Thursday, May 30, 2024

A Convicted Ex-Prez With Guilty Verdicts On 34 Felonies


So, it's a Historic Moment for America and thus a Two Fer Post kinda Day.  The Jury came in unanimous of a Guilty Verdict on all 34 Felony Counts against 45.   And, he's already been found unanimously Guilty of Sex Crimes by a Jury of his Peers as well in a Previous Trial with one of the largest Victim Settlements of Restitution awarded in History.  Not that it will change the Cult Devotion some have, believing any ludicrous or unsubstantiated utterings that fall out of his unstable Brain and out his Mouth.   So, after the Verdict, his response outside the Courtroom was predictable and unhinged ramblings and blatant Lies.  Everything is rigged when it doesn't go his way, or even before it doesn't go his way, despite evidence, proof and Reality to the contrary. 

 His Lunatic Fringe and the Devout Extremists will latch onto that, so I don't expect any of this to change the Hearts or Minds of those he's Radicalized come Election time... or now.  Once someone has joined a Cult and has Devotion to any Cult Leader, the Leader and the Cause can be as Bat Shit Crazy as fuck and it won't be questioned by the brainwashed, weaponized and Radicalized.   It's disgraceful enuf we have an Ex Prez whose now a Convicted Felon on so many Serious Crimes... from Sex Crimes to the Laundry List of other Indictments that have him in various Courtrooms, State and Federal.  To think he's still the Republican Candidate running for another Term and still seriously being Supported and has a chance is disturbed on a whole other level. 

The Rule of Law is important and undermining it is his express intention, as with any Wannabe Dictator wanting and Jonesin' for absolute Power and to be above the Law so they can do anything without accountability.  Along with undermining the Criminal Justice System, all our Institutions that make a Democracy functional, the Laws themselves that create Order, our Free and Fair Elections and the Media.  The decline of America, tho' he deflects blame towards the rest, is initiated by him and complicit by those who enable or have enabled him. 

  The fact most that were in his Inner Circle during his Presidential Term are now Warning another Term would be catastrophic.  Or are sitting in Prisons now with their own Felonies, should be a Clue to any actual Conservative Voters that he's unfit and dangerous and their Party ain't what it used ta be and is a perverse corrupted version now of the ReTrumplican Fascist Party, favored by Extremist and Hate Groups of all kinds.  And why any rational normal American would be all in for that and drawn to it is something we should be Questioning as a Nation?  I want our Rule of Law to be respected and preserved, nobody should be above the Law.  So on that it was a Victory and the System worked as it should, the Jury of his Peers had Spoken and done the Work they should, it was very brave of all who were involved in this Case, their Lives were threatened and they got Death Threats.  Innocent Defendants don't have to do that, intimidate, threaten and weaponize their support system to create Fear.

The fact it could still be a close Election has me most baffled tho'.  One would think that the Majority of rational Americans would NOT be Supportive of what and who he is, and what he and his Camp are attempting to do to dismantle Democracy and what they Stand for, since, it's evident.  They don't even make any pretenses about it anymore, so they can't really pretend otherwise now.   All the Quiet parts have been said out loud and boldly, blatantly unapologetic in fact and militantly so, often violently so.  

So, I would have to assume any Supporters now are in full Agreement with the insidious Agenda.   Foolishly assume it's preferable to a functional Democracy that has been World renown even before my Lifetime.  Anyway, it's a Sad and tragic Embarrassment for our Nation.   So I emotionally feel quite conflicted.  I'm glad Justice was Served, but, what a National Disgrace to have a Felon who was an American President and is running for Office again and hasn't been rejected and scorned by all Patriotic Americans!   Him being a Convicted Sex Offender and Traitor to his Country is disqualifying enuf for me, to make him unfit for any Powerful Leadership Positions, regardless of all his other Serious Felony Crimes and Convictions.

We just watched a 2006 NetFlix Movie I'm surprised I'd never seen since it had a favorite All Star Cast of Denzel Washington, Jodi Foster, Clive Owen and Willem DeFoe called "Inside Man", really good.   I thought I'd seen everything Denzel ever made... and Loved the catchy Bollywood Theme Song Spike Lee used "Chaiyya Chaiyya Bollywood Joint", it had both the original version in the Beginning of the Movie and a Remix of it at the End.   The Kiddos watched it with me, none of us had seen it before and were surprised we hadn't.   I mean it's damned near as Old as Princess T!

The Daughter is still working like crazy in The RV Garage Mahal in spite of it being like a Hotbox in there.  She's made a lot of progress on my behalf and I not only appreciate it, but, she says it's made her feel purposed and energized to immerse herself into a big Project needed around here.   It would be easier if we could get that damned Door to function again, so Andrase is gonna look at it for us next time he's here.  I don't like how the previous Owner who built The RV Garage did the Wiring, so, I might need to have it redone to a standard I feel is more appropriate.  We found the original Plans and Blueprints for the building of it, so it was permitted etcetera, but, whoever the Electrician was, I don't think was on top of their Game.

Anyway, when you buy any Property, whether Older or Newer, there's always things you might feel inclined to improve or change.   We didn't like how the Electrical was done on the last Two other Properties we Owned either.  The Historic one had Old Wiring and Plumbing, but was over a Century Old, so we upgraded a lot of it to Modern Standards.  But, the Villa McManse was a Luxury Million Dollar New build, so I was appalled at that Electrical, Stucco Work, Drywall Work, Ductwork, draughty leaky Windows, and other things that were not Top Shelf for a property of that caliber and price point.   No wonder the Builder went Tits and Bankrupt, I think they probably got Sued a lot for problematic workmanship.  They got Sold in 2008 to a Foreign Investor.

I did some work myself around the House, but not in any Space not Climate Controlled, since, it got to 105 Today and inside an enclosed Space without Air Conditioning, even hotter.   I told The Daughter not to stay too long doing her Work in there either, but, I did go look at what she had accomplished, it was a lot considering the temperature.  Right now she's just organizing objects and making Trails so we can get to every part without obstructions on the Floor.  Most of what isn't done is Smalls scattered everywhere and with nowhere to be Displayed properly yet.   Plus, I do have to go thru them all and decide, Donate, Sell or Keep?   And sort them accordingly.  Anything Kept then will be Styled or Displayed properly.

I will probably have to drive her to Work again Friday Morning, which sucks, but... it is what it is so long as her Boss is having to go in so early, he's the Owner of the Business, so, Works long Hours.   Since he's been giving her Rides, she doesn't want to be there as long as he needs to be and for Hours she wouldn't get Paid for.   She doesn't mind doing some Volunteer Work there since he has given her paid Work, which most places wouldn't, due to the level of her Disability.  But, she won't allow exploitation and I don't think he would do that or expect that.  So, if she wants to only be there for her own Hours I may have to take her for a while, as he's working a lot of overtime.

I've been organizing a lot of the Art Studio Space, which is Climate Controlled.  She's actually been using the Space since the Grandsons moved all their stuff out.   So, that's good, they left the Bed and we put it in the Center of the Room and she feels Safer in there now and doesn't get as much Paranoia or Psychosis about being in there.   I deliberately positioned the Bed and it's Headboard in such a way she feels "They" can't see her now... and since nobody knows who "They" are, well, convincing her it's not Real "Watchers" or that she can't be seen, is futile, so, I've worked with it.  Accommodating someone's Mental Illness and Psychosis can be tricky, but, it can be done... I have loads of experience.


Be Well my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Everything it "rigged" unless it's HIS thumb on the scale. This guy wouldn't know "fair" if showed up with a carousel ride.

    1. Well, any Conman skews Reality to run their Game on people, it's how he's lived his Life, being able to manipulate and rip off people to enrich himself and get what he wants. He has never been law abiding and it's finally catching up with him. The whole successful businessman schtick is an illusion, he's squandered more money and ran more businesses into the ground than been a success, he even Bankrupted Casinos... the whole point of which you go in with your Money and come out with none... American Lenders quit lending to him ages ago and he's relied on Dark Money for a long time from our Adversaries. Just that alone is what made me wonder how did he A: Pass the litmus test of not conflicting interest doing business with many dangerous adversaries who had him in their Pockets and pulled his Strings. B: Pass any Psychological Exam? He was never fit to run for any Office, let alone the Presidency. And the fact a Convicted Felon cannot Vote yet CAN become President is just ludicrous.

  2. the verdict came in while I was at a table of 12 when someone walked by and shared the news. Right away four of us women were happy and two men at the table were mad as hell. One said he's like to "shoot that judge" and the other parroted Trump's lines about it all being rigged and all the cases against him are politically engineered by Biden. I sincerely can't understand why so many Republicans in the house and senate are standing firmly with him and his bid for re-election!

    1. Well, corruption breeds corruption is all I can say Jean. Many career Criminals succeed becoz of the Support System around them and the Enablers who justify schmoozing with them or benefitting from them. Just look at the whole Opiod Crisis and the Family that created it, became Billionaires from it, they didn't do all that Solo... but a lot of folks profited off of the atrocity it has become. Just follow the Money... a lot of people who are supportive of someone like him usually have some shady shit in their own Closeted Lives that benefitted them in some way. A lot of folks aren't as Honorable as it may appear on the surface, there is a Dark side and a Leader who is as Dark as they are makes it all seem somehow acceptable to be who they really are under the illusion they've constructed to appear more palatable. Bad Company usually corrupts even Good Character in the end.

  3. Finally right??!?!?!? And let's hope he doesn't win the White House back....and then the other three cases....all more serious will be his final nails in the coffin!!!!!!

    1. Yes, FINALLY. He should have caught charges way back in the 1970's. Committing various blatant Crimes and disregarding Laws becoz you've been Lucky enuf to avoid prosecution for Decades, then trying to blame it on your opposing Administration and the Criminal Justice System when it all catches up to you, is amusing and shows no level of accountability or owning your mistakes and illegal behaviors. The fact his Sycophants and Devoted buy the excuses that he's a 'Victim' is equally Mental and detached/untethered to Reality and how the Law is applied. It's intentional ignorance, or indoctrinated ignorance, either way, it's how he so easily manipulates his Base and why he loves the uneducated and what easy Marks his Devoted really are for him to successfully Con all the time. His other Cases pending are more serious, yet, I just don't know where they'd House someone like him in the Penal System, except in permanent Solitary Confinement with a Secret Service Detail Assigned for Years and Years. So, it will be a dilemma, he's a high Security and National Security Risk any way you look at it, whether Free or Incarcerated. No telling what he's Sold to the highest bidders that compromised National Security already... or what he's said to whom that should never have been disclosed without the person having high Security Clearance. He's a loose Canon and unhinged, probably also suffering a form of Dementia judging by the absurd things he says all the time and inability to Control himself, or be Controlled and Handled by his People/Caretakers/Handlers, he's not fit for any important position anywhere.

  4. Well written! Trump is really bat shit made, as you so nicely said. The world is in a sad state just now, it is scary. We don't need Trup, that's for sure! Have a good weekend, hugs, Valerie

    1. The World is in a Sad Shape indeed . When I think of a Zombie Apocalypse, now I think of one in a different Light. Of people who just aren't using logical or rational Brain function or who lack control of themselves and are 'hungry' for lashing out and doing bad things to other Humans who aren't 'infected' with what Darkness they have in them. They do pose a risk and danger to the rest of Society once they're radicalized or indoctrinated into a Hate filled Manifesto and Believe they can commit atrocities against Humanity becoz of illogical Fears they have or been told that magnify their insecurities and Fears.

  5. This trial had to happen. It was the right thing to do. The orange shit gibbon had to face at least some token consequences, even if they were only class E felonies. I wonder though if the convictions change any minds. One thing is for certain, it galvanized the bonehead's support even more than before..At this point I feel the only thing that will matter to Trump and his brain dead supporters is another loss at the polls...... Hopefully a huge loss, no doubt about it kind of loss. We'll see.

    1. Oh, I am in total Agreement with you about all of that. I don't think a Loss will deter them tho', it may cause them to consider more extremist reactions like Civil War and Domestic Terrorist Violence. I don't think anything he does will change the Hearts and Minds of those Devoted Base Supporters of his who've been convinced he's some kind of Victim of The System. Most of them probably have a Victim Mentality themselves and why they gravitate to someone acting like one and pretending to be one. He's had a lot of Victims of his Crimes, he's never been a Victim himself, what he does and says he will do is calculated and intentional. The problem is, nobody took him Seriously and often fail to. If he says he's gonna do something, Believe him, it's his Intention and not accidental at all. He's realized the Authoritarian Playbook Works, it has thruout History and it plays to Human Nature and to manipulating at least enough of the masses to promote Fear and justification to do anything if someone feels they're vulnerable or going to lose favor, entitlement, be replaced, whatever Seeds of Doubt and Fear have been sowed by someone exploiting those Fears and Insecurities.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl