*  I used to sell a lot of Hard Cover Coffee Table Books in our Showroom.   But then The Mall began competing with Vendors, which Contractually they're not supposed to do, but they do... and seizing the Books of Vendors who got way behind or skipped out on their Rent Due, and underselling all of us.  So, now I only put a few at a time in my Spaces and have had to cut the Price Point considerably from what we used to be able to get when the Mall wasn't cratering Sales by being The Competition rather than just The Landlord.  It is a Conflict Of Interest.

I still take Issue with that, or with Paid Employees undercutting us coz they get Free Rental Space AND a Salary, also, against the Contractual Agreement we all Signed.  When we Vendors Work we don't get Paid, just Comped Space Rent far below Minimum Wage, and we wouldn't be allowed to be Hired as Paid Staff there.  Conflict Of Interest and creates Opportunity for Fraud at the Registers.   If Paid Staff also have Merch and a Vendor Number, there is the risk they could Sell something belonging to a Vendor and just input it into The System as their Sale and manipulate the whole entry to be impossible to trace.  Or walk out of the Mall with anything they want if they just put their own Tag on it, who'd be any the Wiser?  Just sayin'.   Years of DA's Office Career has Schooled me on just about every Scam a Criminally Minded Person could Dream Up and Think of or Run a Game/Grift/Con on.

So, enter a Pix of Mr. Eli, whose been a bit of a Brat and Scoundrel lately, coz he's Mad at his Human and punishing her.  She's been spending more time with her Boyfriend Rusty, than with her Cat, and he's really pissed off about it.  In the Song Of His People he yowls and howls when she's not Home, and tears up or pisses on her things, just to show her his displeasure at being so neglected and abandoned.  He even ran up on her and bit her on the Ankle!!! *LMAO*   She'll come Home to the carnage and wail to me, as Kids do... and then I have go in and be The Heavy and threaten him.  He'll go hide in the Closet and peek around the Corner at me coz she's sent in Dark Dawn, who he dare not tangle with and he knows it.  I think Cats sense Psycho when they're in it's Presence?  *Bwahahaha*   I've Challenged him, Go Ahead, you Demon Cat, just TRY to Attack ME and see what happens!?  He's not Going There, he doesn't Like how it Sounds, even if he can't Understand what I'm Saying.  That Tone Sounds Homicidal, so, Nope, I'm Good!  *LOL*

 The Moment I come into the Room Mad and Representing his Human, whose MY Grand Baby Girl... he knows Oh Shit, The Girl has Ratted on me and thrown me under the Bus.   And to either Hide, or Roll over and Expose his Belly in Submission.  Then he will Act the Fool and Silly just so that I can't NOT Laugh.  Hard to keep the Hard Ass stance when he's being ridiculous on purpose.  *LOL*    Even tho' he's an Evil Lil Fucker and a Pre-Demonic Cat from Hell most of the time, he has his Moments when he melts the Heart.   Well, MY Heart, since the Rest of the Family doesn't Like him and is actually Afraid of him, coz he'll attack any and all of the rest of them if they even dare to enter her Room! *Bwahahaha*  Even The Daughter, who is a complete Psycho, is Fearful of him coz he does not Like her, he can't even stand her Voice, which Grieves her coz she Loves Animals.   Why doesn't he LIKE me Mom?   I don't know, he just doesn't, but then again, he only likes your Kid and I, so... it is what it just is with him.  

 Sometimes I'll bring this Taxidermy Juvenile Lynx to him and ask him if he wants to end up like that?  Apparently. He. Does. NOT!  *LMAOROTF*  And he's as Big as said Taxidermy Lynx, Eli is a very Big Boy and about the size now of a Small Dog and very heavy, his Human can barely pick him up and carry him now!   There are times I Wonder, since he was found as a Feral Kitten by Anthony's Family, if perhaps he's part Wild Hybrid Something Else?   Coz he really isn't what they'd call a Pet Quality Cat at the Animal Shelters.  And we've had him since it was just Weeks Old. *LOL*   And, he must look around at the rest of the House and figure, this Bitch has a LOT of Dead Critters and is obviously Crazy, so, I better not Test her or I'll be next with the Santos Crown and Bling on hanging on the Wall or on a Table Display!?  *Bwahahahaha*  I do Spoil him rotten tho', he gets the Best Kibbles and I'm the one that remembers to Feed, Water him, Buy Cat Toys and Change his Litterbox every Morning.  If I'm up, he knows it and starts Crying to me.  *Eye Roll*

I've tried Faking it and pretending I'm not up, but Princess T says he can hear this Keyboard and knows my Footsteps opposed to anyone else passing by her Room too, even if I'm being Stealthy!   Plus, she said if the Scent of Nag Champa is wafting by, he knows it's me.  There's Clues. *LOL*   And Speaking of the She Demon, she's not Home and still with her Boyfriend, he's been spoiling her rotten since they got back together and so poor Thing, he's whipped.   *Smiles*   She can be very High Maintenance and Demanding this one.  Since she's been The Golden Child of the Family and the other Family Members swear she's possibly Pre-Demonic and sometimes needs an Exorcism, so, her Brother and Uncle always say they Pity The Fool whose enamored with her or ends up with her.  They could be Right.  *LMAO and Winks*  The Wrath of Princess T is nothing to Trifle with, tho' she's a Quiet Pleasant Introvert 90% of the Time, that 10% is a Ratchet Wednesday Addams Bitch from the Bowels of Hell and can Turn on a Dime.  *Smiles*

It's a good thing she's so Beloved, and The Golden Child like 90% of the Time, she's been far easier to Raise than any of the Others, so we Like her better. *Smiles*  And Grandpa is her Favorite, tho' they Spar as if they're in an MMA Cage Match sometimes, which is hilarious, coz he actually thinks he could Win that Matchup.  *Bwahahahaha, Silly Man, but to be Fair he has Brain Damage.*   And when she thinks I'm being a Big Ole Meanie, especially to Grandpa, even if he's being difficult and unlovely, she'll come to his defense like a High Profile Defense Attorney and Plead his Case.  *Eye Roll*   But as The Prosecutor, I just turn it around on her and say, "Fine, then you get him for a while until his Ass straightens up and he knocks it off... Thanks for the Respite.  Don't Threaten me with a Good Time!"   And, Trust and Believe she puts up with less of anyone's nonsense or shit, including his, than even I ever would.  So, it's rather Comical when she has to be The Heavy and forgets I have to be also at times.  And then HE wants ME back, to Rescue him from Nurse Ratchet.  And then, there was no more Trouble in Paradise. *Winks*

The Daughter, the Schizophrenic one, is actually the most Patient and Kind Caregiver ever to him.  She Adores her Dad and was always a Daddy's Girl, even tho' she was mos def our Prodigal Child in every way.  *LOL*  The Son and The Grandson get jealous coz he was always a Hard Ass with the Boys but a Pushover with the Girls, and I think he got that from how he was Raised actually.   His Dad, my FIL was a real tyrant and Hard Ass, he was one to make Men out of his Sons.  I felt he was a very harsh Man and I only ever met him once before he Died and he realized I had NOT been Raised the way they Raise their Women.  So, we had an immediate "Understanding", Bob and I... I am not, never have been, nor ever will be the Subservient or Oppressed Little Woman. And I Bow Down to NO Man.  *Winks*  We like to Joke that The Man only halfway managed that Making a Man shit out of The Men he Raised, since, The Young Prince is Fabulously Gay and sorta like a Man... and like a Granddaughter... so... *Smiles*  But The Man is a staunch defender of the LGBTQ+ Community and Loves Unconditionally. 

His Family Feel some kind of way about it, but, they're LDS and have that whole Religious Bias going on against the Gays... and, frankly, we don't Care.   If someone professes to be a Christian whilst Hating any of their Fellow Humans, I don't think Christ is necessarily IN them.  They might have a Form and a Fashion of 'Religion' and Honor Legalism and Dogma, but they aren't behaving Godly by any means if they lack the Humanity or the Fruits of the Spirit Evident in them.  To Treat every Human Being with Compassion, Kindness, Mercy, God's Love, Dignity and Respect all Life is deserving of as Sentient Beings.  That's my Take on it and I challenge anyone with Hatred and Racism, Homophobia or Xenophobia, Cruelty and Sexism, to Claim those are Godly attributes and Pleasing to The Creator.  I Believe they are NOT and will be Called into Account for it before The Lord.   If you're Serving Satan or don't Believe in God, then it isn't as hypocritical IMO to behave in an Ungodly way.

But, frankly, I see more Churchy People behaving Ungodly and rife with Hypocrisy, than I ever have of anyone who isn't "Religious" or claims to be a Christian, just an Observation.   And this is Why I'm not a Fan of Organized Religion, a lot of atrocities have been committed by The Religious or in the Name of their Respective Religions, thruout History.  It can become a handy excuse to do something heinous and inhumane, if they feel they're doing it for god and try to justify it accordingly.   And I use a little 'g' on Purpose there.   A god that would sanction atrocities isn't one I would want to Serve nor Worship or even Claim as my Lord.  So, it's not The One that I have Relationship with, I wouldn't even know their god or how being like that benefits Mankind or bears Good Witness?  But I can see why and how it would be a stumbling block Spiritually and off putting to anyone, and run like Hell from those Religions and their Members. 

The Daughter has begun to get little side Jobs cleaning people's Homes and doing their Yardwork with Mando, all by Word of Mouth of how good a Job and how trustworthy they are.   It helps her to remain Mentally Balanced to keep busy and it helps him not to dwell on his Cancer Diagnosis, which is a grim one, he's got Stage 4.   They spent all day doing an Elderly Gentleman's Home and Yard, it was a lot of Work but they felt good being able to help the Old Man out for a price he could afford.  A lot of time they do extra Work for nothing, just as Charitable Work for someone in Need, Sick or Elderly.  Most insist on paying them something and certainly they both Need the Money to meet their own Needs.   They also finished up my Yardwork, so everything looks manicured.


I actually did about an Hour and a Half worth of Work in The RV Garage Mahal on Sunday.   I felt like I had more Stamina building.  I never got out of my Jammies, and we had Company for part of the Day, so never did go to the Eastside Antique Mall, which was Okay.  I didn't have to Cook since I had Mando's Family's Tamales they gave to us, which were sublime, and my pre-made Salads.   I didn't even take a Nap, even tho' I'd been up since about 2:30 in the Morning!   It felt good to just stay Home, I called the Antique Mall to see how we ended the Pay Period, we owed again, for the 2nd time in a row, which has never happened in all the Years I've been there.   This time is was about Sixty Bucks, last Payday about Forty, so, I'll have to go in on Monday and Square it.  I've never had to do that before either, I've never had to cut a Check to the Mall, so, this is a first and I Hope a last? 

 But, with the Economy in Freefall and Elon The Brilliant On The Spectrum Billionaire and other unelected Cronies performing a Bloodless Coup, while the Orange One uses Political Theater to distract us so nobody is paying attention and it's not even being covered... America has Fallen and we just haven't been officially notified yet.  Scary Stuff.  I'm not even having to watch any of the News to obtain the most relevant intel and not even have to hear or see the Mango Maniac.  And he's looking really bad, deteriorating rapidly, he won't last the whole Term but mebbe they'll try to do a Weekend At Bernie's with him?   He'd just go from being a Living Puppet to a Dead One, that's all.   We probably wouldn't even notice the difference, seems he's been Brain Dead a long time already and is looking like a Walking Corpse.


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert, Be Well my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian

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A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl