Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Autumnal Vibes... Autumn Has Officially Arrived Now

Yet another Friend Dying really put me in a Melancholy Mood for Labor Day Weekend.   Especially since some other Friends in my Peer Group are in not so good shape too and I am concerned about them deteriorating further.   It's hard to Witness and pretend like everything is Fine, with visual evidence to the contrary.   My Friend Crazy Ed is looking frail and has lost weight, I don't think he's trying to, and he's always looked robust for his advanced Age and can still do more than Guys half his Age. 

 We were talking about Dan and so I asked, Eddie, are you Okay?  He admitted he's not as Okay as he'd like to be, well, how many of us are, Truth be told, at a certain Age?   So, we turned it into Gallow's Humor, since, whaddya gonna do?   Our Friend Ken we hardly ever see anymore and we know his Health tanked after his Bad Fall last Year... another Big Robust Senior who now is no longer Robust or even Healthy.  He has a few small Spaces there but is conspicuous by his very absence and so we worry about him and how he's doing?

A lot of Seniors don't have Social Media Sites so there's no way to stay in contact with them when you don't see them in person.   I'm not one to talk on my Phone even to Family or the closest of Friends, so, I don't have everyone's Phone Numbers, nor do they have mine.   I Blog and have some of my Co-Worker and Industry Friends connected via my and their Book Of Faces Pages if they have one.   Otherwise, we wait to run into each other in Person.  I don't even get out and around as much as I used to Socially, so, that's sporadic, the In-Person Thing.  Tends to be more Situational these days, at Events, Shops or at Work.

My Adult Kids know I was struggling this Morning after learning yet another Dear Friend had Died.   The range of Emotion I had is limited since, it was somewhat expected and yet also so sudden when it happened.   I mean, after you all reach a certain Age, it's not like you can say it's all that unexpected really.   I remember once a Friend of mine who was over 90 Died and someone asked me what did she Die of and I'm like, "You're shitting me, Right?  She was over 90!"   Now, had they rephrased that to perhaps, "What happened?", it wouldn't have seemed like such a redundant Question.  Coz, mebbe a tragic Accident or something NOT just Age related.  *LOL* 

We were quite busy on our Shift due to the Labor Day Sale, so, by the time I got Home, and then again this Morning, my Knee and Ankle on my Right Side has been Painful and yet Numb.   Likely it's Diabetic Neuropathy, which, if you have it too, you know how Weird it Feels, and debilitating to Mobility and restrictive.   It's Painful in a searing way and yet also Numb at the same time.   Since high levels or stress and anxiety can amplify this kind of pain, well, needless to say, mine has been fairly chronic lately in my one Right Leg and also in my Hands.  Next visit to my Doc we'll have to discuss it.

I try not to trigger pain receptors, I drink plenty of fluids especially Water, I exercise, I'm losing Weight, I try to avoid repetitive motion... all of which should be Helpful.   I don't take Western Pharma Meds for it, I like to avoid more Meds than I already must take for Type 2 Diabetes.  I already have to take 5 Oral Meds and Two Injectables for Diabetes related Disease and to protect my vital Organs from damage.  Being my Beloved Served 39 Years in the Military for the Earned Benefit of Free Healthcare and Meds for both of us allegedly for Life, the fact now my Meds cost us $200 Monthly chaps my Hide enuf, Okay. 

 If the VA wasn't still Honoring his Healthcare and Meds, we'd be Bankrupted by Medical and Medicine out of pocket expenses.  Anyway... it is what it just is and I try not to think about it too much and utilize a lot of Homeopathic and Tribal or Eastern Medical methods to maintain my Health.   We had to Buy our Needles for our Daily Injections, the VA hadn't renewed them for The Man, which wouldn't cost us anything. My Insurance doesn't send any or totally cover the Cost, AS IF you could take the fucking Insulin Daily without the Needles to the Pen!   So, I had to go Civilian, since, we ran out.  At CVS Two Boxes of them were $107 and luckily we had enuf on our Quarterly Medicare Advantage U-Cards between us to cover the entire Cost this time.  *Whew* 

I just finished watching a NetFlix Movie "Lou" {2022} starring Allison Janney, really good with a strong Female Leading Lady as the Star.  It was good to enjoy a Movie I really liked, we haven't done anything Special for Labor Day.   I ordered a Cheap Pizza and Italian Cheese Bread from "Little Caesar's" too.   Seems like many folks had the same Idea for Dinner, they were running way behind in keeping up with the Orders and had nothing Hot N Ready.    It's not that I had to wait a really long time, but, some people were getting agitated regardless, Instant Gratification being what people get used to, if they can't have it instantly, they lose their Minds and their Cool.

I did get some Halloween Merch into our Showroom on Sunday Afternoon, and took a few Pixs for this Post.  All the Stores have it in full swing now, some great Displays.  Some of these Pixs were taken in "Home Depot", they and "Lowe's" have some of the best Outdoor Yard Displays for the Holidays.   Halloween Merch is already Selling briskly, people are ready since it's a Welcome Escape into Fantasy. 

 And away from the Heavy Realities and Negativity we're all seeing playing out in the Nation during this Election Cycle and everyone's Financial Struggles due to the Economy, unaffordable Rents, high prices of Essentials.  Plus our temps are still 110 or more this late in the Season, so we're really ready and overdue for a Fall Vibe!  Some of the Roses at the Grocer were a beautiful Autumnal Shade too, I particularly like the Dozen below:

Even Baskin-Robbins came out with some Autumnal Choices like the Cappuccino Espresso Blast with a Nutmeg Dusting, delish {See Image a couple of Pixs Below}!   I'm not one that likes all that Pumpkin Spice flavoring that dominates the Flavor Profile of Fall.  *LOL*   I like everything about Autumn, the Weather, the Colors associated with it, the Holidays during it... definitely my Favorite Season and I look forward to it even if it rolls out early by the end of Summer.  

  I know those who aren't into Autumn or it's Holidays are not at all interested, but, my Blog will definitely cover my Favorite Season in all it's Glory.  *Winks*   I actually get more Readers during Autumn and I think it's Kindred Spirits who visit Blogs more when the Posts are covering everything Autumnal.   I know I visit more Blogs from Sept-Nov and especially around Halloween, when the Posts reflect it all. 

Princess T has a Birthday in September and her Mom {The Daughter} has a Birthday in October, our Oldest Daughter has a Birthday in November too.   When my Dad was Alive his Birthday was also in November, he was Born on a Thanksgiving Day and Died right after a Thanksgiving 74 Years later.   My Mom Died just before Halloween at Age 84, so, it has had it's somber and sorrowful Years for us too.  In fact, some of the most challenging Issues of Life have been right around the Holidays so it's really a wide range of Emotions you Feel when that happens.  You especially notice whose conspicuous by their very absence when Life is toughest or roughest. 

  I actually had my infamous Caregiver Burnout early one October, but made it out of the Psyche Hospital before Halloween that Year.  It's quite Interesting how folks react when they know you just got out of Psyche Lockdown, they get mighty uncomfortable and falter at acting the least bit sincere or Real.  Like my Dear Ole' Dad always said, nothing sorts people out quite like Trouble and reveals much about them.  I made a Mental Note about who acted a certain kind of way and revealed something about themselves that was Enlightening and not very flattering, especially if they professed to be so Religious.   

 In fact, the "Thoughts and Prayers" folks can be some of the most disengaged, disingenuous and performative at actually NOT being there for anyone during times of the most Need.  What a handy trite Cop Out saying "Thoughts and Prayers" is, rather than Doing something relevant with Actions, especially if you are right there but not willing to Invest yourself really.   Shit, Listen, I or anyone else could just say that without a Thought and neglecting a Prayer, so, it really means very little to anyone going thru some serious shitstorms of Life.   So, before trotting out that Phrase, which can ring hollow and meaningless to who you expect to receive it, ponder that first.  If what you're about to say isn't an improvement over Silence, choose the latter, it's preferable.


There's so much to do from Sept-Dec so I'm usually very busy doing enjoyable things if no Crisis arise tho'.   All the Events will be having their Big Halloween Themed Shows this Month.  I liked that "Sweet Salvage" showed some of the Staging Backdrop for their Halloween "Wicked Faire" Event this Month, becoz it looks Creepier when it's just being Staged and it's not something you usually get to see.  {See the Pix that is Two Pixs Below}   I Love that Photo and it shows how much they take out and Re-Stage the entire thing from scratch every single Month. 

 Then the Photo below that one shows a more completed Vignette after Merch is moved into the same Space.   What a Transformation, huh?  I'm always Impressed and Inspired by the amount of Work they manage to pull together and pull off every single Month and with a Specific Theme.   Yes, the Event is only Four Days a Month, but they're tirelessly Working the rest of the Month to Host it and Source Inventory for it.  Just doing my Nod to Halloween and Autumn in our Showroom tires me out.  *LOL*   And I haven't even begun with the House yet.

I know that this Year I'm going to really try to Decorate Inside more for the Holidays of Autumn, Halloween and Thanksgiving, as well as the Front Porch Outside.   The Daughter has been trying to Organize Seasonal Decor for me so that it's more readily accessible this Year.  I'm hopeful that Post-2025 we'll finally have everything done on the whole Property so that I can concentrate on rotating Decor for every Season and Decorate for them all.  

 It's a Tall Order but necessary becoz I'm really wearing out each Big Move we've had to make, since, recovering from a Big Move seems to take me longer every single Move.   We moved here in 2019 so this is Year No. Six and we're not Done yet.  It took 4.5 Years to get Done at the Villa McManse.   About 10 Years at the Historic Home, becoz that one needed much Restoration first.  The Property prior to that one took about 2 Years, previous ones to that took about a Year each.  

Yes, I've been very Nomadic my entire Life, so one would think I'd get better at it.  But, you end up with more Cargo over a Lifetime and Old Age slows you down too on accomplishing anything.   This is supposed to be our last Move and our Forever Home, so, I'm Anxious to get Done and just enjoy it completed.   I like to Imagine what it will Feel like when we're Done?!   I've been Done before, at other Properties, and, it Feels Fantastic.  Especially if it took a long time to achieve, for whatever reasons it took longer.

The Daughter is really helping me to make progress and reach my Goal of hopefully finishing sometime next Year if we can manage to pull it off?   I think it is possible, but, it's still a lot of Work to go in The RV Garage Mahal and Art Studio Spaces.   The delays were due to various Family Members moving in, moving out, having to reconfigure the Main House to accommodate everyone.   The Guest Bedroom and Art Studio have had to have Makeovers about Four times each already in only Six Years.   

Since I am stuck with working on Wednesday Nights for now at least I'll get Comped more of my Space Rent and get to keep more of my profits.  Sales have been Soft lately so every little bit helps.  Nobody is telling me they're having Strong Sales right now, so, we are hopeful it picks up heading towards the Holidays?   But, with that freaky Election coming up in Nov. and all the uncertainty and fears that brings due to the Lunatic Fringe and their totally unhinged Psychopath Leader, well, people may not feel comfortable spending Money until all of that is behind us? 

  I would Hope I'm Wrong, but I predict it's going to be horribly Messy and worse than January 6th was, you mark my Words... that's what that Psycho and his most abhorrent Cult Members wants.  He'd burn the Country down and attempt to Rule over the Ashes rather than admit or be Aware that he's the Mentally Unstable Deranged Loser that he clearly is.   I can't fathom why he still has such a significant following, given who and what he clearly is... Birds of a Feather often flock together tho', that's all I can say about my Observations and Opinion about it.


I set up the Payment Plan with my Utility Company, like the other Rep, this Rep told me the same thing happened to her too!   I told her the other Male Rep had told me the same thing and had to Sleep in his Closet to keep Cool enuf even tho' his Bill was in the stratosphere.  This Rep said she had to replace her AC and have that expense on top of her Bill being in the stratosphere with it malfunctioning, it couldn't be repaired.   I told her it took Two full Months to have this Unit repaired properly, so I had Two Months of Crazy Bills and a Too Hot Home and this WAS our New Unit that was malfunctioning and the Manufacturer was refusing to just replace it.   

 So we had endless Repairs and a series of Issues causing the chronic problem.   I told her that SRP had come out to check that it wasn't a Utility Co. problem, it wasn't.   Anyway, I paid half the Bill and they'll stretch the rest out Six Months added to our usual Bill to get it paid off.  That should be manageable for me if our Bill now begins going down to normal range that we're used to paying and budgeting for.   It's expected to be 110-114 still all Week, for September that's highly unusually and ridiculously Hot!!!  It's taking a toll on Air Conditioners and everyone's Budget being strained.  We've had over 100 Days of Temps over 100 Degrees consecutively, blasting past the previous record of 76 Days back in 1993!


Still Hot as Hell in the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Gosh that heat is unimaginable. I'm in a sad mood too. Not a friend or acquaintance but a young man of 16 who veered a little over a yellow line on a county road going up hill on his way to school and collided with a semi truck. Blessedly he was killed instantly without suffering; the truck burst into flames and that driver was life flighted to a burn unit. The kid was an outstanding student, track star and was preregistered to join the marines when he graduated early this coming spring. Just a sad, sad time in our small town.

    I am trying to resist autumn decor or pumpkin spice. I feel like I am wishing my life away faster and faster. But your blog porn is getting to me!

    1. So sorry to hear of that young Driver's accident, too many Younger people have their Phones distracting them while driving, at the DA's Office I'd say the majority of Vehicular Homicides involved Phone Distraction or impairment with Drugs or Alcohol, but the Texting while Driving was the absolute worst and caused many fatalities and accidents with serious injuries becoz it's a total distraction, eyes not on the Road. I've already told Princess T that when she gets her license she has to always put her Phone in the Glove Compartment while behind the Wheel, period. If she's in a vehicle where the Driver is going to Text or be distracted with their Phone, she's to ask them to let her out and I'll come pick her up from where ever, too dangerous.

  2. Sorry about your friend. Does your friend take part in meal on wheels. The reason I mention meal on wheels. Who delivers meals is also checking on that person. If there not answer at the door they'll get hold of who they need to.

    1. His Widow has Family who check on her and an inner circle of good friends so she will be looked out for... Meals on Wheels is a good program though for many Seniors who may be isolated socially or have no family... Dawn the Bohemian

  3. Sorry to hear of the passing of your friend. I thoroughly enjoyed all your Autumnal / Halloween goodies in this post. Hoping that AZ cools down soon. TX heat is getting a little more bearable.

    1. We have another Extreme Heat Advisory out this Morning, it's 102 at 10:00 a.m. and high expected of 107. Ugh. It's been over 110 several days still, which is very unusual for September. Glad you're enjoying the Vibe of Autumn even if Texas might still also be Toasty. *smiles*


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl