I'd Imagined, since the Weather has taken a Glorious turn after it warms up, that I'd get out and do something on Friday with The Man, mebbe do a bit of Environmental Cleanup and get out in Nature. It never actually happened, but, I did get out of my Jammies as it closed in on Noon. *LOL* Well, that's something at least, No? *Bwahahaha* I've been more of a Homebody Post-Stroke and I don't exactly know Why that is, just that it is, and I seem Content with it for now and lackluster in Motivation. There's a fair amount I still can't do and so it makes more sense to just do less for now. The Heart Monitor still itches like a 'Mo 'Fo, and that itch can't be scratched, dammit! I still have to wear it for Ten more Days, ugh and Oy Vey!
I try to ignore it's there, but anything itching like Hell is hard to really ignore. I'm not developing a Rash where the adhesive is and usually I don't have Allergies or Sensitivities to things topically. I Dr. Googled it and a Holter Heart Monitor can have that itchiness as a side effect, usually due to the Adhesive used to secure them. Plus they use a Brillo Like Scrubber first before attaching it, which exfoliates your Skin so it'll stick better and hold, and that was definitely an irritant from the Jump and no Fun. Sandpaper your Chest, to apply a Device that will then itch a lot, NOT Fun. I'll power thru it, since, I don't want to have to figure something else out with my Doc that would be less itchy. A minor inconvenience and 1st World Problem ain't no real Big Deal in the Grand Scheme of the Mess of the World right now. So, suck it up Buttercup.
There's Shirts I can't wear right now without the Monitor peeking out from under them. It's Water Resistant but not Waterproof so I have to be Mindful of that. They gave me 3 more Adhesives Patch thingies and a quick crash course instruction on how to change out the Sticky Part if the Monitor comes loose. I don't want to have to recall all of that, so, I am not fussing with said itchy Adhesives or getting it Wet. The Nurse Instructing me had Trouble with the Monitor going Green Light again when she was showing me how to do it and change Patches and reactivate the damned thing... and she does this shit all the time I presume. It took her and another Nurse having an Oh Crap Moment to get it functional enuf to install on me! So, No, didn't wanna mess with the damned thing and render it non-functional and not doing what it should be Reading for Two Weeks I have to wear it.
I assume it IS Working and Reading my Cardiac Anomalies they're trying to pinpoint? I don't really know and won't 'til I take it off and mail it back to the Lab that downloads the results. Then sends the results back to my Cardiologist before my next Appointment for his assessment of what to do next for my Aftercare? I highly Suspect they're gonna implant one under my Skin next, he was priming me for that inevitability, pretty Sure. *LOL* Mando had one and showed me his Scar on his Chest, he wore it for Four Years and then they took it out, it's not a very ugly or particularly large Scar. It's done on an Outpatient basis and I assume they Numb you? I Hope so.
I then had an inquiring Mind that Needed to Know, so I also Dr. Googled an implantable ILR, so Prep Time is an Hour, installation 10-15 Minutes, Yes, they use a Local to Numb you, whew, so no Bullet to bite on or Whiskey needed. *Bwahahaha* Pain and Bruising may last a Couple Weeks, they say, Splendid. And Online claims it won't last 4 Years, optimally only 3, my Brother also told me they crap out earlier and sometimes have to be replaced. Why am I not Surprised it has a certain amount of Functional Obsolescence built into it, like everything else made these days and to be replaced and not repaired constantly? Cha-Ching. My Insurances cover it, so at least that's not a kick in the Head. So long as the incoming Administration don't fuck with Social Security, Medicare or Military Benefits, to Fund their Big Grifts and Outrageous expensive cockamamy Plans, I should be Golden and Covered. *Eye Roll*
I spent most of Friday Sleeping and very tired, I woke up only when it was time to pick Princess T up from Work at 2:30 p.m.. Then the Kiddos and a Friend BBQed Steak, Hamburgers and Corn on the Cob for Dinner. Mando had bought the Steaks and Corn and brought them over for the BBQ, he and The Son were doing the Grilling Poolside. It turned out really good. I've worked on this Post, but, other than that, haven't done anything but Sleep, yet, not feel completed Rested in spite of so much extra Sleeping. If this lethargic feeling continues I'll have to ask the Cardiologist about it, since, it's out of Character for me to have a total lack of Energy and not be able to stay Awake. Then again, I've never suffered a Stroke before either, so... here we now are.
Dr. Google does say it's very Common to feel Tired after having Survived a Stroke, Post Stroke Fatigue {PSF} affects 30%-70% and can last for YEARS! Fuuuck! I know Healing and Rehabilitation takes a lot of Energy, and Brain Reorganization is a lot of Work for your injured Brain, but, Tired for YEARS!!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck! It does say Sleeping a lot is Encouraged, so, I guess I'm Naturally doing what I just should. And that's what I WANT to just do, so I am... Sleeping... a LOT! A Ridiculous portion of the Day, so it's a good thing the whole Family is picking up the Slack and standing in the Gap right now. The Daughter is the only one here all Day since she doesn't have a Job, The Son and Princess T are usually Home from Work by around 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.. The Son will be Working more Mandatory Overtime tho'.
The Daughter has Friends coming over to Help with everything, they've been a Blessing, the Volunteers of their Generation. Mando has been over all day helping since he didn't have to Work. Overcoming overwhelming Fatigue is challenging, both Physical and Mental Fatigue. The Man's Caregiving has primarily had to be temporarily turned over to the Kids and Granddaughter for now. Luckily, he's been Worried enuf about me that he's been cooperative with them and behaving himself. He hardly ever sees me Sick and Down for the Count, so I know it Scares him. So he's trying to be very Supportive to the best of his Ability. I have to remind the Kiddos of his Limitations sometimes, like they tried to feed him Steak and Corn-On-The-Cob, which, he'd choke on even cut up Steak pieces he can't properly chew anymore and has no Teeth to eat Corn-On-The-Cob! So, I had them fix him just a Hamburger, which, he can manage without a choking and chewing issue episode.
Post Stroke I have had a couple of Sleep related Breathing disturbances, it Wakes you with a Start, coz, your Subconscious seems to know, shit, Wake Up and Breathe!!! Dying in one's Sleep is a good way to go if it's Peacefully, but, startled Waking when you probably had a Sleep related Breathing disturbance is alarming and like having a Bad Nightmare, not Fun. I'm documenting such things becoz I think it is Helpful to me, possibly to anyone else, going thru similar Challenges. They don't tell you a whole lot upon release from the Stroke Unit of the Hospital, other than you were Lucky to have Positive progress in the early stages... oh, and NOT Died. *LOL* So, I was under the delusion I was now Fine, and just had to avoid having another one, clearly, I'm not and there's Work to do. Over a potentially lengthy period of Time, and Patience isn't one of my Virtues, I ain't gonna Lie. *LOL*
I don't know how much I'll try to participate in during January? I have Doc Appointments Calendared that I will have to attend, but anything else Calendared, could be nixed. I don't NEED to do anything and allowing my Brain to Reorganize will help me Long Term. So Short Term I can disengage for as much as is necessary to in order to promote Healing and Recovery. Everyone else will just have to Work around that while I'm Sidelined and taking Care of myself. When I've decided to be, I'm very Good to Me. And, I have a Skillset for delegating Work too. *Winks* Anyway, for now I have lots of willing Volunteers to delegate the Work to that has to get done. Luckily, with it being Winter now, Irrigation is Suspended until Spring and the Grass has gone dormant too so won't need cutting as much either. The Daughter has all Interior Housekeeping in Order and Caught Up. And she's enjoying Working on The RV Garage Mahal and Art Studio Projects.
She asks me to come look at it from Time to Time and make Suggestions for what I'd like, so, I'm really now only Supervising and she's doing all the actual Work. I Supervise well and she Works well without much Supervision, so, we're the Dream Team in that regards. She likes to Work without having anyone to bother her or distract her, so, she rarely has any Mental Health Episodes when immersed in those Projects, and being Solitary in the doing of most of it, so it's Beneficial and like a Good Therapy for her to stay Stabilized. She Works well with certain People and Mando has been a Friend of hers who she can Partner with on larger Maintenance and he's even brought over his own Commercial Grade Equipment to use, Bless him. He's going thru his own Health Crisis with a Cancer Diagnosis, so he said being here is Helpful to distract him from the Depression and Fixating on his grim Diagnosis or that he could be Dying.
He's already been thru so much, losing both Parents to COVID, losing his Son to Suicide/Drugs, and spending 13 Years in Prison for a Crime he didn't commit and finally Justice was Served when he was Cleared of the Charges and Released, becoz they'd Convicted an Innocent Man of a Serious high profile Crime. He's not a bitter person in spite of all of that, but said he's struggled more with the Health Crisis of his own actually. He's only in his 40's and lives a Healthy Life, doesn't Drink, doesn't do Drugs, doesn't Smoke, takes Care of his Body, is Spiritually Grounded, so it was unexpected. Sometimes you can do everything Right and yet so much can still go so Wrong, Bad things can and do happen to Good People all of the time unfortunately. And too often Good things happen to Bad People and they seem to live a Charmed Life. Hands Dealt aren't always Fair or Just.
I have no Words for Why that is... but, it just often is. And can leave People Feeling quite Conflicted and even Melancholy if they've got a Rough or shitty Hand Dealt and did nothing to deserve it. Anyway, when Mando comes over here he feels like he's among extended Family that he no longer has biologically. To have a Support Network is important and especially when someone is going thru the Issues Of Life and might feel all Alone in their Struggle and how they Naturally Feel about it. And you're Allowed to Feel any way you just do about it. People are entitled to their Feelings, whatever they are. I'm glad he has a sense of Belonging and Comfort finally after having endured so much. Most people would have been hard pressed to move thru with Grace and remain so Dignified and Decent as a Human Being in spite of it all. He doesn't Act nor see himself as a Victim, but, he does know it has taken a Toll on him Physically, Emotionally and probably Mentally, it almost has to. To have no effect would have been impossible I'd venture to say.
I woke up Saturday with an upset Stomach, no idea why, and have to stay close to a Bathroom now... ugh. I did manage to get Princess T to Work before the Trots hit, and may have to ask The Son to pick her up after Work if I don't feel better by the time she gets off? She doesn't Work far from Home, but, I wouldn't wanna risk it. *LOL* I felt bad that this Year I didn't have the Funds to send the Three Grands in Mexico any Money for their Birthdays. Two of them have December Birthdays and the other has hers right after the New Year rolls in. That makes it challenging to fund the Holidays and Three Birthdays so close together. The Daughter did some Work for TJs Parents next door so she could send something to them. The Oldest one turned 18 so that was a Big Deal, she's a Young Adult now. I'm going to try to send something later when finances are better and no more crisis expenses are straining the budget.
I know it seems to be a Fading Dream now, as coming Together in Peace, Unity and Harmony seems a Million Miles away still and getting harder with all of the divisive elements present right now. I don't Like it, I always Hoped for much more and for Enlightenment to descend upon Humanity to where they could manage to see past the superficial and Human Differences. To realize the only real Race is the Human Race and the rest is Manmade construct. A Geneticist I was Dear Friends with told me there is no "Race" DNA, it will only tell that we are of the Human Species... just like Canine DNA will just Identify it's a Canine, not what "Breed" of Domestic Dog it is. I found that fascinating becoz I told her my Dad always said that, even tho' he was not a well Educated Man, he always said "Race" was a Manmade thing becoz we all were just unique varieties of the same Species, Humans.
By comparison, The Daughter Weighed over 8 Lbs. at Birth and The Son over 10 and a Half Lbs. at Birth. My Parents said they initially thought I might be a Little Person coz I was so Small for so long. And Doctors didn't discount that possibility as a Toddler, coz I was always Underweight, clear up and until I was over 50! Then Post Hysterectomy Hormonal Change Fat came upon me and has remained ever since, dammit!!!!! *LOL* So, I didn't know how to be an Overweight Person, I used to be able to eat crazy amounts of Food from Toddler Age to past 50 without gaining any Weight at all, staying quite Underweight and Metabolizing it quickly I guess. I miss those days... ha ha ha. They are long gone tho' and I've waved them Goodbye as I now just attempt to get to a Healthier larger Weight that is sustainable and gets rid of the damned Type II Diabetes. I'm on my way but not quite there yet towards attaining that Goal again. Attained it once in 2008-2010... so I know it's possible. I got the Pixs to Prove it... {Below}
Yes, these were my Normal Weight Gramma Years and I was Healthy, Happy and Fit. Even tho' I was Raising a 2nd Generation of Kiddos long past the Season of Life it's Normal to *LOL*... and was already a Full Time Caregiver of a Disabled Spouse, while still Holding down a Full Time Corporate Career at the time too! Sometimes I wonder how I juggled all that without Stroking Out back then? *Ha ha ha* I liked how I looked and felt great. The Diabetes went completely away after having lost the excess 61 Lbs. I shouldn't be carrying around on me after having Gained it by having a Hysterectomy and no Hormone Therapy. Can't take the Hormones due to Cancer History on both sides of the Family for the Females, too much risk.
I stopped losing when I hit 157-160 tho' I'd been much Skinnier Naturally when I still had all my Lady Bits intact, back then my Normal Adult Weight before the Surgery was 98-125 Lbs. tops, always. I only Weighed 128 Lbs. when I Delivered my Son and he was almost an 11 Lb. Baby! I Weighed 110 when I Delivered my Daughter and she was over 8 Lbs.. So, I didn't used to be a BMW. {Big Made Woman... LOL} Clearly The Daughter and Princess T are built the same as my Mom and I Naturally were as Younger Women. My Mom's Nickname in her 20's was Olive Oyl, Popeye's very Skinny Girlfriend. *Ha ha ha* Mom was much Taller than me so she looked even Skinnier.
I'd say as a Young Hippie I tended to dress like and want to BE like Janis Joplin... and Jimi Hendrix. So, her and his Style was my preferred Style back in the Seventies. Which, back then, folks thought you were like a Gypsy from Outer Space and reacted accordingly. *Ha ha ha* Only I wasn't a Raging Alcoholic and didn't do Drugs... I was an Odd Hippie that way, totally Clean and Sober... I know, nobody ever Believed it then or now either. *LOL* Now I still get the Stereotypes and Old Tropes, coz, well, Look at me now... so... I don't try to tell folks the Truth coz they wouldn't Believe me anyway. *LMAOROTF* They see the Hippie attire, Hippie Attitude, the Woman who Smells of Nag Champa, the long Dreadlocks and are like, "Riiiiiiiight..." with a Smirk and a cheeky Wink. *Smiles*
The Grands often get fed up of Young People they know asking them if their Gramma knows where to get the Good Kush? And the reaction when they Honestly tell them, she doesn't Smoke or do Edibles. Nobody EVER Believes them. They claim I do it all and my Kiddos just don't know it!!! Which is hilarious to all of us. *Bwahahahahaha* The Kiddos are like, our Gramma is a definite Weirdo and not your Garden Variety Gramma for sure... but all us Kids partake and know for Sure she doesn't. Not even now it's Legal to. *Bwahahahaha* I did have Allen, The Young Prince's Husband, insist I eat a Bear Edible once when I was having some Chronic Pain. It put me to Sleep for most of the Day, I didn't feel High at all, but, I felt Sleepy, VERY Sleepy. Pain Gone tho', and, so, if I couldn't Sleep due to chronic Pain, perhaps I'd take another one, otherwise, what would be the Point? *LOL and Shrug* The Kids all see that I don't React to most Drugs like regular people do anyway... my Metabolic System is as Weird as I am apparently? *LOL*
Happy New Year my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian
Sometimes you can do everything Right and yet so much can still go so Wrong, Bad things can and do happen to Good People all of the time unfortunately. And too often Good things happen to Bad People and they seem to live a Charmed Life. Hands Dealt aren't always Fair or Just.
ReplyDeleteNo, Dawn, life isnt ever fair. As you said, we play the cards we are dealt. Trump and Putin are holding busted flushes 8 high but can bluff and con the masses.
Those pictures of you are stunning. I hope your man tells you how beautiful you are at least twice a day.
Awwww, Thank You for the Kind Words my Friend. Yes, it bothers me that such Evil Men prosper and are Adored by masses they have conned or who truly support Evil and Corruption. Yet many Good and Decent folks don't catch any breaks in Life. The Hand Dealt can often be so very random, can't it? Not really based on your merits, character, or lack thereof. We shouldn't be surprised that violence begets violence, and the New Year has certainly begun with some extremist violence and portends what's to come IMO.
DeleteAS always your post is full of fascinating thoughts, interesting facts and trivia.
ReplyDeleteLOL, you know I will always Over-Deliver. *Winks*