We'll start out with Food Porn, coz, that's always a Good Lead Off to any Post to Reel Visitors in when they take the Bait. *Smiles* So, I just finished up the Last Post but still feel like Blogging, so, here we go in the Creation of another one. Not that I have a lot going on or to say per se, but, something will inevitably pop up in my Head and the Stream of Consciousness shall flow. Often like a fucking Tidal Wave. *Winks* I Love to Write, it comes easily to me, perhaps too easily actually so that I get quite carried away with it. As I do with Pathological Picture Taking... but, that all makes for a good Outlet via Blogging, now, doesn't it? *LOL* I did take some Pixs at our other Antique Mall even tho' there wasn't that much to Photograph, the Inventory of Editorial items was sparse IMO. Which, made it easy to resist any Retail Therapy I didn't wanna indulge in and do. *Whew*
Besides, only a couple of Favorite Vendors there even Tempt or Intrigue me with their Merch and how they Showcase it all. I aspire to be like a Couple of them that do it Superbly, I wanna BE them when I Grow Up. *LOL and Winks* So, I tend to Photograph and Cover their Booths most often, coz the rest, with just a few exceptions, Bore me, Yawn and Uninspired and Underwhelmed by the Offerings or the Art of the Display, or lack thereof. And One Friend who re-opened her Booth there, I know she can do better, so it's disappointing to see her current Booth coz it's a Shadow of what I know she's capable of in the Industry. She's typically Masterful at what she does and usually has the best Merch, now, well... not so much and I don't know Why coz we rarely see each other anymore. She's one that went Off the Grid and I only ran into Once now in Years of her being virtually MIA.
I hesitate to even ask what's going on since, she has disconnected for so long now, from what WAS once a Close Friendship and now isn't, Closed a Brick & Mortar Shop she Loved, and Reconciled a floundering Marriage. So, mebbe I don't wanna know? And part of that is ME, I got a lot going on myself in Life, with Issues Of Life too, so Honestly, unless you've remained Close and chosen to Share, I don't Need to Know. And, that might seem indifferent but, when someone goes Off Grid, or disengages, they have their Reasons, I Respect their Right to and don't Question it nor Personalize it... shit happens. I simply don't Need to Know and the longer someone is absent, the more I barely have them come to Mind, the ADHD Adult is like that, my Focus is brief even when I'm Trying to stay Focused on you or whatever you got going on. *LOL* And, I figure with some folk who are quite Private, I don't Pry if they hold their Mud about Personal stuff.
We had run into her there at the Downtown Location just the Once, for like in YEARS of not interacting whatsoever, and she was pleasant and behaved as if nothing had changed or was Wrong, so, I took it at Face Value. She very likely has a LOT going on too... and I'm Okay with that... as The Son always says, when you're All Friended Up, you just don't go out of your way to rekindle Old Relationships or even include or invite New Relationships either. It Simplifies Life considerably and I am Simplifying Life these days, as much as I have any Control over. I'm not even Socializing and the Lockdown during Pandemic really caused me to recalibrate and be more inclined to LIKE our Solitude. Sure, if we have folks come over to visit our Home, we Socialize and extend Hospitality, but, we don't go out TO visit anymore, just don't, and I doubt I will either. Solitude has been Nice, Drama Free, and focused on Family and what I want or need out of the Balance of Life. I was, and still am, that Strange Little Girl like that and make no apologies for it. *Winks*
I liked the Saying on this Art Tag, so True. I did get stuck in the Paper Arts Booth, which, this Vendor is a Favorite of mine and I've bought a lot of Crafting Supplies and Paper Arts from her. She still Stocks a lot of the Tim Holtz Line and I am a TH Groupie. Met him several times too, such a Nice Young Man and Shops at a lot of the places I do, so, from time to time we see him around Sourcing things, probably for his New Lines. I am sad that "Michael's" Craft Big Box Stores had to quit carrying his Line coz the Suburban Housewife Shoplifters were Stealing more of it than they were Buying! WTF, they ruined it for the rest of us who are Honest Customers who Love and want to actually fucking BUY his Products for Art and Crafts, and now find it scarce due to THEM! So, when this Vendor gets some TH in, I have Bought some and did Buy the Above Art Tag and Below Art Card from her this Day, my only Purchase actually. And there was a 15% Off Sale, so her inexpensive Pre-Made Art was even less expensive and I Like how she Designs all of it in a way that is my own Aesthetic of Artistic Expression. She could have been a Twin separated at Birth from me I think. *Smiles*
I want to get back to the Creation of my own Fabric Art and Paper Arts Projects. I LOVE doing it, but haven't since Moving here, since, the Art Studio has been in disarray here or had Kids or Grandkids Living IN it, so, that has been problematic. *LOL* The Daughter is fixing it up FOR me now and doing a great Job, but, we still have a Queen Size Bed in there and The Young Prince will be back in the Spring and Live in there again... so, we'll have to Work the Creation of Art around all that. I've come to Terms with that, since, Downsizing the size of a Home and then having Two more Generations still Living with you or moving back in, well, it has caused a lot of readjusting The Vision for Retirement. Along with a Forever Home configuration considerably, Sharing Space with many requires compromising a lot and Communal Living has it's Benefits and it's Drawbacks, for sure. More Pluses than Minuses at this Season of Life actually, so, no real Complaints from me, it's Working for me. I'm NOT Waiting for The Perfect Moment, I'm Taking The Moment and Making it Perfect, like the Card says to.
None of the Paper Arts Booths had the Swag Bags of Supplies that Appealed to me this day, and I felt I hadda have, even tho' I already have several Lifetimes of Art Supplies, so I was Thankful for that. *LOL and Whew* One would think I was Opening a Shop for Paper and Fabric Arts... with the ridiculous Cache I Own, and, hey, I suppose it could happen. *Bwahahahaha* And, many of my Friends in the Industry pester me all the time about Creating my Fabric Art again, especially the Gypsy Carpetbags. Mebbe I will, mebbe I won't... Tick-Tock... yet, no real Urgency is instilled in me either. *Le Sigh* Hey, when you're Artistically On you're ON, and when you're Off, you're OFF. I never have done it to Sell my Soul, but to Feed it. Nothing stifles Creativity quite like a fucking Deadline or a Commissioned Piece anyway, so, I just don't wanna do all that again and resurrect an Assembly Line of Producing just what folks want me to Create for them. I completely lost Interest and Desire.
So many things I couldn't be bothered with even if they could be profitable to delve back into and there's a high demand and numerous requests for me to. Since, the chasing of the Benjamins can become too Obsessive and in Retirement, isn't conducive to enjoying my alleged Retirement. In the Corporate Grind I found that Success wasn't all you envision it is once you make the climb to the Top, been there, done that, it comes at a Cost I'm no longer willing to Pay, not Worth it. To whom much is given, much is required... and... the effort to sustain it is too considerable, too sacrificial, and I'm no longer a Player in that Game. If you're still in The Game I'll be your Armchair Quarterback if you Solicit my Advice, but, I won't give Unsolicited Advice or get back in The Game with you. I hung up that Jersey and Retired it long ago, don't Miss it either and didn't Define myself by any of it. Which is Helpful BTW if you're readying yourself to Retire, separate yourself from what ever you do or did, no matter how Successful it might have been, it does not Define you, nor should it. Let it Go.
The Happiest I've been is when I'm with Loved Ones, not when I was killing it in my Corporate Lives, no matter how much Money they threw at me. If whatever you Do you'd still be Doing even if you didn't get Paid, then THAT is your Purpose and Passion very likely. I could give Fuck All about any Career I USED to do or the Employer I used to do it for, they never were anything but a means to an end to me. However, the Volunteer Work I've done for Decades, THAT meant something to me and was something I was Passionate about. Tho' it didn't come with a Salary, it was far more fulfilling than Salaried Work ever was IMO. I do Miss doing THAT, but not the Corporate Grind or having impressive Titles ... tho', to be sure, you do Miss the Big Paychecks, I'd be a Liar if I said I didn't Miss those and the Earning Potential. Money Buys Options. The more Money... the more Options. That's Life. *Bwahahahaha*
I remember when I quit my First Corporate Life and we flew off to Hawaii and spent some Time in actual Paradise before I began my Second Corporate Life. Even back then I thought, Yeah, I could get used to THIS. *Bwahahahaha* And, so, being forced into an Early Retirement due to needing to take care of my Beloved as his Full Time Unpaid Caregiver and to finish the Job to Raise The G-Kid Force, might have even been Divine Intervention as far as I was concerned. Otherwise, I don't know I would have stopped? I was very Driven in my Corporate Lives, like a Shark is Driven to Eat and be the Apex Being in it's Environment, that's how I approached Corporate Life. So, now I know Why they called that one Show "Shark Tank", becoz it's a perfect analogy of Corporate Success actually, and the People at the Top of that Food Chain. Either you are The Shark... or the Consumed. And some Sharks are bigger than others and dominate.
I am a very Alpha Female, or so I'm told... and... I come from a Long Lineage that Respected a Matriarchal Society and had very Strong Women, thus I never felt less than any Male in Society at large. Even if mostly America is still a Patriarchal Society in every way, you can Work that to your Advantage if you Play the Game well, and better than the Men in it. *Winks* And in a Matriarchal Tribe you Teach your Women how to be the Best Dominant Alphas out there. I don't have Weak Daughters or Weak Granddaughters, they be the Strongest Women you may ever come across... and Beware... don't Cross them. *Winks* My Mom didn't come from a Matriarchal Society but she and my Welsh Nanna were an Anomaly in their Culture. Which is Why I think my Mom ended up with my Dad, who was Raised in a Strong Matriarchal Tribal Society, he saw her Strength and had great Respect and Love for that, which most Men of her Culture and Era, did not. My Dad didn't expect me to be Weaker than my Brother in any way, due to Gender Assignments, so, I was not.
I don't even Believe in Gender Assignments, anything my Son or Grandsons can do, I expect my Daughters or Granddaughters could do if they so choose to and be just as good and Successful at it. And vice versa, which is Why my Gender Fluid Family members, and Grandchildren who Identify as such, are a complete Non-Issue to me and to my Dad's Culture, who embraced every Member and even elevated being Two Spirit. The Man grew up differently, and mostly due to rigid Religious Dogma about what was not embraced or tolerated, Religious Taboos and what would allegedly send you to Hell, but now is aligned with our way of Being, which, he sees as preferable actually, I sometimes think he was Born into the Wrong Family. No Wonder he was the Black Sheep of his Family, he fit in better with ours. *LOL* And he's not one to be Obsessed with a form and a fashion of a Religion and Legalism anyway. Since, Witnessing Relationship with God from Family who Live that and Walk it out Daily, outside of Organized Religion and it's various imposed Denominational Labels and exclusivity, hypocrisy and self-righteousness, just was a better Fit for him.
I do think he always had a problem with his Brand of Religion he was Born into and it just never actually felt Right to him or for him. It certainly didn't bring him closer into an actual Relationship with God. And if you just have Religions without Relationship with your Creator, you have Nothing. And thus Why his Family, pretty much shunned him too, which most of those types of Religions do. I wasn't Raised Up in any Church. Yet our Family was always deeply Spiritual, had a great Relationship they wanted and cultivated with The Creator as much as we did with one another, it was Natural and not contrived or forced upon us. Prayer and daily Natural Worship, Gratefulness and Respect for the Deity we call our Great Spirit, and interact with is not confined to any specific Space nor Place. I enjoy doing it where ever, whenever, and it's as important a close Relationship to me as any other One I truly Love and are Ride or Die with and for. When I see all of Creation I always stand in utter Awe and with Great Humility and Respect for Who Created it all. I'm but a speck on it, but a Purposed and Appreciative One. My God knows my Heart.
Okay, so, we've covered Food, Faith, Family and Finances, all vital IMO, so, what next? *Winks* I'm seeing that The Day Of Mourning Post rose to the Top of the Charts. *LMAOROTF* I still am not watching The News, so, no idea what Fuckery the Insane Clown Posse and their Orange Ringmaster of the Shitshow is up to, pretty sure it's all Bad tho'. Could be they're Targeting more Brown Children to put in Cages, which, Predators that Target Children are the height of depravity. But, we knew that already about the Orange Pervert and his entourage of Sex Offenders, who quite closely, for Years, Cozied up to the likes of Epstein and other Child Sex Traffickers. I'm still waiting to see the Diddy List come out like the Epstein List came out and the Whose Who of Sexually depraved High Profile Offenders who engaged in the Freak Offs. If Diddy don't end up like Epstein, once folks get real fucking Nervous he'll roll on them, I'll be Surprised actually. I've Worked Sex Crimes Cases, especially Syndicated Rings are quite Ruthless in protecting their Anonymity and Profits, so, anyone is Expendable when folks got a LOT to Lose.
I'm making another Chili, since I had another Lb. of Fresh Wagyu Beef and different ingredients to make this one quite different than the one the day before. And, it's much Colder Today than Yesterday, in the 40's for most of the Day, unusual for Arizona after the Sun comes up. Plus, the other Chili didn't last Two Days like I thought it would to feed everyone. *LOL* The Daughter said she liked the 'Look' of this Chili better, it is a Pretty one, I'll Photograph a Ladle of it after it's cooked a while in the Crockpot. Princess T finally relented and said she Likes Chili, she is a fussy eater and sometimes refrains, but, if you can get her to eat a Spoonful of something you know she'll actually Like, then she's ravenous for it. *Smiles* I'd told her with Yesterday's Chili, have a Tsp. of it and if you claim you still don't Like my Chili, you don't have to eat any. She's had shitty Chili at Friends Homes apparently so Imagined all Chili isn't Good. She ended up eating a couple Bowls full of mine. *LOL*
Usually we don't Care if she Opts Out of any Meal coz she is fussy about Food, and knows how to Cook her own Food, so, she won't Starve. But, she's been complaining to me about only weighing 90 Lbs. and I told her Chili is hearty and will put some flavorful and nutritious Lbs. on her and some Meat on those Bones, and add needed diversity to her Diet. *LOL* Now she knows she likes it a lot, she will be Down for Bowls of it when I make it for everyone else, less for them, but... whatever... *Ha ha ha* I snuck some ingredients in there too which I know are more Healthful and the good thing about any Chili is that you can hide healthy shit in there and nobody is any the wiser and consumes it without complaint. *Winks* And, you don't have to Share a Recipe that you don't even replicate Twice either, I don't think I even could if I tried. *Smiles* I've never made the same Chili Twice in all the Years I've been making it... infinite Recipes as far as I'm concerned... so, no Need to.
And I've never had a Complaint about any Chili I've made and the endless varieties of it I can Dream Up so it's like a completely different Meal each time and not monotonous or Burn Out of eating the same thing. There's ingredients in there they claim they don't Like and would never even try, yet unknowingly enjoy it in a Chili I've hidden it in... so, shush, our Secret. *LOL and Winks* As you can see Today's Chili is Darker and more robust, the hues of Chili can cover the spectrum of the Chili Colors Crayon Box too. This one has some Secret Spice Packet Ingredients I forgot I even had on Hand and will give this one an Interesting Chili Flavor Profile. I Sampled it and I think they may like this one even more than the one Last Night... so, I don't expect any Leftover to exist Today either.
In the Night the Leftovers from Yesterday, which wasn't all that much, but disappeared like Scotch Mist so there was none left for Today. *LOL* I highly Suspect The Man snuck in and ate it coz he was in the Kitchen in the middle of the Night and is the Usual Suspect with a disappeared Chili. *Winks* That Man Loves his Chili. He's happy I'm making another Batch which should be ready by Lunchtime and as the Kiddos get Home from Work. I did a little more Grocery Shopping and OMG, it didn't take long after said Inauguration for all the Prices to jump way the fuck up!!! Eggs now are almost $15 a Dozen!!! So much for the MAGA World getting their Cheaper Eggs by installing their Boy. *LOL* I'm guessing they'll remain Eggless and I'm glad I got Eggs for Days coz I pre-empted the Transfer of Power by Buying them in bulk early before Uncle Joe left Office. Plus, my Neighbors have Chickens and I can barter for our Freshly Laid Eggs.
I loaded up on my Happy Egg Brand while they were still at their regular Price. Which was always a little higher but well worth it, the Yolks are so Rich they look Orange and the taste is exceptional. Their Hens are Raised on small Family Owned Farms, they roam freely Outdoors opposed to being Battery Hens. I'll always pay more for Humanely Ethically Raised Livestock Products since Factory Farms are an abomination and cruel. I've known Guys who have Worked at them and the horror stories Witnessed made them Quit, they found it too revolting. Some of these Men were hardened Street Guys and Felons, but they said what they saw at Factory Farms was an atrocity and so many Animals were in bad shape. Anyway, even regular Factory Farm Eggs are up over $12 now in all the Grocers I've been in and that's if they even have any Eggs in Stock. Our Neighbors let their Hens roam freely on their Mini Farms which are 1-3.5 Acre Lots, mostly Pasture. If we decide to Raise Chickens that's how ours will be Raised too and have a good Life doing what a Chicken should do Naturally.
Anyway, I just shopped for Essentials and Perishables, which I do often coz we use them quickly and replace Perishables often as we use them up. I don't mind doing my Grocery Shopping European Style and often, coz we live so close to many different Grocers. This Home's Location is Primo, in a Beloved Community we know well, and a big reason of why I bought here. Anyway, at the Grocers I had stopped by a couple different ones to get this and that needed, and it was noticeable how Prices have Spiked in just the last couple Days. The factors are numerous and not likely to improve anytime soon IMO. So, the Incoming are not gonna be able to Deliver on their delusional Promises... and, I highly suspect will make matters much, much worse, so, Hold On.
There's stuff I need to do here at Home, and want to do, but, the Stamina isn't there yet. So if I do any Housekeeping I'm keeping it to a minimum right now and The Daughter is picking up my slack for me. I'm trying to sort out what I want to Sell and just Crate it up and stick it in The She Shed out of the way for now. Anything else that doesn't have Placement I want just put into The RV Garage Mahal somewhere, but not messing up what The Daughter has accomplished in there. So, I do think Tomorrow I'll pace myself, but do some of that sorting of stuff for a while. I want it all out of the way and out of the Main House. But, I do have to make the decisions on what to Keep and what to Sell. I haven't wanted to bother going in to the Antique Mall with Merch or to tidy up either. The Motivation just is not there since Sales haven't been strong enuf to put forth much effort really, no Payoff to push yourself. Especially since I don't feel 100% yet.
I had some Custom Price Tags made Online, they had such a good price for a bulk purchase and if they turn out good I'll keep them on Reorder to use on larger items at Work. The Mall gives you Free Price Tags but they're Small and I don't use them on larger items or Clothing. I've used Vintage New Old Stock Luggage and Claim Tags before. But I had a Cute Idea for Custom Tags that I wanted to use with the Pix Below. And I added my Vendor Number as well printed on it in Script below the Pix. The Balloon Area has Space for Price and Description. A Friend a long time ago made this Pix for me to use for Sale Tags, but it will do just fine for regular Tags. I don't have a lot of Season Holiday Stuff to put out for Winter or Spring, no Vintage Valentine's Day Merch and I recently Sold the few items of Easter Merch I had left in Stock.
Odd to Sell Easter Merch in January, but, that's when they Sold, I forgot they were languishing in Inventory actually. *LOL* One was a Vintage Cast Iron 8" Full figure White Rabbit Doorstop, Painted, it was standing on it's hind Legs. The other was a Vintage Collectible Easter 1940's smaller Figurine of a Girl holding a Basket of Baby Chicks. Both were relatively pricy items, which never is a Quick Turn, but they were not common and were higher end pieces, so, I wouldn't drop the price. Had I never Sold the Doorstop I would have just Kept it and brought it back Home. I'd had it in the Locked Case a long time and it wasn't Selling, so I just stuck it on a Bookshelf in front of our Showroom, thinking, well, Easter is coming up in a couple Months, and it Sold in a Day... go figure!
He almost had to Deliver that one to Save Face and keep his Angry Base Mobs appeased and Controlled. Since he'd bragged incessantly about doing it and can't Deliver on so much more he Claimed he could do on Day One for those who put him in Power. It's a Bone he could throw them as Bait when the Red Meat Baiting is scarce that they truly crave. Remains yet to be seen how long he can Control the Monster he's Created with his MAGA World hardest core and most violence prone Devotees? But, it should be Interesting when they eventually turn on him and realize they've been Played and he's taken them for Rubes to Weaponize and Exploit for his own Gains and those of his obscenely Wealthy Tech Bro's. And they will. That they even Fantasize that he's just like them is absolutely ludicrous, just coz he eats at McDonalds and sat in a Garbage Truck with a Reflective Vest on for a ridiculous staged Photo Opl.
Totally loving those cards, too....I kept the cards from my shop--and have been using them as a freebie with every online purchase. I had a great line from Victorian Greetings and then a bunch from small artists vendors---which were so nice!. I might even think about doing my own soon, if I ever get all my messes straightened out. We are deep in the throws of the executor ship which is a CHITfest, but my bf is going to buy the house---downside we had to quickly fix hers for selling---and we succeeded as it was only 5 days on the market.YAY..a bit under asking---but As is...which is another blessing. Now we have to clear the Departed's for selling. The family has been no help and only leachers....in the 15 years he lived in our area, his family never visited him once. Of course now they are breathing down our necks about everything. I can't wait until it is done! HUGS from the forzen north.
ReplyDeleteAh, nothing sorts folks out quite like an Estate and the spoils. *Eye Roll* I don't envy you the task of dealing with lecherous extended 'Family'. The Man's people showed themselves to be like that when his Parents each Died, The Man didn't expect or want anything, it was rather obscene how some Family behaved while vying for the Spoils. Especially when his Dad Died first, and his Mom was still Alive and there she was, the recent grieving Widow, in Shock since her Husband had Died so suddenly, and her Kiddos and their Spouses were carting stuff out of the Home around her! I was so Thankful my Brother and I were not like that and when each of our Parents passed, we were on the same Page about what to do and Honor them properly instead of being like Vultures over Corpses. May it all be Done soon my Friend so you can relax and begin to focus on what will bring you more Joy and Peace.