We made the Wal-Mart bought Pupusas this Morning, they aren't as good at the South American Food Truck Vendors are, but, they were alright. I think I would get a different filling and try those, the Loroco Blossom and Cheese filling had an aftertaste of bitterness to them from the Loroco, which, I didn't particularly care for. They're supposed to be Savory, Sour and slightly Bitter, but I felt the bitterness was much too strong and reminded me of eating a Too Green Banana. Nobody complained, but, I wouldn't buy them again in that flavor profile. I like to try different things I've never had and I'd never eaten Loroco, now I know I either don't like it very much or had an unpleasant version of something that might be better made by an Authentic South American Chef and not a frozen food company? *LOL* Above is what a Loroco Blossom looks like whole, in the Pupusa they look like Green Chiles with a similar texture. Pupusas make good Food Porn tho'. *LOL*
The Home Nurse is running an Hour behind Schedule, which is Fine, we didn't have anything else on Today's Schedule anyway. It did make us all get dressed in Real Clothes earlier than usual. Since, they might take Note of shit like that? *LOL* Friends that Live in Retirement Homes say that they make the Seniors in them get dressed every Morning and I'd HATE that Rule. It's not indicative of my Head Space at all. I like to languish in my Jammies if I'm not going anywhere or Out and about, why not? Why is it mandatory to get dressed up if you have nowhere to go? Being all dressed up with nowhere to go, to me, is far more depression inducing IMO. *LOL* Looking Fierce with no destination is just a waste of my Time and Energy, I'm much more comfy in my Jammies and if I'm in the comfort of my own Home, I don't even Care if Company I know well comes by, it's not problematic. But, a Home Nurse, we felt, better we just dress in Day Clothes so Adult Protective Services doesn't feel the Need to stop by too? *LOL*
The Daughter had me give her the Once Over and asked how she looked? I quipped, like you're all Dressed Up with Nowhere To Go. And she Laughed and said, Yep, that's the Look I was Going For. *Bwahaha* We'll have to banish The Man from the Living Room, he rarely sits in there, but when he knows anyone is coming over, he craves the Attention and she's not here for that. *Winks* It's not all about you Today, Honey, says I, so, when her Home Nurse arrives, I want you to go to our Room and be out of the way, Okay? He'll petulantly comply, but I don't ever know what crazy shit he might say and we just don't need that. You never know what will fall out of his Mouth sometimes now with the TBI coupled with onset of early Dementia!? And if people don't know his condition they can have a WTF reaction. *Smiles* And, since there's also no telling what crazy shit The Daughter might say, that will be more than Enough for one Nurse Home Visit to document. *Bwahahahaha* A Visit to The Asylum here can be Interesting and an Experience. *Winks*
I watched a good Navajo Indie Film on NetFlix "Frybread Face And Me" {2013} about Two Young Cousins, one from the City and one from the Rez, who spend a Summer with their Maternal Grandmother on her Ranch on the Rez and have a Cultural Awakening. The Grandmother speaks no English and the City Indian Kid doesn't understand her. I remember feeling that way with my Mom's side of the Family since English is not their First Language either. I remember the first time as a Teenager I got to meet and spend time on the Rez with my Paternal Grandmother and have a totally different Cultural Awakening of the Two different Worlds tho' too, it is profound. The same, when as a Teenager, a few Years earlier, I got to go to North Wales and spend time with that Maternal side of the Family and have a different Cultural Awakening. I didn't grow up around either set of Grandparents or in either of my Parent's respective Cultures, so it was nice to connect and learn more about each of my Parent's Cultures and how they grew up. It gives you more of a sense of Self and your Roots. So, I enjoyed this Film and that the Elders in it were speaking Dine' and the viewer had Subtitles.
This is my Welsh Cousin's Son looking like a Gaelic Jesus. *LOL* He's in a Heavy Metal Band and so was going for the Viking Look, and he's such a really big Guy, like my Cousin, and like our Welsh Uncle, his Grandpa. I used to like hearing my Relatives who could still speak Welsh too. To hear the Dying Languages while anyone still knows how to speak them fluently, is Moving to your Spirit and difficult to explain. In both of my Parent's Cultures they were harshly punished in the Schools for speaking their Native Tongues. My Mom had her Fingers all broken in Grade School by a Teacher who was English, and smacked her Hands with a Ruler for being caught speaking Welsh. The same corporal punishments were meted out clear thru the 1970's to Native American Children in the Indian Schools. Navajo Friends my Age told me they spoke their Language quietly and secretly on account of Years of not being able to be overheard speaking it without fear of harsh punishment in the Indian Schools by Non-Native Teachers.
The Home Nurse who came for The Daughter's Well Check was extremely thorough and spent a couple Hours here. She was Native American and was concerned about what Politically is happening now that could jeopardize the Health Care of all of her Clients. She also said most Indians are convinced 45/47 is being retaliatory to Tribal People becoz he blames them for his own Casinos failing and wants to shut down their Casinos, eliminate their Sovereignty and take away all Federal Funding they receive. That would eliminate their Health Care and ability to survive if they're shut off from access to everything needed for basic Survival, since, all Reservations are not sustainable Lands that they were given. Most of it was Lands nobody wanted who was not Indigenous. She strongly felt he's attempting to complete the Genocide of the Past against all Tribal people, I would have to agree with that assessment.
But, she also said a lot of Indians Voted for him and she didn't understand Why, anymore than she did that so many Hispanics did too? It is a Mystery and against their own self-interest. I just told her I didn't understand Why ANYONE Voted for him, all of that is a Mystery to me, since, it is against the self-interest of ALL of America to have a Psycho in Leadership who has destroyed everything else he's ever touched. Anyway, she wanted to do the most thorough evaluation and recommendation for The Daughter that she could so that she could recommend that she receive Services above and beyond just Medical Care. But can't Guarantee how long any of it might be Funded? She had worked on my Dad's Reservation in Tahlequah, Oklahoma and said Tulsa was the most dangerous City she had ever lived in. She had asked, when she got there where the Safest place in Tulsa was to live and people said, NOT IN TULSA! *LMAO* She Laughed becoz before she gave me their Answer, she asked me what mine would have been, and I'd simply said NOWHERE IN TULSA. So, pretty close and so we both Laughed.
She herself is from New Mexico and I was telling her our Grandson currently lives there, tho' not on a Rez there and we were not Registered Tribal Members and only my Relatives live on a Rez, I never have. Most of her Clients were Hopi and Navajo here in Arizona. I found it Interesting that they sent her to us as my Child's Home Nurse tho', she felt it was niłch'i. Which is Dine' for Destiny or what is Destined to happen. I agree. She didn't have any more Clients for the Day so sat and visited with us for a while, we really enjoyed her and The Daughter felt comfortable around her. She's worked with a lot of Clients with SMI and said The Daughter was one of a dozen of Clients with Schizophrenia that she had been Assigned to. Most Tribal People have a different Take on Mental Illness than Non-Indians do. It is viewed more Holistically as just an imbalance of Body, Mind and Spirit. Signifying a disruption in their connection to Community, Nature and Spirituality, with a focus on restoring Harmony, it contrasts with Western Approaches.
The Young Prince called slightly after the Home Nurse had left and talked at great length. Mostly about Politics, since, well... since I've not been watching The News, it's kinda funny how now everyone seems to want to talk to me about Politics suddenly! *LOL* He doesn't watch The News either but TikTok is where his Generation gets what they need or want to know and I guess that's why the Government wanted to shut TikTok down for a Minute? Chinese influencers and all that. *LMAO* The Grandson finds it Amusing that America thinks we can be Influenced by Sinister forces OUTSIDE of the U.S. when most Influencers INSIDE the U.S. now are far more Sinister in his Opinion. I'd have to agree with that Assessment. And then he got so Deep, which Genius Boy is inclined to do and not realize it, so it got way over my Head and I had to tell him he'd completely Lost me! *Bwahahahaha* Yeah, I couldn't keep up... and not on account of the Stroke. I never could. *LOL*
So, Yesterday Afternoon my Computer automatically "Updated" and "Enhanced" itself and I HATE it coz now most of my Photo Archives are Gone and I have no Idea where it put them or if they're now Forever Lost?! I'm very upset, coz The Niece had given me this Flash Drive to back that shit up but I didn't know how to use it without her Help and nobody here knew how so it never got done. I had anticipated it getting done had she come this Month to bring The Young Prince Home, but of coarse we had to delay that until Spring on account of inclement Weather. So, now mebbe, I've Lost a shitload of what I rely on to Blog and to also Keep for posterity... or it's in some Cloud somewhere that I have no knowledge of accessing and retrieving it. *Le Sigh* I did Google how to restore Lost Photos coz apparently it's common when the Computers Update coz lots of Googlers had asked how. But, I can't follow what they tell me will 'mebbe fix' it. Too Tech Challenged. Til I can figure it out it sucks and is limited access to Images. Computer Problems are The Devil!!!
Thus, I was left only with a few Photo Files that transferred over and most of them were the Oldest Folders of Images I had Stored since 2009 when I learned how to do that. *LOL* Yeah, so you'll be stuck with Ancient Imagery for a Minute. I mean, we were all Cute way back in the Time Machine Warp *Winks*, but, my current Images vanished and I have no Clue as to where in the Ether they are now? So, thus, for a while my Imagery Sharing on the Ole Blog will be compromised significantly and I haven't been able to Import anything New yet to see how that will go? And not only that, but the Photo Import Feature won't go Full Page either so that's another Mystery as to WHY?! Makes looking at or even Importing the Pixs I have onto the Blog Post a Pain in the Ass now, even using the largest Icons, they won't put it up on the Full Screen to View so you have a tiny Box off in the fucking Corner with no way to enlarge it like I'm used to. I abhor Enhancements, if it's the way I like it and am used to, I really don't want it Changed without my consent to. Becoz then I have to figure out all over again how to fucking use it or make anything Work for me?! So, Color me Mad right now...
Damned Technology... I have a real Love-Hate Relationship with it... LOL... Dawn... The Bohemian
I think your home health care nurse is spot on with her reasoning on why he is targeting Native Americans. I am so mad and upset I can't even discuss it. Just got my laptop back from the computer doctor too. Another long story where I am the culprit.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure she is aware of what he intends for Tribal populations and I am worried about my Paternal relatives fate. They already have a hard life. Glad you got your computer running. I know it was mine updating itself that was the culprit... Dawn the Bohemian
DeleteI shower immediately upon getting up, then put on my 'inside' clothes, which are too ratty to be seen in public.
ReplyDeleteI got Hippie Jammies so could probably get away with wearing them anywhere 😅... Dawn the Bohemian