Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Debate

 I wanted to have one of my Fresh Bagels I bought only to discover the Kiddos used up all the Whipped Cream Cheese I'd bought for the Bagels... to make Jalapeno Poppers!   I didn't get any of those either and didn't have it in me to make another Grocery Store run to replace what got used up.  *Le Sigh*  Such are the challenges of a multi-generational household.  Everyone contributes, but, I do find when I get something for a specific purpose I have to Guard it with my Life so that it lasts long enuf to actually fulfill that Purpose!  *LOL*   So, I got all these damned Bagels and Zero Cream Cheese now and I'd bought Two Tubs of it!!!   I guess they'd made Jalapeno Poppers out the Ass, but they made them on a Night I was Working and there were no Leftovers.

Other than that, everything was Swell.  *Ha ha ha*   I just ate my Garlic Bagel with some Butter, it was Fine.   Princess T has spent Hours now on her Resume, which is required on the Employment Application.   I can tell it's stressing her out, but she's sticking with it and I told her to take as long as she needs to and until she feels satisfied with whatever she comes up with to submit.  That's all she can do and I'm Okay with that.   The Manager and other Employees there have consistently expressed an interest in Hiring her, so perhaps the actual Resume won't be much of a barrier to Employment there and will give her Resume experience in compiling one at least.  If it's required, she just has to gird herself to do it.  I don't know how she'll fare in an Interview, we've done mock ones to prepare her, I've got experience at Hiring Staff when I ran Departments.

I don't know how much has changed or remained the same when you go for an Interview?   I've personally never had to go on any, Employers came to me to ask me to consider an Offer, I either accepted or rejected their Job Offers.   So, I can't say I have any experience on being Interviewed, I don't, so can't be Helpful about being the Interviewee.   Being able to Sell yourself to a prospective Employer is important, I've known people who Interviewed well yet sucked at being up to the Job.  I've seen people who bombed in Interviews and were exemplary at the Job, it's not always relevant to Interview performance.   Just like this Presidential Debate isn't likely to be all that relevant to actual performance in the White House.   It doesn't define everything or everyone, a Resume or a Debate.

Princess T has been agonizing about her Wardrobe, Hair and Makeup appropriate for a First Job Interview.   She's been Tasteful but feels she doesn't have many Work Clothes in her Closet, so, we'll likely have to look for some while at SAVERS for her to get an Interview from Kyle, who apparently is the Employee who does them according to the Manager, Gabe.   I was hoping it would be Gabe, not sure which one Kyle is, we know just about all of the Employees, if it's one of the Two Young Men I think it is, she'll be just Fine and they know her from our visits there as Customers they really like and always talk to on a Social level as well as a Customer Service one.   I really like all of the Young People who work there, they are all up to their Jobs and run a tight Ship that is very professional, efficient, personable and very well run.  It appears to be a good Working Environment with Paths to be promoted.

I don't know how late it will be that she'll be ready for me to take her in there, I'm leaving it up to her, I don't know how long Kyle is there doing Interviews?   So, if he's not there we'd have to do this all over again, so I'm trying to move her along in finishing up what she's been agonizing over doing to get the Online portion completed satisfactorily.  She always needs more Time than usual so I haven't pressured her, if we can't do it Today then we'll shoot for Tomorrow before I go in to Work my Shift that I inherited due to my Co-Worker Friend Dying.   I'd rather not have that Shift too long, but, it's too soon for them to permanently fill it and that's understandable that they'd prefer me to continue filling in discreetly in the meantime.   I missed Sunday due to my own Health Issues, I have not felt 100% and known I'm run down and worn out too.

We got to SAVERS and Kyle had already left for the Day, I guess he only works until 3:00 and we got there at 3:15.  He's in charge of Production in the Back, where they Price things, so that's why he's conducting any Interviews, the Position Open is there.   It's not a Customer Contact Area so would be better for her.  We did all speak with Gabe, the Store Manager and he put her at ease.  She showed him a Friend's Template of the Resume he'd sent her to use as an example and Gabe said that was the Fanciest and most Professional one he'd ever seen a Young Person use.  I'd have to agree, it even had her Friend's Photo on it, I don't know who Schooled him on Creating a Resume, or if he Paid to have it Professionally done, but, it was Impressive.

   I don't know what hers looks like by comparison, but, her Friends are Advising her well and seem to have their Act together.  They must have done well in Resume Class at their High School.  *LOL*  Anyway, we have to go back again this Morning to have Kyle be there, so, at least this Practice Run dispelled some of the Nerves she had when she saw that the Manager was so encouraging.   He told her everyone is nervous no matter how many times they do this, he's right, doing anything anywhere for the first time is always somewhat nerve wracking.   We bought some Work Clothes while she was there for her, that would be appropriate.   I bought too much also, they'd just gotten in some great items to profit from Reselling and as Display items for the Showroom. 

 Heavy duty Chrome Commercial Displays for a pittance and a Lace Covered Dress Form.  It almost looked like a Clothing Store or Fancy Boutique had gone out of Business and Donated all their Commercial Displays?   A lot of Businesses are Closing again.   The Man had read that "Boston Market" had actually gone out of Business becoz all their Locations had been Seized for non-payment of Taxes!   We'd wondered what happened becoz how they Closed was very Weird and so sudden that it seemed suspicious and must have a Back Story.  Well, now that Story has come out and been revealed.   I told The Man that tho' I'm not condoning the non-payment of Taxes they must have owed, how do Billionaires like 45, Musk and Bezos get by not paying their Taxes on much larger and more profitable Businesses and they haven't been Seized also? 

   I'm sure a Boston Market profit margin is less than Amazon or Tesla, or all the Businesses 45 brags make him his Millions.   So, what bothers me is how the IRS will go after small time Businesses and Individuals for what they Owe and yet some Billionaires haven't paid for well over a Decade and must Owe considerably more and they don't bother them at all about it.   I don't see where the IRS has ever gone after 45 and even when he was President the Government never got hold of his Tax Records they asked for, as far as I know, to prove he did in fact even file them or not commit Tax Fraud every Year on those he did file?   I'm sure for Tax purposes they established that he under reported and for Loan purposes he over reported his assets, which was both Tax Fraud and Bank Fraud. 

 Serious enuf that even Capone ended up imprisoned for such Crimes.  In fact 45 was recently bragging at one of his Rallies that he has been Indicted more than Alfonse Capone, he's Proud of that.   He has no Shame that he's a chronic Offender and Career Criminal, becoz, he's gotten away with it and never served a Day in Prison yet for any of it.  Whether any of his Victims awarded Restitution will ever see any of it remains to be seen also even tho' the Awards are staggering amounts that he probably doesn't have the liquidity to actually pay IMO.   Anyway, now to The Debate, Kamala killed it, she Baited him so effectively he fell for it every single time and she, in the short time bites they had, showed she is skilled at Debating.   Policy was Open Ended and didn't have specificity, but, in Two Minute Bites, I didn't expect it would.

I felt she was Introducing herself to the Voters in this Debate and she did so effectively and skillfully.   Her Opponent got rattled, angry, looked Petulant thruout and she dominated and put him on the Defensive.  He looked more like the Incumbent and the onus was put on him so you could tell he felt the squeeze and he looked Old, Diminished and Feeble.  He wasn't his usual Self becoz she pre-empted anything he could try as a strategy to attempt to get under her Skin.   It was like she was effectively Prosecuting a Case against a Felon and of coarse that is her Wheelhouse, isn't it?   It was the Prosecutor versus the Felon and that became quite evident, she used his own Words against him so often that it jogged the Memories of Voters who might have forgotten a lot of what he's openly said, disgracefully and ineptly done and flip-flopped or waffled on.

At many points he was digressing to his usual deflective habits of outright Lies, over 30 of them the Fact Checkers counted, and absurd unsubstantiated Claims like Haitian Immigrants are eating everyone's Pets!!!!!   And the expected tired old Race Baiting, especially about Mexicans from Mexico all being Criminals, Rapists and Dangerous, coming from Jails and Insane Asylums, he's pretty stuck on that fabrication.  He trotted that one out several times, even when Immigration Questions weren't the Topic.  He also said massive Deportations he Plans would be "Bloody" and they'd go Door to Door rounding People up, Yeah, very Nazi Gestapo of him dont'cha think?   The parallels of his Hitleresque leanings are always quite evident and openly expressed, he IS America's Hitler, to be sure.  I was so Ashamed when he was President, everyone I know or am related to Internationally was asking me what was going Wrong with America?

But I digress, back to the Debate.  He strayed often in fact, couldn't finish a thought, but he did seem like perhaps they had him sedated so that he didn't go AS totally Off the Rails as he tends to do Publicly all the time now.  But he did ramble and is clearly diminished in his Mental Acuity and capacity, his Cognitive Decline is worsening badly.  He got more rattled about Crowd Size and the Devoted leaving his Rallies early, definite Triggers for him.    So, for his side, it was a small Victory in an attempt to make him look like a Normal Person.  Which now is the only Standard he's required to try to even Pass, a pretty Low Bar set, huh?   And, most of the time they're not even sure he can do it.  I'm sure his Handlers have to take a lot of Medications just to Cope with the task of attempting to Manage him and the constant of not knowing what he'll say or do that jeopardizes everything and just looks Crazy.  *LOL*

 As one Female Commentator had previously said, Kamala on the other Hand has the Double Standard of being expected to be like Ginger Rogers, she has to be Dancing flawlessly Backwards while in Heels.  No Excuses for her ever, tho' the Excuses for 45 are just to the point of being absolutely ridiculously absurd, how much is just attributed to him just being him, no matter how outrageous, disturbed, unraveled, unhinged, incompetent, Psychotic or offensive.   But, any Woman in any Position of Authority knows full well that has been the Double Standard for our Gender in the Work Force from as far back as Women in the Work Force go.   We all know full well we have to do ANY competitive Job BETTER than any Man and will be held to totally different Standards due only to our Gender.  I've lived it in both of my Corporate Lives in spite of attaining early Success in Male Dominated Fields.  You couldn't just be really Good at whatever it is, you had to be Exceptional.

  Men can completely lose their Cool Emotionally on a Job and be given a Free Pass for any Emotional Outburst they have of any range of Emotion expressed.   Women can't display any Emotion or it's Gender Baited as she's being too Emotional.   I had this heated discussion with my own Son while watching the Debate.   When Kamala got Passionate about a Topic he said she was getting too Emotional and that's Why he felt mebbe a Woman couldn't be in the White House as President?   Oh No he didn't!   Foolish mistake on his part to let that fall out of his Mouth to me and he instantly knew it and tried to recant!  *LOL*  So yeah, I came down on him like a Ton of Bricks, he Met Corporate Mom in that moment.  So he regret bringing that Thought up and letting it fall out of his fucking Mouth.   *Winks*   He did say he's sure was glad he never had to meet me as an Adversary on any Job.  *Bwahahaha*

 Meanwhile 45 had shown every extreme version of an Emotion up there and it wasn't mentioned that he was Too Emotional.   Now, WHY is that my Son?   He couldn't answer, since, he had to acknowledge that she'd been far more Presidential, Cool, Calm and Collected, compared to the Male Opponent.   Now, granted The Son had been admitting 45 was a Human Train Wreck up there, and Laughing his Ass off, since, it was like an SNL skit, you can't make the shit up that falls out of that Clown's Mouth, so, it is Entertaining and too easy to pick his performance apart. But, I thought the strategies Kamala used to Kick the Glass Ceiling in were Superb.  She'd been said to be a Foot Shorter than him, so, she shouldn't be near him or Shake Hands, since, it might make her look Weaker and Smaller.

Well, first thing she did was confidently Walk right up to him and make him Shake her Hand as she Introduced herself, Smooth Move GF.   And he was the one clearly Intimidated and tried to avoid doing it until she wouldn't let him.  *Kamala drops the Mic*   I will Note that in the Corporate Jungle, if you Come For any Man and he knows full well that you will be not at all Intimidated and plan on taking his Ass Down, he may never Respect you, but he damned sure better Fear you unless he's a Fool.   I didn't put up with any shit and Kamala clearly doesn't either, she's Earned all her Stripes, she's Smart, Capable, Successful, Cunning... so any Man underestimating her becoz of her mere Gender, I pity the Fool.   He'll likely never see her coming due to his Arrogance and pathetic outdated Misogyny of the Past.   He's too Old to catch up to the Present, let alone Lead into the Future.

I know any Name Calling to me showed how Intimidated, Threatened and Intellectually Inferior someone actually was if they had to resort to Childish Playground tactics like that to appear Stronger or Superior.   I once had another much Older Old School Executive slip up and call me a Bitch to my Face.   No, I didn't Report him, instead I quite Calmly and Unemotionally said I wasn't "A" Bitch, I was "The" Bitch and that would be "Mrs. Bitch" to him... so, if he wanted to step in my Waters he better be a damned Strong Swimmer.  After that Confrontation he never dared get in my Crosshairs again and in fact, when I got Promoted I discovered he'd given one of the most glowing Recommendations for my Promotion.  Quite a Surprise since, I knew he didn't like Women being in the Workplace, let alone in Positions of Authority.   

To be sure, it was the late 1970's and he was of the Good Ole Boy Network of the Time, that felt Women should be Home, Barefoot and Pregnant.  *Eye Roll, sounds very JD Vance huh?  LOL*  He wasn't used to someone like me in the Seventies, clearly, that wouldn't hesitate to Come For him and take him Down if necessary, if he strayed into my Lane or became an Obstacle or a Problem to me, but he Learned fast.  *LOL and Winks*   I didn't like him, he didn't like me, I didn't Care if he Respected me at all but I made damned sure he had a healthy Fear of me, didn't ever underestimate me again and I kept that intense Pressure on during our whole Working Relationship.  

 He was a Powerful Man in the Banking Industry, but, I made it Crystal Clear that if he gave me nothing to Lose, I'd be fucking Dangerous to his Career.  As it turns out, he really didn't wanna become my Fixation or Obsession.  Coz if I went Down I was sho' nuff taking him Down with me.  Once we had that Understanding, he just let me do my Job and had to admit, I did it with excellence and integrity, that's how I Roll, it's how I got to the Top.  I was one of the Females that Earned my Stripes and didn't get ahead with a Mattress on my Back.  Yes, sadly some Gals got their Jobs or Promotions that way... Old saying being it wasn't always what you know, but who you know or who you blow.   And Yes Mads, I know you'll Joke that a Blow Job IS a Job, Yes, I saw the T-Shirt.  *Winks*

 Kidding aside tho'... my Dad had taught me well on how to handle any Man that stood in my way, Bow Down to no Man, using the Advantage of being underestimated as a Woman.  He always told me to make sure they fought me all day long without ever seeing me.  Have myself living Rent Free in their Heads and never see me coming.  And, don't succumb to Fear ever, just DO IT Afraid if you have to.  My Dad was tough yet Wise and Kind, he knew Life wouldn't be Fair and I wouldn't be playing on a level Playing Field, so he prepared me for it well in advance.   He was one to say people either make Excuses or find Solutions... either get bitter or become better.   Make sure you are Better and Solutions driven... becoz bitterness and excuses are Weak responses and totally ineffective.   And that's how 45 reveals how Weak and Insecure he truly is.  


Later on that S&L got into RTC Trouble due to Guys just like him, who, as it turns out, were ready to be Indicted for their dirty Deeds that got revealed in the whole S&L 1980-1995 Crisis.   I'd left the Industry by the Mid Eighties and only did very expensive Consultation Work for the Investigators who were taking Down those who had indulged in Criminal Activities.   And, so then I went to work for the DA's Office since The Man had felt that would be an excellent transition for me, given all I uncovered for the Feds about the Corruption in the previous Industry that had gone down in flames due to the Criminals that had infiltrated that whole Industry all the way to the top in some instances.   I will say, tho' it didn't pay as well as Corporate Banking, Criminal Law was far more stimulating, fascinating and interesting than how Dry and Boring Real Estate Law is.   So, I enjoyed that Corporate Life way more.

But, again I digress, until we've had our first Female President and kicked that final Glass Ceiling in, we'll be Dealing with Baked In Misogyny in American Culture.   Many other First World Nations overcame a lot of that archaic Patriarchy shit Decades ago and have had very successful Leadership that transcended the Gender Biases and blatant discriminatory practices.  I don't personally Care what Gender, Ancestry, Sexual Orientation, affiliated Party you are, can you do the fucking Job better than whoever your Opponent is?  If you clearly can, you are who I'll Vote for.   But, I realize his staunch Base could see him shit himself on Stage and drool all over himself, cut Deals with the Devil himself for his own gain, yet still think he can perform the hardest Job in the Country, and have access to Nuclear Code and be responsible for National Security, which is really delusional in a scary way actually.

Sadly, for America, our Bar has now been set so low with 45, that competency and sanity no longer are the criteria to be considered or even Elected to the White House.  Seems if a Candidate can entertain some of the People with Political Theater, outrageous Stunts and a Circus Like Atmosphere, they have the Vote of the Low Information, Low Standard folks.  The PT Barnum Act seems to be confused with Facts, Evidence and any Proof behind it, just blindly Believed with intentional ignorance and Cult Devotion, mebbe they can't handle the Truth, I dunno, so Fantasy and Lies suffices if you can't Deal with Reality.  When I hear the ones say they dislike HIM but Love his Policies, and he really has none except Extremism, and Failed Economic and Business Policies his entire Adult Life, well, they've revealed more than they thought they did about themselves.   Yep, there's a Sucker Born every Minute.   And, we know who they're Voting for...


Happy Autumn my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Back in the good old days, when I could eat bagels, peanut butter was my go-to spread on a toasted bagel. Give it a try.

    1. I will... love Peanut butter so it would appeal to me... Dawn the Bohemian

  2. I usually do butter on my bagel, unless there really is cream cheese in the fridge!
    Sigh of relief after that debate. She was great!

    1. Yeah Butter was fine... but I had bought the Cream Cheese for the Bagels so was disappointed the kids got into it and used it ALL of it... rascals! The Debate was good and she had the Balls to put him in his Men have had a set big enough to so it was priceless... 😂... Dawn the Bohemian

  3. That debate was excellent!!!! What a difference between the two....and I just read that the dump has closed the gap and he and Harris are now tied...the first time Harris has not had a lead. That saddens me at what this says about our country and its inhabitants. If thr dump wins, I hope they all get what they desever....but it common knowledge the dump screws everybody over eventually and he's out for no one but himself.

    1. I'm in total agreement Maddie, his Cult deserve whatever negative shit happens if he gets installed in the White House again and destroys this great Nation, and, they will be responsible for it. As they say, be careful what you Wish for, you might just get it. I don't know, how AFTER the Debate he could have an increase in the polls, his performance was dismal and diminished, the usual Word Salad and bizarre comments he just makes up and is so outrageous only Fools could or would Believe it. I honestly feel most of his Base are as unhinged and potentially as dangerous and hateful as he is. So, yeah, about half the inhabitants are disturbing since the Polls tell us about 48% or more are in Support of him and his extreme Agendas... it is deeply troubling to contemplate that perhaps one out of every two people are of that Cultish Mindset and that far Alt Right that they want to do away with a functional Democracy and install a deranged Dictatorship with an Authoritarian Lunatic at the helm.

  4. It makes me crazy to realize how many people support that idiot. "Undecided" voters - how is that possible? But I do want to give an award to whoever reworked the debate format to eliminate the audience. I think he feeds off the energy of the crowd, and I think that was part of what threw him off, along with Kamala's masterful puppeteering.

    1. For some reason your Comment went to Spam and I just rescued it. *LOL* Yes, how anyone can STILL be Undecided is as much a Mystery to me as those who are rabid Followers of the Psycho Hitleresque Cult Leader. Yes, he feeds off Crowd Energy and why he's so fixated on Crowd Size. I personally think he has been a damaged Human since early Childhood and didn't get the Mental Health Help he desperately needed. Surely his Sociopath tendencies were evident and his Family had the Money to get him the best Professional Help and Medications he required. But, from what I know of Fred Trump, he was not an undamaged Man himself, and the Older Brother drank himself to Death from Alcoholism at an early Age, so, his Escape was Substance Abuse. Nature and Nurture combined created the Monster we now see in what 45 is, has been, and always will be. Those that align with it must have some kind of serious malfunction or dysfunction within themselves to connect to it IMO... it's shown America's Dark Underbelly, hasn't it? I would Hope we're better than this, the World will soon know tho', won't they?

  5. I would caution against relying on a Kamala win here to put an end to sexism. People thought Obama winning would get us around the corner on racism, but here we are still. There will always be petty, insecure people out there with an ax to grind.

    But it'll be a great start! She spanked his ass red and sent him to bed without dinner.

    1. You are right about sexism and racism not ending with advances but it shows younger generations it is possible when they see pioneers who were the first and paved the way. She did put him in his place and without being cruel about it or stooping down to his low level. She showed she respects American values and rule of law. In a short time she has exceeded expectations in my opinion and energized her Party and been welcoming and inclusive of anyone not of her Party. We need that unity desperately right now.... Dawn the Bohemian

  6. Nice job summing up the Orange Menaces performance. For the life of me, I have never been able to see how anyone could be enticed, attracted or think of voting for such a scattered Narcississtic hunk of flesh without a brain he is. He's all the wizard of Oz characters of Oz rolled into one, except Dorothy. Charlatan Oz, Brainless scarecrow, Heartless tin man, and cowardly name calling Lion...YIKES! Sandi

    1. The Oz Character comparison is so true, and let's not forget he is also Wicked Witch of the West with the Flying Monkeys being his Minions. *Winks* I can't see the strong attraction so many of our Countrymen have either, especially those who profess to be Godly people... he's such a Devil's Advocate that it is the antithesis of anything Holy, Wholesome and Christlike. Anyway, one of the Mysteries of the Human Species is that some folks clean up well publicly, but privately can have a side we might never otherwise see or know about. I think he has exposed a lot of the Dark Underbelly here in America and it just shocks us more than we thought it would. It's the sheer numbers who STILL make excuses for and support him that is Mind Blowing to me... and that I KNOW some of these folks and once thought them to have more morality, decency and intelligence, so, it was really making me feel very conflicted about wanting to be around them at all now.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl