Disclaimer, and Fair Warning, this might be a tough Read for you who are exceedingly sensitive, delicate Sensibilities folk, or most Wholesome Spirits, and that's Okay, you're a Better Person than I then. Dawn of the Light is my Better Self, but there is Dark Dawn as well. *Winks and True That, I have Duality* I am Manic Today and know it. When I went in to Work to stock Inventory, and again Sunday Night for my Shift, someone had really trashed the Showroom both times. It's in a high traffic area and less problems than the Back Showroom we had moved from, but I suspect groups of Teens did it, since we had numerous larger groups of them acting the Fool in the Mall all day and being highly problematic. Even if they buy something, they usually act disrespectful of it being a Business when they're in larger groups and show off for one another by acting too rowdy, immature, and by messing with everything and creating a Hot Mess. Even the Feral Younger Children not adequately Supervised or disciplined by their Parents don't act as much like Vandals and Hooligans as the Teens who should know better and do better, but don't, and they Live among us. *Le Sigh and Eye Roll*
Stuff I'd put up very high had been accessed and just thrown to the Floor, so I had to get Ladders to put it back. I intentionally put the more expensive and more tempting to "play with" Merch higher than even most Adults could reach. I do have Signs asking actual Customers to ask for Assistance if they want something out of Reach to examine or Buy, an Associate will get it FOR them. These clearly weren't Shoppers who are actual Customers that make such carnage of our Spaces. Just unruly Visitors to the Mall that I do wish Management would ask to leave when they spiral out of Control behaviorally like they do. Or are showing definite Tells of being Criminally inclined and Shoplifting or Vandalizing Merch and Manhandling things that create Losses. Larger groups of Young folk and Addicts are a big problem for all Businesses having Loss Prevention and Vandalism Issues. And, it's a Trigger for Yours Truly, I despise those kinds of People we must live among and endure. *LOL*
My Friend Long Tall Cristy and I {her above} confront unruly Patrons, but, few do. She's over Six Foot Tall and I have Crazy Eyes, so we are quite effective at Intimidation of the Undesirables that show up. *Smiles* Since moving to a Front Showroom our problem with Theft and Vandalism has gone way down, but, isn't non-existent. So, sometimes you're still targeted even in high visible Rental Space. And also having someone trash our Space has gone way down, so, Sunday was just one of those days that still happens, but, Thankfully less often now. Which is a Relief, nobody doing this can afford Big Losses, we barely eek out Profits as it is. Small Businesses suffer most when Society is out of Control and runs rampant with Crime with little to no consequences. And, Police are taking a Kid Glove stance on Theft these days and no longer take it Seriously... and, it's a Serious Problem... and Society as a Collective "Pays" for it in more ways than one, Trust and Believe.
Some Customers are just messy as well or are nasty Humans in their habits and ways. And, I hate to have to say it, but certain Vendors are as much a problem as certain parts of the Public. We all know some Vendors are Thieves and sabotage other Vendors Spaces out of jealousy, dislike, or if you're too much competition. You just have to catch them doing it too in order to demand to have Management DO something about them. Or confront them, which I boldly do, since Management often won't and I don't put up with anyone's disrespect to me or what I own and make Money doing. I don't like confrontation, but, I will confront certain things without hesitation and ripping me off or sabotaging my Showroom is definitely one of those things. If you really wanna Meet Dark Dawn, try to see me as your next Victim and see what happens to get you Woke real fucking fast that I'm NOT The One to trifle with. Whatever your intent was, better be damned worth it, that's all I've got to say, becoz we will have us a Situation. *Winks and Smiles*
The worst Vendor Thief, the one I caught Red Handed Stealing my Mannequin some time back and she was forced to return it, and had Stolen from me before that, but I couldn't prove it, is still a Vendor there. She rents an enormous amount of Space there, so they won't get rid of her. And right now she's clearly having financial issues coz she is "Downsizing" big time, or trying to and has Signs in all her Spaces saying she's offering "Huge Discounts". That's usually a sure sign of a Vendor in Crisis or in over their Heads. She's not being very successful moving her Merch enuf to move out of enough Spaces and I think she's desperately struggling to meet her Rental Outlay obligations. She Rents so much Space that crunching the Numbers, I don't even know how she has ever covered even Rent, let alone made a Profit, she's like a Rental Addict overextending herself badly. And desperate people do desperate things, she never had a moral compass to begin with. And I dislike that Bitch immensely after she made the big Mistake of Targeting me, so now she's in MY Crosshairs and she knows it.
She has good Quality Merch and as much as she does the Five Finger Discount, she's probably a Kleptomaniac as well and Stolen a fair share of it. She's also the one with all the MAGA Merch... not Surprisingly. Criminals tend to support and associate with other Criminals, that's why it's always a Condition of their Probation and Parole NOT to associate with other Felons. I've rarely met a very Shady Person who doesn't have a sordid Past and Shady Associates. Hers would be Interesting, if one were to delve deeply into it, I could lay Money on that if I were a betting person. She's an Older Woman, and I used to call her the Mousy Librarian {Looks the stereotypical part and I heard she was in fact a School Librarian, hilarious!}... until I just began calling her The Thief to other Vendors and Management. Yes, that's my not at all Secret Nickname for her and she definitely knows it. She avoids me and won't even look me in the face and scurries off now like the Vermin Rat she is. *LOL*
When she got caught with the Theft of my Mannequin there was a very Public and threatening Confrontation I had with her right up Front and in front of God and everyone. Our Management was there with us in fact, I don't Play if you Trigger or Victimize me. So she knows we are not "Friends" and I've got my Eye on her and tell everyone she's a fucking Thief, shits where she eats, and is not to be Trusted. I told her to her Face and at that confrontation gave her 20 Minutes to Return what she confessed to Stealing from me. Or, she had a Choice of me Calling the Police and Pressing Charges or me fucking her up in the Parking Lot. The Manager had begged me to show her Mercy, he didn't want a Situation. Oh, and it WAS a Situation. He really was certain he didn't want either other Choice I gave her since I do follow thru with what I say. Except strongly urging her to be Wise about returning what she'd deliberately taken out of the Mall that she knew wasn't hers, was expensive and mine, got Caught Red Handed. But, he didn't Ban her either for Stealing from other Vendors and he should have, even tho' she Rents tons of Space.
She had the Mannequin back in less than 20, which spared her catching Charges or getting her Ass handed to her. Which was good coz I didn't wanna catch Charges for fucking her up either, but I would have if the Police failed to Deal with her. And I've made it Crystal Clear that if I ever see her hanging around or IN our Showroom, she'll have another Situation, count on it. I've pointed her out to The Daughter as well, and Yes, we've intimidated that Bitch and I make no apology for it. She's probably Stolen Thousands of Dollars worth of Merch from other Vendors over the Years and her Bad Karma will eventually catch up to her when she takes it a Bridge too far. And we're not the ones to Rip Off and get away with it, we'll get our Pound of Flesh. When you mess with other People's Money, or way they Feed their Families, that's some risky shit you're pulling, especially if they know who you are and where you Live. Criminals who shit where they eat are a Special kind of Stupid.
And, frankly, she's just one of some who I know for a fact are dishonest Vendors and the Mall should get rid of for the sake of all the other Tenants they're ripping off constantly. You can't Trust a Thief or a Liar. That's a big very deep Rabbit Hole to fall down once you cross that Line and become that kind of Human nobody can Trust and shouldn't, EVER. And those who Victimize decent and hard working people, whatever happens to them, IMO they had it coming and I have zero Pity, and even less Mercy. I take a very hard Zero Tolerance stance becoz the more you allow Scum to get away with, the more they would Target you as an Easy Mark. I might be a lot of things, but an Easy Mark ain't one of them, rest assured. If you step into my Waters you best be a damned strong Swimmer or stay in your own Lane if you don't want trouble with me. *Winks* With lots of Eyes now on the ones we know for Sure are Thieves, and putting the Word out on at least those Vendors, a lot of the Theft has been reduced already. Harder for them to operate with impunity.
We also have some very Elderly Vendors who I think are Off their Heads now with Dementia and other Age Related Behavioral Issues, so they tend to take things not theirs without real Malice or perhaps even proper cognitive function or mental acuity to know what they're doing is Wrong now. There's one Old Man that we all Joke goes to Lost and Found all the time and "Shops" there. His Dear Wife is his Caregiver and a Friend of mine, he's a handful, yet, still, a Sweet Old Timer of advanced Age and diminished capacity. I know I have to watch The Man like a Hawk now becoz he'll do things he never had as Character flaws before the TBI and onset of Dementia. He tells Stories and thinks they're True Events, mostly he saw whatever it was on a Rerun Episode of a Favorite Show and thinks he was a part of. *LOL* And, if he likes something he wants to take it Home and possess it.
We were at a Steakhouse once and he really, really liked the Steak Knives they had and I had to remind him that taking one Home would be Stealing and so NO, he couldn't have it and it wasn't For Sale either! *LMAO* But, I watched him like a Hawk lest he try to sneak one out of there! Yes, funny and yet NOT a Joke, and I've been told in Retirement Communities it's a problem for Businesses, where the Old Folk Steal a lot... especially Grocery Stores and even in Affluent Retirement Communities where they're not Needy or can't afford whatever it is and could easily Buy it instead of Shoplift it!!! That was a startling Revelation to me, but, I suppose is not so uncommon and often the Businesses are reluctant to Press Charges against a Vulnerable Adult. They would not fare well in Jail and probably Charges would be dropped anyway.
Okay, so Funny, NOT so Funny DA's Office Days True Story. We once had an Aggravated Assault Case where Two very Elderly Men got into a really bad Fist Fight in a Parking Lot over a Parking Space. They really went to the Dirt over it and both got arrested and harmed one another. Both had diminished capacity and cognitive decline, they probably shouldn't have even still been Driving. It was in Sun City, a 55+ Community, and Yes, the DA's Office dropped Charges on both Men and remanded them to a Facility for Psychiatric Evaluation and more appropriate Placement than Jail if they were going to be a Danger to Self and/or Others. Chances are, either or both may have ended up in Long Term Care. And that would be more appropriate Placement, they probably were Nicer Guys before their Minds became compromised... or... mebbe they weren't and it just Magnified who they always were... who knows?
I know a lot of the Advanced Care sections have Residents that can become quite Violent and easily Agitated. My Mom in the final stages of her Dementia was Vicious... but, to be Fair, my Mom even in Youth was not one you wanted to trifle with. I would say the only person in the World I'd of never been foolish enuf to get confrontational with was my Dear Old Mom, she would have handed me my Ass at lightening speed had I been arrogant enuf to square off with her in any way. *LOL* My Family Joke it will be difficult to tell when I reach that Age related juncture... becoz... I'm already ME too, and me Magnified, might be quite tricky to Manage. They could be Right... they do not like me going Savage and I TRY Not To, I really, really do TRY to Hold Back and Dial it back from my visceral reactions to some people or Situations. Sometimes I even Succeed. *Bwahaha* And it's fortunate that with Age has come a modicum of Restraint from going Mental and going off on Dumb Ass Folk who would provoke Dark Dawn and beg to meet that side of me. *LOL* I don't even Like my Dark Side, but it's mighty Handy to have, I ain't gonna Lie. *Ha ha ha*
I'm very transparent about my failings and degree of Mental Health Challenges and Triggers. I'm Nice to everyone until they give me a reason not to be Nice. But, I've been told that I actually have a lot of patience and extend Kindness even with the most difficult of people to get along with. I think everyone has a Story and if we knew it, we'd have more compassion and empathy towards the vast majority of them. But, you do have those folks who are Bad to the Bone, unredeemable and identifying them and not Trusting them or being Victimized by them is important too. And I know most of my Dear Readers are Nicer Humans than I am and probably way Healthier Mentally. *Winks* Hey, it is what it just is, Hands Dealt and all. The Daughter and I do Joke a lot about not being Well Women who have a Good Heart, the Best of Intentions and also a Hairpin Trigger. The Road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions my Friends, isn't it? I'm very much a Work still In Progress, God knows it, pretty Sure. Also pretty sure He knows I'll give the Devil's Disciples Grief tho', so, mebbe it's all Good? *LOL*
I have asked both times when just saying simply, "Errant Bullet...", if I'm going to Hell for being that Honest in Response about 45's alleged Close Calls when I heard the News, if in fact they weren't just Staged? The Son says I am. *LMAOROTF* He would never Wish harm on anyone, not even Evil POS Humans, but, The Daughter and I are not so Wholesome I guess. The less Evil folk in this World, the better, and if the Good Lord would just take every last swinging Dick of them across the Veil from Time into Eternity, I wouldn't be Sad about it. And that's just the Truth my Friends, good riddance. When a Human like a Hitler or a Dahmer meets their demise, I personally think it was a Good Thing and Society was done a Favor. And far too many Good folks are Lost every single day that the World is not the better off for not having them in it anymore. And I know I am not in Charge of a Universe, but, if I was, I'd of extended THEIR stay and shorted the stay of the infamous ones.
Hope you enjoyed another seriously Manic Bender Post and a Two-Fer Post kinda Day again my Friends... Winks... Dawn... The Bohemian
Hell sounds like a better place than a Heaven with all those who think they are going there. shoplifting in retail seems to be on the increase everywhere. Our little grocery has hired security. Your mall management is not doing anyone a favour by keeping thieves on premises.
ReplyDeleteI agree that many fanatically "Religious" folk, especially the Evangelical ilk, are not very Godly acting Humans so they are not mirroring the Fruits of the Spirit they should be if indeed they Love the Lord as much as they spout that they do. Many atrocities in History were committed in the Name of someone's Religion and especially against Cultures with a different Spirituality than the major Religions deemed made them Heathens and therefore felt they could dehumanize and even commit heinous acts against in the name of whatever god they think they serve. Yes, even Thrift Stores have Security in a lot of areas around here, and any Small Businesses that can afford it. Even the Mega Stores realize it's a scourge and why they justify price increases to make up for Losses the Criminals cause. A fair amount of inflation is due to greed and the cost of doing business these days. I know Management should Deep Six any Tenant/Vendor that has been caught doing illegal activities, even if it would be a Criminal Misdemeanor Legally, anyone who would steal a little, would steal a lot, it's simply a matter of opportunity with that sort.
DeleteWe were vendors in a mall one time and all the vendors were complaining about shoplifters. After months of this one of vendors happen to go to an auction where you can just drive up with a pick up load of stuff and they auction it off the back of your truck. Turned out the mall owners son had taken a load of shoplifted stuff there and called the police. The son hadn't even bothered to take the mall sticker prices and stall numbers off stuff.
ReplyDeleteIn the Memory Care building here where my brother lived there are two residents who were always "shopping" in other people's rooms and taking their loot to their own room.
I remember you telling me about the Mall Owner's thieving Son. Whether they covered for him or not would be key, or perhaps they weren't aware? The Mall has fired Paid Staff who were Stealing, but usually it was only once they got into the Cash Register and not while they were ripping off Vendors. They break the Policy and Rules about Paid Staff not Selling there due to conflict of interest and not being in direct competition with Renting Vendors. If they have a Vendor Number and are also ringing up Sales, it's a recipe for fraudulent behavior to where they could put their own Vendor Number in on a Sale and have it impossible to trace. In both of the Nursing Homes Mom was in Theft was huge, not just Residents taking other people's stuff, but also Staff. Mom was aware, even in her advanced decline Mentally, of anyone Stealing from her but she still lost some cherished items like the Carpetbag I made for her which was OOAK and easily identified if we'd of found out who took it. We didn't and it really bothers me that someone exploited a vulnerable Adult and is tooling around Cali with it... the Label has my Mom's Immigration Photo on it, so it would be impossible for the Thief to dispute it was hers. As for Residents, most of them are like innocent Children when they 'take' things so there's no real accountability, it would be like Charging a Child under 12 with a Crime. Sometimes with Adults with Developmental Disability or Serious Mental Illness it is like that too, which is why there is a different Court System to process someone with diminished capacity for Right and Wrong.
Deletei don't wish ill on TFG, but if...I wouldn't shed a tear. xoxo
ReplyDeleteLOL, yes, some people are in that conflicted middle ground of range of Emotion they would Feel about an unfortunate event befalling him. *Smiles* I on the other Hand am not going to pretend I Wish him Well, I do not. He is dangerous and evil, he has already been responsible for the Deaths of people whether directly or indirectly by his intentional actions and like Charlie Manson, who didn't actually commit the Acts, he is responsible for what he had others do FOR him and at his request. Charlie got what he deserved, 45 has not, yet, to me a President should be held to a higher standard than Manson was held to with his Cult and limited reach... this Man could bring down an entire Nation and ruin ALL of our Lives or Order some truly heinous Acts like Pol Pot and Hitler did. Just sayin'... and he should be stopped before it gets any worse than it already has. So, if a Bullet were to be what stops him, so be it. Our Country has taken out Foreign Threats and made no apologies for having done so, yet we're acting like if it's an Internal Threat we should show a different Emotion and Response? Nope, whether Domestic Terrorism or Foreign Terrorism, the results and damage are the same.
DeleteSecond attempt????? Read my mind ..... and why does he think everything is about him. Who is to say the guy didn't even know he was there, just decided to go golfing using a semiautomatic rifle with scope instead of a four iron.
ReplyDeleteWell, Florida is a pretty lax State when it comes to their Guns and since it's an Open Carry State I guess you could take your Assault Rifles with you to go shopping or to commit another mass Shooting. This is why stricter Gun Control is desperately needed, no consistency to the Laws in each State about it, mass Shootings everywhere, people get Assassinated all the time, they're just not high profile people most of the time so when they're intentionally Murdered, it isn't given the same News Coverage and ordinary citizens don't have Secret Service Details keeping them safer. We weren't getting this kind of coverage when Poll Workers were being threatened with their Lives by Lunatics on his side, he's Normalized this kind of vengeful and retaliatory Violence so even IF this was a legit attempt, which I doubt, still think it's Staged, he's only reaping what he's been sowing with his violence prone vitriol. You live by the Sword you'll likely Die by it. Him claiming he's not Afraid is the most highly suspect thing about both attempts becoz this is a guy too cowardly to fight for his Country and dodged the Draft with a Doc his Daddy Paid Off to claim he had Bad Feet... so, give me a break, he's no Bad Ass, never has been, never will be.