Monday, September 23, 2024

Life Can Be More Frightening Than Halloween Actually

 Above and Below is Princess T the Birthday Girl just before I took her out for her Birthday Luncheon, just her and I.  Everything she's wearing I got her for her Birthday and she chose Online from Shein, including the Jewelry, you get a lot of bang for your Buck there.  The Kids cooked Breakfast and had Friends over by the time we woke up on Sunday Morning.  It was nice to be cooked a lovely Breakfast, not so nice the condition that Generation always leaves the Kitchen in, Christ on a Bike!!!   I don't know how or why it tears up an entire Kitchen for them to cook a single Meal?!  *Eye Roll*  I told them to get on Cleanup Duty before The Man walked in to the Kitchen and has a Stroke about it.  *Smiles*  He's very tidy and orderly, chaos and mess winds him up way more than it does me, since, he's regimented about cleaning as he goes.  And he'd have to Clean it immediately or it would bother him tremendously. 

  It was just Breakfast Tacos and Jalapeno Popper Stuffed Mushrooms... the carnage left behind looked like they'd cooked Meals for Weeks!   The Kitchen had been clean and in order last Night, so... to walk in on that after having them bring us Breakfast in Bed, well... SURPRISE!  Ah, you shouldn't have, I mean, NO, REALLY... you SHOULDN'T HAVE... becoz running that much Housekeeping damage control behind a single Meal just isn't worth it my Friends!  I'd rather be hungry than to have that much early Housekeeping to contend with at the start of my Day.  *Le Sigh*  When it's just The Man and I we Clean as we go in the Kitchen and Bathrooms especially.  I am messy about Pricing Inventory tho'... it clutters up Spaces and is spread out everywhere.   I am a messy cluttery person when it comes to excess stuff, not with whatever is unclean.

Becoz clutter and being a Maximalist is different than dirty dishes, food or wet towels and dirty clothing left lying around, can't Deal with that kind of mess or filthy habits.   Allen was way worse, but, clearly he wasn't the only culprit, even tho' the others handily blamed him, since he was really guilty so much of the time.  But, he's not here now and The Daughter has proven to be almost as bad as Allen in her habits.  *LOL*  With her she's either meticulously Clean and Organized in an OCD way... or it looks like her Spaces she's occupied have been ransacked or belong to a Level Four Hoarder.  Her Daughter, Princess T, is the same, but keeps it contained to her Room and not Common Areas shared with the rest of us.   Speaking of The Princess she had a nice Birthday Luncheon with me... just the Two of us.

She chose the Restaurant and then we went to a Dollar Store for her to stock up on whatever essentials and Snacks she felt she needed, as a part of her Birthday indulgences.   At the Dollar Store she doesn't feel she's breaking the Bank for me and they have a lot of Brands she likes at a greatly reduced cost.   So, Eighty Bucks later... *LOL*   Really, now the Dollar Stores left are at a Buck Twenty Five for everything, a 25% increase, some stuff more than that, it's still a Savings, especially for Food and Hygiene or Over The Counter Medicines.   We had a good time and she decided to spend the rest of her Birthday Tonight with Timmy and Matthew, her Gay Boy Posse, rather than her Boyfriend Rusty. 

 She said she'll spend Monday with Rusty, the Boy Posse spoil her more and for her Birthday, that was paramount.  Plus, they LIKE doing the things she likes doing, Rusty, being a Straight Guy, only does those things coz SHE likes it. *LMAOROTF*  Well, she's just being brutally Honest that her Gay Boy Posse are much more FUN.  *Smiles*  Now that Timmy and Jaden broke up, which she felt was inevitable, since, it was a long distance Romance, Jaden lived in Flagstaff and could only come down for the Weekends, usually flying in and flying back, she can spend more time with him again.   And, she felt that tho' Jaden was Cute {he was a Hot Latin Lover}, he wasn't Timmy's Type.  Timmy is just more attracted to White Guys, and he's a White Boy.  And his Family are rather White Bread Americans, no ethnic blends like ours is. 

  She said he's not one to go thru the 'Flavors' relationally.  *Bwahaha*  She found that hilarious, coz our Family are more inclined to prefer Variety and therefore are a mixture of Flavors.  *Winks*   But, she Gets It, she prefers Hispanic Men herself, tho' she's liked Young Men of various Ethnicities, she knows what Type she just prefers and has more in common and acceptance with.   She's considered a Weta Latina, but a Latina nonetheless.   So, when she Dates Latinos, their Families are more accepting of her.  And I understand, for me, Dating could always get complicated if a Young Man's Family had Issues with me being of mixed Race and Intercultural Ancestry.   And, even tho' I ended up with The Man, his Family weren't exactly thrilled about it and the first question they asked was literally, "What Nationality are these People?"   Well, that was a Loaded Question, wasn't it?  *Bwahahahahaha*

Really it estranged him quite a bit from his Family, tho' with mine, him being a White Guy was a Non-Issue.  But he could have been any Ethnicity or Culture and it would have been a Non-Issue with my Family.  And I don't think there is a Culture I didn't Date at one time or another, I was an equal opportunity Dater, didn't matter to me what Race or Culture you were, to me, Variety is the Spice of Life and enriches your exposure to Humans not exactly like you.  The Daughter's Bio Father was Asian, German and French Canadian Ancestry.  My First Husband, The Son's Bio Father, was Latino and Native American.   We're quite a Heinz 57 Blend the further out our Generations expand.   And Ancestry Dot Com couldn't even Identify 21% of what I am, it was "Other, of Unknown Origin".    The Man suspects could be Extraterrestrial?  *LOL*

I'm glad I'm not Working Sunday Nights now, it frees me up to watch all my Halloween Baking and Halloween Contest Shows, including Halloween Wars and Halloween Baking Championship.   I'm always amazed at the talent of the Contestants who do the Cake work, Sugar work and Pumpkin Carving.   So, I binge watched the Halloween Shows on Sunday Night in Peace coz all the Kiddos had gone out with Friends.  Princess T had gone Ice Skating with Timmy and Matthew.  She came Home with her Pressies from them, which included a huge Gift Bag full of Gifts and the Bouquet of Yellow and Orange Roses pictured Below:

Didn't Photograph the Gift Bag, which was big and filled to the brim with Pressies still Wrapped in Gift Wrap, she hadn't opened any of them yet.  She didn't get Home 'til late so will probably show me Today what she got when she wakes up and unwraps it all.   They buy good Gifts so it will be a lot of things she likes, they know her really well.   Rusty will have a tough act to follow in the Gift giving department, since her Gay Boy Posse spoils the Hell out of her with lavish Gifts, I can tell you that much.  *Winks*   I swear that both of those Young Men spend damn near a Paycheck each on her when it's a Holiday or her Birthday and she always takes great Care to choose or hand make Gifts for them both too.  She's spent Weeks sometimes to create a hand made Gift that is quite elaborate and they truly appreciate the handwork that's gone into the Creation of it.  Both of them are very Creative too.

Anyway, I'm glad she had a memorable Birthday in all the best of ways.  She's off on Mondays so can spent this day with her Boyfriend Celebrating it as well.   I've been thinking Rusty could be on thin Ice with her and doesn't realize it, she's been annoyed with him lately.  He's a sweet Guy but I do know she's getting bored with them never going out and doing anything that is like an actual Date.   He spends a lot of time here but since he shares a Rental with his Dad and Three other Grown Men, she doesn't go over there and they never go anywhere to do anything recreational.   He's 19 too, but, still very much a Kid and less Mature than she is, not unusual for a Boy to be less Mature, but, she's not your Garden Variety Immature 19 Year Old either, she's been an Old Soul since she was a little Kid.  Probably coz she's always been around Old People her entire Life and Raised by Grandparents?  *LOL*  She's no Wild Child and has a good Head on her Shoulders, she doesn't make stupid or reckless decisions like a lot of Teens are prone to doing. 


The Man said ole' Rusty better step up his Game coz he's already on thin Ice, so his observation mirrors my own, clearly.  He had mentioned that he saw Rusty doesn't take her on Dates and just wants to hang out here at our House, or with his Male Friends going Skateboarding at the Park... and that won't fly for long and isn't showing her she's Special!  He's a hard worker and has a Construction Job, so it's not as if he's unemployed.  He's a nice Kid and she's not felt pressured by him or Sexually harassed, which is good, he does treat her with Respect.  When The Man saw what a Big Time his Granddaughter's Boy Posse gave her and she came Home laden with Gifts and Flowers... he agreed tho', that they do all that for her just being her Male Companions who expect nothing in return but her Presence, no Strings attached, since they're Gay, so... a Boyfriend definitely needs to step up his Game then or he'll likely soon be kicked to the Curb!  *LOL*

She just showed me what the Boys bought for her, a light-up Halloween Minion that says some Halloween spooky yet hilarious things in a Dracula voice, is dressed like a Devil and is holding his own little Jack O'Lantern.  The Voice of it sounds like a Transylvanian Young Man who works at the  McDonalds and we've nicknamed Vlad becoz he's really ghostly Pale complexion, has long Black Hair he ties up in a Man Bun or Ponytail, is small and super thin, and has a Voice that I kid you not, sounds like Bela Lugosi's Iconic Count Dracula!!!   *LMAO*  Imagine placing your Order and trying to keep a straight Face when he says something like "Do you vant Fries vith zat?" in a creepy stereotypical Count Dracula Voice reminiscent of the Old Dracula Movies and you know that's his REAL Voice and he freakin' looks like a Young Vampire Count Dracula!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, anyway, she also got a loaded Gift Card for her Roblox Game she streams and plays Online, Candies, and some other fancy Gifts, which I won't mention, Private *Winks, Gay Men aren't Shy about getting intimate or naughty Gifts for their Friends, LOL*... they went all out again.

I almost had a Panic Attack when I got the expensive first Annual Registration for the 5th Wheel, Holy Mother of God!   But, when I called the DMV they told me since it's Stationary on our Land and won't be moved or on the Road, we don't have to Pay it.  If we ever Sell it just transfer Title, call them, and they'll do a Bill of Sale and if the Buyer uses it for Recreational purposes where they tow it on the Road, then they'll be required to pay an Annual Registration just like a Vehicle.  *Whew*  That was a close call and a huge relief, since, I didn't have the Money to pay it so Hoped that would be the case since I don't even have a Vehicle that can Tow something like that and it won't be going anywhere ever so long as we're in possession of it.  We got it exclusively to use to either House the Grandkids and their Mom, or House Guests, since, we don't have any Guest accommodations in the House, all Three Generations are utilizing all available Space.  *Smiles*

The Utility Bill came in at the regular amount, plus of coarse the extended payment Plan amount I got set up on by SRP for that ridiculously high August Utility Bill.   July's was ridiculously high too but I used up all my Savings to pay it in full.   So glad we got the AC Unit repaired satisfactorily now and all the new Ductwork and Insulation installed, expensive, but, now the Utilities should lower considerably and eventually it will have paid for itself in reduced Costs and less strain on our AC Units as well.   Budgeting for that Loan to Finance all that necessary Home Improvement is a hardship, but, I had to just adjust the Budget accordingly and tighten up elsewhere to pay for the Home Improvement Loan for the length of the Terms.  *Ugh*   Hey, it's always SOMETHING so you just keep on keeping on, adapt, Tighten Up and improvise.

So, here was The Man in his new Cowboy Custom Hat, but before Brittany embellished it more with Silver Thunderbird Concho Band he liked and she put on it at no extra charge.  Below are Pixs of the finished Hat, the Leather Belt Embellishment is a Vintage Boy Scout Belt with the Boy Scout Emblem on it.   The Man was one of the Youngest Scouts to be an Eagle Scout and his Parents were Silver Beaver Award Recipients.  I don't know that much about Scouting, but, his Family were very involved in it and when his Dad Died, over 1,000 Adult Men who'd been mentored by him when he was a Scout Master came to his Funeral to pay their Respects.   They had to extend the Viewing by an Hour to accommodate how many people had showed up, there were just that many he had influenced and how Respected he was within the Community there in Ogden, Utah and beyond.

Brittany also put a Feather with a Porcupine Quill sewn into the Brim and a Batik Indigo Fabric Hatband too.   It's a Party in the Back as well {Below} and the Shape of the Hat is unique, it's rounded with no Points.   All my Friends there busted my Chops coz when we walked in they all asked him if he was there for another Hat, and he said I'd told him No, we couldn't and wouldn't be Buying one.   And then... *Bwahahaha*   So, they realized I'd Caved and he was so Happy with his Hat that how could I NOT Cave?   But, they couldn't help but Tease me about it.  *Smiles*   And he's grinning like a Cheshire Cat!   He's one of Brittany's Favorite Customers coz he reminds her so much of her Dearly Departed Grandpa.   So she's giving us Free Refreshments while she's making his Hats and they talk about Shared Interests and he wants to bring her in some Embellishments to put on the Hats she makes for people.  She's like a Surrogate Granddaughter now.  *Smiles*   He never asks for much and doesn't Care what I spend on myself, the Kids or Grandkids, he's Generous to a Fault in fact.   So, if he doesn't deserve it, who does?!

He looks so good in Hats that Brittany said he's like her Favorite Muse too for her Instagram Models.   People see him in her Hats and it helps her to Sell more of them.   He does have The Look of an Old Cowboy or Prospector.  During his Undercover Cop days he also made a convincing Outlaw Biker, he was Scary looking as a Bad Boy... and yet Clean Cut Boyish looking when he was a Sniper in Vietnam, being a Government Hitman, go figure!  *LOL*  We're gonna root around and bring Brittany some Treasures to use as Embellishments on her Hats, she's such a Sweet Kiddo and we just Love her, she's so Talented.   She's her own Good Muse for Modeling her Cowboy Hats, such a Beautiful Spirit both inside and out she is... {Below}:

Anyway, the Halloween Event is now a Wrap and HIGHLAND YARD VINTAGE is the next Halloween Inspired Event with their "Hocus Pocus Market" next Thursday thru Sunday.   We'll mos def be attending that one too, the Antique Mall MERCHANT SQUARE in front of the Monthly Warehouse Event usually coincides their Sales with the Event being Hosted, so it's a fabulous Two-Fer... and they'll also be Hosting Flea Markets in their Parking Lots beginning in October now that the Weather is Cooling off for Perfect Flea Market Outdoor Event Weather.  I'm thinking of Hosting some Tag Sales thruout the Fall as well since The Daughter and Princess T are trying to convince me we should do that to Sell what we don't have room for or don't/can't Sell at the Antique Mall Showroom. 

 They claim they'll do all the Work if I agree to it, so, I think with our exposure to a Main Road, it's probably gonna be a Money Maker and good Idea, so, we'll give it a go and see how it goes?   We've got plenty of Fold Out Tables to set up and can Host it just in the Front with no access behind our Locked Gates or to RV Garage Mahal and such.  They know how I am skeptical of Strangers on my Property or coming to our Home, so, they Promise the Driveways will be the only access any Tag Sale Attendees will even have... we have Two Driveways and they're long enuf to hold anything and everything we'd ever need for a big Tag Sale.   If we Host ours along with those our Neighbors Host, it really draws a big Crowd of Shoppers.   Our Neighbors usually Host them Quarterly thru Spring and Summer, then Weekly or every Fortnight during the Fall and Winter.   It ends up being like a Block Sale really and our Hispanic Neighbors even do Bakery and BBQ for them.  

Anyway, anything to drum up some Cash will be beneficial right now so I'm Open to suggestions and willing to put in the Work to get it done.  Especially if I have my Minions doing the Labor that might be beyond me now to do by myself.   Since The Daughter isn't Working right now she said she has all the time in the World now to do it and I will be taking her to Social Security to put in an SSI Disability Claim, hopefully this Week and see if they can re-establish her SSI Eligibility she had 20 Years ago?  Her employability is no better now than it was then since her Illness is Lifelong and her deterioration is more evident now than when she was in her Twenties.   Plus, she had Twenty Plus Years of Dangerous Drug Use before getting Clean, which kinda fried her Brain all the more IMO.  Her Memory Care Issues are almost as bad as her Dad's actually and she's only in her Early 40's.   She gets really Panicky about the Schizophrenia worsening or getting Dementia like Symptoms early on, since, it does run in our Family, both Conditions.   Nothing can be done about either, no Cure.


Life can be more frightening than Halloween actually... Dawn... The Bohemian

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A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl