Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The VP Debate And Random Musings

 Blogger has been doing some Weird new shit Tonight making it difficult to transfer my Images onto my Blog Post, but, I think I finally got around it.  I'm doing a Two-Fer while this Post can still Publish, before Blogger inhibits that next?  *Le Sigh*   It's requiring Bot Inhibitive Verification all of a sudden to prove I'm a Human, where you Type in the Strangely Fonted Word you see that has a Funhouse effect to it that Bots apparently can't replicate?  *LOL*  I've decided that while The Daughter is in Mexico until the first of 2025 with the TCB she needs to attend to there, I shall concentrate mainly on the Main House and tidying up every Room of it.   But, will Pace myself so I don't overwhelm, which, is always the Risk.

  It got cluttered up during the Hot Months, with everything that shouldn't even be in here, due to it being the only Climate Controlled Space.  Well, when we finally got the AC Situation fixed, since, it wasn't Climate Controlled for Two grueling Months of the Summer, which brought everything to a screeching halt, didn't it?  *Le Sigh*  So many obstacles to overcome has set me back... a LOT... so, only the Progress that The Daughter made for me is noticeable really.   She's got Youth on her side still, even in Middle Age, whereas I think I'm at that dreaded tipping point of feeling Young and not really aligned to my Age in Trips around the Sun... but the Body and the Mind sometimes remind me otherwise.  *LOL*   Yep, this Rose is fading fast... and when I see Youthful Images of myself, well, what reflects back in the Mirror these days just seems like a whole other Person.  Hey, it's been over Half a Century now since the Pix above, so, yeah...  *Le Sigh*

I'm determined I can do this without any present Help, if I consistently work on it and make it a Priority.   The She Shed got emptied out some when I made that Big Donation after the failed Yard Sale that The Daughter held to try to Crisis Fundraise.   I'm glad her other Fundraising efforts panned out to make up for that futile Yard Sale waste of Time and Energy.   The only benefit being, I went thru everything again in the She Shed and Donated stuff that I just don't wanna bother trying to Sell at the Antique Mall.   I really want to divest myself of volume quicker than Resale of it might benefit us.  At the Showroom I pay a Premium per Square Foot for that Space, plus Commission and Fees, so, I'm discerning about what to Sell there.  And, I try very hard to offer Product that is Eye Candy that my Customers can appreciate and want to Buy or enjoy being Displayed in my Space to draw them in regularly.

Okay, plus, the Holidays are fast approaching and until each Room in the Main House is in Order and Decluttered, I can't possible Decorate for any Holiday inside.   And boy does the Main House need decluttering, I really backslid again with bringing stuff in that doesn't belong and it's visually now everywhere, encroaching on all Space.  *Le Sigh*  Only the Front Porch is ready to Showcase whatever Season and Holiday is evident.   I sorely miss Decorating extensively for Holidays and Seasons, so, wanna get back to that option.  Only way to do that is to keep the Main House and the Front Porch in Order, Organized, and Decluttered of what doesn't belong there.   I'm on a Roll with Donating... it feels good, does a Charity some good, and declutters quickly what isn't wanted or needed anymore.   Plus, if only Primo items are For Sale, the Profit Margins and the Sales are way better for discretionary income earning.

Most days I can keep the Calendar Open to spend time doing what needs to get done around here.  Plus, it's a Welcome distraction to keep busy as this Crazy Election looms ever closer.   I don't even wanna watch TV and I'm all caught up on my NetFlix Binging, plus, have used 90% of my Data for this Month now too.  *Bwahahaha*   A new Month begins on Tomorrow, so, I'm Good with Data and only got the Use Notice Today reminding me of being at 90%... I'm sure ALMOST ALL of that was due to me Binge Watching WENTWORTH... ha ha ha.   Now that's over, I have no real desire to delve into another Binge Watch Series that is long and addictive.  *Smiles*  I'm not sure we'll renew NetFlix when it expires this time, up to the Kiddos or my Niece, who've paid for it each time.

There are things I'd rather they spend the Money on for me, like Membership to The Desert Botanical Gardens, which needs renewal this Month.   The Son gave me the Money for it... but it had to be spent on Crisis Management instead.   So... the Membership wasn't a high Priority compared to what was Crisis Management Funding required on The Fly.  You keep adjusting Priorities as the Issues of Life just come up and blindside ya.  I still have to come up with funds for Septic System Pumping, which, should be just under $400, given the Estimates I've had for it... and it only needs doing every few Years, so... I need to start holding a Monthly allotment in the Budget for those Purposes really.

Princess T has to be AT Work by 6:00 A.M. on a Tuesday Morning, an Hour earlier than every other Day she Works.  So, I've made it a Habit now of doing at least 2 Hours of Exercise at either a Park or doing Environmental Cleanup, on my own, without The Man being in tow, just some Restorative Me Time.  I'd like to be able to go to the Gym, but Seniors have to wait until 9:30 A.M. which isn't a convenient time for me to be there.  He's usually still Asleep when I return, since everyone is at Work so it's Quiet and he has the House to himself to just Sleep or Relax.   Since he's been complaining about his "Legs Not Working", it's an easy Out for me not to take him.  I think his Legs are having discomfort and if he's following Safety Prompts and using his Canes, he can Walk just Fine.  But, he's too Stubborn to comply.

So, until he's more compliant, I'm not risking him going down again by doing what he shouldn't and being foolish or just stubborn about being Safe.  I remind him before every Outing what the Safety Prompts are, lest he doesn't recall, and his Memory isn't that Bad that he can't recall what I just said to him unless he wasn't listening in the first place.  *Eye Roll, Le Sigh*   When he doesn't get to go places with me I remind him Why too... to promote better behavior and compliance so that it's not such an Ordeal every time to have him along.   And I don't think it's Fun for him either if it becomes an Ordeal becoz he's along and can't manage the Outing successfully either.  Sometimes the Idea of doing something is better for him than the Reality of actually doing it.

I'm currently watching the Vice Presidential Debate and am pleasantly Surprised that it's turned out to be a very good one and Civil, with a lot of Substantive Messaging.  Both Men are not mud slinging, finding some commonality on important issues tho' Vance did Lie a lot.  Being Civil and actually DEBATING, as it should be, a Healthy Debate and trying to shore up their Prez Pick.  Being able to Agree to Disagree and have different perspective or point of view without being Mental about it like 45 is and just having Political Theater and no Substance.   Plus, he can't ever appear Normal and not unhinged, it's impossible for him.   And, his Base seems to thrive on the Crazy, who knows why, but, they just do and pretend they like his Policies, but, it's his Abnormality that really draws them in I Believe.   I suspect most are also the kind who rubberneck when they pass by a bad Wreck or Crime Scene, they can't help themselves, the carnage excites them.

  Which is Why 45 did dismally Debating Harris, and won't Debate her again and has Opted Out.  He can't really Debate, he can just be a Far Side Entertainer whose only real focus is Crowd Size and being in the News Cycle whether in a good or a bad way.  He's intimidated by anyone Smarter and more cunning than he is who easily stands up to a Bully and puts them in their place.  But, the Vance that showed up was the consummate Chameleon posing as a Nice Guy whose not so Extreme or Predatory, so he's seem more Sane and Likeable, since, the Crazy isn't Winning except with the Cult Base... and Walz is just who he is 24-7 and 365.   Vance is so disingenuous and slippery that you never know which Vance you'll get with that Guy.  He's like Water, which, when put into a Glass becomes the Glass or whatever else you pour it into.

  I think, personally, after watching Vance, he's a Slick Willy from Harvard, with Intelligence and no Integrity, he will do whatever to get where he wants and what he wants and change Personalities and Positions constantly.  So nobody would really know what he Stands for or Believes when he is dipping and diving constantly.  That he's like that Gold Digger Wife of 45, tying himself to someone Powerful whose almost 80 and in serious decline, who he hopes just Drops Dead in the next Four Years or becomes so incapacitated, that he Inherits everything and become Prez by default.  *LOL*

  I don't think with 45's rapid cognitive decline that is so evident it's scary, that he'll Last another Four Years... he'll either drop Dead or end up Brain Dead since his addled unstable State has worsened considerably since 2016 and only intensified since 2020, when he couldn't admit he Lost and still can't.  Neither did Vance BTW admit it during the Debate, interesting he fell in Line and with Lockstep Cult Devotion with not admitting 45 Lost the Election.  He was evasive as fuck and even his Slick Willy facade fell away, tho' he HAD to know that Question was coming, Right?  *Winks*   I was disappointed that Walz didn't Call him Out on some of the obvious Lies and really only got truly Passionate about January 6th and Vance's Spin Doctor Lie that it WAS a Peaceful Transfer of Power.  

And that 45 willingly accepted the results and didn't incite an Insurrection and try to overthrow the Government by Weaponizing his Rabid Base and turning them loose at his Command, along with Chants to Hang his own VP and set up the Gallows to do it!   And, wouldn't Answer the Question about whether that wouldn't happen all over again, or worse, should they Lose again this time.  Which, as we all know, is the Main Concern of every Rational Voter who fears that Win or Lose, things will turn Violent and reckless to the Point people will get really injured and Die again becoz a Madman is once again, the Nominee for one Party. 

  He's sworn that if he Wins he'll seek revenge and retribution for anyone who wasn't aligned with him and were his opponents.   And, that could mean any of us really, no telling how far he'd go to round up anyone he considers a threat to him holding onto Power illegally and forcefully?   If he Loses he will once again not allow a Peaceful Transfer of Power and accept the Voter's Choice in a Free and Fair Election.  And go thru all that BS about a Stolen Election and convince his Cult of another Big Lie, which, they never accepted was a Lie the first time despite Evidence, Proof and Truth revealing it was.  I've said it before, you can't Reason someone out of something that took no Reason to get into in the first place.

 Another Blogger brought  up an excellent Point about Melania having the Ideal Op to do another Nude Photo Shoot just before the Election, which, apparently she's considering???   Sell tons of herself and embarrass 45, then not have to wait for 45 to drop Dead, but, just Divorce him and be Free of him while raking in profits from exploiting herself shamelessly.  Why not, her Nudes are already all over the Internet from her Soft Porn Days, so, it's not as if everyone hasn't already seen her Good China and very risque' Pixs for a First Lady.  *LOL*   She is his Mail Order Bride and they don't even Share a Bed and she hasn't shown him any Affection that I've ever seen, it's a Marriage of Convenience and they have an Arrangement.  

 And I'm sure she doesn't mind him Raw Doggin' Porn Stars or being a Sexual Predator of unwilling Victims of his Sex Crimes, so long as she never has to crawl under him again.   She got the Anchor Baby of a Son who has Inheritance Rights.   I'm sure she's tied to some Prenup that isn't in her best interest unless he drops Dead, or mebbe even if he drops Dead... so, working her own Hustle is her best option.   The rest of his Spawn are damaged goods too, her Son seems to be the most Normal of them and perhaps she's been able to protect him better than the other Baby Mama did, I dunno?   The Family Lineage does seem to have Generations of serious dysfunction and Issues, that even lots of Money couldn't resolve or fix.  And everyone has to indulge him in his Insecurities and play along as if he has none, otherwise, he short circuits and goes Mentally Off the Rails.  It must be exhaustive to be in his Inner Circle, which is Why folks rotate in and out of it so fast or get thrown under the Bus.

Vance was accomplishing his Mission Statement of trying to Normalize an Abnormal Candidacy that has been so Out There for so long, that damage control and some bait n switch was necessary during this Debate to smooth over a lot of the Crazy.   A lot of Americans seem to have a very short Memory Span that changes every News Cycle and they develop Amnesia of anything that came before.  So, anyone adept at Whitewashing it later and Rewriting the History can effectively just change the Script and have an Alternate Reality many just buy into without question or fact checking any of it.  Facts don't seem to matter to a great many folks these days, they just seem okay with you making shit up as you go and falling for it hook, line and sinker if it fits their narrative and point of view. 

Like Vance trying to pass off that 45 was responsible for "Saving" the Affordable Care Act... according to Vance during the Debate about Health Care Reform.   Which, he certainly not only didn't do, but tried to Kill numerous times and still wants to Kill and only has a Concept of a Plan to replace it.  After Nine Years of having plenty of time to come up with something allegedly better or viable and not completely Crazy like all his other Policies and Far Fetched Ideas.  You remember, like shooting up Bleach and shining UV Rays up your Ass to "Cure" COVID.   Their side wants to make Healthcare "Cheaper" for the Healthy and impossible for the Unhealthy, that's the bottom line.   If you're not Healthy forever, or can't afford Stratospheric Healthcare Costs dictated by a System that doesn't Work for most of us, their alternative Plan is just that you Hurry Up And Die my Friend.   Don't burden Society by getting ill, disabled or hurt, you Selfish ingrates, is the obscenely Wealthy's stance on Healthcare for All as a Human Right.  *Eye Roll*

 And, if you're a Healthy person now, and think it's only "Fair" that you should pay less and anyone Sick or Injured should pay more and have Insurance Companies decide who to Insure and who to reject, just keep on Living if you think that's a good Idea.  Since, it will only be a matter of Time before Good Health eludes you at some point in Life's Journey, you'll either get Old or be Dying of something prematurely, or you have some Chronic Condition, Disability or Accident befall you in your Youth or Prime of Life.  All of a sudden your Cheaper Healthcare will no longer be an Option for you either when Insurers can charge you more or simply deny you Coverage altogether.   There is no Money to be made in keeping people Healthy my Friend, it's Western Medicine's greatest Money Grab, and Big Pharma's too in this Country.  We're the only First World Country with a Healthcare System regular folks can't afford.

Anyway, some of the alleged Undecided Voters might be fooled or remain confused, I dunno.  If you haven't sorted out by now whose the side of Law and Order, defends Democracy or even Sanity, well, you got bigger Issues than showing up to Vote IMO.   Their "Focus" Groups of the allegedly "Undecided" at the 11th Hour, are always a Hoot, where do they find these People?  *Bwahahaha*  Yeah, they Live among us tho', and clearly are out there and could even be Breeding and cast a Vote... which should be equally disturbing too.  *Eye Roll*   I liken most of them to the Blindfolded playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey, mebbe they'll get close to where it should be in the Game... mebbe not.   But at a Child's Birthday Party getting it Wrong just evokes unanimous Laughter, not a potentially Terrifying Outcome with dire consequences to fucking it up when you Play and have no idea what you're doing.


Anyway, doubt a VP Debate really has much sway... and many States are already Voting... so, it won't be long now... Dawn... The Bohemian

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A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl