Friday, September 27, 2024

Highland Yard Vintage Hocus Pocus Market Event

Today we're going Full On Halloween in the Visuals, but the Storyline will be more eclectic than just Holiday fare, for those of you who don't dig Halloween.  *Winks*   When I've got loads of Seasonal Eye Candy, well, you just KNOW it's gonna be Shared, Right?  *Winks*   For those of you who dig the Holidays as much as Yours Truly, you probably look for it in the Blog Posts leading up to and including the Holidays.   I know everything Autumnal and Halloween right now is what I'm Craving, even tho' our Temps are still in the ridiculously High Triple Digits so it doesn't feel very much like Fall.  I'm wondering if it will be over 100 for Halloween this Year, at the rate the Weather is turning due to Climate Change and extreme Weather now being The Norm?  *Le Sigh*


I'm glad it's close to the end of the Month coz I'm a Broke Bitch right now, but, everything is Paid and current, so, I can't complain that the Budget is so tight.   I'm pricing Inventory but the Showroom is packed, so, not much room right now to bring more in until some Sells off.  We're going to the Halloween Event at HIGHLAND YARD VINTAGE "Hocus Pocus Market" Theme and MERCHANT SQUARE ANTIQUE MALL Today, not to Buy anything, just for recreational enjoyment and visual inspiration.   I just Love a good Halloween Event and wouldn't miss any of them.   It's a nice drive out there too and right now we need the uplifting distractions more than usual. 

The Vendors at their Antique Mall go All Out for Holiday Themed Displays and have a lot of good Seasonal Merch.  So, yeah, I'd like to have had a Halloween Budget for the pilgrimage there, que sera sera tho'.  Shit happens and around the Holidays is typically when a Shitstorm of Shit has been happening in recent Years, which does Suck the Big Kahuna, I ain't gonna Lie.  I'd like a nice serene Holiday Season with no personal Crisis unfolding, that would be preferable of coarse.   We indulge ourselves as much as is prudent to and just enjoy what everyone else is doing during the Holidays that Showcases it all beautifully.   I have Gallow's Humor about most Issues of Life, I'd rather Laugh than Cry about shit beyond my Control, it's more Helpful.

I did Sleep a lot Yesterday, to Emotionally Recharge from all the Bad News rolling in that was not so unexpected really.  It wasn't a matter of if it would come, just when, I knew that in my Spirit and my Premonitions rarely fail me.  So, when I know something bad is gonna happen in advance, when it plays out in Real Time, I am probably more prepared to receive it than most who are blindsided by it and didn't see it coming or sense a disturbance in The Force.  *LOL and Winks*  I don't need to foresee the particulars, in fact, I'd rather not have that level of Premonition like my Mom had, I'm glad mine is not as strong as her Generation had it.  My Kids and Grandkids have it too, it's something uncanny and unexplainable apparently we pass along in our Maternal side of the Family's DNA from my Welsh Didi Kai Ancestors. 

We discuss it among ourselves in a nonchalant way that is Ordinary to us, but The Man often reminds us it's not Ordinary at all to most People, to have such uncanny abilities of Premonition and Predictions and think that's Normal.  *LOL*   Okay, so Normal is very subjective, and highly overrated in my Opinion... it's OUR Normal and we've had Generations to get used to it being OUR Normal, so, we don't react the same to it as those it Creeps Out or Spooks.  *Smiles and Winks*   The Man said people often ask him on the aside if his Wife is a Witch or practices Voodoo or something?   He is Noncommittal to answering that.  *Smiles*  I told him the best Non-Answer is always the best one to avoid or end Argument or being Baited to Answer what you'd prefer not to and folks are fishing for and speculating upon, "You could be Right..."   *Bwahahaha*

LATER:  So, The Man wanted to go to the Halloween Event and tho' those are always the most popular ones and it's Opening Day, I thought just Warning him it would be crowded might make him reconsider?   Nope.  *Eye Roll and Le Sigh*   And for some reason, in my Head, and on the Canvas of my Imagination, I think, it'll be Fine.   Again, Nope... the moment we arrive and I see how crowded it actually was, even more crowded than the Event I didn't take him to on Opening Day at The Sweet was, and I'm like, Oh Shit!   Yes, he went into Sensory Overload almost immediately and began complaining incessantly about how crowded it was and that the Ladies were 'Touching him' because he tends to freeze and just be in the way so eventually, they just try to get around him!  *LOL*

And I'm trying to immerse myself in the Visuals and the Experience without having to Babysit him.   So I tell him to just go wander around and try to have a good time, and keep it Moving, so they won't have to try to nudge him out of their way.  *LOL*   Nope, he's on me like White on Rice, saying he should shove one back.  *Oh No...*   So, I remind him that wouldn't be Okay, don't Touch anyone back, no matter how zealous they are in their desire to get past him and get to stuff they wanna Buy or See.  *LOL*    I reminded him how I'd Forewarned him it would be like this, crowded and not enuf room and space for him to NOT become agitated and having Sensory Overload, remember?   Yes, he did remember that part of my Speech at Home to try to have him reconsider whether he wanted to risk it... and risk spoiling it for me!!!

So, I had the Come To Jesus about the fact that if he wasn't handling it well enuf to stay... and we had to leave early and ruin it for me... the Ladies Touching him would be the least of his Worries.  *Winks*   Now, we wouldn't want that, would we?   Becoz I'm really enjoying this and have looked forward to it all Year, so... ignore the Pushy Ladies and just don't get in their way, so that they have to Touch you, Okay?   Okay, he obediently complied and shut the fuck up about the crowds and the Touching.  *Bwahahaha*   Granted, some Shoppers are Rude, Ignorant and way too zealous about pushing past you, I understand.  He had a legit Point about the annoying Type, but, it's just something at a crowded and Popular Event that happens and you can't lose your shit about.  Otherwise, stay Home.  Or, you're not gonna enjoy yourself if you let random people acting the Fool, with no Manners or Social Etiquette, get to ya.

Listen, I have my ways to Deal with such folk, and it's highly effective, and they never get up on me twice.   So, I just Schooled him on this tactic and the Two Women who were the worst Offenders, decided to then stay further away from us and not be right up ON us.  *Winks*  Once he realized how to Finesse the Situation when it arises with an aggressive Shopper whose right up on you and seemingly Stalking you thru the place and is right up your Ass, it stopped, immediately.  *Smiles*   See, you don't have to Touch them back per se, just "accidently" back into them rather hard, and they will respond by respecting your Personal Space Boundaries from then on and not be right up your Ass or pushing past you, rather than patiently waiting their Turn to move along.  When it's crowded you try to be Respectful of those closest to you and not get Wild like you're in an out of Control Stampede of your own making and have Zero Patience or Social Graces.  

Now, if you can't Manage that and have no Couth around me, well, I'll swing an Arm and "accidentally" Clothesline a Bitch that is continuously shoving past rudely or intruding on my Space and then say, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you were that close to me...", and Smile.   They will back the fuck up and off, unless they need more reminders they're too fucking intrusive and need to give me more Space becoz I don't even want someone I KNOW that close, let alone a complete Stranger whose acting like a complete Asshole.   Nothing around us is worth pushing or shoving someone out of the way, Calm Down.   So, anyway, the Warehouse Event did get too crowded so we didn't stay and linger like I usually might.   I could tell he was at saturation point, even tho' he'd Calmed Down, it is hard for him Sensory Wise to be around that many folks in close quarters.   So, we moseyed to the Antique Mall where it was less chaotic.

It was super busy tho', they were having a Big Sale for the Seasonal Event there as well, which was drawing a big Crowd too.   Vendors could choose how much percentage they offered off regular pricing, anywhere from 10% to 70%... or not participate at all.   But, we still get the 10% Military Discount in the Mall, so, I never Care, anything I would get would still be Discounted even if it's not a Sale Day.   We met someone I knew there, which always happens, it was a Doctor from one of the Doctor's Offices and outside of that setting, she recognized me before I recognized her.   She was there with Two Friends and we talked for some time actually, which, on her Job of coarse we could never have that opportunity to.   And of coarse I know many of the Vendors and Designers at the Mall and the Event, so we Socialize with them too while there.

I now have Halloween and Seasonal Autumnal Blog Fodder for Days, since, loads of Photo Ops presented themselves.  In fact, this Event is now Eclipsing all the others becoz they go Full On Holiday Themed and don't shy away from it or water it down.   The crowds seem to expect and crave that, and too many places now are just giving a Nod to the Holidays at hand and watering down the Halloween Events too much to make it palatable to those who don't like REAL Halloween range of Decor.    Now, if you don't like the Weird or Wonderful, the Odd, the Creepy, Fine, but, don't expect everyone else to be denied a Full On Halloween Experience that fits the Holiday at hand... just to pander to you.   If you just wanna go Harvest and your Religion or whatever doesn't Celebrate, Fine... I don't mind nor do I Care, you do you Boo... but, most of us like Full On Halloween and we're in the Majority, clearly.

So, the places that do it Right and really Rock it, are gonna be Well and Prosper in their attendance and Retail Sales, just sayin'.   You can Please some of the People some of the time, some of the People All of the time, All of the People some of the time, but you can't Please All of the People All of the time.   And if the Majority of folk want something and are denied it, simply becoz a smaller Minority is trying to suppress it, and impose their sentiments on everyone, well, it's not gonna go over well.  If you don't like or Celebrate Halloween, don't... and just stay Home during Halloween Events and turn the Channel on TV and NOT watch something that caters to the Holiday Loving Majority of us... Simple.  So, Mike, the Owner of these Venues, he doesn't shy away from going Full On and Encouraging his Vendors to as well and they totally Rock it.  And Sales are therefore Strong and well attended.

Our Antique Mall does Butt Nothing for Halloween so, it shows.  Never as well attended, Sales suffer for it, and those few of us who do have the Inventory do Sell Out quickly coz there's not much made available to our Customers coming in.   I keep Selling Out of my Halloween Merch and most Stores around us have already too and thus had to move on to Christmas Merch to fill their Shelves.  A Clue that... they should have paid more attention to what the Customers wanted and craves leading up to a Holiday that now transcends Christmas in Sales of the Decorations and Holiday related Merch for it.   So, it was a good time and I enjoyed myself and The Man managed to hold it together and suck it up, since, he had voluntarily come along, I could have and would have let him stay Home coz The Daughter agreed to watch him for me here if he decided not to go.  *Winks*

It was Funny, coz when we got back Home she saw he zipped down the Hall to our Room quickly, so, she asked me, "How did it go for Dad?"  And I told her, Not Well, and we Laughed about it, since, we both knew he'd struggle with it in actuality, no matter how good the Intentions were to include him if he insisted.   He did get a Breakfast out of it at "The Tipsy Egg".    And most of the time I truly think that's his incentive, even tho' he mostly plays with his Food more than he eats it... he likes the Idea of things more than the Reality of them now.   Which, I've had to come to terms with, since, he won't get better, what's Wrong with him has no Cure, so, as it progressively worsens we try to Manage it and mitigate his exposure to things he can no longer handle well.  He did enjoy our Brunch and I made sure he ordered something small off the A La Carte Menu so that we weren't just wasting Food either.


We do still have a Big Time Out Together, even with some modifcations necessary for his current eccentricities due to the TBI and onset of Dementia.   It's not as if he can't have a Good Time, but, you just have to remember it's like taking a very Young Child with you, they fade fast and when they've had enough Fun, nobody will be having Fun anymore and thus you just call it a day.  *LOL and Eye Roll*   He even tried to take a Pix of me there... didn't turn out very well, but, at least he didn't cut my Head off, like he's inclined to do when trying to use a Camera now.   So, at least I'm whole in the Pix even tho' I'm terribly out of Focus and my Face in said Pix is the only thing you really can't see.  *LOL*   Ah well... he tried...

I was able to Salvage the Pix he took of me Below, since, the original was way dark, he hadn't waited for my Camera to adjust to the Lighting, so, I had to Photoshop it to Brighten it.  Which kinda washed out Bob Big Boy, but I didn't look so Dark Skinned that you thought I was now Black.  *LOL*   And his excuse was, "But, Honey, you ARE that Dark... so you have to Photoshop it to look Whiter..."  *Bwahahahaha*  I dunno, the Photo looked Dark to me, so I'm still Blaming him, I didn't say it was his Fault.   And I'll let you all be the Judge of that Rhetorical Question you don't have to Answer, since, I've included the untouched Photo as well.    And the consensus at Home was, Mom/Gramma, you're Darker than you think you are, Dad/Grandpa can't make you look Whiter, Okay? Bob Big Boy has a White Boy complexion and you're just not that Color, notice the difference. *LMAOROTF*   Well, they could be Right... ???????

But, I'm sticking to my Story... and... I have been much Darker... so... I can't dispute their Opinion actually.  *LOL... above is me if I don't stay out of the Sun, standing next to a Garden Variety White Woman with a Tan... I can get as Dark as my Dad was... Ha ha ha*   My Computer Updating is Failing so I'm really keeping all Body Parts Crossed that most of this Post doesn't disappear into the Ether?!   No idea what's going on, my Cellphone was acting screwy all Day too on The Book of Faces, it did something it has never done before and I didn't know how to stop it, so, I just turned it off and hoped whatever it was is a temporary glitch and would pass.  You never know if some Cyber Attack is gonna bring it all Down around us.  I just know this keeps trying to Update as I'm Creating it and it keeps telling me that the Updates Failed.  *Le Sigh*   Sometimes you just have to keep the Tab Open until it Self Corrects and says it will Successfully Update, so that you don't lose everything.   On my Phone FB finally self-corrected, 15 Hours later tho'.

The Daughter said our Cable just went down on the TV too, so, I have no idea what's happening and hope it is temporary?   I hate putting the Work in here and then have it dump most of what I did becoz it couldn't Update and Save it.   I'm up Late coz I took a Midafternoon Nap again, needed it, couldn't stay Awake, guess I had too much Fun?  *LOL*  Well, that and it was 111 Degrees again Today... ridiculous and expected to be that Hot or Hotter all damned Week, mebbe going up to 114!  At least we aren't in Florida, I'll take our extreme Heat over Hurricanes so bad they're deemed "Unsurvivable" if you don't evacuate!!!   Apparently that's some areas they are Warning it will be so Bad that it's likely you can't Survive it if you remain!!! 

  Yet, some Idiots remain and Ride it Out, doing dumb stuff like take Selfies in a raging Natural Deadly Disaster and shit, I think it's Natural Selection at Work personally.  But, the tragedy really is that other brave folks will have to risk their Lives to recover the Bodies or any who manage to Survive their stubbornness and utter stupidity!   I would feel no personal obligation to go retrieve someone who refused to heed Evacuation Orders, Dead or Alive, they made their decision and choice, so the consequences of such is all theirs and on them.   It's like with COVID, when the Vax was made available and people refused to take it, then if and when they Died horribly it was the Risk they willingly assumed.  I couldn't even feel Bad about it, since, it was potentially preventable and they refused any Protection from what they knew was quite Deadly and a horrible way to go.  You can't Fix Stupid or Teach Fools.   Footnote: Aren't these Doily Ghosts Adorbs?

I got a little Camper Lantern that has 400 Lumens for The She Shed, which doesn't have Electricity, so I wanted something to light it after Dark.   I got it at a Chazza for Five Bucks, it was New Old Stock still in it's Box and works perfectly, it can light up a much larger Space than The She Shed actually.  There was still some Christmas Wrapping Paper remnants attached to the Box.  So I think someone got it as a Gift and just didn't return it to whatever Store Sells them to get a Cash Refund or Store Credit, and Donated it instead.  When I Googled it they Sell for just under $20 and are Sold at Wal-Mart and any Sporting Goods Stores.  Takes Three D Batteries... now I can use the Shed after Dark if I want or need to.   I've pretty much filled it with Crates and Boxes of Inventory and even some things I don't want to Sell but needed to get out of the way in The RV Garage Mahal for now while we're Organizing and Styling it.

And while at the Event I got some Inspiration for some Cute little Projects we could do at Home.   I have several of these Articulated Wooden Art Form Figures {Below} and it was a Cute Idea to Wrap them with Tea Stained Gauze and make them into little Mummies.  I thought the Vendor was asking quite a Premium for them, so, it wasn't a Price Point I'd pay for one, but, is a Simple enuf Crafty enuf Project to DIY to Create a couple for your Displays at Home for Halloween.   I've often just Sold the little Art Forms for far less than Art and Craft Stores Sell them, since I find them all the time at Chazzas.   So, doing something like this if I run out of Halloween Merch would be Simple and I wouldn't see the Need to Charge that much just to put a bit of Old Gauze on them.   Sometimes the Crafty Folk really Price Simple Crafts in the Stratosphere IMO.  If it's not an Art Form that requires a lot of Raw Talent, I never Charge that much for my Crafty stuff and still can make a decent Margin of Profit.

So, I wasn't Tempted by the Halloween Crafts nor the Repops, also Charging almost as much as you would for the Real Deal Vintage Halloween items they're Knock-Offs of.  I was shocked at how much Vendors were asking for Reproductions of Vintage Halloween!!!   But, there were some Deals to be had as well, even on actual Vintage Halloween, if you found the Right Vendor.   So, we had a lot of Fun checking out Price Points and what was a Deal and what was priced in the Stratosphere, but, folks were Buying at that inflated Price Point.  So, something is worth what someone is willing to Pay for it, after all.   The Repops are madly Popular and either people don't know and can't tell the difference, or, don't Care?    I'd say 98% of Halloween is "Vintage Style" but an obvious Reproduction of Actual Vintage Halloween.  And if it's Priced Right, I don't Care either, I'll get a Repop if it's inexpensive and not overpriced for what it is.  I'm not a Purist with some Decor.

As you can see these Articulated little Art Form Mummies were $27, which I thought was High.   So, I wouldn't be their Customer.   And I did see some great Reproduction Halloween Decorations on The Cheap, so, Yes, we did pick some up coz at such a Deal, I was not spending much at all and too Tempting to Pass on them.   I got some 1970's Original Vintage Blow Mold Halloween on The Cheap too from a Vendor that had really good prices.   I have a Vintage Set of Halloween Mummy, Jack O'Lantern and Frankenstein Plastic Tumblers from the 1970's but had never seen a Pitcher that goes with them.   Well, a Vendor had it for only Three Bucks and I got our Military Discount on that already low Price!!!   I'd never known there was a Pitcher that went with those Vintage Tumblers, so to get one that Cheap, was a Cheap Thrill.  *Winks, Pitcher pix Below*

And, Below are the matching Tumblers.   I have a few of the Mummies, more of the Jack O'Lanterns, and less of the Frankensteins.   They are Nostalgic, since they're from the 70's.   I've Sold a lot of the Jack O'Lantern ones since I had so many, I have about 3 left in Inventory now, Sold the rest rather quickly, so might Sell Out before Halloween?   Never Sourced enuf of the others to Resell them, harder to Source and when you do find them, the Margins just aren't there to make it worth Buying for Resale.  So, I only Buy for my own Collection to be rounded out if the Price is Good, but not Great for Resale.   At Auction you can find them easier, but, Shipping, if not Free, makes it unreasonable to Bid on them and some Sellers really ask too much for Vintage Halloween Product.   I'm not that rabid a Collector to spend an outrageous amount.  And Hallelujah, the Internet just came back up, disaster averted.  *Whew*

But I like a Fun Vintage Halloween Collectible and the Thrill of the Hunt is my Juice, so, every Halloween I'm on the Lookout for a Vintage Halloween Bargain Collectible to add to my Collections or for Resale.  Now that I know that the Vintage Pitchers do Exist to go with the Beverage Cups of each Character, I'll now be on the Lookout for the Jack O'Lantern Pitcher and the Frankenstein Pitcher.   The Set Above was on E-Bay for Forty Bucks and an even crazier high Shipping Price of almost Forty Three Bucks out of New York!  Yikes!!!   I saw no Frankenstein Pitcher Online but I bet it Exists and is probably just Rarer to Source?  I'm Delighted with my Mummy Pitcher at less than Three Bucks.  *Smiles*  So, Color me Happy.


Loads more Halloween Eye Candy to come... Stay Tuned... Dawn... The Bohemian

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A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl