We had a Going Away BBQ for The Daughter's Lifelong Friend Andres, his Dad came over too. They brought so much Food you would have thought we'd be cooking for The 5,000 that Jesus fed! *LOL* And, they had Homemade Tortillas, Salsa and Guacamole they brought over too. His Dad is hilarious and missed his Calling as a Comedian, he doesn't even seem to realize how funny he is without even trying to be, he's a Natural. His Dad is over 70 and a typical Old School Hispanic OG. They lived in our Old Historic Barrio just a couple Streets away from our Beloved Historic Home, so our Kids grew up together, went to School together, and we know all the same people from the 1980's onwards. Our Kids and Andres have gone thru a lot together and are Ride Or Die with each other, no matter what.
Andres is going to Cali to fight the Fires, he was leaving in the Morning, we Pray he'll be Safe doing such dangerous but necessary Work. His Dad's Successful very Rich Brother lives in Malibu and lost his Five Million Dollar Home and Lamborghini in the Fire. His Dad was saying, "My Brother and his Wife or Whatever..." and I said, "His Wife or Whatever?", and Andres says, "Yeah, my Uncle's Gay and that's how my Dad describes his Brother's Husband... 'his Wife or Whatever'..." Well I'm LMAOROTF coz his Dad has an Accent and talks like Cheech Marin, so it sounds even funnier when he's saying it. And his Dad goes on to say, "Yeah, he lost his Millions Dollars House and fancy Car in the Fires, and I say, but Primo, you got 8 Houses in Arizona, so how many Houses you Need?" Okay, so now I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!!! Yes, it's tragic, but the way his Dad tells it without even trying to be funny... well, it's stuff of a Gallow's Humor Stand-Up Comedy Routine.
You don't wanna Laugh coz it's a serious topic, but, you can't help yourself in his telling of it. *LOL* His Dad Adored our Home and especially our Feng Shui Christmas Tree, so he had The Daughter record him Dancing in front of it, saying he's now gonna make his own Rap Video with it, hilarious! And that all started coz Andres said some of the Guys from the Old Neighborhood are famous Rappers now and shot a Video for one of their Tracks in front of Ed's Fish & Chips. Then drive a Golf Cart thru the Old Neighborhood right past their Old House and ours! Sure enuf, he shows us the Video and it's very good Music, they're very Talented, but we can't stop laughing at the Video coz it is shot in Da Hood in the Old Neighborhood!
There's a Black Rapper called Snowman in the Video whose Albino and another White Rapper whose a Dwarf Amputee. The Son is swearing to Andres, No, he don't remember these Dudes from School or Da Hood! And I'm like, you don't remember a Black Albino and a White Amputee Dwarf from your School, which was about 99% Hispanic Kids, they HAD to stand out Son! *LMAOROTF* And now I GOTTA see if we can dredge up an Old Yearbook and find these Guys in it coz my Inquiring Mind needs to know. Sure, the Video was shot in Da Hood, but, were these Guys Locals in our Old Barrio or were they from somewhere else in Phoenix? *LOL* Was the Video Two Rap Groups Teaming up, I just wasn't sure? Andres is swearing, No, you Guys have to remember them, coz he knows damned near all the same people we know. But, honestly, I can't recall any of those Young Men in the Video and I'm sure I'd of recollected. And I look up Snowman and turns out he's from Southside, not Westside. But, it's all Good, a Local Group making it, Kudos.
Princess T Painted her Room, she kept the Black Chalkboard Wall but Painted the other 3 Walls Grey, it looks nice and she got it done in a couple Hours. She'd taken her Christmas Tree down too, it was a busy Day Off for her. It was funny at The Home Depot coz usually we have a hard time getting them to give us our Military Discount on Purchases coz now they want you to use an App and we don't use Apps. It uses up too much Data on our Old Cellphones. And I don't think you should be forced to, why NOT Honor the Discount if we prove we're a Military Family and entitled to the Discount? So, she's with us actually buying the Paint and a Handsome Young Man is checking us out and says, it's okay, I can Manually put in your Military Discount, as he's Smiling at her. And he does. Hey, a Nine Bucks Savings is helpful. *LOL and Winks*
I've grown fresh Lavender and Harvested it too, it can grow well in the Desert. I haven't grown any while living here at Forever Boheme' tho', but in the future I plan to again. Until we put in some raised Beds to grow Crops I'm just having a modest Potted Garden to grow Foods, Bird Seed and Herbs in. I have a tonnage still of Old Lavender Sachets I made back when I grew it at the Historic Acreage. I'd have Containers filled with Dried Lavender and Dried Rosebuds and Petals and a big Silver Ladle I'd use to fill Sachets with to put in Closets, Drawers and under Pillows. Princess T still Dries Flowers, especially Roses, all the time. I've Dried Sages and Rosemary too, Rosemary grows like a Weed in the Desert but I quit planting it coz it really attracts Bees and I'm allergic to Bees and don't wanna risk inviting the Africanized Bee to set up a Hive near our Property. We had that problem with a Killer Bee Hive on Omar's Property Next Door last Year that made a Hive in one of their Old Olive Trees and attacked numerous Friends and Family.
They finally were able to oust the Hive with the City coming out and mandatorily removing it as a Community Safety Hazard. It's not inexpensive to rid your property of a Hive, especially of Africanized Bees, the Killer Bees are very aggressive and dangerous. They can and have Killed people and they have Facial Recognition, so once they know you as a Threat, they always come after you to eliminate the Threat, which is no Joke. I know I'm allergic, so anytime I see a Bee come up and start buzzing around me Eyeballing me, I Be The Tree and stand stock still to let it see Me and determine I'm NOT a Threat. I had an Elderly Beekeeper tell me to do that and I've found in most cases it will work. I only have been stung once recently by a big Carpenter Bee Female as I inadvertently got too close to her Nesting Spot in a pile of Old Wood while doing Environmental Cleanup. She followed me a long ways to sting me in my Face! I didn't have my usual Life Threatening Reaction Thankfully, perhaps that Species Venom isn't as strong? Usually they're not aggressive at all and are solitary Bees.
My Face did swell up and hurt like Hell for about a Week tho', I looked like I'd done Rounds in a Boxing Ring! I'd Calmly walked away when she began dive bombing me to get away from what I figured was her Nesting area being protected. But, she was determined to ensure I didn't come back by stinging me and they don't Die after stinging you and can sting multiple times. The Males can't sting at all. You're unlikely to encounter a Female unless you disturb her Nest. It's also Why I don't keep Woodpiles around the Property, Scorpions and Carpenter Bees Love them. They can do a lot of damage to Wooden Structures and bore pretty big round holes in Wood and damned fast too. Almond Oil and Citrus Oil can deter them, they don't like it. Boric Acid made into a solution will Kill them. Woodpeckers eat them but they do even more damage to Wood... so... I try not to harm Wildlife and just try to deter it moving in. They all have their Purpose and Place in the Natural Order of things I try not to disrupt too much.
Lately I've been very Nostalgic about some of the Old Haunts that are no more that I used to visit often, shop at regularly, back when the Industry was Strong and thriving. Now it's weak and barely hanging on from what I'm observing and that's disheartening. Big Box Shops, Online Industries and mass production are what people seem to be preferring over Indie Shops and Quality Merch, so, it's taking over and difficult to compete with. Those of us left are attempting to adapt and improvise to keep it going, but, it is getting harder to. I see a lot of Vacant Storefronts in areas that once were Destinations and now are Abandoned by Tenants and the Public. Amazon Warehouses are dominating the Landscape and they're hideous monstrosities that blight the areas they're occupying. Nobody wants to Live near one, most who are Hired there claim to Hate it as Employment, the preferential Tax Breaks they receive don't help the Areas they're in, I see little upside to the Communities they're infiltrating, which definitely aren't where the affluent Live.
I know my Kids and Grandkids use Amazon and prefer Gift Cards to use there coz most of them don't like going Shopping like us OG's do. *LOL* Most of my Friends use Online Shopping a lot too, I've used it, but prefer going to a Store to Shop. Except for Blogging I don't spend a great deal of Time in front of a Computer Screen actually, or in front of a TV Screen for that matter. I have Binge watched a few Docuseries on NetFlix lately, the current one I'm engrossed in is called I AM A KILLER. The perspective of the Docuseries is unique and intriguing, they Interview Murderers, their Victim's Family and leave you with how you might Feel about each Case covered. Since I Worked in Criminal Law for many Years, I tend to watch probably too much of that type of thing, but I still find it Interesting from many perspectives. We cannot always Control or have a Choice in our Habitat and Ecosystem we're Born into and Raised in. And it will Shape and Mold us into Who we become in one way or another.
Anyway, I had to call in to Work again, I Check In with them every Tuesday during my Recovery to let them know if I can Work on my Friday Night Shift yet or not? I felt I still couldn't be on my Feet for Four Hours straight and doing anything really physically demanding, let alone Mentally demanding. So, they will have to cover my Shift again and not having any comped Space Rent with Sales being so Soft for everyone, is another challenge to the Budget. That discretionary income from Selling Off possessions usually covers unexpected expenses we don't typically Budget for. Shit always comes up, it's a Given in Life. Right now all the Young People are struggling financially and so I do feel fortunate that The Man and I earned enuf in our Pensions and his Disability Income, to make Ends meet, just barely. Had we still had the Historic Home, which was Paid for, we would not be as tight Budget wise. I never expected to have a Mortgage after Retirement.
But, we never expected to Raise another Generation or have to both take Early Retirement either. He was Medically Retired and I had to take early Retirement too to become his unpaid full time Caregiver. Then the Adoption of The G-Kid Force was forced upon us by the State. So, it just was what it was. Fast forward and now we've also got Two Adult Kids who had to move back Home due to being unable to make it financially, which is more common now than ever... and another Adult Grandchild will have to move back Home by Spring... well, it's a lot. We circle the Wagons and pool Resources, but, it's just expensive these days and not getting any less expensive to just provide essentials, let alone anything over and above that. I'm very careful with Money and always work with a Budget, but even I am feeling it's become all the more a tightrope act as each Year passes. Nothing is meant to last, intentional obsolescence means everything has had to be replaced constantly, and it's prohibitively expensive!
I don't know that it's unavoidable when major Appliances and things like Air Conditioners, Water Heaters, Home Heating Systems, etcetera are only lasting 5-10 Years Tops. At the Historic Home the Water Heaters were from the 1940's and still going strong. The Furnace was from the turn of the Century, still working with zero repairs. To Heat and Cool it cost very little since it was built before Air Conditioning was even Invented, so, they built it to withstand the Heat of the Desert and hold in the Heat during the Colder Seasons. The Property Taxes were minuscule on it. So, I really was Spoiled for all the Years we Owned it. I understand how the Californians who bought those Homes 40-50 Years Ago in a desirable area and probably had them Paid For, that have burnt down, will never now Economically recover from this unexpected Crisis and Loss. And they're Older, so, their Earning Potential will not increase much, if at all, either. Replacement Value on everything is just Crazy.
Even here in Arizona, the amount I've Paid for Property over the Decades has gone from inexpensive to extremely expensive to live here. And I think most of you can relate regardless of where you're living in the Country? Very few affordable locations exist. Those that do usually have little to no Work and have diminished populations and Services. Rural Residents have been hit much harder by inflation than Urban Residents. Rural inflation has surged. So, I am glad we're City Dwellers since we have many more options and Services than if we lived rural. So, I don't know what the solution is with Climate Change literally affecting everywhere and Globally, we'll have to figure out ways to make it Work. I do Wish ole' Elon would take off for Mars and bring all his new Bromances with him tho'. *Winks*
So, the Reveal of Princess T's newly Painted Room is Above and a couple Pixs Below. She installed her Fish Eye Security Mirror... and the Room isn't Redecorated and Tidy yet, she's still working on that part of it. But, she got a lot done in a day. I don't mind the Grey she picked, she had me with her and we decided together, since, they had way more than 40 Shades of Grey. *Winks* With her Pink Lights it almost looks a bit Lavender tho', so I like it better without her Lights on... since Lavender Walls, not as pleasing to me as the Grey is. *LOL* It's her Room, but, our House. *Ha ha ha* She is one to want her Room Repainted every 5 Years or so. We'd Painted her Room and the Guest Bedroom when we moved in becoz the previous Owner had very Young Children who had hideous Colors on their Bedroom Walls. Hot Bubblegum Pink for the little Girl and John Deere Green and Yellow for the little Boy, in Stripes no less... Hell to the No, we weren't Living with that! *LOL*
The rest of the Home is in a pleasant Neutral Taupe, which I like, since it's similar to the Sepia Shade the Villa McManse was Painted in, which, I also liked. Her Room had been Repainted in that Taupe, with the Black Chalkboard Wall we also Painted, only becoz that's the Paint Color the previous Owner left behind to do Touchups and there was enuf to Paint 3 Walls of her Room with it. She wasn't a huge Fan of Taupe, but lived with it the past 6 Years so I can't complain. *Smiles* She was itching to Repaint it tho' and I'm glad she chose a Neutral Hue I could also be on Board and Live with. I'm not opposed to Grey, it's just been so overdone by Home Flippers recently, that's all. Every Flipped Home in the Valley has been done in Greys... every... single... one! *Eye Roll* Eli Hates that new Fish Eye Security Mirror, he's sure another Cat, whose his Doppleganger, is Channeling thru it and he can't find the Fucker, tho' he's tried his damndest to! *Bwahahahaha*
And speaking of Animals... on the way in to take her to Work on Wednesday Morning a big Male German Shepherd Dog was laying in the Road in our Subdivision, near a Storm Drain, refusing to move, so we thought mebbe he was hurt? She made me Promise to check on him on my way back Home after dropping her off, so, I Promised. Well, he literally intentionally blocked me, so I HAD to stop. It was clear to me he wasn't hurt, but wasn't letting Vehicles Past either and seemed quite agitated. He wasn't aggressive, but would bark madly at the Car then run to the Storm Drain. Then go lay back down in the Road in front of it, blocking you. So, sure enuf I could see a little Pup Head pop up at the Storm Drain, a smaller Dog was clearly trapped inside!!! And Smart Big Dog was standing Vigil while also trying to obviously get Help!!! It was 33 Degrees out there, but, he wouldn't budge, Bless him, he wasn't leaving that other Dog behind in Crisis! It reminded me of the Old Lassie Series on TV, "Is Timmy down the Well... Girl?" *LOL*
It was before 7:00 a.m. and still Dark, so I was worried that the Dark Colored Big Dog would get hit by a Car, so I tried to call Fire and Emergency's Non-Emergency Number. They weren't Open yet and said to call 911 on their Recording. So, I did and they said they'd send someone right out, I made it clear the Big Dog was blocking Traffic and would not Move or Leave the smaller trapped Dog. Well, I waited over an Hour and was freezing Cold!!! By now some Hispanic Landscapers had stopped to also try to Help and one of the Male Neighbors from the Mini Farm too. But, we were all unsuccessful to try to coax the Smaller Dog to try to pull it out thru the Storm Drain opening. It looked like it would fit but was yelping in Pain so we didn't know it wasn't hurt every time it tried to move? Nobody could get the Manhole Cover off, everyone went to their Work Trucks and Home to try to find something that would Work, but, no Success.
Finally after an Hour a Cop showed up and said he'd handle it. I was glad coz the Landscapers had to go back to Work, they were on the Clock for the Subdivision that hires them that is next to our Mini Farms. The Neighbor said he'd stay, I was like a Popsicle by then and said I really had to get Home and Warm back up! I felt they had it covered. That Big German Shepherd reminded me of Lassie, going to get Help for a Crisis, Smart Dog and Bless it's Heart, dedicated to not abandoning that other Dog that was in Crisis! We think both Dogs might belong to someone in the Mini Farm Community, not sure who, and that they probably accidentally got out. Nobody around here leaves their Dogs to run the Streets, but, every so often, a Dog or so gets out of the Acreage it's Fenced In to run. So, that was my excitement on a Wednesday Morning, way too early, in my Pajamas still no less! Yeah, I was a Vision in my Moon Cat PJ Pants and Black Tee that has the Cheshire Cat from Alice In Wonderland that says, "We're All Quite Mad Here... Just Ask The Man Who Lives In The Box"! *Bwahahahaha*
Anyway, I was Melancholy all of Tuesday, so at least Today I don't feel as despondent. The first billing statement had come in for the almost $36,000 worth of Ductwork and Insulation we'd had done this Fall... and, yeah, it's gonna be a hardship to adjust the Budget to accommodate that Home Improvement we were forced to do. No options, one MUST have functional Air Conditioning in Arizona unless you wanna drop Dead and our 1980 Era Ductwork was Swiss Cheese and taxing both of our Air Conditioners to where they were breaking down from working too Hard. It's literally been one necessary Home Improvement after another. Not uncommon with the functional obsolescence we talked of earlier in how things are manufactured now to break down early and not be able to be repaired, so HAVE to be replaced often. It bites, but... it is what it just is these days. I recall when I could Buy a Property for Thirty Six Grand, and have a House Payment MUCH less than what this Home Improvement Loan is costing me, Okay... so... *Le Sigh*
And I've had Paid Off Properties for so long that even having a big Ass Mortgage Payment isn't something I'm remotely used to. I've never lived above my Means and so it upset me when I feel the least bit overextended and my Budget is too Tight IMO. So, I'm petulant about Life not turning out as I'd so Carefully Planned in my Old Age. *Ha ha ha, Imagine that!* The Man knows how frugal and careful I am about Money, so I don't like having a lot of Debt or Loans, I prefer to pay for things when I have the available Cash to. But, sometimes that's not possible and especially when replacing Major shit now Costs so damned much, sometimes as much as a Home used to Cost! Them days are long gone now in Arizona. Shitty little Homes now are over $300,000 in Bad Neighborhoods! And to live in a decent Neighborhood in a decent Home that isn't a Fixer Upper is gonna Cost you over Half a Mil now Locally! And Rents are Insane, more than my Mortgage Payment here, and for shitty little Apartments!
Air Conditioners are 8-10 Grand now, Water Heaters are about 4 Grand, Water Softeners, which you Need coz Desert Water is terrible, are also about 5 Grand, the new Pool Vacuum was $500, the UV Light for the A/C that had a Mold Issue when all that Construction to the East of us kicked up something Wicked out of the Dirt from what had only previously been Commercial Farmland, was $2,500. Then the Ductwork and Insulation installation of just over $35,000! And Medical Bills, Rx Costs, don't even get me started on all that. TriCare stiffs Providers badly and their coverage of Rx is not what it should be, luckily, my United Healthcare Medicare Advantage has been decent. But, don't cover my Meds since, we have TriCare For Life and the Co-Pays are lower. So, you can't get around having a fair amount of out of Pocket expenses if both of you have Health Issues, and we do. It's just a lot and in rapid succession. So, it got me Down some and now I'm just picking myself up, dusting myself off, and keep it Moving.
Having a Mini Rant here on the Ole' Blog is Helpful Emotionally at least, to let off some Steam! My last fiasco with a Provider was our Cell Phone Provider tho', T-Mobile. Their Clearinghouse is back East, their Customer Service is in India, lately even when you pay your Bill on Time, they send you Past Due Notices and I'm like WTF?! I have Chase Online now to check what Cleared, and the Payments have Cleared so I know these Fuckers have gotten Paid and just not updated their Records apparently. But, I got 'John' in India telling me he can't provide Customer Service unless I have a PIN, and of coarse I don't have one and am not going thru the bullshit of getting a one time temporary one just so he'll talk to me and still not really remedy the Problem coz it's not on his Script! *Eye Roll* So, I just informed 'John From India', Listen, just make a Notation to my Account that you received that Payment on this Date I'm giving you and my Bank has verified you did, so I'm not paying it Twice and it's not Past Due! I'm up to Date. *Eye Roll* And I hang up on John, whose still yammering on in very poor English, Bless him...
I know poor John is only making Slave Wages and being exploited by American Businesses Outsourcing all the Work they don't wanna Pay an American Worker a decent Wage for... but... still frustrating to the Consumer. And they never Listen to you explaining anything becoz they really have to Stick With The Script, which, doesn't Solve any Customer Service Problem you're actually having and rarely makes Sense either for the Issue you're calling about. John only knows how to tell you that a Bot can accept another Payment by Phone and he can Transfer your Call to said Bot... but, you're not WANTING to make another Payment or a Duplicate Payment, becoz, you aren't Past Due and they already Received Payment for that amount that isn't actually Past Due and was Cleared by your Bank sometimes more than a Week ago! Le Sigh.
I don't know how other Consumers feel about the Cluster Fuck of most of these Businesses nowadays, I find it far too Common and such Poor Customer Service, that I dread having to deal with it all the damned time now. I like our Cellphone Provider as far as the Rates and our Phones work great, but the whole Billing situations most of these Companies has is so convoluted now, Outsourced and such, that Honestly, that's become their biggest downfall and Consumer Complaint. That along with Claims, if they're in that Industry. So I really feel like the Cali Fire Victims will be further Victimized when they try to File their Insurance Claims and get actually Paid Out, or not. I can't even Imagine that level of frustration after literally Losing everything and being Unhoused now too, Paperwork Gone, with possibly their Workplace also Burning Down, their Kid's Schools Burning Down, their Banks, Churches, Grocers, etcetera... how are they even getting Mail Service and such? My Issues are Small by comparison. *Whew*
And now they got the damned incoming Administration and Sycophants saying ignorant and uncompassionate things like none of the Americans affected deserve any Federal Help, or only with Strings Attached, just WTF? California has the 5th biggest Economy in THE WORLD, all by themselves as a STATE. America NEEDS California more than Cali Needs America, Okay, their Economy is just that Strong compared to most of the World and other States. They more than Subsidize the rest of the States that have had catastrophic Natural Disasters and don't pay their way compared to what Federal Aide those States have received! And ironically, it's the Senators and Congressmen from those ReTrumplican States that have received their own Federal Aide yet paid less into the Federal Government, that are hollering that Cali should be Punished becoz, well, mostly becoz they're a Blue State, that's all. They have Politicized something that never should be Political at all, giving Aide to Americans in Crisis shouldn't be a Partisan Thing! And there shouldn't be Federal Extortion towards Governors of States representing Constituents that Voted however they Voted!
Who I Vote for or who you Vote for shouldn't exclude me or you from receiving Federal Government Aide at all, ever. A President is supposed to represent ALL Americans, not just those who Voted him in or he happens to Like on a fucking demented whim. Clearly this one has absolutely no intention of doing that and only wants to Represent his Cult Base exclusively and the rest of America, he wants to leverage his Power to extort whatever HE wants out of the rest of us, by withholding Aide and finding Cruel ways to be Inhumane and punish fellow AMERICANS, etcetera. I think if he refuses Cali their Aide, Cali Residents should refuse to Pay any more Federal Taxes etcetera until they're properly represented by THEIR Government. Coz they're the ones paying the most out of all the States, far more than any other State is in Revenue the Govt. Collects. So, if they're not gonna be properly Represented by whatever Administration is in Power, Fuck those Guys in Poor Leadership then.
There's no Goddamned Political Party that Controls the Weather and Natural Disasters... and the Orange Moron's claims that none of this would have happened... no Catastrophic Natural Weather Patterns, on his Watch... is as ludicrous as him saying he can end all the Wars in the World on a Single Day. I can't Believe anyone actually thinks that isn't Bat Shit Crazy Talk, yet, here we now are with a bulk of the American Public thinking his delusional Ranting is Believable and they fully Support all of it, no matter how far fetched and depraved!!! It really is quite disturbing to think that many fellow Americans have gone over to the Dark Side and are that Far Gone now??? Our Politics is so far Off the Rails now, that everyone I know in other Countries are asking me what the Fuck is happening to America? And I have no Words. I don't know what the Fuck is happening to America... I mean, can we even be taken Seriously anymore Globally once the Three Ring Circus is back in Power and they all pile out of their Clown Cars?
Anyway... I just Sigh heavily and limit my exposure to what new Lunacy is coming out of the Mouths of the Incoming. And I know many of you feel the same, and I don't have any Solutions to offer. I Cast my Vote in Favor of defending a functional Democracy, and that's all I could do, at least I have a Clear Conscience I was no Party to any of this Cluster Fuck that is coming, not responsible for any part of it. Those that are will have to Live with being complicit, or not even bothering to cast a Vote at all due to their indifference or ambivalence about what direction America goes. I've heard far too many claim they don't Care, but they sure as fuck will Care once the effects are fully felt... will be hard to still not Care after it negatively impacts them full on and hard. Usually it's the ones that put up the least resistance that complain the loudest once the shit really hits the Fan and they're wringing their Hands and gnashing their Teeth over the Outcome being so bad. What did they expect?
Enuf of our shitty Political turmoil tho', it gets me down worse than Finances and Economic hardships. So, what Positives can I now muster to make this a more Uplifting Post at the very tail end of it? *LMAO* Nope, I got Nothing, Sorry... I did dredge up some Pretty Pictures, so, that will have to do for now, Okay? And if it's all been a tough Read, I'd suggest just taking in the Visuals then. *Winks and Smiles* I can always give you some Eye Candy even if I can't find Words to Raise us all up. I do Hope the Pup got Rescued from the Storm Drain, I'm thinking they sent a Cop coz all our Fire and Rescue are spread thinly, we've sent many to help there in Cali. They're even giving non violent Offenders a couple Years knocked off their Sentence if they'll go fight the Fires. So, there's a whole lot of Prisoners and Felons going and risking their Lives to be of Help to Fellow Americans in Crisis and the worst Fires in American History. While half our Politicians don't wanna do a damned thing... ain't that quite Telling my Friends?! And Disgraceful.
I see my Neurologist on Friday Morning. So, we'll see how that goes? I'll be hearing from my Cardiologist once they get the Results in from that Heart Monitor I had to wear for Two Weeks. And we'll see how that goes too? I know I'm still Recovering and it's Slow going. Faster than most Stroke Victims, from what I'm being told, but Slow going nonetheless for this Impatient Woman that I just am. *LOL* I do Hate when someone sees me doing so good and ignorantly says, "Oh, well, Thankfully it wasn't a BAD Stroke..." AS IF there's such a thing as a GOOD Stroke???????!!!!!!!!! *Eye Roll, Fuck me and LMAO* No, there's no Good Stroke Honey, I still had some significant Brain Damage, according to the Specialists, from what you think isn't a Bad Stroke. So, things aren't the same as before having had one and it still was a serious Health Incident that has to be taken dead Serious. And I could have Died.
Not particularly feeling "Thankful" I had a Stroke that some think wasn't a Bad Enough One... LOL... Dawn... The Bohemian
You are really going through it right now. I sympathize with what you're dealing with. I have lived through a bunch of medical issues with family members, and been the caretaker (although not for the length of time you have been dealing with it!!). It is very draining, and it is hard to keep yourself in a good frame of mind. At least you have a bunch of cheerleaders out here in Blog Land. It was so good of you to stop to help the dog, and it is just one more way that you are always willing to lend a hand to the neediest (my favorite of all was when you rescued the small fish who were gonna be on dry land soon). It won't be long until you are floating in the pool on a sunny day. Hang in there.
Yes, I am a Bleeding Heart Type and I'm not trying to change that, it is a State of Being that I think makes a small yet Positive impact upon the World around us. This great Community of Souls is so uplifting and supportive. Often moreso than you can run into in Real Life coz we seem to congregate here Online in numbers that would be harder in Real Life to. It is hard to keep ourselves in a good Head Space when a lot is going on, there's a lot to unpack and to process. Health and Medical Issues are almost a Given as you Age Out, so, not unexpected at a certain Season of Life. You know it's coming, just not when and how bad it might get or become. I so enjoyed the Fish Rescue over the Summer and Spring, knowing some of them might then have a full Life in a more Ideal situation. I figure them stranding in a Tidal Pool is very much like when us Humans end up in a Natural Disaster and need some Help. Only most of Nature never gets that Leg Up or Intervention. We like to assume that as Animals, their difficult circumstances are just Natural... but, most of the time what happened to them was due to Human altering of a Natural Environment. Most of those Tidal Pool situations weren't Nature made, it was Dam releases of Water us Humans needed to release when it became too much for the Dams WE built to contain... then it floods downstream to where Nature suffers the consequences of that unnatural event.
DeleteYep, heart surgery is heart surgery, too. Recovery is just something we have to be patient with. I know I am making progress now, the docs are thrilled, so why do I have to sleep after doing ANYTHING. And, it sounds like that is how you feel also. HUGS and give yourself a break, and let the asylum posse pick up the slack. Hugs, welcome to my boat...the USS Recovery.
ReplyDeleteSailing on the USS Recovery is not the Cruise I anticipated, that's for sure Sandi. So glad you're doing well Post Heart Surgery my Friend. Yes, this Stroke really has taken the Wind out of my Sales, Physically and Mentally I get so damned exhausted doing anything... and sometimes even if I've done Nothing. The Kiddos are picking up the slack, The Man can't really do anything so we're relying on the Kids and Grandkid to keep it together and hold it down. It is the silver lining of having 3 Generations living here, otherwise The Man and I wouldn't be able to maintain this place right now. It is sobering to know that on the turn of a Dime things can change so drastically.
DeleteOoops, I meant my Sails... Lord have Mercy my Brain is scrambled. *LOL*