I haven't gotten out of my Jammies all of Sunday. And I know Why. Tomorrow of coarse shall be a Day of Mourning, as Blog Friend Maddie said, of Black Ensembles and Veils. Since he who shall not be named will be ascending to the Throne in the taking over of Amerikkka, being rebuilt in his image, and what it's become as his Oligarch worshippers dance around their golden calves and lead their clueless indoctrinated flock of needy sheep to the slaughter. I'll be Channeling my inner Morticia for the next Four Years, at the very least, and not watching The News. My Children suggested the latter and I think they are spot on and right about just NOT doing it, don't Watch, then you won't be so upset all the time.
The Antique Mall called to say a Customer was asking for a refund on a T-Shirt they bought from us. All Sales are Final at our Antique Mall, that is Policy, but this Customer was being a Pain and difficult, so the Cashier called me to ask what I wanted to do? The Customer was claiming it was too Small, but, they brought it back with Two Small Holes in it and I know I don't Sell damaged Merch in that condition, so, they likely damaged it and that's really why they brought it back. I just agreed to allow the Mall to refund them tho', for Fifteen Bucks, not worth the Drama, Headache or an angry hostile Customer. We get enuf vandalism from assholes without risking a Mad one damaging shit in retaliation. Be Refunded and Be Gone...
Since they damaged the returned Shirt and had the gall to bring it back and ask for a refund, no telling what kind of ballsy lowlife they might be? Bad enuf Sales are flat without dealing with post Purchased items being brought back damaged tho', it's not like I can Sell it now. *Le Sigh* Of coarse, with some Young People they pay extra for Wardrobe with Holes. I've paid enuf for Jeans or Shirts for the Grandchild that came with "Distressing" and Holes, I think I paid extra for the Holes? *LMAOROTF* So, I might just mark the returned Shirt down to Five Bucks and who knows, if it's got great Graphics, someone might not Care what the other Customer did to it or prefer it looking Grunge? *LOL* You gotta keep your sense of Humor about it all. I expect things to get Weirder and more Contentious over the next Four Years, might as well Practice now.
This is the last Day of the Sale at the Antique Mall, and all my Action Hero Comic Books with their fucking Display turned up Missing, just WTF?! I'd been Selling a lot of them and had them right out front of our Showroom, so Security Cameras should have picked up who took off with the whole Display of Comic Books? The last day I'd Sold several of them was only on the 13th, so I know they were still there then and turned up MIA since then, not sure which day? When an entire Display of Merch turns up missing I highly suspect another Vendor skimming Inventory, we have a few who are shady as fuck and steal from other Vendors. Management knows who some of them are but if they Rent a lot of Real Estate, they don't Ban them. I reported the incident. They won't DO anything, so there's no Point to it, , but... still... made ME feel better to. *LOL*
I do Hope the Display and the Unsold Comics turn up, it would be odd for a Customer to take an entire Display tho' and just dump it somewhere else. There's a lot of Comic Book Vendors who Specialize in Selling those, most have Unlocked Cases or them in Booths too. Very Odd that mine turned up missing, I don't have an abundance of them, mebbe 20 or so left of Batman, Superman, Spiderman Vintage Comics and I put them in Protective Sleeves that are Sealed. I only Sell them for $3 each so they Sell very well and it pisses me off the entire Display disappeared becoz I have been Selling some every Week since I put them into Inventory. I had Sold several on the 13th, but not all of them, and not the Display, which wasn't For Sale and marked as a "Display Only NSF". The Lucite Display was probably worth more than the Comics actually, so I definitely want that back too. Damned Thieves, Gypsy Curses on them Fuckers. *Winks and Yes, I do that for Reals, Sinister Cackle*
So, other than that and it being the Inauguration Day of Mourning, everything is swell. *LOL* I shall break out my Black Ensemble and Veil as well Mads, we might as well look solemnly Fierce my Friend. *Winks* I do Well landing on The Dark Side... Dark Dawn may even come out to Play more during this Administration's Term. Yes, I'll gladly LET her with no restraints, and just put away Dawn Of The Light to Rest for the whole thing, why not? It'll be Fun. *Winks* The Kids have told me that Post Stroke I seem to have even less inhibitions than before about coming out of the Bag when even slightly provoked, they could be Right... and now, who Cares? My last Fuck to give was on Sunday now... so... let The Games begin...
Of coarse with YOU all and anyone else in The Wild that isn't of the Predatory Nature, or of The MAGA World Cult that foolishly gets confrontational with me or in my way, you'll still get Dawn Of The Light, it's only fitting and Fair. *Winks and Smiles* But unleashing Dark Dawn upon the foolish or the radicalized "orange jesus" Worshippers out there in The Wild, I just can't feel bad about, Nope, it's fitting and only Fair too. Great Sport as well, tho' I suppose you could say it's not very Sporting of you Dawn, to be Shooting Fish in a Barrel... and... you Could Be Right... *LMAO* But, they were hooked and fished by taking the Bait of the Master Predator that identified them as Prey to begin with, No? So, they fell for it all, Hook, Line and Sinker. I'm not responsible for that Fate that befell them... sad little Fish that stepped into the Wrong Waters and need to be strong Swimmers to now Survive.
I have always given Fair Warning tho', NOT to step into MY Waters unless you are a very strong fucking Swimmer. So, it's entirely up to any sad little Fish that do and get in over their silly Heads. I don't particularly Feel very Merciful, so, yeah, you can Pray for me. *Bwahahahaha* Thoughts and Prayers... Thoughts and Prayers. I belong to The Streets, what can I say? *LMAOROTF* As you can clearly tell thus far, Dark Dawn IS Writing and Creating this here Post. *Smiles and Winks* I could have even Slept In and didn't, coz I forgot Princess T doesn't Work on Monday, so I got up at the regular ridiculous Hour the Granddaughter has to go to Work and be Chauffeured by Yours Truly... dammit! She was up, coz she is a Creature of The Night, like her Grandmother, and my Wednesday Addams Child at that. She looked up from her Bat Cave Gloom, since she keeps it very Dark in there and now it's Grey and Black Walled... and said, "Gramma, it's Monday..." So, I needn't have been standing there at 5:00 A.M.!!! *Le Sigh and Fuuuck*
She wants to take me out Today for a Girl's Day Out and Lunch, her Treat, to "Rice Paper". I don't have Eating Out Budget, so, yeah, I'm Down for that. *LOL* It's nice to have a Grandchild who has a Job and some Money to indulge me with. Since I'm definitely a Broke Bitch right now. *Smiles and Le Sigh* She likes her Job and has made Friends there, but, the Entrepreneur Spirit she has, wants more, and I can see that. So, she might expand the Vision beyond just Working for someone else and making them Richer. She's of coarse not satisfied with Minimum Wage and I'm glad she isn't. With her Academia struggles with having severe Learning Disability along with Social Anxieties that caused her to dislike School, and us struggling to afford to Raise a 2nd Generation on a Retirement/Disability Income, she knew College just wasn't in her Future. She's Worked alongside me at the Antique Mall since she was 5 and Shared a Rented Space there with me since she was 13 tho', so, she can Work her Hustle well.
She was mad at Rusty again coz he's not good with Money... and like me, she's a Bad Bitch when it comes to Financial matters and not squandering Resources. She acknowledged it is his Money, but, he went out and bought Two Used ATV's which he says he'll fix up and flip, since he's very Mechanically inclined and can fix anything. But, she KNOWS him, that's what he did with the Car he recently bought and once he fixed it up some, he got Attached to it. Even tho' he has a Big Truck. And she says he's gonna get Attached to these Two ATV's, she KNOWS it, even tho' what the Hell does he Need with an ATV, let alone Two ATV's? All he does is Work and Sleep, he isn't gonna have any Use for them except on the Canvas of his Imagination... he's a Dreamer, she's a Realist. *LMAO* Plus, if he's spending his Benjamins on crap like that she says, it's less to spend on her... Point taken, she is High Maintenance that Woman Child, we Created that... you're Welcome Rusty. *Bwahahaha*
You see, that One is her Grandpa's Golden Child and he's her Favorite, so, tho' like Oil and Water sometimes, he's spoiled the living shit out of her... and, I contributed some too, I ain't gonna Lie. She IS The Golden Child compared to the other Three Raised, I mean, ya gotta have at least One out of Four, Right, it's only fitting and Fair. *LOL* And, since, she was the last of the Two Generations of Spawn we Raised, so, is "The Baby", and you know how that goes in the Raising of Spawn, so, she's also one of THOSE. *Smiles* Her Older Brother always claimed, and deadpanned, that she was definitely Pre-Demonic and when Crazy Pamela, her BFF, once threw a Bible at her, when they were Young Children, he said at least it was the Right Book! *Bwahahahahahahaha*
Once, when she was passing casually, and sauntering thru, when I had The News on and he who should not be named was spewing his usual vitriol, she deadpanned in her usual Wednesday Addams flat affect, "You know... THAT could be Fixed..." The above Meme made me recall that Moment... and that, yeah, I'm kinda waiting for the inevitable Marie Antoinette Moment to happen now... she's Right... Fixed. Problem Solved. Americans despise discomfort and doing without for very long, if at all... we're so spoiled and privileged compared to most of the rest of the Globe, that even First World Problems annoy our Citizenry. So... Solutions and Necessity will become the Mother Of Invention, it's just a matter of Time me thinks. I don't know we're up to Anarchy as a Collective... especially if he won't leave.
Brilliant Comedian Mark Maron had a hilarious comedy skit about that during the 1st Term, during his 2019 NetFlix Special. Laughed my Ass off watching it in 2025 as the 2nd Term was soon gonna happen, not much has actually Changed for the better. The Sentiment hasn't changed, just intensified and magnified... definitely gotten Crazier, the Wheels are Off now... It is Comforting to know that I do look Good in Black. And that it's my Happy Color. *Winks* I am catching up on my Blog Reads and paying some of you Visits, I'd gotten way, way behind. I'm not much of a Reader, Writing is more my Jam... and... I'm very Visual. I don't think I've ever Read a Manual in my Life and most of my Books have Pictures, what can I say? *Shrug* I'm a good Reader, and a fast one, I do my Evelyn Wood Speed Reading quite adeptly. So, I CAN do it... but usually don't and won't.
It's just that the Adult ADHD makes it difficult for me to stick with it and not Bore. I drift off... being Mindful and Staying in the Moment, not Easy for Yours Truly. I usually can do everything and nothing at the same time, it has been said. *LOL* Post-Stroke, it's gotten a little better tho'... the Racing Thoughts have slowed down with the Brain damage done... Silver Linings. *Smiles* And frankly, having less Fucks to give is Helpful too in so many ways, it's Liberating. I saw a Sentiment I could relate to on a Move "Spenser Confidential" {2020} starring Marky Mark Whalberg and Alan Arkin. Arkin's Character, who was quite Elderly, Geriatric Feisty, and clearly had no more Fucks to give in a hilarious way... had been Kidnapped by the Bad Actors and he said the Kidnappers were Idiots, coz he only has about 3 Minutes Left. *LMAOROTF*
Princess T also wants to go to our other Brass Armadillo Antique Mall in Downtown Phoenix while we're Downtown having Lunch in the City. I'm Down for that even tho' I can't Shop and spend any Money, I enjoy Window Shopping too and it will give me opportunity for Blog Fodder Imagery if I bring my Cameras. This Post is laden with Darkness as it is, or should be, a National Day Of Mourning. And, being out in the Wild Today, I'm just Hopeful the MAGA World Maniacs are just all Home jerking off to the Inauguration? *LOL* I really don't have it in me to run into any of them in The Wild Today, I'm rather in Zero Tolerance Mode for their brand of Crazy quite frankly. My Crazy would not do Well with their Crazy, let us just say... Cruelty is not innately my Point or Normal State of Being, like theirs seems to be... but, I could make an exception. *Winks* Mother Darkness right now is in da House. *LOL*
In Three... Two... One...
Cope and Survive it all the best ways you can my Friends... I won't Judge... Dawn... The Bohemian
I will look for that movie. I LOVE Alan Arkin (since The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming way back in the 1970s). I just finished watching The Kominsky Method on Netflix because he was one of the main characters so it will be good to see him in something else.
I Love Alan Arkin too, he's Brilliant in every role, isn't he? I needed so levity since I've been so freakin' melancholy.
DeleteI haven't had a day of mourning and ages. And I'm very heavily veiled today. I can't even see my hand in front of me. And I may just stay like this for 4 years. LOL
ReplyDeleteLOL, well, we'll at least look fierce in our Mourning Ensembles, I was dressed like a Sicilian Widow Today. *Winks* I'm glad Michelle Obama stayed true to self and did not attend, she's a Class Act so I don't blame her. It's not as if the Orange buffoon and his Mail Order Porn Star Bride attended the Biden's Inauguration. Of coarse nobody wanted them there after they had their failed Coup to overthrow the Government.
DeleteI was determined that I would not let that idiot ruin the day for me. I avoided all TVs..we drove over to Chapel Hill, NC for a fun morning -- knowing that is one of the most liberal areas -- and enjoyed visiting an independent bookstore, had brunch in a lovely cafe that HAD NO TVs! Ahh...then we came home to babysit the grandkids, who were giggly and so fun! Ahh...
ReplyDeleteYay, you succeeded too in avoiding it all during the dreadful Inauguration. We're fortunate that in Metro Phoenix, it's mostly Blue Voters or Independents like myself who aren't Partisan but want America to actually stay a Democracy and Welcoming to diverse People who add richness to the American Culture by melding their own with it like has always made America so varied and not homogenous like so many other Countries that are and lack any diversity whatsoever and are intolerant to an extreme degree. Bravo.