I'm mad about it, but, nothing I can do about the Loss. It's probably about an Eighty Dollar Loss out of potential Profits, the Display was a nice one and NFS. Management didn't really research it to look at Surveillance and now the Surveillance Video would be scrubbed. The last time some of the Comics Sold was on the 13th, so I know it was there then, but the exact Date it disappeared, I don't know for Sure since I hadn't been in very much to even notice it was gone right away. So many Vendors Sell Comic Books, some of them Specialize in that genre, and mine weren't the expensive ones, so why mine just got boosted, who knows? Theft can be so random like that and just opportunistic to a Thief.
Vendor Heisting often happens during Move Outs too, when a Vendor is leaving the Mall for good and takes all their Inventory out and might hide someone else's in a Big Move Out. The Front Desk Greeter is supposed to check everything outgoing to ensure it matches the Vendor's Number and all of it has a legit Price Tag on it. But, some working the Desk are not that vigilant or diligent about doing it, or are too Trusting, or feel they "know" the Vendor taking stuff out. So, anyway, we established it appears none of it is still in the Mall anymore, so it had to of been Stolen. I reported it twice and also told Vendor Friends to keep an Eye out in case they see it... but, it's a Write-Off for now.
We also did some Environmental Cleanup at the Nature Preserve of Tres Rios. The River was running fast and deep, more so than usual. We hauled out about 25 lbs. of Aluminum Cans from around it, not bad since we weren't there very long as I do have to pace myself and take it easy. That's about all we did for the day, but, it was enough and tired me out. The Son bought Dinner from a local Mexican Restaurant as Takeout for us all, which was a nice Surprise. We watched an Old Movie AWAKENINGS {1990} with Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro, I'd never seen it before and it was very good, touching. It is based off a True Story of the Summer of 1969 at an Asylum, dealing with Victims of Encephalitis, the Sleeping Sickness Pandemic of WWI.
Monday Afternoon I will be having the follow-up with my Cardiologist, Dr. McDreamy, Dr. Nick. *Winks* The Daughter wants to come with me and that's fine, I think she just wants to see this Stud Muffin Doctor. *LOL* He is very easy on the Eyes and such a nice Young Man, we asked Princess T if she might wanna come and look Cute so she might snag herself a Cardiologist? *Bwahahahahaha* Hey, it wouldn't be a Bad Thing, No? *Smiles and Winks* Anyway, I'm interested to learn what the Heart Monitor I wore for 10 Days picked up on regarding my Heart? And what his Diagnosis is gonna be? I'm not at all anxious about any of it, whatever this is, I've probably always had and it just never caused a problem before now.
Well, since I'm not watching The News I am still obtaining Hi-lites of more of the new Regime demented one's newest slew of insane Executive Orders via The Land of Blog and what fellow Bloggers offer in tidbits of it all. One such Order is making Native Americans Non-Citizens again! Well, Indigenous people were not even made American Citizens until 1924 and I guess the Orange One wants to take us all back to the 1800's in so many ways. To make it so American Indians aren't Citizens of their own Stolen Country, well, that's rich, isn't it, but, it would also take away their Vote. He did pretty well with the Native Vote this last Election, so, his Executive Order would have more to do with Racism. If you remember, he also would like to take the Vote away from all Women and all People's of Color... so that only White Men could Vote. *Eye Roll*
And, they've been rounding up some of the Native American Population in Urban Areas like Phoenix and holding them for Hours, even with their Tribal ID! The Navajo have been particularly impacted. Well, most folks can't tell the Browns from the Reds, you know, they don't see that many Indigenous to know what the Hell we are! People always mistook my Dad for being Asian, even Asians did. *Bwahahahaha* And I know how many of my Indian Friends have told me everyone mistakes them for being Mexican. So, with the Rounding Up of anyone looking Brown, no telling how many other Ethnicities will get caught up in the indiscriminate Fishing Nets? Or even deported to a Country they have absolutely no Origin or ties to whatsoever?
I've never been a Registered Tribal Member, since my Dad's People were not Federally Recognized "Indians" and granted Tribal Identity by the U.S. Government ever or put on the Dawes Rolls nor have their own Reservations. But, just about all of his Relatives have now intermarried into Federally Recognized Tribes who are on the Rez. So, I'll have to ask my Cousins on the Rez what this could mean to them, not only Voting, but being allowed off a Reservation if suddenly they're declared NOT American Citizens? Of coarse damned near all of the Insane one's Orders are illegal, unconstitutional and bat shit crazy, but, just how many of them will be crammed thru or tied up in Court on Appeals for Years and Decades to come?
The volume of them is making a Legal Nightmare that will be mired in our Court Systems, wasting Time and Money, causing distress and anxiety in all Communities it Targets. I'm still glad I'm NOT watching the News, the Tidbits hitting the Streets and being conveyed, I can handle in the smaller increments than I could with it all blowing up Daily on TV like a Sewer exploding. And Four Years of Toxic Waste is probably more than America can recover from fully, if at all, so, let us Hope he doesn't last a whole Term? I don't know at what saturation point his Devoted will tolerate it when it starts touching them in unsavory ways, which, it will, if it already hasn't sunk in with them yet. This is what they Fantasized they wanted tho'. Fantasy -vs- Reality. *Winks*
Other than all that, everything is Swell. *Bwahahhaa* The Man is musing whether he should be Doomsday Prepping now or not? *LOL* I joke back that since he's a White Man, probably not, but as for the rest of us, mebbe. *Winks* I just can't keep up with the Fuckery, it's like a fucking Avalanche of it now. I just wonder how much of it is an outrageous distraction so that they can do the more insidious Work without anyone paying attention? The ole Sleight of Hand, look over here so that you aren't aware of what I'm doing over there unseen. Anyway, I'm Blissfully Unaware of most of it, except for the Hi-Lites folks are Sharing as Cliff Notes of what they're watching of The Circus and the Insane Clowns Posse.
I'm mostly Flooding The Zone with Pixs of Family and Friends to focus on what Uplifts me and Sustains us as a Family Unit, we make it our highest Priority. This Post will be heavy on Family Pixs, becoz that's far more important, near and dear to me, than any Politics Flooding The Zone elsewhere that everyone is now fixating upon. I just can't go there Full Time even tho' I will be a part of The Resistance to the very best of my ability to be. One Old Lady Raging Against The Machine really won't cut it anyway, but, it's something. *LOL* I've always been rather Militant about standing for Justice and for Humanity, the Environment and the most Vulnerable of Society. Yeah, I'm a Die Hard Hippie to my very Core and from Teens onward, it's just been most Authentic to Self to be and to remain so. I make no apologies for it.
Anyway, all of the Grandkiddos say they're doing Alright, and all of the Great-Grands are getting so big already! There are challenges of coarse, when isn't Life rife with them? LATER: Well, I'm gonna be losing Dr. Nick, my McDreamy Cardiologist since he's getting a transfer to another Hospital... darn. He's going to be handing me over to a Dr. Kim, who does the Monitor Implants anyway and will be doing mine. The Heart Monitor I wore for 10 days didn't show a damned thing Wrong, which is good News and yet... something ain't Right either, they just don't know what yet. *Le Sigh* I don't seem to have A-Fib, which is a good thing. They'll be doing a Stress Test and a Vein Scan on my Legs, where I've been feeling some Thrombosis type Pain every now and again so they wanna rule out I'm getting Clots. So, that's where I'm at... nowhere for right now. He said I shouldn't be feeling short of breath and so fatigued, yet I am, so, here we now are. *Bigger frustrated Sigh*
I know what it's Not now, but not what it Is, so, no way to know what Not to Do or what To Do. No way to know what caused said Stroke I had so no Idea what to look out for or avoid. Kind of leaves you in Health Limbo 'til they actually find something causing Symptoms you definitely have, but, they don't know Why. I struck up a lovely conversation with an 83 Year Old Black Lady who was precious, feisty and friendly, and didn't look 83 at all, I would have Guessed she was in her 60's. She said our Country is in a mess now and gonna get worse, I agreed. She runs Two Adult Care Facilities out of Two Homes she Owns for Seniors with Medical Issues who cannot live alone anymore. She was telling me she originally is from Chicago and has lived in many different States, but, Arizona is by far the worst for filing Health Care Claims as far as she's concerned. She has to file them all the time for her Residents and says it's always a mess and a real Dog & Pony Show. But, the Weather is nice. *LOL* Visiting with someone enjoyable makes having any waiting time you have seem to go faster.
I had stood in Line with her, not at my Doc Appointment, but at JoAnne's Craft Store coz I needed Merch Bags and Pricing Supplies for Work. The Line was long, they only had one Cashier and some real chatty Customers who were holding things up at the Register chit chatting after they were checked out already! The Older Lady was directly behind me and happened to mention she was gonna be late for her Doc Appointment due to it, mine was still an Hour off, so I told her she could go ahead of me coz my Doc Appointment wasn't until 2:00 p.m., hers was at 1:00 p.m. and it was damned near that time. She'd already had an issue with the Clerk at the Fabric Dept. who had stopped waiting on her to have a Personal Conversation with another Customer she knew, who just walked up and rudely interrupted by having a Friendship Chat!!! When the Lady said something, she said the Clerk got surly, angry and rude. Turns out, our Cashier said the Company is in Bankruptcy and so they have few Employees and even less of them that Care anymore coz they'll be soon out of a Job. Splendid.
Anyway, the sluggish wait for our turn was at least able to let us have a stimulating random conversation, so it didn't seem as aggravating to be held up for so long. *LOL* I really liked her, she was a riot and had me laughing, she had a wicked sense of humor as well as being a real pleasant and easy Person to talk to. She said it's rare nowadays to run into pleasant People and that the World seems so lacking in Love these Days, I agreed, unfortunately, it is. With her being from about my Parent's Generation I am sure she sees the deterioration of Socializing even more than I do. My Parents were from a Generation when Socialization and Community were vitally important and it meant something to their Generation to Socialize and be part of a Community. This is Why The Daughter prefers Mexico and living Abroad, Community and the Social aspect still mean something there and she had far more close Friends and a tighter knit Community around them all. Above is her and Marcos during her last Visit to Mexico... she misses all her Friends there so much.
Granted, she and The Son have Lifelong Childhood Friends here in Arizona too, so, we're glad to be back Living in the Old Neighborhood nearer to them all again. Above is The Daughter and Amber when they were about the Age Princess T is now, actually they were a little Younger in that Pix than 19 and were still High School Students. It was slightly before either of them became Teen Moms. And now all of their Kids are Teens or in their Mid 20's, my how Time just seems to Fly by at warp Speed!!! This Month some of our Grandkids had their Birthdays and are in their 30's now... and sometimes it fails to Register just how Old we're all getting. *LOL* Very few of my Cousins are still Alive either, so I'm down to a scant few left of my Generation in the Family. Five Pixs Below is one of my Welsh Cousins and his Lovely Wife, he's still going Strong and is slightly Younger than I am. He looks so much like his Dad, my Favorite Uncle and my Mom's Older Brother. So, looking at my Cuz is like looking at my Dearly Departed Uncle.
I'm totally outraged at what you wrote about 45/47 trying to change the citizenship of Native Americans!!!!! When will all of this Project 2025 end and Republicans with their rubber stamps wake up and stand up to his shit show? I've never hated anyone one or anything as much at I hate that guy. The money in lawyers fighting this kind of thing alone is shameful when you think about what better uses it could be used for. He's going to bankrupt the country.
ReplyDeleteThe Home Nurse who came for The Daughter's Well Check was Native American and she said most Indians feel 45/47 is Vengeful becoz he blames the Indian Casinos for putting his Casinos out of business and so this is retaliatory punishment to try to also take away their Sovereignty, shut down their Casinos and take away all of their Federal Funding and Federal Status. Which would mean they get no Health Care and no access to anything beyond what's on Reservations, which is virtually nothing at all that can sustain much Life. I think she's right, he's trying to complete the Genocide that was begun by the Government many Moons ago. The Man said he's also messing with Police, Fire and Military Funding which will interrupt National Security and Civilian Safety... none of those people can afford not to get Paid and still be expected to perform their Jobs and not be personally Negatively impacted by being Targeted by their own Government either. It's not such a stretch he will Bankrupt the Country, he's Bankrupted every Business he's ever ran, it's the only thing he knows how to do, is be irresponsible with Money and Decisions poorly thought out, waste and blow thru any amount of Money he has, and not Care what happens to anyone but himself. It's been his M.O. since the 70's, so, HE hasn't Changed, but America has and that's the fact we must Face, that about half of the Country has Changed in ways that found him acceptable at all and supported the Madness he flat out promised he would implement. Well, his Voters are now getting what they asked for and THEY deserve it, but sadly, everyone else is collateral damage of that stupidity to assume a Psycho in Leadership would be a good thing.
DeleteI agree that all the President's stunts are more than likely a distraction to get people riled up.
ReplyDeleteBut damaging to a degree we haven't yet had the full impact of, but will, so, it's dangerous even when it's a stunt to do more sinister things that they Hope nobody will notice they're doing. He will collapse the Nation if they allow it to go on too long unchecked and there isn't sufficient resistance to remove him and his Insane Clown Posse ASAP. I do think his own will turn on him and then he'll have no protection from those he's weaponized becoz that weaponization will end up taking him out instead. This is my prediction.