So a fucking Mouse got in the House again, I don't know how they get in, but in a Mini Farm Community they do more than in your average Residential Subdivision. It's a pretty large Mouse and for a while I'd been telling The Man I heard one when it was quiet at Night. I have very sensitive Hearing for an Old Person and just knew I heard the little Fucker, but never saw it until the Day that Princess T and I were doing the Pantry Project and it scurried across the Kitchen and under the Stove! It's a big un and Eli the Cat is useless, he's the only Cat we've ever had that isn't a Working Cat and afraid of his own Shadow or Dead Bugs in his Litterbox. *Le Sigh*
So, I set out sticky Traps immediately with Peanut Butter Bait, so far it seems to be a Smart Fucker and won't take the Bait. Princess T thought it had moved the Sticky Trap too and was Freaking Out that mebbe it was so strong it had it stuck on one Foot dragging it around? *LMAO* Just the Visual of that on the Canvas of our Imagination was a bit terrifying, and yet hilarious as well, I ain't gonna Lie! *LOL* It had moved it further under the Stove so it's testing the Trap set for it, pretty sure. I won't Rest until it's Toes Up, even tho' I had Pet Mice as a Child. So long as they don't get into my Home, I hold no animosity towards Rodents in The Wild where they belong. But, they carry Hantavirus in Arizona, so it's gotta be Murdered and I aim to be the Executioner. It picked the Wrong House to Invade.
One Year we got one in around Thanksgiving and it ate all my Ornamental Indian Corn Decorations! Gnawed the Cobs clean it did, little Fucker, and took Forever to Murder, but, eventually it fucked up and tho' we lost a few Battles, we Won that War. We've had an invasion of harmless Non-Venomous Baby Snakes a few times too. Our Exterminator is on Retainer and assists us in keeping things in Check. But, Critters on a Mini Farm are prevalent for obvious reasons of what Neighbors have on their Mini Farms that are quite attractive to Wild Vermin. Citrus Trees attract Roof Rats, Nut Trees attract all kinds of Vermin. Chickens and other Livestock do as well due to their Foods and also them being on a Predator's Menu.
So, anyway, for now I got a Mouse, just One so far, and we don't want it Living long enuf to invite it's Friends or Raise a Family. You'd think with a Feline in the Household it would just Exit Stage Left, but, perhaps it knows already that Eli is a Coward and no Threat, I dunno? But the little Fucker better not underestimate Yours Truly, I'm Lethal as a Huntress when I don't have me a Working Cat that can and will do the Job for me. *LOL* Anyway, I'll keep you Updated on how that War is being waged and going for me until I obtain my objective. *Winks* The Man knows how Fixated I get when I'm Waging a War on any Living Thing that invades my Territory. Yes, I'm quite Territorial and Obsessive about protecting what's in my Lane and mine. *Bwahahaha*
I watched a good but troubling Docuseries called AMERICAN CONSPIRACY: THE OCTOPUS MURDERS on NetFlix. And they duped a small Tribe in Cali to use their Rez to do a lot of very shady shit on, Sovereignty and all, which is excellent Cover for dirty deeds. No Conspiracy IMO, since a lot of people Investigating, or trying to stop what was happening, or knew too much, ended up Dead, including a Tribal Elder who decided the Tribe was being hosed and wanted the Bad Actors off their Land. Their Murders not properly Investigated or immediately Cut To being deemed highly unusual Suicides and covered up quickly. And if it was above your Pay Grade, you were Wise to just go along with what dummied coverups were going on no matter how suspiciously obvious it wasn't True. *Winks and a Nod*
I mean how does a Journalist about to break a Big Story end up committing Sideways by slashing both Wrists numerous time to the point of severing Tendons and having Wrists hanging by a thread you might Ask? Exactly, overkill just looks like overkill, not Suicide by any means. Paramedics noted the inconsistencies, but Police and Coroner were told by the Three Letter Agencies it's Suicide, so... thus it was deemed so... now, Forget About It. *Very Sopranos Style* Now, for the Loved Ones of the Deceased, they got no real Justice nor any Closure and it's not as if everyone could handily be Offed and not have that become a Trail really hard to Clean Up with any credibility. But, Credibility don't matter no more... Fake News Abounds and is gobbled up like Skittles.
Plausible Deniability. And it's been going on now for Decades and isn't far fetched at all. Nor are some of the "alleged" Bad Actors and Political Players the least bit Surprising or who they've Used for their nefarious Acts and Power Plays. Corruption runs Deep, all the way to the top of the Food Chain, always has, always will. And most of us know the Countries we've Crossed and the ones we've Destabilized for our own Gains. Don't naively assume America is always the Good Guys. We have not been almost since our inception really... so... Great, yeah, at times... Good... well, that's subjective really, isn't it? We've had our Moments. But even our Allies know, Politics is messy...
Most of the Asylum Seekers over the Decades come from those very Countries we intentionally Destabilized in fact and did dirty deeds in. I'd recommend watching this one. In the 1970's we had our own Local Investigative Journalist Don Boles, who was unceremoniously Offed with a Car Bomb in the middle of Metro Phoenix, in front of the Newspaper he Worked for, becoz he got too close to some shit like that. He Wrote Stories for The Arizona Republic about corruption and scandal, he Died coz he had a particularly salacious one he was Investigating and back in the 70's and 80's, there was some Juicy Corruption involving heavy hitters. And I'm sure there still is. And always will be. So, the Good Guys mostly and generally are kept out of those Loops and those that Snoop, their Goodness won't Save them. Some Hills aren't worth Dying on unless you got a Martyr Death Wish? Some do, I don't.
It's Primarily why I got out of my First Corporate Life in Banking, shit was getting very shady in the Industry in ways that could get people Killed. Coz lots of Money was involved and shady Deals had gone down and now were being exposed. Some exposure is always gonna happen to some degree, like Watergate and many other National Scandals of their Time. So, a pretense of Cleaning shit up happens, but it's quite Superficial, some Sacrificial Lambs are offered up on the Altar of fake Righteousness, and then it's pretended that all is now Well and above Board. *Eye Roll* I give Journalists, the Good Ones, a lot of Props coz they're playing a very Dangerous Game by keeping Accountability as a Mission Statement and uncovering shit to make Public. It's also Why the Media is a Threat to Bad Actors and Bad Government. If you have nothing to Hide, you have nothing to Fear or suppress.
Anyway, back to my first Corporate Life when the Banking Industry began to have Serious Issues. Folks who were Powerful were gonna be Indicted in several Industries, including but not limited to Bank Corruption, and so Witnesses, Auditors, Investigators, Whistle Blowers, anyone in the way, were ending up Dead then too. Unless you stepped off and out, when you could see shit was getting Real and you wanted absolutely no Cut in it and had no Cut in it. I was in Internal Audit in a high Position at the time and running Departments where Assets going Down were handled. Yeah, they wanted their Losses mitigated, and some shit questioned, but not too much uncovered or questioned actually, as it turns out. *Winks* I just dumped it in the Laps of my Superiors and did a Peace Out, above my Pay Grade to get in any Deeper. It was the 80's by then, I was a very Young underestimated Female AVP, I liked it that way, the Good Ole' Boy Network could have at it and do what they will. Some folks were Disappeared. *Eye Roll and Winks*
I Observed too much to remain Naive or Wanting to Know Too Much. You Cut and Run when the Race or Game is clearly too Perilous to be in and the Waters are Deep and very Muddied. No Thanks. I ended that prosperous Career post haste, just doing some highly overpaid Consultation Work to point out Interesting shit and let others take it to the Finish Line if they wanted to Risk it? And went into Criminal Law instead. Plenty of Criminals in America, more Job Security, tho' could be perilous too, for obvious reasons folk in the DOJ are just often Targets. Depending on whose attempting to be Prosecuted. Many Cases end up Dismissed... or with ridiculously Light Sentencing... with very Serious Crimes. Hard to Prosecute a Case where Prosecution, Staff, Witnesses and Victims end up threatened, intimidated, simply disappear or turn up Dead. Guess who most recently Resigned from the DOJ, ole' Jack Smith... yeah, saw that coming from a long ways off. Poor Schmuck, just a decent Guy doing too good a Job with Honor and actual Integrity, it happens.
And we all know, in part anyway, what Bad Actors never actually have successful Prosecution, and who gets Sprung from the DOC under unusual circumstances, to say the least. Becoz some are more Useful in the Wild, doing the Dirty work for whoever Owns and Weaponizes them, and doing what they just do carte blanche and with impunity. Or ended up Deaded in Prison, if they Know Too Much, or get too sloppy and become a Liability, Epstein comes immediately to Mind. Epstein's Island of Human Trafficking, mostly of underage Victims, had a LOT of High Profile Visitors, some with a LOT of Visits, let us just say. So, what's happening now in Today's Political Scene is not at all Surprising to me nor is it 'New' my Friends. Some Bad Actors and Top of the Food Chain Players have just become more brazen about being involved, identified, and getting very Public Immunity now from their Crimes, that's all.
Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Absolutely Corrupts. All the Death Threats against whose Obstructing or Investigating them, or trying to Prosecute them, also not 'New' and No Joke, if you wanna stay Vertical. In my 2nd Corporate Life it became quite Obvious that some Players just become Untouchable, or a string of Dead Bodies or Missing People turn up while trying to ensure Justice is Served and they're shut down. Many behind the Scenes Players don't ever want to be Named and Identified, those are the Scarier ones actually and typically wield the most actual Power and Influence. Even those Known, have whose Backing them in every way to ensure elimination of Adversaries or Problem People. If you got a good Puppet, the Puppet Masters Love to not have to be seen at all, they don't have to be with a good enuf Show going on, however lacking of credibility. The Orange Moron, a typical Front Man with zero credibility IMO, doesn't matter, his Reality Shows weren't 'Reality' either, all Fake as Fuck. Nothing is as it Appears.
Anyway, Vermin of all kinds exist, and not just in the Species of Rodents, let us just say, our Species has just as many Vermin. And that's all I'm gonna expound on and say about that fact. The Dark Side runs too Deep to do anything about when you're just at Ordinary Citizen Level anyway, so, best you don't know what you just don't know and keep it that way. I'd develop immediate Amnesia if I even accidentally found out Too Much. "I don't Recall" would be my Go To Mantra... kinda like Pleading No Contest in a High Profile Case. You Live longer. *LOL and Winks* Once you realize and know that Nothing is what it Seems, you'll be the Wiser for it. And The Genius Young Prince once said something very Profound to me at a very Young Age, when at Age 14 he began getting the unwanted Attention of very Important People, due to his Prodigy Potential and Usefulness.
He said he'd rather retreat deeply into his SMI and Safety of Anonymity completely and not be a Threat nor an Asset. Than to put on display his Genius, becoz you would become too Valuable an Asset and Commodity to some very Dangerous People. Most especially certain Branches of your Government and whoever they're currently Darkly Playing with, and, No Thanks, he's Crazy, not Stupid. He was spot on coz in the Docuseries another Genius Prodigy was Identified at Age 16 and Used in such a way by those whose Identities could never be uttered and you shouldn't even be asking Questions about. Don't ask Questions you don't Need to know or really want to know the Answers to, seriously, just don't. I don't ask a lot of Questions, I prefer to just make Quiet Observations and come to my own Conclusions. And, know that I Could Be Wrong and have No Need To Be Right... just sayin'. Life then goes on.
When the Prodigy Genius couldn't be Used actively, and was getting Old/Mature enuf to Wise Up, to want to be in The Game anymore... but, was just in Too Deep now and not allowed Out, he was Warehoused in Prisons long term and probably even Psychiatric Institutions, to keep him on Ice but handy and accessible. A Good Mind being a terrible thing to Waste, Genius isn't plentiful and is very valuable. {Think Musk in Today's Political contentious Climate of needing a New Genius Boy.} Anyway, this Genius was Aging Out and no longer even Safe on the Outside and just knowing his Name could be perilous. He'd be nobody I'd cozy up to, too Intelligent/Genius, way above my ability to Understand or even WANT to. But, he was discounted as being too Crazy to be Believed, even tho' he was spitting the Truth all the time and had become Paranoid as Fuck, but, for very Good Reason. He should be, I would be if I were him and I'm no Genius! But you tend to know when you're In Over your Head Darlin'. *LOL*
I'm Aware I'm not a strong enuf Swimmer to step into some Waters. *Winks* Distinguishing the Good Guys from the Bad Guys is not so Obvious my Friends and often overlaps considerably. And tho' I and The Man Love our Country, we almost never Trust our Government or the Governments anywhere actually, rife with shady Powerful Motherfuckers. Sure, some Good Guys sometimes come to Power, but they're usually quickly discredited and replaced, there is very little Honor in the Upper Echelons of Society. Jimmy Carter was a decent, honorable, actually Godly, very Intelligent Man, with Money never being his Motivation. He lived a Simple Life with his Beloved of 77 Years, even after becoming a President. So, he lived to be 100 and got out of Politics and did more during his Post-Presidency for the Good of the World. That's how you do it Right. Follow the Money, it always leads somewhere. Now on to Cheerier Topics shall we. *Smiles and Winks* What Cheerily can I Write about these Days you might ask? Well, it is getting to be more Challenging, I ain't gonna Lie. Fuckery and the Issues of Life abound, don't they? *LOL and Le Sigh*
Okay, so I Got Nothing in the way of Cheer, so there ya have it for Today! *LOL* I'm bone dry on the Cheer Topics my Friends so I won't Bait ya by pretending I can now inject some Uplifting shit into this Post, which BTW, that you knew by the Post Title Hook was gonna be salacious and controversial, No? *Bwahahahaha* It's why you showed up and are Reading it, since, we got more Curiosity than what Killed the Cat. *Smiles* Your Secret is Safe with me here, I know you all prefer the salacious or most controversial Posts, I see the Stats. And, I'm not Judging. *Winks* We do like to escape into our Fantasyscapes from time to time but we must also live with one Foot at least in the Real World and be Aware and keep Informed. I get it, and the Unaware or those who run with low information are just a Victim waiting for someone to make them an easy Mark. Predatory Types are excellent at identifying potential Victims/Prey, it's their Nature and very Survival to excel at it.
So, following a Two Fer Post Day where I had a mix of Darkness and Light Fluff... back to the Darkness my Friends... it's all around us... so, try to BE The Light that illuminates what is Safe enuf for ya to... and don't step in to what is Dark too much, or too far in, it holds some Scary Stuff and Perils... Dawn... The Bohemian
Eli reminds me of a meme I saw where the homeowners was battling a mouse with a broom, while the cat looked terrified and was clawing at the window screen to get out. So, thus far, life on the mini farm comes with scorpions, mice, baby snakes. No thanks and do let us know how you outwit and catch this latest critter.
ReplyDeleteYes, it has it benefits and drawbacks having a Farm Property in an Urban area. What is sad is that most of these Critters were recently displaced by Urban encroachment in what used to be Commercial Farmland that spanned hundreds of Acres and is now being redeveloped into Residential Subdivisions and ridiculous sized Apartment complexes. The Wildlife does have to go somewhere when displaced and our small Community of Mini Farms surrounded by Urban sprawl is the most likely place that looks like a viable Home to survive in for the Wildlife.
DeleteIn my experience, unless a cat has things to hunt on a regular basis they don't have the opportunity to become proficient at it.
ReplyDeleteYes all of the working Cats we had hunted all the time and all of them came to us as strays or ferals so they were always dependent upon Hunting... Dawn the Bohemian
DeleteWe've had mice now and then here, seems to coincide with construction. When they built the new school right across the street, we had them everywhere in the yard, a few got in. The school where I work had a huge infestation over summer, same thing, construction stuff around the building.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get the little critter out of your house!!
We have major construction just to the East of us where they're putting in that damned Residential Subdivision where it was previously Zoned for Farming commercially or for more Mini Farm Residential. Pisses me off that the City allowed the developer to change the Zoning before even consulting the Community it would most affect. Our Equity dumped by $100,000 immediately and now a lot of the long time Residents of our Community are Selling. Our Homes are valued in excess of $700,000 to well over a Million, so by putting in Single Family Residential Homes next door that are valued only at just over $300,000 really shat on all of our Investment. I would rather they had Rezoned it Commercial, at least then we'd of had shopping nearby within walking distance. Or, if they'd even expanded the Cemetery across the Street it would have been fine, Dead folk make great quiet Neighbors and it's a lovely Catholic Cemetery that is always beautifully Landscaped. *LOL* But now, Mice infestations too from the development... grrrrrrr.
DeleteSounds more like a rat than a mouse, especially if the cat is afraid of it. But I had to laugh at Eli being afraid of a dead bug in his litter box.
ReplyDeleteI'm also wondering if it is a young Roof Rat Jean and that scares me more... but I dare not say my suspicions out loud coz Princess T was freaked out enuf. Our Old Working Cat Miss Priss would fuck up a huge Roof Rat or big Snake and she ate Scorpions as a Treat. *LOL*