Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Geriatric Resume Writing... Are You Kidding Me?

So, the Day Trip up North got aborted coz Timmy's Car got a flat Tire, well, luckily that didn't happen during a long distance Trip, in more remote areas.  *Whew*   So, Princess T was bummed and I'm sure he was too. They were looking forward to a last Road Trip of the Season, even tho' it's officially Fall now it still feels like Summer, so a Trip up North would be Cooler... somewhat.   It's been toastier up North of the State than usual too tho'.   But the high 80's still feels Cool compared to high triple digit temps... we have yet another Heat Warning in effect again here.   It's still 107-111 most Days and it shouldn't be by now.  The Daughter put my Fuggler Collection up on the Wall in the Art Studio Space, it looks Adorable and makes me Smile when I walk in there!!!

The Man and I did some more Environmental Cleanup at the Nature River Preserve, usually after a Weekend there's a lot of trash.   Some areas have been successfully barricaded against offroad vehicles and Nature is making a comeback quickly and it's becoming more Naturally overgrown again for the best Habitat.   There's stiffer penalties too if the Sheriff's Dept. catches offroad vehicles in the preserve, they seize the Vehicle, Fine heavily and it carries some Jail Time too, plus any costs of Towing etcetera.  They have Hiking Trails, allow Fishing with a License, and have designated Parking.  I'm glad to see less litter than we used to pull out of there.   

The Daughter and I had spent earlier in the Morning putting Wrought Iron Shelf Bracket "Feet" on some of our Antique Salvage Doors so we can use them as Room Dividers in The RV Garage Mahal's cavernous Warehouse Space, to make smaller "Rooms" for Decorating.  We laid down some smaller Antique Persian Rugs and have some of the flat topped Steamer Trunks like Coffee Tables around Seating areas.  I have a Cut Velvet and Carved Wood Victorian Era Loveseat and a few Needlepoint and Carved Wood Antique Armchairs.   I took The Daughter and The Man out for Brunch at Tamales Guadalajara Restaurant in Tolleson, a nearby small Town.  They have the BEST Refried Beans ever, they use White Beans.   We had a Medley of Tamales {Chile Cheese and Beef}, Chile Rellenos, Green Chile Pork, Spanish Rice and the Beans, with Chips and Salsa... Horchata and Jicama to Drink.

Later, after Environmental Cleanup The Man and I treated ourselves to Baskin-Robbins for Ice-Cream.  I had the Nutty Coconut and Pralines N Cream.   The Man had Oreo Monkey Business {Flavor of the Month which is a Banana Ice-Cream with Peanut Butter Swirls and Oreo Chunks} and Cherries Jubilee.   I also like their Triple Mango flavor.   I have had Cravings for Ice-Cream lately, but am not one to binge eat it and sometimes just a scoop is enuf for me.   I don't eat a lot of sweet stuff or desserts, so it's rare for me to Crave it.   I'm still doing very well on GOLO, I'm not paying attention to the Scale or Numbers, just how much better I want to Feel and Look, how much better my Clothing fits and my Joints have less Pain from being too heavy.

This Fuggler will be added to my Collection, I just Bought it and it seemed to be a limited Production mostly available in Europe and Canada, but I found a Seller in Cali that had one.   They are Whimsically Creepy, so, you'd either Love 'em or Hate 'em.   What I like best about them is the realistic looking Teeth and Eyeballs.  And for those that Hate 'em, that's probably their least favorite thing about them I'm sure. *Ha ha ha*   The Daughter was telling me she's pretty sure that she can definitely finish The RV Garage Mahal by next Year and at her current Pace, that looks plausible, especially once the Weather Cools off so she can spend more time doing it... and, when it's Cooler in there I can Help her more too.   We're having a good time doing it together actually.   Like her Son, she's Curious, so Loves poking around in there to see what Treasures we have that she can uncover?   *LOL*

Well, Tonight is the Debate and tho' I know there will be only scrutiny and a double standard towards Kamala, and it won't really have that much sway with most Voters, I still REALLY want to see her not only succeed beyond everyone's Wildest Dreams, but eviscerate that POS running against her.   I do Hope he absolutely loses his Mind up there and unravels to such a degree he HAS to be hauled away in a Straight Jacket or Handcuffs when he Snaps completely.   Then put where he always should have been, Institutionalized.   For his Crimes and/or his Mental derangement, I personally don't Care which kind of Institution he rides out the balance of his Days in, it's where he belongs, not in any position of Power or Leadership.  It's beyond Mind Blowing that anyone thinks he even should be or would allow him to get back in the White House after all he's already done.  But, here we now are and unbelievably it's a close Race... go figure!!!

It's becoming a Trigger to me for anyone to make any more lame excuses for who or what he is and be a devoted Follower still.  It gives me such a creepy Negative Read on THEM that I need to just walk away now, they make my Skin crawl when they align with someone so depraved and Hitleresque.   A Fool lives to consume all they can take from the World, the Wise live to Create a Better World.  That has to be my latest Mantra to even attempt to comprehend his Appeal to anyone in this Country, now that there is no doubt whatsoever about what and who he is, what he plans to do, all the quiet parts have been said out loud and proudly now.   He epitomizes America's Shame just as surely as Hitler epitomizes Germany's Shame.   Not that as a Nation we are spotless from other Shameful Acts thruout History, but, this one will go down as one Globally recognized. 

The Political Theater that some Americans seem to be thriving on like their cheesy Reality Shows is beyond sickening and disgusting to me now.   This is Serious and Political Theater is not Entertainment or some Fantasy Episode of a harmless TV Show.   It's an intentional distraction at a most basic level, with dire consequences that those who fail to see it for what it is, poses actual danger and National Security threats.   Well, you might be able to attempt to Educate a Fool, but, you can't make one Think I suppose.  I always feel it's doubtful anyone still enamored with that POS reads my Blog anyway or can be swayed, they're indoctrinated and/or radicalized too thoroughly by now.   So I'm Preaching to the Choir of decent folks still left in this Country who are heeding dire Warning Signs, loud Alarms and Red Flags already.  We won't be responsible if he and their dangerous Manifesto prevails.   Enuf about the whole Political shitshow for now, I just can't this Day...

Princess T has the Best Hands, she could be a Hand Model, Yes, I know I'm Biased, but, just look at these flawless Paws of hers!  *Smiles*   The Daughter and I were musing about our own Hands being akin to a Velociraptor's by comparison.  *Bwahahaha*   She and I binge watched WENTWORTH so long last Night until the wee Hours of this Morning that Princess T came out like the Sleep Police and asked us Why we were both still Up?   *LOL, to which we asked the same of her!  Winks*   Since, she came out in regular Clothes with her Hair and Makeup still done and not in her Jammies, so... whatssup with you, we have an Excuse for sitting here at 2:00 in the Morning GF!  You got a Hot Date or something?   Or are you our gorgeous Warden?   She does Mother Hen all of us even tho' she's the youngest in the household.  *LOL*

I just approved the release of Funds on all that Work that was done on the HVAC System, the Loan Terms weren't Idyllic, but, they did give 3 Months of no Payments starting now.   So, I'm gonna get the Septic pumped this Month to get that necessity out of the way and any other larger Home Maintenance Expenses, during that Grace period on the new Loan.   Interest Rates are coming down slightly, but are still too high for major expenses/loans/purchases that you voluntarily take on.   Any Loans I've taken on during crappy higher Rate periods were absolute necessities for Home Improvements that were too expensive to pay Cash for and couldn't be delayed at all.  

 In a perfect World I only wanna be the Borrower when Terms are Idyllic to use someone else's Money.  *Smiles*   But, Home Maintenance Issues have been a constant, nothing is built to last anymore, it's Designed to be disposable now and fail.   It bothers me that everything in Society is meant to be disposable now, while also being more expensive, but, I can't change how the evolution of things have gone.   The Internet just went down so I'm hopeful that all I'm Typing while it's down won't be lost, since I'm getting Update Fails as I'm Typing this?   They're doing some Construction Work out front and every time they do Construction lately, which is pretty much constant with all the new Subdivisions being built around us, they fuck up and hit something that then need to be rebuilt or repaired.   Which, is another Issue I have, the incompetence and/or carelessness displayed with so much of any Work Force!!!

They interrupt Services for those of us already living here while packing in poorly built Residential Communities none of us even wanted and petitioned against, unsuccessfully.   You might recall when they were building the Brick and Block Walls around that New Subdivision and it fell down Six times, the Seventh finally holding up!?   They've fucked up something as simple as a Wall, so how fucked up are the Utility Lines being laid then and the Homes they're building?   Asking for a Friend.  *Eye Roll*   Since, our Community built from 1960-1980 were Custom Homes built well and on Acreage, having shoddy workmanship right beside us does nothing for our Property Values and aren't appropriate Comps either.   So, yeah, we resented that Planning and Zoning changed everything to suit a large Builder and Investors who make their Money then run, since to them it's merely a Commodity and not looked at as a part of a Community.

Yeah I'm bitchy since a lot of shit is currently bothering me and getting under my Skin.   I'm glad I have my little Platform here to have a good little Rant every now and again.  *Winks*   I'm Raging Against The Machine, I know, but, it's still therapeutic.  *Smiles*   Anti-Abuse of Authority has always been a Cause I'm Down for in a Rebellious defiant way... but, it is Raging Against The Machine to be sure.   I know Corruption will always exist so long as crooked folks can profit from a Corrupt System of doing things that benefit them regardless of the collateral damage to anyone or everyone else.   Power Corrupts and Absolute Power, well, it Absolutely Corrupts, and that's just the way it is and always has been, nothing has Changed about that, nor is it likely to.  

But, I'm very Vocal, Militant and in their Face about shit anyway if it just isn't Righteous.   I think being Virtuous and having a Moral Compass still matters.   I know, i know, I'm a Hopeless Optimistically Guarded Dreamer like that.  So sue me.  *LOL*   I can be ridiculously Idealistic some of the time, even tho' I'm totally in Touch with the Reality to the contrary that exists.   Perhaps I surround myself with Beautiful and Positive things to insulate against all the Ugliness and Negativity out there right now... who knows?   I like to Create my own Sanctuary at Home since it is our Bohemian Valhalla, a little slice of Heaven here on Earth we can Create and continue to Manifest in spite of anything coming against us regarding the Issues of Life.  I don't get too deep in the Weeds of the Psychology behind it all.  We each gotta Cope the best ways we can on Life's Journey, Right?  *Ha ha ha*

We got another Heat Advisory Warning, they're a Constant now, the High Temp Today is supposed to be 110, which is ridiculous for Mid September even in Arizona's Desert.   By next Monday they predict we'll finally be below Triple Digits for the first time in well over 100+ Days, we'll see, I'm Hopeful, it would be Nice.   I'd like my Utility Bill to drop some since I'm on that repayment program to pay off the astronomical Two Months my AC was haywire and spiked my Utility Bill by like 100% for Two Months while it was being resolved.   Playing catchup is stressful since I don't like to be financially strained as much as we've had to be this Summer.   I'm a Budgetmeister and Pride myself in that discipline, but my Budget has been shot in the Head, let alone in the Foot, so, now I'm regrouping to make it Work.  Right AT the Holidays, not the Idyllic Timing either.

The Daughter and I are scrutinizing how much of a Hustle we can Work in Selling Off what has the best Margins to pay down some expenses fastest?   She's a Hustler like I am, so, she's a good Partnership to strategize with.   She can Survive with practically zero Resources and so when she has Resources, she can exhibit Mad Skills to utilize them most effectively for the Benefit of the people it needs to Support.   She has some Ideas that are way the fuck out there, which can be amusing, often hilarious, but many of her Ideas are Solid Strategies.   We're trying right now to help Princess T to Write her first Resume to apply for a Job at SAVERS, she's got an AI Bot assisting her, as well as us and Timmy.  It's been eons since I Wrote a Resume, honestly, I'd be Dead in the Water now for how best is the way that any Modern Employers wanna have one highlight you being a potential Asset?  *LOL* 

I feel Archaic in Advising her and don't wanna tell her something that sounds like an Old Lady Wrote it becoz she took the Advice of Geriatric Family Members who've really been out of circulation too long.  *Smiles*   I don't even like to give anyone Relationship Advice for Dating, since, I haven't Dated since the 1980's and I wasn't really keen on Dating even back then.   After my Divorce I Honestly wasn't even looking to be in a serious or committed Relationship anymore, so, meeting The Man was not anything Planned or Strategized in the least, I wasn't pursuing a 2nd Marriage whatsoever, he wasn't pursuing getting Married again either.   In fact, both of us Hated Dating so much we actually kept it brief and Married pretty hastily, since, we couldn't be bothered with Courtship, Facades or Illusions at our Ages.  *Smiles*

And we often Joke about what if something happened to one of us, would either of us pursue another Relationship and it's a hearty and hilarious Hell No.   Not becoz we don't enjoy being Married, we do, if  you find the Right One it is Companionship and Partnership for Life and one of the closest Friendships you'll ever have, he is my Best Friend.   In so many ways you do Become One even if you're very different from one another, which he and I are mos def polar opposites in almost every way, Yin and Yang.   If someone were too much Like me I doubt it would Work or even could Work.   Anyway, she's struggling with the Resume becoz she had Special Needs Academically and she said when they were doing Resume Training in School, she didn't do Well with that and Wish now she could have and should have.  *Le Sigh*   And she's sucking at Relationships lasting too, she's Tiring of Rusty... I think he's on Short Notice actually... so she's betwixt and between right now on important Life stuff.  *Le Sigh... but, aren't we all, really?  LOL*

Her Mom has never really been able to have a proper Job due to the level of her Disability, so, she can't Help her, and The Man and I have not had Careers in Eons now, we've been Retired a long, long time already.   I never actually had to rely on a Resume ever anyway, Head Hunters always lured me away from Employers I already had in my Career Field becoz my Reputation preceded me in the Industry.   The Man submitted a Resume Online for the DA's Office, I didn't even know he'd done it after taking my Early Retirement from my Corporate Banking Career.   So, when they Hired me based on what he'd submitted and I didn't even know about, I had no Idea what the Job even was that I'd procured!  *Bwahahaha*   Criminal Trial Closeouts, sure, what the actual Hell is that?   I had no idea until I showed up.  How's that for fucking Winging it and Earning while you Learn? *LMAO*

Hey, I wasn't even looking for a Job or a different Career when that one Found me either, so I didn't really Care what it was.  I was Curious, it Intrigued me enuf I responded to their Offer to Hire me once I realized The Man had applied FOR me without my knowledge.  *LOL*   I didn't even apply for it myself, but they seemed delighted with my knowledge and performance and I was a quick enuf Study that transferring to Criminal Law from Real Estate Law was somewhat smooth as a transition.   Tho' it's like comparing Apples to Oranges, so I had to get  up to Speed fast, which, The Man had no Idea about... to him Law was Law.  *Shakes Head*   

And frankly, Criminal Law in Prosecution doesn't pay that well either, all the Money is in Defense.   But, the Benefits Package was Handy, The Man had a tonnage of Medical Expenses the VA wasn't covering at the time.   During my tenure at the DA's Office they covered 11 {Yep, Eleven!} of his Surgeries and all his Medical expenses with Quality Care that was exceptional, way better than Care at the VA.   Which was substantial Expense I'd of incurred otherwise, well over a Million Bucks. I'd already Paid over Thirty-Five Grand out of Pocket before getting the County Benefits that Career afforded us to pay for his Medical Expenses piling up, so, it's the only reason I took on a 2nd Corporate Life.  I was still too Young to Qualify to Receive any of my Pensions or Social Security and at that juncture Full Time Unpaid Caregiving wasn't an Option either.   You do whatever you gotta do when ya gotta do it.

So, here we find ourselves this Morning with my Dear and Precious hard working and quite capable of Working Grandchild, applying for her First actual Employer Job.   Tho' she's done the Antique Mall gig with me since she was Five and has done Volunteer Work galore too, as well as Working her Hustle successfully whatever she does... and finally needing a Resume!    And Geriatric Resume Writing... are you Kidding me?   I needed to sound like I knew or remembered what the Hell I was even talking about regarding a Resume'!   From the Dark Ages of Resumes mind you, when the Dinosaurs still roamed the Earth.   And explain to her what one even is, since, she really didn't know and I had to explain it in a way she could understand and process effectively without having a Panic Attack. 

  She's very self Aware, conscious of and embarrassed at having Special Needs Academically.   School was VERY hard for her since Kindergarten all the way thru her extended Senior Year.  We never were sure she could even Graduate or just Age Out of the System?   She is Intelligent but her Special Needs have always been profound and limiting in some ways for her and she knows it, so she is very insecure about that.  She knows that having any Disabilities does impact Quality of Life if you can't compensate for it in some way that Works for you.   Especially to become Independent and able to take care of yourself and your own business, TCB is important, since, she knows her Support Network aren't filled with Immortals.   Her Younger Sisters in Mexico are now Living Princess T's worst Nightmare and primary Fear of being all Alone and having to Adult FAST once the Support Network Croaks and Crosses Over too soon for them.

So, she's having extreme Anxiety right now and I Hope we can get past this Resume shit they require on the Job Application.   How to make an 18 Year Old who needed extra Time and Resources to even Graduate, look or seem Experienced?   Even if you've had them Working since they could Walk and Talk... well... we're trying to find the Right Words to make them realize, Yeah, she'll be a definite Asset to your Organization. The Kid has the Chops to earn Money, she's been doing it already over a Decade.   And Seriously, you need a Resume for an Entry Level Position where she'll likely be earning Minimum Wage and limited Benefits offered at a First "Job"... WTF?!    It reminds me of those Commercials for "Unnecessary Action Hero".   Was that "Necessary"?   No, No it was NOT! *Bwahahaha*  

 Anyway, if they end up being too picky about said Resume at SAVERS, I think I'll put her in for a Paid Position at the Antique Mall.   They have Witnessed her Work Ethic since Age 5.  In fact, everyone marvels at it, she's as good at it as any of us, better than many of them.   And frankly, they've gone thru so many Young People who couldn't cut it for their Salaried Positions, that she probably would work out better than the vast majority they've ever hired from my Observations.   Most of them are nice enuf Young People, who want to get a Paycheck, but, mostly don't wanna hafta Earn it.   Few self-motivate or seem to have an ounce of Ambition, Work Ethic is marginal or nonexistent, they goof off, are unprofessional to an embarrassing degree and are on their Phones constantly if they're not micro-managed.   If they were mine I'd be having a Come To Jesus with them about How they expect to get ahead with that Mindset and Bad Habits already evident and on full Display?

 But, not my Monkeys, not my Circus.  I'm not the Ringmaster of that Shitshow.   It's really quite obvious why many would have barriers to Employment or getting ahead, or landing an actual Career and not just spend a Lifetime at crappy low paying Jobs they can't even handle.    And it's not just the Young, honestly, when I hear some folks griping about their Lot in Life I see that most of them have not attempted to improve their situation by doing more to Change it.  Yet, they seem genuinely baffled as to why Success is eluding them, like they're fucking Clueless imbeciles?   Can they be Taught, I really don't know, some seem quite content to be failing to Succeed and playing the Blame Game like it's someone else's Fault they're not getting ahead or are stuck in their Rut they fail to rise up out of.

 They keep doing the same things and expecting different results, settling, blaming, having a Victim Mentality, not pursing more Knowledge, Experience or Education.   Yet wanna blame someone, anyone else, for not Succeeding or getting ahead.   The majority of folks I see bitching about Immigrants are those disenchanted with their Lot in Life and blaming a marginalized population, and vilifying them makes them feel less like being Losers who charted their own Destinies with their own Choices and failings.   Or, it's the Government's Fault in some way that they barely get by all the time and yet aren't trying to find some viable Solutions to improve situations they aren't willing to at least TRY to make better in any way they do have some measure of control over.   The level of Entitlement these days does make me realize why so many expect someone else to Solve all their fucking Problems while they lay back and wait for someone else to do it FOR them!

My Dad barely had a Grade School Education given to him at the Indian Schools, but he had impressive Natural Raw Talents, Character, intense Pride, strong Moral Compass and resilience.   My Paternal Welsh Didi Kai Gran-Gran had NO formal Education since his Culture didn't even send their Kids to School, he was Illiterate, could not Read or Write at all, but could speak several Languages Fluently.   Yet, neither Man used excuses or blamed anyone for what they didn't accomplish in their Lifetimes.   Both actually became Accomplished Hard Working Successful Men with Intelligence, Honor, Good Decisions, strong Character, just not a good Education afforded them due to actual Discrimination against their respective Cultures.   They just had to Overcome more and they knew it, so they just DID it.   Get bitter or just fucking Choose to Get Better.

  But, they didn't let it stop them from being Decent Humans and the best version of themselves they could be and instilling Values in their Kids and Grandkids.   They had Wisdom and weren't Fools or Victims.   I Respect that and Honor them with what they Taught me and Led by their Examples.   I have tried also to Lead by Example so that my Heirs don't expect someone else to Solve all Life's Problems FOR them, find a way, if no way exists fucking MAKE a way then.   Persistence, tenacity and relentlessness will take you a long way, Trust and Believe.   I will wear a Motherfucker down and then out to get what I want, I won't be Denied, I simply refuse to give in, give up or give out.  I will Outlast anyone that is in my way.   I've always said, Lead, Follow, or get the Hell out of my Way, lest I have to just run over you to get where I'm intent on going. 

And I told all my Kiddos that I didn't Care what they felt Purposed and Chose to Do in Life, just do whatever it is with Excellence and Integrity.  If you clean Toilets, then be the best damned Toilet Cleaner anyone ever saw, someone will Notice and your Gifts will make Room for you and find you Favor, and I'll still be intensely Proud of you on that Journey and Path you're on towards what defines Success to you.   I know once Hired and getting past the fucking Paperwork she struggles with, Princess T will be a valued and valuable Asset to any Employer who has the Wisdom to Hire her and recognize a Good Worker and Decent Human when they see one who is an Asset and not a Liability to their Organization.

   Plenty out there who aren't and sadly with a lot of Employers, they don't seem to have discernment or simply don't Care, not sure which actually?   It's gone all the way to the Top in this Country to lower the Bar... and so my expectations of who gets a Job, any Job, even President... are lower than they used to be.   Shit, if 45 can become President again, any of us can be and do anything regardless of Qualifications or depth of Character, that's what this Nation is showing me right now and it's deeply disturbing to me actually.   When the Bar is now set so fucking Low, it's no wonder that Lowlifes and Saboteurs have infiltrated their way all the way to the Top my Friends, gotten a Foothold and are now going for a Stronghold Balls Out and to the Wall.   The Predatory recognize a Weakness when they see one.   And we have nobody to Blame but The People who put them there.


There's always Room for Improvement and to Turn shit Around my Friends...  And if you are not part of the Solution, then you ARE part of the Problem, it's as Simple as that... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. I like to hear when people trying to help mother earth.

    1. Me too, our Planet is suffering greatly under the pressures and arrogance of our Species. Mother Nature tends to rebound quite quickly when we aid her or just stay out of the way for a while, like we were forced to during the Pandemic. It amazed me how quickly Nature reclaimed what was hers when Humans were in Lockdown for just a couple Years.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl