Saturday, February 22, 2025

What Would A Desert Mayberry R.F.D. Blog Look Like?


The Blog Post Title Hook is Musings I have when I'm Awakened too early to be Down to Earth yet and my Feet planted on Planet Earth solidly.  You see, I got woken up at 4:30 in the Morning on the only Sleep In Day I have, by our Neighbor's Dog barking her Head off.  She never barks unless there is something or someone prowling around that shouldn't be there.  She's a quiet Pit Bull and was Tyson the Pit Bull's "Girlfriend" next door.  *LOL*  She nor Tyson ever made a fuss unless a Predator, Human or Beast, was on the Prowl.  So, I hit all the Security Lights, didn't see anything on our Property, and she immediately settled back down, so it must have spooked and frightened off whatever or whoever it was.  Good.  But, now I'm up!

Well, I've started the habit of being up early so, my internal clock is recalibrated for it anyway now.  I used to stay up really late and be a Vampire, now I fade early and keep the Hours of a Toddler mostly.  I do get more done when I'm awake earlier, so, that's been a benefit.  And I do plan to go to The Desert Botanical Gardens Today, tho' The Gym is another option I might consider, or do both.  I haven't been back to The Gym since I got turned away that Saturday Morning.  Not becoz I'm being petulant about the Ageism, I just haven't had the time or inclination to go Work Out.  I should, Midweek I can go after 9:00 a.m..   The after 3:00 p.m. restriction on Saturday is just ridiculous tho'.  And I THINK Sunday has no Age Restrictions so it will be a Geriatric onslaught vying for the same shit we can still do.  *LOL*

I figure a long brisk Walk around The Desert Botanical Gardens is good exercise in the Fresh Air and should improve my Stamina and be pleasurable tho'.   I'm not much of a Treadmill Lover, so I usually use the Stationary Bike at The Gym.  I need to learn to use more of the Gym's Equipment tho', I'm a Gym Novice and can't afford a Personal Trainer on the ever tighter Budget.  One I get some pesky Home Improvement and Home Repairs Debt Paid Off I'll have more Options.  I'm very close to getting another couple Paid Off, but the big ones will take a very long time to pay down, let alone Pay Off... Le Sigh.   Yes, my Master Plan in Retirement was to be Debt Free... it didn't play out that way, clearly, shit happens, Life happens, carefully made Plans get derailed along the way.

 But, Home Repairs must be done, no way around that Maintenance.  Or the fact Intentional Obsolescence is just Built In now every 5-10 Years for shit to break down and be unable to just be repaired.   So, you must replace very expensive equipment that keeps a Home running... too often, and it tends to keep you in Debt once you're on a Fixed Income.  The last Three Homes we've Owned an Air Conditioner has had to be replaced at great expense.  You can't live in the Arizona Desert without one, well, if you want everyone in the household to keep on living that is.   And Funerals are more expensive than Air Conditioners still.  *Bwahahaha*  So the Master Plan in Retirement now is to take Life One fucking Day at a time, Adapt, Improvise, do whatever it takes to keep Moving Forward and beating The System rigged against us.  And, not keeping my Mouth Zippered and Shut.  Is Dawn gonna be able to shut the fuck up and be complacent?  Probably NOT!  *Winks*

Okay, so, Gallow's Humor aside, and being perpetually indebted and challenged to make the Ends Meet, if you're an Average American these days, what else shall we cheerfully talk about this Morning while I'm up way too early?   And Feeling particularly Militant and totally now enraged enuf to be Anti-Establishment against THIS current Regime!!!  Which isn't Working for me... and probably not for you either?  And it wasn't meant to Work for us, in case you were Wondering, which, I suspect you weren't, tho' some of the most delusional of MAGA still are.  *Winks*   The Son almost has his Predatory Loan and his Court Fines Paid Off, so then he'll be in a better place financially and said he can Help more.  He's had a Garnishment on the Predatory Loan that some Judge in the Pocket of said Lender Ruled against him on.  So, he's just had to suffer thru a 25% Wage Garnishment on a Loan that was or should have been Written Off after they Repossessed said Used inexpensive POS Hooptie Vehicle over 12 Years ago!!!  

 They already got Paid Years ago, now it's just Borrower Exploitation and Court sanctioned Extortion going on.  Kinda like what's happening to the whole Country now.   Extortion of People and other Countries seems to be the New American Way now, or haven't you heard?  Used to be only Syndicated Organized Crime Operations did that... oh wait, that's whose running the Country now, I almost forgot.  *Le Sigh*  And you cannot Prosecute whose Owning the Justice Department now and everyone in it, while dismantling all Investigative Agencies simultaneously.  Literally everyone's been Fired, much like in his cheesy Reality Show, only this IS Reality now and it's playing out in Real Time Daily and there's nothing Entertaining, Legal or Constitutional about it.   I mean the Newest Mandate out is that every Federal Worker has to somehow Justify their Job or they must Resign!!!!!!!!!  How DOES one do that effectively against a Stacked Deck against ya?  Whose already decided you ALL aren't necessary to run a Country, even tho' they don't know what you do?   I'll wait... 

If we were really Auditing the Federal Government, and not just destroying it, wouldn't actual Auditors have been Hired and not Billionaires and Teenaged Tech Geeks?  Just a Thought, since I've been an Auditor and know what it entails to do effectively and knowledgeably.  The Zone is so Flooded with the Scam of the Long Con, it will never work it's way thru the Courts, which aren't functional now either anyway.  So it really doesn't matter if Judgments were eventually issued, they won't be complied with if the Rule of Law now means nothing and is totally ignored.   Or being restructured in the Image of he who shall not be Named coz I find him to be so repulsive and demented, and now actually sees himself as King.   And if you don't Believe that happened, see Below... and Yes, he Posted it Proudly, it got a lot of ALLEGED Backlash, but, no real Political Pushback that matters about the Outrageousness of it all. 

 GAK!!!  How much more blatantly Outrageous, hideous and giving a Middle Finger to Democracy does it Need to be???!!!   America was founded on escaping a Monarchy, lest we forget.  I don't need or want performative Laws and impotent Resistance to what's going on, it's meaningless.   A dramatic performance is all we're getting tho' from other Leadership, they act as tho' they either don't know what the fuck to do or are too scared and intimidated to do it.   What actually has been done since the Coup, and let us be Real, that's what it now is, a full blown Coup.   The sudden and unlawful seizure of Power from our Democratic form of Government didn't even Need the Violence part, coz nobody stood up or Resisted.  They rolled over and obeyed in advance.

And every time I create a Post it IS Tempting not to write about any of it and just pretend The Fluff of Life is what we should just now concentrate on.  But then, I'd be rolling over and obeying in advance too.  I tend not to be Hard Wired like that, Conforming is not my Jam, especially when the request to is against everything I stand for and Believe in at my very Core of Being.   I don't think I have a single Ancestor that was a Weak Ass subservient pushover, it's just not in our DNA, no matter what has come against us, and much has.   But, America has apparently Collectively gone Soft on Courage and on Standing For what is Noble, Just and Right?   Becoz I'm just not Witnessing any Resistance really... or perhaps far too many are actually Supportive of all this, so they're getting what they want and will therefore deserve?

The affluent who can leave already have or are making arrangements to relocate elsewhere that will be better.  They won't wait for America to Bottom Out and they don't Need to either.   The Millionaire Migration OUT of America is in full swing and record numbers of Wealthy Americans are leaving or have left the U.S. after the Election and Inauguration.   Second Passports and Long-Term Residencies Abroad are at record levels in fact, that's quite Telling of what to expect is coming.   And all the Tax Exemptions for the most Wealthy aren't enuf enticement to keep many of them here, now they realize an Authoritarian Government is gonna tank the Country and reek more Chaos and put pressure on the Masses.   Only so much pressure and squeezing of the 99% can be exacted before there will be some unpleasant consequences that won't be Pretty, or Non-Violent and erupt.

February 28th I do Plan to participate in the Economic Blackout.  If they do it more often and for longer, I'll participate too.   Follow the Money is always how you get to the Root of any Problem and find a Solution.  Disruption is felt by those whose Wallets are most hit hardest.  Mess with the Money flow and you disrupt the Status Quo of whose Economically at an Advantage, but doesn't realize Who really holds all the Power, the People.   There are 346,000,000+ Americans and should hit 347,000,000 by Mid-2025, that's a LOT of Economic clout that can be wielded any way we fucking choose and want, if we're Unified in Purpose and want Positive Change.  I'm a Numbers Person and an Odds Person, the Odds are still in The People's Favor due to our sheer Volume.  If over Three Hundred Million Americans Rebelled, do you think the One Percenters wouldn't be overwhelmed or stood a fucking chance?  

Okay, so, enough of all that, I realize most of you are Emotionally Fatigued and Mentally Drained by the past Month.   So can you only Imagine how most populations who've endured such things for Generations must Feel?   And do you really want your Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren to think all of this is a Normal way to HAVE to Live for Generations to come?   Why do you think the Ukrainians are fighting so hard and so valiantly, they have zero delusions, they remember, and they've enjoyed Democracy too long now to go back to Oppression, they'd rather Die than Submit.  And Americans have enjoyed a long run of Privileges of being an American, most have not experienced anything else or traveled extensively either to know differently or make accurate comparisons to how good Americans have it Collectively by the Government that's endured until now.  When they don't have it, then they'll know better.

So, now on to The Fluff of Life.  *Winks*  Oh wait, there's hardly any left to Write about!!!  I haven't been able to indulge in a whole lotta Fluff, things have been too dire on all fronts lately.  I have distracted myself sufficiently with the minutia of Life and I do Read some Blogs that are heavy on it.   I got all caught up with Blog Reading in fact and wondered how I could morph into a Blogger that will just fixate on the minutia of Life and Fluffy stuff exclusively?  I don't think I'll ever become that Blogger, but it's a nice Thought to Imagine I could give it a try?  *LMAO*  I'm sure my Base would grow, now that everyone is really needing Escapism badly.   I could concoct a sort of Desert Mayberry R.F.D. Blog and be like Aunt Bee?   No?  Okay, so, Yeah, that would be quite a fucking Stretch, wouldn't it?  *Bwahahahaha*  Plus Aunt Bee has been Dead since the late 80's, I shan't Resurrect her now, that was HER Role and she played it superbly, I wouldn't.  *Winks*

What would a Desert Mayberry R.F.D. actually even resemble or look like, I mused?  With this Cast particularly, here at The Asylum?  *LMAO*  We more closely resemble The Addams Family or The Munsters, that would be Believable and Accurate... tho', The Beverly Hillbillies we might could pull off imitating?  Or, mebbe NOT?!  *LOL*  What Sitcom would your Blog resemble if you went totally Fluff and the minutia of Life?  Could you adhere to a Fluffy content very long?  I doubt I could, Honestly, I'd have to land my fucking Balloon at some points along that Journey!!!   I just couldn't pull off that kind of Illusion or Delusion of the Perfect Little Life via my Blog, my Imagination just ain't that damned fertile!   I'd slip up, I know I would, you'd suspect there was too much Smoke and Mirrors and I wasn't keeping it 100.  *Bwahahahaha*

Besides, I have very little Motivation to Change now, I been this way a long time.  *Winks*   And there's such a saturation of Fluff out there already, that if you Want or Need that, it's so easy to find.  You don't have to look very far Online to Feel all Warm and Fuzzy any time you have a hankering to be.  The Beauty and the Scourge of the Interweb is that is can take you anyplace you wanna go or support whatever Narrative you have, however flawed it may be.  I think it has skewed a lot of folk's view of what is Real and what is Faked actually... they virtually can't tell the difference anymore.  I suspect AI ain't gonna be Helpful and will take us even further down that Rabbit Hole.   I do not like or even Trust AI and I Resist using any of it and won't voluntarily Buy into it either.  It's called ARTIFICIAL Intelligence for a Reason.  Of coarse some peeps won't even realize what the AI even stands for... becoz they can't discern what's Artificial and lack their own Intelligence.

I was all Gung-Ho to Wake Up early and hit The Desert Botanical Gardens for a Walk, but, after being up too early I went back to Bed and didn't roll back out 'til Noon!!!   It's not that I don't want to still go, but, it's a long commute and sometimes Weekends there are hectic and they limit how many Visitors they can accommodate.  I don't want to drive all the way there and not be able to get in with my Prepaid Membership.  It's rather like The Gym, you have Membership that is Paid up, but, you can't always get in now with whatever restrictions they have in place that you have no control over.  I don't like making Plans and setting aside Time to do it and then get turned away and have made a wasted trip.

Well, my last Sentence above turned out to be prophetic, tho' they never notified Members, The Desert Botanical Gardens was apparently Closed all Weekend for some Special Sold Out Event and they were turning people away in droves!  Folks were mad, probably made a long trip there like I did for nothing.  I told the Guards turning people away that the Gardens should have given Members the Courtesy of informing us of this Closure, I never got notification.  Anyway, Papago Park is right next door to the Gardens so I went there instead, since I was already way over on that side of the Valley.  And, I stopped by "Trader Joe's" and "Whole Foods" to do some Grocery Shopping, since they're nearby too on that side of the City.   So... it wasn't what was Planned, but it turned out alright.


Keeping it Real and 100% in the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. My Real Life sitcom would be Seinfeld. Lots of laughs over the stupid shit people do.

    Example: My wife making up songs for the dog about whatever event is happening.

    1. That would be a good one, and I'm sure the Dog appreciates her and looks forward to being serenaded? *Smiles*

  2. I dream of living in a sitcom, lol. Mayberry was always my dream land, but I was always a little jealous of the single girls, Ann Marie and Mary Richards, with their own cutie girl apartments. I wouldn't have minded being Della Street either.
    Here we waste our money on heat. Costs keep rising and I tell the hubs that we are splurging on our retirement accounts with turning up the thermostat. Some people book cruises, we visit fancy grocery stores and sit in a warm home. Life here isn't all that bad, it's just our nerves and mental state with this jackass in the white house losing his mind more every day.

    1. A fellow Odd Sister then who enjoys visiting Fancy Grocery Stores... you ARE a Woman after my own Heart! I wish they built a "Whole Foods" and "Trader Joe's" nearer our house so I could visit more often. *LOL* Sometimes I think I'm the Lone Ranger with my peculiarities, but our Tribe IS out there! *Smiles* I'd have to say I was jealous of Morticia, that House, her Decor, how Sexy she was in an Era that was so Uptight that Gomez kissing up her Arm when she talked French just appealed to me, even as a Child. *Ha ha ha, Yes, I was a Child Weirdo too* She was confident in her own Skin and her Attitude was enviable about how she dealt with the World around her that was nothing like her. Yes, Life here isn't all that bad either, but I don't want it disrupted by the Lunatics in DC and I'm afraid it will be and has already begun to. The Son came Home last Night and said his Fav Weekend Hangout is Closing it's Doors after this Week, it's been there since the 1970's and the Owner said it's just not sustainable in this current Climate/Economy. I'm seeing LOTS of Closures in the City now, much like Pandemic caused, and you know who was running the Show then too and botched a lot up that just made a catastrophe worse. This time I truly think he will finish the job of destroying America.

  3. My bedroom window is about 10 feet from the sidewalk on the street so if people walk by talking, loud cars, motorcycles, barking dogs, people getting high and acting crazy or and this is my favorite one...screamer lady walks down the sidewalk at 2AM screaming at the sky for no damn all wakes me up especially if my bedroom window is open to get some air. lol So I understand getting woke up and not being able to get back to sleep.

    I hadn't heard about the Economic Blackout on the 28th until you said something. So I Googled it and I like the idea so I'll be doing it too.

    1. I think that's why we need to Share these Grass Roots efforts so that everyone can be aware and decide if they want to participate and put pressure where it needs to be, so that Big Corporate Biz are reminded who has made them successful and quit pandering to Politicians and Billionaires who aren't their Bread and Butter. The People need to be adequately Served by their Government, not the other way around where we are Servants to the "Masters" as if we're Slaves to them. Yes, being woke up by ruckus is no fun, I'm glad our Walls are so thick and we're set way back from the Road since we have Acreage, so we're really well insulated from external noise. So, hearing that Dog was rare, she was really agitated by something and she only ever gets that way when an intruder is present... be it Animal or Human.

  4. I watch/read just enough news (basically overseas) that isn't embellished and hits the important stuff. Only protest I'm doing is a 'go fund' for my birthday for the ACLU. Goodness knows they may be our last line of defense to help those who are being oppressed and obliterated by the 'regime'. Yikes...and nuff said. Sandi

    1. I hope everyone is doing something to resist, each in our own small way, it does make a difference collectively. The ACLU does good work and is a worthy organization to support. Happy Birthday!!!


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl