Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Another Somewhat Expected Crisis


We got more Bad News out of Mexico in regards to the Three Granddaughters there.  I had predicted it would happen and had told The Daughter I was distrustful of Salvador's extended Family's motives after the Old Lady Died.   She owns her Home outright and in her Will left it to those Three Grandchildren and Salvador's Oldest Daughter, Suliz.  He has a lot of other Kids, but those Four are the ones Saint Maria had close Relationship with.   So, after she Died I was suspicious when all of a sudden his extended Family didn't want to take the Kids in but went out of their way to FINALLY start fixing up the House.

They had tried to Sell it out from under even the Old Lady once before when her Son was shot and abducted, thought to be Dead.  When he resurfaced Alive Months later, that put the kabosh on it, but then, he got put into Custody.  We still don't know that whole backstory, but now I Believe they're trying to Steal and Sell the House out from under the Heirs who it is bequeathed to.  So, to get the Kids out of the way they turned them in to the Mexican Equivalent of Child Protective Services as having no Responsible Adult Caring for them and requested that Social Services round them up, break them up, and put them into The System.

It's a corrupt System just like it is here and exploitation of Teens, especially Young Girls, is a risk in both Countries.  Human Trafficking is Big Business.   The Kids intercepted the Letter from Child Services that was sent to their Dad and Stepmom, both of whom are not present.  He's in Jail and she bailed on the Kids before the Old Lady even Died, leaving them to Care for her now for Months.   So, the Family, if they'd been SO concerned about the Kids or the Old Lady, would have said something way sooner and didn't.   The Kids did a Video Chat with us and The Daughter translated the Letter to me, I can read Spanish, but she's more fluent in Reading, Writing and Speaking it.

So, now she's trying to get her Friends to Go Fund Her to get to Mexico to fight The System taking her Children and the Family from taking their Home out from under them.   She's not sure she can get them across the Border, since our last attempt failed, but some Family was responsible for that then.  I think they thought those Kids would come with some Checks and they didn't, so then none of them would take the Two Oldest in and only the Stepmom's Family stepped up to take in the Youngest, and they have no Biological Connection, but, nobody fought them over it either.   The Letter mentioned all Three Children tho', so, The Daughter will go to the American Consulate if necessary to make an International Incident of this if she has to. 

If that House gets Sold, the Four Sisters who are in Saint Maria's Will should get any and all proceeds and Soliz is an Adult, Married with her own Family.   So, The Daughter is getting her involved since it's her Inheritance at risk too and her Sisters at risk of being exploited.   The Oldest of the Trio won't be 18 until December 13th, then she could petition for Custody of her Younger Teen Sisters.  She has Two Jobs and is enrolled in College.   So, The Daughter said if she only can be there until the Oldest turns 18, it might help their situation even if we can't get them into the Country or afford whatever BS Paperwork is involved.  Last time there was so much attempted extortion, that both sides of the Border are corrupt as fuck as far as I'm concerned. 

So, anyway, more Stress isn't something we need and I am concerned about The Daughter having to go back there.  She has no Money of her own or Job now, so has to rely on Friends, since, we can't Bankroll it this time either.   It blew thru Thousands for everyone last time, to no avail, when we thought the SIL to be Dead and the Kids in Danger due to his abduction right in front of them all.   I don't need to know what all of that was about, that's his problem, but, I want those Children Safe and with a Roof over their Heads.  Yes, they should have Adult Supervision, but, except for us, no Adult is stepping up to provide that at all and I don't Trust any of the Adults that are Family over there, I really don't.  Seems they'd throw those Kids under the Bus.

So, anyway, perhaps having the 5th Wheel wasn't for naught, we'll see how everything plays out over the Holidays?   We'll see if The Daughter can make a way to get back there to try to sort things out?   She's relentless and tenacious, so if there is a way, she'll find a way.  She knows we have her Back, if I had Savings left I'd give her at least some of what she needs, but, we don't, due to all other unforeseen circumstances that Tapped me Out financially.   We spoke to the Kids today and the Oldest did say she needs Help with her Sister {the Middle One}, with having Two Jobs and going to School, that one is left pretty much unsupervised, which, isn't good.  

 That one is also the one most traumatized by what happened to their Dad and their Grandmother, so, she has a lot of PTSD and been thru a lot already.   I'm Heartsick about my Grandchildren being in this Situation, we're all they've got, but we're trying to encourage them from a distance right now and daily uplift them and listen to their fears and concerns.   They are Aware of what's going on, they are Old enuf to comprehend they're being thrown under the Bus by the Paternal side, which has to really hurt, since they Love and Trusted those Adults, so, that betrayal is difficult that it's not their best interests at Heart for those they've been raised around. 

 We're Strangers by comparison, but, I can tell they Trust me and told their Mom that Abuelita Maria told them I would be like her and make them a Priority, which, I will.  Family is EVERYTHING.  Money and Things mean nothing really and have to be prioritized behind People.  My Priorities are People first, then Money, then Things.  Of coarse many folks have those Three in a different Prioritized Order and it will show and be revealed.   No matter what Lip Service they might say otherwise, their Actions will always reveal their Real Priorities and what matters most to them.   Some will be purely Transactional in all matters and throw anyone or everyone under the Bus for Greed and Personal Gain.  Or what they have means more than who they have.

The Daughter asked me what she should do if she can't block the House there being Sold by unscrupulous Family who aren't the actual Heirs of it?   I told her it's just a House... I gave up a House I truly Loved for the benefit of the Older Two Grandkids of her Five, they meant more to me than ANY piece of Real Estate.   They're still making Houses, so, not a Priority that would come ahead of ANY Loved One.   I've bought and sold Real Estate numerous times, not always under ideal conditions.  I lost everything after a nasty Divorce, but, I knew I'd end up back on my Feet.  Since, I Live in the Moment and prepare for the Future, the Past you can't do a damned thing about and shit happens in Life, so, Keep it Moving Forward.  Doing the Right Thing is rarely the Easy Thing.

So, The Daughter was deep into doing Projects in The RV Garage Mahal for me to keep herself Distracted and Centered Mentally and Emotionally.   She put the Legs on that Old Antique Salvage Cabinetry that Mr. Avila pulled out of the Historic Home we Sold to him.  He promised me he'd give me any and all Salvage Architecture he had to remove from it, and he has.  I'm repurposing all of it into something useful and Sentimental, since, it was a part of a Beloved Property that I was forced to Sell and didn't really want to have to.  Having some of it in my possession is meaningful in a Nostalgic Sentimental and Preservationist way. The Daughter put some very Ornate Carved Antique Salvage Table Legs on the Cabinet and we turned it sideways and made a Credenza out of it. Turned out nice and will be great for Storage on Top, Inside and also Underneath of it since the Legs are Tall. 

  When I picked up Princess T they had a Vintage Fendi Leather Fanny Pack there that I got for Six Bucks and Retails for around $900-$1900+... Booyah.  It would be something I might have to Sell Online and not out of my Locked Case, but, we'll see.  The Man jokes that I've got High End Stuff Radar that just notices anything of Real Value, no matter how mixed in with junk.   He could be Right, coz I do Zoom in on it, just stands out to me, even if I'm not Familiar with the Brand, I can tell Quality when I see it.  *LOL*  I'm familiar with Fendi as a High End Brand, not that impressed personally, but, people pay a shit-ton for them.   I also got a little Vintage Red Hard Metal Suitcase with a Bakelite Handle for Eight Bucks.   And some New Old Stock Oracle Cards by Victoria Moseley, Two different Decks, for Three Bucks each, they Sell for $25 each Retail.

I took an extended Nap again Today, it got to 113, which was ridiculously Hot and draining, especially for Fall Weather, even here in the Low Desert.  Emotionally I am drained too, lots to unpack, that too is exhausting, so, I'm taking Rest periods and going to the Gym to work out and also to relax with Hydrotherapy and Wet Sauna Treatments.  They have Classes I'd consider, just not right now.   I'm working on Friday Night, which is Fine, work doesn't bother me when I can fit it in to my Schedule.   The Antique Mall is my Happy Place and I enjoy what I do there and have many Friends there to Socialize with and who share similar Interests and Passions, especially about being Keepers of the Past.

That Vendor of the Creepy Dolls did get back to me, I got a deep Discount on all Four of them, so, I was Happy and she set her Price Point in the Negotiations, which was Fine by me if it's mutually agreeable.  I don't think she Sells a lot, most of her Merch is really jumbled stuff of little to no actual Value, so, I don't 'Get It'.  Especially since her Creations are so good and well received that I guess I don't understand why she doesn't pay attention to that and adjust accordingly?   Why Sell crap that nobody wants if you have a Gift of Creating Unique OOAK Merch that Customers respond well to and will Buy?   Of coarse many Vendors who don't do well don't pay attention to what they're doing Wrong or isn't being Well Received, even if they're doing it Right.  Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the proverbial definition of Insanity.

I spent some of the Afternoon re-organizing my Front Porch, part of it where we removed that Salvage Cabinet from the Old Historic Home.  The Daughter had brought out Two Old Milk Crates filled with Faux Pumpkins, so I set them up too.   Right now all the Shops are getting in the Real Pumpkins, but at this extreme Heat Wave we're having, they would risk rot earlier than usual.  So, I'm holding off getting Real ones and relying upon my Stash of Faux Pumpkins and Gourds for now.  I like Photographing the Real Deal tho', I Love Pumpkins, Gourds and Indian Corn.   Right now I'm burning Autumnal Scent Candles and using Autumnal Scent Air Sprays too.   My fav this Year is by Febreze and is their Scent of Sea Salt Caramel Maple. 

 Hard to Source, a lot of Stores don't have it in that Scent and when I find it I Buy it in bulk.   They discontinued the Febreze Moroccan Bazaar Scent which was a previous Autumnal fav.  Both being Limited Editions.  I wish they'd bring Moroccan Bazaar back, I'm not a Fan of the Flowery Scents in my Home, Exotic and Spicy Woody Scents or Scents of Fresh Baked Foods are preferable.   Nag Champa is my Fav Scent of all, but, only a scant few Air Fresheners have used the popular Incense Aroma as a Base to their Products.   Song of India Temple Incense Scent is put out in a Linen and Room Spray, their Incense and Essential Oil is also one of my Favs.   It's crazy how much Online Auction Sellers are asking for Retired Scents that were popular and discontinued or were Limited Editions and/or Seasonal only.

I got the Antique Typewriter Below from my Friend Rick and for only $16.   It still works even tho' it's in rough condition, they're almost indestructible unless they Rust.  I've put this in the Front Porch Autumn Display for now, the September Porch is Autumnal and then we'll switch it to Halloween Theme come early October.   I had intended for The Daughter to assist me to get the Halloween Decor down from the high RV Garage Mahal built in Shelving we put it on to Store it.  But, she'll likely be in Mexico dealing with the Crisis with her Kids there during the Holidays.   So, I'll have to rely on Princess T to scale the Ladder of Death to reach them for me to put out when the time comes and mebbe downscale the Displays I intended so that it's not as much work.  We'll see what happens, we don't get a lot of Trick-Or-Treaters in our Mini Farm Community, tho' last Year we got more than usual since I Decorated extensively and we're on the Frontage Road of our Community.  Our Neighborhood has Aged Out. 


Hanging in there... Up by Faith and it Will Hold... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. I'm so sorry to hear all this about the grandkids. What a horrible situation for them. And how horrible for all of you since there is so little you can do when dealing with unreasonable evil in a foreign country. You are right, the house means nothing (except it was meant for the four girls) but the girls themselves are what is most important. I hope it all gets sorted out safely.

    1. I do too, if the House gets Sold and it's proceeds distributed properly, I'd put the Money in a Trust for any of the Kiddos who are under 18. Princess T has a small Trust that we will now be moving over into a Checking Account we intend to set up for her Today, she gets her first Paycheck from Work, whoo hoo.

  2. It never ends, does it? I hope the girls are safe and that your daughter is able to get them to you.

    1. Thank You my Friend, their safety and well being is paramount to our side of the Family. I am always amazed how many Families seem indifferent to the plight of their Loved Ones and especially if it would inconvenience them or requires some sacrifices of their own. I guess a lot of Humans are wired all kinds of different ways emotionally and morally, how they set their priorities reveals much about them really.

  3. If daughter sets up a Go Fund, please post a link. I'll give what I can.

    1. Oh Thanks Shirley, she decided to make Phone Calls and our Neighbor Rob, who does our Yardwork and Irrigation, said he will Gift her with the Bus Fare, he insists it's not a Loan to be repaid, he wants to Help since The Daughter has been so good to his Elderly Parents, she often goes over and Cleans for them and won't take any payment, she just Adores them and wants to be Helpful since they're in their 80's and she has a real Soft Spot for us Old Folks. When my Mom was alive The Daughter would do anything for her Nanna. She and all the Homeless Gay Youth would come over and do my Mom's Housekeeping and her Hair, Bless 'em, she never forgot that. She was a staunch advocate for the LGBTQ+ Community all her Life, back when many were not.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl