Saturday, September 28, 2024

Fashion You Can Buy... Style You Possess

 Well, even tho' it's only her 2nd Week on the new Job, Princess T was too Sick to go in to Work this Morning and had to call in Sick.  She was distraught coz she Loves her new Job and doesn't want to risk losing it.  But, she was throwing up again and not in any shape to go in, she has severe Allergies and I'm pretty sure that's the culprit, she's very congested and can't keep her Allergy Meds down.  She called in and we'll have to see how they feel about her missing a day without Pay while in her Probationary Period?   She has Fragile Health and has since Birth, so this was always a concern of mine, her being able to hold down full time Employment, since, Employers never want an Employee to be Sick and need to call out due to illness or crisis.   Well, in this Family the illness and crisis are abundant so it's not a matter of if they'll happen, just when?

She could also be Anxious about her Mother leaving for Mexico again and potentially bringing back Three Sisters to come Live with us.   It's a lot to unpack, just as it was when her Dad got shot and abducted, so, her upset Stomach could also be a severe case of Nerves?   She has Anxiety and Panic Attacks fairly regularly anyway, a real Family Crisis just intensifies Episodes that are Triggers for having them.  I can't say my own Nerves aren't Raw right now and heightened.  I'm worried for The Daughter trying to do what she has to do with no Money and on her own in a whole other Country... again.   During that previous Crisis involving her Ex it really put a huge strain on her already fragile Mental Health Status and Health.  But these are her Kids and they have nobody else stepping up, so, she really has to and she knows it.  So, she'll do her best and we'll have to Trust it will be enough this time?  I really have no idea how cooperative the Kids will even be this time?  Last time they didn't want to move to America permanently anyway.

But, I could understand that then, they were not going to leave their vulnerable Grandma Maria behind.   Since, nobody but them was looking after her and they were as devoted to her as she's been to them all their lives.   They had promised her they would stay with her until she Died, and Bless them, they honored that promise and did.  Otherwise she would have been forsaken, since, no Family stepped up for her either.   Yes, it's hard when an ailing elderly Loved One gets to a point you cannot Care for them and meet them at their Point of Need.  But, her extended Family have Wealth and are of the Upper Class there, in high Positions of Authority, they could have figured out something suitable for her and just didn't.   The same with these Kids, so, it's more a matter of priorities and convenience really.  Not so unusual with a lot of people really, so, not so unexpected, you Witness it all the time with some folks.

Anyway, she called in Sick and they didn't seem Mad, they really like her performance and I think they realize she's not a flaky Employee who doesn't take her Job seriously.   So, I just Hope and Pray she feels better Tomorrow and can make it in for her Saturday Shift?  Then she'll have Sunday and Monday to recuperate, she doesn't work those days.   I have to go to Work Tonight to cover for someone at my Antique Mall who already called in, for whatever reasons, and, it happens all the time there.  So, perhaps it happens all the time at SAVERS too, who knows?   I know they have about 70 Employees at this Location, some Full Time, some Part Time, I had no idea they hire that many actually.   Her Manager is named Jason and I have a really good rapport with him, he was telling me Yesterday that some Locations have over 100 Employees.  So, they aren't a Company that understaffs, which is good, so many these days do.

Today is the first Payday and we weren't sure if she'd get a Check at all, so, Yesterday after Work I took her to CHASE and we transferred her Trust Savings Account I set up when she was 9 Years Old, to the new Checking Account.  This way she now can manage her own Money and get Auto Deposit of her Checks.  Becoz I'm a Retired Executive AVP of that Bank, all Fees are Waived if her Account is linked with mine.  Her Mom and Uncle have theirs linked and it helps me help them all to manage their Money and their Accounts, make Deposits or Withdrawals for them, etcetera.   All the Kids wanted it that way and since all Three of them have Special Needs, it's just a better arrangement than they'd have otherwise.   The Young Man who helped us was Handsome, in his 20's and Hispanic, I could tell Princess T was liking him being Easy on the Eyes.  *LOL*  He was a Looker and had been with the Bank 8 Years he said.  He wanted to know what it was like back when I was in Corporate there?  We swapped Stories.  *Winks*

I can tell he's ambitious and I told him I rose into the Corporate Ranks by the time I was only 23 and was an AVP long before I was 30.   Running Three Departments with a Dozen or more Employees and back when Women didn't usually break Glass Ceilings elsewhere.  He seemed very encouraged to hear the possibilities.   He liked our Benefits Package we had back then, from what he Shared, it's not as good now and Stock Options are not either.  Now they only get to Buy Stock at a reduced Share Price.  Back in my day you could Earn Stock in lieu of Bonuses and not pay a thing, also at a reduced Share rate.   Then, every incantation the Bank had with Corporate Mergers and such, they'd give me more Free Stock if I stayed with them as an Investor, which, I did... and I've been getting Quarterly Dividends for Twice as long as that Young Man has been Alive.  And, upon my Death my Heirs will continue to receive the Dividends for all of their Lives if they are Wise and don't Sell the Stock off for short term Gain.

So, now she has her own account and her Trust Savings is a good beginning and great Practice for managing Money.  I've taught her good Stewardship and Financial Responsibility since she could Walk.   But, once Grown, some of them don't follow the Sage Advice imparted to them while Growing Up, so, we'll see how she fares?   She's probably my most Financially responsible one and the one with the best Financial IQ tho', so, she took what I Taught her about Money and the making of it, to Heart.   She's a good Worker and she knows how to Work a Hustle as well.   On the way out of the Chazza I noticed a lovely MARSHALL'S Green Bag sitting skew-wiffy on top of the Garbage Can outside of her Store.  I just wanted the Bag and to Salvage it, great Graphics and in good condition.  Well, it held a shit-ton of Jewelry that is Sold at SAVERS in Swag Jars for about Twenty-Five Bucks a Jar.  It's what they do with Jewelry not Sold by it's Rotation Date.  And Princess T said it's a big Tik-Tok thing now to Buy them and Live Stream yourself going thru it with your Followers.

They get to Share what Treasures are among the Trashy Jewelry or broken Jewelry and Keep what they want and toss the rest.   Well, we had a big time with she, her Mom and I wading thru Three Jars worth that had been tossed.   And The Daughter had decided to Live Stream it with her Middle Daughter in Mexico, who also knows about the Tik-Tok craze involving that.   Since we had about Seventy-Five Bucks worth of that Swag Jarred Jewelry for Free, found on top of a Garbage Can, it made it all the more thrilling.  *Winks*   Well, clearly whoever the Tik-Tok Young Person was who could afford to spend that much to Live Stream the go thru, knew nothing about Jewelry.  They had left behind some Killer pieces of real Value, including Custom Belt Buckles from New Mexico, Sterling Silver Jewelry, and a Gold Necklace.   Even the vast majority of the Costume Jewelry I can put in tinier Swag Bags and Sell in our Showroom for around $160 Profit for a Buck or Two each, Booyah!!!   

The expensive pieces I Valued at about $300 Plus, have to look up the Signed pieces to get actual Vale.  No telling what the Buyer Scored that they Kept?  But, it was definitely worth the Seventy-Five Bucks they Paid even for what they discarded foolishly.   Just goes to show ya that one Person's Trash IS another Person's Treasure.  *Winks*   My Grandchild in Mexico is like, I can't Believe my Abuelita found this all in the Basura!!!   *LOL*   Well, even when we're collecting Aluminum Cans, you wouldn't Believe the Valuables that people have Lost or left behind at Parks that the Park Services folks would just be required to throw away and we recover and rescue!!!   Some Charities leave entire Food Boxes from the Food Banks at Parks for the Needy to take Home... if nobody does, Park Services is required to throw it all away, such a waste of resources, but, happens every single Week.   Sometimes we rescue the Food Box, they're always in enclosed Banana Boxes, I've worked as a Volunteer at Food Banks and Food Ministries.  I know how they glean the Product and Clean it for Redistribution.

So, we just take it Home and Clean/Salvage what can be Saved of it.   I Share it with people we know who have Food Insecurities and Keep whatever they don't want and keep it in our Pantry to use.   All of it is Food, nourishing, and I abhor Waste of what can be used and is of Value.    The Daughter said in Mexico there is a whole Movement to do that.   Many make an entire Living of Salvaging Product from what others throw away, earning them income and feeding and clothing their own Families with the Products or the Money from Resale of it.  They Wash the Clothing or the Non-Perishables, Glean the Fields, and Sell it at the Markets.  The Daughter made a Living doing that so she enjoys doing it with me here.  She knows I Worked Ministries for Years doing similar things to ensure the disadvantaged got Fed and Clothed.   Americans Waste a lot, we just do as a Culture, it's obscene when you realize how much lack there is and it's not properly redistributed.

That said, even those receiving Charity can be Wasteful or unappreciative.  I've seen Kids on the Free Lunch Programs throwing out a lot of the good Foods given to them that is most Nourishing and just eating the Junk Food it might have as part of the Meal.   When we Created the Bag Lunch Giveaways it usually included a Sandwich with Protein, Fresh Fruit or Fresh Raw Veggie Snack, a Juice and/or Boxed Milk or Bottled Water and a single Junk Food Snack.  I can't tell you how much of everything but the Junk Food would end up in the Garbage, so, to me, those weren't necessarily Hungry Children.   A Hungry Child will forego a Snack to ask for Real Food and it's a Shame that Parents weren't Teaching their Children not to be intentionally Wasteful, especially of something someone else is funding on their behalf as Charitable.   Most recipients are Grateful and in Need tho', so you can't stop doing Good Works becoz of those in Society who really are part of their own Problem and why they never get Solutions to them.

And, lets face it, the People with Means are usually far more Wasteful, Selfish and less Responsible about Resources, becoz they're not experiencing any Lack and so their Value System is skewed.   When I lived in Affluent Subdivision Hell, the folks in Million Dollar Listings Wasted more than I ever saw anyone Waste.  Most never thought to Donate it to a Charity or even have a Charity pick it up, they'd just put it all in the Trash or at the Curb on Bulk Garbage Day.   I saw some Neighbors do a Thirty Thousand Dollar Remodel of the same Kitchen at least once a Year when they got Tired of the Look they had done just the Year before, I kid you not!  I'd Salvage the Cabinetry they put Curbside and Donate it myself to Habitat For Humanity and other Charitable Organizations that could utilize and repurpose those High End Fixtures and Salvaged Architecture, for Homes being Built for the less Affluent.   At least Five Kitchens worth I Gleaned Curbside from ONE Neighbor Two Homes down with the same Custom built Villa Property we had, since, every Year for the Five we lived there, she Remodeled her Kitchen!!!  Nothing Wrong with Kitchen One thru Six, she just bored of it!

I remember her being very Pretentious, she was a Fundie overly Extremist Religious stay at Home Mom with Five Kids as Insurance Policies for when her Doctor Husband decided to ditch her, the Starter Wife.  She tried to get cozy with me when she knew I was Friends with a lot of the Designers of Events she attended, but she was so Fake and disingenuous I wouldn't make introductions.  Coz in the Neighborhood she ignored you completely and was a stuck up Snob and Racist Homophobic Bitch.   She wouldn't allow her Kids to associate with ours coz they weren't White and didn't go to their Church, oh, and The Grandson was Gay and we should be Praying that Away, he was told to his Face!!!  Yeah, that kind of Lunatic Rich Alt Right Fundamentalist Bitch.  Yes, they Voted for you know who.  So, when I heard they Sold the Property coz her Doctor Husband did indeed run off with some Nurse or Secretary at Work, I can't say I was Surprised... usually the Fate of all Starter Wives who've Married into Affluence and can't stay Young forever. 

 Perhaps he was fed up with how much of his Money she was blasting thru out of Boredom?   But, he was an Arrogant Prick, so, they were made for one another and their Kids acted very Entitled and my Grandkids didn't like them at all and said they were Bougee Spoiled Brats... also not unusual in that Community.  And, may he have even more Next Ex-Missus way Younger than he was Bimbos that he has to pay a tonnage of Child Support and Alimony to.  Shallow Bastard Fathering Kids like he's a Stud Animal just pumping them out for God and then ditching them and their Mother.  *Eye Roll, I have nothing but contempt.*  The Husband only talked with The Man coz he knew The Man was LDS too and thought he could and would relate.  The Man didn't... and didn't like it when all the Doc wanted to know was, what RANK was he in the Military. *Eye Roll, yeah, one of those too*  With no Respect for the fact The Man Served his Country 39 Years Honorably and was a legit War Hero.   No... were you an Officer?   So fucking typical.  

 The Man merely responded, Nope, Enlisted Special Forces, but a lot of Officers got their Men killed by their incompetence or bad decisions they Ordered during Wartime.   But, our Government Hired me to Neutralize a lot of Targets they wanted eliminated... not all of which were North Vietnamese.  Well, that shut the good Doctor up fast and he just avoided us after that.  Retired Assassin and his Crazy Voodoo looking Dreadlocked Wifey kinda unnerved him I guess?  *Bwahahahahaha*  I'd pass by, Smile, Nod a Casual Whattsup Homies, and look at him or his Bimbo Wife with my Crazy Eyes, it was Entertaining, they'd scurry into the House like Rats and avoid us like the Plague.  *Ha ha ha*  Yeah, I was Ghetto Fabulous on Purpose out there, they Hated we could afford to live among them.  *Bwahahaha*   

And when I Sold our Home to the Air B&B Party House Investors out of Cali, well, it was Sweet Revenge on the Asshat Neighbors and their Devil of an HOA.   So, a LOT of Homes went up For Sale and took a Hosing on the Price, coz that Community was never gonna recover from the Luxury Home Market Crash and be anything but what it was.   A Bankrupted Builder's attempt to make Waddell a Destination and a Paradise Valley or Snottsdale {Scottsdale} of the Far West.  *LMAOROTF*  Oh yeah, the "Fancy Ladies" of some of those Communities are a Hoot too, lemme tell ya.  I remember being introduced to one by her Stylist at an Event.  He was an Expensive Stylist to Hire and was a good Friend of mine, so I made Polite with his Wealthy Client.   But he would tell me some Stories, like the time someone asked her what her Style was at an Event and she turned to HIM and asked, "What's my Style?"   *LMAOROTF*  Yeah... she couldn't Buy Style of her own no matter how much Money she had, clearly.   Fashion you can Buy, but Style, you Possess... or... you just don't and never will Honey.  *LOL*

The Daughter decided to Host an Impromptu Yard Sale before she leaves for Mexico, to try to drum up some Emergency Funds.  I don't know her hasty Timing will work out, she started setting up Late IMO and I helped her anyway, taking Crates of Merch out of the She Shed and seeing what she can do a Quick Turn on?  A lot of Inventory I have stockpiled for the Showroom rotations of Merch is too good to hawk at a Yard Sale for that Demographic and what they're willing to spend.  But, I went ahead and gave her what I thought she could Sell Fast and inexpensively enuf to Appeal to the Yard Sale Crowd.   I don't personally like Yard Sales, there really is no Profit Margin worth it, to me Yard Sales are for hawking the stuff I'd usually just Donate and a Thrift Store/Chazza would be Selling.  I don't put that kind of stuff in my Showroom and I also don't Store it or Keep it after I'm ready to cull it, I just usually Donate it.   But, if she can Sell Off at least some of what I had Crated in the She Shed, I'm fine with that, it gets rid of it and opens up more Space for good Merch I can Sell at the Antique Mall and want out of the way tho'. 


She doesn't know it yet, but anything she doesn't Sell Off, I'm going thru and Donating a large portion of it since I'm not packing it back up and putting in that much effort to Store/Keep it and try to Resell it.  *Smiles*  It was already too Hot out there and frankly I spent more Time helping her than I wanted to, since, I have to pull a Shift Tonight and have a Sick Teenager at Home Today as well.  So, I just can't spin my Wheels and use up Energy I don't really have doing peripheral spontaneous stuff that doesn't have much of a Payoff to it.   A Hot Friday Late Morning and Afternoon is not the Ideal Timing to Host a Yard Sale, so she may not even get any Customers?   But, i know the whole impromptu Trip to Mexico to Deal with that Emergency with her Kiddos has her in a Tailspin and not really knowing what to do or how she'll pull it off?   I know she's called in all the Favors she can and I'm trying just not to Stress her out more.  She just doesn't have the Time or Resources to do what would be a better Planning to handle it.   So, I just don't know how it all will play out or be entirely futile and debt laden like last time?  It put us in the Hole to finance the last Crisis caused by her Ex regarding the Children he has Custody of.

You can't control how other people might be screwing up their Lives and those they're responsible for.   Running damage control behind other people seems to be the Norm these days tho', look how now the Mayor of New York City, Adams, is Indicted on numerous Serious Charges.   The Corruption at high levels is what is eroding confidence in Government and the proliferation of Criminals being Elected is out of Control.   The American People need to be more discerning about who they entrust in positions of Power.  Putting Career Criminals, folks with no Moral Compass, Lunatics and Extremists in Power is a recipe for disastrous results, yet, here we are, they keep Electing these People and the Guard Rails are failing to address it appropriately.  So, the more of them get away with it without consequences commensurate with their Crimes, well, the more of them will keep infiltrating and exploiting the American People and running their Grifts for their own Gain ad the expense of us all.  It's a Given, and we need more Americans to be Woke so they're not Asleep and allowing the Country to slide into ruination by the Poor Choices they made about Leadership.

The Vote of those of us who want Honorable and Honest Leadership who have Character and good Policy, seems almost to be being Negated by a very large population of Voters going in a completely Corrupted direction and are Okay with that, preferring it in fact.  I don't pretend to understand that desire to have Thug or Mentally Unsound Leadership controlling important Issues, when the Lunatics are running the Asylum, Chaos and Dangerous Situation should be expected as a Given, just sayin'.   You can never be too Educated and I think far too many Voters are unable or unwilling to do the due diligence necessary to Educate themselves and make Good Decisions based on Facts, Evidence, Truth and Rule of Law, it's deeply disturbing.  If you're not tethered to Reality, remain Ignorant intentionally, and are easily misled, you become an Easy Mark for the unscrupulous and predatory of Society who will weaponize and exploit your Ignorance, Weaknesses and your Fears.   The Devil is in the Details and he has many Advocates and Minions at his disposal.

But enuf of Politics, I can't wait for the Election to just happen and see where we're at afterwards?    Nothing is looking particularly Promising with one whole Political Party now such a Cult that there's no redemption for those deeply entrenched in the Support of it.   They'd have to be deprogrammed like any Cult Member indoctrinated ends up, they become damaged goods.   Sometimes forever harmed by the brainwashing of the usual Playbook all Cult Leadership, Extremists, Terrorists and Authoritarian Rulers enact and manipulate their People by.   Being in Denial of this harm and what it's caused any Cult leaning folks to fully Believe, isn't Helpful, they will live among us and some kind of way we have to at least attempt to reach them and some common ground to diffuse the Harm that would come to all of us and our Country otherwise.   I Hate that the Election is smack dab in the middle of the Holiday Season, Wish it was during some other Season... hard to feel Celebratory when so much heaviness and Chaos exists in our Political System and the Future is a huge Question Mark.  But as one Party is saying, let them not Steal our Joy or Hope for Positive Change.


Happy Autumn my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian

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A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl